How to move an electricity meter from the entrance to the apartment

What to do after the transfer

Installation of the device at a new place of operation is carried out by a representative of energy sales. But the owner of the site needs to ensure that the device is put into operation correctly and that all necessary documents are completed:

  1. In order for the meter to be put into operation, you need to submit an application to the energy company. It indicates the consumer’s passport details, his contacts, and the number of the contract with the supplier.
  2. A company representative will fill out the documents and indicate the arrival time of the specialist to install the seal. The first sealing should be free.
  3. After putting the meter into operation, you need to make sure that it is reliably protected by a special shield with a transparent window for reading readings.

Where can I install the measuring device?

It is possible, and in some cases necessary, to replace an electricity measuring device, taking into account the requirements for the new location:

  1. The device can be located in an electrical cabinet, on a panel or panel, the basis of which is a rigid structure.
  2. The metering device is installed at a distance from the ground of 0.8-1.7 m.
  3. If the electric meter is installed in an area that is easily polluted or may be subject to the harmful effects of precipitation and wind, then it is necessary to protect the unit by constructing a box. The box must be tightly locked with a key.
  4. The location of the meter should be convenient for a specialist who takes monthly energy consumption readings. It is also possible to transfer the device to an area that is not difficult to service if the device breaks down.
  5. The cable that enters the product body must correspond to the cross-section fixed for trouble-free supply.
  6. The electrician connects the cables so that there are no solders or twists on the input wire. By law, such defects are unacceptable and may prevent the correct calculation of kilowatts used.
  7. Fastening is carried out strictly in a vertical position. Deviation of no more than 1 degree is allowed.

requirements for the location of the panel on the wall

I remember a rule that goes something like this (I read it somewhere, but forgot where): from the floor to the top edge of the shield there should be no more than 2 m and from the floor to the topmost object in the shield - no more than 1.9 m

Where could this be written, please remind me (as soon as possible)? or did I mess something up?

Well, or in general, where are the requirements for the location of the shield on the wall?

Well, somewhere it should be said that the shield cannot be placed too high, diagonally, with the door inside the wall

and so on.

There is something missing in the Pue, perhaps there is some kind of guest?

Will your shield be with or without a meter? For example, I have it hanging on a support about four meters from the ground.

When I bought the house, the meter and plugs were almost hanging from the ceiling. To look at the readings and change. if you needed a traffic jam, you had to climb onto the tambourette. Not convenient. I replaced all this with a normal cabinet with a counter and automatic machines. When I reported this to the energy sales office, they praised me and allowed me to do it with all sorts of encouragement. I read in some book that the bottom of the counter is no higher than 170 cm from the floor. I asked the power supply company what height to hang it at. A figure of 170 cm was named, but a little higher is possible. The main thing is that the guy with the ice cream doesn’t start swearing, which is too high for him. That's what I did. The counter itself is at head level, the input machine is separate at a height of approximately 200 cm. There were no complaints.

Why is it not profitable to install a meter on poles?

  • Indoors, without exposure to cold or hot air, the device gives more accurate readings. The error of street meters, compared to home ones, can reach 10%. Considering the high cost of electricity for consumers, the amount to pay for electricity increases significantly.
  • A meter that was installed on a pole will fail faster and will last a shorter time.
  • Dust, humid air, wind, hail - all these natural factors cannot but affect the operation of the device. With this arrangement, electricity meters more often require repairs, and the accuracy of the indicators is often lost.
  • When the meter is installed on the street, you need to monitor it. After all, even from hooligan motives, someone can damage the device, and theft is not excluded, despite reliable fastening and connection to the electrical network.
  • Energy companies force people to install electricity meters on the street, often counting on additional profits. After all, if the meter breaks down or completely fails, the consumer needs to pay for a new control device, a new installation, a new seal.
  • Also interested in the fact that electricity meters in the sector of private houses, dachas, and garden plots are located on transmission line supports are also those companies that sell meters and check them.

