How to Wind Up a Mercury 201 Electricity Meter Possible risks

turn up kilowatts

Actually, how to increase kilowatts on an electricity meter?
Please don’t ask why this is necessary, I’ll just say that you need to generate about 6 tons of kW. put a heater at home

Here is an example: Electric stove with a capacity of 2 kW. electric stove oven 4Kv + 3 burners 1-1.5Kv each (4th burner is not included since the oven works) turns well too + the wiring pulls without problems

But I’m interested in the reverse process, it’s not the law... if you get caught, you’ll pay an order of magnitude more

But I’m interested in the reverse process, can anyone enlighten me?

Ask electricians, there are a lot of different circuits. But LISa-31 said it right, it is very fraught, but now they have learned to catch it. It’s better to use energy-saving technologies, I’m not talking about CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) - bullshit.

Most meters are designed for 50A, i.e. 50x220 = 11 kW, to generate 6000 kWh you need 6000/(11*24) = 22.72 (23) days, this is ideal if everything is sealed and only through the load.

There are many more meters for 5A, 30A, so it will take even longer to wind them

Isn’t it easier to remove it and take it there for verification and they will charge you how much you need, if you are only interested in numbers.

And if you want to improve the situation, that is, to compensate for what was undone or something else, then such things are not decided on the Internet, but in person with specific people.

And in general, these games don't smell very good right now.

What to do if the electric meter generates a lot of electricity

Residents of city apartments and owners of private real estate have to face the problem when the electricity meter fluctuates a lot. At the same time, the number of consumers did not increase, and the intensity of their exploitation remained at the same level. Accident in such coincidences is excluded; all events have reasons and technical grounds. To figure out why the electric meter is shaking a lot, you need to study the causes of this phenomenon and how to eliminate them. This will avoid large bills for energy that people did not use.

Basic and additional characteristics

The single-phase electronic meter Mercury 201 has 7 modifications: from 201.2 to 201.8, differing in the value of the rated and starting current, power consumption, method of data display, operating temperature range, number of modules, dimensions and weight. The remaining indicators of devices in this series are the same.

The Mercury 201 meter with a remote control allows you to save up to 50% of electricity.

Externally, the remote control is similar to a car alarm key fob and allows you to control the operation of the device from a distance of up to 50 m.

To select an economical operating option, you need to turn on the remote control in undercounting mode. It is advisable to pay attention to the number of blinks of the indicator when the counter switches. There should be from 3 to 30. The device works normally if after 2 and 3 flashes of the indicator the counting mechanism remains in place.

The microcontroller is set to a frequency of 315 MHz, which allows it to operate without failures.

When the saving function is disabled, the meter operates in factory mode.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

SIMPLE Connection diagram for a Mercury 201 meter This is in cases where the meter malfunctions, when its readings no longer correspond to the actual electricity consumption, the owner of the house or apartment has to overpay for utilities. Ask, I'm in touch!

Reasons for distortion of real electric meter readings

The increase in electricity consumption may have objective and subjective prerequisites.

Conventionally, the reasons for overspending can be divided into the following groups:

  • Seasonal. These include a longer operating period for lighting fixtures in winter, and more time is spent heating cold water in the boiler. In an effort to warm up, a person drinks more tea and takes hot baths. In the summer heat, air conditioners are turned on, chest freezers and refrigerators are turned on more often.
  • Replacement of equipment. Devices with disks do not respond to light loads. In contrast, electronic devices count all types of consumption that exist in the room. The difference can reach up to 20-30%.
  • Counter quality. Energy companies purchase both domestic and foreign equipment manufactured in China. In the second case, the consumer is dealing with low-quality products that have unstable parameters.

Changes in readings when trying to influence the meter

When the electricity meter winds up a lot, the reason for this may be its incorrect calibration. It is produced on the basis of the energy company after receiving a batch of products or before its installation at consumers. Incorrect values ​​may be set either accidentally due to personnel error or deliberately in order to obtain additional profit. This is illegal, but also unprovable, since the device can only be checked by specialists from the supplier. It is prohibited to independently break the seal and submit the metering device to an independent laboratory.

In turn, a private individual tries to turn the situation in his favor through various options for influencing the counter:

  • Magnet installation. This device does not always give the desired effect, since it must be correctly installed on the body. In addition, if a counterfeit is used, the meter can wind up twice or three times the nominal value and even fail. All this is fraught with major material damage.
  • Wheel braking in an inductive device. To do this, a thin hole is drilled in its body into which a wire, needle or awl is inserted. Before the inspector’s visit, the insert is removed, the hole is sealed with plasticine and masked with dust. The method is effective, but dangerous in all respects.

All attempts to influence the metering device are a violation of the agreement concluded by the parties and the current legislation. If they are detected, a large fine is imposed on the property owner.

Video “How to stop any counter”

It is best to secure a neodymium magnet with double-sided tape at the recommended point, or find it experimentally. Typically, neodymium elements are offered to the buyer in sizes 45x25 and 50x20 millimeters. The size 50x20 mm is usually used to bypass the protection system of Mercury 201, 231 meters or Energy meters CE 101. For these models, this size is optimal.

