How to properly seal an electricity meter

Sealing an electricity meter is a procedure that involves installing a special protective seal on this meter. Such a seal will confirm the integrity and serviceability of the device. It will also help avoid unauthorized consumption of electricity.

Each consumer must seal the electricity meter.

Consumer liability for failure or other violation

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for liability for breaking or breaking a seal. Thus, if the breaking of a seal was intentional, then liability for this can be expressed by a warning or a fine.

The amount of the fine depends on the person who committed the offense. For individuals, its amount will be from one hundred to three hundred rubles, and for legal entities - from three hundred to five hundred rubles in accordance with Article 19.2 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

In cases where the fact of illegal withdrawal of water is discovered and recorded, the owner of the property is subject to liability in accordance with Article 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this case, the amount of penalties depends on how much resources were stolen. According to the law, the fine is calculated at five times the amount seized. In addition, administrative arrest for up to fifteen days or correctional labor for up to ten to fifty hours is possible.

In case of large volumes of theft, exceeding two and a half thousand rubles, criminal liability arises under the one hundred and fifty-eighth article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Unscrupulous residents who illegally connected to the water supply or use magnets may receive a fine of up to three hundred thousand rubles or imprisonment for a period of two years in accordance with Article One Hundred and Sixty-Fifth of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Along with a fine in situations where the seal is broken, the water supply organization may require payment of the amount without taking into account the meter. The day from which the period of operation of a meter without a seal will be counted can be determined either by the date of the last check of the meter, or by the date of filing an application for the installation of a new seal.

Important! The payment amount is calculated as the product of the meter's capacity, the service life of the meter without a seal (number of calendar days) and the water tariff. In the event that a seal was accidentally broken, it is necessary to write a statement about the fact that the seal was broken and submit an application for a new seal.

In the application, it is important to indicate the reason why the seal failed. An inspector from a water supply organization who comes upon request will check the device and determine whether an attempt was made to illegally change the meter readings. After that he will install a new filling

In the event that a seal was accidentally broken, you must write a statement about the fact that the seal was broken and submit an application for a new seal.

In the application, it is important to indicate the reason why the seal failed. An inspector from a water supply organization who comes upon request will check the device and determine whether an attempt was made to illegally change the meter readings

After this, he will install a new filling.

If the inspector has not established the fact of an attempt to illegally change the testimony, then the owner will not have to pay a fine. You will only need to pay a fee for the new sealing.

Who can seal an electric meter?

Only employees belonging to the electricity service provider have the right to seal electricity meters. No “advertised” electricians have such powers. Be aware that in case of illegal unsealing and sealing, you will have to pay a fine. Please contact Energosbyt regarding this issue only.

Residents of apartment buildings need to contact the electrical network directly or the organization servicing the building. To seal the electricity meter when moving it to a dacha or private home, the owners will need to contact the power grid directly.

Legislation on sealing electricity meters

The regulations regarding the sealing of electricity meters are as follows:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 No. 354, containing the Rules for the provision of utility services... (hereinafter referred to as the Rules):
  • Clause 81, according to which the equipment of an apartment or house with metering devices, their commissioning, technical operation, safety and replacement are ensured by its owner. It is possible to put the installed meter into operation and document it as a settlement meter based on the application of the owner of the residential premises. The application is submitted simultaneously with the attachment of the relevant papers. The meter must be put into operation no later than the month following the day of its installation;
  • Paragraph 35 “d” informs you that you must not unauthorizedly break the seals on the electric meter, including at the places where they are attached, as well as unauthorizedly interfere with their operation;
  • Clause 81 (11), according to which the meter must be protected from intrusion into its operation and for these purposes, seals and devices are installed that record the fact of interference in its operation. In addition, the consumer must be informed about the consequences of breaking the seal. There is no charge for installing seals.
  1. Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6, containing the Technical Operation Rules ..., namely:

Chapter 2.11, paragraph 2.11.18 Paragraph 10, which states that approved settlement meters (sealed) must have the seals of the verification organization on their fastenings, and the seal of the energy supplying organization on the cover of the terminal block.

The seal confirms the reliability of the information transmitted by the device. In its absence or failure, we are talking about interference in the operation of the electric meter and unaccounted electricity consumption.