There are many reasons for concern among owners of plots in holiday villages, gardening partnerships, and in the private sector. And therefore the question is whether the requirement to move the electric meter outside the house and even the yard is legal.

The procedure for moving an electric meter in an apartment

In case of detection of defects or deviations of the meter from normal operation).

  • The owner’s own desire (does not like the design or has a desire to switch to multi-tariff metering of energy consumption).
  • Step-by-step instructions Procedure for replacing the meter.
  1. You write a statement to the regional structure of Energosbyt with a request to carry out this action. It is submitted on the basis of a document on ownership of the living space and a passport. You can submit either in person or online.
  2. Based on your application, a work order form is issued.
  3. The same organization will advise you on the meter model - which one is right for you - depending on which tariff plan you choose, according to your financial capabilities.

How to move an electric meter during redevelopment

Relocating an electricity meter is a common procedure during redevelopment or renovation of a house, office building, store or other structure. Is it possible to change the installation location of the meter without approvals and permits? Let's figure it out.

Rules for electrical installations

It is possible to change the location of the electricity meter at the request of the owner of an apartment, house or non-residential premises only if the transfer does not contradict the PUE approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2002 N 204.

To resolve the issue of moving an electricity meter, you must submit a corresponding written application addressed to the head of the district energy sales department. After this, a specialist will come to your apartment or house and give an opinion on whether it is possible to move the electric meter.

If such a possibility exists and if this does not contradict the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules, specialists from the organization supplying you with electricity carry out work to change the location of the meter.

Basic requirements for installation sites for electricity meters

  1. Meters, according to the requirements of regulatory documents, must be located in dry rooms that are easily accessible for maintenance, in a place that is sufficiently free and not cramped for work, with a temperature in winter not lower than 0oC.
  2. Meters of general industrial design are not allowed to be installed in rooms where, due to production conditions, the temperature can often exceed +40oC, as well as in rooms with aggressive environments.
  3. It is allowed to place meters in unheated rooms and corridors of switchgears of power plants and substations, as well as in outdoor cabinets.
    In this case, provision should be made for their stationary insulation for the winter through insulating cabinets, hoods with heating of the air inside them with an electric lamp or heating element to ensure a positive temperature inside the hood, but not higher than +20oC.
  4. Meters must be installed in cabinets, chambers of complete switchgears (KRU, KRUN), on panels, switchboards, in niches, on walls with a rigid structure.
  5. It is allowed to mount meters on wooden, plastic or metal panels.
  6. The height from the floor to the meter terminal box should be in the range of 0.8 - 1.7 m. A height of less than 0.8 m is allowed.
  7. Calculation means for accounting for electrical energy should be installed at the boundaries of operational responsibility between consumers and the power transmission organization: at the inputs of the ASU, main switchboard and at the low-voltage inputs of power transformers TP, the power of which is fully used by consumers of the buildings, as well as at the inputs to apartments of residential buildings.
  8. Calculation methods for accounting for electrical energy must be established in such a way that, in order to control the level of electrical energy consumption, ensure the technical and physical capabilities of uninterrupted access to them by responsible employees of Gosenergonadzor, the supplier of electrical energy, the power transmission organization and the consumer of electrical energy.
  9. For safe installation and replacement of meters in networks with voltages up to 380 V, it must be possible to turn off the meter by a switching device or fuses installed before it at a distance of no more than 10 meters. Voltage relief must be provided from all phases connected to the meter.

When changing the installation location of the electric meter, it is necessary to make adjustments to the existing power supply design of the building.

Redevelopment of the power supply system

If, in addition to changing the location of the meter, you want to change the electrical wiring, its circuit, etc., then it is worth remembering that according to the PUE it is necessary:

  • replace two-wire wiring with three-wire wiring;
  • installation of additional devices is possible only with the installation of equipment that increases the electrical safety of the building or premises.

If you want to increase the electrical capabilities of your premises or building, then you will need additional power, the obtaining and installation of which requires approval and permission from the same supply organization.

