Hidden wiring indicator - which is better, electrical wiring indicator in the form of a screwdriver

What types of devices are there?

The indicator is a small-sized mobile device, the weight of which does not exceed 200 grams (which is why the device is convenient to carry with you).
It can be useful for both a professional electrician and an ordinary apartment owner. Thanks to the device, it will be possible to find wires and pipes not only under a layer of plaster, but also under tiles and other finishing materials that hide them. Various types of devices are produced to detect electrical wiring. Their main differences are in the principle of operation and functionality.

Most indicators work on the principle of a metal detector; they signal if there is metal in the wall. This happens due to the magnetic field created by the device. The inconvenience is that it reacts to absolutely all metal objects, and not just to hidden wiring, therefore, if fittings are built into the wall, the device will work.

It is most convenient to detect wiring in the wall using indicators or detectors. Such devices detect electromagnetic fields created by current as it passes through conductors.

In order for the indicator to give a signal, there must be voltage in the network. If the wall is wet, devices of this type will not be useful. Moisture tricks the indicator by reflecting its electromagnetic field, causing it to give erroneous readings.

It is better to choose universal devices for searching electrical wiring. Their distinctive feature is the ability to work in several modes, thanks to which you can not only determine whether there are metal objects in the walls, but also search for hidden wiring separately. If it is possible to switch modes, then you can quite accurately calculate where exactly the cable is located. The devices can even find wood or plastic if the material is wet or filled with water. Such equipment is considered professional and costs an order of magnitude more than simple household indicators.

According to operating principles

The main division of hidden wiring indicators occurs according to the physical principles on which their work is based.

There are the following types of detectors:

  • electromagnetic;
  • metal detectors;
  • electrostatic;
  • combined devices.

Electrostatic detectors are able to detect live wires without passing current through them. They have a low price and are easy to use. Non-metal detector detectors can also be expensive if they have built-in high frequency generators. Devices are connected to the network, and then their fluctuations are detected by sensors

With the help of electrostatic detectors, it is easy to detect cable breaks. The disadvantages of these devices include high sensitivity to induced electromagnetic interference. The normal operation of detectors can be disrupted by routers, microwave ovens, computers, and televisions connected to the network.

Electrostatic indicators are also not suitable for locating wiring in damp walls and metal-reinforced structures.

Electromagnetic ICPs can only detect wires carrying current. For budget models, the minimum load on the network for the device to operate correctly is 1 kW. That is, using such a detector it will be almost impossible to determine the wiring going to lamps and chandeliers. The advantage of such devices is their high accuracy, which allows you to track the location of an electrical cable down to a few millimeters.

Metal detectors in their pure form are rarely used as wiring indicators because they react equally to copper pipes or wire, metal fittings, nails and wire clamps.

In ICP, metal detectors are typically used to confirm weak or intermittent signals received by other sensors.

A metal sensor helps to find deep wiring if it is reliably known that there are no other metal elements under the analyzed surface

Combined hidden wiring indicators are expensive, but also have good functionality. By using multiple detection methods simultaneously, these devices provide high operating efficiency. In addition, combined ISPs are often equipped with additional functions that professional electricians need.

Inexpensive electrostatic indicators are quite suitable for household use; they are enough to identify surface-lying residential wiring.

According to performance characteristics

Hidden wiring indicators have a lot of structural and functional differences, so they can be divided into several categories.

According to the scope of application, ISP are divided into:

  • household;
  • professional.

Household detectors usually do not contain metal sensors, so their use on reinforced walls is highly effective. The cost of the simplest devices starts from $5. They are equipped with one sensor, as well as a light or sound indicator for detecting electrical wiring.

Compact devices for detecting hidden wiring rarely have adjustable sensitivity and greater depth of action, so they are rarely used by professionals. Some professional models can even detect cables at a depth of up to 150 mm with an accuracy of 5 mm. Their cost can reach $500-600, with the same dimensions as household detectors.

Wiring detection indications can be of the following types:

  • sound;
  • light;
  • graphic;
  • combined.

Light and sound indication is realized using an LED or an audio speaker, respectively. Sometimes signal intensity correlates with the power of electromagnetic radiation. Graphic indication is displayed on the liquid crystal display.

The light indication on combined devices may differ in color, depending on the detection of a live or de-energized wire

By appearance, ISP can be divided into:

  • cylindrical;
  • flat.

Cylindrical devices are usually an indicator screwdriver with the function of detecting hidden wiring. Such models are low-functional, but also cheap. Screwdrivers are capable of detecting electrical cables usually at a depth of no more than 2 cm.

If the wiring in the apartment was laid superficially in a groove, then the cheapest detector model will be enough to detect it. The cost of the detector depends largely on the depth of detection of hidden wiring and additional functionality. Therefore, you should study the operating principle and scope of various indicator models.

Detector design

The basis for the manufacture of this device, like any other electronic product, is a circuit diagram. Before making a detector for hidden wiring with your own hands, let’s understand the circuit diagram of this device. On the Internet you can find a large number of various schemes. The diagram presented below is simple, which in turn makes the manufacture of the device easier and more cost-effective.

A small number of components does not always mean poor performance of the device. Quite the contrary, because we all know that the simpler the mechanism, the more reliable it is. In our case, the absence of a large number of components will help to avoid difficulties in manufacturing, as well as subsequent configuration of the device.

What are the principles of devices for finding hidden wiring?

The industry produces 3 types of such devices for the modern electrician, which are usually divided as:

  1. locators;
  2. electromagnetic field indicators;
  3. detectors for detecting hidden wiring.

They are created for specific application conditions and have different technical capabilities.

How modern locators work

As an example, let’s look at the operation of the Mastech MS6812 cable tester-router. It is most often used to detect the location of a cable break in closed wiring and consists of two autonomous parts:

  1. Tone generator cable pressor (Cable tracker), which produces high-frequency signals. Its output is connected to the cable being tested, the route of which must be clarified.
  2. A cable tracker signal receiver that emits specific sound signals indicating the location of the cable when it is placed in the search area.

