Electricity consumption of an air conditioner - what are the values?

As you know, the air conditioner model does not affect electricity consumption. With the exception of inverter-type analogues. Because such structures are always in operation. As soon as the temperature reaches the set value, the air conditioner reduces speed and is in support mode for the selected mode. Consumption depends on the thermal power (BTU - British thermal unit, sometimes 07; 09; etc., 0.7 means that the air conditioner consumes 0.7-0.8 kW/hour; 09 - 0.9-1 kW). When choosing the power of the air conditioner, you can divide the area by 10 and get the power in kW. How much electricity does an air conditioner consume?

Air conditioner power table depending on model

The power consumption of the air conditioner indicates how much electricity will be consumed from the line, and the cooling (heating) power indicates how much the system produces the required energy. This information is individually indicated in the device manual, but is indicated in the form of heat (COP) or cold (EER) indicators. And the higher this digital value, the lower the energy consumption will be. At the same time, you need to be aware that the numbers written by the manufacturer may differ from the actual ones. This happens because when testing air conditioners at the factory, all calculations were made with the doors and window frames closed. In everyday life, as practice shows, conditions do not always correspond to test tests.

Electric shock: first aid and consequences

Air conditioner characteristics

In the technical documentation, manufacturers indicate several power indicators: when operating for cooling, heating and, in fact, electricity consumption. The first two characteristics are not taken into account when calculating how much the air conditioner will consume; on their basis, a suitable unit is selected so that it can cope with maintaining the microclimate in a room of a given area and volume.

The air conditioner consumes approximately 3 times less cooling power. This figure is exactly what is used when calculating energy consumption. On average, it is not 2-3 kilowatts, but only 0.8, which is less than an iron or electric kettle, but more than a computer or plasma TV.

Switching the air conditioner to heat

How to properly switch the air conditioner to heat? First, make sure that it is actually designed to operate in sub-zero temperatures. Check the documentation for the maximum degrees.

Switching from cooling mode to heating mode is carried out using the remote control.

In the menu or on the buttons, select the Heat mode, or the key with the sun icon.

Please note that in some remote controls, until you remove the batteries and insert them back, the “sun” icon will not appear on your screen. This is the so-called child protection so that they do not accidentally switch the air conditioner to heat in the summer.

Remember, warm air does not start flowing immediately, but after 5-10 minutes.

What to consider

The climate control system has a heat pump. It pumps warm air from indoors to outdoors. To operate, it needs to use the right amount of electrical energy. Each split system has two indicators: consuming and cooling-heating power.

By looking at the technical data sheet of a particular split system model, you can see the power characteristics indicated by the manufacturer for cooling, heating, and the electricity consumption of the device itself. The first two indicators are not taken into account when calculating the electricity consumption of an air conditioner. Based on their indicators, they choose the appropriate model for a particular room.

Let's look at it in detail:

  1. consumer power - a value that shows the amount of energy consumed by equipment from the electrical network;
  2. cooling-heating power is a value indicating the amount of useful work performed.

Both of these indicators are calculated in Watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). The indicators of generated heat or cold are designated in the technical data sheet as COP and EER, respectively. The readings are inversely proportional to each other. The higher the final figure, the lower the electricity consumption, and vice versa.

Energy Efficiency in Cooling Mode (EER)

Energy classIndex
A3.20 EER
B3.20 EER 3.00
C3.00 EER 2.80
D2.80 EER 2.60
E2.60 EER 2.40
F2.40 EER 2.20
G2.20 EER

Energy efficiency in heating mode (COP)

Energy classIndex
A3.60 COP
B3.60 COP 3.40
C3.40 COP 3.20
D3.20 COP 2.80
E2.80 COP 2.60
F2.60 COP 2.40
G2.40 COP

You need to understand that the indicators indicated by the manufacturer may differ from those that actually exist. Calculations are carried out at the factory with doors and windows closed, in contrast to apartment conditions, which are not entirely ideal.

The positive point in this matter is that any equipment will consume approximately 3 times less electricity than it produces, since electrical consumption is only needed for refrigerant circulation.

What is the power consumption of an air conditioner?

When deciding when purchasing how much power an air conditioner consumes, many users confuse different concepts. It is necessary to distinguish:

  • power consumption, that is, energy consumption from the electrical network;
  • cooling/heating power (cooling and heating capacity), that is, the amount of cold/heat supplied after processing the used electrical energy.

Both of these quantities are measured in W (Watt) or kW (kilowatt). On any air conditioner and in the instructions for it there is information about how much energy it can consume, and also output afterwards, but in the form of heat or cold.

These designations should not be confused with Wh and kW/h, since these designation units convey the amount of energy already produced per hour. For example, an air conditioner with a power consumption of 700 W ran for one hour, while it required 700 watt-hours or 0.7 kilowatt-hours.

Typically, the power consumption indicated by the manufacturer may differ significantly from the actual one. This is due to the fact that the rating in the manual is calculated according to the ISO 5151 measurement standard, where temperature values ​​are strictly fixed - with closed windows and doorways 27°C indoors and 35°C outdoors, and the operating time per day does not exceed 2 hours. When climate control equipment operates in domestic or industrial conditions, these parameters change greatly.

How much electricity does an air conditioner consume per hour?

There is a formula for calculation: the rated power of the split system divided by the EER coefficient. All this data is indicated in the instruction manual.

EER indicates how many times a device's power consumption is lower than its performance. The coefficient depends on the energy efficiency class. Most modern systems have class A, which corresponds to EER >3.20.

For example, the cold performance of an air conditioner is 2.5 kW, class A. We calculate its consumption per hour: 2.5 / 3.20 = 0.78 kilowatts.

Roughly speaking, a split system spends three times less than it produces. Therefore, to the question of how much an air conditioner consumes, the answer will be as follows:

  • “sevens” – 0.65-0.75 kW/h;
  • “nines” - about 0.78-0.88 kW/h;
  • “twelve” - 0.96-1 kW/h.

Please note that the system does not operate continuously. When it reaches the desired temperature, it will turn off.

If the model is inverter, when the specified parameters are reached, the compressor will reduce speed to a minimum without turning off. Maintaining the temperature requires less energy than full cooling.

Manufacturers of inverter air conditioners claim that their devices consume 40% less electricity than conventional models. Thus, the inverter “nine” consumes approximately 500 W per hour.