Our company will not only help you install the meter, but will also design and coordinate a new power supply system for your needs. We also provide certification services for building facades. Call!

How to install an electric meter correctly

For safe self-installation and replacement of meters in networks with voltages up to 380 V, it must be possible to turn off the meter by switching devices or fuses installed before it at a distance of no more than 10 m. Voltage relief must be provided from all phases connected to the meter.

The designs and dimensions of cabinets, niches, panels, etc. should provide convenient access to the terminals of meters and current transformers. In addition, it must be possible to conveniently replace the meter and install it with a slope of no more than 1°. The design of its fastening must ensure the possibility of installing and removing the meter from the front side.

Beware, scammers!

Not everyone understands the meaning and order of innovations. And scammers take advantage of this. They try to impose paid services on apartment owners.

Now the service organization notifies the owners in writing about the need to replace the old electric meter, which has reached the end of its service life, with a new one.

It’s easy to buy a database of owners with electric meter data on the Internet. Fraudsters call clients by manipulating laws. The main goal of scammers is to force the owner to change the device at his own expense.

They often go around apartments and, using intimidation with large fines, force them to change a working electric meter. Draw up a contract for the sale of an electric meter and services for its replacement. They take money. To install the seal, it is recommended to contact the energy sales service.

It is impossible to sue for unauthorized actions of a third party. The owner signs contracts and pays for purchased equipment and services voluntarily.

If the owner is forced to provide a service to replace the electric meter, you need to call the organization and find out whether specialists have been sent to your address.

Electrical supply

Before installing an electric meter in a private house on the street or indoors, a set of measures must be completed that are necessary for laying wires to the site. Of course, if there is no electricity. The legislation allows for water supply even if there are no buildings on the territory yet. However, in this case, the owner must have permission for individual housing construction, and the land must have the appropriate status.

How to connect electricity to a private house? First you need to collect documents to obtain a permit. The package must include title papers, a citizen’s passport, a site plan and a diagram of the location of power lines. Then you should make a corresponding statement.

All documents are submitted to the energy supplier. He is obliged to consider the application within a month and give a response. If it is positive, the technical work to complete the task begins. When the distribution point is located near the site, electricity can be installed in a private house relatively quickly. This will take about a couple of months. And when the wires have already been laid, you can start purchasing a meter and find out the rules for its installation.

Is it possible to replace electric meters yourself?

You can replace the electricity meter yourself, or you can contact your electricity supplier. It is advisable to buy a new device from a service organization that supplies electricity. Such a product is guaranteed to be certified, it will work and meet the required characteristics.

In the apartment

If the client purchased the meter on his own, the device must be returned to Mosenergosbyt for subsequent examination to ensure serviceability and correct operation. Once the meter is approved, begin the self-installation process.

In a private house

The rules and instructions for changing the electric meter in a private house are similar to the recommendations for apartment buildings.

Who should change the meter and at whose expense

Until recently, the responsibility for replacing the electric meter rested with the owner. However, on July 1, 2022, Government Decree No. 554 of April 18, 2020 “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on improving the organization of electrical energy metering” came into force.

In case of installation of new equipment, it is recommended to install modern intelligent electricity metering devices. But not everything is so simple.

First of all, meters that have failed or whose service life has expired are subject to free replacement. In addition, owners who do not have electricity meters for one reason or another have the right to free installation of electricity meters.

At the same time, electric meters will be replaced with smart devices. Installation of such meters is beneficial for resource supply organizations. Therefore, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the Federal Law No. 422 dated May 4, 2012, which stipulates who should pay for the acquisition, installation and commissioning of automated control systems.

  • The law formulates the concepts of “intelligent accounting system” and defines how to understand “fully independent”, “automated” and “remote system”;
  • The deadlines for the transition to an intelligent accounting system have been determined, which allows you to independently collect data and transmit it remotely to the dispatcher according to a specific schedule;
  • The costs of technical re-equipment are borne by resource-supplying and supplying organizations. Moreover, expenses are prohibited from being included in tariffs;
  • Provision is made for the gradual replacement of electricity meters as they fail, their service life expires, or the calibration interval expires. All new buildings put into operation must be equipped with smart electricity meters.

