The refrigerator does not work when the freezer is running: looking for possible reasons

It often happens that the freezer does its job perfectly, but the main chamber does not cool well. The first sign by which you can notice such a problem is that perishable products quickly “disappear.” If the refrigerator does not cool well, then milk, desserts, and meat will spoil 5 times faster than usual. This is an important signal that indicates that the refrigerator has become worse at freezing and may need repair.

It is not difficult to determine what is broken in the refrigerator if it has stopped cooling food, but it is worth considering the type of its design. In refrigerators with one and two compressors, the reasons that they do not freeze well may be different. To determine the type of refrigerator, look at the technical documentation or inspect it visually.

In this publication we will look at breakdowns of two-compressor models, because the problem of a non-working refrigeration chamber is relevant mainly for such equipment.

The design and principle of operation of the refrigerator

To understand in more detail all types of breakdowns, you need to know the important aspects of the structure of the freezer and the refrigerator as a whole. The main components of household refrigeration equipment are:

  • compressor;
  • suction tube;
  • discharge tube;
  • capillary tube;
  • filter drier;
  • cold chamber evaporator;
  • freezer evaporator;
  • capacitor.

In the event of a malfunction, the refrigerator may release too much heat into the atmosphere. The principle of operation of the equipment is as follows: From the moment it starts, the compressor pumps freon through the tubes. It cools down in them. In this case, heat is released through the rear wall of the refrigerator body. The liquefied freon moves into thin tubes and then becomes a gas again.

After entering the evaporation block it boils. Next, the freon cycle is completed and it returns to the compressor. As a result, the purchased cold is supplied initially to the freezer and then to the refrigerator. Therefore, in the event of a breakdown, cold air continues to remain in the freezer.

Products should be stored exclusively in sealed bags.

If a malfunction of the unit is suspected, first of all, the user should check the integrity of the sealing rubber, and also observe the flow of cold air into the chamber.

Diagnostics of breakdowns

If you are faced with the fact that the freezer is still working, but the refrigerator has stopped, then you need to check the following:

  1. Check all pipes and the radiator for leaks and blockages, as this could be the root cause of the problem.
  2. Check whether the temperature sensors work or not; if the compressor does not start again, then most likely the reason is in the sensor. They are inexpensive, and you can replace them yourself.
  3. Make sure the compressor is working properly; some refrigerator models have 2 installed. Therefore, everyone will have to check for functionality.

Reasons for failure of the refrigeration chamber when the freezer is running

A refrigerator malfunction may be due to the failure of individual elements or the entire operating mechanism. The causes of cooling problems in refrigerator compartments can be various factors.

Simple failure to comply with operating requirements

Often, due to simple negligence of the user, heat may enter the refrigerator compartment. For example, when the door is systematically not tightly closed, warm air from the room enters the chamber. Therefore, the device does not have enough power for proper cooling.

An open door can damage not only the compressor, but also other important parts.

With densely packed products, the compressor cannot evenly distribute the refrigerant throughout the chamber. Therefore, it is recommended to fill the chambers so that there is some free space between the products. Irregular defrosting can also cause poor refrigerator performance.

To restore the normal flow of cold, it is necessary to completely defrost the chambers, remove melt water from the compartments, then allow the unit to stand for a day. After this period, the device can be started. In the future, the work process should improve. It is better to defrost the refrigerator in stages, without using mechanical force. Refrigerators are often installed near heating devices (heating systems, artificial heaters, gas and electric stoves). Such an installation is also one of the factors in the formation of excess warm air inside the chamber.


The presence of dampness on the sealing rubber bands leads to their aging, as a result of which they lose their tightness and let warm air into the chamber.

