What is needed to connect electricity to a house or site

Preparation of documents and submission of an application for technological connection

An important condition is that you should choose a network company from the closest ones. Before contacting a network company to apply for a technological connection and conclude an agreement, you must prepare the following documents:

  1. Application for technological connection, a sample and form for filling out which you can find on the network company’s website or pick up at its office;
  2. Copies of documents confirming ownership of the plot (house);
  3. If there is construction going on at the connected site, then a list of equipment that consumes energy is required. If there is already a residential building on the site, then a list of household appliances that are the main energy consumers is required;
  4. Site plan;
  5. Applicant's passport and TIN certificate.

IMPORTANT! An application for supplying electricity to a site (house) must be filled out in two copies, one of which remains with the network company, the other with the applicant.

Sample application for technological connection

An application from an individual for connection to one source of power supply to power receiving devices with a maximum power of up to 15 kW is shown below.

You can also apply.

What to do after completing the technological connection?

After the network organization fulfills its part of the technical conditions, it draws up an act on the implementation of technological connection, which is posted in the applicant’s personal account on its website. The certificate of approval for operation of the metering device is also placed here, which the network carries out independently without anyone’s participation. The network notifies the guaranteeing supplier about the preparation of the above-mentioned acts, the applicant’s contract with whom begins to be valid from the day the documents are posted in the personal account. Well, that’s all, actually. No further documents are required.

Despite its apparent simplicity, people continue to encounter difficulties when connecting to electrical networks. Therefore, I recorded a detailed course where I talk about all the nuances of the technological connection procedure for individuals up to 15 kW. Go ahead and take a look. Let me remind you that the first lesson is completely free and, after watching it, you will be able to understand whether this course is right for you, the cost of which is quite symbolic compared to the information that you will receive. Watch the first lesson for free

In addition, if you:

  • there is no time to understand the intricacies of filling out an application for technological connection;
  • have already submitted an application, but the network organization canceled it because they did not provide the necessary information;
  • It’s not clear what and where to fill out...

In general, if you want to connect to the electrical network without unnecessary headaches, we will take on the maximum possible number of actions related to the registration of technological connection. You will need to send us the necessary documents, as well as pay the cost of technological connection to the network organization. You can find out more about the service at tp.energo.blog

Inspection by inspector and commissioning

When the inspector inspects the site, he must be provided with all the necessary documents.

Firstly, a document confirming the fulfillment of the conditions specified in the technical specifications, which is issued by the organization involved in drawing up the technical conditions.

Secondly, this is an act of acceptance of electrical installation work. This act is a document that indicates a list of installed electrical equipment with their passports, describes the types of work performed on the installation of electrical wiring, as well as distribution boxes, sockets, and switches. The act must comply with the project for the power supply of the house. If changes have been made that are not included in the project, they must be agreed upon with the design organization.

Based on the documents provided, the inspector draws up an act for connection to electrical networks.

One-time technological connection to electrical networks

In my practice, I often encounter situations where consumers apply for a new technological connection for their facility, which was previously connected to electrical networks, but due to various circumstances the consumer is not aware of this. For the consumer, this is, first of all, unreasonable financial expenses, a waste of time and effort. For a network organization, such a connection is a violation of the principle of one-time technological connection, provided for in Part 1 of Article 26 of the Federal Law of March 26, 2006 No. 35-FZ “On Electric Power Industry”.


Back in 2022, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia revealed what exactly is meant by the concept of “one-time technological connection to electrical networks.”

By one-time use we mean a one-time implementation of the procedure for technological connection of power receiving devices of electrical energy consumers in the amount of the maximum power of such power receiving devices specified in the documents on technological connection.

In essence, a one-time technological connection to electrical networks means that:

  1. the fee for technological connection is charged once; when the form of ownership or owner (applicant or network organization) changes, a new technological connection procedure is not required;
  2. a change in the form of ownership or owner (applicant or network organization) does not entail a repeated connection procedure and, especially, payment for technological connection;
  3. reconstruction of a capital construction facility previously connected to electrical networks, in which the reconstruction and increase in the power of the power receiving device is not carried out, or in which there is no change in the category of reliability of power supply, connection points, types of production activities, entailing a change in the external power supply scheme, does not require the implementation of a new ( repeated) technological connection.

What does this mean in practice?

Having once connected to the electrical network according to parameters determined by technical conditions, power industry entities will not have the right to require the consumer to repeat this procedure and pay for it.