Problems that may arise

People, due to ignorance of the law, are forced to pay for the sealing of the meter even during the initial installation or when replacing the device at the initiative of the electrical networks. Such requirements are easily disputed, because the Russian government has decided to seal electric meters free of charge in these cases. This is specifically stated in Resolution No. 422 of May 4, 2012, namely paragraph 8 of the general provisions. Resolution No. 354 of May 6, 2011 also allows the device to be sealed at the expense of the electricity supplier.

For consumers living in a private home, energy workers require that an electricity meter be installed only outside in a switchboard. They can be denied this based on the requirements of clause 1.5.27 of the PUE (Chapter 1.5). It establishes that the consumer is responsible for maintaining the meter. Therefore, the resident is only required to place it in an accessible place and in compliance with installation standards, one of which is to install the electricity meter at a height of 0.8-1.7 m from the floor level.

How to remove the seal from the meter

So, let's look at the procedure for removing the seal. Answering the question “Do I need to pay for violating the safety of the seal?” - Yes need. They do not require anything for sealing. The fine for breaking a seal ranges from up to 300,000 rubles. In addition, if during the accounting it turns out that too much energy was spent, then you may be sued. As a punishment, you will have to pay for the estimated amount of all energy used and legal costs.

If we talk about unsealing the electric meter, then first of all you need to take into account the differences in the models, because there is no other way to understand how to do it correctly. Not every filling can be removed, and therefore we will use only proven options:

  1. Lead. This is a method on how to remove the seal from a lead type electric meter. Please note that this must be done carefully, without damaging the applied designation. Subsequently, it will not be possible to add it manually, because it is done using a sealer. Procedure:
  2. We take any wire to make two small hooks from it.
  3. We expand the hole of the seal with any convenient tool: a needle is best.

  4. We put hooks in them.
  5. Place small rubber plates to protect against damage, and place coins on top on both sides.
  6. We clamp the washer with pliers.
  7. We tighten the wires. When you return the seal back, you will need to squeeze it a little.

If something was damaged during the process, there is no need to put back the fake under the guise of the original. The law establishes a fine for breaking a seal.

  • Plastic. Working with them is a little easier due to the weakness of the plastic itself, which, although it makes it easier to remove from the meter, increases the chance of damage. We do the following:
    1. Peel off the plastic strip from the protection.
    2. We make hooks as for a lead seal, and in exactly the same way: we apply rubber plates, put coins and clamp the washer with pliers, pulling the wires together in parallel.

  • If you find a slight play that appears when installed incorrectly, this will only work to your advantage.

  • Stickers. And although the protection method is the simplest, those who decide to hack it will put themselves in a difficult situation. Here you will need to carefully heat the sticker with a hairdryer and only then remove it. There is only one attempt, which requires good skills.
  • What to do if it doesn’t work out: it is recommended to immediately take a photo and contact the energy supply company. The photo should show how many values ​​are “wound” on the meter, which will eliminate the payment of a fine. There is no need to try to carefully put the seal in place. There is a high chance of ruining it so that everything will look as if there was an attempt to change the values ​​in the installed electric meter.

    Legal consequences

    Will there be anything for withdrawal? Will. After re-registration, a fine for missing a seal may be up to 300,000 rubles, but the court may also require payment of all legal costs for the company and an approximate bill for the energy used. The period for such payments is also limited, and if it is not met, the apartment may be cut off from power.

    If the violation is carried out by a legal entity, the fine for interfering with the operation of the device will be up to 500,000 rubles, the period for payment of which will directly depend on the lawyers and the volume of stolen energy. By the way, the cost of the initial sealing is zero and the installation period after filing an application is less than a week, which is many times more profitable than fraud.

    Breaking any type of seal on an electric meter is an offense and you need to be prepared to bear the corresponding legal consequences when removing them. However, this knowledge will make it possible to understand when the seal is broken or installed incorrectly. This will have the opposite effect, since a timely appeal will be drawn up, which in the future will free you from high legal costs.

    How much does it cost to seal a meter?

    Based on Resolutions 442 and 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation, sealing the meter is a mandatory measure to avoid violations. Therefore, it is produced exclusively free of charge by the company providing electricity.

    If they suddenly start demanding money from you for installing the device, you can write a complaint to the federal antimonopoly service, the prosecutor's office, or the court.

    However, in some cases you have to pay for the sealing. This applies to re-installation if the failure occurred due to the fault of the homeowner. But as a rule, these amounts are insignificant and are set individually by each company.

