The main reasons why the refrigerator works but does not freeze

Consumers often encounter this problem when the refrigerator does not freeze. There are two options. In the first case, the equipment does not generate cold at all, which eliminates the possibility of freezing.

In the second option, the refrigerator does not cool well. The generated cold is not enough to create optimal conditions for storing food. To fix the problem, you need to determine the reasons why the refrigerator is working but not freezing. All work can be carried out independently or use the services of a service center.

Self-diagnosis instructions

You can fix the problem of why your refrigerator doesn’t freeze well on your own. Before carrying out diagnostics, you need to make sure that the equipment is installed correctly and the doors fit tightly. Connection is only allowed to a working outlet. It is better to connect a separate source of electricity to the refrigerator.

Sometimes the equipment is connected, but does not start. The socket may be faulty. If after checking it is determined that all conditions are met, then you can proceed directly to the diagnosis. If the refrigerator and main elements do not work, then diagnostics are carried out.

Malfunctions are looked for in the following sequence:

  1. Find the "Defrost" button. It is installed on the body or inside the camera. While using the refrigerator, residents may accidentally press the button. As a result, it works but does not cool. A puddle around the refrigerator and spoilage of the product are not all that a consumer may encounter.
  2. Check the seals around the entire perimeter of the doors of both chambers. During operation, the refrigerator does not freeze well. This means that these elements wear out. The seal gradually loses its elasticity, which leads to compression. Damaged elements must be urgently replaced. Often such malfunctions are observed in equipment that has been in service for more than a year. At the same time, it is important to check whether the freezer is freezing correctly and that there is no ice coating around the perimeter of the doors. Ice on the walls prevents the doors from sealing tightly and damages the seal. If necessary, defrost the refrigerator compartment.
  3. If the refrigerator does not cool, check the sensor. The health of the element is checked by adjusting the temperature. In older models, adjustment is carried out with a special key or a rotary dial, which has appropriate marks. In modern refrigerators, a special panel is responsible for control. The set temperature is displayed on the display. If after adjustment the freezer does not freeze, then we can safely say that the cause of the problem is a faulty sensor. If necessary, it is replaced. This way you can eliminate the reason why the refrigerator stopped freezing.
  4. If after defrosting the refrigerator does not cool, then it is worth checking the condition of the motor. It is in the lower niche of technology. To check its condition, you need to raise your hand. If the motor gets very hot, the thermal protection may have turned on. To quickly cool the power unit, the refrigerator is moved away from the wall. Fresh cool air is supplied to the niche. After some time, the equipment is turned on. If everything works properly, then the reason was that the engine was not working properly. But if the freezer is not working correctly, then the reason lies elsewhere.
  5. If the refrigerator has stopped freezing, then it is worth measuring the voltage on the motor. For this you will need a tester. If the measurement shows no voltage, then with a high probability it can be said that the thermostat has failed.

During the diagnostic process, it is possible to identify the presence of minor faults. Many of them can be eliminated on your own. But, if all your efforts do not give the desired result, and the freezer does not freeze as it should, then it is better to immediately contact a specialist. Timely and high-quality repairs will prevent the occurrence of more serious problems.

Important! If the freezer in the refrigerator does not freeze or one of the compartments has stopped cooling, then you need to turn to the experts for help.

Single-compressor refrigerator does not cool: what to check first?

Perhaps there is no breakdown as such, but the operating conditions are simply not met. Please check:

  • Is the refrigerator door closed tightly? Perhaps something is bothering her: a large saucepan, a bottle, a frying pan handle. This advice seems obvious, but all it takes is a small gap to cause this problem. Sometimes you just can't see it unless you look closely. However, if you didn’t notice it right away, and a “fur coat” is already frozen on the back wall or a puddle is visible from under the refrigerator, it’s better to defrost it. Once turned on everything should be fine.
  • Is it hot in the room, but is the freezer set to maximum? In this case, the compressor simply cannot cope with the increased load. In 1-motor refrigerators, power is primarily directed to the freezer, and cooling of the main compartment begins after the temperature in the freezer has reached the set value. To ensure that there is enough power for everything, move the thermostat in the freezer from maximum to division 2.5 (this means approximately -16 degrees), and in the refrigerator compartment, select a thermostat value between 2 and 3.
  • Is the fan frozen? In some refrigerators with full no-frost mode, the fan in the freezer may freeze, causing cold to stop flowing into the refrigerator compartment. This can be understood by the unusual silence - as a rule, the quiet “rumbling” of the fan can be heard. In this case, the refrigerator must be completely defrosted - at least 10 hours
    . So that the ice on the fan definitely melts.

Did our advice help and everything returned to normal? Congratulations! Otherwise, alas, it is a breakdown and you need to call a repairman. Before he arrives, it is better to turn off the refrigerator by unplugging the cord from the outlet.

Possible refrigerator malfunctions

If the refrigerator has stopped cooling and the freezer is covered with ice, then you should immediately contact a professional. Idleness will have different consequences. Thus, food will quickly deteriorate, and equipment will completely cease to function over time.

Common reasons why the refrigerator has stopped freezing include:

  • Relay malfunction;
  • Damage to the starting capacitor;
  • Engine combustion;
  • Freon leak (the equipment works, but the cooling does not start);
  • Stopping the capillary system through which the refrigerant is supplied.

Before contacting the service center, you need to check if there is a gap between the door and the seal. Warm air can flow inside through it, which will harm not only the products, but also the equipment itself. As a result, such a common problem arises as the refrigerator begins to freeze poorly.

Air entering the chamber is possible for the following reasons:

  • The equipment is placed on an uneven surface, which leads to the doors warping;
  • Placing heavy objects on the door causes sagging;
  • In older models, there is no “open door” signal, which often causes an accidental gap to form (you shouldn’t wonder why the freezer is covered with ice);
  • The formation of ice, which prevents the door from closing tightly;
  • Damage to the seal or loss of elasticity.

If the check shows that the door is in good condition and fits tightly, it is worth considering other reasons why the refrigerator works but does not freeze.

Freon leak

If the compressor constantly runs without shutting down, and the refrigerator does not cool well, then the cooling circuit may be damaged. Gradually the temperature in the internal space rises. If the circuit is damaged, a gap is formed through which freon leaks out of the system.

You can determine the reasons why the refrigerator does not freeze on your own. To do this, just check the condition of the capacitor by hand. If the grill is hot, the appliance is working normally. If the circuit is damaged, the condenser is cold, which indicates a freon leak.

To troubleshoot why the refrigerator is not cooling, you need to carefully check the system and detect damage. The gap is closed and new refrigerant is added. It is recommended to refill the system with freon of the same brand as before. Otherwise, the equipment may begin to work incorrectly. This often causes the refrigerator to freeze poorly.

Cooling system stoppage

During the use of household appliances, the capillary tube and filter-drier often become clogged. The main cause of blockage is the use of low-quality freon, which contains a large amount of moisture. This can also be observed with improper refueling. The process is carried out only under the condition of preliminary vacuumization.

Without this, the refrigerant will begin to evaporate. Evaporation is accompanied by the formation of water, which subsequently freezes and forms a plug. This reason leads to the fact that the refrigerator compartment does not work or the refrigerator does not freeze well.

As for filters, they are designed to prevent moisture from entering the system. When the dehumidifier wears out, there is a chance of ice blockage forming. Cupping can also be caused by particulate matter. These may be wear products of the compressor and other system elements. This explains why the refrigerator is not cooling.

When the cooling system is stopped, the refrigerator hums, but does not cool. The reason for this uncharacteristic noise is that the engine is forced to work under heavy load. He is forced to push freon, despite the blockage formed. To fix the problem, you need to call professionals. The system is cleaned using special hydraulic equipment. Clogged tubes are purged, and the worn filter drier is replaced.