To stop the Energy Meter CE 101, you can use other methods. For this you need a special electronic frequency converter. It can be selected based on the model installed in your home. You will have the opportunity to choose a frequency generator that works on the principle of frequencies and pulses.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Do-it-yourself repair of the Mercury 201 electric meter - Yacht Club Ost-West Direct, or immediate, connection of the meter in question to the electrical network is carried out directly through input machines. Ask, I'm in touch!

Features of electricity meters

Based on the principle of operation, products are divided into the following categories:

  1. Mechanical (induction). Current and voltage coils are installed in the housing. When current passes through them, a magnetic field is created that rotates the disk, connected through gears to a digital sensor. The rotation speed is proportional to the power consumption. The advantage of the devices is their reliability and affordable price. The disadvantage is that they do not record low consumption.
  2. Electronic. They measure the parameters of the passing current directly, storing them in memory. After which the sensor is screwed on. They are small in size, highly accurate and protected from external interference. The disadvantages are sensitivity to electricity parameters and high cost.

To avoid losses, energy companies are making large-scale purchases and replacing mechanical devices with electronic ones.

How to prevent the electric meter from shaking?

Using a reed switch to deceive the electric meter Let's consider the option when you can deceive the electric meter when installing a new electrical energy meter. Before checking it, it is enough to make small changes to the electrical voltage control circuit located in the device.

  1. We disassemble the electric meter, from which the protective seals have been carefully removed.
  2. We find the voltage control coil: it is connected to the rightmost terminal. We make a gap between the terminal and the voltage coil itself.
  3. We solder a reed switch with normally closed contacts into the gap we made.

Manufacturers of devices that allow you to control electricity consumption produce 2 main types of meters on the market:

  1. Static or electronic. Inside static devices there are many electronic and microprocessor boards
  2. Induction. More outdated brands. Their operating mechanism is based on the generation of current and polarization.

Three-phase metering: contrary to the popular belief that it is impossible to “rewind” a three-phase meter, in our practice we discovered this method, which we ourselves could not believe, but this is a fact, and he is a very stubborn scoundrel.

Pay for electricity on time to avoid debt and penalties. The receipt always indicates the deadline by which payments must be made. If you did not manage to submit your readings on time, then accruals will occur according to the average monthly consumption rate.

Therefore, it is better to make a transformer so that you can rewind the meter at night, and during the day let the electric meter work as it should. Transformer circuit for unwinding the electric meter.

Later I met a former laboratory worker who checked electricity meters. He gave me an answer as to why the laboratory then gave a negative answer. The answer was, what do you think? Yes, yes, it was all because of that illegal rewinding of the counter!

The optimal size is 50x20mm. The joy is that no violation of the integrity of the case is required, just as there is no need to interfere with the inside of the device.

Changing meter readings by interfering with the operation of equipment is fraught with consequences, but they can be reduced in a completely legal way. An electric stove puts a significant load on the network; experts recommend using modern induction models that heat up quickly and do not waste excess electrical energy.

Savings 30,60,100%. One or more transformers can be damaged. Hammer a thin nail (then remove it) into an inconspicuous place on the transformer, which will violate the integrity of its measuring winding. Save 30% from one broken trans.

The Mercury 201 meter is produced and used to account for energy consumption in single-phase networks using alternating current, with a network voltage of 220V. It is used in private buildings, garages, apartments. It can be used either alone or in combination with other systems for commercial and technological energy calculations.

An interesting, borderline option, between the already old and prohibited, and the new, but not so complex, are meters like Mercury 201.

Mercury 201 takes into account light using the “modulo” method. This makes it possible to connect a Mercury meter using reverse current polarity, which will not affect the readings in any way. It becomes possible to connect the neutral to the phase terminal and vice versa. The manufacturer still recommends connecting the metering device in accordance with the attached diagram, which is quite simple.

The most common causes of failures

The most common causes of meter reading failures are as follows:

  • depreciation of equipment;
  • incorrect wiring made in the input panel;
  • failure of some parts due to exposure to low or high voltage;
  • prolonged work with increased load, which leads to overheating and combustion of some elements;
  • an attempt to independently influence the device with a strong magnetic field, causing a violation of the correctness of its circuit.

If none of these events occurred, the source of the problem may lie in a manufacturing defect or external influence.

What to do if the electricity meter in a private house does not work, where to go

  • The situation is similar when using a water heating tank - with a full boiler and an open riser, there is a possibility that hot water will flow through the mixer into the cold water supply system. With proper installation of the boiler, this can be avoided.
  • Error when installing the water meter. On the body of the device there is a symbol in the form of an arrow indicating in which direction the water flow passing through the meter should be directed. Sometimes owners install a water meter themselves, without having sufficient experience to perform such work. As a result, the housing is often placed in the opposite direction, which leads to improper operation of the product.
  • Structural wear of water meter elements.
  • There is no check valve; some owners, when installing the meter, forget about it.

