To keep everything smooth: a few facts about 220 V voltage relays for the home

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without electrical energy; this applies to all areas of our life - from work in production and at home to personal worries and time spent during leisure hours. Everyone knows that during the operation of electrical networks and power equipment there are emergency situations from which devices are used to protect, because There are automatic switches or fuses in every apartment or country house. But few people know that voltage surges in electrical networks are also dangerous for household appliances and other equipment. To prevent such unpleasant situations, 220 V voltage relays for the home are used, and they will be discussed in this review.

Voltage control relays come in different designs and differ in the type of installation, connection diagram and settings parameters

Voltage relay - what is it and what is it for?

A voltage control relay is a technical device designed to protect the operation of devices and equipment connected to the electrical network from possible voltage surges, both in the direction of increasing it and decreasing it below permissible values. A decrease in voltage level negatively affects the operation of household appliances and electronics, and an increase above permissible limits can even lead to their breakdown. The voltage relay reacts to such changes and disconnects the internal distribution network of the apartment or house from external electrical networks.

What is an electrical relay

In an electrical relay, one electrical signal controls another electrical signal. In this case, there is no place to change the parameters of the latter, but only its switching. The signals can be completely different in type, shape and power, but one thing is important - as soon as current begins to flow in the control circuit, the switching circuit is triggered, connecting or disconnecting the load. When the control current disappears, the system returns to its original state.

An electric relay is a kind of amplifier if, for example, a weak signal switches a strong one, and at the same time they are similar in shape and type of voltage. Such a device can also be considered a converter if the signals differ from each other in voltage form.

Principle of operation

The operation of a monitoring device of this type is based on measuring voltage values ​​in the external supply network. When the values ​​fall below the specified values ​​or exceed the upper set limit, the relay opens its power contacts, thereby disconnecting the consumer’s network from the external power supply.

Connection diagram to a single-phase power supply network for an apartment or house

After a certain time period, the device automatically closes the power contacts and supplies power to the internal power supply network. To prevent cyclic restarts of the power section, the design of the device includes a turn-on time delay (delay interval), which can be set by the manufacturer or set manually. If the voltage level after disconnection does not reach the specified values, the device will not close the power contacts.

Time delay relay 220V

A device whose purpose of operation is to create conditions where electrical circuit devices operate in a certain sequence is called a time relay. For example, if you need to create a load switching mode not immediately upon arrival of a control signal, but after a set period, a certain system is used. The following types of equipment are distinguished:

  • Time relay 220V electronic type. They can provide time exposure within fractions of seconds and up to several thousand hours. They can be programmed. The energy consumption of such devices is insignificant, and the dimensions are small.
  • With deceleration time on the electromagnet for DC supply circuits. The circuit is based on two electromagnetic coils, in which magnetic fluxes simultaneously arise, directed in the opposite direction and thus weakening each other for the duration of the response delay.
  • Devices where the response time is slowed down by a pneumatic process. The shutter speed can be within 0.40-180.00 seconds. The response delay of the pneumatic damper is carried out by adjusting the air intake.
  • Devices on an anchor mechanism or a clock circuit.

Device management and additional features

To control the operation, buttons or adjusting screws are placed on the outer surface of the housing, through which the upper and lower limits of the operating voltage values ​​are adjusted.

Appearance of the Zubr brand relay with explanation of the control buttons

In addition, the device can be equipped with a light indicator for the presence of voltage in the internal network, a digital display displaying the current value of this parameter, and also have a memory function that allows you to display the parameters of the last shutdown performed.

Classification and types

Voltage relays are classified according to:

  • location and installation;
  • number of phases of the electrical network.

By connection type

There are three ways to place and install such devices, which determine the type of their inclusion in the electrical network:

  • Voltage relay plug-socket.

Model “RN-116” plug-socket type
This type of placement allows you to control the voltage supplied to only one consumer connected to the plug-socket unit. In this case, the voltage supplied to other load elements is not monitored or controlled.

  • Extension voltage relay.

This type of electrical equipment is an extension cord equipped with a built-in control relay. When using it, you can power a group of household appliances and devices, thereby protecting them from power surges.

