DIY LED lamp: diagram, design nuances, self-assembly

Operating principle of LED device

The basis of the LED lamp is a single-sided semiconductor, the size of which is several millimeters. There is a unidirectional movement of electrons in it, which allows you to convert alternating current into direct current.

An LED crystal consisting of several layers is characterized by two types of electrical conductivity: positively and negatively charged particles.

The side containing the minimum number of electrons is called hole (p-type), while the other with a large number of these particles is called electron (n-type).

Between the two sides of the LED element there is a conventional boundary - an electron-hole junction (pn). Here the particles collide with each other, resulting in a glow.

When elements at a pn junction collide, they collide, generating light particles called photons. If you keep the system at a constant voltage during this time, the LED will emit a stable stream of light. This effect is used in all LED lamp designs.

Four types of LED devices

Depending on the placement of LEDs, such models can be divided into the following categories:

  1. DIP . The crystal is arranged with two conductors, above which there is an enlarger. The modification has become widespread in the manufacture of signs and garlands.
  2. "Piranha" . The devices are assembled similarly to the previous version, but have four outputs. Reliable and durable structures are most often used to equip cars.
  3. SMD . The crystal is placed on top, which significantly improves heat dissipation and also helps reduce the size of the devices.
  4. OWL . In this case, the LED is soldered directly into the board, which increases the glow intensity and protects against overheating.

A significant disadvantage of COB devices is the impossibility of replacing individual elements, which is why you have to purchase a new mechanism due to a single failed chip.

Chandeliers and other household lighting products typically use SMD design.

LED lamp device

The LED lamp consists of the following six parts:

  • Light-emitting diode;
  • base;
  • driver;
  • diffuser;
  • radiator.

The operating element of such a device is an LED, which generates a stream of light waves.

LED devices can be designed for different voltages. The most in demand are small products of 12-15 W and larger lamps of 50 watt.

The base, which can have different shapes and sizes, is also used for other types of lamps - fluorescent, halogen, incandescent. At the same time, some LED devices, for example, LED strips, can do without this part.

An important design element is the driver, which converts the mains voltage into the current on which the crystal operates.

The efficient operation of the lamp largely depends on this unit; in addition, a high-quality driver with good galvanic isolation provides a bright, constant luminous flux without a hint of blinking.

A conventional LED produces a directional beam of light. To change the angle of its distribution and provide high-quality lighting, a diffuser is used. Another function of this component is to protect the circuit from mechanical and natural influences.

The radiator is designed to remove heat, excess of which can damage the device. Reliable operation of the radiator allows you to optimize the operation of the lamp and extend its life.

The smaller this part, the greater the thermal load the LED will have to withstand, which will affect the speed of its burnout.


The main characteristics of emitting diodes include:

  • operating current – ​​the current value at which the lamp operates stably;
  • voltage - the power that is needed for the device to operate;
  • power is an important indicator that is needed when choosing a power supply;
  • color temperature - the shade of the glow, it can be warm, neutral and cold;
  • luminous flux - amount of light per 1 sq.m.;
  • scattering angle – determines the area to which the lighting will be directed.

The characteristics also include crystal size.

Calculation of required brightness

Before buying lamps, determine what brightness you will need. This parameter should take into account the area of ​​the room, its purpose, what function the lamps will perform. According to the standards for 1 sq.m. the living room should have 300-400 Lux of light, for the kitchen and bedroom about 250 Lux, for the hallway 100 Lux.

Light control

You can control the brightness of the lighting in various ways. These include:

  • changing the number of diodes;
  • change in current flowing through diodes;
  • using the power regulator.

You can purchase a lamp with a dimmer. With its help you can adjust the brightness of the backlight.

Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade lamp

Specialized stores offer a large selection of LED devices. However, sometimes it is impossible to find a device in the assortment that meets the necessary parameters. In addition, LED devices are traditionally high in cost.

Disadvantages of the products include the lack of a warranty from the manufacturer. In addition, if assembled carelessly, such devices may have an unattractive appearance.

Meanwhile, it is quite possible to save money and get the perfect lamp by assembling it yourself. This is not difficult to do and basic technical knowledge and practical skills will be enough.