Cable tracker tone generator Cable tracker
signal receiver

To connect the generator, first determine the broken core by testing the cable with a digital multimeter. A high-frequency signal is supplied to it and the ground loop.

If you just need to determine the cable route, then connect a generator to the whole core and the ground circuit. In this case, in most cases, external power must be removed from the circuit under test.

The high-frequency radiation is picked up by the tracker's receiver, which produces a clearly audible single-tone continuous whistle. If desired, it can be changed to a two-tone euk, which is better heard in industrial noise conditions. To do this, use the switch built inside the case.

The receiver is led along the route of the laid cable, guided by the sound of the speaker. When the damage is reached, the sound disappears. They are looking for a cliff in this area. The method is very accurate.

To ensure reliable searching, it is recommended to switch the generator to the opposite end of the cable, and then pass the receiver from the opposite side to the same place.

Both the generator and the receiver are powered by their own batteries, which ensures their independent operation.

The locator from Proskit and many other manufacturers works similarly.

More complex cable defects, when it is crushed with a violation of the insulation and cross-section of the cores, but without a break or short circuit, can be determined with an ohmmeter and megohmmeter. However, it will be difficult to determine the exact location of the damage.

Professional route finders, depending on the design, are capable of finding cables hidden in walls up to 40 cm and up to 2.5 meters buried in the ground. But they are expensive.

For home use, it is quite possible to use the budget device Mastech MS6812. It copes well not only with electrical wiring, but also with low-current alarm circuits, video surveillance, antenna devices, computer systems and other similar devices.

Designs of homemade route finders

Home craftsmen with amateur radio skills use their high-frequency generators, directing their signal to damaged wiring. They are tuned to the frequency of a VHF receiver or smartphone and with their help they successfully search for cable defects.

The method requires skills and special equipment, and is not reliable in all cases.

How simple electromagnetic field indicators work

To detect hidden wiring, the property of electric current to propagate an electromagnetic field in the surrounding space is often used. It is detected by indicators of various designs.

The simplest version of such a device is represented by an indicator screwdriver.

Just keep in mind that they are produced with different circuits for capturing the electromagnetic field and the simplest models with an LED or neon bulb and a current-limiting resistor do not have sufficient sensitivity .

Indicator screwdrivers with built-in amplifiers based on bipolar or field-effect transistors or microcircuits are suitable for these purposes. The manufacturer states in the instructions about the function of searching for hidden wiring.

Such a screwdriver is taken by the blade with your fingers, and the back of the handle is applied to the wall.

It is placed in the area under study, moved in different directions, and the route of laying the wire is determined by the strength of the indicator light.

It should be taken into account that the current causing the indicator to glow passes through the human body and he needs to create a closed circuit by touching the slip ring or screwdriver blade with his finger.

Please note that this method is rather approximate and not precise. Its result is affected by:

  • the magnitude of the electromagnetic field that is created by the strength of the current. To increase the reliability of the result, it is recommended to apply a large load, on the order of a kilowatt, to the wire cores;
  • condition of the wall. A humid environment, wet wallpaper, embedded metal plaster mesh, fittings, even hidden screws can enhance the propagation of the electromagnetic field, distorting the reliability of information;
  • increased depth of cable embedding, especially in a dry reinforced concrete wall, can distort the electric field so much that the indicator screwdriver cannot sense it.

A broken wire in the wall cannot be found using this method.

Such a universal device is not difficult to buy, but individual homemade designs have similar search performance characteristics. I will present one of them below.

It includes:

  • an antenna wound from turns of thin copper wire and receiving a signal from an electromagnetic field;
  • three NPN transistors of the C945 type, assembled in a series cascade that increases the antenna current;
  • LED, indicating by its radiation the presence of an electromagnetic field;
  • Krona battery powering the circuit;
  • current limiting resistor.

A diagram of a homemade hidden wiring indicator is presented below.

As a reference, I show what the pinout of the C945 transistor looks like.

Now many similar circuits have been developed using bipolar and field-effect transistors. It is not difficult to assemble them with your own hands, practically no adjustment is required, but they do not provide high accuracy of readings.

How do hidden wiring detectors work?

The device uses the principle of a metal detector. Its design is based on a scanner that generates signals and receives them after reflection from the controlled environment.

By comparing the characteristics of outgoing and incoming radiation, the density of the controlled environment is determined and assessed. The calculation results are displayed on a scoreboard or digital display in a user-friendly form.

For accurate operation, the scanner body must be lightly pressed against the surface under study with guide rails and evenly guided in one direction.

Most detectors are digital devices that are good at distinguishing metal objects, wires, and voids. More complex products can additionally detect wood and plastic pipes.

Modern, even relatively inexpensive scanner models are endowed with the ability to interact with electromagnetic field radiation and show wires and cables laid in the wall and under voltage.

Areas of application of indicators

The scope of application of the IPS depends on the configuration of the device and its sensitivity.

Basic models of combined detectors can be used for the following purposes:

  • identification of hidden electrical wiring in ceilings, walls, floors;
  • detection of electrical cable breaks;
  • correct connection of electric meter phases;
  • determination of phase wire;
  • detection of ungrounded equipment;
  • checking the serviceability of fuses and fuses;
  • detection of locations of metal reinforcement in the wall,

Types of indicators

Detectors come in several different types. They are classified according to their operating principle, the mechanism used to alert the user when wires are detected, and so on. Each device has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's look at them below:

  1. The electrostatic hidden wiring indicator is used to search for the electric field generated by the voltage on the wires. Among the advantages, we highlight the simplicity of the circuit and the ability to detect current over long distances. Disadvantages - the ability to work only in a dry environment, as well as the presence of mains voltage to register the wiring.
  2. An electromagnetic device detects the electromagnetic field created by current moving through wires. The detector circuit is as simple as possible, allowing for high accuracy. The disadvantage is similar to the electrostatic analogue: the wiring must be energized, and the connected load must not be lower than 1 kW.
  3. An inductive indicator is essentially a regular metal detector. Such a device independently creates an electromagnetic field and then records its changes. The main advantage is that there is no need for tension. The disadvantages include a complex circuit and the possibility of false alarms, since the detector will detect any metal products.
  4. Combined indicator - factory models, which have different operating principles. Against the backdrop of high accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the only drawback is the high cost.