That is, service organizations are obliged to change the electricity meter in the apartment, entrance, or staircase themselves. At the same time, they should not worry whether a meter is installed in a privatized or non-privatized apartment or whether it provides electricity metering in a private house. The owner does not have to buy the device and pay for its installation.

What are smart meters

Such telemetry devices themselves transmit data to utility companies via the Internet. They can be integrated into any electricity metering system.

At the same time, smart electricity meters provide:

  • Primary collection of information about consumed electricity.
  • Accumulate and store data.
  • Transmit information via communication channels to the energy supply organization. For this purpose, wired or wireless communication channels are used.
  • They have the ability to cut off electricity to the consumer or limit consumption. This function is used for persistent defaulters.
  • Transmission of operational information about the state of the network, the occurrence of an emergency or other malfunction.
  • If there is a break-in attempt, failure, exposure to a magnetic field, or illegal connection, it automatically reports this to the dispatcher.
  • Inform the owner about his outstanding payments;
  • They remotely change the tariff plan according to a given algorithm.

Rules for transferring an electric meter

If there is a need to move the meter to a new location, dismantling, moving and installation work should first be agreed upon with the management company. It is necessary to contact Energonadzor and write a statement in which you should justify the reason for the transfer of the product.

Next, electricity meters are installed where permitted by law. On a new site in households or outside the boundaries of a private house, it will be sealed again. To do this, you need to write a second application.

Difficulties may arise when moving the device from the landing to an apartment in a multi-story building. The device can be installed if its new location is recorded in the design and estimate documentation.

If there is no such area on the diagram, the resident will have to draw up and submit his own project to the experts of the regulatory service. Moreover, its development is paid for with the applicant’s personal funds.

Having received the necessary permission, you can begin unsealing, transferring and final installation of the device. There is no need to contact a Housing Authority electrician for installation. You can do it on your own.

But the sealing is carried out by a specialist with the necessary qualifications. If he works privately, he must have a license to perform the relevant work.

The choice of an electrician falls on the shoulders of the owner of the apartment or house. If the electrician does not have the necessary qualifications, not only he, but also the customer is responsible for illegal actions in installing the device.

As a result of the transfer of the metering device, the owner receives 2 certificates of completion of the procedure - about unsealing and sealing. The work of Electronadzor specialists must be paid in advance, before they leave for the apartment.

Carrying out work on moving the electrical panel

The electrical switch that supplies electricity is usually located in a single panel on a common area. This often brings inconvenience. Placing a panel with machine guns in your living space is more convenient for many.

To transfer the shield from the site, it is necessary to develop technical documentation and coordinate the project with regulatory organizations. This will be done by Yudu performers who know how to correctly move an electrical panel. Specialists perform the following tasks:

  • calculations (in accordance with the parameters of the installed machines and the characteristics of the electrical wiring)
  • transferring a panel with machine guns to an apartment of any size

  • dismantling the batch switch, old automatic power supply, wires and plugs
  • installation of a new machine in your apartment
  • installation of a protective grounding device, as well as an overvoltage relay (for protection against power surges in the network)

Yudu performers are highly qualified and have extensive experience. Masters will be able to quickly install any machine using special equipment. The performers have all the consumables to move any electrical panels from the entrance. The selected contractor will draw up a project for moving the electrical panel, taking into account the peculiarities of load distribution. Professionals will carry out the transfer of electrical panels from the staircase landing efficiently and quickly.

Relocating an electrical panel in a house or apartment

Typically, the shield is transferred in the following cases:

  • Replacement of wiring in a private house during a major renovation. After its completion, the electrical box is moved from the pole into the house.
  • Sometimes during construction the electrical panel is moved from the pole to the cabin.
  • When moving into a new apartment.
  • If there is a need to connect additional electricity consumers, and the switchboard does not meet electrical safety requirements or there is a need to increase the number of machines.
  • Upon completion of the construction of the cottage, the electrical panel is moved from the pole to the house.