A DIY LED device has a number of significant advantages over a store-bought analogue. They are economical: with careful assembly and the use of high-quality parts, the service life reaches 100 thousand hours.

Such devices show a high degree of energy efficiency, which is determined by the ratio of power consumption and the brightness of the light produced. Finally, their cost is an order of magnitude lower than their factory counterparts.

DIY problems

The main issues that have to be resolved in the manufacture of LED lamps are the conversion of alternating electric current into pulsating and its equalization to constant. In addition, it is necessary to limit the power flow to 12 volts, which is necessary to power the diode.

To create an LED lamp yourself, you can use parts purchased in specialized stores, or elements from burnt-out appliances

When thinking through the device, you should also solve a number of design problems, namely:

  • how to arrange the circuit and LEDs;
  • how to isolate the system;
  • how to ensure heat exchange in the device.

Before assembly, it is advisable to think through all these problems, taking into account the requirements for a homemade light source.

Connecting a dimmer to LEDs with your own hands

To connect the dimmer yourself, you only need the purchased device, a special torque wrench and any convenient cutting tool for stripping wires.

Step-by-step instructions consist of three stages:

  1. Before starting any installation work, be sure to turn off all electricity in the house.
  2. Next, you should strip the wires on the device and connect them in such a way that the phase wire is installed in the terminal called L, and the second is connected to the connector called N.
  3. At the final stage, these wires should be clamped and all existing bolts should be tightened, putting on a special frame.

LED lamp circuits

First of all, you should develop an assembly option. There are two main methods, each of which has its own pros and cons. Below we will look at them in more detail.

Option with diode bridge

The circuit includes four diodes that are connected in different directions. Thanks to this, the bridge acquires the ability to transform the mains current of 220 V into a pulsating one.

The LED bridge circuit is simple and logical. Even a novice master who has mastered the basics of independent work can perform it.

This happens as follows: when sinusoidal half-waves pass through two diodes, they change, which causes a loss of polarity.

During assembly, a capacitor is connected to the positive output in front of the bridge; in front of the negative terminal - a resistance of 100 Ohms. Another capacitor is installed behind the bridge: it will be needed to smooth out voltage drops.

Making an LED element

The easiest way to create an LED lamp is to make a light source based on a broken lamp. It is necessary to check the functionality of the detected parts, which can be done using a 12 V battery.

Defective elements must be replaced. To do this, you should unsolder the contacts, remove the burnt out elements, and put new ones in their place. In this case, it is important to observe the alternation of anodes and cathodes, which are attached in series.

If you need to change only 2-3 pieces of the chip, you can simply solder them to the areas where the failed components were previously located.

For complete self-assembly, you need to connect 10 diodes in a row, observing the polarity rules. Several completed circuits are soldered to the wires.

When making a lamp, you can use boards with LEDs, which can be found in burnt-out devices. It is only important to check their functionality

When assembling circuits, it is important to ensure that the soldered ends do not touch each other, as this can lead to a short circuit in the device and failure of the system.

Devices for softer light

To avoid the flickering characteristic of LED lamps, the circuit described above can be supplemented with several details. Thus, it should consist of a diode bridge, 100 and 230 Ohm resistors, 400 nF and 10 μF capacitors.

To protect the device from voltage surges, a 100 Ohm resistor is placed at the beginning of the circuit, followed by a 400 nF capacitor, after which a diode bridge and another 230 Ohm resistor are installed, followed by an assembled chain of LEDs.

Resistor devices

A similar scheme is also quite accessible to a novice master. To do this, you need two 12k resistors and two chains of the same number of LEDs, which are soldered in series, taking into account the polarity. In this case, one strip on the R1 side is connected to the cathode, and the other to R2, the anode.

Lamps made according to this scheme have a softer light, since the operating elements are lit in turn, making the pulsation of the flashes almost invisible to the naked eye.

To calculate the lamp power, you need to know the amount of current that passes through the LEDs. This value can be calculated using the given formula. It should be taken into account that the voltage drop in 12 LEDs connected in series is approximately 36V

The devices are successfully used as a table lamp and for other purposes. To create optimal lighting, experts recommend using strips of 20-40 diodes. A smaller number gives a small luminous flux; connecting a larger number of elements is technically quite difficult.