Electrostatic devices

Finders of this type register the presence of an electromagnetic field emanating from wires to which voltage is connected. This is a fairly simple device that is easy to assemble with your own hands (a diagram of the device will be given in the final section). Note that almost all inexpensive detectors operate on this principle.

Detector E121

Features of electrostatic type detectors:

  • given that the device reacts to electromagnetic radiation, to detect the wiring it is required that it is not de-energized;
  • When working with a detector, it is necessary to select the optimal sensitivity level. If it is low, it may be difficult to detect deep-lying wiring; at the maximum level, there is a high probability of false alarms;
  • damp walls or the presence of metal structures in them make searching for wiring almost impossible.

Given their low price, simplicity and efficiency (with the exception of minor limitations), devices with an electrostatic principle of operation are popular even among professional electricians.

Electromagnetic finders

This type of alarm device allows you to detect electromagnetic excitation emanating from wires if a load is connected to them. The accuracy and efficiency of electromagnetic wiring finders is much higher than electrostatic ones.

Electromagnetic alarm

These devices have a characteristic feature, which is that in order to guarantee the determination of the wiring route, it is necessary to connect to it a load with a power of at least one kilowatt, which in most cases does not cause difficulties. For example, this can be done by connecting an electric kettle to the appropriate power line (remembering to fill it with water).

Metal detectors

In cases where it is not possible to connect voltage to the wiring or a load to it, metal detectors are used. The principle of operation of these devices is based on the fact that metal, entering an electromagnetic field, causes disturbances in it, which are recorded by the device.

Model PMD 7 from Bosch

The features of this class of devices include the fact that they react to any metal located in the walls. That is, in addition to wiring, the detectors will be triggered when they detect fittings, screws, nails, etc.

Passive detectors (radiation receivers)

These wire detectors respond to the electric or magnetic field of a wire. They are insensitive to de-energized wiring. It is also useless to search for DC wiring with them.

Combined finders

Devices of this type are multifunctional devices - multidetectors. They can combine several principles for searching for hidden wiring in a wall, which significantly expands the scope of application and increases efficiency.

An example is the TS-75 model shown in the photo below. This device combines the functions of a metal detector and an electrostatic detector.

Photo: TS-75 – reliable and inexpensive multi-wiring detector

Economy class detectors

This group contains the best hidden wiring detectors from the lowest price segment. Prices for such devices start from six hundred rubles and do not exceed four thousand.

Bosch Truvo, 2,900 – 3,500 rub.

Inexpensive but reliable Bosch Truvo Source ali-buy.com
A device designed for determining electrical wiring at home. Notification of detection is carried out by changing the glowing green diode to red. In addition, the presence of voltage on the wire is reflected by the blinking of the light bulb; a uniform glow means that there is a wire or other metal object in the wall.

The “stuffing” of the device involves searching for a source of electricity with a voltage of 110-240V and a frequency of 50/60Hz. It will find a cable with direct current, but it will show it like an ordinary piece of hardware.

Technical characteristics of Bosch Truvo Source kazan.vseinstrumenti.ru

Healthy! Bosch Truvo runs on three AAA batteries, which is not very convenient for rare household use. It would be much more practical to have a built-in battery and recharge from a USB connector.

ADA instruments Wall Scanner 80, 3,490 – 3,700 rub.

Detector for searching electrical wiring ADA instruments Wall Scanner 80 Source static.1k.by
It looks more solid than Bosch Truvo, has a digital display, detects not only non-ferrous and ferrous metals, but also wood. Rubberized casing provides relative safety in the event of an accidental fall. The search depth is similar to the previously described model:

  • Copper and aluminum – 60 mm.
  • Ferrous metal – 80 mm.
  • The tree “searches” at a depth of only 20 mm, which is enough to detect the sheathing hidden under plasterboard or wall panels.

The device runs on a Krona battery, which guarantees no more than 5-6 hours of continuous operation. For home use it is enough, but for professional use you will need to have a spare power source.

Technical characteristics of ADA instruments Wall Scanner 80 Source kazan.vseinstrumenti.ru

Healthy! The ADA instruments Wall Scanner 80 body does not have special corners for marking. Therefore, when working with it, you will have to pick up a pencil or other marker.

BISON Professional DX-750, 3,400 – 3,700 rub.

Universal detector BISON Professional DX-750 Source cstor.nn2.ru
Based on the appearance and description of the technical characteristics of the device, it can be called the twin brother of the ADA instruments Wall Scanner 80 model. The only difference is the blue color of the case and other in-depth parameters. According to the description, it “reaches” ferrous metal at a depth of 100 mm, and non-ferrous metal – 80 mm. In comparison with the above-mentioned brother, the values ​​​​are 20 mm higher for each point.

They also differ in price. The average price for a Hong Kong ADA is 100 rubles more expensive than the Chinese model, which is assembled in Russia.

Technical characteristics of BISON Professional DX-750 Source kazan.vseinstrumenti.ru

Important! The model is practically an analogue of the ADA instruments Wall Scanner 80, but has a greater search depth and is 100 rubles cheaper.

Resanta DM-2 61/10/521, 2,990 – 3,200 rub.

Metal detector Resanta DM-2 10/61/521 Source resantashop.ru
Ergonomic, inexpensive device for detecting ferrous metals, aluminum, copper and wood. Made in a comfortable ergonomic case with rubberized edges. The indication is displayed on a 1.8-inch display with blue backlight. Distinguishes between live and non-live wires. In terms of depth parameters, it is inferior to models that are higher in the ranking.

Has color and sound indication of metal detection. The interface is intuitive and simple. The depth indicators are not as great as those of earlier models, but they are sufficient for home use:

  • Ferrous metals – 100 mm.
  • Non-ferrous metals – 80 mm.
  • Live copper cable (220V) – 50 mm.
  • Wood – 20 mm.