Compressor fault

Just because the compressor is hot does not mean it is working correctly. In some cases it may not turn on. But, sometimes the unit works intermittently. At the same time, its inclusion is accompanied by a rumble, loud noise and clicking. All this indicates wear and tear on the unit. It is not able to work normally and provide normal freon pressure in the network.

If such signs are present, it is worth diagnosing the refrigerator compressor. First, check the contacts. If the compressor does not work, then it is replaced. For minor problems, repairs are made.

Malfunction of the control unit and other components

A malfunction of the thermostat, temperature sensor and control unit results in the compressor not receiving correct information about the temperature state in the chambers. This does not make it possible to begin regulating the regime. Failure of the analyzing elements leads to the fact that the refrigerator compressor does not work completely or partially.

Professionals do not exclude this possibility. Therefore, during diagnostics, they check the serviceability of all sensors and regulators. Faulty elements are replaced. Especially if the refrigerator is not freezing, but the freezer is working.

Tips for operating and repairing a refrigerator

Only by following all the rules of correct operation can you enjoy the long-term operation of the refrigerator.

Often, most refrigerator malfunctions arise precisely because of violations of its operating standards. To avoid overpaying for expensive repairs, just follow simple tips.

  1. A short-term power outage has an extremely detrimental effect on refrigeration equipment. This may cause the compressor to fail. Therefore, after disconnecting from the power supply, you need to wait 10 minutes before turning it on again.
  2. It is better to use the temperature regulator (thermostat) indicator to the middle of the scale, especially since you still won’t feel a fundamental difference between temperature conditions. But the consequences of its failure will become immediately obvious: the thermostat will be the first to fail. And then the compressor may overheat and burn out.
  3. Models with the Full No Frost system have “crying evaporators”. It must be remembered that food and other objects should not touch them.
  4. Also, we must not forget about regular cleaning of the water drain, which is located under structural elements such as evaporators.
  5. Under no circumstances should you try to remove ice from the walls using any sharp objects that will damage the coating. You can simply open the doors and leave them in that position overnight. If you need to do everything quickly, then use warm water.
  6. There are models of refrigerators equipped with the “quick freezing” function, which is very useful for housewives. It ensures continuous operation of the motor. This is an emergency mode for a household appliance. Don't forget to turn off the function after an hour. Otherwise, the compressor will overheat and stop pumping freon through the system at a sufficient speed. As a result, the effect will be the opposite - cold will no longer be produced in sufficient quantities, and the temperature in the chambers will begin to rise.
  7. It is not recommended to store vegetable oil. Even with a small percentage of evaporation over time, it will disrupt the tightness of the rubber bands on the doors. In addition, the storage of vegetable oils does not require negative temperatures. Therefore, do not risk the health of your household appliance.
  8. Any refrigeration equipment should be placed away from heating devices: radiators, heaters.

If your refrigerator is still under warranty, then you should not try to fix it yourself. Any tampering may void the free warranty repair.

By following these simple rules, you can protect the device and prevent most breakdowns. But even if they occur, do not despair. First, check everything yourself, and if you can’t handle it yourself, call a specialist.

Defrosting heating elements

Modern two-chamber know frost is equipped with heaters that are responsible for defrosting the ice that forms on the fan and radiator. As a result of combustion, they cease to perform their functions. Ice forms on the fan and radiator, which prevents the circulation of cold air. The temperature in the chamber gradually begins to rise. A clear sign is that the refrigerator does not freeze after defrosting, but the light is on.

Determining the presence of ice is quite simple. You can temporarily fix it yourself. But a damaged heating element will still have to be replaced. Otherwise, the problem will soon recur. This is one of the reasons why the refrigerator does not freeze.

Important! A malfunction of the heating element can damage the compressor, as the thermostat forces it to work more intensely.

The refrigerator vibrates and makes loud noises

The reason for the appearance of extraneous noise in the refrigerator may be a faulty fan, which can touch the layer of frozen ice with its blades (in the case of the NO FROST system). Sometimes loud noise can be caused by the engine itself if it is malfunctioning. The motor-compressor can cause strong vibration on the refrigerator body due to drying out of the rubber compensators or wear of the engine.