Lamps and their effect on plants

Beginner gardeners often face many problems. One of them is greenhouse lighting. Science has long proven the positive effect of light on plants. It is worth recalling the spectral analysis of white light. It consists of green, blue and red colors. Almost all plants have green leaves. This means that they absorb blue and red colors from sunlight, and reflect green; they absolutely do not need it.

If we mix red with blue, we see purple. This is what is needed for plant health. Therefore, for their growth, it is better to use LED lighting and use lamps for greenhouses that do not contain green. They do not contain harmful ultraviolet and infrared colors. Therefore, the range of LED lamps today is considered the most effective for illuminating the future harvest.

The operating principle of a conventional LED is very simple. A current is supplied to it, which, in turn, is converted into light rays. The LED light bulb consists of the following parts:

  • optical system;
  • housings;
  • heat-dissipating substrate.

Such lamps for home and greenhouse use are quite expensive, but they can work well at low temperatures. High temperatures significantly reduce their service life and can damage the LED. The lamps do not heat up due to the substrate. They can be placed next to plants. Connection to the network occurs using a regular E27 and E14 socket

When purchasing lamps or LED strips, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • area of ​​the illuminated area;
  • lamp life;
  • supply voltage;
  • device power;
  • lighting angle;
  • size;
  • weight.

The lighting angle can be from 90 to 360°. The dimensions and weight of lighting fixtures also vary significantly. You can check whether a lamp is flickering by looking at it through the viewfinder of a digital camera. How to make an LED lamp with your own hands? It is necessary to take into account several factors when making it:

To control the lamp you need a special device - a driver, which must be inserted into the base. A large greenhouse requires appropriate high-power bulbs.

There are a lot of LEDs in high-power lamps. There may be more than a hundred of them. Often, in the factory, greenhouse lamps are equipped with red and blue LEDs. Special reflectors provide directional LED lighting for the greenhouse. Each planted plant in this case receives a certain portion of light. The lighting is turned on every morning and evening.

Lamps for greenhouses have the following advantages:

  • they are very economical;
  • have high durability;
  • have high light output;
  • save energy;
  • environmentally friendly products;
  • do not require disposal under special conditions;
  • do not harm plants and humans;
  • differ in maintainability;
  • the harvest ripens 10-15 days earlier than usual.

Lamps for greenhouses consume 10 times less electricity than usual. They can work continuously for at least 50 thousand hours, and often up to 100 thousand. This is more than 10 years. Even after such a burning period, they simply reduce the level of luminous flux, but do not always burn out. The only drawback of LED lighting for greenhouses is the high cost of the equipment. Therefore, it is worth trying to make lamps for growing plants yourself.

Important element: LED driver

For the correct operation of a DIY LED device, you need to resolve the issue with the driver. The layout of this unit is quite simple. The operating algorithm consists of passing an alternating current of 220V to the diode bridge through capacitor C1.

The rectified current goes to series-connected LEDs HL1-HL27, the number of which can reach 80 pieces.

The driver for a homemade LED device is assembled according to the diagram below. You can also use ready-made elements bp 3122, bp 2832a or bp 2831a

To avoid flickering and achieve a consistently even color, it is advisable to use capacitor C2, which should have as large a capacity as possible.

Housings for LED devices

Before assembly, it is important to decide where the assembled circuit will be placed.

There are several options for solving this problem - to place the device you can use:

  • incandescent lamp bases;
  • housings from burnt-out energy-saving or halogen lamps;
  • hand-made devices.

The first option has an important advantage. When using it, it is easy to screw the assembled LED device into the socket, thereby ensuring heat exchange.

It should be noted that in addition to the obvious advantages, this method also has obvious disadvantages. The assembled structure does not have a very aesthetic appearance; in addition, in this case it is difficult to provide reliable insulation.

In order to use a burnt-out incandescent lamp to create an LED one, you must first carefully separate the glass bulb from the base and then remove the spiral. The assembled circuit is carefully placed in the resulting space, and a light bulb is fixed above the board.