Minor and major faults

The reasons for the failure may be hardware in nature. This is considered the most serious problem. Even the most trivial malfunctions affect the unit’s ability to cool food. Let's look at what breakdowns exist at this level:

  1. Plug in the capillary system. The formation of plaque, sediment and debris often causes congestion inside, which prevents the passage of freon. In the case of the freezer, the situation is different. On the contrary, ice forms in it.
  2. Drainage system problems. Refrigerators equipped with a weeping wall often become clogged. Such systems must be cleaned regularly. If this does not happen, plugs form, which prevent the flow of melt water. If the system is not cleaned in time, rust will form.
  3. Malfunction of automation or electronics. Modern refrigerators use temperature sensors that can be damaged by food residue or liquids. In this case, the sensor takes the high temperature as optimal. Other automation components can also become clogged, which affects the operation of the equipment.
  4. Refrigerant leak. This phenomenon occurs when a breakdown of the tubes occurs. They can wear out not only during long-term use, but also due to mechanical damage. For example, when trying to knock off ice with hard and sharp objects.
  5. Compressor problem. If your refrigerator has two compressors, one of them may fail. In this case, only one freezer will work.
  6. Mechanical and chemical effects. If used incorrectly, holes in the walls allow warm air from the room to penetrate into the refrigerator compartment. This overloads the compressor, which is unable to normalize the temperature inside the refrigerator.
  7. Presence of rust and oxides. A similar problem often occurs when there is condensation on the back wall of the refrigerator. Due to bacteria actively multiplying in this environment, a green coating appears, after which corrosion appears. These bacteria gradually eat away at the walls of the tubes. And it is prohibited to clean off such formations.

Repairing the technical equipment of a refrigerator requires a professional approach.


If there are a large number of rusty spots on the capillary tubes, it is recommended to treat them with a special converter. It can be purchased at stores that sell household and radio equipment. Damage to the metal on the doors may subsequently affect the operation and cooling of the internal chambers

Serious faults

When figuring out why the refrigerator is not freezing, but the freezer is working without failures, or why only the freezer was out of order, you will need to thoroughly check the equipment for complex breakdowns.

Methods for troubleshooting are determined by their specificity and nature.

The fan motor has failed

When faced with such a nuisance, when the refrigerator does not freeze well, you can look for the cause of the breakdown in the fan motor. If such a defect is present, the ventilation system will no longer produce the characteristic humming sounds.

In most cases, the malfunction occurs due to freezing of the part.

To restore normal operation of the refrigeration unit, you need to immediately replace the failed fan or carry out some preventive maintenance.

To determine the breakdown, you should carefully listen to the operation of the refrigerator. You can also turn it off and defrost it for 10 hours. If there was ice on the blades, such an action can save the situation without replacing the part. Otherwise, you will have to seek help from a specialist.

Compressor burned out

Another reason why the refrigerator does not work, the chamber does not freeze and does not cool normally, is a burnout of the compressor. Single-chamber models are equipped with 1 compressor, so if a part fails, this is accompanied by a leak in one of the chambers. Double-chamber models are distinguished by 2 independent units for each part of the refrigerator. If the temperature does not correspond to the set temperature, the compressor may have malfunctioned. Normal functionality can be restored after a complete replacement of the part.

Cooling system clogged

If the refrigerator has stopped cooling, is humming and does not cope well with this function, you need to check it for clogging of the tube inside which the refrigerant circulates. A professional technician will easily fix the problem using special equipment.

Diagnostics of a refrigerator when the chamber heats up

The breakdown of household appliances certainly upsets its owners. There are no circumstances when electrical appliances are completely unnecessary. The breakdown of the refrigerator deserves special attention. You certainly can't do without it. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine its malfunction. Our editors have prepared several activities to help detect the problem.

Initial inspection of household appliances

Upon arrival, the technician must visually inspect the refrigerator body as a whole and its back wall. Initially, the presence of functioning sealants is determined, as well as the absence of cracks and dents. Such defects primarily affect the performance of the equipment. The supply of electricity to the compressor must be assessed. To do this, the power cable is called.

Refrigerator repair can be carried out directly at home if the breakdown is not serious.

Testing using special equipment

The performance of the refrigerator is determined by professionals using a special mechanical device. Such equipment helps to accurately identify the location of the breakdown, which subsequently facilitates the repair procedure. Let's look at what tools are involved in testing household appliances:

  1. Digital thermometer. Helps to automatically determine the temperature inside each chamber. Performs diagnostics in minutes.
  2. The digital tester helps determine the degree of resistance of the compressor winding, defrost heating elements and thermal relays.
  3. Vacuum pump. Suitable for major refrigerator repairs. Performs purging and cleaning of refrigeration unit tubes. After which, the latter is again charged with refrigerant.

