How much does an LED lamp consume and what savings can be achieved?

Good day to all! What is so necessary in winter when the batteries are either turned off, or when they provide little heat - that’s right, heaters. Heaters help us maintain a comfortable room temperature in winter.

Sometimes heating batteries is simply not enough, or heaters are used where there is no heating system, these are garages, cottages, pavilions, kiosks, etc. Before using a heater, you should first calculate how much electricity heating devices consume, and how much you will have to pay for electricity. Today we'll try to figure it out.

So, the most popular heaters are the following types:

Watt concept

Watt (W) is a unit of electrical power - energy consumption over a certain time. 1 watt is equal to the same number of joules (J) of electricity for 1 second.

The name of this unit of measurement comes from the name of the British scientist James Watt, who first proposed using horsepower as a universal calculation for the technical performance of machines.

Converting watt to kilowatt

By analogy with other units of measurement, the prefix “kilo” means 1000, so the formula for converting watts to kilowatts is as follows:

1 kW = 1000 W

If the indicated parameters of the iron are 1.8 kW, then in the corresponding translation this figure is 1800 W.

When converting back, the number of watts is divided by 1000: with an incandescent lamp power of 100 W, this criterion equals 0.1 kW.

The value of this equipment characteristic is easy to find out by studying the technical documentation of the product or the markings applied by the manufacturer on the case.

Example of lighting efficiency calculation

We will evaluate the economic efficiency using the example of the annual costs of lighting an apartment. Let’s say it is necessary to use 3 incandescent lamps, each with a power of 100 watts, for lighting every day for 3 hours for one year (365 days x 3 hours = 1050 hours). The total power consumption is 300 watts or 0.3 kW. An equal luminous flux can be created by 3 compact fluorescent lamps with a total power of 78 watts (3 pcs. x 26 W) or 0.078 kW, or 3 LED lamps with a power of 14 watts each, which corresponds to 42 W of their total power (3 pcs. x 14 W). Calculation of lighting costs for each option is presented in the table.

IndexLighting option with lamps
incandescentluminescent compactLED
Total power consumption, kW0,30,0780,042
Annual electricity consumption, kWh328,585,446,0
Annual electricity costs (at a cost of 4.68 rubles per 1 kWh), rub.1537400215
Cost of 3 lamps, rub.150450990
Total costs in the 1st year, rub.16878501205
Costs in the 2nd year, rub.1687400215
Total costs for 2 years, rub.337412501420
Costs in the 3rd year, rub.1687400215
Total costs for 3 years, rub.506116501635

It should be kept in mind: the service life of incandescent lamps is 1000 hours (this will require purchasing 3 pieces annually), compact fluorescent lamps 8000 hours, and LED lamps 25000 hours, which is also taken into account in the calculations in efficiency options.

As can be seen from the table, the lighting option with incandescent lamps turned out to be more expensive and, therefore, ineffective already at the end of the first year. In the first year, the costs for this option are 2 times higher than the costs for the lighting option with compact fluorescents and 1.4 times for the option with LEDs.

The second year of lighting confirms the effectiveness of the option with compact fluorescent lamps over the option with LED ones (at the end of the second year it loses 170 rubles).

At the end of the third year, the LED version becomes more effective than the compact fluorescent version.

It should be noted that the comparison options are given at the level in September 2015 for the central regions of Russia, with the cost of electricity and prices for lamps remaining unchanged.

When choosing a lighting option, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • in addition to the ineffectiveness of using incandescent lamps as a lighting source compared to energy-saving ones, one should keep in mind their fire hazard (the temperature of the bulb when the lamp is on exceeds 100 degrees Celsius);
  • in compact luminescent lamps, the glass bulb contains mercury vapor, which makes it unsafe for use;
  • luminescent compact ones have a time delay when turned on, so they need at least 3 minutes to achieve maximum brightness (during this time the inert gas in the flask is heated);
  • luminescent compact ones are characterized by a flickering effect, which prohibits their use in rooms with moving parts of mechanisms, since a stroboscopic effect may occur (with a stroboscopic effect, moving parts may appear motionless).

LED lights do not have these disadvantages, which allows you to make a choice in their favor.

Trends in the development of technology and LED manufacturing technology have made it possible to reduce their cost by 3.5 times in the last 5 years. At the same time, the cost of electricity increased 2.2 times (from 2.15 to 4.68 rubles per 1 kWh).

Total electrical power value

Sometimes it is necessary to calculate the total power of household consumers installed in the house. This is necessary for:

  • correct choice of cable cross-section when installing electrical wiring;
  • selection of control devices, including circuit breakers, electric meters, etc.;
  • layout of the wiring system in the house.