A convenient and practical option is to place a homemade device in the body of an energy-saving lamp. To do this, you first need to disassemble the burnt-out device by removing the converter board from it.

The assembled diagram can be inserted using different methods:

  • The diodes are placed in holes made in the lid under the glass bulb.
  • The circuit can be placed inside the base, which guarantees heat exchange. In this case, LED elements are inserted and fixed into existing holes.
  • The board can be hidden in the base. To carry out the process, it is convenient to use a regular plastic cap from a water bottle.

To place LEDs, craftsmen often use a hand-made circle of plastic or cardboard, in which holes are drilled for the diodes. When done carefully, such devices look quite aesthetically pleasing.

Another option is to use a halogen lamp housing. It is not widely used, since in this case it is not possible to screw the lamp into the socket. Nevertheless, a similar modification is used to make homemade indicators and other devices.

If you decide to use a light bulb body for your work, we recommend reading our other article, where we described in detail how to disassemble various types of light bulbs. For more details, follow the link.

How to choose LEDs?

It all depends on where you will use these homemade lamps. If you need bright light in the living room, then you need super-bright fixtures in large quantities. And if for a corridor, toilet, bathroom or hallway, a few pieces are enough.

It's quite simple - more LEDs, more light. Sometimes you just need indicator lamps to show the device is working or that voltage is applied. This is sometimes necessary in enterprises and on factory equipment. In this case, one regular red or green LED is sufficient. You can even use Soviet AL307, widely used in old tape recorders and other equipment.

Materials for making homemade products

In addition to the body, other elements will be required to create the lamp. These are, first of all, LEDs, which can be purchased in the form of LED strips or individual NK6 elements. The current strength of each part is 100-120 mA; voltage 3-3.3 V.

The assembly of some circuits involves the use of additional links, for example, a driver, so the set of components for each specific case is considered separately

You also need 1N4007 rectifier diodes or a diode bridge, as well as fuses, which can be found in the base of an old device.

You will also need a capacitor, the capacitance and voltage of which must correspond to the electrical circuit used and the number of LED elements used in it.

If you are not using a ready-made board, you need to think about the frame to which the LEDs are attached. For its manufacture, a heat-resistant material that is not metal and non-conducting electric current is suitable.

As a rule, such a part is made of durable plastic or thick cardboard. To attach the LED elements to the frame you will need liquid nails or superglue.

Reading between the lines

Manufacturers of LED lamps almost always publish information about the LEDs they use, but rarely disclose data about the power supply. However, you can form your own idea of ​​whether the power supply is of high quality or not, based on the parameters of the lamps that the manufacturer openly publishes.

First of all, this is the power factor λ (sometimes it is denoted as cos φ, which is not entirely correct for LED lamps). The larger this parameter, the better. For a high-quality power supply it should be at least 0.85. Simplified power supplies with low reliability usually show themselves by having a low λ value.

PSUs from leading manufacturers are characterized by a high power factor, an example of this is this device from Osram

Lamp manufacturers, of course, know that it is the power supply, and not the LEDs, that limits the service life of the lighting fixture. Therefore, although they indicate “LED service life 50,000 hours,” nevertheless, the warranty period is set based on the numbers for the entire lamp. Usually they base it on how many years the lamp will work if it is turned on around the clock. For example, the warranty period for LED lamps in the mid-price category is usually 3 years. We multiply this period by 8760 hours per year, and we get 26280 hours - this is how long the lamp is guaranteed to work

Please note that this figure is very close to the service life of a typical mid-price PSU - 30,000 hours

But the most important thing is where the power supply is located and what it looks like. If it is external and connected to the lamp via a connector, then it is definitely isolated (manufacturers usually do not directly violate electrical safety rules). In the event that the power supply is internal, but is made in the form of a separate unified module from one of the leading power supply manufacturers, then most likely it is also isolated. Non-insulated power supplies are usually designed as an integral part of the luminaire design.

Assembling a simple LED lamp

Let's consider the implementation of a lamp in a standard base from a fluorescent lamp. To do this, we will have to slightly change the above list of materials.

In this case we use:

  • old base E27;
  • NK6 LEDs;
  • driver RLD2-1;
  • a piece of plastic or thick cardboard;
  • Super glue;
  • electrical wiring;
  • soldering iron, pliers, scissors.

