The freezer in the refrigerator does not freeze - what is the reason?

  • When should you call a professional?
  • If the freezer is not freezing, this is usually recognized by a puddle of water under the refrigerator, since people look into the freezer much less often than into the main chamber. The situation is not pleasant, but the problem that has arisen must be solved, and promptly, since frozen foods will quickly spoil at above-zero temperatures.

    If the freezer is unexpectedly warm, this is a sign that the refrigerator will soon stop working.

    In addition, a non-working freezer is a clear sign that there is some kind of defect in the cooling system. And if the freezer is unexpectedly warm, there is a high probability that the refrigerator will soon stop working.

    Recommendation! You should not undertake refrigerator repairs if you do not have the appropriate knowledge, skills and tools. This will only make the situation worse and increase the cost of future repairs.

    What to do if the freezer stops freezing?

    If the freezer begins to leak, then before calling a specialist, you need to make sure that this situation arose due to equipment failure, and not due to carelessness during operation. Very often it is the incorrect operation of equipment that leads to its malfunction. But there is no need to worry, since the problem can be fixed with your own hands.

    First, you need to check the thermostat data. It should be in a position between operating modes 3 and 4, when the food freezes normally and the motor does not suffer from increased load. In this case, the temperature in the chamber should be within 18-19°C. Sometimes, when placing food in the freezer, a person unnoticedly turns down the thermostat. If the thermostat is installed in the wrong position, you just need to move it to the optimal position. After some time, it is worth checking whether the freezer has started working normally.

    Secondly, the freezer does not freeze well due to ice freezing. When a large coat of ice forms, the seal does not fit tightly, which means warm air enters the chamber. As a result, a puddle may form on the floor. To eliminate this problem, you need to defrost the freezer and thoroughly rinse and clean the rubber seal.

    If during the check you find that the thermostat is in the normal position, and there is no ice coat, and the freezer is not freezing, then it’s time to call the service center. We provide high-quality refrigerator repairs at home at an affordable price. You can call our specialist at any convenient time every day from 8.00 to 23.00 by phone 8 . Leave a request, and our master will come to you as soon as possible.

    How to protect your freezer from damage?

    There are several tips for saving your freezer:

    1. Do not freeze food that is above room temperature. Wait until they cool down.
    2. Do not help the device defrost.
    3. Close the door tightly to prevent warm air from entering.
    4. Set the temperature on the thermostat correctly. Monitor it constantly.
    5. Watch for water accumulation inside. Get rid of it to avoid rust.
    6. Follow the operating instructions.

    There are many reasons why your freezer won't freeze. If you are well versed in details and know where and what is located, you can make the replacement yourself. It will be more economical than calling a specialist.

    Why does a freezer stop freezing?

    In addition to improper use, a freezer may stop functioning normally for many reasons. For example, failure of the thermostat, motor, compressor. Typical freezer problems are:

    • the motor running the freezer runs for 5-10 seconds and turns off automatically;
    • the engine runs, but during operation it creates long pauses;
    • The freezer is not freezing enough;
    • Rust has appeared on the freezer body.

    If you have a two-compressor refrigerator, then the absence of frost is a sign of a breakdown of the compressor motor. This occurs due to natural wear and tear on the compressor during prolonged use of the equipment. Also, failure of the motor-compressor can occur due to excessive load on it. For example, when setting the maximum freezing mode in hot weather. Our specialists, who encounter similar faults every day, can help with compressor repair and replacement. We carry out repairs quickly and reliably. Each type of service comes with a guarantee.

    If the motor runs, but takes long pauses, then most likely the air sensor or thermostat has failed. If you have an electronically controlled refrigerator, then the malfunction is caused by a broken air sensor. In this case, the control module does not receive information that the temperature in the freezer is below the set value, so the motor does not cool. The problem can be solved quickly by replacing the sensor.

    If the refrigerator is an electromechanical type, then the lack of frost causes the thermostat to fail. A faulty thermostat does not signal to the motor that the freezer is warm. For this reason, the motor does not switch to cooling mode. Replacing the thermostat is the only solution in this situation. But doing it yourself is not recommended. It is better to call a specialist who will deal with the breakdown professionally and efficiently.

    Only a specialist can answer the question of why the freezer does not freeze, since the same malfunction can be caused by several reasons. The source of the cause can only be determined with the help of special equipment, which our specialists always have.