    The process of connecting, installing a seal and setting up the device is the direct responsibility of the company providing the service, so everything should be done free of charge. If you are a victim of vandalism or break the seal yourself, be prepared to pay not only a fine, but also the installation of new protection.

    Sealing the electricity meter - legal component

    The meter is sealed.
    The sealing of the electric meter has a legal aspect and is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

    These legislative documents stipulate the procedure for providing services, namely:

    1. The sealing process is carried out before the electric meter begins to be used, and this process is paid for by energy service providers.
    2. The cost of launching a metering device falls entirely on the energy organization.
    3. In the case of secondary sealing, this process is paid for by the electricity consumer. In addition, in the event of a device breakdown, repairs also occur at the expense of the customer of these types of services.
    4. If the energy supply company carries out verification activities, no payment is required.

    How much does it cost to seal an electricity meter?

    Sealing of electric meters is usually carried out during its repair or replacement. This procedure is carried out at the expense of the owner. In this case, the seal is provided free of charge, since it is included in the process of repairing or replacing the meter. If the sealing is repeated, you will have to pay a certain amount for it.

    Please note that if the owner is forced to pay for the initial sealing of the meter during its replacement or repair, then such actions are unlawful and require retaliatory measures. Here you can choose one of the possible options:

    1. Pay the amount that was assigned to you, receive a receipt for payment (it should indicate that the amount was paid for the sealing). Based on this receipt, a claim is filed with higher authorities about illegal collection of fees for a free service.
    2. File a lawsuit.
    3. Write an application to the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service).

    It should be noted that the price of sealing an electric meter is small, but each consumer decides for himself whether to pay it or not.

    In conclusion, I would like to draw the attention of consumers that such a process as putting a seal on an electricity meter has many legal subtleties. After all, if the contract is drawn up incorrectly or there are errors and inconsistencies in the number tags, then the service provider organization can accuse the consumer of unauthorized connection or unauthorized consumption of electricity. Such actions are punishable by fines and disconnection of the consumer from the power grid (the procedure for subsequent connection is paid).

    Types of fillings

    Power engineers can use various types of seals in their work.

    Lead seals

    This type is used most often. A special wire is threaded into the unit to be sealed, and a lead seal is attached to it, pressing it with a numbered sealer.

    Plastic number seals

    Such seals have an individual number, so the electricity supplier keeps strict records. The seal is closed on a rotor system; it is impossible to open such a seal unnoticed; if you try, the special latch will be broken.

    Seals clamps

    These fillings are rarely used. This seal looks like a plastic clamp. The tip of the clamp is threaded into the bracket, in which it can only move in one direction. The seal can only be opened by breaking the clamp.

    Sealing stickers

    These are brightly colored stickers with the words “sealed, do not open.” If you remove this sticker, the inscription “tamper attempt” will appear on the seal.

    Anti-magnetic seal

    Unscrupulous citizens sometimes use a magnet to change the readings of an electricity meter. To protect the device from the effects of magnets, an antimagnetic seal is installed. This is a sticker with a magnetic suspension capsule in the middle. If a consumer tries to influence the electric meter using a magnet, the suspension particles will fill a special capsule, and this cannot be corrected.

    Responsibility for unauthorized connection to electrical networks - fine for illegal connection of electricity

    The stickers always have a number, a magnetic indicator and slots that increase sensitivity to attempts to peel off. If you remove the sticker, an indelible inscription will remain on the meter.

    When to use energy sales services

    This service is required:

    • If the meter has just been purchased and is being installed for the first time.
    • A decision was made to move the mentioned device to another location.
    • Removing the meter in case of malfunction.
    • If you need to repair switching equipment installed in the same panel under the same seal with the meter.

    There are 2 types of seals installed on electricity metering devices:

    1. From the manufacturer . The presence of such means the integrity and working condition of the device, passing all necessary tests, compliance with the passport accuracy of accounting and technical characteristics. In the absence of a passport, there is a risk of refusal by the energy supply organization to install and register a new meter, since the release and verification dates of the product are not indicated. The bolts of the meter body are secured with a proprietary seal. A wire threaded into the existing holes in the inspection cover prevents the penetration of electricity into the device. This filling can be internal or external. In any case, it should have the date of filling on it.
    2. A seal installed by the energy supply organization . It is attached to the terminal box. The terminals of the current transformer should also be sealed when installing it. In such cases, a plastic seal or a wire with a compressible lead seal is used. The most modern option is sealing stickers .