Ultimately, correct accounting of the total energy intensity of household appliances ensures the operational reliability of electrical wiring and the safe operation of household electrical appliances.

To calculate the highest possible power of household electrical appliances, you should add up the number of watts indicated in the technical documentation of the equipment or directly on the equipment itself. When performing the calculation, all values ​​must be converted accordingly to the same unit of measurement, taking into account the procedure described above.

What is the difference between a kilowatt and a kilowatt hour?

Many consumers habitually refer to electricity consumption indicators recorded by an electric meter as kilowatts. But in fact, this indicator is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is not the same thing at all.

Energy consumption in kWh is determined by the amount of power expended during a certain time.

An example of such a calculation:

  • an incandescent lamp of 0.06 kW is used for lighting;
  • for 6 hours of operation (approximate operating time during the day), this device will consume electricity 0.06 × 6 = 0.36 kWh;
  • per month, the consumption for the specified lamp will be 0.36 × 30 = 10.8 kW*h.

How much electricity does a light bulb consume?

Good day, dear friends! Today we’ll talk about saving electricity again, in previous articles we calculated how much electricity household appliances (vacuum cleaner, microwave) consume, and today we’ll try to calculate how much electricity light bulbs consume in your home, and whether it’s possible to somehow save on electricity consumption by light bulbs.

So, let’s first figure out what kind of light bulbs we have in our apartment; the following types are most often used in everyday life:

  1. Incandescent
  2. Luminescent (energy saving)
  3. LED

Incandescent lamps

Let's calculate how much electricity is consumed by ordinary light bulbs of different wattages, the most popular ones in everyday life.

Power consumption: Power 60 W - energy consumption will be 60 W or 0.06 kilowatts per 1 hour Power 95 W - consumes electricity 95 W 0.095 kilowatts per 1 hour

Power 100W - will consume 100 or 0.1 kilowatt W of electricity in 1 hour.

To convert electricity from watts to kilowatts, you need to count 3 digits from right to left and put a comma in front of it; if there are only two digits or 1, then put 1 or 2 more zeros in front of this digit. For example, 75W = 0.075 kW since the numbers 2 were added 0 to move them by 3 digits. 7 W = 0.007 kW, for 155W = 0.155 kW.

Let's calculate how much we will pay for the use of light if, for example, we have 3 acres (hall, kitchen, bedroom) and 3 for 60 W (hallway, toilet, bathroom).

How much electricity do we spend?

Let's take for example 3 at 100W burn for 5 hours in the evening and 1 hour in the morning for a total of 6 hours a day, we get 3 pieces per hour winding 300 W in 6 hours 1800W or 1.8 kW. Another 3 at 60W let's assume that each burns 1 hour a day, we get a total of 3 * 60 W = 180 W or 0.18 kW. Total per day is about 2 kilowatts.

How much electricity does an air conditioner consume?

When using incandescent lamps, electricity consumption will be as follows: Total for 1 day will be equal to 1.8 kW + 0.18 kW ~ 2 kW Total for 1 month will be 2 kW * 30 days = 60 kW

How much will you have to pay?

Let's take the cost for 1 kilowatt = 4 rubles. Then for 1 hour of a 60W lamp we will pay 0.06 * 4 r = 24 kopecks.

for 1 hour lamp 95 or 100 W = 0.1 * 4 r = 40 kopecks.

When using 6 light bulbs 3 - 100 W 6 hours / day and 3-60 W 1 hour 180 watts / day, we calculate: Expenses for 1 day we get 2 kW * 4 r = 8 rubles per day

for 1 month 60 kW * 4 r = 240 rub. in 1 month

Before moving on to calculating the energy consumption of the following types of lamps, you should take into account that with the same lighting power, the power consumption will differ significantly. Therefore, for further calculations we will take light bulbs with the same luminous power as conventional incandescent lamps.

We present a table corresponding to the power consumption of light bulbs with the same luminous flux. That is, each column of the table represents the same glow power. The first line is the power of an energy-saving lamp, the second line is the power of an incandescent lamp with the corresponding luminous flux.

From the 1st column we see that a 6-watt energy-saving lamp shines the same way as a 30-watt incandescent lamp.

The following 2-line plate shows the ratio of LED to incandescent bulbs.

Fluorescent lamps (energy saving)

Then, in order for the house to remain as bright as with conventional light bulbs, you need to install the corresponding light bulbs, that is, instead of 60 watts, we put an energy-saving 12W, instead of a hundred we put an energy-saving 20W, this way we will reduce energy consumption and pay 5 times less.

How much energy does a convector consume?


