The freezer does not turn off: the most common causes of breakdown

It's good when the equipment works smoothly. But when it’s non-stop... the issue is already moot. Everyone needs rest: from people to engines. So if you notice that the compressor of your refrigerator is working tirelessly, and the freezer is constantly freezing, it’s time to take control of the situation and urgently go to the aid of such a “workaholic.”

First, let's determine whether the compressor is running all the time? Normally, for example, a two-compressor refrigerator runs for 20 minutes and rests for 5 minutes. Spend half an hour with your refrigerator - listen to it. Are there any pauses in work? This means something went wrong.

First steps when the freezer is constantly running

When the equipment at home works without interruption in normal mode, this is good, but the situation is different in the case of continuous cooling of the freezer. But, it is important to determine whether the electric motor-compressor really works without stops and “rest” breaks.

Before calling a technician, it is advisable to make sure that there really is a breakdown - to do this, check all the settings of the refrigeration equipment, since there is a possibility that the “Super Freeze” option is turned on or the temperature is selected incorrectly. But, if no additional options are enabled, and the temperature regime has not changed and remains the same, then most likely something in the refrigerator has broken and the low-temperature compartment has changed its operation.

Refrigerator Biryusa 18C – malfunctions

Models with one compressor, mechanical controls, bottom freezer and automatic defrost are easy to use. The surface is made of decorative plastic framed with an aluminum corner.

The ice defrost heater is installed in the rear cavity of the evaporator, switched on between compressor cycles, both compartments are cooled by sheet evaporators.

If the refrigerator or subzero chamber is not working, there may be several reasons. An expert can make an accurate diagnosis based on a set of symptoms: perhaps the ice is freezing due to a failure of the defrost thermostat, the drain tube is not only clogged, but also broken. The absence of freon in the system or the presence of a capillary plug will help determine the temperature of the condenser.

Malfunctions when turning on the Biryusa refrigerator.

Following simple recommendations will help you avoid most technical troubles and help extend the life of your refrigeration equipment.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

Most often, the thermostat fails due to prolonged use, exposure to moisture, loss of tightness or power surges. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Top 7 reasons: why the freezer does not turn off

In the vast majority of cases, faults that cause the low-temperature chamber to freeze excessively are hidden in the “depths” of the refrigerator. Finding out the reason why the freezer does not stop is possible only after a full diagnosis by a repairman. The table shows common freezer breakdowns.

Diagnostic table

Symptoms of malfunctionPossible damage
The electric motor-compressor operates non-stop, and the temperature in the freezer does not drop.It is likely that a blockage has formed in the capillary system and the electric motor is not able to “pump” freon through the pipeline. Blockages appear due to “burning” mineral oil, which, along with the refrigerant, circulates through the cooling circuit. The capillary tube is cleaned, refilled with freon and the quality of the oil is checked - sometimes it needs to be replaced.
The low-temperature chamber freezes excessively; there is ice and a snow coat on the walls.The temperature regulator (in the case of electromechanical units) or the air sensor of the evaporator element (in refrigerators with an electronic interface) has broken down. If such components, whose purposes are similar, malfunction, the compressor of the device does not receive a signal that the required temperature values ​​have already been reached. As a result, the electric motor-compressor works non-stop. Replace the broken part.
There is a possibility that the problem is hidden in a worn out rubber seal. The door does not close completely and warm air flows into the freezer - this leads to a “fur coat”. To compensate for excess heat, the unit operates non-stop. Replace the rubber seal.
In a single-compressor unit, the low-temperature compartment freezes excessively, and the refrigerator compartment is too warm.Most likely, the switch valve is stuck. In a normal situation, the valve switches the transfer of cold between the low-temperature chamber and the refrigeration section - so that everywhere there are the same temperature indicators that are set. When the valve sticks in the “low-temperature chamber cooling” position, the full volume goes only to the freezer and nothing goes to the refrigerator compartment. Replace the failed valve.
It is likely that the control board has failed. In this embodiment, the electric motor-compressor does not receive the command to switch to the refrigeration compartment. As a result, the low-temperature chamber freezes, and the refrigerator compartment becomes warm. The control module is flashed or replaced.
In a two-compressor unit, the low-temperature chamber freezes excessively, but the refrigeration compartment operates normally.It is possible that there is a problem with the control module, which does not send a command to turn off the electric motor-compressor that cools the low-temperature chamber. Perform flashing or complete replacement of the control board.
The freezer freezes non-stop, and sometimes the temperature values ​​still do not reach the specified values.Most likely, there is a refrigerant leak in the system and there is not enough of it to cool the chamber to the set temperature. This can be determined by defrosting the refrigerator completely (disconnect it from the power supply for a day). When after this the unit (or just the low-temperature chamber) does not work, there is a 9 out of 10 chance that the problem is a freon leak. They call a technician who finds the leak and seals the pipeline, followed by refilling with freon.