In this case, the main limitation of use will be the maximum permissible power of the connected devices, determined by the value of the load current.

Model "Bison P616Y"

  • Voltage relay for DIN rail mounting.

This is the most functional option for placing such protection elements and is due to the fact that a relay of this design is installed in the main distribution board (MSB), input distribution device (IDU) or lighting panel, thereby making it possible to protect the entire electrical network of an apartment or country house. The main condition for choosing when installing in this way will be the correspondence between the power of the device and the total power of the connected load.

Related article:

What is a relay , areas of application, circuit diagram of an electromagnetic product, main technical characteristics, main types and their purpose, manufacturers and models - in our material.

By number of phases

Everyone knows that electrical networks are single-phase and three-phase, respectively, and electrical devices are designed for these voltage classes. A single-phase control relay is a device designed to operate in electrical networks for various purposes with an operating voltage of 220 Volts. The design and methods of placing such protective equipment are discussed above.

Model "RNPP-301", mounted on a DIN rail

Three-phase models are installed in the ASU or main switchboard of a country house (cottage), if their power supply circuit provides for connection via a three-phase circuit with a voltage of 380 Volts.

In this case, it is possible to protect the entire internal power supply network, as in the case of using a voltage relay installed in the lighting (apartment) panel.

Intermediate relay 220V

Such a device is considered an auxiliary device and is used in various automatic circuits, as well as in control. The purpose of the intermediate relay is to disconnect the contact circuits of individual groups. It can also simultaneously turn on one circuit and turn off another.

There are two types of switching circuits for 220V intermediate relays:

  1. Based on the shunt principle. In this case, all supply voltage is supplied to the relay coil.
  2. By serial type. Here the winding of the mechanism with the switch coil is connected in series.

In the relay circuit, depending on its design, there may be up to three windings on the coils.

What you need to know when choosing

The main parameters that influence the choice of a particular model of protective device are:

  • technical characteristics - phase pattern and maximum permissible current;
  • type of control – electromechanical or digital;
  • execution option - type of installation and design of the device (plug-socket, extension cord, DIN rail);
  • availability of additional features;
  • reliability – device brand and manufacturer brand.

Monitoring relay with electromechanical control type
The maximum permissible current is the most important technical parameter that determines the possibility of using a voltage relay to connect a particular load. When choosing such a protection device, you should take a model one step higher (according to the standard current series) than the circuit breaker installed in this section of the electrical network. So, if the circuit breaker has a current setting of 16 Amps, then the protection relay must be rated at 25 Amps. This is due to the fact that the value indicated on the protection relay reflects the operating current values, and not the maximum permissible in the operation mode. The type of control determines ease of use, as well as the ability to visually display the current voltage value in the electrical network. Electromechanical models are equipped with trimming resistors, with the help of which the upper and lower response thresholds are set.

Model "Digitop Vp-32a" with digital control type

Digital analogues have an LED screen on which you can monitor voltage values ​​online, and the response thresholds are adjusted using buttons. Additional features that monitoring relays can be equipped with include: indicators for the presence of voltage in the load circuit and a temperature sensor, as well as various mounting options available on a specific model (DIN rail, self-tapping screws, etc.).

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Electromagnetic relay


A relay is an electromechanical device designed for switching electrical circuits, signaling and control circuits. Most often, relays are used in control systems and are often both switching and amplifying elements of the circuit.

It should be remembered that, depending on the nature of the connection, network devices can be primary and secondary. Primary relays are connected directly to control control circuits, secondary relays are connected through instrument transformers, laboratory resistors, and shunt resistors.

Also, one of the advantages of relay devices and elements is the very high resistance between open contacts, which distinguishes them from solid-state relays that use semiconductor elements instead of a coil.

Solid-state devices are very sensitive to the quality of the control signal and have a high probability of false operation as a result of an abnormal electromagnetic pulse or when the voltage in the controlled network increases above optimal values.