Lamps of this type are even more economical and consume electricity not 5 times less than conventional light bulbs, but 7 times. That is, if we want to replace 75 watts, then an LED one will be suitable for 10 watts, while the glow will remain the same.

Having expenses for 1 month when using ordinary llamas, we get 240 rubles / 7 = 34 rubles per month, we will pay for lighting fixtures. And per year instead of 2880 we will pay 408 rubles.

How much electricity does the heater consume?

What is more profitable?

When determining the most economical option, consider the operating time of each type of llama and their cost. We immediately discard the usual ones because they burn out more often and consume more.

But you need to figure out energy-saving and LED ones. Energy-saving - price about 250 rubles, service life 10,000 hours (4.6 years)

LED - price about 350 rubles, service life 30,000 hours (14 years with 6 hour use)

For 14 years we will pay for energy-saving ones - 576 * 14 = 8064 rubles + replace light bulbs 3 times For 14 years for LED ones - 408 * 14 = 5712 rubles.

When calculating, we took average figures, but someone has large production areas with lighting in which only replacing light bulbs will help save decent amounts of money in their wallet.

Watt concept

Watt (W) is a unit of electrical power - energy consumption over a certain time. 1 watt is equal to the same number of joules (J) of electricity for 1 second.

The name of this unit of measurement comes from the name of the British scientist James Watt, who first proposed using horsepower as a universal calculation for the technical performance of machines.

Converting watt to kilowatt

By analogy with other units of measurement, the prefix “kilo” means 1000, so the formula for converting watts to kilowatts is as follows:

1 kW = 1000 W

If the indicated parameters of the iron are 1.8 kW, then in the corresponding translation this figure is 1800 W.

When converting back, the number of watts is divided by 1000: with an incandescent lamp power of 100 W, this criterion equals 0.1 kW.

The value of this equipment characteristic is easy to find out by studying the technical documentation of the product or the markings applied by the manufacturer on the case.

Total power in watts (kilowatts)

Electricity consumption of household appliances

To correctly determine the cross-section of the electrical wiring cable and correctly select the rating of the network protective equipment, you need to calculate the total power of energy consumers. This value is obtained by adding the rated power of each consumer.

Important! Before adding up the consumer capacities, you need to convert them into the same unit of measurement: watt or kilowatt.

Presumably the following consumers are connected to the network:

  1. 5 lamps 100 W;
  2. 8 lamps 60 W;
  3. electric oven 2 kW;
  4. TV – 100 W;
  5. refrigerator – 0.3 kW;
  6. washing machine – 0.6 kW.

The power of lamps and TV is indicated in watts, and the power of ovens, refrigerators and washing machines is indicated in kilowatts. It is necessary to convert kilowatts to watts.

Considering how many watts there are in one kilowatt, we can write that the oven consumes 2 kW. Based on the fact that there are a thousand W in one kW, multiply 2 by 1000, you get 2000 W. The translation for a refrigerator is similar, the result is 300 W. Washing machine – 600 W.

Connection diagram for single-phase receivers

Important! The total power of all consumers is equal to the sum of the powers of each consumer.

Next, add to 5 lamps 100 W each 8 lamps 60 W, 2000 W oven, 100 W TV, 300 W refrigerator, 600 W washing machine. You get a total figure of 500 W + 480 W + 2000 W + 100 W + 300 W + 600 W =3980 W = 3,980 kW. The result obtained is rounded up to give 4 kW.

Based on the resulting total value, the wire cross-section and automatic protective equipment are calculated.

Total electrical power value

Sometimes it is necessary to calculate the total power of household consumers installed in the house. This is necessary for:

  • correct choice of cable cross-section when installing electrical wiring;
  • selection of control devices, including circuit breakers, electric meters, etc.;
  • layout of the wiring system in the house.

Ultimately, correct accounting of the total energy intensity of household appliances ensures the operational reliability of electrical wiring and the safe operation of household electrical appliances.

To calculate the highest possible power of household electrical appliances, you should add up the number of watts indicated in the technical documentation of the equipment or directly on the equipment itself. When performing the calculation, all values ​​must be converted accordingly to the same unit of measurement, taking into account the procedure described above.

Designation kW

Kilowatt is written as kW. It is a unit of power divided by the derived SI unit watt. Watt denotes the power at which 1 joule (J) of work is performed or energy is consumed in 1 second.

Another watt is defined as the speed of work at which a constant motion of a body of 1 meter per second is ensured, if at this time a force equal to 1 newton is overcome, going in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the object.

The power of household appliances is measured in kilowatts. The abbreviation kilowatt denotes work:

  • lamp;
  • TV;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • microwave;
  • refrigerator;
  • combine;
  • mixer.