In some cases, the cause of loud noise may be improper installation. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to level the refrigerator using a horizontal level on the floor surface, carefully fixing the legs.

The rattling noise may occur due to a faulty engine casing suspension. In refrigerator models with external casing suspension, a characteristic knock may be produced when the piping casing touches the cabinet wall or frame, as well as when the suspension bolts are not sufficiently removed. To eliminate the problem, you need to carefully adjust the suspension bolts. Rattling in the relay can come from its unstable position in the magnetic field of the coil.

The best refrigerators, according to buyers 2021-2022

There is a wide range of refrigeration equipment on the market. To make the choice easier, consumers are offered a list of popular models.

Atlant MXM 2835-90

Two-chamber refrigerator made in Belarus with electromechanical control. Equipped with a modern compressor, which is not only reliable in operation, but also operates relatively quietly. And the refrigerator compartment is equipped with shelves made of impact-resistant glass and two containers for storing vegetables and fruits. Such a problem as the upper chamber of the Atlant refrigerator not freezing occurs in rare cases. That is why it is so popular among consumers.

Hitachi R-E5000UXK

The premium refrigerator consists of five chambers. Despite its overall dimensions, it consumes minimal electricity. Equipped with an inverter compressor, which is reliable and has a long service life. The liquid crystal touch display simplifies setting up the equipment and adjusting its operation. The model is equipped with various functions, which makes using the refrigerator more comfortable. The only drawback is the high cost. Although, having bought a high-quality model, you may never have to deal with why the refrigerator stopped freezing.

Liebherr CTel 2931

The German-made two-chamber refrigerator is small in size, which allows it to be used even in a small kitchen. The refrigerator compartment has a volume of 218 liters, and the freezer compartment has a volume of 52 liters. The advantages of the model include silent operation, high efficiency, stylish appearance and compactness. As for the disadvantages, they include rapid wear of the door thermal insulation gaskets, as well as the low strength of the freezer drawers.

Beko RCSK 310M20

The equipment is equipped with a modern compressor that consumes little electricity and does not create noise during operation. The main advantages include the presence of dry freezing, ease of operation, fairly good capacity, low cost and reliability in operation. But, like any other equipment, the refrigerator has some disadvantages, such as the lack of automatic defrosting and the appearance of clicks due to wear and tear on the motor. Sometimes after defrosting the refrigerator does not cool. The compressor may be broken and not working.

Siemens KI39FP60

Despite its small size, the device has a spacious freshness zone and freezer compartment. There are also compartments for fruits and vegetables that have sufficient volume. It is also worth noting the low electricity consumption and reliable thermal insulation. To prevent unpleasant odors from occurring inside the equipment, filters must be cleaned regularly.

There is an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator and food has an unpleasant taste

You can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor or taste in food in the chamber using two pieces of butter. So, one piece should be placed in the refrigerator open, and the second should be placed in a butter dish, carefully packed. The next day, the samples need to be tasted and compared. If there is an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, an open piece will quickly become saturated with it.

Improper operation of the refrigerator leads to the formation of an unpleasant odor. Thus, foreign tastes and odors may arise due to open storage of products that emit a strong odor or due to irregular cleaning of the refrigerator. An unpleasant odor also appears when the refrigerator is left unplugged for a long time with the door tightly closed. Thorough cleaning will help eliminate odors caused by food residues or stagnant water.

One of the reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant odors may be the dampening of thermal insulation. This happens when any liquid flows behind the facing trim. With the accumulation of such liquid, a favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria and microorganisms, which in turn cause odor. You can check the condition of the thermal insulation by removing the facing lining. Read more here: How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

What to do if the refrigerator finally breaks down?

You won't be able to handle most breakdowns on your own. If the device does not turn on, constantly works without stopping, or knocking noises are heard from the compressor, you should call a technician from the service center. Also turn off the equipment from the network, do not force it to work in emergency mode. This will allow you to reduce the cost of repair work and keep the main units of equipment intact. Trust specialists from a trusted service center and install only original parts during repairs.