    Why might the freezer stop freezing?

    There are many parts that affect the operation of the freezer. Among them:

    1. The motor, which is directly responsible for the operation of the freezer. If it turns on, runs for a few seconds and then turns off immediately, this means that the motor-compressor is broken. There are two reasons for this malfunction. The first is that the refrigerator is many years old and the motor has never been replaced. The second is a high load on the motor (we set the thermostat to the minimum temperature on a hot summer day). The compressor needs to be replaced. It will cost about 2000 rubles.

      Freezer motor

    2. The motor runs, but rests for a very long time. If the refrigerator has an electronic control unit, then there is a problem with the air sensor. It is necessary to transmit information to the control unit that the temperature in the freezer is rising, but it does not start the motor. The air sensor needs to be replaced. It costs about 2000 rubles.

    3. If the refrigerator has electromechanical control, the thermostat is broken.
      It performs the same function as the air sensor. You need to buy a new thermostat. The asking price is about 2000 rubles. Thermostat
    4. The freezer works, but does not freeze well. This problem often affects refrigerators of no-frost models that operate without frost. The switch valve has failed. It is necessary to switch the temperature between the refrigerator and freezer. The valve switched and stopped at the refrigerator, therefore the temperature in the freezer will be equal to the temperature in the refrigerator. In this case, you will have to replace the switch, which costs about 2,500 rubles.

      This is what the switch valve looks like

    5. The freezer started to freeze slightly, and then stopped freezing at all. The frost in the chamber is maintained by a gas called freon. Most likely it has leaked. It is necessary to charge the freezer with freon. You also need to find the place where it leaked from and patch it up. Fixing such a breakdown will cost 3,000 rubles.

      Freon is sold in such containers

    1. Rust begins to accumulate in the freezer. This can cause Freon to evaporate as rust can create holes. If the drainage system is broken, water will constantly accumulate inside. Over time, this will lead to rust. It corrodes the plastic, and holes appear on it through which freon evaporates. It is necessary to wipe up the water in a timely manner. If a breakdown has already occurred, get rid of the rust, seal the holes and fill the freezer with freon. About 3000 rubles.

    Accumulation of water

    1. You defrosted the unit using artificial heat sources (for example, put a container of boiling water in it). Or they removed the ice with their hands or improvised means. After this defrosting, the freezer stopped working: apparently, you damaged the plastic and the freon leaked out. You cannot help the freezer to thaw. Everything should happen naturally. Similar methods to speed up defrosting worked only on older models of refrigerators. New ones are equipped with parts whose operation does not provide for such defrosting methods. It is necessary to find the place that was damaged, patch it, and also fill the freezer with cooling gas. The cost of repairs is about 3,000 thousand rubles.
    2. No-frost refrigerators have a fuse, defroster and timer that are responsible for defrosting. If they break, the freezer stops working. Find the broken part and replace it. Repairs cost from 5,000 to 8,000 rubles, depending on the type of broken part.


    The prices indicated are approximate. They include the cost of the broken part, as well as the work of the technician. If you decide to replace it yourself, the cost of repairs will be approximately half as much.

    Be careful when making repairs yourself. It is necessary to install only those parts that are identical to the old ones. For example, if you installed the wrong thermostat, the motor will break.

    The craftsmen are well versed in various breakdowns and provide a guarantee for their work. Therefore, calling a specialist will be easier and, possibly, cheaper.

    What to do if the freezer is not freezing, but the refrigerator is working?

    People often encounter a situation where the refrigerator is working normally, but the freezer is not freezing food. In this connection, many are interested in what to do in such a case. If this situation occurs after transportation and installation of a new refrigerator, then you need to wait a day. It takes time for the temperature in the freezer to settle. If the refrigerator was already in use before being transported and installed in a new location, then in this case you need to wait at least 3 days.

    You also need to check the degree of freezing of the ice. In dual-circuit refrigerator models, only the freezer is defrosted. If the freezer does not freeze for this reason, then you need to defrost it to get rid of the ice coat. In any other case, you need to use the services of a professional.

    Another reason for the malfunction is that freon leaked through the steel circuit. Often in single-compressor refrigerators with a No Frost system and a crying evaporator, the switching valve breaks. In the stuck “Freezer and Refrigerator Cooling” position, the valve does not have enough freezing power. For this reason, the freezer compartment is warm.