Model\Working area m2Model cooling capacity, kWAmount of energy consumed, kW/hour
7, up to 20m22.0kW0.7 kW/hour
9, up to 25m22.5kW0.8 kW\hour
12, up to 35m23.5kW1.0kW/hour
18, up to 50m25.0kW1.4 kW\hour

It is important to know!

The numbers are approximate, because premium segment models are definitely more economical than inexpensive models. From year to year, the leaders of the climate control market are improving compressors, the shape of fans, and changing heat exchangers to achieve maximum energy efficiency.

Features of determining network power

In general, the electrical network is designed so that its operation does not require special knowledge. It is enough to follow some rules, the main one of which is to prevent overload.

Important! Failure to comply with the rules for using the electrical network can lead to failure and even fire

It is important to note that the technical characteristics of the outlet and the household appliance differ from each other:

  • In sockets, the maximum permissible alternating current is measured in Amperes: in the old housing stock of Russia it is 6 A, in Europe - 10 or 16 A;
  • The power of connected devices is measured in Watts.

Information on an electrical appliance can be marked in different ways. How to calculate the power of electricity?
To calculate, you will need the formula: P = U*I, where:

P - power,

U - voltage in Volts,

I is the current strength in Amperes.

The voltage of a working outlet is 220-230 Volts; the current can be measured with a multimeter.

To determine the current strength in the outlet, you should use a multimeter

Power consumption

This parameter shows how much electricity the air conditioner spends from the network per hour of operation. As a rule, the figure does not exceed 1 kW for household air conditioners. At the same time, the productive power of the device is 2-4 times higher than the consumed power (depending on the model and manufacturer).

The technical data sheet of the product must indicate the energy consumption for 1 hour of operation. But it should be remembered that this figure is relative, since it is the result of laboratory studies, where the temperature is strictly fixed. The outside temperature is set at +35⁰ C, the inside temperature at +27⁰ C.

In practical application, a number of factors constantly influence the operation of the air conditioner to varying degrees, due to which the energy consumption indicator changes. Those. The power consumption of the equipment is constant (non-inverter models always work at full capacity), only the operating time changes, increasing the total energy consumption.

A little about connecting household air conditioners to the electrical network. A frequently asked question is whether it is necessary to run a separate line for the split system. The new wiring can withstand a load of up to 16 A, the old one - up to 10 A. To avoid overload, the energy consumed must be one third less than the maximum level that the network is capable of providing. This means that old wiring can pull out a medium-power air conditioner, provided that no other devices are connected to the wire. Nevertheless, experts strongly recommend running a separate cable with a package from the panel.

Other Important Factors

There are other parameters that affect the waste of electricity when operating a split system.

  1. Compressor potential (at lower rotation speeds, less energy is consumed). The most profitable are inverter models.
  2. The actual electricity consumption of the air conditioner will be shown by the temperature difference (outdoors versus indoors). The costs of heating a room in forty-degree frost will be much higher than for cooling a room in the unbearable summer heat.
  3. Cooling loads in a split system.
  4. Various additional functions of the device.

How much does an oil heater consume per day?

This type of heater burns a small amount of oxygen and consumes little electricity. In addition, they are not as fire hazardous as other devices.

The disadvantages are high cost and heavy weight. On average, an oil heater consumes 750W per hour. More powerful heaters consume about 1 kW. But you can find devices with less power.

Since the device operates several hours a day, electricity consumption is significantly less.

Oil heater

The higher the power of the device, the more electricity it consumes. When the device is turned off and in rest mode, it does not waste energy. Despite some disadvantages, there are more advantages. That is why it is popular among residents of private houses. You can calculate the amount of electricity consumed after 1 month of using the device.

Calculation of air conditioner power by room area

When calculating energy consumption, the area, not the volume, of the building being cooled is taken into account. This is due to the fact that cold air still sinks. Whatever the height of the ceilings, the cooled air will still accumulate near the floor of the room.

The following table is good for calculating the power of an air conditioner:

sq. m 162026353730527080
thousand BTU579121314182430

However, it is necessary to take into account a large number of related factors and coefficients:

  • the size of the family or other group of people in the room;
  • the amount of heat generated by the people themselves in the room (this depends on the amount and intensity of physical labor, as well as on whether people wear outerwear);
  • distance from floor to ceiling;
  • the presence of other heat-producing devices and apparatus (TV, computer);
  • the amount of heat entering the windows with the light of the sun.

Most online calculators for selecting air conditioner power take these parameters into account.

For example, below are calculations that require knowledge of such parameters as:

  • coefficient from 30 to 40 W/cubic. m to take into account the heat generated by the room itself due to the area of ​​the walls, ceiling and floor, as well as depending on the presence of solar radiation;
  • the heat generated by the owners of the house is from 0.1 kW to 0.2 kW (for an adult), depending on physical activity.

Let’s try, as an example, to select a cooling unit with the following parameters:

  • living area – 25 sq. m;
  • ceiling height – 2.55 m;
  • family of 3;
  • computer and TV in one room;
  • The windows face north.

Here are instructions for calculations:

  1. First, let's calculate the heat release of the room itself using the formula: Area x Height x Internal heat release coefficient of the building. Here's the calculation: 25 x 2.55 x 30 = 1.9 kW.
  2. Let us further assume that all the inhabitants of the refrigerated space behave calmly and mostly relax at home: 0.1 x 3 = 0.3 kW.
  3. Now let’s include the heat emission from the computer and TV into the calculations. The PC has a power supply with a nominal power of 0.3 kW, and the TV has a power supply of 0.2 kW. Let's assume that it is quite possible for one of the family members to watch TV and someone else to use the computer: 0.3 + 0.2 = 0.5 kW.
  4. We add up all the obtained values: 1.9 + 0.3 + 0.5 = 2.7 kW.

How to calculate electricity consumption

Measurements show that the power consumption of the washing machine is:

  • During washing it is in the range of 400–800 W.
  • When heating water, energy consumption can exceed 2 kW (kilowatts), for some models it can reach 2.9 kW, and in watts it is 2900 W.

As already mentioned, the higher the energy consumption class, the less electricity is consumed. Depending on the class, model, load, mode and temperature, the washing cycle consumes from 300–1600 W/h, in kW this is 0.3–1.6 kWh; the washing machine consumes electricity per wash. At the same time, the maximum consumption for large models with a load of 6-7 kg with drying will be even more than 1.6 kWh.

