Electricity Saving Box - all about the device for saving electricity

Saving resources is a very current trend in the modern world. And if it is further supported by a constant increase in tariffs, then energy saving becomes simply a vital necessity. The introduction of serious energy-saving technologies costs a lot of money: changing all the light bulbs for housekeepers, buying a new refrigerator or washing machine is quite an expensive pleasure. However, the Electricity Saving Box device for saving electricity is now being actively promoted on the Internet. It's worth taking a closer look at it.

Operating principle of the saver

Manufacturers of the Electricity Saving Box energy saver base the operating principle of the device on the presence of two types of power in any electrical network - active and reactive. The difference between these types of energy is very significant, but they are both components of total power:

  • Active (useful) power is the energy that electrical devices directly consume and convert into other forms of energy, such as light or heat.

  • Reactive power increases network resistance and creates electromagnetic fields. This property can be used in a plant or factory when operating industrial electromagnets or electric motors, but it is completely useless and even harmful in everyday life.

The Electricity Saving Box device, according to its developers, removes unnecessary reactive components from the network. This reduces the overall network load, which in turn reduces current consumption. As a result, household appliances use 30-50% less electricity, so the cost of paying for it becomes more acceptable. The effectiveness of the device is especially clearly visible in the presence of a significant inductive load at the site.

In other words, savings arise through the implementation of such processes:

  • timely absorption by the capacitor and dynamic release of reactive power at the right moment;
  • reducing losses due to overcoming circuit resistance;
  • eliminating voltage drops in the network, smoothing peak loads;
  • normalization of the electrical flow and its structure, which reduces vibration and noise of electrical devices.

In an ordinary house or apartment there are also gadgets that create reactive power, this could be a refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, drill or food processor. However, computer monitors or televisions require direct current. Some craftsmen, studying the principle of operation of the Electricity Saving Box, are trying to make devices with their own hands that would convert reactive energy into active energy. Despite the fact that a schematic diagram of such a device has long been posted on the Internet, no one has progressed far in its development. Experiments often end with the meter being replaced, a large fine, or a call to the fire brigade. Therefore, it is better to trust the specialists and buy an energy-saving device Electricity Saving Box.

Electricity Saving Box: reviews from specialists and customers

Well, how can you not buy it if there are completely positive reviews around, not only from buyers, but also from specialists who knowledgeably talk about the principle of operation of the device. It saves electricity, stabilizes the voltage in the network, and extends the life of electrical appliances. Here is one typical review from “real” customers:

Please note that I deliberately chose a rather restrained review, and not an enthusiastic and laudatory one, from which one can smell “orderly” a kilometer away. This one could well be mistaken for the real one, if not for a couple of little things that give the author away.

  1. Absence of operating nuances that inevitably arise for people who actually use any device. The person simply repeated word for word what is in the description of the “energy saver” on any of the sites selling it. He himself did not see it.
  2. Focusing on low price and additional benefits - “there are fewer interruptions.” The review clearly shows a push to buy, albeit (to its credit) unobtrusive.
  3. "Lots of fakes." A clear hint that the device should not be purchased from the Chinese, but in “trusted” stores. Of course, on Aliexpress it costs $4, and “ours” charge for exactly the same thing from $10 to $40.
  4. There are also comments under the review. All of them are negative, but the author did not provide a single answer or refutation of the essence of the accusations of insincerity brought against him.

Where do these “real” buyers come from? There is such a profession - to defend the homeland, to write reviews for money. There are special intermediary sites where customers (sellers) look for performers and vice versa. And believe me, there is no shortage of either one or the other. This is a whole industry where everything is put on stream. The more professional the performer, the more difficult it is to distinguish his review from the real one and the more he earns. And then we wonder how this happens? Everyone praises some product, we buy it, but it turns out to be dull shit.

How to start saving and saving money

Benefits of using the device

Energy-saving Electricity Saving Box devices, as their name suggests, were developed to reduce the electricity consumption of household devices. At the same time, during the testing process, it showed other qualities that were very pleasant for buyers.

The level of savings when using an economizer is, according to its designers, from 30 to 50%, depending on the device consuming electricity:

  • electric disk stove, jigsaw, hammer drill, drill – 30%;
  • incandescent lamp, toaster, coffee maker, electric kettle – 35%;
  • gas boiler equipped with an electric motor, refrigerator - 40%;
  • microwave oven, heater, iron, induction electric stove, TV – 45%;
  • washing machine, hair dryer, personal computer, household air conditioner – 50%.

You need to pay attention to the quality of the wiring in the room. If it is old and has not been changed for a long time, then the effect of the economizer may decrease. This is due to the fact that in Soviet times, wiring was laid based on a much smaller number of electrical appliances than is used in our time. Therefore, increased heating of the wires is possible with a corresponding additional electricity consumption.