In addition to standard electromagnetic relays, some sources include reed relays in this group of devices, the main distinguishing feature of which is the use of a magnetic field generated by a permanent or electromagnet as a control signal, instead of an electrical signal.

Design and principle of operation of an electromagnetic relay

Structurally, the electromagnetic relay is a coil that acts as a retractor. It consists of a base made of non-magnetic material on which a copper wire is wound, which, depending on the design, may be insulated with fabric or synthetic materials, but in most cases the conductor is coated with dielectric varnish.

When voltage is applied to the coil, a metal core connected to a pusher is retracted, which drives the contacts.

Depending on the purpose, the relay contact block may consist of normally open (open) or normally closed (closed) contacts; in some cases, the contact block may combine both types of contacts.

The relay structure can be understood in more detail if you break its components into blocks:

  • control - serves to convert the control signal (in our case from electric to magnetic field);
  • block of intermediate elements - activates the actuator;
  • executive unit - acts directly on the controlled circuit. The contact group of the device can be considered as an executive unit.

Also, when designing control circuits using electromagnetic relays, it is necessary to take into account that since the sensitive element is an electromagnetic coil, the current in the winding does not increase or decrease instantly, but over a period of time.

In this regard, possible response delays must be taken into account. It is quite small, but in some situations it can affect the operation of other elements of the circuit.

Electromagnetic relays can be classified according to the following criteria:

Application areas: for control, protection or signaling circuits; control power: low power, control signal ≤1 W, medium power, control signal ranges from 1 to 9 W, high power - signal power ≥10 W; signal response time control: inertia-free reaction time ≤ 0.001 sec.

, high-speed - response time from 0.001 to 0.05 sec., slow response time from 0.05 to 1 sec., as well as time relays with an adjustable response delay. The nature of the control voltage: direct current - neutral, polarized and alternating current.


It is worthwhile to dwell on the features of DC relays. As mentioned above, they are divided into neutral and polarizing.

The main difference between these two groups is that polarizing devices are sensitive to the polarity of the applied voltage, that is, the movable core changes its direction from right to left or vice versa depending on the polarity of the voltage.

DC electromagnetic relays are divided into:

  • two-position;
  • two-position with dominance;
  • three-position or dead zone relays.

The operation of neutral type devices does not depend on the polarity of the supplied voltage. The disadvantages of relays using direct current as a control signal include the need to install power supplies to supply direct current and the high cost of the device itself.

AC relays do not have this, but they also have their drawbacks, such as the need to modify the design to eliminate vibration of the core.

The operating parameters are worse than those of devices using a linear control signal, namely - worse sensitivity, much less electrical force.

But at the same time, they can be directly connected to the AC electrical network.

To the begining

Application of electromagnetic relays

Perhaps, relays operating using the electromagnetic principle are most widely used in the field of distribution and production of electrical energy. Relay protection of high-voltage lines ensures trouble-free operation of substations and other connected equipment.

The control elements used in relay protection installations are designed for connection switching at operating voltages reaching several hundred thousand volts.

The widespread use of relay protection for high-voltage lines is due to:

  • high durability of relay elements;
  • quick response to changes in parameters of connected lines;
  • ability to work in conditions of high intensity electromagnetic fields and insensitivity to the appearance of parasitic electrical potentials.

How to connect - general recommendations

In the case of using models such as “plug-socket” voltage relay and “extension cord” voltage relay, there are no difficulties with connecting them, because For this purpose a normal plug connection is used.

Placement in a recessed type lighting panel

When using a relay installed in a distribution panel or cabinet, certain rules must be followed to facilitate the maintenance and operation of such devices:

  • The relay is always installed after the meter.
  • It is recommended to install a protection device in front of the relay with a current setting lower than the relay used (20–30%).
  • The presence of additional protective equipment (RCDs, stabilizers, etc.) will make operation safer.
  • The location must be chosen in such a way that it is possible to configure the device, as well as visually monitor its operation.

Placement in an apartment building

Operating principle

You can clearly see the action of a relay using the example of an electromagnetic one. Such a mechanism contains a winding with a steel core and a group of contacts that move movably, closing and opening the circuit. A control current is supplied to the core coil. This current, according to the law of electromagnetic induction, creates a magnetic field in the core, which attracts the contact group, and it closes or opens the electrical circuit, depending on the type of relay.