The easiest way to move an electrical panel is to a new apartment. Nothing bothers the owner, and repairs are still done upon move-in.

Builders are trying to save money both on materials and on work. They install the cheapest machines in the panel, and the box is not recessed into the wall. This is done not only in panel houses, but also in brick houses.

Therefore, when moving into an apartment, owners try to change its location so that it is aesthetically pleasing. At the same time, it did not take up any useful space and met all safety requirements. You can leave it in the same place, replacing the protection devices and checking the quality of the electrical wiring. We will have to install new machines, the ratings of which correspond to the power of the owner’s equipment. For example, as shown in the figure below.

In panel houses, a wall box is usually installed, since it is not always possible and not always permitted to cut a niche in the wall. It is located near the front door in such a way that the electrical panel is in the way and is located on the passage.

It is prohibited to ditch load-bearing walls in panel houses (according to Moscow Government Decree No. 73-PP dated February 8, 2005 “On the procedure for reconstructing premises in residential buildings in the city of Moscow”, as well as Government Decree No. 508 (Clause 11.3 and 11.11 of Appendix No. 1 Therefore, choose overhead models.But if the shield is installed on a non-load-bearing partition, then you can use built-in boxes.

The owner does not have to turn off the electricity so often. Therefore, it is advisable to leave it near the front door and move it to a convenient place. But the top of the box should not be higher than 1.8 m from the floor level. When moving from one place to another, do not forget about safety requirements. It is not recommended to place it as shown in the figure below.

In this case, turning off the electricity will be difficult, which is contrary to the requirements of the PUE. You should find another place to place it.

When replacing electrical wiring in an apartment, it is recommended to move the electrical panel from the entrance to the apartment. In this case, leave the electricity meter on the site. In this case, you can safely expand the input cable that goes from the meter to the apartment.

If the meter remains in the floor panel, then no approvals are required, and the transfer can be done with your own hands. If the owner does not have the skills to work with electricity, it is better to call a qualified specialist.

Metering point

In multi-storey buildings, you can find two ways to install the device relative to the room:

  • inside the apartment;
  • outside.

The first and second methods have their advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, its placement strictly complies with certain requirements. The meter outside does not cause any inconvenience in remodeling the apartment.

At the same time, it is not entirely convenient to control it when it is outside the living space. Especially in less prosperous areas where vandalism occurs. The device located inside, on the contrary, is very well protected from outside influences, but can become a problem when installing furniture.

Reasons and procedure for transfer

A non-closing communal electrical panel is a reason to move the meter into the house to avoid vandalism

After solving the problem of the legality of the actions taken, two other important questions should be dealt with: why this needs to be done at all and how to move the electric meter from the entrance to the apartment in compliance with all installation rules (in accordance with the requirements of the PUE).

Reasons for moving the electricity meter

After moving the electric meter into your apartment, you don’t have to worry about its safety and can easily track the current readings using the device’s indicator.

It is possible to transfer electricity meters from the entrance to the apartment in cases where this operation is really in demand and agreed upon with the relevant services.

Device installation procedure

It is prohibited by law to independently remove the seal from the electric meter.

The sequence of operations performed when moving an electric meter:

  1. Completely de-energize the home network by turning off the input circuit breaker.
  2. Remove the cover of the electric meter contact panel with the seal, under which there are connecting terminals with a set of supply conductors.
  3. Take a photograph of the entire terminal block, which will allow you to record the order in which the individual wires are connected.
  4. After this, you can safely disconnect them to free the electric meter and subsequently move it to a previously prepared place.