Technical characteristics of Resanta DM-2 61/10/521 Source kazan.vseinstrumenti.ru

Healthy! Resanta DM-2 61/10/521 runs on a Krona battery. In case of inactivity, it turns off after 5 minutes.

Interskol ED-0.2, 600 – 900 rub.

One of the cheapest detectors for electrical wiring Interskol ED-0.2 Source interskol.ru
Representative of the simplest and most inexpensive versions of detectors. Suitable for home use and searching for electrical wiring with an accuracy of 2-3 cm. Indication is carried out by an audible signal, which is duplicated by flickering LED indicators. Powered by a Krona battery. It is easy to use, has rubberized inserts on the handle, and is self-adjusting. Copes with metal searches at a depth of up to 20 mm.

Technical characteristics of Interskol ED-0.2 Source kazan.vseinstrumenti.ru

Healthy! In terms of price-result ratio, the Interskol ED-0.2 model confidently completes the rating of the best budget hidden wiring detectors.

Indicator screwdriver

Often there are voltage indicators made in the form of a screwdriver. They identify the phase wire of a 220 V network and indicate the presence of current piercing the conductor. This is a simple and affordable device that works by contact and non-contact methods.

The indicator handle is transparent, a light bulb and a resistor light up inside. By sound and light signal it is easy to determine where hidden wires are laid. The slot of the screwdriver is made straight so that it is convenient to contact the surface of objects.

There are screwdriver modifications designed for different voltages and operating conditions. With their help, you can determine in 2-3 seconds whether voltage is supplied to the house, whether the outlet is working, where the wire runs. By running the hidden wiring indicator along the surface of the wall, you can safely drive in a nail, screw in a self-tapping screw and use a hammer drill.

Contact model

The contact indicator is used to determine the operability of sockets, check the presence of grounding of extension cords, find the phase of chandelier sockets and phase wires when installing electrics.

For the contact indicator to start working, you need to take it in your hand and press the button on the handle. The sharp end (sting) is used to touch the contact. If there is voltage on the wire, the light will blink. This is how the phase wire is determined. Contact with the body must be necessary, since a person enters the chain. The built-in resistor has a high resistance, so the current in the circuit will be small and will not cause harm.

The contact indicator is considered the simplest and cheapest. It does not require additional power sources to operate.

The disadvantage may be poor assembly or weak light from the bulb. It is clear that such a device will not detect hidden wiring.

Contactless model

Indicators equipped with a battery can already detect hidden wiring in a non-contact manner. They install an LED light bulb that consumes minimal energy. Although the range of the indicator is small, it is able to find wiring under a layer of plaster and even a small layer of cement.

The indicator's action is based on the generation of a magnetic field (induced field). Using a screwdriver in the form of an indicator, you can easily determine the integrity of the hidden wire and check whether there is a current leakage to the device body.

Another advantage of such an indicator is that it can be used like a slotted screwdriver. With its help, small screws and bolts are unscrewed without applying significant force so as not to damage the device. The power supply battery will have to be changed periodically. This is considered one of the disadvantages of the indicator.

They produce electronic non-contact indicators. They beep when voltage is detected, and in addition show its value on the displays. The measurement range is 12…250 V. Such models are very convenient, but their cost is higher. Due to their simplicity, accessibility and compact size, indicator screwdrivers are in demand among electricians and people who are in no way connected with this profession. Indicators are used in everyday life and in production.

Rating of high-quality detectors for hidden wiring, pipes and metal structures

Bosch GMS 120 Professional

The detector from a world-recognized German manufacturer, which occupies a leading position in the production of high-quality electrical equipment, has wide functionality. The detector detects wiring, wooden internal structures, metal, including non-ferrous wire systems.

Bosch GMS 120 Professional
Weight, gram270
Period of continuous operation, hour5
Protection, classP54
Non-ferrous metals, detection spectrum, cm8
Ferrous metals, detection spectrum, cm12
Wiring, Detection, Intrusion, cm5
Wooden structures. Detections. Penetration degree, cm 3,8
Battery typeCrown

Bosch GMS 120 Professional


  • in the absence of detection of built-in structures, a green LED indication is activated;
  • red indication indicates the presence of internal structures;
  • the ability to use various modes to clarify the coordinates of objects - metal, plasterboard, conductive cable;
  • the presence of a hole through which markings are made to mark the drilling point;
  • convenient case and mounted hand loop;
  • with an acoustic warning signal for object detection, with the ability to turn off;
  • with high accuracy;
  • Ease of Management.


  • developed in Germany, made in Malaysia.

Bosch PMD 7

A device with high sensitivity and accuracy of detection of fittings.

Bosch PMD 7
Weight, gram150
Period of continuous operation, hour5
Non-ferrous metals, search range, mm60
Ferrous metals, search depth, mm70
Electrical wiring, search depth, mm50
Battery type/quantityAAA/3

Bosch PMD 7


  • low probability of device errors;
  • work on wooden devices is acceptable;
  • works in an atmosphere with high humidity;
  • threshold frequency level 95 Hz;
  • compactness;
  • presence of a 9A fuse.


  • high level of energy consumption reduces battery life to 2 hours;
  • lower temperature limit -15°C.

Bosch D-Tect 150 SV

An electronic type measuring detector identifies hidden structures in building masses of varying complexity at a professional level, eliminating errors.

Bosch D-Tect 150 SV
Weight, gram650
Object depth parameters+
Wooden stand, detection, depth, cm4
Electrical wiring, identification, depth, cm6
Ferrous metals, detection, depth, cm15
Plastic, identification, depth, mm80
Type of food, quantityAA/4

Bosch D-Tect 150 SV


  • scanning depth - more than 15 cm;
  • high-precision scanner;
  • the presence in the development of special functions for detecting panel heating, wet concrete, plasterboard materials;
  • the radar signal viewing function allows, excluding pre-scanning, to detect, for example, reinforced mesh;
  • displaying the exact location of an object on a centimeter scale;
  • flawlessly determines the location of heating pipes both in the sienna and in the floor;
  • a special alarm mode will notify you in a timely manner about the detection of an object;
  • a progressive radar scanning method was used to create the device;
  • The uniqueness of the scanner is its broadband and high-precision detection of the built-in object.