Connection diagrams and settings for popular models

Domestic and foreign manufacturers of electrical devices produce various models of voltage relays designed for home use.

The most popular brands in this product category are Z ubr and RN , UZM and ABB , as well as DigiTop .

Zubr brand devices

This brand of devices is produced by Donetsk, its assortment includes models installed on a DIN rail, as well as types of voltage relays “plug-socket” and “relay-extension”. Models designed to be plugged into a plug socket are designed for a rated current of 16 Amps, while others are designed for various values: 16/25/32/40/50/63 Amps, which corresponds to the standard scale of permissible current values.

Protection and control devices of the Zubr brand are reliable and easy to use

The correspondence of the rated and maximum permissible current for relays of the “ZUBR” (RBUZ) is given in the following table.

ImageModelRated current, AmpereMaximum permissible current, Ampere

Models designed for DIN rail installation have three control buttons:

  • upper - to set the maximum response threshold;
  • lower – for setting minimum values;
  • medium – to set the restart time.

The factory default restart time is 3 seconds. The device’s memory remembers all the set values, and even during long power outages, all settings and settings will be saved. The connection diagram for the voltage relay of the Zubr series is shown in the following figure.

Connection diagram for single-phase voltage control relay series “ZUBR” (RBUZ)

Distinctive features of the models from this manufacturer are:

  • response voltage adjustment step – 1 Volt;
  • re-activation time adjustment step – 3 seconds;
  • the presence of the letter “t” in the model designation indicates the presence of thermal protection against internal overheating;
  • The relay width is 53 mm, which corresponds to three modules on a DIN rail.

Thanks to its convenient mounting and the ability to visually control values ​​in real time, the brand is well-deservedly popular among professionals and ordinary users, as evidenced by their reviews.

Review of the “ZUBR D63” model:

More details on Otzovik:

Another review about the “ZUBR D63” model:

More details on Otzovik:

For clarity, let’s see what indicators and elements an average home voltage stabilizer consists of.

Appearance of the voltage relay brand RN-113 indicating the control elements

RN series

Devices of this brand are produced by NEKM LLC (Russia) and are sold under the TDM ELECTRIC brand. A distinctive feature of these relays, and these are models such as RN-111, RN-113 and RN-111M, is that they are designed for a rated current of 16 Amperes. If it is necessary to connect a larger current load, it is necessary to install an additional contactor, in the control circuit of which these relays are included. The connection diagram for the RN-113 voltage relay is shown in the following figure.

Scheme for connecting a relay of the RN-113 brand to an electrical network with a load of varying power

The letter “M” in the model designation indicates the presence of a light indicator panel. The measurement error is 1−2 Volts from the actual values.

Review of the RN-113 model:

More details on Otzovik:

Another review about the RN-113 model:

More details on Otzovik:

UZM series

This line of voltage relays is produced by Electrotechnical (Russia), it includes models UZM-51M, UZM-50M and UZM-16.

Appearance of the UZM-51M model with designation of control elements and settings of operating modes

Distinctive features of this series of devices are:

  • lack of digital display;
  • to adjust operating modes, rotary controls are installed in steps of 5 Volts to set the upper limit of operation and 10 Volts for the lower limit;
  • the operating status of the relay is indicated by light indicators;
  • restart has only two settings - 10 seconds and 6 minutes;
  • The width of the relay is 35 mm, which when installed on a DIN rail corresponds to two modules.

The UZM-51M connection diagram is very simple, which is another feature of this model

Devices brand "DigiTOP"

The DigiTOP brand belongs to the Ukrainian company, whose product line includes various devices for monitoring and measuring various electrical parameters (current, voltage, power, etc.). In the category of voltage control relays, there are single-phase and three-phase models with different current characteristics, designed for installation on a DIN rail, as well as models of the socket-plug relay type.