All subsequent operations are associated with the direct transfer of the device. They are performed strictly in the following sequence:

In a selected and pre-prepared place in the room, install a cabinet or base for the meter, securely fixed to the wall

The installation height is selected taking into account the convenience of taking readings. Lay a harness to it with conductors stretched from the old place. Connect the pre-labeled wires to the corresponding terminals of the meter. When connecting them, it is important to ensure that the screw fastenings are tightened as far as possible and cannot become loose over time. Invite a representative of the energy service, who will evaluate the work done and seal the device installed in the new location. Only after a visit from an employee of the energy supply organization can all work be considered completed, and the newly installed electricity meter be legally operated. Only after a visit from an employee of the energy supply organization can all work be considered completed, and the newly installed electricity meter be considered legally operated

Only after a visit from an employee of the energy supply organization can all work be considered completed, and the newly installed electricity meter be considered legally operated.

Which electricity meter is best to install in an apartment?

The topic of today's article: which meter to install in an apartment. Formally, this should be handled by the company that sells electricity, but in practice it turns out that this is a problem for buyers of this very electricity. As in the famous aphorism of Ilf and Petrov about drowning people and the work of helping them. Apartment residents are required to have an electricity meter and replace it if it is outdated and does not meet modern requirements. This is where it turns out that choosing the right counter is not an easy task. There are so many offers that you can get confused. Choosing exactly what you need from hundreds of possible options seems completely unrealistic. Let's try to understand this ocean of metering devices, which electricity meter is better to install in an apartment or private house..

Unlike induction, electronic devices are multifunctional and can be designed for several tariffs. They are more compact in size, which means they take up less space on the input panel. Their cost is higher, and in terms of working life they are inferior to induction ones.

Interesting: How to rent an apartment in Moscow without cheating

Who should change

You can also transfer the counter yourself. To do this, you must have work experience and a clearance level.

Also, the chosen location must meet a number of requirements. If you do not have the required qualifications, you should not take up the job.

There is a high probability of an undesirable result with the subsequent involvement of a professional electrician. You will also need to first agree on this issue with the company that provides electricity.

The optimal solution would be to hire a specialist who will perform the sealing after all installation work. This procedure is mandatory regardless of the performer.

As a result, two acts will be issued. The first is about removing the seal of the old meter, and the second is about sealing the new one. These acts must be kept together with the meter’s passport until the next verification.

You may find this article useful on how to connect a single-phase electricity meter.

Read the article explaining Decree 442 on the replacement of electricity meters here.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to replace the electricity meter in an apartment:

Every user living in apartment buildings is familiar with the inconvenience of operating electric meters installed on staircases or other common areas. Most of them, over time, try to change the situation and move the metering device closer to their immediate place of residence, that is, to a house or apartment. However, this is not so easy to do, since formally it falls under the responsibility of the energy supply company, from which permission for the transfer must be obtained. To understand whether it is possible to move an electricity meter into an apartment, you will first need to understand all the nuances of this problem.


The procedure for replacing an electricity meter has a clear sequence and occurs in several stages.

First you need to fill out an application and call a specialist from the service company. After this, the old device is dismantled and a new device is installed. Then a seal is installed on the meter. At the end, a certificate of replacement of the device is drawn up.

Call a specialist

To initiate the procedure, the owner must contact the company that supplies electricity. To do this you need to fill out an application.

The text of the appeal states the following:

  1. Name, address of the service company and details of its manager.
  2. Information about the initiator - last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, contact phone number, date, month, year of issue, as well as series and passport number, email, if available.
  3. Reasons for replacing the device.
  4. Presented technical requirements.
  5. Installation address.
  6. List of attached documentation.
  7. Date of application and signature of the initiator.

When appearing, a person must have with him an identification document, as well as confirmation of the legality of ownership of housing - a certificate of ownership or inheritance, a contract of sale, gift, exchange. The initiator will also have to pay for the work and provide a receipt for the payment of funds.

In practice, the initiator delivers the information package independently. However, the use of a legal representative is permitted. The latter will be required to have a power of attorney in hand, which confirms his authority to complete the transaction. Subsequently, an agreement is concluded between the initiator and the service company to replace the meter. Based on such a document, the parties determine the date for completion of the work.