Water collects in the refrigerator (under the refrigerator)

One of the most common reasons for the appearance of water under the refrigerator is the thawing of frost due to a power outage. If the possibility of a power outage is excluded, it is necessary to carefully check all the joints on the drainage system tubes - deformation or shifting of any of them can lead to the appearance of excess liquid.

If your refrigerator model has a container for draining water, it may have overflowed or moved to the side, and liquid is leaking from there.

Sometimes water may leak out due to a clogged drain tube. It’s easy to clean it yourself and you won’t need to invite a refrigerator repairman.

Checking the Wiring Condition

First you need to figure out whether the device is receiving power. If you have certain technical skills, this type of work can be done independently. To do this you need:

  1. Open the door of the refrigerator or freezer and check whether the light located inside lights up. If yes, then the cable is not damaged, power is supplied to the refrigerator.
  2. If the light does not light up, you should check the plug and the socket itself.

  3. Check the condition of the cables that ensure the operation of the thermostat and relay. Diagnostics is carried out using a special tester.

In most cases, it is possible to detect a malfunction and fix it on your own. However, there are more serious breakdowns that only qualified craftsmen can handle.

How does a typical refrigerator work?

Modern refrigeration systems have the same type of device, even if in some models manufacturers have improved it, the basic principle of operation has remained unchanged.

Refrigerator breakdowns are associated with the main components of the system:

  • compressor – regulates coolant flows;
  • cooler - a substance passing through narrow tubes takes heat from the chamber and releases cold;
  • evaporator - a container into which the liquefied refrigerant enters, turning into gas and releasing cold;
  • temperature regulator – maintains the level of freon pressure required for normal operation;
  • condenser - the heated refrigerant cools down in it.

Worth knowing! For each process, work and rest times have been established, and a technology for cycling the operation of each individual device has been developed. If one of the devices is disrupted, the entire refrigeration unit suffers.

Simple repair

In some cases, you can return household appliances to working condition after carrying out simple repairs yourself.

Changing light bulbs

Replacing a burnt out light bulb with a similar new one is not a difficult job for a professional. You can read the instructions in the article; it describes in detail the procedure for removing the lampshade, how to correctly unscrew the remains of the base and other nuances.

Cleaning the drainage system

During operation, contaminants appear in the drainage system of the refrigerator - small pieces of food, grease, dust. To ensure that there is no moisture under the vegetable compartment or under the bottom, it is worth cleaning the drainage tube regularly.

Replace the rubber seal

Wear of the seal occurs due to careless operation and leads to a change in the temperature regime inside the compartments. You can learn about replacing this component from the article.

Eliminating compressor rattling

Noise that occurs during operation of the refrigerator may be due to improper operation of the compressor. The technician needs to inspect the equipment and determine whether the engine is in contact with pipes and other mechanisms.

We rehang and align doors

For ease of use, modern kitchen appliances are equipped with the ability to hang the door. Such repairs will be carried out by professionals; details can be found in this article.

Checking the correct installation

The refrigerator must be placed on a hard and level surface. To ensure that the requirement is met, you can use a building level. The equipment should not wobble or be skewed to one side. In modern models, the legs are distinguished by the ability to adjust in height, so unevenness can be eliminated. More details here.

If there is a lot of ice in the freezer

Ice in the freezer may indicate that it is necessary to temporarily turn off the equipment, defrost it, and then thoroughly wash the unit. You can learn how such simple repairs are performed from this article.

Thermostat failure

This device is designed to maintain a certain temperature in the chambers by automatically turning the compressor motor on and off. It is quite simple to understand that it is out of order.

If the compressor is in working order, but the food is not frozen, due to the fact that the upper chamber is not working, then the thermostat has stopped functioning.

Only a specialist can properly replace it, but you can purchase the part yourself. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type and brand of the unit.