Voltage relay brand "DigiTOP"

Models designed for installation on a DIN rail are available in several modifications:

  • V-Protector.

Distinctive features of this modification are:

  • protects only from power surges;
  • have built-in thermal protection;
  • Installation is only possible indoors, because the operating temperature range starts from +5˚С.
  • VA-Protector.

This series differs from other modifications and models from other manufacturers in that it combines voltage and current relays. In addition, the distinctive features of the series are:

  • The current values ​​of voltage and current are displayed on the screen;
  • if the current load is exceeded, the relay turns it off;
  • in short-circuit mode, shutdown occurs in 0.04 seconds, in long-term overload mode - after 10 minutes of operation in this mode.

Diagram for connecting the voltage relay “DigiTOP”

Review of the “DigiTOP V-protector” model:

More details on Otzovik:

Another review about the “DigiTOP V-protector” model:

More details on Otzovik:

ABB brand devices

The world-famous brand ABB (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd) belongs to a Swedish-Swiss company specializing in the production of electrical equipment and information technology.

Single-phase voltage monitoring relay ABB CM-ESS.2S

Among the models of low-voltage control and protection devices intended for domestic use, there are single-phase ABB voltage relays for operation in different operating modes:

  • ABB CM-EFS.2S - with a time relay and a power supply of 24-240 V, AC or DC;
  • ABB CM-ESS.1S – designed for operation in different regulated voltage ranges (3−30.6−60, 30−300, 60−600 V), in networks with a voltage of 24−240 V AC or DC.

Connection diagram and functions of voltage relay switches CM-ESS.1S and CM-EFS.2S

Options for connecting RKN to a single-phase home network

There are several options for installing the ILV. Each voltage relay connection diagram has its own characteristics and is determined by technical nuances.

The RKN can be connected to the network as an independent device or together with a contactor. The main one is the phase wire L, through which switching is carried out. Zero N is only needed to power the electrical circuit of the relay itself. The product body has two terminal connections L, designed to connect the input and output of the phase wire. The zero terminal N can be one or two. This is not so important, since there is still a jumper inside the case. Different options are used for ease of connection. The diagram shows how the RKN is connected without a contactor and paired with it.

The most reliable protection is considered to be the installation of an RKN after the machine, but in front of the electric meter. This allows you to protect the relay itself and the meter from a high voltage surge.

Usually all electricity meters are sealed, and without a representative of the appropriate authority you will not be able to make the connection yourself. And most often, permission for such a connection may not be given. Here, another scheme is acceptable, where after the electric meter there is an automatic machine, and behind it a relay.

In this diagram, the machine is drawn before the meter, and the relay after it. But we are considering connecting both devices after the metering unit, so the phase wire from the output terminal of the machine is connected to the input of the RKN with the designation L. The output from the relay with the same designation is connected to the wire going to the consumer. The zero terminal N from the relay is connected with a wire to the zero bus of the electrical panel.

At what price to buy a 220 V voltage relay for the home - price review

220 V voltage relays for the home can be bought in stores and retail chains specializing in the sale of electrical equipment, as well as on the Internet, where a fairly wide selection of similar products is also available. Prices for the 220 V voltage relays discussed in this article for the home are shown in the following table, as of the second quarter of 2022, when sold through online resources.

ImageModelAverage cost (as of May 2022), rub.
"ZUBR" (RBUZ) D161640
"ZUBR" (RBUZ) D25/D25t2000
"ZUBR" (RBUZ) D32/D32t2300
"ZUBR" (RBUZ) D40/D40t2600
"ZUBR" (RBUZ) D50/D50t2900
"ZUBR" (RBUZ) D63/D63t3200
"Meander" UZM-51M2620
"Meander" UZM-50M1800
"Meander" UZM-161600
"DigiTOP" Vp-16AS1900
"DigiTOP" MP-63A V-Protector5020
"DigiTOP" VA-32A VA-Protector2770
"DigiTOP" VA-63A VA-Protector3790
"ABB" CM-EFS.2S6463

The variety of offers on the electrical products market allows you to choose a model in accordance with the technical requirements for these devices in different price ranges.

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