For example, models with a load of 5 kg consume up to 0.8 kWh per wash - let’s take this value as the average 1 kWh according to a single-tariff meter in Moscow costs 5.38 rubles. This means that for one wash you will pay 4.3 rubles.

Now let's talk about how much the washing machine consumes per day, month and year. For calculations, let’s average that you have 40 washes per month. Based on the above, we will average both the cost of washing and electricity consumption at the level of 0.8 kW and 4.3 rubles.

Let’s say you do laundry on average 3 times a week, and do up to 3 washes per day. Then in a month you wash 12 days and do 36 washes.

Then in a month you will wind up:

0.8*36=28.8 kW*h

28.8*5.38=155 rubles

In a year:

36*12*0.8=345.6 kW*h

345.6*5.32=1838 rubles

How much will summer comfort cost?

If we assume that the start-stop “nine”, which is not particularly economical, will be turned on 8 hours a day, in moderately hot weather, and its power consumption is 0.8 kilowatts, then the daily electricity consumption will be approximately 6.4 kW/hour. Multiplying this number by the average cost of a kilowatt of electricity of 4.32 rubles, we get 28 rubles. In this case, the monthly expense will be 840 rubles (28x30=840).

According to manufacturers, an inverter air conditioner consumes 40% less electricity. This means that it will no longer consume 0.8 kilowatts, but approximately 0.5. At the same time, it will cool in the same way as a start-stop. As for the daily electricity consumption, it will be 17 rubles for 8 hours and 510 rubles per month (17x30=510).

Calculations of kW consumption by air conditioner

Let's take an air conditioner (07) with a power of 2000 Watts, which means that it consumes 700 - 800 W/hour depending on the mode: heating or cooling the air, but if the air conditioner has an inverter compressor, then the consumption will decrease by another 30-50% and will be 350- 500 W/hour.

We recommend: How to calculate fees for hot and cold water Calculation of consumption for 1 minute: 500 (device power) / 60 (minutes per hour) = 8.3 Watts/minute.

Let's say that you turn it on for 9 hours a day: 500(consumption per hour) * 9(number of operating hours) = 4500 W (4.5 kW/day).

Electricity consumption per month: 30 (days of operation) * 4.5 (consumption per day) = 135 kW/month.

The amount of payment for the electricity spent by the air conditioner: 135 * 3.5 rubles (for example, the tariff for 1 kW/hour, there are different tariffs in each region, district, city and village) = 472.5 rubles.

In this case, the consumption of a type 07 air conditioner with an inverter compressor was calculated for a 9-hour working day (in hot weather it can work for 18 hours and then the consumption will increase by 2 times). If you have the same type, but without an inverter, then the consumption will be 5 .85 kW per day, 175.5 kW per month.

Cost of owning an air conditioner and ways to save

So, as we see, owning an air conditioner is not a cheap pleasure, but, in principle, not so expensive, considering what we get in return: coolness and comfort in our rooms during the hot summer months.

In addition, the cost of operating an air conditioner can be optimized in several simple ways:

  1. You can reduce the costs associated with operating your air conditioner by regularly and thoroughly cleaning the ventilation ducts. In this case, their cross-country ability will be higher, as will the cooling effect, so you will turn on the device less often, which will save on energy bills;
  2. Another good way to reduce costs is to seal your windows and doors and install blinds that block out strong sunlight. This way, the air-conditioned room will heat up less, which means you will use it less often;
  3. Another way to save money is to not open windows during the summer season. Unfortunately, many homeowners forget about this, although when the windows are open, the entire cooling efficiency of the rooms is reduced to zero. The rooms can be ventilated in the evening or morning, but during the day (in the heat) it is better not to do this and use only air conditioning;
  4. Another way to optimize the cost of operating an air conditioner is to slightly increase the temperature in the device’s thermostat. Remember: the lower the temperature on the thermostat, the higher the cost of using the air conditioner;
  5. If you have several air conditioners in your home, experts advise turning off the fans installed in the rooms while they are running. Thanks to this solution, the air conditioner will cool the rooms more efficiently, and you can save several thousand rubles a year.

How to reduce your consumption

Having figured out exactly how much electricity your air conditioner consumes, you should find out how to save it without harming your comfort.

Whatever model you choose, you can reduce its energy consumption by taking additional measures.

The main thing to pay attention to is the loss of cold. He usually constantly exits through open windows or doors. Thus, good metal-plastic windows and the elimination of cracks reduce (and significantly) costs

In this way, the costs of good metal-plastic windows and the elimination of cracks are reduced (and significantly).

To a no lesser extent, the reduction is ensured by protecting the room from direct sunlight - along with it comes a lot of heat (on average up to 80 watts per square meter), which glass is not able to retain. In the morning and evening at the height of summer, up to half the power of the climate control device is spent on neutralizing the described factor. For this reason, it is worth using blinds. Many people recommend covering windows with foil thermal insulation film for the summer. It is inexpensive and will last for several seasons.

Installing LED bulbs will allow you to spend less electricity on both air conditioning and light. The thing is that ordinary ones with incandescent filaments produce a huge amount of heat - up to 95 W.

The technical condition of the air conditioner is also of considerable importance for savings. Dirty fans and heat exchangers reduce its efficiency, which means that regular cleaning can avoid incurring sky-high electricity bills. All modern climate control devices have filters that are easy to clean at home. To do this, use lukewarm water and a small amount of mild detergent (such as dishwashing liquid).

Also make sure that there is always a sufficient amount of freon in the system. By the way, excess gas, as well as its lack, contribute to a decrease in the efficiency of the air conditioner. The owner has nothing to do here - therefore, for service, he will have to contact the service department.

Another purely technical factor is the state of thermal insulation of the copper tubes connecting the indoor unit to the outdoor unit. It is through them that freon flows. The temperature of the gas is much lower than that of air, which means that even minor damage to the insulation provokes a sharp increase in the energy intensity of the device.

By the way, even too long communications connecting the units of the unit also worsen the efficiency indicator. For this reason, try to install the air conditioner so that the outer and inner parts are as close as possible.