Additional benefits of the Electricity Saving Box are:

  • reducing the level of radiation harmful to human health, which is emitted by electrical appliances and wiring;
  • extending the service life of lighting lamps and various household appliances;
  • participation in the process of lightning and lightning protection;
  • hollow safety device.

It is most profitable to purchase and install an energy saver at the following facilities:

  • private houses and cottages;
  • apartments in multi-storey buildings;
  • offices and shops;
  • restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens;
  • hairdressers, beauty salons;
  • gyms, fitness centers;
  • car washes and auto repair shops;
  • small production facilities.

Go to the manufacturer's website

Advantages over competitors

The Electricity Saving Box energy saver successfully combines a whole list of advantages, among which we should highlight:

  • ease of operation: just connect the device to a power source, then it will function fully automatically;
  • absolute legality: the economizer does not affect the performance of the meter;
  • extending the service life of household appliances;
  • reducing the level of electromagnetic radiation, which has a detrimental effect on living organisms;
  • Finally, the payback period of the device does not exceed two months.

Technical characteristics of the energy saver

The device is sold in a green cardboard box and looks like an elegant plastic box with contacts for connecting to a power outlet. The shape of the economizer is similar to a slightly enlarged computer mouse, having the following dimensions: length - 12 cm, width - 7 cm, thickness 4 cm. The device weighs 125 g without packaging, 150 g - with packaging. The box also necessarily includes instructions in Russian, but sometimes there are cases when the package contains an insert in English or Chinese. True, the device is so easy to use that it is difficult not to guess how to use it.

Inside the case you can see what the economizer consists of:

  • film capacitor;
  • diode bridge with 2 resistances (resistors);
  • 2 green LEDs;
  • 1 fuse.

The device operates when connected to a standard electrical network after the meter and as close to it as possible, parallel to the load. There is no need to make any adjustments; after plugging into the socket, the green LEDs immediately light up, which means that the saver has already begun to operate. It requires no maintenance.

A load of 5 to 19 kW is allowed, that is, for an average apartment, one saver connected to a standard circuit with a voltage of 220 W will be quite enough. It should not be installed in rooms with high humidity, such as a swimming pool, bathroom, sauna. The maximum humidity recommended by the developers for normal operation of the device is 85%. The manufacturer provides a one-year warranty on the device, but its service life under normal conditions is at least 10 years.

The strength of the device is its complete safety for electrical appliances and wiring. There is no interference or violation of the integrity of the meter's circuit or seal. Using a saver is absolutely legal and will not lead to problems with controllers. Safety and quality are confirmed by certificates of conformity issued by a number of countries where devices are sold, such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova.

What do these devices actually represent?

Well, now let’s go through the most advertised energy-saving devices.

SberBox and other “boxes”

One of these is SberBox. Small, compact, similar in appearance to any power supply, but only with two diodes on the top cover.

On the bottom cover there is a plug for connecting to a socket. When connected, the diodes light up, informing about the operation of the device.

According to the manufacturers, SberBox is capable of saving up to 45% of energy by reducing the amount of power consumed by devices due to the reactive component.

The manufacturer specifies the technical parameters of this device.

It is designed for a single-phase network with a voltage of 90-250 V. The device can operate with a load of up to 15 kW.

Devices similar to this – SmartBox and Energy Saver – have approximately the same characteristics. Essentially, these are the same device, but under different names.

What is noteworthy is that there are practically no reviews on them, there is simply a manufacturer’s website where their positive qualities are explained.

In reality, everything is somewhat different. And although there are no schematic electrical diagrams of these devices, it is not difficult to find out what it consists of; just disassemble them.

But inside these devices everything is quite simple.

Two wires go from the plug to a printed circuit board on which several resistors and two LEDs are placed.

Resistors lower the voltage and feed it to the diodes. There is nothing else inside, especially capable of reducing energy costs.

Essentially, these devices are small lamps that can be used as an indicator of the presence of voltage in the network. But this indicator will be very expensive.

Power Saver

Another advertised device is called Power Saver. This is the same compact device in a stylish case with two LEDs, like the previous three.

The technical specifications state that it is designed for a single-phase network with a voltage of 90-240 V.

It can handle loads up to 19 kW. The percentage of energy savings when using it is up to 35%.

These savings are achieved by increasing the power factor of devices, as well as by converting reactive loads.

Also, this device can allegedly improve and normalize the structure of electric current.

As for the internal filling, it is somewhat better than that of SmartBox.

In addition to the same resistors and LEDs, there is also a capacitor inside the device. All this allows the device to even perform a certain useful function - to protect the network from power surges.