Attention! When the low-temperature compartment freezes constantly, this helps reduce the service life of the refrigerator. When the work is excessively active, the load on the components reaches the limit, which quickly depletes the life of the parts.

Malfunctions in units with No Frost defrosting technology

It is not difficult to identify that the cause of the malfunction is the failure of the No Frost defrost system. When it is warm in the refrigerator compartment, and ice build-up has appeared on the rear panel in the low-temperature chamber, defrost the unit (disconnect from the power supply for 12-14 hours) and turn on the refrigerator again. When, after such defrosting, the temperature in the refrigerator compartment corresponds to normal, then the problem lies in malfunctions of the defrost system.

During prolonged defrosting, the ice, which prevents the passage of cold air flows from the evaporator into the refrigerator compartment, melts and cooling is restored. However, due to the defrosting not working, the effect is temporary and in a week or two this problem will arise again. The table shows symptoms, possible malfunctions and a solution to the problem in case of incorrect operation of the No Frost defrosting technology.

In a low-temperature chamber with No Frost, an ice layer formed on the back panel. The electric motor starts often and switches off rarely. The refrigerator compartment is excessively warm. After complete defrosting, the situation improved, but after 1-2 weeks it will happen again. The malfunction is hidden in one or more significant components of the unit:
  • thermal fuse;
  • defroster (defrost sensor);
  • defrost timer;
  • Heating element of the evaporator element.
Replace faulty parts with new ones.

Ice build-ups in a low-temperature chamber with No Frost can occur not only due to incorrect functioning of the defrost system. The table shows other causes of ice in the freezer.

In the low-temperature chamber, ice forms at the bottom. Sometimes there are traces of liquid on the floor next to the unit. The water drainage channel of the low-temperature compartment is clogged. The drainage hole, through which liquid must drain after the evaporator defrosts, is clogged with food particles or dust. For this reason, it accumulates and freezes at the bottom of the freezer. To clear the blockage, the drainage channel is washed with a syringe with water at room temperature. When the liquid does not pass through the drainage, the refrigerator is completely defrosted (12-24 hours). After this, the manipulation is repeated. When defrosting does not help and water still does not flow through the drain, the blockage is removed using a rope or cable.
The No Frost freezer freezes and there is ice on the walls inside. The electric motor-compressor switches off less frequently than before. Freezer temperature sensor. It turns off the chamber cooling. When the temperature sensor is faulty, it turns off the motor-compressor later than necessary, and the low-temperature compartment freezes. Replace the faulty temperature sensor.
The low-temperature chamber door does not fit well enough. There is an uneven coat of snow inside the compartment and a lot of ice near the door. Damage to the sealing rubber or hinges of the sash. Due to the insufficiently tight fit of the sash, warm air enters the compartment and ice forms as a result. Restore the tightness of the low-temperature chamber: replace the sealing rubber with a new one or adjust (install normal) hinges.
There is uneven frost on the back panel of the No Frost low-temperature compartment. The unit does not turn off, but the temperature values ​​in both chambers have increased. After defrosting, it stops freezing or does not turn on at all. Refrigerant leak. Freon leaked due to damage to the cooling pipeline. To maintain the set temperature values, the electric motor-compressor operates non-stop and rarely turns off. They detect and eliminate the freon leak, seal the pipeline and refill the refrigerator with refrigerant.

Attention! At the first signs of ice or a snow “coat” in a low-temperature chamber with No Frost defrosting technology, you must contact a refrigeration equipment repair technician to troubleshoot and repair the problem.