Saving tips

There are several ways to save energy:

  1. Choose an inverter type of air conditioner or with an inverter compressor.
  2. Keep an eye on the filters and heat exchanger; if they are dirty, it takes longer for air to enter the room.
  3. After use, turn it off and unplug it from the socket (since even in this state it consumes electricity).
  4. If you don't need it, turn it off.
  5. Do not open windows and doors so that the converted (cooled or heated) air does not escape into the street.

Is it possible to reduce consumption

There are simple ways to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency. So it is possible:

  1. Choose an inverter type model to consume less energy;
  2. Close the windows with curtains to reduce the heating of the room from sunlight;
  3. Do not open windows to avoid the entry or evaporation of hot air;
  4. Turn on the air conditioner until 23 degrees. If you lower the temperature, you can increase the electrical consumption by 10%;
  5. Do not open doors when cooling or heating, to avoid running the air conditioner throughout the house. This way the system will produce more cold and heat and waste less electricity.

Note ! You can also reduce energy consumption by regularly cleaning filters with heat exchangers. A dirty device can take a long time to reach the desired temperature. Another simple way to reduce electricity is to use splits to a minimum.

In general, the energy consumption of an air conditioner depends on the specific performance, power and design of the model. On average, this figure is 2.1-3.5 kilowatts per hour. Electricity consumption can be reduced only by not constantly turning on the device and its constant maintenance.

Technical condition of the air conditioner

The efficiency of an air conditioner very much depends on its technical condition and can sometimes drop almost to zero if the air conditioner is dirty or malfunctioning.

Air conditioner dirty

If the filters, fan and heat exchangers of the external and internal units of the split system are dirty, then the efficiency of the air conditioner decreases.

Moreover, if the pollution is very strong, then it is noticeable to the eye - the air conditioner blows “warm air”, and if it is not too strong, then no, but the air conditioner still treacherously increases the electricity meter.

The main recommendation in this case is to clean the filters more often.

Filters must be washed under running, not hot water; if necessary, you can use neutral detergents, such as dishwashing detergent.

The amount of freon in the air conditioner

The cooling efficiency of a room air conditioner also depends on the presence of freon in its refrigeration circuit.

Moreover, its quantity should be optimal for the refrigeration system.

The efficiency of the air conditioner drops both when freon leaks and when it is refilled!

The “bigger is better” principle does not apply to an air conditioner.

And even if the air conditioner cools normally, this does not mean that it is operating in its optimal mode.

The only way out for a non-specialist in this case would be to carry out regular maintenance.

Those who want to learn how to diagnose and repair an air conditioner on their own can study our constantly updated section “Do-it-yourself air conditioner repair”

Thermal insulation of copper tubes

The external and internal blocks of the split system are connected by tubes through which freon circulates; its temperature is much lower than the ambient temperature and therefore losses also occur through them.

And the longer the route, the greater the heat loss.

Thermal insulation on the tubes may not be partially applied during installation; birds love to peck at it, using it to insulate their nests, and it also loses its properties over time.

So you need to monitor the integrity of the thermal insulation and restore it.

Air circulation in the room

Since the air conditioner operates on a principle similar to that of a refrigerator, the constant flow of cold or hot air forces the device to work with increased load. This directly affects electricity consumption – it increases.

How much electricity does an air conditioner consume?

Power consumption shows how much electricity the device consumes per hour

The air conditioner's passport indicates 2 powers: consumed and productive. The first shows how much electricity the device consumes per hour.

The second is the efficiency of using power consumption. It is always more than consumed, since in an air conditioner energy is spent only on the operation of the pump and fans blowing the evaporators.

For heating

To determine energy consumption for heating a room, 2 parameters are used: productive power and efficiency coefficient COP.

To obtain the amount of electricity consumption for 1 hour, you need to divide the productive capacity by the COP.

The coefficient can be found in the device passport or in the table below.

Energy efficiency factorEnergy efficiency class
EER (heating)
COP (cooling)

For example. An air conditioner with energy consumption class A (for this class COP = 3.60), with a productive capacity of 2.2 kW, will consume 0.6 kW of electricity in 1 hour. For 1 month, when operating 8 hours a day, it will consume 144 kW of electricity.

For cooling

When cooling the air, the air conditioning compressor may turn off when the desired temperature is reached

The energy consumption of a split system operating in air cooling mode is calculated using a similar principle, with one difference: instead of COP, the EER coefficient is used.

Unlike operation in heating mode, when cooling the air, the air conditioning compressor can turn off when the desired temperature is reached. This keeps energy consumption to a minimum.

Useful tips

With proper operation of climate control equipment, you can significantly reduce energy costs. Helpful tips:

  • Close doors and windows when operating the air conditioner.
  • If the room is sunny, cover the windows with dark curtains or protective reflective films so that the air conditioner does not waste additional energy to compensate for heat gain from the window.
  • Choose the optimal cooling temperature and do not constantly switch the temperature setting, forcing the device to work non-stop, consuming additional energy.
  • Make sure that the mechanisms in the internal units of split systems are clean and in good working order. Electricity consumption also depends on the technical condition of the equipment.
  • Monitor the amount of freon in the split system. If there is a deficiency or excess, the normal operation of the device is disrupted, which can also affect electricity consumption.
  • Use the air conditioner only in the temperature range recommended by the manufacturer.

How else to reduce energy costs

Electricity costs can be significantly reduced if the necessary connections are made correctly. An air conditioner with a kilowatt power requires a single-phase connection. But an industrial air conditioner requires a three-phase connection. Electricity costs will be significantly reduced if used correctly. Close doors and windows in the cooled and heated rooms. Having reached the desired temperature, the device can be turned off or it will do it automatically. Another significant recommendation. It is better to purchase an inverter modification. Yes, it is much more expensive, but the savings on electricity will be forty percent compared to a conventional split system. Purchasing an air conditioner is a responsible undertaking that needs to be carefully considered. Having collected and analyzed the information that we have discussed, you can safely go to the store.

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Consumption calculations

Many people mistakenly believe that an air conditioner consumes a lot of energy, but in comparison with other devices that are plugged in for months, the amount of electricity consumed by climate control equipment turns out to be less. For example, the energy consumption of a household-grade air conditioner for a standard room with an area of ​​15-20 m2 ranges from 0.3 to 1 kW (minimum and maximum). It should be taken into account that the climate control equipment does not operate constantly, but is turned on only to maintain the temperature in the apartment within certain limits, and if you add up the energy consumption per month, the amount does not come out too large.