But if you look at Power Saver in general, it is nothing more than a regular surge protector. But the cost of this filter is significantly inflated due to advertising.

It should be noted that although this device is practically useless, its circuit is safe.

Its capacitor is shunted to one of the resistors, so when the device is unplugged from the outlet, the capacitor is discharged to this resistor and does not hold the current.

Electricity Saving box

Next on the list is Electricity Saving-box. This is another one of the “boxes” that converts reactive voltage into active voltage.

In appearance, this device does not differ from those described, and its characteristics are not much different.

According to manufacturers, it can save up to 40% of electricity.

Inside this device are hidden the same resistors with LEDs and a capacitor.

His circuit is also safe, so you don’t have to worry that when you turn off the device and touch the plug, you can get a capacitor discharge.

And again, under the “miracle device” lies an ordinary surge filter that can only reduce surges in the network, but at a significant cost.


And finally, let’s look at one more device – “Economych”. According to the manufacturers, the device effectively redistributes the reactive component, protects the network from overvoltage, filters current waveform distortions and corrects the power factor.

But outwardly this device does not differ from the same “boxes”. Essentially this is the same - Electricity Saving-box. There are no differences inside either - all the same notorious resistors with LEDs and a capacitor.

How to buy an economizer

There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of all kinds of energy savers. However, you need to understand that a considerable part of them are fakes from unknown companies that copy the appearance of real devices, but in fact do not give any effect.

You can avoid the fate of being deceived by scammers by purchasing the necessary device on the website of an official distributor, who contacts directly with the manufacturer without shell companies and additional markups. The price of the economizer is quite affordable and amounts to 1690 rubles.

The purchasing mechanism is extremely simple and transparent:

  • The client goes to the official website of the distributor and enters his name and contact phone number in the dedicated windows.
  • Within a short period of time, the manager will call the specified number to confirm and place the order. In this case, you can consult on questions of interest regarding the characteristics of the economizer.
  • The package is sent by mail and delivered within a week after ordering.
  • The buyer pays for the parcel only after receiving it. There is no need to fall into the web of unscrupulous businessmen who offer to make an advance payment to a bank card, after which they deceive clients.

Device price

In order to protect yourself from the machinations of scammers and not fall for an outright scam, buy the Electricity Saving Box energy saver exclusively on the official website:

Attention! We provide a table with approximate prices; sometimes there are promotions and discounts from the official dealer in different countries, so they may be slightly lower in the store.

A countryPrice
Russia1,790 rubles
Ukraine450 hryvnia
Belarus490,000 BYN rub.
Kazakhstan7,900 tenge
Kyrgyzstan2,389 som
Georgia59 GEL
Armenia12,008 dram
Moldova569 lei
European Union


39 euros
Poland104 zlotys
North America



Comments and reviews about the device

Regarding the design and operating efficiency of the Electricity Saving Box, reviews on the Internet can be found very different: from a clear “yes” to a categorical “no”. To figure out whether the Electricity Saving Box is a scam or true, we selected some real reviews from people who are familiar with the device first-hand. After reading them, the consumer can form his own opinion about the saver and make an informed decision about the need to purchase it:

  • “My work is also connected to the Internet. I constantly came across advertisements for saving box. I decided to figure out what was what and went to a specialized forum. There, experienced specialists write that it is impossible for it to work. It even became interesting, I bought it and started testing. We are not talking about 50%, but the device saves 10% for me” (Igor Vakulin, 32 years old, Kaliningrad).

  • “What nonsense? Reactive energy cannot be converted into active energy, and to equalize the voltage you need a stabilizer, which does not cost 3 kopecks. All these tables and studies are just to fool people’s heads. It’s all a lie, I don’t believe it” (Arnold, Kaluga).
  • “I bought myself an electric city to cut down a little on electricity consumption at the car wash. If you don't properly light your garage, you won't get a client. And if you light it, you pay a lot. The saver approached me and I started paying almost a third less. Only one thing is offensive: why do you have to buy everything Chinese? Is it really impossible to make our own, Russian device, and not pay someone?” (Stepan Ilyich, 49 years old, Novgorod).
  • “Last year I came to visit my father-in-law and saw that he had an energy saver plugged into the outlet. I already told him about resistance, and about the types of voltage, and about higher harmonics. And he smiles, and shows me the bills, and every month he saves 300 rubles, despite the fact that he already turns off every light bulb behind him” (Mikhail Konoplev, 40 years old, Volokolamsk).
  • “I bought myself an Electricity Saving Box for my office because I had to pay a lot for light. Our building is old, in winter we have to heat it with heaters, and there are also 15 computers, 8 printers, lighting, and all sorts of small things. Previously, one and a half thousand kilowatts were supplied per month, but we are state employees, they don’t give us a lot of money. After the saver installed it, there was never more than 900 kilowatts. I recommended to all my friends to buy such an invention, it is inexpensive, pays for itself very quickly, literally in 2 months” (Andrey Ivanov, St. Petersburg).