Installation of the device

At the appointed time, a specialist from the service company must appear at the address where the equipment is installed. He must have a certificate with him, as well as a document confirming the right to carry out this type of work, since the cost of electricity meters is quite high.

The device must be changed using special tools that meet all safety requirements. To begin with, all electricity is turned off and the old meter is dismantled. After this, a new one is installed. Upon completion of the work, the specialist must start it. This is done to ensure that the device is functioning properly.


After the device has been installed, it must be sealed.

This is necessary to prevent unauthorized interference in the operation of the meter with the aim of falsifying readings. Only a specialist from the service company can install the seal. This service is provided free of charge. This rule is established by paragraph 8 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 “On the functioning of retail electricity markets, complete and (or) partial restrictions on the consumption of electrical energy.”

Drawing up an act

At the end of the procedure, a certificate of replacement of the electric meter is drawn up. The text of the document must indicate:

  1. Date and place of registration.
  2. Information about the parties to the transaction - the name of the service company, last name, first name, patronymic of the initiator, addresses of both participants. The details and position of the specialist who performed the replacement are also indicated here.
  3. Place of installation of the device.
  4. Technical characteristics of old and new meters.
  5. The quality of the work performed.
  6. Functionality check.
  7. The moment the meter is put into operation.
  8. Number of the installed seal.
  9. The customer’s agreement with the indications and performance of the device, as well as responsibility for its safety and integrity.
  10. Number of copies of the act.
  11. Signatures of the parties.

As a rule, the act is drawn up in two copies, one for each participant in the transaction and certified by the seal of the service company.

Transferring a shield in production

Moving an input panel in production is a complex and time-consuming process. It is necessary to submit an application and receive technical conditions for moving the ASU, and order a project.

Based on these documents, an application is submitted to the power grid. An agreement is concluded based on the project. After which the work is carried out.

Upon completion of installation, the necessary checks and measurements are carried out. The customer is issued a new act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and an act of delimitation of operational responsibility.

If it is necessary to move the electrical panel after the metering devices, then this work is performed by the company’s electricians. No additional approvals are required.

However, all new points of electricity consumers and the location of the panel with automatic machines must be displayed on the plan of the enterprise. Otherwise, regulatory authorities will impose a fine on the organization.

If the enterprise is small and does not have an electrician on staff, then all this work is performed by electric network workers under a separate contract.

What restrictions exist and what documents are required?

You can immediately answer that moving the electrical panel to another location is permitted.

However, some features of this work should be taken into account:

Only the panel with machine guns is supposed to be moved. In this case, no permits or approvals are required. You can do this work yourself or have a qualified electrician carry out the transfer.

It is planned to install an input panel with an electric meter. If the supply cable allows movement without lengthening it, then it can be moved. Reducing the cable is acceptable. But after installation in a new location, you will have to seal the electric meter. To do this, an application is submitted to energy sales. And the electricity connection is carried out by employees of the energy sales company at the request of the owner. If you need to extend the input cable, you cannot do this yourself. The PUE prohibits increasing the length by twisting the cable suitable for the electric meter. The wires must be intact and visually visible. If this condition cannot be met, they turn to electrical networks and energy sales for transfer, and the connections are made permanently, by sleeves or welding of conductors.

Who should change

Also, the chosen location must meet a number of requirements. If you do not have the required qualifications, you should not take up the job.

There is a high probability of an undesirable result with the subsequent involvement of a professional electrician. You will also need to first agree on this issue with the company that provides electricity.

The optimal solution would be to hire a specialist who will perform the sealing after all installation work. This procedure is mandatory regardless of the performer.

As a result, two acts will be issued. The first is about removing the seal of the old meter, and the second is about sealing the new one. These acts must be kept together with the meter’s passport until the next verification.

You may find this article useful on how to connect a single-phase electricity meter.

Read the article explaining Decree 442 on the replacement of electricity meters here.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to replace the electricity meter in an apartment:

Doesn't such a transfer violate the law?