There is no universal formula that answers the question with 100% accuracy of how many kilowatts the equipment will consume. And, first of all, because, again, it is impossible to predict the temperature set in the room (at the same time as that outside). We also do not know how often the device is planned to be turned on. However, approximate calculations of how much energy will be spent can be made - for this you need to take the daily rate of expenditure as a sample.

The expected operation time of a conventional split system operating on the start-stop principle can be 6 hours. If the indicated demand is 800 W per hour, then 4.8 kW will be consumed per day. This means that a day of cooling will cost 21 rubles (at a price of 4.32 rubles per kW/h). This means 630 rubles per month, which will need to be added to electricity costs.

These data can increase significantly if the device needs to operate 24 hours a day (for example, if the apartment is located on the sunny side).

How to reduce the cost of running an air conditioner

Experts offer consumers the following figures: air conditioners with a performance in the range of 2-3.5 kW will consume from 0.5 to 1.5 kW/h. But before turning it on, it is important to know some values:

  • power consumption of the air conditioner for which the socket is designed (Russian is suitable for a current of 6.3 A/10A, and foreign 10A/16A);
  • power that the wiring can withstand;
  • parameters of protection plugs that protect the network from overloads.

There is a difference between whether a household or industrial appliance is planned to be installed. The air conditioner in the apartment will not exceed 2400 W (and will also have a single-phase connection). In contrast, semi-industrial and industrial units can consume electricity in the range of up to several hundred kW (a three-phase connection is required).

There is one piece of advice that will help reduce energy consumption even at the purchase stage. We are talking about purchasing an inverter model. If you use such a system, waste will be reduced by as much as 40% without losing the power of the device. The daily consumption of such an air conditioner will not exceed 0.5 kW, and the monthly fee will be about 390 rubles (working on a six-hour schedule). When turned on around the clock, it will, of course, increase 4 times, but again it will be much lower than that of conventional stop-start climate control equipment.

Is it expensive to maintain an air conditioner?

The cost of operating an air conditioner in a detached house consists of several factors:

  • electricity consumption;
  • filter replacement;
  • the cost of periodic inspection and cleaning of the entire installation.

The main point to start with is calculating the energy consumption of the air conditioner, because the cost of electricity will be the most significant expense for the homeowner.

Electricity costs

Electricity costs depend on the power consumption of the air conditioner. Let's take, for example, the power of a standard air conditioner, which consumes 2.5 kW/h when turned on (this type of device is used in rooms up to 25 sq. m.). This air conditioner model, operating 6 hours a day, will consume 15 kW of electricity.

How much will this cost the home owner? In the Moscow region, the cost of a kilowatt hour from 2022 on a single-phase tariff is 5.56 rubles per 1 kW/h, on a two-phase tariff - 6.39 rubles per 1 kW/h during the day, and 2.41 kW/h at night. We don’t know what tariff will be used, but it is obvious that no one will use the air conditioner at night, so for ease of calculations, we will round these data closer to the upper limit and take the cost of electricity as 6 rubles per 1 kW/h.

It is easy to calculate that if you use the air conditioner only in the summer months (from June to August inclusive), turning it on for an average of 6 hours every day, the homeowner's expenses will be:

(2.5 kW/h x 6) x 6 rubles per 1 kW/h x 90 = 8100 rubles

The amount is not small, but still such a case will be typical only for a very hot summer, when every day will be clear and sunny.

Still, in the Moscow region, summer is mostly cloudy, so let's see what happens if the air conditioner turns on not every summer day, but every other day:

(2.5 kW/h x 6) x 6 rubles per 1 kW/h x 45 = 4050 rubles

Let’s say there will be not one, but three air conditioners in the house (for example, one for the living room, and one for each of the 2 bedrooms). Moreover, for the hall there will be the same air conditioner as in the examples above, and for the bedrooms - less power, consuming 1.5 kW per hour:

(2.5 kW/h x 6) + (1.5 kW/h x 6) + (1.5 kW/h x 6) x 6 rubles per 1 kW/h x 45 = 8910 rubles

That is, all electricity costs will amount to 10 thousand rubles per season. Considering that in this case several rooms of the house will be cooled at once every second summer day for 6 hours, the amount, in general, looks acceptable.

Of course, all the calculations given are approximate. In practice, these figures can vary greatly, both positive and negative, depending on the intensity of use of the air conditioner, temperature, number of sunny days, etc. Many homeowners use air conditioners not only in the summer months, but already from April-May and ending in September-October.

Another important factor is also the electricity tariff you choose and the presence of intermediaries in the chain (if you are not directly connected) or, conversely, discounts from suppliers. Although, as practice shows, a simple single-phase tariff remains the most profitable for the operation of an air conditioner (because rarely anyone uses it at night).

Costs associated with cleaning and maintaining the air conditioner

When installing a home air conditioner, you should also consider the cost of having it professionally serviced. It will be better if this is done by a qualified company that knows all the features of the installed equipment plus will provide a guarantee on spare parts and labor.

What is included in the maintenance of such devices:

  • Professional diagnosis of problems;
  • Cleaning the air conditioner from dust, plaque, mold and other contaminants;
  • Refilling with freon and replacing filters;
  • Repair and restoration of damaged / burnt out parts;
  • Checking and cleaning of all blocks and drainage systems, coarse and fine filters;
  • Antibacterial treatment and prevention

Cleaning and maintenance of the air conditioner should be carried out regularly: preferably at least once every 1-2 years. As a rule, homeowners order this service before the start of the summer season. The cost of such work largely depends on the specifics of the device’s operation, but on average it ranges from 2 to 4 thousand rubles per device.

How to choose the right air conditioner

The first thing to consider when choosing an air conditioner is the possibility of installation in the room. Typically, there are only a few types of air conditioners used in a home.

How to choose the right air conditioner

Wall split systems

Advantages: heating function, minimum noise, high-quality air filtration, huge selection of models. Suitable for apartments, cottages and almost any residential premises. Disadvantages: uneven cooling and heating of large rooms. Wall-mounted split system is the most popular and versatile type of air conditioner. It includes an internal unit, which is mounted on the wall indoors, and an external unit, mounted on the facade of the building. They can be up to 20 meters away. It is not air that circulates between the blocks, but freon. In cooling mode, it takes heat from the room and releases it outside. In multi-split systems, there may be several indoor units, but all of them are connected to only one outdoor unit. Such systems are suitable for air conditioning several rooms at once or one large hall when placing indoor units in different parts of it.