    Depending on the type, the filling is divided into:

    1. Lead , used most often. A wire is threaded into the unit to be sealed, to which the seal is attached.
    2. Plastic number seal . The energy sales company keeps strict number records for these. It will not be possible to open it unnoticed, since it is equipped with a rotary mechanism.
    3. Seal clamps . They are a plastic tape, the end of which is threaded into a bracket. This tape moves only in one direction, otherwise the clamp will be broken.
    4. Filling stickers of bright colors , when removed, about.
    5. Anti-magnetic seal . When the metering device is exposed to a magnet, the suspension located in the seal fills a special capsule.

    Instructions for sealing an electric meter

    Common people rarely face the issue of sealing an electricity meter, so questions often arise: how to do it correctly? Let's look at each stage in more detail to have a complete understanding of all the nuances.

    Contact the energy network and submit an application

    We have already found out that only a specialist from an energy sales company can put a seal. Accordingly, you need to contact the nearest branch. This must be done after installing the device, but no later than 30 days after installation.

    When visiting an energy supplier, you must submit an application for sealing of the electric meter, which should indicate:

    1. Personal information about the owner of the property.
    2. Address of the location of the object.
    3. Contact information.
    4. Subscriber's personal account number.
    5. Name of the metering device.
    6. Reason for installation: primary, replacement, transfer or due to faulty wiring.

    The application form can be obtained from the energy supply company or you can create it yourself.

    Personally visit Energosbyt

    After completing the application for sealing, the specialist will issue a receipt for payment for services, if the procedure is a paid one. After making the payment, you must return to the energy sales company and provide a copy of the payment document. Only after this the application will be accepted for processing.

    If possible, the time of arrival of specialists is agreed upon

    As soon as you have submitted an application and paid for sealing services, you can agree with your electricity supplier on the day and time of the technician’s arrival. If at the moment the specialist cannot give an exact date, then ask to call the contacts specified in the application.

    After the electricians arrive, observe their actions

    When an electrician arrives at your address, be sure to check his documents to ensure that the sealing is legal. It is advisable not to leave the specialist while he is carrying out work. Check the correct installation of the seal and the reliability of its fixation.

    Draw up a report: readings of the old and new meter

    Upon completion of the work, the electricity supplier’s employee draws up a commissioning report. It contains the following points:

    1. Date and time of sealing.
    2. Seal number.
    3. Name of the electricity meter, its serial number and accuracy class.
    4. Primary readings are taken for all tariffs at the installed control center.
    5. If the old device was dismantled, then the readings from it are also recorded.

    Before signing the document, be sure to check all the information included in it.

    Who must seal the electricity meter by law?

    1. Contact your grid service. RES, MES and so on. You can find out their address from payment receipts for electricity or look on the Internet for your area.
    2. Visit the representative office in person and write an application for a specialist.
    3. Agree on the arrival time of an electrician who will seal your device.
    4. Upon arrival of specialists, observe their actions. Make sure they connect everything correctly and install the seal. In general, the process takes no more than 10-20 minutes. If the device is electronic, installation will take a little longer, since additional configuration must be done through the computer.
    5. Draw up a seal installation report. You will be provided with all the necessary documents to sign. They confirm that everything that happened is legal and you will not be fined.
    6. You may have to go to the energy sales office again and draw up the necessary paperwork.

    Useful tips Connection diagrams Principles of operation of devices Main concepts Meters from Energomer Precautions Incandescent lamps Video instructions for the master Testing with a multimeter

    Classifications of fillings

    There are several types of seals on meters:

    • Primary - set by the manufacturer, has a certain validity period, which is indicated in the instructions and passport (4, 6, 8, 16 years).
    • Repeated – security seal of the service provider who recognized the electric meter as accepted for operation.
    • Factory ones.
    • Service provider seals.

    The work is carried out as planned (verification period has expired) or unscheduled: breakdown, suspicion of unaccounted energy consumption, meter relocation.

    There are seals on the protection device, but do not confuse them - they do not affect the authenticity of the electricity readings.

    Practical method: how to remove a plastic seal without damaging it

    If you have a meter installed that has automatic charging, then there will probably be a plastic seal installed on it. The technique for removing a plastic seal is almost the same as for a lead seal, but there are a number of differences.