Video on the topic

A refrigerator is an indispensable attribute of every kitchen. Its breakdown causes a lot of troubles and inconveniences. The most common reason is that the freezer simply does not turn off. There are many breakdowns that can cause constant operation of equipment.

A hardware problem can occur in both modern and older models. Every owner of household appliances should understand that it is not always possible to fix the problem on their own. Some breakdowns require not only skills in working with electronic devices, but also knowledge in the field of refrigeration equipment. You can carry out repair work yourself if you know how to:

  • refill freon into the system;
  • detect and eliminate blockages;
  • find the location of the leak.

But still, you can try to find and fix the cause of the problem yourself.

Why won't the freezer turn off?

Common problems with cold storage chambers of all brands

There are some common malfunctions of freezers that are common to units from all manufacturers, regardless of their demand and declared build quality. Such problems arise because they are typical for all compressor-type refrigeration units. The most common reasons that cause the low-temperature chamber to not function correctly are:

  1. Refrigerant leak - the temperature inside the chamber does not drop.
  2. Compressor failure means the entire refrigerator does not work, with the exception of two-compressor models when only one of the chambers does not cool.
  3. Failure of the air or temperature sensors - the control unit receives incorrect data; the temperature in the freezer is either excessively low or excessively high.
  4. Thermostat malfunctions - in electromechanical models, leads to insufficient or no cooling in the low-temperature chamber.
  5. Incorrect operation of the control module - often the refrigerator does not turn on at all and there are no additional “symptoms”.
  6. Wear of the rubber seal on the flaps - the chamber is not cooled sufficiently, and the compressor operates at maximum power.

Attention! On some models of units, not only the sealing rubber can wear out, but also the hinges or plastic of the sash. If the reason is in the overhangs, then the door is not able to completely adhere to the body of the refrigerator, as well as in the case of deformation of the door itself.

Typical breakdowns and repairs of the Indesit freezer

The manufacturer Indesit, like all others, has a freezer that begins to function incorrectly after a certain period of operation. Common breakdowns of manufacturer's refrigeration equipment are as follows:

  1. Malfunctions of the starting-protective relay are the result of natural wear and tear of the refrigerator components. This breakdown requires replacing the failed part with a new one. The cost of a new PZR and its installation is small when there are no other problems.
  2. Clogged capillary system (in the filter drier) – a “thrombus” forms in the drying filter, which prevents the normal circulation of refrigerant through the cooling circuit. As a result, the temperature in the chamber changes, which leads to increased load on the electric motor-compressor and accelerates its wear. Replace the drying filter when cleaning is impossible or does not help.
  3. The capillary system is clogged with oil circulating along with the refrigerant through the pipeline - the temperature values, as in the case of a clogged drying filter, change in the chamber. The problem arises because the oil gradually deteriorates under the influence of temperature changes and clogs the pipeline. To eliminate the malfunction, they call a technician who performs diagnostics, removes the blockage, replaces the oil that has used up its life, and refills the cooling circuit with freon.
  4. Failure of the air temperature sensor or evaporator sensor - the refrigerator does not notice that the temperature inside the chamber is increasing. To correct the situation, replace the failed element.
  5. Incorrect operation of the temperature regulator - a signal about an increase in temperature values ​​inside the chamber does not pass to the control unit, a problem typical for units with an electromechanical control option. Repair involves replacing this component with a new one.

Since incorrect operation of the low-temperature compartment can be caused by many factors and the failure of various significant components in the refrigerator, it is not advisable to try to make repairs yourself. In case of improper troubleshooting, there is a possibility of causing additional breakdowns, the repair of which will cost much more.