Wall split systems

Cassette air conditioners

Advantages: fast and uniform cooling. Suitable for cottages, large living rooms and any spacious rooms. Disadvantages: difficulty of installation, high price, suspended ceiling required. Due to the distribution of air flows in four directions, this type of split system quickly and evenly cools or heats the air. Typically, such air conditioners are installed in rooms with an area of ​​50 m² or more. Cassette air conditioners are rarely available in ordinary hardware stores. Sales are carried out by specialized companies. They also install such air conditioners.

Cassette air conditioners

Mobile air conditioners

Advantages: ability to move, no need to pay for installation. Suitable for country houses and small rooms where it is not possible to install a split system. Disadvantages: higher noise level, bulkiness, limited power - on average no more than 3 kW. You can install a mobile air conditioner yourself. You just need to place it on the floor in the right place and bring out a flexible air duct through a window or hole in the wall - a hose with a diameter of about 10 cm and a length of up to 1.5 m. Most mobile air conditioners are designed for an area of ​​no more than 20–30 m². There are far fewer models on sale capable of cooling 40–50 square meters. And they are relatively inexpensive. They should only be considered if there are no other options.

Mobile air conditioners

Buyer's checklist

For an apartment, first of all, consider wall-mounted split systems. Such units are excellent for various climatic conditions and temperature changes. And in terms of prices, the range is quite wide. It is worth buying mobile household air conditioners only for a summer house or premises where it is not possible to install a split system with an outdoor unit. Cassette air conditioners are an excellent choice for rooms of 50 m² or more with a suspended ceiling. For small rooms they are not even considered.

When choosing a model, pay attention not only to the cooling area, but also to the energy efficiency of the system

Before purchasing, check for support for the features you really need and the lifespan of the filters. When choosing a model, pay attention not only to the cooling area, but also to the energy efficiency of the system, as well as how much electricity the air conditioner consumes. Anything below Class A can significantly increase your electricity bills.

Air conditioner energy efficiency classes

The energy efficiency class of the air conditioner is indicated in the technical data sheet by the value COP - heating mode and EER - cooling.

Energy efficiency classes of split systems:

  1. A – COP – 3.60, EER – 3.20.
  2. B – COP – 3.40/3.60, EER – 3.20/3.00.
  3. C – COP 3.20/3.40, EER 2.80/3.00.
  4. D – COP 2.80/3.20, EER 2.60/2.80.
  5. E – COP 2.60/2.80, EER 2.40/2.60.
  6. F – COP 2.40/2.60, EER 2.20/2.40.
  7. G – COP 2.40, EER 2.20.

Which energy efficiency class is better?

Air conditioners of classes A, A+, A++, A+++ are considered energy efficient, the coefficient of which is equal to or higher than 3.2.

As a rule, the higher the class, the more rational the energy consumption. Such devices are more expensive, but they are more economical to operate.

Precision air conditioners: types, installation, maintenance

Energy efficiency

Air conditioner energy efficiency is a parameter that contains two previous parameters. Essentially, this is the coefficient between them. This indicator is a technical characteristic of all modern electrical appliances and reflects energy efficiency (efficiency).

If we talk about energy efficiency within an air conditioner, it is expressed as the ratio of the power produced (cooling or heating) to the electrical power consumed. If we look at an example, we will take a device with a cooling capacity of 2.2 kW and a power consumption of 0.6 kW. The energy efficiency factor will be 3.67.

Air conditioner energy efficiency

In modern electrical appliances, it is customary to divide energy efficiency into groups, from A to G, the higher the class, the more economical in energy consumption the device is considered. In our example, it is 3.67 - which belongs to class “A” (the most economical devices). Accordingly, devices of class B have more energy-consuming indicators than A, class C is more energy-consuming than B, etc.

Nominal and optimal power of the air conditioner

The rated power refers to the average performance of the air conditioner when operating in cold conditions. But in each individual case it is necessary to calculate the optimal power, which ideally should coincide as much as possible with the first.

Nominal values ​​are selected by manufacturers for each type of cooling device:

  • Window units usually have the following standard positions: 5, 7, 9, 12, 18, 24;
  • Wall splits correspond to the following model range: 7, 9, 12, 18, 24. Sometimes some brands produce non-standard models with the following nominal values: 8, 10, 13, 28, 30;
  • The cassettes go in this order: 18, 24, 28, 36, 48, 60. Non-standard row: 34, 43, 50, 54;
  • Channel splits begin the power range with model 12 and sometimes end with 200;
  • Console installations have the following variety: 18, 24, 28, 36, 48, 60. In a non-standard version: 28, 34, 43, 50, 54;
  • Columns start at 30 and go up to 100 or more.

This list is not accidental. This has already taken into account the selection of an air conditioner and its power based on the area of ​​the room, the height of the ceilings, and the heat flow from household equipment, electric lighting, people, roof and walls, open windows and ventilation.

How much do household and industrial air conditioners consume?

selection of cable cross-section according to the load
The difference between how many kilowatts air conditioners for domestic and industrial use can consume is very large. Household models serving an area of ​​up to 25 m² often consume less than 1 kW with other average indicators. Typically, air conditioners installed in apartments do not exceed a consumption of 2.4 kW or 2400 W. They have a single-phase connection. For semi-industrial devices (duct, column, cassette) and even more so for industrial ones (chillers, server cabinets and the like), electricity consumption can reach hundreds of kW. As a rule, they have a three-phase connection.

Household refrigeration devices most often do not require a separate power cable, and can be plugged into a regular outlet. For the rest, it is necessary to lay a separate wire with a larger cross-section.

Also pay attention to which outlet is allocated for power. Old Soviet sockets may not be able to handle a load of more than 1 kW.