    Details about the reasons why the freezer compartment in the refrigerator does not freeze

    It is necessary to know the characteristics of the main faults. This way you can decide whether to repair it yourself or seek help from a specialist.

    The cord is pulled out

    Before calling a technician, you need to check whether the device is connected to the power supply and whether the electricity indicator is on. It may turn out that there is no problem, and your two-chamber friend is working properly - you just need to plug it into a power outlet.

    The door is not closed

    Even a minimal gap between the door seal and the body will significantly reduce the performance of the device. Make sure the door fits tightly.

    The seal is torn or hardened

    If the rubber gasket is torn, you will have to buy a new one. Try to find the original part.

    If the seal has become too hard (due to age or certain types of household chemicals), then it is not necessary to change it immediately. You can try to restore elasticity using improvised means. The methods are simple to implement and cheap.

    The first thing you need to do is remove the rubber band:

    1. Today, the seal is usually secured with foam, glue, or inserted into a special groove. Dismantling in this case does not cause any particular difficulties.
    2. In Soviet models, the elastic band is mounted on nails or rivets. When removing, you must act carefully so as not to damage the element.

    To restore elasticity, you will need to boil several liters of water and scald the rubber.

    Leave the seal in the hot liquid until it cools completely. Often this procedure helps rubber regain properties lost over time.

    Defrost mode enabled

    Sometimes you may not notice or simply forget that the refrigerator is in defrost mode. You just need to switch it to cooling mode.

    Temperature set to high

    In summer, on a hot day, under the influence of sunlight in the upper positive chamber, the temperature may rise. For normal operation, taking into account changes in external factors, the thermostat should be adjusted.

    In hot weather, it is undesirable to set it to maximum, as the compressor may fail.

    The temperature sensor is broken

    Often, if a modern refrigerator does not freeze, the temperature sensor is faulty. Due to the transmission of incorrect readings to the “electronic brain”, the system does not send a signal to turn on the compressor. A new one is inexpensive, but its service life directly depends on the quality of the sensor.

    In old-format technology, the so-called thermal relay (thermostat) fails; more details about repairs can be found here.

    Compressor motor burnt out or overheated

    The fact that the compressor motor has failed can be determined by the following signs:

    1. When you open the door, the light comes on, but the refrigerator itself does not work and does not cool food.
    2. The motor turns on and turns off almost immediately. Before turning off, you can hear the relay clicking (read more about strange sounds). The light is on, but none of the cameras freezes.
    3. The electric motor hums, but there is no cooling.

    If such a breakdown occurs, the element must be replaced.

    If the compressor overheats, the device may not freeze either. The cause is usually a failure of the start-up relay. For repairs, you must contact a specialist.

    Failures in conductive systems

    The jams prevent the passage of melt water, which accumulates at the bottom of the freezer and flows out

    The equipment may not work properly due to blockages in the capillary system. Foreign substances get into the tubes - debris from a worn filter, oil, moisture. Because of this, the coolant in refrigerators of this brand does not reach the right place and the food is not frozen.

    In Deo models, the lower chamber often does not freeze due to a clogged drainage system.

    The jams prevent the passage of melt water, which accumulates at the bottom of the freezer and flows out. The result is cracked plastic and corrosion of metal elements, causing refrigerant to leak out.

    Freeze fan

    This problem may appear on devices equipped with a No Frost system.

    1. If the fan in the device freezes, the temperature regime of the entire cooling system is disrupted. This happens extremely rarely; complete defrosting will help.
    2. The fan runs continuously, producing a characteristic humming sound. The system cannot cool the chambers to the required temperature due to ice frozen in the air passages. To solve the problem, you need to defrost the refrigerator for 12 hours.

    Freon leak

    To repair, you need to find the location of the leak, fix it, change the filter drier, and also refill the cooling system with freon.

    For single-compressor models, the following signs may indicate the release of cooling gas:

    1. After defrosting, the light inside the chamber comes on, but the refrigerator does not freeze and does not turn on.
    2. The compressor runs constantly, but the device cools poorly.
    3. After defrosting, the unit worked for a while, but then turned off and will not turn on.

    In two-compressor models, the signs of leakage are the same, but relate only to one compartment: the upper or freezer.

    It usually occurs in the evaporator, pipe soldering areas and in the heating circuit. Read more about this here.