If you have a tester at home, you can diagnose the problem yourself. In addition to professional tools, you need to have some equipment on hand that will be useful in case of disassembly.

Why the refrigerator does not freeze - reasons

Refrigerators, especially their modern modifications, are very complex technical devices filled with various electronics. Therefore, there can be many reasons for its failure. Problems can manifest themselves in different ways: the freezing of a thick layer of frost on the internal surfaces of the chambers, prolonged operation without turning off the compressor, etc. But the most unpleasant situation is when the refrigerator stops performing its direct functions, that is, it does not freeze.

There may be several reasons for this, but the most common are the following:

  1. The electrical wiring is faulty, that is, the power simply does not reach the compressor motor, which drives freon through the internal lines.
  2. Compressor failure. This is perhaps the most unpleasant problem, given the high cost of this mechanism.
  3. Freon leak. If the level of refrigerant is insufficient or completely absent, the necessary cooling is not created in the internal chambers.
  4. Electronic sensors and relays have failed or started to work incorrectly. As a result, the compressor motor turns off before the temperature inside it drops to the required level.

If one of the listed problems occurs, the household appliance stops working completely, that is, the compressor motor does not start. In other cases, the refrigerator works, but does not freeze, or the temperature in it does not drop to the required level. Before you begin to troubleshoot a problem, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

What to do if a breakdown problem is detected

Of course, if the refrigerator is dear to you, you need to fix this breakdown. The repair method depends directly on the malfunction that has occurred. Let's look below at exactly what problems can be found. If the malfunction lies in the technical part, the technician will take the equipment for service

The seal on the refrigerator doors has deteriorated or the thermostat is faulty

The only way out if the sealed rubber bands are damaged is to completely replace them. Do not attempt to glue or apply an additional layer of sealant on top. Such manipulations will be useless.

Before repairs, the refrigerator must be unloaded and washed.

When a problem associated with warm air in the chambers of equipment arose precisely because of the thermostat, it is easier to replace it than to repair it. Inside this mechanism there is a miniature circuit, which not every master can solder.

Refrigerator motor overheated

As a rule, all parts in technology are interconnected, therefore, if the thermostat is ineffective, overheating of the main compressor may occur. This is due to the fact that the sensor gives the wrong command to the motor. Because of this, it constantly works at full capacity. Non-stop operation leads to overheating. Refrigerator overheating is statistically more common in summer

The fan or compressor is broken

A fan malfunction can be determined by an unusual sound. During operation, the device begins to knock or create oscillating sounds. This problem is corrected by replacing the fan. Overheating of the electrical cable causes problems in the operation of the fan and compressor. If the compressor breaks down, the loss of cold in the chambers can occur either completely or partially. Strong knocking and grinding noises during operation of the unit are the main signs of a motor malfunction. In this case, it is not advisable to restore the old compressor. It is more practical and reliable to install a new one. Of course, first of all, you need to decide on the model of the equipment and entrust the work to service specialists.

Clogged filter drier or capillary system

One of the main reasons for overheating of the air in the refrigerator compartments is a clog in the filter-drier. Although it is small in size, it plays a fairly significant role in the normal operation of the refrigerator. In this case, you will need to replace the filter drier by cutting off the old one and installing a new one. First, using a vacuum pump, all moisture is removed from the system. To check and clean the refrigeration filter, it must be removed and then soldered. When purchasing a new refrigeration filter, you need to take into account its size and model. If the capillary tube is clogged, problems in the operation of the refrigerator begin to appear immediately. These problems are quite dangerous for the equipment in general.

To clear the blockage, it is necessary to warm up the entire capillary tube system. It must be dismantled before the procedure. After warming up, the system is purged with nitrogen. Therefore, in order to properly connect and pump freon in the future, it is better to entrust the work to a specialist. If a refrigerator has two compressors, it will have two filters USEFUL TO KNOW!

Cleaning the capillary system may require up to 20 treatments with liquid nitrogen. So be sure to remain patient if you are doing the work yourself.