    So, in order to correctly and accurately remove the plastic seal, first, using tweezers or a blade, you need to discreetly peel off the plastic strip that secures the seal to the meter. Next, you need to bend the end that was torn twice into a hook, 0.5-1 mm each. Using a needle or pin, pick out the entry point of the wire into the seal until it forms an oval, into which you can easily insert a bent hook. The oval hole should be located as deep as possible. Next we fuse the tip and clamp it. At first glance, everything looks quite simple and the problem can be solved with the help of a soldering iron, but this cannot be done without outside help, because in one hand there will be a seal, in the other, with the help of thin clamps, in common parlance, the “beaks” will have to be held wire, and use a soldering iron with a “third” hand.

    If we couldn’t find an assistant, then a regular cigarette inserted into our mouth will help us. Using its burning end, it will not be difficult to heat and push the wire. Next, while the plastic is still hot, as in the case of a lead seal, we apply rubber pieces on both sides of the seal

    We place two coins on the elastic bands and, using pliers (this is important, since it is the pliers and coins that will give uniform compression), we compress the resulting “sandwich.” The rubber bands act as a protector and minimize excess pressure, scratches and chips on the plastic.

    If everything is done correctly, the wire will be pressed to the very depth, and the bent end will prevent it from slipping out. Before using this technique, take a good look at the filling. Perhaps you were lucky and the inspector did not press it too hard, then there will be some play. If this is the case, then you will be able to pull the wire through even before the hook formation stage. The tip can be bent after, it will be even more reliable.

    What to do if fillings are accidentally damaged

    If the seal is broken or damaged accidentally, or the need to dismantle the meter with a broken seal is related to the elimination of an emergency situation, the homeowner must:

    • immediately notify the utility organization of this fact;
    • upon arrival of the inspector, draw up a report describing the circumstances of the violation and confirming the accidental nature of the damage;
    • submit an application for resealing and provide a water meter to install the seals.

    If during the inspection the accidental fact of damage to the seal of the device is confirmed, you should not be afraid of imposing penalties. You will only have to pay the cost of the water meter sealing procedure.

    To eliminate possible complications in the future, a statement reporting damage to the device protection must be submitted in writing. For the entire period of operation of the water meter from the moment of registration of the application to re-sealing, payment is made according to the calculated standards, taking into account the number registered in the apartment.

    The fact that the device is sealed is also confirmed by the relevant act, indicating the following information:

    • personal information of the consumer;
    • meter numbers;
    • number of the seal supplied;
    • dates of work.

    The sealing is free of charge only during the initial installation of the water meter. In other cases, the owner will have to pay for the work.

    The law establishes a period of 15 days during which the utility organization must send a representative to seal the meter. But in fact, the time required is within 4 - 5 days. If, after the expiration of the period specified by law, the work remains unfulfilled (through no fault of the owner), payment is permitted according to the readings of an unsealed meter.

    Cost of sealing

    Sealing of the electricity meter can be either free or paid for by the resident. The cost of installing a seal is not always paid by the consumer. Here it is important to understand what was the reason for the work. If the device has to be sealed at the request of the service provider, as is the case with the initial installation of a new one, or the replacement of an outdated electric meter on the initiative of Energosbyt, then no service fee is charged. When resealing, due to reasons beyond the control of the consumer - for example, failure of the meter or protection devices - you will have to pay for the services. You can find out the current prices for re-sealing your electricity meter from your electricity service provider.

    Types of fillings

    Depending on which organization installed the protection, the following types of sealing are distinguished:

    • factory - installed by the manufacturer to prevent the device from being opened;
    • utility companies - used by representatives of electricity suppliers to protect against theft of resources by the owner.

    In most cases, the owner does not need to remove factory seals. Most often, it is necessary to temporarily remove the protection of a utility organization. Electricity suppliers use the following types of seals:

    • lead - in the form of a washer made of this material, compressed on a wire connection passed through the terminal compartment cover through brackets specially equipped for this purpose;
    • plastic - equipped with individual numbers and installed similarly to lead;
    • clamps - in the form of a one-sided plastic device;
    • sealing stickers, including antimagnetic ones, designed to prevent the meter from being affected by a neodymium magnet. They are glued after removing the protective film from the surface on which the adhesive layer is applied.

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    The first ones listed are the most common. For installation, a special sealer is used, which, after compression, leaves an impression with an individual designation.

    The process of sealing an electricity meter

    It is important to remember that only a representative of the company providing electricity services can put a seal on the electricity meter. The owner or a hired electrician can independently install a switchboard, automatic machine, and carry out all the wiring in the house, but the installation process itself must be performed by authorized persons.