    Glitches of electronic units

    If the control unit breaks down, the refrigerator may behave unpredictably or not work at all. The temperature in different chambers will vary. The device may turn on for just a few seconds and then turn off again.

    In modern models, a breakdown is accompanied by light (the red LED flashes or lights up) or sound signals that notify of an increase in temperature.

    Those with a display display an error text message on the LCD screen.

    The most common cause is moisture ingress. This usually happens during defrosting. It will be necessary to repair the control module or replace the entire assembly.

    Dead defrosting heating element

    Sometimes, if the refrigerator does not freeze, the heat-removing air cavities become clogged with ice. This happens when the heating element responsible for defrosting the ice in these cavities burns out.

    To diagnose the problem, you need to defrost the chambers and then check the functionality of the heating element. This is a universal element that helps to thaw ice and snow cover.

    Evaporator damage

    The following problems may occur with the evaporator (radiator on the rear wall):

    1. Oil clogged. To troubleshoot the problem, you need to unsolder the system where the compressor and capillary tube connect. The evaporator, capillary and suction tube are washed with liquid refrigerant.
    2. Freon leak. The evaporator needs to be replaced.
    3. The refrigerator runs continuously (does not turn off temporarily). This indicates that there is no contact between the evaporator suction tube and the thermostat siphon tube.

    Capillary tube clogged

    A clogged capillary tube is a fairly common problem with older models of refrigerators. The circuit is the most vulnerable point of the entire device.

    It is very difficult to repair at home, but it is still possible.

    First you need to have all the necessary tools, equipment for refilling freon and refrigerant. If all this is missing, you need to contact the service center.

    There are several schemes for self-repair:

    1. Do not clean, but cut out the clogged part of the circuit. The cut is made approximately 20 mm from the place where freon enters the capillary. This repair method is not suitable in cases where the blockage is much further away.
    2. Clean the tube using compressed nitrogen. It is necessary to inject in the opposite direction from the movement of freon. For repairs you need a blow press.
    3. If purging does not help, dismantle the evaporator, heat it in hot water and repeat the procedure.
    4. Cut the tube from the filter. A copper tube with an internal cross-section of 6 mm is soldered on the cut side. A pressure gauge on the hose is connected to it, and then the entire structure is attached to the discharge terminal. Before performing the last step, you need to pour about 10 ml of solvent into the hose. The motor turns on until it reaches 25 atmospheres, and then turns off. If the blockage remains, the procedure is repeated. In some cases, up to 30 cycles are required.

    If the above methods do not work, you will have to replace the capillary system.

    Oxidation and rust inside and outside of critical modules

    Due to incorrectly carried out repairs, moisture enters the hermetically sealed system and corrosion destroys the walls of the tubes, micro-holes appear through which the refrigerant enters the environment. The temperature in the freezer gradually increases. The only thing that will help here is to solder the damaged areas to new ones.

    If you do not pay attention to the problem in time, the compressor will break down due to constant operation.

    On the outside, corrosion stains are removed using rust converters. They can be found in specialized stores. You can also use 9 percent vinegar instead of the product.

    Mechanical and chemical damage

    Holes and cracks may appear on the housing. Typically, such damage occurs due to improper transportation in case of moving.

    Warm air enters the refrigerator compartment through the holes. The temperature does not reach the required level, which is why the compressor constantly works, but cannot cool the chambers.

    Small cracks can be repaired on your own. The device needs to be defrosted and dried. The damaged area is cut out and filled with new insulating material, such as pieces of foam. You can secure the pieces with polyurethane foam, cutting off the excess after hardening.

    It should be remembered that there are areas with an increased likelihood of cracks. These are the places of all fastenings, for example, doors. Over-tightening the bolts may cause damage.

    Chemical damage usually occurs during washing. Do not use aggressive chemicals. If the outside enamel layer is damaged, it must be restored to prevent the spread of rust.

    Where to go?

    If you are faced with a breakdown of the freezer, then the best solution is to contact our service by calling 8 (495) 745-24-55 . We have been repairing refrigeration and freezing equipment in Moscow for many years. Therefore, we know all the subtleties and features of our work. By contacting us, you can be confident in the professionalism of our employees and the high quality of the services provided.

    The cost of repair depends on the complexity of the work, the cause of the breakdown and the price of spare parts. It is worth noting that when replacing components and assemblies, we use high-quality, original components. In addition, you can take advantage of consulting assistance from us. We will be happy to answer all your questions and help eliminate any malfunction of household appliances.

