The freezer is working fine, but the refrigerator is not freezing

Sometimes an unpleasant situation happens with household refrigeration units - the freezer is working, but the refrigerator compartment is not cooling. It seems that the refrigerator has not broken down, but it does not perform its functions well.

This situation is not only unpleasant for the owner, but can also be quite dangerous. If you let the situation take its course, the refrigerator may break down completely, and repairs will cost a pretty penny. And failure to comply with the temperature regime can not only lead to additional expenses, but also seriously harm the health of household members. There's no point in waiting for this. It is best to find a malfunction at the first sign, find out its cause and take appropriate measures.

How does a household refrigerator work?

Before finding out why the refrigerator began to freeze poorly, it is worth talking about how exactly the refrigerator is designed and works. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. The household refrigerator system includes 4 main components:

  • compressor;
  • capacitor;
  • evaporator;
  • connecting tube system.

A special gas, a refrigerant, circulates in a hermetically sealed system. It has a low temperature of evaporation and boiling. When a refrigerant expands, it absorbs heat, and when it contracts, it releases it back through condensation.

The refrigerant in home refrigerators is usually freon. This is an absolutely harmless, non-flammable substance. The liquid refrigerant enters under pressure into the capillary tubes, and then into the evaporator, where it begins to “absorb” heat. As a result, the surface of the refrigerator compartment cools down. This process is repeated from the beginning until the set temperature is reached in the refrigerator. Next, the temperature controller will operate, which opens the electrical circuit and forces the compressor to stop. The thermostat is necessary to protect the compressor from overloads and save electricity.

After some time, when the temperature in the refrigerator compartment rises again, the circuit will close again and the cycle will repeat all over again.
See also -
Refrigerator start-up relay: design and operation

Atlant refrigerator, two-chamber, does not freeze well - diagnostics

Using the Atlant two-chamber refrigerator as an example, we will look at what to do if the device does not freeze well.

A typical cause of circuit instability and failure is freezing and clogging of the capillary tube where it connects to the evaporator tube. Cork occurs as a result of moisture entering and freezing. The best way to fix the problem is to replace the tube.

The freezer in the refrigerator will not work well if:

  • refrigerant leaks due to mechanical damage to the evaporator;
  • clogged filter and filter dryer cartridge.
  • frequent operation of the thermal relay;
  • thermostat malfunction.

In any case, when intervention in the operation of the dynamic heat removal circuit from the refrigerator is required, it is necessary to use the services of specialists.

We identify minor problems

If none of the above actions bring results, then it’s time to look for the reasons why the refrigerator stopped freezing. All breakdowns of a household refrigerator can be divided into two groups: minor and major. First, let's talk about small faults that are relatively inexpensive to repair. So, if the refrigerator works, but does not freeze, pay attention to its “weak” points.

The seal has dried out

There is a special rubber seal around the perimeter of the refrigerator door. It serves to ensure the tightness of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. How tightly it fits against the door determines whether additional heat will enter the compartment from the outside. If it has dried out, cracked and no longer fits tightly to the door, then you need to replace the seal with a new one.

Broken thermostat

To determine such a breakdown you will have to use a tester. When the refrigerator is turned on, “ring” the unit. If there is no voltage, the part will have to be replaced with a new one. Read on our website about how to replace the thermostat in the refrigerator yourself.

Motor overheating

If the refrigerator light is on and the temperature does not drop, touch the motor. It is likely that due to the high temperature it overheated, the thermal protection tripped and the motor turned off. This is another reason why the refrigerator began to freeze poorly.

Turn off the refrigerator and defrost it completely. Make sure the engine is completely cool and turn the refrigerator back on. If everything works, move the refrigerator away from the wall and other objects so that the motor can cool better.

temperature sensor

Place a regular household thermometer in the refrigerator compartment and after a while compare its value with the readings of the temperature sensor. If they do not match, the sensor will have to be changed.

The best refrigerators, according to buyers 2021-2022

There is a wide range of refrigeration equipment on the market. To make the choice easier, consumers are offered a list of popular models.

Atlant MXM 2835-90

Two-chamber refrigerator made in Belarus with electromechanical control. Equipped with a modern compressor, which is not only reliable in operation, but also operates relatively quietly. And the refrigerator compartment is equipped with shelves made of impact-resistant glass and two containers for storing vegetables and fruits. Such a problem as the upper chamber of the Atlant refrigerator not freezing occurs in rare cases. That is why it is so popular among consumers.