Initially, you need to disassemble the lamp. For luminescent devices, the connection of the base to the plate with tubes is carried out using latches. It is important to locate the fastening location and pry the elements with a screwdriver, which will allow you to easily disconnect the cartridge.

The process of assembling a homemade LED lamp is simple. A driver is inserted into the case from the old device, on top of which a board with LEDs is installed

When disassembling the device, extreme care must be taken so as not to damage the tubes that contain a toxic substance inside. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the electrical wiring connected to the base, as well as preserve the parts contained in it.

We use the upper part with connected gas-discharge tubes to make the plate necessary for connecting the LEDs. It is enough to remove the tubular elements and attach the LED parts to the remaining round holes.

To secure them securely, it is better to make an additional plastic or cardboard cover, which will serve to isolate the chips.

The lamp will use NK6 LEDs, each of which consists of 6 crystals with parallel connection. They allow you to create a fairly bright lighting device with a minimum of electricity consumption.

To connect each LED to the cover, you need to make two holes. They should be pierced carefully in strict accordance with the diagram.

The plastic part allows you to firmly fix the LED elements, while the use of cardboard requires additional fastening of the LEDs to the base using liquid nails or superglue.

Since the device is designed to use six LEDs with a power of 0.5 watts each, the circuit must include three elements connected in parallel.

A spectacular lamp can be created using LED strip. This element is inserted into a tube used for fluorescent lighting

In a design that will operate from a 220 V power supply, you need to provide an RLD2-1 driver, which you should purchase in a store or do it yourself.

To avoid short circuits, it is important to insulate the driver and board from each other using plastic or cardboard before starting assembly. Since the lamp barely heats up, there is no need to worry about overheating.

Having selected all the components, you can assemble the structure according to the diagram, and then connect it to the electrical network to check the glow.

The device, operating from a standard 220 V power supply, has low energy consumption and a power of 3 Watts. The latter figure is 2-3 times less than that of fluorescent devices and 10 times less than that of incandescent lamps.

Although the light output is only 100-120 lumens, the dazzling white color makes the lamp appear much brighter. The assembled lamp can be used as a table lamp or to illuminate a compact room, for example, a corridor or closet.

Features of do-it-yourself installation in an apartment

During installation, you need to take into account the lighting features. You must follow the safety precautions and instructions for installing lamps.

Schemes of spot diode lighting of premises

Spot lighting should be mounted in such a way that there is heat dissipation

This is especially important for suspended ceilings. There are different patterns for arranging lamps - round, oval, with and without a central chandelier

LED Strip Light

The tape is installed in an aluminum profile, which will act as a heat sink. LED strips are sold in reels of 5 meters. If a smaller piece is needed, it is cut strictly along the intended lines. An additional power supply is purchased.

Chandelier installation

Chandeliers come with and without controls. Before you install the chandelier, you need to assemble it. Before installation, all wires are also connected in accordance with the instructions for the device. It can then be hung on the ceiling and tested.

Work is carried out with the power supply turned off!

Ice panels

Ceiling panels are fixed to both concrete and wooden surfaces. Installed using cables that allow you to adjust the height of the lamps

It is important to correctly mark the ceiling in order to then mount the panel

Installation of a wireless volumetric lamp

Wireless lamps are convenient because they do not require cables to operate. They can be installed anywhere in the apartment - as night lights, kitchen lighting. Due to their low weight, wireless ceiling lamps can be mounted on suspended ceilings and plasterboard products. Wall-mounted ones are mounted in a place convenient for users. LED lighting is an effective way to create high-quality light in any room and outdoors. LEDs have many advantages over classical sources. They are environmentally friendly, economical, durable, and safe. The variety of forms of diode sources allows you to create unique design solutions.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the video below you can see a detailed description of a specialist about self-assembly of an LED lamp:

LED lamps, made independently, have high technical characteristics. They are almost as good as factory models in terms of qualities such as strength, reliability, and durability.

The assembly of such devices is accessible to almost everyone: to successfully complete it, you just need to strictly follow the diagrams and carefully carry out all the prescribed manipulations.

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