    Signs and causes of malfunctions

    When there is no cooling, but there is sanctification - what is the cause of this malfunction?

    Basically, if there is no cooling in the refrigeration chamber, then this can be observed by noticeable signs on different components of the device. The main, so to speak, “symptoms” of problems are:

    1. The temperature in the refrigeration section is too high.
    2. The compressor runs endlessly or gets very hot.

    Such problems can arise for many reasons, such as improper installation of the device or a compressor failure. Often there is no cooling in the very top part of the refrigerator compartment. Since in modern refrigerated cabinets the freezer is most often located at the bottom, and the upper part is the main one, in other words, refrigeration with a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

    Failures due to which there is no cooling of a certain chamber are quite serious, since it is almost impossible to cope with them yourself and without the necessary tools. If you're lucky, simply defrosting the refrigerator and then starting it again will be enough, but such luck is very rare, so you often have to call a specialist for help in this matter.

    The compressor hums, but the refrigerator does not freeze

    If the engine stops pumping up the required pressure, you can hear the device humming and making strange sounds - hums and clicks that are not typical for a refrigerator. The compressor needs to be replaced; this procedure cannot be done on your own; you need to call a specialist. The cause of failure may also be overheating of the system due to prolonged use.

    Lighting works but no cooling

    A situation often arises in which the refrigerator functions externally (the light is on, the compressor is running), but there is no freezing. Such a breakdown can happen to any device (of various brands). Often the problem occurs after defrosting the refrigerator. The reason may lie in freon leaks, as a result of which the compressor does not cool down, but heats up. In this case, you need to check the operation of the element.

    How does a refrigerator work?

    The functioning technology of the refrigerator depends on its type and model (single-chamber or double-chamber, single-engine or dual-motor, electromechanical or electronic, with a weeping evaporator or with “No Frost” and “Full No Frost” technologies). At the same time, the operating principle of all refrigerators is similar and consists in pumping freon through the refrigeration circuit. This substance is capable of quickly transitioning from liquid to gaseous state depending on the pressure.

    On the rear wall of the unit, due to the presence of a capillary tube, the pressure increases (the refrigerant liquefies), and on the evaporator it decreases (the refrigerant evaporates). This process is the key to injecting cold into the chambers. The pressure required for the movement of the refrigerant through the cooling system is created by a motor-compressor - the main part of any refrigeration equipment.

    Where to carry out repairs?

    If the freezer has stopped freezing and is warm in it, the unit is not cooling, ice is forming inside, the appliance does not turn on or work, then call the Remontano SC from 7:00 to 23:00. We are chosen for reasons such as:

    • We work in Moscow and the Moscow region.
    • We maintain our own spare parts warehouse.
    • We offer a technician to come to your home.
    • We carry out repairs at low prices.
    • We issue an official guarantee.

    Contact us for repairs of both single-chamber and double-chamber refrigerators, both single-compressor and double-compressor. The manufacturer's brand does not matter to us. We work with LG, Bosch, Beko, Stinol, Indesit, Samsung and any others, including Ural, Atlant, Saratov. Our technicians are ready to restore the unit any day of the week at a time convenient for you.

    Failure Prevention

    Following simple recommendations will help you avoid most technical troubles and help extend the life of your refrigeration equipment.

    Preventive measures:

    • Do not place hot products in the chambers, only at room temperature;
    • before turning off the power to the refrigerator, set the thermostat value to 0;
    • there is no need to artificially speed up the defrosting process;
    • do not turn on the equipment after inactivity if liquid has accumulated in it;
    • The doors should always fit snugly against the frame.

    Before turning on the new model for the first time, it is clearly a good idea to carefully read the instructions, because each technology on board requires compliance with certain operating conditions.

    The freezer does not freeze, but it works, food does not melt quickly

    If the cooling system lacks capacity, it takes in little heat. Reason: not enough freon, maybe not enough compression. The gas is compressed by a piston system. The unit is ground in and does not allow gas to pass through. But after prolonged operation, the piston and rings wear out, and play appears in the crank. This compressor requires repair or replacement. The freezer does not work as it should, but according to the cooling capacity of the unit.

    It happens that the room temperature is lower than expected according to the climate class. The lubricant thickens and the temperature balance changes. The compressor operates with high load but low performance.

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