A current is felt when touching metal parts of the refrigerator

The situation when an electric current is felt when you touch any of the metal parts of the refrigerator with your hand means that current is leaking to the body. Sometimes a leak can only occur when the motor-compressor is running. In such cases, it is not recommended to touch the refrigerator with wet hands, or to touch both the refrigerator and the water pipe at the same time. If the refrigerator is installed on a metal floor or cement floor, the sensation of current when touched may be intensified.

If this problem is detected, the refrigerator should be turned off immediately, as it poses a danger.

You can confirm current leakage to the housing by measuring the insulation resistance of the refrigerator's electrical circuit with a megohmmeter. So, if the insulation resistance does not exceed 10 mOhm, the refrigerator must be urgently repaired.

More complex repairs

When a serious refrigerator breakdown occurs, you should immediately contact a repairman. A timely response will extend operating life and help avoid costly repairs, for example, to the compressor or refrigerant circulation system.

Refrigerant replacement

Freon leakage is one of the most common breakdowns.

To fix the problem, the technician needs to:

  • using special equipment, find the location of the leak;
  • repair the damage and check for leaks;
  • Refill the tank with freon.

You can learn more about this type of repair from this article.

The control board is burnt out or faulty

Modern refrigerators are equipped with a control board. It is responsible for display operation, maintaining optimal temperature conditions, turning on the light when the chamber is opened, and starting the compressor and fan. Restoring functionality usually involves reflashing the module, since due to power surges, non-volatile memory becomes glitchy and sometimes overwrites data. If the board burns out, a new part is installed; repairs are not economically feasible.

If the thermostat is broken

When a thermostat fails, it must be removed and a new, similar one installed in its place.

Evaporator defect

A defect in the evaporator is manifested by an increase in temperature inside the refrigerator compartment, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and an icy coat. The technicians search for freon leaks, restore the tightness of the tubes and refill with refrigerant. If the evaporator is worn out, it must be replaced.

Temperature sensor glitches

There are several ways to eliminate incorrect operation of temperature sensors.

  1. Repair the open circuit in the control circuit contacts.
  2. Eliminate the effects of oxidation (clean off rust).
  3. Restore the normal position of the sensors.
  4. Replacement of the assembly, since the module is not repairable.

Temperature fuse blown

The temperature fuse may blow out because the evaporator defrost heating element has overheated. And to protect household appliances from fire, the fuse broke the circuit.

Ideally, check the resistance of the part with a multimeter, or at least ring it. If an open circuit is detected, the heating element is replaced with a new one. You can try to “cheat it up” by closing the circuit with a wire of a suitable cross-section, but there is no answer to how long such a structure will last and whether it is safe.

Malfunctions of NoFrost systems

The operation of the fan is checked manually - carefully rotate the blades, if the impeller rotates freely, check the electronic part. Ring the engine starter, if there is a break in the winding, replace the whole thing. The fuser may fail - this part is removed and checked with a tester. If the resistance is close to zero, then the part is considered serviceable. If both technical units are working normally, the electric timer needs to be replaced; it cannot be repaired.

Ice maker not working

It is impossible to determine the cause of the ice maker failure without diagnostics.

The most common factors:

  • low water pressure;
  • the intake valve is broken;
  • the generator unit is faulty;
  • the door switch does not work correctly;
  • you need to change the filter.

Compressor repair

Resuscitation of a compressor is one of the most expensive jobs.

Entire replacement

In most cases, the compressor cannot be repaired and must be replaced. To do this, order a suitable model and install it yourself or call a specialist.

Start relay problems

In the start-up protection relay, the contacts can jam, the winding of the electromagnets can burn out, and the spring plate loses its elasticity over time. Usually you hear clicks, but nothing happens. If the part has not completely failed, the coil is repaired, the contacts are connected or cleaned. The easiest way is to throw out the old one and buy a new one for 500-1000 rubles, and not waste a lot of time looking for “phantom pains”.

Thermal protection relay failure

If the thermal protective relay fails, the cycle of switching on and off the equipment is disrupted, and the electric motor overheats. Repair is allowed if the rod is jammed. If there is damage to the winding, the part must be replaced.

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