  • high price.

Laserliner MultiFinder Plus 080.965 A

Universal scanner for home and professional use.

Laserliner MultiFinder Plus
Weight, gram230
Period of continuous operation, hour5
Non-ferrous metals, search depth, cm5
Ferrous metals, detection depth, cm10
Electrical wiring, search recess, depth, cm4
Wooden structures, search with valid scanning, cm4
Battery typecrown

Laserliner MultiFinder Plus 080.965 A


  • LCD screen;
  • switching modes with one key;
  • presence of automatic power off;
  • activation of light and sound indication;
  • long warranty period of 4 years.


  • During prolonged work there is a danger of discharging the only battery.

ADA instruments Wall Scanner

This popular and compact scanner is distinguished by its high quality and ease of use.

ADA instruments Wall Scanner
Weight, gram240
Period of continuous operation, hour6
Indicationsound, color
Non-ferrous metals, search depth, cm8
Ferrous metals, search depth, cm10
Electrical wiring, search, depth, cm5
Wooden structures, search, sensitivity range, cm2
Battery typeCrown

ADA instruments Wall Scanner


  • two types of indication;
  • acceptable price;
  • long duration of continuous operation up to 5 hours;
  • convenient location of control keys;
  • The durable case is equipped with protective linings, which makes the device invulnerable in the event of a fall or impact.


  • Users note an unclear definition of a break in the wiring.

Stayer Master Topelectro

The Stayer brand is a company that is stylized as Germany, but produces the bulk of its goods in China, offering the buyer a wide range of hand tools, measuring instruments, protective equipment for safe construction work, as well as all kinds of devices from burning tools to glue guns.

The manufacturer positions the scanner as a multifunctional metal detector capable of:

  1. detect metal structures hidden in walls and floors;
  2. identify the location of the live wire.

Stayer Master Topelectro
Weight, gram90
DC source, polarity, detection range, V6-36
Continuity, Definition, Range, mOhm0-50
Electrical wiring, search, depth, mm50
Power typeLR 44Х4

Stayer Master Topelectr


  • suitable for testing electrical devices;
  • sensitivity level adjustment function available;
  • presence of light and sound indication;
  • reliability in operation;
  • belongs to the budget class of devices;
  • the body is made of plastic and has dielectric properties;
  • Comfort of carrying and storage is ensured by a clip;
  • small dimensions 140*30*20 mm;
  • good search accuracy.


  • only sound indication;
  • without detecting wooden structures and non-ferrous metal objects;
  • there is no indication of the exact parameters of the depth of the found object.

Mastech MS 6906

The “Three in One” scanner is capable of detecting metal pipes, metal and wooden structures, and live electrical wiring.

Mastech MS 6906
Weight, gram150
DC source, polarity, detection range, V6-36
Wooden stand, search depth, cm3
Electrical wiring, sensitivity thickness, cm7.5
Ferrous metals, sensitivity range, cm5
Power typeCrown

Mastech MS 6906


  • presence of a display;
  • the device is equipped with backlight;
  • batteries included;
  • determining the parameters of the depth of location of an object located in the array;
  • precise search for the edges of wood and metal posts;
  • detection of single-phase and three-phase AC voltage wiring;
  • guarantee of determining the route of metal pipes.


  • does not detect wooden structures saturated with moisture;
  • does not indicate the presence of combined materials in the array.

Bison Master DX 350

The detector from a domestic manufacturer belongs to the budget class and is equipped with automatic calibration of surface types.

Bison Master DX 350
Object depth parameters+
Wooden stand, search thickness, cm1.9
Wiring, detection range, cm5
Ferrous metals, scanning range, cm3.8
Power typeCrown

Bison Master DX 350


  • presence of sound indication;
  • has an ergonomic structure;
  • data on the voltage in the cable during the search mode is displayed on the display screen as a percentage;
  • indicators have several colors;
  • convenience and ease of use.


  • users note low audibility of the warning signal;
  • The viewing angle on the display is small.

How to choose the right one

When choosing a device for searching hidden wiring, you need to understand why you need it. If you only need to find the wiring, you can get by with inexpensive models that will cope with the task relatively well. To search for pipelines or frames, you need more sensitive equipment that can operate in several modes, or two different devices, which will cost more.

Another important parameter is the depth to which the device is capable of scanning the wall. You should not purchase the cheapest indicators: usually they are able to “probe” the wall no more than 20 mm, and the plaster is 40 mm thick, that is, there will be no benefit from such a device. You should not skimp on scanning depth: the deeper the device is able to recognize objects, the better.

The type of notification also plays an important role. There are three of them:

  • sounds;
  • light signal;
  • displaying information on the screen.

Sounds differ in tone and come in different durations. From them you can understand what item was found.

Often the device is equipped with LEDs that indicate the detection of communications or hidden wiring. On an expensive device, knowing the color scheme, you can accurately determine the location of the object and understand what exactly was detected.

LCD screen is the most accurate and convenient way to identify finds. The device displays all information on the display. However, such a device costs much more than similar models without a tap. There will be no problems decoding the signals. Metal or cable detection may also be accompanied by sounds.

How to choose a hidden wiring detector

Before you make a purchase and add to your tool kit, it’s worth understanding more deeply the criteria for choosing a good detector:

  • Device type . In a broad sense, all types of detectors can be divided into two large groups: testers and pinpointers. The first ones are designed to detect live cables only, as well as to search for ferrous metals. The latter have great capabilities and, in addition to recognizing the type of metal black/non-ferrous, they are excellent at finding wooden and plastic elements hidden under concrete, brick, and tiles.
  • Scan depth . The indicator varies depending on the class and type of device. Testers rarely “hit” further than 3-4 cm, pinpointers are capable of more - identifying wiring at a depth of up to 10 cm and accurately indicating the distance to it.
  • Detection spectrum . Choices are determined by the challenges users face. Depending on the model, the scanner searches for network cables, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and wooden structures.
  • Accuracy . Error is inherent in many modifications, but when carrying out precise work, it is important to locate the location of the desired element without errors, especially when it comes to pipes and electrical wiring.
  • Functionality and information content . It is convenient when the device is equipped with additional capabilities, and the display shows maximum data - depth, distance to the desired element, its type.