Refrigerant leak or defrost valve problem

Freon leakage occurs most often due to the fault of the owner of the refrigeration equipment. This may be due to improper use. Less often, the cause is a manufacturing defect. When there is a shortage of refrigerant, heat accumulates in the refrigeration chamber, since the compressor cannot cope with cooling with the available volume of freon. It is better not to repair defrost valves and timers, but to replace them with new ones. If there is frost on the back inner wall of the refrigerator, it is time to think about why it is not defrosting.

The thermostat can cause a breakdown, or the user incorrectly sets the operating mode of the equipment. In this case, it is the defrosting mechanism that suffers. In the best case, you will have to adjust the operation of the valve, or, as an option, replace it completely.

The heating element of a refrigerator with a No Frost system has burned out

What can you see when a heating element burns out? First of all, this is ice on the walls of the freezer compartment and, of course, the presence of heat in the refrigerator compartment. When fixing the problem yourself, you need to choose the right type of heater and its configuration. It’s better, after all, to entrust this matter to a specialist. If the device is selected correctly, installing it will be easy. The wiring in the refrigerator heater may be damaged; you need to be able to diagnose this.

Solving the problem when the freezer works but the refrigerator does not

You can try to remove debris accumulated in the tube by knocking on it, but a technician who will clean it with a vacuum will help completely eliminate the problem.

If the compressor malfunctions, the problem is solved by replacing the broken element. A freon leak requires the intervention of specialists who will carry out diagnostics, refill the system with refrigerant and install new components to replace worn ones.

Minor damage to the housing can be repaired yourself by replacing the insulation and filling the cracks with sealant. To avoid this problem, you need to defrost the refrigerator carefully, without using sharp objects or heating devices to separate the ice.

In modern electronic models, various sensors may fail. If after defrosting the refrigerator does not cool, but the freezer is working, Indesit recommends checking the serviceability of the thermostat, evaporator and temperature detector. They are the ones who give signals about the need to turn on the compressor and fan. This problem is solved by replacing worn parts.

The cause of a refrigerator malfunction should be sought from simple to complex. If after checking the equipment continues to function incorrectly, you should call a specialist.

Recommendations for using refrigerators

The further performance of the equipment depends on how correctly household appliances are used. Let's look at the basic rules that are not recommended to be broken.

  1. Transportation and handling of refrigeration equipment should only be carried out in a standing position or on the side, taking into account the placement of the condenser tube.
  2. The refrigerator must be installed in isolation from heating devices and radiators. The optimal temperature for equipment operation is not higher than +27 degrees.
  3. Timely cleaning, removal of spoiled, decomposing products. They settle on the walls and penetrate into the chambers, causing blockage of the refrigerant outlet channels.
  4. The distribution of food in the refrigerator and freezer should be even.
  5. Elimination of unpleasant odors that are the result of long and improper storage of products.

For long and trouble-free operation of the refrigerator, you must be able to transport it correctly. To do this, you can use special holders. It is better to call professional movers who will carry out the transportation correctly and safely. In most cases, if the basic requirements for using household appliances are met, the owner manages to avoid problems with heat formation in the refrigerator compartment.

Dear users, we have listed the most popular faults that lead to failure of the refrigerator compartment. If you have any questions, or have your own versions of such breakdowns, write to us in the comments.

When there is no cooling, but there is sanctification - what is the cause of this malfunction?

Basically, if there is no cooling in the refrigeration chamber, then this can be observed by noticeable signs on different components of the device. The main, so to speak, “symptoms” of problems are:

  1. The temperature in the refrigeration section is too high.
  2. The compressor runs endlessly or gets very hot.

Such problems can arise for many reasons, such as improper installation of the device or a compressor failure. Often there is no cooling in the very top part of the refrigerator compartment. Since in modern refrigerated cabinets the freezer is most often located at the bottom, and the upper part is the main one, in other words, refrigeration with a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

This can happen to refrigerators from the following manufacturers: Zanussi, Ariston, Daewoo, Bosch, Stinol, Vestel, Beko, Haier, Indesit, Liebherr, Atlant and others.

Failures due to which there is no cooling of a certain chamber are quite serious, since it is almost impossible to cope with them yourself and without the necessary tools. If you're lucky, simply defrosting the refrigerator and then starting it again will be enough, but such luck is very rare, so you often have to call a specialist for help in this matter.

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