The only exceptions are those cases in which, as has already been written, the consumer needs to increase the maximum power, change the reliability category, the point of connection to the external electrical network and change the external power supply scheme, due to changes in the consumer’s production activities. Under the above circumstances, satisfaction of the applicant's needs for these changes in power supply is carried out through the technological connection procedure and requires appropriate payment.

It is important to understand that when making the primary technological connection of the consumer’s power receiving devices, all technical parameters of such connection specified in the technical specifications are assigned to the connected power receiving devices and are recorded in the documents on the technological connection, in particular in the act on the implementation of the technological connection.

These technical parameters are:

  • maximum power of energy receiving devices;
  • power supply reliability category;
  • number of connection points;
  • voltage level at which power receiving devices are connected.

When selling, leasing, temporary use, etc., that is, when alienating rights to energy receiving devices, a land plot for them, or another object connected to the networks, the new owner (proprietor) must request documents on technological connection from the alienating person and is obliged in accordance with the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry”, notify the network organization about the change of owner (legal owner) of power receiving devices.

Why is this necessary:

  • compliance with the principle of one-time technological connection, that is, the new owner will not need to reconnect the object to the electrical networks, since he will have documents confirming the existence of such a connection;
  • re-registration of documents on technological connection to the new owner. The cost of the procedure is no more than 1000 rubles. VAT included;
  • conclusion of an energy supply / purchase and sale of electrical energy (power) agreement between the new owner and the energy sales organization (supplier of last resort) and the network organization, respectively, to organize payments for the consumed volumes of electrical energy (power).

It often happens that the rights to an alienated object are transferred without documents on technological connection, and the object itself is de-energized and disconnected from the electrical network, but the new owner (possessor) understands that the object was once connected to the electrical power infrastructure, since the electrical network is connected to it laid. This is where the principle of one-time technological connection should work.

What should be the consumer's course of action in such cases?

Let's consider the shortest and most effective.

A consumer who owns an object by right of ownership or on another basis provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation applies to the network organization for the restoration of documents on technological connection - they will be required to conclude an energy supply / purchase and sale of electrical energy (power) agreement. If the network organization does not have any information and documents confirming the fact of a previously completed connection to the networks, then the consumer should contact the guaranteeing supplier (energy sales company) with a request about previously existing contractual relations for this facility, establish the network organization with its help, and also, having thereby confirmed the fact of a previously existing connection to the networks, re-apply for the restoration of documents to the appropriate network organization.

There are often cases when a person has acquired a workshop, hangar or other building on the territory of a large industrial facility, as well as an allocated plot of land on the territory, for example, of a bankrupt factory, seaport, etc. Such a consumer requires a separate energy supply contract (a separate electricity meter).

It is not possible to reach an agreement with the owners of neighboring electrified buildings, and the nearest network organization refuses a new technological connection due to the fact that this building (land plot) was already technologically connected as part of the territory of the same plant, port, etc., from which it was subsequently separated land plot, as well as a building, and transferred to this consumer. That is, the network organization refers to the principle of one-time technological connection, justifying its refusal to connect.

What remains for the consumer?

According to the position of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, a one-time connection to the networks can indeed serve as a reason for refusal, but only until the applicant proves the absence of a technological connection with other objects and (or) the main land plot previously technologically connected to the electrical networks. Those. the network organization will not have the right to refuse connection to such a consumer whose land plot and (or) real estate object is separated from the main site (object) previously connected to the networks, if it is established that there is no technological connection between the main and the newly allocated site (object) applicant. Technological connection in this context refers to an inextricable connection during one production process. For example, such a technological connection of two land plots (objects) with different owners can be recognized as a connection in which a single transport belt operates on both plots, delivering cargo from the main plot to the allocated and newly formed one, owned by the applicant.

Of course, there can be many different situations and it is often quite difficult to understand them. For these purposes, the Technological Connection Rules have separate paragraphs and sections. The issues of technological connection of summer cottages and garages, both included and not included in various types of associations, stand apart. A number of rules and restrictions apply to such applicants. The concept of one-time technological connection here has already gone beyond the scope of the definition described above.

Obtaining an energy supply contract

According to clause 72 of the “Basic Provisions for the Functioning of Retail Electricity Markets”, which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 No. 442, the fulfillment by the electricity supplier of its obligations to the consumer for the supply of electricity does not depend on the existence of an agreement drawn up on paper.

In fact, the contract is considered concluded if the consumer is connected to the electrical network in the manner prescribed by law and consumes electricity. In this case, the start date of the period for which the consumer paid the electricity bill is the start date of the contract.