Hitachi R-E5000UXK

The premium refrigerator consists of five chambers. Despite its overall dimensions, it consumes minimal electricity. Equipped with an inverter compressor, which is reliable and has a long service life. The liquid crystal touch display simplifies setting up the equipment and adjusting its operation. The model is equipped with various functions, which makes using the refrigerator more comfortable. The only drawback is the high cost. Although, having bought a high-quality model, you may never have to deal with why the refrigerator stopped freezing.

Liebherr CTel 2931

The German-made two-chamber refrigerator is small in size, which allows it to be used even in a small kitchen. The refrigerator compartment has a volume of 218 liters, and the freezer compartment has a volume of 52 liters. The advantages of the model include silent operation, high efficiency, stylish appearance and compactness. As for the disadvantages, they include rapid wear of the door thermal insulation gaskets, as well as the low strength of the freezer drawers.

Beko RCSK 310M20

The equipment is equipped with a modern compressor that consumes little electricity and does not create noise during operation. The main advantages include the presence of dry freezing, ease of operation, fairly good capacity, low cost and reliability in operation. But, like any other equipment, the refrigerator has some disadvantages, such as the lack of automatic defrosting and the appearance of clicks due to wear and tear on the motor. Sometimes after defrosting the refrigerator does not cool. The compressor may be broken and not working.

Siemens KI39FP60

Despite its small size, the device has a spacious freshness zone and freezer compartment. There are also compartments for fruits and vegetables that have sufficient volume. It is also worth noting the low electricity consumption and reliable thermal insulation. To prevent unpleasant odors from occurring inside the equipment, filters must be cleaned regularly.

Serious refrigerator problems

If the refrigerator does not freeze, you have not found any minor “sores” in it, then everything is much more serious. Most likely, the breakdown is associated with one of the main components.

The fan motor has failed

If this happens, you won't have to search for long. The fact is that the fan motor produces a very characteristic sound when operating, a uniform hum. If you don't hear it, the breakdown is obvious. It is likely that he was simply frozen. But if long-term defrosting does not help, you will have to call a specialist.

Compressor burned out

If your refrigerator has only one compressor, you will immediately notice a breakdown. Neither the freezer nor the refrigerator compartment will freeze. Most likely, you will very soon find a large puddle next to the refrigerator.

But if you have a two-compressor refrigerator, the problem may not be noticed immediately. In such models, each compartment has its own compressor. This is why the freezer can work normally, but the refrigerator compartment will be warm. Be that as it may, you are unlikely to be able to replace the compressor yourself, without the help of a specialist.

Cooling system clogged

Sometimes the filter drier through which the oil for the electric motor moves becomes clogged with waste or burnt particles. A good technician will quickly identify the problem. Also, the system of thin tubes through which the refrigerant circulates often becomes clogged. It is impossible to fix such a breakdown without special equipment. You need to thoroughly blow out the tubes under pressure and top up the freon.

Refrigerant leak

If you notice that, although the engine is running, the condenser remains cold all the time, it means that there is a freon leak and the refrigerator is pushing air. Another sign of such a breakdown is rusty streaks inside the freezer located below. The cause of the leak may be microscopic cracks in the evaporator. That is why it is strictly forbidden to “help” the refrigerator with defrosting, scrape off snow and break off pieces of ice in the freezer.

Microcracks could also form due to strong vibration of the refrigerator if it is installed unevenly. If you've recently moved your refrigerator, the tubes between the compressor and evaporator have probably broken. In general, there can be many reasons.

If the crack is not obvious, it will not be possible to detect it without a special device. In addition, in order for the refrigerator to work normally, after soldering the system must be refilled with freon.

IMPORTANT: Myths and fairy tales

There are many articles on the Internet that give advice from incompetent people. They can name the following reasons why the main compartment of the refrigerator does not work:

  • Doors do not close tightly;
  • The seal is worn out;
  • It's too hot in the apartment;
  • Do you use the main compartment often?
  • Place hot food in the refrigerator.

Indeed, all this leads to improper operation of the equipment. But for the main camera not to work... There must be a good reason. It’s not like you didn’t close the door tightly or put a pot of warm soup in the refrigerator. And now more details.

Problems with doors and seals

Let's say the gap between the door (seal) and the refrigerator body is 1 cm. Then the main chamber will cool, but the compressor will have difficulty. It will turn on frequently, or work constantly. But the refrigerator will maintain the temperature.

High temperature in the apartment

There is an opinion that in hot weather the refrigerator does not cope with its work. In fact, manufacturers make equipment with a power reserve. Even if it’s +35 in your apartment, the refrigerator will work. There may be excessive consumption of electricity, but it will cope with its task.