    So, to complete the necessary task, follow the following algorithm:

    1. Contact your grid service. RES, MES and so on. You can find out their address from payment receipts for electricity or look on the Internet for your area.
    2. Visit the representative office in person and write an application for a specialist.
    3. Agree on the arrival time of an electrician who will seal your device.
    4. Upon arrival of specialists, observe their actions. Make sure they connect everything correctly and install the seal. In general, the process takes no more than 10-20 minutes. If the device is electronic, installation will take a little longer, since additional configuration must be done through the computer.
    5. Draw up a seal installation report. You will be provided with all the necessary documents to sign. They confirm that everything that happened is legal and you will not be fined.
    6. You may have to go to the energy sales office again and draw up the necessary paperwork.

    Depending on the workload of the energy network company, the process will take from 3 days to a whole month.

    How are the fines determined?

    They depend on whose fault it was and how the breakdown occurred and why the damage occurred. The company responsible for the inspection takes the device for examination to determine the cause of the incident more accurately. No fines can be imposed on consumers if no irregularities in the operation of the device are detected.

    The average consumption of services for the year is the amount of penalties that are established if intentional damage was detected. Calculation may be based on the date of the last inspection.

    If serious violations in the operation of the device are detected, the calculations will be completely different. Consumers are charged the maximum daily household electricity consumption for all appliances. For each outlet, the calculation is made for an indicator of 600 kW. You can order an examination from a third party if the results of the inspection are not satisfactory.

    How to properly seal an electricity meter

    Seal on the electric meter

    Usually the seal is installed by the management company, but it’s still worth understanding this process, which is long for many:

    1. Drawing up an installation diagram indicating the type of fixation, fasteners, etc.
    2. Inspection of meter fixation, correctness, quality of connections, phase distribution.
    3. Installation of a seal.

    Before and after sealing the meter, it is recommended to perform the following steps:

    1. Take photographs of the connections under the meter cover and sign the date of shooting. This photo should be attached to the contract with the energy sector, as well as to the electric meter passport.
    2. Attach a connection diagram to the agreement with the power engineers
    3. Check the markings of each wire
    4. Take photographs of each seal on the meter, it is recommended to sign the date of shooting
    5. Check the numbers on the seals and in the contract.

    If the meter is sealed by the manufacturer, then access to the inside of the device is prohibited, but you should still take photographs of the seals and compare their data with the passport data.

    The seal is a wire loop with a plastic material bearing the mark of the organization installing the seal on this meter.

    How to seal a water meter?

    Putting a seal on the water meter is not the biggest problem . The master of the City Center for Accounting and Saving of Resources will do this within the framework of current legislation quickly and efficiently. The question is different. Every owner of machinery must remember that the units must be maintained.

    If you need to have a water device sealed in Moscow, submit an application to the State Center for Electrical and Electrical Repairs. During installation, sealing is done free of charge. You will have to pay a small amount for a separate operation. But every owner must remember that measuring equipment requires care.

    Verifications are carried out at certain intervals. For meters that control hot water, after installation, diagnostics are carried out every four years. The load on the cold meter is less. It must be verified every six years.

    Types of seals for electric meters

    To seal electricity meters, two types of seals are used, namely:

    Electric meter manufacturer's seal

    The first sealing confirms the mechanical integrity and operability of the electric meter, as well as the compliance of the metering device with the characteristics stated in the technical data sheet of the product. Factory sealing can be done in different ways:

    • One option is adhesive polymer tape with a holographic sign. This tape connects the body of the metering device to the cover;
    • Another option: the seal is placed on the head of the bolt holding the body together;
    • In old-style meters, the sealing is done with a wire, which is passed through the eyes of the cap with an inspection window.

    Service Provider Seal

    The second sealing is performed during the commissioning of the electricity meter. This procedure is carried out by energy sales authorities at the moment when the electric meter is put on balance. The inspector of the controlling organization is required to install the seal before putting the electricity consumption meter into operation. It should be noted that the power supply organization places seals exclusively on the terminal connector covers, which are the connection points for the phase and ground wires of the power line. If the meter is connected through current transformers, then seals are placed both on the terminal boxes and at the point of contact with the (grounding) bus.

    Sealing can be carried out in the traditional way - using wire and a lead or plastic seal, as well as using red adhesive tape, which indicates the date of sealing and the code of the organization that performed it.