If the consumer decides to formalize the contract on paper, then he should contact the organization supplying electricity with an application and attached documents, namely:

  • copy of passport;
  • documents confirming ownership;
  • act on technological connection;
  • an act on the admission to operation of metering devices or other documents confirming the fact of admission to operation of metering devices (if there are metering devices).

The agreement must be drawn up by the electricity supplier within 30 days from the date the consumer submits the relevant request.

Checking compliance with technical conditions and obtaining permission to operate metering devices

Verification of your compliance with technical conditions in cases where coordination of technical conditions with the subject of operational dispatch control is not required is carried out by the network organization.

To check the fulfillment of technical conditions, you send a notification to the network organization about the fulfillment of technical conditions and attach the following documents:

a) copies of certificates of conformity for electrical equipment (if the equipment is subject to mandatory certification) and (or) accompanying technical documentation (technical data sheets of equipment) containing information about certification;

b) copies of sections of the design documentation providing for technical solutions that ensure compliance with technical conditions;

c) documents containing information on the results of commissioning, acceptance and other tests;

d) normal (temporary normal) diagrams of electrical connections of an electrical power facility, including a single-line diagram of electrical connections (electrical installations).

If the electrical equipment includes only an input device with a voltage of up to 1000 V, lighting installations, portable electrical equipment and power receiving devices with a rated voltage of no higher than 380 V, then the documents specified in subparagraphs “c” and “d” are not required.

Network organization:

a) check the compliance of technical solutions, equipment parameters and measures taken specified in the documents with the requirements of technical specifications;

b) will inspect the connected electrical installations of the applicant for compliance of the technological connection activities actually carried out by the applicant with the technical conditions and the design documentation submitted by the applicant or for compliance with the requirements specified in the technical conditions.

At the same time, you must obtain permission to operate the metering device and draw up a certificate of approval for the metering device into operation. To do this, you need to send an application to the network organization to obtain permission to operate the metering device.

To allow the metering device into operation, the network company invites a representative of the energy sales organization with which you plan to enter into an energy supply agreement.

The network organization inspects the connected electrical installations up to the switchgear (point).

After checking the technical conditions and obtaining permission to operate the metering device, it is necessary to organize the process of actually connecting the objects to the electrical networks. This can be done by a representative of the network organization immediately after the inspection, or you will need to agree with the network organization to carry out this activity additionally.

Based on the results of measures to verify the fulfillment of technical conditions and after the actual connection of the object to the network, the network organization, within 3 days, draws up an act on the fulfillment of technical conditions and sends it to you, signed on its part in 2 copies. You must sign a certificate of compliance with technical conditions within 5 days of receipt.

How much does it cost to install electricity?

There is a basic cost for connecting electricity, which is 550 rubles, however, to connect according to this tariff, the following conditions must be met:

  • the amount of power required is no more than 15 kW;
  • the nearest power transmission line of the required voltage is located at a distance of no more than 300 m for cities and urban settlements and no more than 500 m for rural settlements;
  • one source of supply required;
  • Electricity consumption will not be for production activities.

In other cases, the cost of connecting electricity will be determined according to established tariffs, which are regulated by local executive authorities.

The cost of connecting electricity can be 5-500 thousand rubles, depending on:

  • required power;
  • number of supply sources;
  • distance from the site to the nearest pole;
  • cost and nature of specifications.

IMPORTANT! Despite the possible monetary costs, it is necessary to connect to electricity according to all the rules, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. If an unscrupulous consumer is connected to the power line without authorization, he or she faces high fines and penalties, including criminal liability!

Connection deadlines

It must be borne in mind that the technical specifications remain valid for 2 years. The legislation states that the network organization is obliged to fulfill its part of the obligations under the technical specifications within 6 months from the date of signing the agreement. In the remaining time (before the expiration of 2 years), the applicant must fulfill his obligations. Then he sends a notification to the organization, which within 10 days inspects the conditions fulfilled by the applicant, and in the next 5 days, if there are no complaints, implements the actual connection of the consumer to electricity.

Electrification under the federal program

From time to time, information appears about a certain federal electrification program, the essence of which is that if a number of requirements are met (which are interpreted differently in different sources), the applicant pays only 550 rubles, and all other expenses are borne by the state.

However, the basic cost of connecting a site to electricity is already 550 rubles, without any government program. Therefore, it is worth noting that there is no electrification program at the federal level, but they can be carried out at the level of a specific region, which is worth considering and keeping in mind.

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