Typical breakdowns and repairs of the Biryusa freezer

Biryusa refrigeration equipment often exhibits malfunctions in the low-temperature compartment. Not a single model is insured against such a breakdown, including the extremely popular Biryusa-14 and Biryusa-114 on the domestic market of large household appliances for the kitchen. Common malfunctions of low-temperature compartments in the Biryusa technique are as follows:

  1. The evaporator is rapidly becoming overgrown with frost - the compartment has become depressurized due to deformation or wear of the sealing rubber or an insufficiently tight fit of the sash. Adjust the unit relative to the floor; when this does not help, check the rubber seal for damage. When the reason is in the sealing rubber, it is replaced.
  2. The electric motor-compressor hums, but does not start - it is impossible to fix the breakdown at home, since a full diagnosis is necessary. In the vast majority of cases, the compressor cannot be repaired and is replaced with a new, serviceable unit.
  3. Arbitrary defrosting of the evaporation element and increased temperature values ​​in the chamber - incorrect operation of the drying filter or compressor is observed. However, other malfunctions may also be present - call a specialist who diagnoses the unit.
  4. Increased temperature conditions - most likely the problem lies in a failed temperature sensor-relay, which is replaced with a new part.
  5. Reduced temperature mode - the temperature sensor is not functioning correctly or the siphon tube is not installed correctly. They check these elements; when the problem is in the tube, it is installed correctly, but if the problem is in the sensor-relay, this part is replaced with a new one, since it cannot be repaired.

Attention! Effective home repairs require experience and knowledge, as well as some tools and other equipment that are not included in a standard home repair kit. Due to such difficulties, it is not advisable to try to repair the refrigerator yourself - a refrigeration equipment repair technician will fix the problem much better and faster.

Typical breakdowns and repairs of the Atlant freezer

In Atlant units, low-temperature chambers may not turn on or may not stop freezing. If there is no cooling in the freezer of an Atlant-produced unit, the reasons may vary, but the most typical are the following:

  • malfunction of the electric motor-compressor;
  • lack of voltage in the electrical network;
  • temperature controller failure;
  • breakdown of the socket or power cord;
  • oxidation of the contacts of the electrical circuit of the unit.

When the problem is not an excessively low power supply or outlet voltage, and the low-temperature chamber is not freezing, then call a refrigeration repair specialist to identify the specific problem.

If the low-temperature chamber freezes continuously and the compressor does not turn off, then the problem may lie in the following:

  • incorrect functioning of the thermostat;
  • wear of the rubber seal on the sash;
  • capillary tube clogged;
  • refrigerant leak;
  • loose fit of the sash due to deformation;
  • failure of the Atlant control board;
  • Placing the freezer in a room with excessively high temperatures.

When the non-stop operation of the motor-compressor is ignored, this leads to accelerated wear of the unit, which can fail when operating in this mode within 1-2 months.

Typical breakdowns and repairs of the Saratov freezer

Refrigeration equipment in Saratov, although classified by the vast majority of users as reliable units with a long operating period, still sometimes fails. Typical malfunctions of such refrigerated cabinets, their causes and solutions to the problem are listed in the table.

ManifestationMalfunctionWays to solve the problem
Excessive operating noise, rattlingUnstable position of refrigeration equipment. The unit pipeline is in contact with the low-temperature chamber housing Eliminate contact by carefully bending the pipeline (only a master should do this to prevent the possibility of seal failure)
The unit connected to the mains (low temperature section) does not functionThere is no voltage in the electrical network. There is no contact between the unit plug and the socket Check for the presence of voltage. Ensures that the plug is in contact with the socket. If necessary, call a specialist
There is an unpleasant odor in the freezerRare and careless cleaning of the low-temperature chamber. Leaving the freezer turned off for a long time with the door tightly closed. Storing stale food in the freezer Thoroughly wash the internal surfaces of the low-temperature chamber and ventilate it for 3-4 hours
There is no light indication of any of the modesThe indicator of the signaling unit and control has burned outCall a refrigeration equipment repairman who will carry out the repairs.

Typical breakdowns and repairs of the Pozis freezer

Any deviations from the user-specified temperature values ​​inside the freezer are signs of a malfunction of the unit as a whole. Thus, Pozis refrigeration equipment can experience the following breakdowns, leading to temperature disturbances inside the freezer (excessive cooling or vice versa):