Calculation taking into account additional parameters

The usual calculation of air conditioner power, which is described above, most often gives fairly accurate results, but it would be useful to know about some additional parameters that are sometimes not taken into account, but have a strong influence on the required power of the device. The required air conditioner power increases with each of the following factors:

  1. An influx of fresh air from a slightly open window. The way we calculated the power of the air conditioner assumes that the air conditioner will operate with the windows closed and no fresh air will enter the room. Most often, the operating instructions say that the air conditioner must operate with the windows closed, otherwise an additional heat load will be created when outside air enters the room.

When the window is open, the situation is different; the volume of air entering through it is not standardized and therefore the additional heat load will be unknown. You can try to solve this problem using this method - set the window to winter ventilation mode (open the window slightly) and close the door. In this way, drafts will be eliminated in the room, but at the same time a small amount of fresh air will fall into the room.

It is worth noting that the instructions do not provide for operating the air conditioner with the window slightly open, therefore normal operation of the device cannot be guaranteed in such a situation. If you do use the air conditioner in this mode, then it is worth considering that in this case, electricity consumption will increase by 10-15%.

  1. Guaranteed 18-20 °C. Most buyers wonder: is air conditioning dangerous to health? The instructions clearly state that the temperature difference between inside and outside should not be very large. For example, if the temperature outside is 35-40 °C, then it is preferable to maintain the temperature in the room at least 25-27 °C. Based on this, in order for the room to have the minimum possible temperature of 18°C, it is necessary that the outside air have a temperature of no more than 28.5°C.
  2. Top floor. In the case when the apartment is on the top floor and there is no technical floor or attic above it, then the heated roof will transfer heat inside the room. A dark-colored horizontal roof receives many times more heat than light-colored walls. Based on this, heat inflows from the ceiling will be higher than will be taken into account in the usual calculation, therefore power consumption will need to be increased by about 12-20%.
  3. Increased glass area. During normal calculations, it is assumed that the room has one standard window (with a glazing area of ​​1.5-2.0 m2). Based on the degree of sunlight, the power of the air conditioner changes by 15% more or less from the average. In the case where the glazing size is larger than the standard value, then the power of the device should be increased.

Since conventional calculations take into account the standard glazing area (2*2), then in order to compensate for additional heat inflows for each square meter of glazing over 2 sq m, you should add 200-300 W in strong lighting, 100-200 W in average insolation value and 50-100 W for shaded rooms.

So, if the room:

  • located on the sunny side;
  • the room has a large amount of office equipment;
  • there are a large number of people in it;
  • it has panoramic windows,

then they add an additional 20% of the required power.

In the case when, taking into account additional parameters, the calculated power has increased, it is recommended to choose an inverter air conditioner. Such a unit has variable cooling capacity and therefore, if installed, it will cope more efficiently with a wide range of heat loads.

Consultants at santehnikportal.ru do not recommend choosing a conventional air conditioner with increased power, since in a small room it can create uncomfortable conditions due to the specifics of its work.

Thus, calculating the power of an air conditioner allows you to select a device with optimal cooling capacity to create a comfortable microclimate in the room. The larger the area of ​​the room, the greater the power of the device should be. But the greater its performance, the more electricity the device consumes. Therefore, select equipment with the power necessary and sufficient for effective work.

Energy efficiency indicators

Most modern split systems combine the functions of cooling and heating air. In each of these modes, the equipment consumes a different amount of energy resources. The exact consumption depends on many factors.

Device energy efficiency factors

The ratio of the power produced by a device to the energy consumed, which is necessary for its generation, is called the energy efficiency coefficient. It is this indicator that expresses the energy efficiency of climate control equipment.

Split systems have two of them:

  1. Refrigeration coefficient. Allows you to determine the energy consumption required by the device in cooling mode.
  2. Thermal coefficient. Makes it possible to assess the level of energy consumption when operating for heating.

To calculate the energy efficiency coefficient, you need to know the parameters of consumed and produced power in different modes, indicated in the equipment characteristics.

It is worth considering that the COP (heating power) value usually exceeds the EER (cooling power) value. This is due to the operating characteristics of the compressor. While working, it heats up and transfers heat to the refrigerant circulating in the system. In heating mode, the heat generated by the compressor serves as an additional source of energy

For example, let's take one of the models of split systems from AUX - ASW-H07A4.

Let's calculate its EER using the following formula:

K = Q/N,


  • K is the required value;
  • Q – power of the device in cooling mode (amount of generated energy in kW);
  • N – power consumption (the amount of energy taken from the network in kW).

We get: K = 2.1 / 0.65 = 3.23

Therefore, the EER of the model taken is 3.23. The higher the final indicator, the more economically the device uses electricity.

The thermal coefficient COP is calculated using a similar formula. These values ​​must be indicated in the technical data sheet of the device. They can also be obtained from the sales consultant at the time of purchase.

The values ​​of the split system power consumption and output declared by the manufacturer, as well as COP and EER, may differ to one degree or another from the real ones. It all depends on the conditions in which the device is operated.

At enterprises where testing and calculations of energy efficiency of equipment are carried out, conditions are close to ideal. In practice, they are not always observed.

Therefore, it is important to take into account some rules for operating air conditioners to prevent excessive consumption of electricity. We'll look at them in more detail a little later.

The parameters of the considered COP and EER coefficients are fundamental when dividing split systems into energy efficiency classes according to the generally accepted scale.

Energy efficiency classes of split systems

The level of efficiency or “anti-efficiency” of split systems, like many other household appliances, is clearly demonstrated by the energy efficiency scale.

The classification of energy efficiency parameters involves marking devices with special symbols - Latin letters from “A” to “G”. According to the requirements of international quality standards, the designation corresponding to the device must be present on the packaging

Since the category of climate control equipment under consideration is characterized by two types of output power, it is also assigned two energy efficiency classes. Of course, this applies only to those devices that are designed for both heating and cooling of rooms.

The most economical group of equipment is considered to be the models marked “A”, the most energy-consuming – “G”. As existing technologies are constantly improving, manufacturers have begun to produce devices whose efficiency exceeds Class A.

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In this regard, the scale was expanded, adding the designations “A+”, “A++”, “A+++”. Such models are an order of magnitude more economical, but also much more expensive than others.

Factors of minor importance

In addition to coefficients and energy efficiency classes, there are a number of additional factors that influence how much electricity the split system will consume:

  • compressor type;
  • thermal power of the device;
  • room area;
  • difference between internal and external temperatures.