Rating of the best hidden wiring detectors

Analyzing user reviews, you can rank the top three as follows:

  1. Hidden wiring alarm Woodpecker E121 . It works on the electrostatic principle, is lightweight, compact and quite highly functional - it can track hidden wiring, its breakage, determine the phase and neutral wires in a household electrical network, check grounding, etc. Woodpecker E121 is easy to use, since the device moves directly along the surface under study. Disadvantage: to use the device on the network, operating voltage must be present. The asking price is 1800...2000 rubles.

  1. The detector model Bosch GMS 120 Prof belongs to devices in the mid-price category. It can determine the necessary parameters remotely when moving away from the object at a distance of up to 50...60 mm (with increasing distance the error increases) for metal objects, and up to 100...120 mm for wood or plastic. Bosch GMS 120 Prof runs on batteries and a rechargeable battery included with the device. The accuracy of the determination is not affected by the humidity of the walls and room, and the result can be recorded not only on the scale, but also with a corresponding mark on the wall. The cost of the device is 6000...6200 rubles.

  1. Metal and hidden wiring detector model DSL-8220S . Requires a supply voltage of 9 V, and runs on Krona type batteries. Its capabilities are similar to the Woodpecker E121 device, but differs in its ability to be used for indicating hidden objects made of non-metals and plastic. The housing has a splash-proof design, the depth of detection of defects is up to 200 mm. At an affordable price - up to 1000...1200 rubles.

Which hidden wiring detector is best to buy?

One of the main indicators for wiring finders is detection depth. The maximum operating distance of the detector depends on it. Models intended for domestic use must have a detection depth of at least 5 cm. Professional devices can operate at a depth of 2 meters.

An equally important parameter should be considered accuracy. The value indicated in the documentation reflects the permissible error when determining the distance to the cable.

The accuracy indicator for professional devices usually does not exceed 5 mm. Household models have an error of up to 10 millimeters.

The detector can respond to different materials in the walls or ceiling. To accurately locate the wiring, you should purchase a device with an accurate detection function. Many modern models are capable of detecting metal, plastic, wood, and also recognizing the shape of an object.

It is worth paying attention to the ease of setting up the device. With frequent changes of work areas, constant adjustment of the sensor to specific conditions is necessary. Their change may depend on the presence of extraneous interference, the material of manufacture and the thickness of the wall.

The ability to auto-calibrate will greatly simplify the regular use of the device.

The use of a detector when repairing a damaged line requires special accuracy in determining the location of the break. This will reduce the cost of work and reduce its volume. Only electrostatic and metal detector models are equipped with a system for searching for problem areas of the cable.

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Checking work

In order to accurately determine the location of hidden wires, you should first learn how to use the indicator. To do this, you need to try working with it on open wires, pipes, and other elements. This will help you understand when and to what objects the device emits a signal.

Before making a purchase, you should test the indicator in a store. Any switched on electrical appliance is suitable for this. You can use its wire for testing. The device must be tested at different distances. The wire can be covered with a board or some plastic object. If the detection was successful, then you can safely buy the indicator you like.

Simple DIY hidden wiring detector

First of all, let's make a search antenna. Cut a piece of wire approximately 30 cm long.

We wind it on a frame 3-5 mm in diameter. A skewer will do.

Take out the skewer and stretch the coil a little. The result is an antenna.

Hidden wiring detector diagram:

The pinout of the transistor is as follows:

We collect everything according to the diagram. First we solder the transistors to each other.

The good thing about this 5-part design is that it doesn’t require a board—everything is assembled by surface mounting. Solder the LED.

Then the resistor.

We connect the whole thing to the block. And finally we solder the antenna.

As a result, a ready-made working sample. To turn it on, you need to put the block on the battery.

We bring it to the wire:

The LED lights up. Real world tests:

When approaching live wiring, the LED lights up clearly.

Such a device does not require any configuration and, if the parts are in good condition, starts working immediately. Now you can easily identify life-threatening places where you should never drill.

Other schemes for homemade hidden wiring finders

In this section we will give as an example several wiring finder circuits that even novice radio amateurs can assemble. Let's start with the most basic device.

Scheme: a simple field-effect transistor wiring detector.
The parts we need are: a field-effect transistor, KP303 or KP103 is suitable (the letter index does not matter), a telephone speaker with a resistance of 1600 to 2200 Ohms and an ohmmeter (used as an indicator).

The transistor body plays the role of an antenna; it is carried along the wall. When the wiring is detected (it should be live), a characteristic sound at a frequency of 50 Hz will be displayed in the speaker, and the indicator needle will deflect.

Unfortunately, the sensitivity of such an indicator leaves much to be desired, so let’s consider a more complex scheme.

Diagram: finder with three transistors
List of required radio elements:

  • transistors (any index will do): T1-KT315, T2-KP103, T3-KT361;
  • LED HL-AL307B or any analogue;
  • resistance parameters: R1 – 2.2 kOhm, R2 – 10.0 kOhm, R3 – 470 Ohm, R4 – 1.0 MOhm;
  • capacitance C -10.0 µF 10 V.

As an antenna, you can use copper wire of appropriate thickness, 80 to 100 mm long (the longer the length, the higher the sensitivity)

The two devices above do not provide the ability to adjust the sensitivity, which will somewhat complicate the search for wiring. Below is a diagram where this function is implemented.

Diagram: finder with adjustable sensitivity
Designation of parts in the diagram:

  • T – KP103;
  • HL – AL107BL (can be replaced with an analogue);
  • R1-2.0 kOhm;
  • R2 -2.0 kOhm (may need to be adjusted to achieve maximum volume);
  • R3- 1.0 MOhm;
  • C1 -5.0 µF;
  • C2 – 20.0 µF
  • SP – speaker with impedance from 30 to 60 Ohms;
  • L – contains from 20 to 50 turns of wire with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm per frame of 3 mm, frameless execution is allowed.

