A windmill for a private home is money down the drain. The whole breakdown by numbers is in rubles and kilowatts.

The issue of wind energy in our innovative times is of interest to many people.
Those who have ever visited European countries by car have probably seen huge wind farms. Hundreds of generators are found along the way. Observing this picture, many begin to believe that generating electricity using wind is a very promising and profitable activity. Wise Europeans cannot make mistakes.

At the same time, for some reason the fact is ignored that in other places in Europe there are practically no such wind power plants. Why did it happen? This is exactly what this article will discuss, when, where and how it is profitable to use wind turbines and when it is not.


Surely, after the next increase in the price of electricity, you have thought about installing a wind generator on your site. Thus, providing, if not all, then most of your electricity needs.

Some are even thinking about becoming independent from power grids in this way. How realistic and possible is this? Unfortunately, for 90% of private home owners, these dreams will remain dreams.

And so that you don’t waste your money, we’ll tell you, laying out all the numbers, why this is exactly so.

How much does a wind generator cost for a private home?

The cost of a wind generator is influenced by the following parameters:

  1. Installation power;
  2. Type of wind generator (horizontal or vertical axis of rotation);
  3. Manufacturer of the installation.

The installed power of electrical energy consumers in a small private house ranges from 3.0 to 10.0 kW.

Accordingly, the cost of units in this price range is as follows:

  • Russian-made wind turbines:
  1. With a horizontal axis of rotation - from 68,000.00 to 650,000.00 rubles (EnergyWind company (EnergyWind series));
  2. With a vertical axis of rotation - from 250,000.00 to 450,000.00 rubles (produces wind generators of the OM series with a power of up to 5.0 kW).
  • Wind turbines from foreign manufacturers:
  1. With a horizontal axis of rotation - from 140,000.00 to 260,000.00 rubles (Zonhan Windpower Co, Ltd (China) produces units of the “Exmork” series with a power of up to 5.0 kW);
  2. With a vertical axis of rotation - from 120,000.00 to 450,000.00 rubles (Bekar Europe GmbH (Germany)).

Wind speed

Unfortunately, there are not many regions in our country where the wind speed is at least 5-7 meters per second. The data is taken on average per year. In the vast majority of latitudes suitable for habitation, this same speed is a maximum of 2-4 m/s.

This means that your wind turbine will simply not work most of the time. For stable generation of electricity, it needs a wind of about 10 m/s.

If the wind in your area is 7 m/s, then the generator will operate at a maximum of 50% of its nominal value. And if it’s only 2 m/s, then by 5%.

In fact, in an hour, a 2kW generator will give you no more than 100W.

You will also encounter another wind problem that manufacturers are silent about. Near the ground, its speed is much lower than at the top, where industrial installations with a height of 25-30m are installed.

You will install your unit at a maximum of ten meters. Therefore, do not even rely on wind tables from different sites. This data is not suitable for you.

Manufacturers modestly keep silent about the fact that for their wind resource maps, measurements are made at an altitude of 50 to 70 meters! In addition, data on turbulence and eddies are not taken into account.

If you try to raise it higher than 10m, you will definitely think about lightning protection. Blades electrified by air friction, a very tasty bait for discharges!

In addition, for some reason everyone only worries about such a parameter as wind speed, and at the same time forgets about its density or pressure. And the difference for energy is quite significant. The dependence of electricity generation on wind pressure is disproportionate.

So, when the wind pressure doubles, the generated power increases eight times!

In addition, there is a certain deceit in the specified technical characteristics of the generators.

Of course, you can trust them, but only under ideal conditions. Because:

  • These readings are taken in a wind tunnel

  • and in laminar flow with constant direction and increased density

At your dacha, the wind speed may be such that you won’t even be able to turn the shaft, let alone generate energy.

And this is in spring or autumn. It is during this period that the most active movements of air masses occur.

Do not forget that the windmill does not operate in idle mode, but must spin the generator rotor surrounded by neodymium magnets.