The air conditioner's flow rate is largely determined by the compressor installed in the device. The amount of energy required depends on the frequency of its rotation. Conventional mechanisms operate on a start/stop principle.

When the sensor detects temperature changes above or below specified levels, the electronic unit starts the engine. After reaching the desired temperature values, it turns off again. In standby mode, virtually no electricity is consumed.

Inverter models smoothly maintain the temperature within the specified values. Therefore, they do not need to completely cool the entire air volume the next time they are turned on. They consume almost half as much electricity, last longer, and can operate for heating even in severe frosts.

The scheme according to which inverter split systems operate is considered more efficient and economical. In these models, compressors operate non-stop, smoothly changing rotation speed and, accordingly, power consumption.

The only drawback of equipment with inverter compressors is the high price. However, judging by user reviews, it pays for itself quite quickly.

The larger the area the air conditioner serves, the higher its consumption will be and the greater the thermal power it should have. This parameter is measured in BTU and is designated in numbers - 7, 9, 12, 18, 24, etc.

For average apartments, the first three options are most suitable.

The rest are installed in large houses and administrative buildings:

  • “Seven” corresponds to a value of 7000 BTU (1BTU ≈ 0.3 W). That is, its performance is approximately 2100 W. Such a unit can efficiently serve premises with an area of ​​20-25 m², while consuming about 0.7 kW/h.
  • "Nine" has a power of 9000 BTU or 2700 watts. It is designed for objects with an area of ​​25-30 m² and consumes electricity within 0.8 kW/h.
  • “Twelve” with a performance of 12000 BTU or 3600 W is intended for rooms up to 40 m². Its consumption is about 0.95-1 kW/h.

If you do not compare the thermal power of the device with the area of ​​the room and buy an air conditioner with a lower value than is actually necessary, you may encounter unpleasant consequences.

First of all, this is fraught with increased energy consumption and a shortened service life of the device due to excessive loads.

To ensure uninterrupted and safe operation of the air conditioner, you should ensure that there is an outlet with a power coefficient corresponding to its power, check the parameters of the safety plugs in the electrical panel, and make sure that the wiring is in good technical condition

The temperature outside the window, or more precisely, its difference with the temperature in the room served, also affects the amount of energy consumption.

For example, the outdoor thermometers have risen to +40 °C, and the room needs to be cooled to 22 °C. In this case, the air conditioner will consume more energy than if it were 32 °C outside.

Operating modes

The electricity consumption of an air conditioner is related to how it works, so let's look at this issue first. Temperature conversion occurs thanks to a heat pump, and it, in turn, works by pumping coolant with a compressor and changing pressure in the lines. The coolant (freon) changes from liquid to gaseous state in the indoor or outdoor unit, depending on how it operates: in cooling or heating mode.

After reaching the set temperature (it is set by the user from the control panel), the system goes into standby mode. When the ambient temperature goes beyond the set limits, it goes into operation mode again. This reduces energy consumption.

It follows: the split system does not operate constantly, but periodically. In standby mode, it consumes virtually no electricity. The current consumed in this state is necessary for the operation of the control system. The compressor consumes the most current, followed by fans.

Features of electricity consumption by air conditioner

The amount of energy consumed (consumption) by an air conditioner is ambiguous and depends on operating modes and power consumption. This value is determined by two main parameters - the cooling and consuming performance of the device, indicated in the technical data sheet of the air conditioner (COP and EER value).

Power consumption indicates the consumption of electricity from the line, and the power parameter determines how much required energy the system produces. The higher this value, the lower the energy consumption.

However, the buyer should also understand that the parameters specified by the manufacturer may differ slightly from actual costs. This is due to the fact that when testing the device and calculating its parameters in the room, all the conditions necessary for minimal energy consumption (closed windows and doors) were met. But in domestic use, such conditions are not always maintained, which leads to an increase in energy consumption during the operation of the split system.

There are also some factors that affect the amount of energy consumed. Let's look at them.

What factors influence:

  1. The air conditioner consumes more energy when additional modes are turned on , for example, ionization and air humidification.
  2. Energy consumption is also affected by the capabilities of the compressor. Inverter type air conditioners are recognized as the most economical type of equipment.
  3. Conventional split systems, which automatically turn off when a set temperature is reached, do not consume energy when they are in standby mode. But as soon as the air temperature in the room deviates from the set parameters, the air conditioner begins to operate at full power, and in this mode the compressor consumes a large amount of current.

How many kilowatts does a split system consume?

For comparison, with a conventional 2 kW heater, the electricity consumption is 2 kW/h, for example, a Carrier split system operating in heating mode uses a power of 2.1 kW, but due to the use of refrigerant, the power consumption is 0.58 kW/h.

That is, the cost of electricity at a cost of 1 kW/h is 3 rubles. will be 1.74 rubles. almost 3.5 times less than a heater.

This happens due to the use of the “heat pump” principle, that is, the use of heat from outside street air to heat the room. The energy efficiency of a split system can be increased through the use of inverter control.

How much a split system consumes can be considered using the example of a regular “nine”, equipped with an inverter, cooling an area of ​​25 m2, using 500 W/h, provided that the air conditioner runs for 10 hours, the result will be 5 kW/h during operation. When the cost of electricity is 3 rubles. a day for ten hours of work will run up 15 rubles. which means for a month consisting of 30 calendar days 450 rubles.

The power of air conditioning systems is measured in BTU (British Thermal Unit) 1 BTU/hour corresponds to 0.3 W, or to be more precise 0.2931 W, or 1 W = 3.412 BTU/hour.

Factors of influence

Let's consider several points that directly affect the level of energy consumption of a split system

It is important to understand that we will be talking about inverter devices that can regulate the number of compressor revolutions. Non-inverter models operate stably with maximum energy consumption, therefore the energy consumption is always the same

Influencing factors:

Compressor functionality Inverter split units operate continuously without turning off. After the set temperature is reached, the compressor reduces speed to a level sufficient to maintain the desired parameters. The lower the speed, the lower the energy consumption. In this way, an economical operating mode is achieved, which is not available for non-inverter models that operate on-off.

  • Temperature difference. The higher the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air, the more electricity will be required to cool the indoor environment.
  • Cooling rate. The more you need to cool the air, the higher the energy costs.
  • Functional mode. Each mode has a programmed time interval during which it operates. With longer operation, power consumption also increases.
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