In conclusion, we present a diagram of a combined device that combines the functions of a metal detector and an electrostatic detector.

Combined finder circuit

Summary table of technical characteristics of wiring scanners

For clarity, I selected those performance characteristics that are more important for use by a home craftsman and summarized them in a table.

I understand that the choice is also influenced by the cost of the device and the conditions for its purchase. However, the price is a variable value. You can find it out by entering the name of the device and the word buy into Google or Yandex.

The search engine will present you with many options from which you can choose the best option.

Brand of hidden wiring detectorBOn3 SCH GMS 120 ProfessionalMASTECH MS6906UNI-T UT387BWoodpecker E121Floureon hidden wiring detectorSkil detector 550ADA Wall Scanner 80
Weight, kg0,270,250,1950,12
Detects materialsWood, metal, wiringWood, metal, wiringWood, metal, wiringWood, metal, wiringMetal, wiringWood, metal, wiring
Metal search depth, cm123-587,68,08,0
Wiring search depth, cm5Up to 7.587,65,05,0
Color search depth metal, cm 887,66,06,0
Tree search depth, cm3,83-523,82,0
Max. search depth, cm 12
Nutrition9V battery9V battery9V battery9V battery9V battery9V battery9V battery

The performance summary table has empty cells. I just took all the data from the technical data sheets published by the manufacturers, but I couldn’t find some parameters.

If you have such devices, you can add this information through the comments section.

In general, while collecting information from manufacturers’ websites, I noticed one strange feature: not a single factory gives a 100% guarantee on the accuracy of determining the final result.

Even Bosch specifically stipulates in its data sheet that the accuracy of the device is affected by many accompanying factors that must be taken into account at the measurement site.

These include:

  • strong magnetic and electric fields;
  • presence of foreign metal objects of different sizes;
  • wall humidity and its conductive properties;
  • other hidden wires laid nearby;
  • voltage pickups;
  • other random phenomena.

Therefore, it is imperative to additionally review the design and as-built construction documentation and consult it during work. It’s just that implementing these Boch recommendations in practice can be very difficult for us. All we have to do is take into account all these factors, carefully study and follow the requirements of the instructions for calibrating and measuring the detector, and take into account the possibility of its error.

By the way, tests carried out measuring the same wall with hidden wiring with different detectors showed slightly different results.

Individuals are wondering how they can steal electricity and how to deceive the hidden wiring detector when Energonadzor begins to check their household. I want to warn you right away that this is a very bad idea, which is almost immediately doomed to failure. An experienced master, and also a very financially interested one, can easily solve such problems.

In general, devices for searching hidden wiring greatly facilitate the work of home and professional electricians. Their results should be approached creatively, taking into account that the greater the load on the wiring, the less error the scanner can make.

The main disadvantage of their design is that if a malfunction occurs, the manufacturer recommends refusing repairs and advises simply purchasing another device. This also needs to be taken into account when purchasing. I remind you that now it is convenient for you to share your experience in operating such detectors with other readers of the site in the comments section. It will be useful to many people.

Rating-review of the best models of hidden wiring detectors

The hidden wiring detectors discussed below will help you find out about the location of wiring, metal and wooden objects in the walls of an apartment or house during construction and renovation.

BISON Professional DX-750

Hidden wiring detector BISON Professional DX-750 is a multifunctional device that allows you to detect live wires, wooden floors, ferrous and non-ferrous metals in walls.

The device body is made of durable materials.

The detector is equipped with protective covers, sound and LED indication, a bright and clear display with readings, and intuitive controls.

The device is powered by element 6LR61/6LF22 (“Crown”).

The equipment has compact overall dimensions and low weight, just over 200 g.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 50 mm;
  • ferrous metal detector - up to 100 mm;
  • detection of non-ferrous metals - up to 80 mm;
  • detector of wooden structures - up to 20 mm;
  • functionality - display, color/sound indication, auto power off, backlight;
  • power supply - 1 element “Crown” (6LR61/6LF22);
  • device weight - 215 g.


  • precise identification of electrical wiring;
  • detection of metal structures;
  • comfortable shape;
  • quality materials.


  • false positives are possible;
  • not suitable for reinforced concrete walls;
  • high price.

Bosch GMS 120 Professional

The reliable and high-quality electrical wiring detector Bosch GMS 120 Professional is a universal device designed to detect objects hidden at a depth of up to 12 cm.

The device is equipped with an indication of the center of the object (Center Finder scale), a system for determining the properties of the material, a bright and clear backlit display, and a special marking hole with a light ring.

The product makes it possible to detect non-ferrous and ferrous metals, live wiring, and hidden wooden structures.

The device is powered by a Krona battery, one charge of which lasts for 5 hours of operation. The set includes a hand loop and a case.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 50 mm;
  • ferrous metal detector - up to 120 mm;
  • detection of non-ferrous metals - up to 80 mm;
  • detector of wooden structures - up to 38 mm;
  • functionality - display, color/sound indication, auto power off, backlight;
  • power supply - 1 element “Crown” (6LR61/6LF22);
  • device weight - 270 g.


  • stylish design,
  • compactness;
  • convenient case included;
  • bright screen backlight;
  • three operating modes.


  • shallow search depth for live cables;
  • rare false positives;
  • high price tag.


The ELITECH D 80 hidden wiring detector, due to its convenience, practicality and functionality, will be useful to builders, repairmen, electricians and ordinary users involved in apartment renovations.

The device detects ferrous and non-ferrous metals, live wiring, and wooden elements in walls.

The device is equipped with an informative display, an auto-shut-off system, and bright backlight.

The device is powered by a Krona battery.

One element is enough for 6 hours of work.

The product is complemented by an animated user manual with step-by-step instructions and an ergonomic handle coating.

The accuracy of the device is ±1 cm. The kit includes a convenient case for carrying and storing the detector.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 50 mm;
  • ferrous metal detector - up to 80 mm;
  • detection of non-ferrous metals - up to 60 mm;
  • detector of wooden structures - up to 20 mm;
  • functionality - display, color/sound indication, auto power off, backlight;
  • power supply - 1 element “Crown” (6LR61/6LF22);
  • device weight - 240 g.