The transfer of an electricity meter to an apartment must be agreed upon with Energosbyt

Independent transfer of an electric meter to an apartment from the site is considered legal if the following approval measures have been taken beforehand:

  1. An application is submitted to the Energobyt service with a request to move the apartment meter.
  2. After reviewing it, company representatives prepare technical specifications, according to which a number of installation operations will need to be performed.
  3. Upon completion, a service inspector should come and check that the transferred electrical energy meter is connected correctly.
  4. He must seal the meter and draw up an inspection report confirming the absence of serious comments.

With this procedure for registering the transfer of the device, it does not matter who was the direct performer of the work - the user himself or an invited specialist. There will be no penalties for the procedure. But if at least one of the listed points is violated, the transfer of electricity meters to the apartment will not be considered legal.

Device selection

There is a wide selection of electricity meters on sale. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which model is needed for a specific task. First of all, you should know that devices are divided into two broad groups according to their operating principle. They are:

  • electronic;
  • induction.

Until recently, it was the induction model that could be seen in the house. It is now considered obsolete. This device is not accurate enough

So it is important to buy an electronic sample. If an old-style device (induction) was previously installed, the law requires replacing the electric meter in a private house, as well as in an apartment

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the model has a seal.

Moreover, it is important to find out the timing of its installation. For the three-phase version, it is permissible for sealing to be carried out within a year maximum until the device is sold to the end user

If the meter is single-phase, then the seal is considered valid for 2 years.

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How many phases should I take the device for? It depends on what wires are connected to the site. If possible, it is better to achieve the supply of 3 phases: they will not be superfluous in the house. True, this is not always technically feasible. Therefore, before installing electricity, you should find out this point, so that you can immediately buy a suitable meter.

Additionally, it is worth studying the documents for the device, finding out its accuracy class and rated current. The consumer is interested in purchasing the most accurate device. And if it is installed in a house rather than an apartment, it is more profitable to buy dual-mode models. This means that they charge electricity at different rates during the day and at night.

After all, living in a separate building requires greater energy consumption, and you will also need night lighting of the area. It is more prudent to take advantage of the opportunity and save on costs, which is possible with the installation of a dual-mode device.

Which electric meter should I choose for outdoor installation?

There are household electricity meters designed for installation outside the home. They are able to withstand fluctuations in air temperature while maintaining accurate readings.

The devices are single- and multi-tariff, single- or three-phase.

Street meters come in different capacities.

To determine it, you need to calculate the total power of all electrical appliances in the room. If it is below 10 kW, then a 60 A meter is suitable, if more - 100 A. The accuracy class must be at least 2.0.

Devices are now being produced that work well even at low temperatures.

When purchasing an installation box, you need to pay special attention to its tightness. Heating is not required

The moisture-resistant box must have a degree of protection of at least IP53-IP54.

The box should be selected taking into account the design of the meter.

It is necessary to have a window on the door to take readings.

As an outdoor option, a single-phase electric meter is most suitable - for a small house and cottage, or a three-phase one - for a multi-storey cottage with a swimming pool, sauna, etc.

In the latter case, the main thing is to correctly connect the device and evenly distribute the load on the network circuits.

Electric meters have a higher accuracy class than induction meters. The readings remain stable despite temperature changes throughout the entire service life.

When selecting the type of device mounting, it is better to give preference to a DIN rail. It is universal.

Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the seal and the date of the last verification. Its age should not exceed two years - for single-phase devices and 1 year - for three-phase

Artist selection

Users who believe that they can handle this problem on their own have the opportunity to do without unnecessary costs. The downside of this option is possible errors during switching, which will result in problems recognizing the correctness of the transfer. To be on the safe side, it is wiser to invite a specialist who, in addition to installing the device, has the right to seal it. The only disadvantage of this approach is the need to pay for the work performed at the tariff provided by the Energosbyt service.

Electricity meters can be installed in apartments only if all legal requirements are met. To comply with them, you need to worry in advance about choosing a place to install a portable electric meter and inviting a specialist. The best option is to hire an electrician from local energy services who is authorized to seal all brands of metering devices.

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