Frequent use

Any refrigerator manufacturer relies on the doors to open and close. This is normal operation of this type of technology. Yes, the more often you open the main chamber of the refrigerator, the greater the heat influx. But this will only lead to the following:

  1. The compressor will work more intensely;
  2. There will be periodic temperature changes in the upper chamber;
  3. The electricity consumption of the refrigerator will increase.

Hot food in the refrigerator

Indeed, when you place hot food in the refrigerator, the load on the compressor increases. He won't always be able to cope with it. The chamber may warm up and it will seem that the refrigerator is not cooling. But this is temporary; soon the compartment will cool down to the optimal temperature.

No. 10 – Dirt in the pipes

The evaporator capacity plays a major role in the operation of the refrigerator. Over time, it may become clogged and the freon will not cool the main chamber well. There is also a risk of the capillary tube becoming clogged. There are three reasons for blockages:

  • Poor quality compressor oil;
  • Incorrect oil type;
  • Low quality freon;
  • Contamination during repair work.

Bad refrigeration oil will degrade over time. Certain chemical reactions occur in it; it can become waxed. In this case, solid particles appear that settle on the walls of the evaporator, in the capillary tubes, and on the thermostat.

Each refrigerant has its own type of oil - mineral or synthetic. They also differ in viscosity. Incorrectly selected oil may decompose. The resulting substances settle on the walls of the evaporator, the thermostat, and in the capillary tube.

The quality of freon is determined by the content of impurities and water. It contains dozens of substances that cannot be completely eliminated. At high concentrations, they are able to settle on pipes and react with them. Excess water crystallizes into ice, making it difficult for the refrigerant to pass through.

When changing refrigerant, oil, soldering pipes and other work, there is a risk of contamination. Dirt can get into them from outside. And when soldering pipes, there may be leftover solder inside. All this leads to the formation of narrowed areas. They interfere with the normal circulation of freon.

It is impossible to determine a clogged freon line or evaporator by eye. Only a specialist can diagnose it. Most often, the evaporator will have to be removed and replaced with a new one. Not all stains can be removed.

No. 2 – Freon leak in a two-compressor refrigerator

Dual-compressor refrigerators have two separate circuits. One compressor works for the freezer compartment, the second for the main compartment. Only a specialist can check the presence of freon. But there are two indirect signs:

  • The main compartment compressor is constantly running;
  • Copper freon tubes are warm.

If there is a freon leak, refilling alone is not enough. It is necessary to find the location of the leak and repair the crack. You can’t do this on your own, look for a specialist. You can find a good refrigeration specialist in your city on a specialized portal for finding craftsmen.

No. 12 – Airflow problems in No Frost

Refrigerators with the No Frost system (Full No Frost, Total No Frost) have forced ventilation of the chamber. For it, one or more fans are installed behind the rear panel. If they fail, there will be no effective cooling.

It is easy to check how the system works. There are holes on the back of the camera. Cooled air is blown through them. Just open the door and wait for the compressor to turn on. Place your hand near the holes and check if there is a stream of air coming out of them.

If the fans do not work, there are two reasons: the fans are broken and there is no power supply. It's easy to check - remove the back panel and use an indicator screwdriver. If there is voltage, but the fans do not work, you can replace them yourself.

Sometimes fans freeze. Condensation settles on them, which turns into ice and prevents the blades from rotating. To solve the problem, turn off the refrigerator, warm them with a hairdryer or let them sit until defrosted. After this, wipe it dry and turn on the refrigerator.

Frozen fan in the refrigerator.

The compressor is running, but there is no cooling in the refrigerator compartment

A uniform hum of the refrigerator is an indicator of stable operation, although not always. The motor should be interrupted to idle 3 - 4 times per hour, but if it makes noise incessantly, it means that it cannot reach the set temperature level. This happens if the maximum freezing mode is turned on, or the room is hot.

In addition, the cause of non-stop operation of the compressor may be a refrigerant leak, a breakdown of the start relay, or improper operation of the unit. Hot dishes and products must not be placed in the refrigerator compartment, and the doors must be closed well and the seal must be evenly sealed. Worn, burst, or stretched rubber bands must be replaced.

Start-up relay

No. 13 – Problems with the control board

This breakdown is the most difficult from a diagnostic point of view. Modern refrigerators have an electronic control board that regulates everything. Starting from the operation of the display and settings keys, ending with the control of the compressor.

Only a specialist can determine whether the control board is faulty. With work experience, specific knowledge and skills. In mid- and premium-class models, such a breakdown occurs infrequently. In cheap Asian-assembled refrigerators, the control board may fail in the first years of operation of the refrigerator.

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