Converting kW to W and vice versa

Similar to other units of measurement, the prefix “kilo” means 1000. To convert a watt to a kilowatt, you need to use the formula:

If the mixer says 1.6 kW, this means that its power in watts will be 1600. If you convert it back, then the number of watts is divided by 1000. An incandescent lamp has a power of 100 W, which is the same as 0.1 kW.

Example of conversion of 2 kilowatts (2 kW): 2*1000=2000 W.

It is easy to find out the power of the device - you will need to study the technical documentation for the device or look at the markings located on the case.

Now you can easily calculate and convert units. There are various online calculators for this. They enter a query into the search bar and go to the site.

How much does a fluorescent lamp consume per hour? How much electricity does a light bulb consume?

Lamp energy consumption

The energy consumption of incandescent lamps leaves much to be desired. For example, a fluorescent lamp of similar aperture consumes 4-5 times less. Due to the constant rise in energy prices and, accordingly, the increase in the cost of electricity, we will not consider incandescent lamps in this review.

The energy consumption of an LED lamp is about 65% of the energy consumption of a fluorescent lamp.

Light spectrum

The color component of the spectrum of a fluorescent lamp is of lower quality, its light seems unnatural. The diagram has sharp peaks in the primary colors of the spectrum, so fluorescent lamps do not correctly convey some shades of light.

This drawback was also inherent in the first models of LED lamps, but technology does not stand still - this problem has been solved.

Heating of the lamp body

A fluorescent lamp heats up to 60 degrees Celsius, it cannot cause a burn, but if the ballasts malfunction (starter sticking, etc.)

), severe heating can occur up to 200 degrees (and up to 120 degrees - chokes). The LED lamp is absolutely fireproof. The maximum heating of its body is 40-50 degrees Celsius, and remains constant during operation.

Therefore, it can be safely used near flammable materials.

Environmental friendliness

Fluorescent lamps used in apartments contain up to 5 mg of mercury, a toxic substance classified in the first hazard class. Throwing them into the general garbage chute is strictly prohibited.

Prolonged ultraviolet radiation promotes the development of melanoma, accelerates skin aging and can cause retinal burns. Strong and prolonged infrared radiation also poses a danger to the eyes.

LED lamps do not contain any toxic substances that can cause harm to humans. Their work does not involve infrared and ultraviolet radiation, so the LED lamp is considered an environmentally friendly source of lighting.


Efficiency is the efficiency of converting energy into light. For an LED lamp it reaches 90%.

Life time

The service life of a fluorescent lamp is 5 times lower than that of an LED lamp.

In practice, this rule is not always observed. Thus, in cheap models of LED lamps, due to insufficiently efficient cooling, failure of the LEDs (burnout) is observed, as a result of which the lamp stops working. As a rule, this happens after six to twelve months of work.

Other Features

At low temperatures, mercury becomes less volatile and takes a long time to gain brightness. High ambient humidity also harms the fluorescent lamp and causes the formation of a film on its surface, which negatively affects the ignition of the lamp.

The LED lamp turns on instantly and operates in a temperature range from –20 to +40 °C.

I would also like to draw attention to the aesthetic characteristics of the devices; for modern LED lamps they are much higher

Cost of lamps

  • Taking into account the cost of LED and fluorescent lamps, it is more profitable to purchase a high-quality LED lamp that will work for many years, allowing you to both save on payments for electricity and on replacing lamps.
  • At a cost of electrical energy of 1.5 rubles per 1 kW, the cost of one fluorescent lamp will be:
  • 365 days x 5 hours a day x 0.021 kW/hour x 1.50 rubles = 57 rubles.

Smart light: lighting control capabilities

for one LED lamp:

365 days x 5 hours per day x 0.01 kW/hour x 1.50 rub. - 27 rubles.

Considering that the average apartment has from 10 to 30 lamps, the savings per year will be from 300 to 900 rubles. With an increase in the number of lamps and the cost of electricity, savings will only increase.

What type of lamps to choose - everyone decides for themselves; our electricians will always help with advice on what type of lamps to choose, choose the right power and number of such lamps.

Difference between kW and kWh

Many users refer to electricity consumption readings as kilowatts, but this is incorrect.

Important! Electricity consumption in kWh is calculated as the amount of power spent over a certain time interval.

It is worth considering an example:

For lighting, an incandescent lamp with a power of 0.07 kW is used. For 6 hours of electricity operation (this is the approximate time during which the lights are on per day), the device consumes energy 0.07 * 6 = 0.42 kWh.

For a month, the cost of an incandescent lamp will be 0.42 * 30 = 12.6 kWh.