What to do if the readings are too high

If you notice an increase in your normal electricity consumption readings, take the following steps:

  • turn off household appliances that are used occasionally;
  • descale heating elements in the boiler and washing machine;
  • check the common panel for illegal connections;
  • disassemble and inspect sockets located on adjacent walls for the same purpose;
  • install a meter that takes into account reactive power.

How to check that the meter is moving more

According to state regulations and manufacturer's requirements, electricity meters are required to undergo regular verification by a specialized organization to ensure serviceability and correctness of data recording. The frequency of verification is determined by the manufacturer’s requirements, shown in the device passport.

If verification is overdue, the meter readings are invalidated, and the consumer’s electricity bill is assigned based on current standards. This situation is also typical for devices in the case of:

  • presence of mechanical damage;
  • damage to the seal or inability to verify its integrity;
  • lack of output of measurement results;
  • exceeding the permissible error, according to the established accuracy class;
  • expiration of the standard service life.

Reasons and solution for overestimation

Overestimation of electricity meter readings can be caused by the following reasons:

  • incorrect connection;
  • self-propelled;
  • high error;
  • magnetization of the meter;
  • illegal connection of neighbors.

Let's take a closer look at ways to check each of the listed reasons.

Incorrect connection

It is important to ensure that the meter is connected correctly. To do this, you need to find a connection diagram. It is usually displayed on the terminal compartment cover of the device. The diagram is also given in the passport. If the image on the product itself cannot be read, and the passport documentation is lost, the diagram can be found on the Internet by entering the brand of the device in a search engine.

After the diagram is found, it is necessary to compare it with the actual connection. Phase and neutral wires are identified using an indicator in the form of a screwdriver or a more complex device.

If an incorrect connection is detected, the error must be corrected. Considering that this will require removing the seal of the controlling organization, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application, indicating the presence of the problem.

Self-propelled gun

To exclude self-propelled guns, you must:

  1. Disconnect all consumers in the apartment.
  2. Observe the behavior of the electric meter for 15 minutes.

According to current regulations, in this situation it is allowed:

  • making one revolution of the disk at an induction device;
  • one-time activation of a light indicator displaying the intensity of energy consumption.

If the disk continues to rotate and the warning light continues to flash, action must be taken.

Exceeding the error

The metering device must accurately calculate the actual consumption, within the limits of the error established by the standards and the passport. To check the accuracy of the accounting, you must:

  • ensure the accuracy of time measurements during the inspection;
  • calculate consumption by leaving the equipment turned on with the exact consumption of resources;
  • use serviceable and accurate instruments and tools.

Without forgetting the need to comply with safety measures aimed at preventing electric shock, you should begin checking:

  • the network voltage and current are measured, respectively in volts and amperes;
  • after multiplying the results obtained, the power value in kVA is calculated;
  • all equipment is turned off so that only control devices remain;
  • using a stopwatch, time is recorded for 10 revolutions of the disk or a similar number of indicator signals;
  • the duration of one revolution or pulse is calculated by dividing by 10;
  • the number of revolutions or pulse signals is determined, constituting the value of the gear ratio. This data can be found from the markings on the meter panel or in its passport;
  • the error is calculated by calculation.

The following formula is used for calculation:

Δ = (Р×t×N/3600 – 1)×100, in which:

  • Δ – error value, in percentage terms;
  • P – power value, kW;
  • t – time interval of one revolution of the disk or indicator pulse;
  • N – gear ratio of the meter.

Possible consequences

If the fact that the device is operating in the opposite direction is established by representatives of the utility organization, the consumer cannot avoid unexpected expenses.

  • An administrative fine of up to 10,000 rubles may be imposed for the theft of energy resources.
  • In addition, you will have to pay the amount calculated according to the standards for the period from the previous inspection of the device.
  • If it is proven that there was theft of resources, criminal prosecution may be imposed, providing for a fine of up to 300,000 rubles or imprisonment.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the operation of individual metering devices, immediately notifying the management company or energy suppliers if it is detected that the meter is rotating in the opposite direction or any other malfunction indicating deviations from the correct readings.

Useful tips Connection diagrams Principles of operation of devices Main concepts Meters from Energomer Precautions Incandescent lamps Video instructions for the master Testing with a multimeter

What to do if the readings are distorted

If the owner cannot determine the reason for the overstatement of the readings on his own, he can contact a specialized expert organization and order an independent examination.

Experts will perform the following work:

  • inspect the condition of electrical wiring and equipment;
  • test and measure the insulation resistance value;
  • test and check the total power of consuming devices;
  • check the meter error value.

The results of the work will be documented in the appropriate expert opinion.

After accurately identifying the reason for the distortion of measurement results (either on your own or with the involvement of experts), you must contact the resource supplier, pointing out the incorrect display of the electric meter readings.

After the visit of representatives of Energosbyt, the meter is removed and sent for an extraordinary verification, with the drawing up of a corresponding report. Further actions depend on the verification results. If possible, the problem is corrected. Otherwise, you will need to purchase and install a new electric meter.

Timely measures taken will help the consumer save their money and ensure accurate accounting of consumed resources.

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