  1. Refrigerant leakage - most often occurs due to mechanical damage to the refrigeration pipeline, which leads to a violation of its tightness. It often occurs after defrosting when trying to chip ice from the walls of the compartment using sharp metal objects. When there is a refrigerant leak, the compressor starts running non-stop, but the temperature inside the freezer does not decrease. To solve the problem, they call a technician who will identify the location of the breakdown, seal it and refill the cooling circuit with freon.
  2. Failure of the electric motor-compressor is one of the most serious problems in which the low-temperature chamber does not work at all. Such breakdowns are a consequence of wear of components or violation of operating rules. Most often it is impossible to repair this unit, so it is completely replaced.
  3. Malfunction of the temperature sensor or air sensor - these parts measure temperature values ​​in the freezer. When they are faulty, the control unit receives incorrect information about the temperature and stops cooling the compartment. The compressor starts quite rarely. The malfunction occurs in modern models of refrigerators with an electronic interface. Repair involves replacing a faulty sensor with a new part.
  4. Incorrect operation of the thermostat - in the case of an electromechanical control option, thermostats are used to control temperature values ​​inside the compartment. When this element is faulty, the electric motor-compressor begins to function insufficiently due to the lack of correct information from the control unit. The result of such a breakdown is a lack of cooling or an insufficient decrease in temperature inside the chamber. Repair involves replacing a failed part with a new one.
  5. Failure of the control module - often with such a malfunction, the electric motor-compressor does not start at all. There are no additional signs of damage. The method of repairing a low-temperature chamber in this case depends on the features and characteristics of the refrigeration equipment model, as well as on what happened to the control unit. In some situations, it is possible to solve the problem by flashing the control module, but when the unit is completely broken, it is replaced.

Attention! One of the most common, but at the same time quite simple to solve, problems that lead to a violation of the temperature regime inside the chamber is wear or deformation of the rubber seal on the sash. However, regardless of the ease of solving this situation, such a problem can lead to more complex breakdowns, including causing complete failure of the electric motor-compressor. Due to such consequences, it is undesirable to postpone replacing the seal until later - as soon as this problem is identified, the rubber should be replaced immediately.

How to disassemble a chest freezer

Disassembly of the chest freezer should only be carried out by professionals who have the appropriate skills and tools. You can get to the working part of the chest from behind - you need to remove the protective casing, which is held on by 3-4 screws. Some models do not have a casing at all.

Complete disassembly of the chest is carried out only for major repairs of the capillary system or insulation. This is a rather complex task that not every specialist will undertake.

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The freezer allows you to maintain the freshness of food for as long as possible. Inside this low-temperature compartment, temperatures below zero are maintained, so that food remains frozen and does not spoil for several months.

The low-temperature compartment is a much-needed compartment in a home refrigerator that allows you to prolong the freshness of loaded food items. But, over time, it may begin to function incorrectly - freezing excessively or not cooling food sufficiently. First of all, they check whether there really is a problem or whether the reason for the change in the working rhythm of the freezer lies in erroneous settings or enabled additional options, for example, “Super Freezing” was activated. But, when all the settings remain the same, it means that some kind of breakdown has occurred.

There are several types of malfunctions that lead to changes in temperature in the freezer. Some of them lead to excessive cooling of food products, while others lead to insufficient cooling. Some problems, such as compressor failure, are serious. Other faults can be easily resolved on your own - replacing the rubber seal or leveling the refrigerator. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is possible to prevent incorrect operation of the low-temperature compartment by following the rules for using the unit.

Video: The compressor on the refrigerator does not turn off

The compressor on the refrigerator does not turn off

Watch this video on YouTube

Video: Refrigerator courses 24. Why doesn’t the refrigerator turn off?

Refrigerator courses 24. Why doesn’t the refrigerator turn off?

Watch this video on YouTube

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The refrigerator is too cold

Some refrigerators are so cold that even the food on the bottom shelf freezes. In such a situation, the refrigeration unit operates with an increased operating time ratio, which leads to greater energy consumption.

One of the reasons for such a malfunction may be a violation in the fastening of the bellows tube. It may come out from under the surface of the clamping bar or be weakly pressed against the evaporator wall. In this case, it must be securely fixed.