Using the same method, the total consumption of electricity for a month is calculated, knowing the duration of the device or appliance being turned on and its power. Subsequently, it is possible to establish the amount of savings achieved due to the operation of less energy-consuming equipment and a more careful attitude to resource consumption.

In the SI system of units there is no such quantity as kilowatt-hour. This is an off-system derivative, which was invented solely to record the electrical energy used or produced.

Important! In Russia, the concept of “kilowatt-hour” is used as a unit of measurement based on GOST 8.417-2002. It indicates the exact name, decoding and scope of application.

When choosing equipment in a store, you should pay attention to the body. The front panel always shows the letter W and numbers next to it. This is the power of the device, measured in Watts. In other words, the rate at which electricity is consumed. A kilowatt is 1 W multiplied by 1000. The kilowatt-hour indicator is used to measure energy in everyday life. This is the electricity that the device produces or consumes in 1 hour.

How much do energy-saving lamps save?

Some say that the savings from energy-saving lamps are questionable, while others, on the contrary, are delighted with the economic effect.
So is it possible to benefit from replacing an incandescent lamp with a fluorescent one? What is an energy saving lamp

This is a device that emits light according to the principle of fluorescent lamps, the so-called “tube”. Modern technologies have made it possible to make it more compact and mounted on the same socket as a conventional incandescent lamp. This gives it the common name “compact fluorescent lamp” (CFL). Energy-saving lamps are produced both with an E27 base (for a regular socket) and with an E14 base (for a minion).

Trust but check

The benefits listed on the packaging do not always correspond to reality. Let's look at a specific example. We used a 60 W incandescent lamp to light the bathroom, but decided to replace it with a CFL. In this case, the manufacturer recommends using a 12 W energy-saving lamp.

As a result, you may get slightly less light than expected, or it will be too white, which will create a feeling of discomfort (remember the feeling when it “hurts your eyes”).

What can be done? When replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones, divide the power not by 5, but by 4, or even by 3. That is, it is advisable to install a 15-18 W lamp in the bathroom and select a radiation spectrum that is comfortable for the eye.

Playing with shades

The most common temperature emission spectra are: 2700 K, 3300 K, 4200 K, 6400 K. This information is indicated on the lamp base or packaging. The higher the number, the whiter (colder) the light from the lamp will be; the lower, the yellower (warmer).

Radiation from 3000 K to 4000 K is considered the most comfortable for the human eye. But there are rooms where, for a number of reasons, it is necessary to install cooler or warmer lamps. For example, in a room decorated with dark wood or white tiles.

We counted and were surprised

The lamp service life indicated by the manufacturer is not entirely correct. The lion's share of wear occurs when the lamp is turned on, and it is impossible to count their amount.

For example, a lamp with a stated life of 10,000 hours will last us 7,000. And this is not bad at all - incandescent lamps from even the most famous manufacturers last about 1,000 hours. We get a ratio of 1:7, that is, one energy-saving lamp will last us as long as 7 incandescent lamps. The cost of one 100 W incandescent lamp is about 15 rubles, and an energy-saving lamp of equal light output will cost 150-170 rubles. where are the savings? Let's calculate how much electricity each lamp will burn during its “life”.

Incandescent lamp: power 0.1 kW multiplied by 1000 hours of its service life. And another 7 to even the odds. We get as much as 700 kW! Let’s say the tariff is 3 rubles per 1 kW. We get 2100 rubles. Energy saving lamp (24 W): 0.024 kW, multiplied by 7000 operating hours and tariff. We get 504 rubles.

How's that for saving more than four times? And this is only from one lamp, and in an apartment there are on average about ten of them. Total: 15960 rubles!

Let's sum it up

Energy-saving lamps save about 75% of electricity. They give you the opportunity to play with shades of light. They last much longer than incandescent lamps and save our time. They heat up significantly less, that is, they are fireproof.


  • All starting and stabilizing electronics are mounted in the lamp base - it is slightly larger than that of incandescent lamps, which means that it will not be possible to install CFLs in some types of lamps.
  • The operating principle of an energy-saving lamp does not provide for the possibility of changing the brightness of the lighting with a special device - a dimmer.
  • When using switches with LED indication in CFLs, a slight stroboscopic effect may occur (continues to flicker after being turned off).
  • A broken energy-saving lamp emits mercury vapor that is hazardous to human health. If this happens, it is necessary, at a minimum, to ventilate the room well.
  • The issue of recycling used CFLs remains open. The content of toxic substances in lamps requires disposal at special points, of which there are very few. A conscientious person will not throw burnt-out CFLs into the garbage chute, but even the nearest EPS or REU cannot always help with the necessary information.
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