    Types and methods of installing fillings

    There are two types of seals for electricity meters:

    1. Seals installed by the meter manufacturer. Its presence means that it is not mechanically damaged, is operational, has been tested, and also meets the passport accounting accuracy and characteristics. If there is no passport, then theoretically Energosbyt may refuse to install and register a new meter, since there will be no information about verification and production date. The factory seal may secure the mounting bolts of the device body. Using a wire threaded through special holes in the inspection cover, penetration into the electricity meter mechanism is prevented.

    2. A seal installed by the electricity supplier. Installed on the safety cover of the phase and ground wire connection terminals. If a current transformer is installed, its terminals, including the ground connection, must be sealed. To do this, you can use a wire with a compressible lead seal or a plastic seal. It will also be convenient to use stickers for sealing, as in the photo below.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that it is necessary to correctly determine for what purpose and on whose initiative the electricity meter must be sealed - the amount of money spent, as well as precious time, depends on this. Knowledge of laws and legal regulations will help you avoid fines and disconnection from the network.

    It will be useful to read:

    • At whose expense is the electric meter replaced?
    • What to do if the power is turned off due to debts
    • How to legally pay less for electricity

    Material taken from the site: ​​​​

    How to seal an electric meter in Moscow and the region?

    Before sealing an electricity meter in the Moscow region and Moscow, you must:

    1. To install the equipment, it is recommended to contact a management or sales company, whose employee will correctly install and connect the electricity meter.
    2. Carry out a visual check of the electric meter and contact plates, which should not prevent the lid from locking. The owners take photographs of the equipment; the photograph is attached to the technical passport and confirms the original condition of the device. The photo should show the factory seal and the readings of the counting mechanism.
    3. Draw up a connection diagram indicating phase and grounding, which may be required when connecting additional cables. When drawing up an agreement with a sales organization, a diagram is not required.

    Primary filling

    Primary sealing of the electric meter is performed according to the following algorithm:

    1. The owner needs to find out where to go regarding the installation of seals. The details and name of the organization providing the house with electricity are indicated in the invoices for payment.
    2. Fill out an application for the need to seal the electric meter by contacting the sales company office. You must have a passport or power of attorney from the owner of the apartment to carry out actions. The documents require the correct number and model of the electricity meter, but the contract does not fill in the field for the time and date of installation of the seals.
    3. Monitor the progress of work. If a multi-tariff device is used, then it is necessary to program the device and then seal the electric meter.
    4. Sign the certificate of completion of work, having previously read the contents of the document. The owner's signature means agreement with all points of the agreement. The procedure is similar for sealing an electric meter in the Moscow region and other regions of the Russian Federation.


    Rules for re-sealing an electric meter in Moscow and the Moscow region:

    1. Before sealing the electric meter, it is necessary to replace the equipment and call a representative of the management company. The employee will find out why and why a new device was installed, check it and record the readings.
    2. Contact the office of the sales company to pay for the service; a specialist can seal the electric meter only after paying the bill.
    3. After making the payment, you must contact the management company, which will set a date for the work. After the electric meter is sealed, a document is signed indicating the readings of the device and the serial number.
    4. Sign the act at the management company and submit the document to the cash settlement center for recalculation of payment.

    Documents to be processed

    The apartment owner needs to know what documents are drawn up when sealing electricity meters:

    • If it is necessary to seal the electric meter for the first time, then a certificate of completion of work is drawn up indicating the name of the sales company, device model, installation date and seal number.
    • If it is necessary to seal the electric meter a second time, then the report additionally indicates the readings of the old and new devices, as well as the date of registration.

    You can download a sample act here.


    To re-seal the electricity meter, if the owner himself wishes to replace the meter with a new, modern electricity meter, adhere to the following procedure:

    1. Contact your local electricity service provider.
    2. Submit a written application (you can find out what documents are needed from the supplier).
    3. Agree on the time and timing of the work. By the way, the timing of sealing the electric meter is not regulated, but it should not exceed one month. This time is calculated from the date of installation of the meter and your writing of an application for sealing the electric meter (clause 81 of the “Rules for the Provision of Utilities”).
    4. Pay the received check with bank details at the branch where payments are accepted.

    Upon completion, an employee of the organization will draw up a report on the work performed, which will indicate the current readings of the old and new metering devices, installation location, date, and name of the organization that carried out the work.

    We also recommend that you read the instructions on how to seal the input machine in the panel!

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