Over time, the thermostat of refrigerators becomes unusable, which also leads to a significant decrease in the temperature inside the unit. Most often, the power spring of the thermostat weakens. A way out of the situation may be to set the thermostat knob to the “Off” position as much as possible. If this is not possible, the thermostat needs to be reconfigured or replaced with a new one.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

If the Biryusa two-chamber refrigerator switches off noisily, then this may be a malfunction of the compressor or physical wear of its components, especially after 15-20 years of operation. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Causes of compressor cycle failure

If your freezer is running continuously, the motor will overheat because it has no means of cooling. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the electric motor is housed in a hermetically sealed housing, which does not even have a basic heat sink. And the compressor itself wears out much faster in this mode. If the cause of the cycle violation is not eliminated, the main unit of the refrigeration unit will fail. Repairs are comparable to the cost of the entire unit, especially if it is used.

Why doesn't my chest freezer turn off on time?

Important: Before rushing to troubleshoot, carefully monitor the operation of the unit for at least 30–40 minutes. During this time, a change of modes (work/rest) should occur at least once.

If the suspicions are confirmed, we will look into the situation.

First, let's look at the reasons that are not pure malfunctions.

  • You may have set the operating mode selector to maximum freezing.

    Chest freezers have this function to quickly set the minimum possible temperature. With such a program, the motor can be turned off only due to overheating (the protective thermal relay will trip).

  • The refrigerator is loaded to capacity. Products placed in the chamber must first be frozen through. Of course, the control unit will try to bring the internal temperature to the set value as quickly as possible. At this time, the compressor can operate continuously for quite a long time.
  • A similar situation: a lot of warm food with a large heat capacity was placed in a chest freezer. For example, water in plastic bottles, or large pieces of raw meat. While this mass reaches the required temperature, the engine operating cycle will be longer.
  • The freezer is located near a window (or outside) and receives direct sunlight. Trade (display) chests with a glass lid “perceive” this arrangement especially painfully.

  • A similar case: heat sources are located next to the unit. For example, a heating radiator, an oven, or a cooking stove.
  • The temperature in the room where the equipment is located is too high. If the thermometer shows 30°C or higher, then even the standard thermal insulation of the freezer will not help.
  • Visitors look into the refrigerator chest too often, leaving the door open for a long time. In 1–2 minutes, the temperature inside rises by 5–10°C. The compressor simply does not have time to catch up with the cold, and begins to “thresh” without stopping.

  • The freezer door is not closed or does not fit tightly around the contour. This is a common occurrence in stores, especially if the transparent display glass moves to the side. The frosty air instantly evaporates through the gap.
  • The magnetic door seal is worn. Over time, the rubber becomes hard and deforms, forming unnoticeable cracks. This problem only applies to swing doors.
  • The seal on the sliding glass windows broke (a similar situation).
  • The condenser radiator is not working efficiently. It can become clogged with dust to the point of a felt cushion, and then heat transfer tends to zero.
  • There is no air convection around the radiator: foreign objects (boxes, curtains, etc.) interfere with free movement, or the chest freezer is too close to the wall.
  • The surface of the evaporator inside the chamber is frostbitten. If there is a layer of snow or porous ice there, the generated cold remains in the tube system without penetrating inside. The temperature sensor “does not see” a drop in temperature and does not give a command to take a break from work.

Clogged capillary system

Many housewives wonder why it is warm in the freezer even though the device is actively working? This is often due to blockage in the capillary system. This prevents the normal circulation of freon through the system. A clog can also occur due to a build-up of engine oil.

The technician will clean the system and completely replace the freon and engine oil.

Replacing the capillary tube

Thermostat failure

The temperature sensor in the refrigerator may fail. This is a problem with the unit's electronics. It is enough to ring the part with a multimeter. If the contacts do not open when the relay set point is reached, you simply need to replace the temperature sensor or thermostat.

There are problems that only a specialist can handle. You should not repair the device yourself if you are not confident in your abilities. It is necessary to contact a specialist in the cases described below.

Refrigerant leak

Freon leakage from refrigeration equipment is a problem that only a specialist can handle. You can verify this malfunction yourself by turning off the equipment for a day. If there really is a freon leak, the refrigerator simply will not start. The specialist will locate the leak, seal the system and refill it with freon.

The compressor has failed

Prolonged operation of the equipment also indicates a breakdown of the compressor. The refrigerator is noisy because it cannot reach the required temperature. The cause of the breakdown may be damage to the seals or increased temperature in the room. The solution to the problem is to replace the part. But make sure that the model meets the required characteristics.

Refrigerator compressor repair

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