  • inexpensive model;
  • accurate determination of metal;
  • identification of live wiring;
  • small dimensions and weight.


  • Frequent calibration is required;
  • small tree search depth;
  • dim lighting.

Bosch Truvo

The Bosch Truvo hidden electrical wiring detector will protect the user from unpleasant incidents during repairs, when drilling and drilling concrete or wooden walls.

The device is capable of detecting non-ferrous and ferrous metals, live wiring, and wooden structural elements.

The product runs on three AAA batteries and is equipped with an auto shut-off unit.

The operating time on one set of batteries is 5 hours.

The device is characterized by low weight, the presence of a built-in sound warning system, an automatic calibration module, and an informative color display.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 50 mm;
  • ferrous metal detector - up to 70 mm;
  • detection of non-ferrous metals - up to 60 mm;
  • functionality - color/sound indication, auto-calibration, auto-shutdown;
  • food - 3 AAA elements;
  • device weight - 150 g.


  • quality tool;
  • stylish design;
  • ease of use;
  • affordable price tag.


  • very loud beep;
  • Frequent calibration required;
  • false alarms on reinforced concrete.

Kraftool GMS 120

The universal detector Kraftool GMS 120 will help in real time to detect hidden metal or wooden structures, as well as live wiring located deep in the wall.

The device meets the highest quality standards.

The model is characterized by a long service life, high accuracy, and reliability.

The device is equipped with a graphic display that displays the necessary information, a durable housing that is resistant to mechanical damage.

The product receives energy from a Krona battery with a voltage of 9 volts.

The kit includes a case for storing and transporting the detector. Equipment protection class - IP54.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 50 mm;
  • ferrous metal detector - up to 120 mm;
  • detection of non-ferrous metals - up to 80 mm;
  • detector of wooden structures - up to 20 mm;
  • functionality - display, sound indication, auto power off, backlight;
  • power supply - 1 element “Crown” (6LR61/6LF22);
  • device weight - 340 g.


  • attractive price;
  • finds metal relatively accurately;
  • clear definition of wood;
  • good autonomy.


  • not the most clear instructions;
  • large weight and size;
  • The case is not of the best quality.

BISON Master DX-350 45265

The compact and affordable wiring detector BISON Master DX-350 45265 will allow you to detect live wires, wooden structures, ferrous and non-ferrous metals when performing repair or construction work.

The device is equipped with an automatic calibration system depending on the type of surface, sound indication, an informative display with bright backlight, and an ergonomic dielectric plastic case.

Overall dimensions of the device are 17x1.5x3 cm.

The detector is powered by a 9 V Krona battery. The product weighs just over 200 grams.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 50 mm;
  • ferrous metal detector - up to 38 mm;
  • detection of non-ferrous metals - up to 38 mm;
  • detector of wooden structures - up to 19 mm;
  • functionality - display, sound indication, backlight, auto-calibration;
  • power supply - 1 element “Crown” (6LR61/6LF22);
  • device weight - 204 g.


  • detection of shallow wiring;
  • good functionality;
  • convenient automatic calibration;
  • high build quality.


  • false positives are possible;
  • shallow detection depth;
  • uninformative indication.

Bosch UniversalDetect

The Bosch UniversalDetect electrical wiring detector will ensure the safety of repair and construction work without the risk of damaging wires, heating pipes and other objects hidden in the wall.

The device is capable of detecting live wiring, structures made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and wooden elements.

The equipment is equipped with a sound and color warning/indication module, and an automatic shutdown option in order to save battery power.

The device receives energy from four AAA batteries; on one set it can work for up to 4 hours.

The handle of the device is equipped with an anti-slip coating.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 50 mm;
  • ferrous metal detector - up to 100 mm;
  • detection of non-ferrous metals - up to 50 mm;
  • detector of wooden structures - up to 25 mm;
  • functionality - display, color/sound indication, auto power off, backlight;
  • food - 4 AAA elements;
  • device weight - 340 g.


  • functionality;
  • build quality;
  • good detection depth;
  • long battery life.


  • high price;
  • uninformative instructions;
  • large dimensions and weight.

Mastech MS6818

The Mastech MS6818 hidden electrical wiring detector is a modern, effective set of professional-class receiving and transmitting devices.

The model allows you to detect not only wiring, but also communication lines, live wires, non-ferrous and ferrous metals, and hidden breaks.

Instrument displays display the most detailed information on all specified parameters.

The receiver and transmitter are characterized by simple operation.

The nominal battery life of the devices is 6 hours.

The product is equipped with a case, probes, and instruction manual.


  • detection of hidden wiring - up to 2 m;
  • detector of ferrous and non-ferrous metals - up to 2 m;
  • detector operating modes - single-pole/double-pole;
  • voltmeter - DC/AC voltage;
  • functionality - display, light/sound indication, auto power off, backlight;
  • food - 1 Krona element, 6 AAA elements;
  • set weight - 263 g.


  • significant detection depth;
  • high sensitivity;
  • convenient digital display;
  • rich equipment;
  • intuitive controls.


  • impressive price tag;
  • heavy weight of the set;
  • not the best autonomy.

Non-standard ways to find hidden wiring

You can detect hidden wiring not only with the help of a specialized detector. You can use other means. Few people have a compass at home, but if you have this tool, you can independently find the wires in the wall. Apply a load to the electrical line, watch for the deflection of the arrow that points to the cable.

The second option is much more effective, but is based on approximately the same action - the force of a magnet. Tie a magnet made of neodymium to a piece of thread. Guide it along a partition or wall. The magnet will deflect every time it is near an armature or wire. The electric current generates a magnetic field to which the homemade tool reacts.

Thus, to search for hidden wiring it is not necessary to buy expensive professional devices. Detectors and alarms can be created from improvised materials and inexpensive components from an electronics store. There are simpler methods, but remember that searching for wiring using a magnet and thread does not give the most reliable results.

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