Read more

  • Water saver: scam or truth

Reviews from real users

Whatever the pros and cons, potential buyers are interested in the end result of using this device. This information can only be shared by those who have already purchased an electricity saving box. Real reviews will help you finally figure out whether you should buy such a device.

A couple of years ago I also got a so-called electricity saving box. They gave it to me, assuring me that now I would save up to 30% of electricity. I was even honored with a demonstration of its “strength” - the tester showed how much the current consumption indicator deviates. When demonstrating the miracle device to an electrician I knew, it was explained to me in a gentle manner what kind of box it was.

I did not despair, but tested its operation in real conditions, plugging it into the first socket from the meter (according to the instructions). My family consistently consumes a certain amount of kW, the effect of the device did not change this consumption even by 5% , let alone 30%. It is sad that pensioners seeking to save money will fall for this trick and spend their already meager salaries on this scam.

Pros: power consumption has not increased...

Website with reviews from real users

I will say this in support of forum members who warn against wasting money on such things. More than one hundred people have already fallen for this trick, which is not surprising given such a tempting prospect of saving up to 30-50% of electricity. A lot of pseudoscientific arguments have been placed , just to fool people’s heads.

Even the voltage stabilization effect requires an expensive, powerful and rather large unit, but what can this plastic box weighing 200 grams do? Complete nonsense!

Feedback on the forum on the topic "electricity saving box"

Fully aware of the crazy idea of ​​super-saving, I bought myself this “electricity saving box” for the sake of experiment. I measured the consumption before and after - 0% savings. If I'm not mistaken, even 1 kW was added. When trying to contact their service with questions, they hung up. It was not possible to find those who leave rave reviews about the miracle device on the forums. All this is obvious: a complete scam . You can, of course, try it if you don’t mind the money!

Feedback on the farming forum

You can also find positive reviews about the electricity saving box device, which are strange in nature, most likely purely advertising.

Real test of the device

How can you clearly understand that this energy saving device is a scam? It’s very simple, just plug in several powerful current collectors into the sockets and take certain measurements on the meter. On an electronic meter, to calculate consumption, you will need to count the number of pulses on the LED over a certain time. And on a mechanical one - the number of disk revolutions.

The experiment will need to be repeated in two versions:

  • without the device plugged into the network

  • with the device turned on

So, we completely turn off all the load in the apartment (refrigerators, TVs, etc.). We connect it to an outlet with a load of approximately 1 kW. The greater the load, the faster the disk will spin or the diodes on the meter will blink.

We begin to count revolutions for a certain amount of time. For example, the CO-505 meter makes 600 disk revolutions or 10 revolutions per minute in 1 hour with a connected load of 1 kW.

Accordingly, after waiting 2 minutes, you will count approximately 20 revolutions, depending on the error and voltage on the meter.

You absolutely do not need to know the exact power of the connected load. It is enough to correctly calculate the disk revolutions for a certain time.

After this, plug the energy saving device into a power outlet and measure the disk revolutions again. And lo and behold, in my example (load of 1 kW) their number will again be about 20, that is, exactly the same as without the device. You can plug anything into the outlet, the result will be the same.

Here is a table comparing the actual consumption of active power (this is what our meters take into account) measured not by a meter, but by a measuring device - a wattmeter, for an EkoEnerji brand saver 25 kW and 40 kW (measurement technology here)

Load usedTest circuit optionPower consumption, WDifference in %
Bulb 60Wwithout saver610
with energy saver 25kW610
with energy saver 40kW66,3+8,6
Electric fireplace 0.5 kWwithout saver496,50
with energy saver 25kW498+0,3
with energy saver 40kW503,8+1,5
Luminaire with fluorescent lampwithout saver17,70
with energy saver 25kW19,4+9,6
with energy saver 40kW21,2+19,8
Rotary hammer at idle speedwithout saver556,10
with energy saver 25kW541,2-2,7
with energy saver 40kW532,4-4,3
Hammer+grinder+electric fireplacewithout saver1544,70
with energy saver 25kW1537,9-0,4
with energy saver 40kW1514-2

The “savings” effect (only about 4%) appeared only when connecting an electric tool.

However, this is not a saving of electrical energy at all - but a decrease in its useful power!

If we take into account the additional losses in the windings, which invariably form in this case, then the overall efficiency will be even lower. When connecting another load, the power consumption only increased!

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