And this is only as long as the electrical potential of the windmill is lower than the battery voltage. When the voltage is sufficient to begin charging, the battery turns into a load.

If you use low-speed designs with a vertical axis of rotation, then there is already a step-up gearbox. Have you tried to spin up the boost gearbox? This design becomes more complicated, increasing weight, windage, and cost.

Even at the lighthouses of the Northern Fleet, given the constant winds and polar night, experts prefer to use solar panels. When asked why this is so, the answer is simple – there are fewer problems!


An article on the topic (don’t judge me for the advertising component - the article is copied verbatim from the “Your Home” portal):

Question: What is the power of the wind turbine? Answer: The power for the consumer does not depend on the power of the wind generator, but on the power of the inverter (a device that removes energy from the batteries). This power can be from 1 to 9 kW and even higher. The wind generators of the installations that we offer can be of different rated power: 1, 2, 4, 5 kW.

Question: What does the rated power of a wind generator mean? Answer: This is the power that a wind generator produces at a wind speed of 10 m/s. With less wind, the power will naturally be less. That’s why we need a storage device – batteries.

Question: What is the efficiency of a wind turbine then? Answer: There is no effect from a windmill only if the place where it is installed is windless. Otherwise, the effect is multifaceted. On the one hand, a wind turbine, like any source of “green” energy, gradually pays for itself. On the other hand, a wind turbine is the most powerful, after hydroelectric power plants, source of renewable energy for those places where there are difficulties with power supply.

As for the efficiency of a wind turbine in terms of meeting consumer needs, the question is what those needs are. If the place is windy and there are several installations connected to one complex of batteries and an inverter, then such a complex can claim to solve heating problems even in our conditions near Moscow. If there is only one installation, it is also quite possible to solve the problem of lighting and operation of household appliances. Although, of course, in case of calm, you need to be insured and have an additional source of energy - a solar installation or a petrol (gas) generator.

Question: And yet, will there be enough energy from a wind turbine, say, for a cottage? Answer: I would really like to answer “yes”. But let's look at things realistically. Natural sources of electricity are not a mains power outlet, turn it on and download as much as you want. Wind and sun are good helpers for those who know how to use them and do not think primarily about the payback period in money. Naturally, for a complete energy supply, several energy sources are needed. Therefore, we recommend installing an energy complex. But even one windmill, when used skillfully, can be very useful.

Question: What is the energy complex? Answer: An energy complex is a system that includes, first of all, several energy sources. The main task here is to select a configuration that would satisfy the customer in terms of power, location on the site, and mode of use (winter/summer, daily/weekends).

It must be said that we are talking not only about wind or solar energy. The electricity produced by wind and solar power plants is needed to operate geothermal heating and hot water systems (heat pumps). Imagine - from the energy generated by wind turbines and solar installations, you can get five times more thermal energy for heating. In fact, this is complete autonomy without energy costs.

The heating problem can also be effectively solved through the use of heating systems based on film radiant electric heaters. They consume very little electricity and the heating effect is decent.

Question: What maintenance is required in the future for this equipment, how reliable is it? Answer: There is both a factory warranty and subsequent contractual maintenance. But, it should be noted that modern systems are not those that force the customer to subscribe to mandatory “subscriber” services.

Question: What is the cost of wind farm equipment and services? Answer: The cost of equipment depends on the configuration, it must be calculated individually. In general, the cost of one wind turbine with the necessary equipment (batteries and inverter) and turnkey installation usually ranges from 200 to 300 thousand rubles. Although there may be deviations, both up and down. The cost of the energy complex does not increase significantly, but only by the cost of additional sources with appropriate installation.

Batteries for wind turbines

Large industrial wind turbines can transmit energy directly to the grid, bypassing any batteries.

But you won’t be able to do without them. Without a battery, neither the TV nor the refrigerator will work. Even the lighting will shine in fits and starts, depending on gusts of wind.

Moreover, over 12-15 years of operation of the generator, you will be required to change 3-4 sets of batteries, thereby doubling your initial costs. Moreover, we take almost the ideal option, when the batteries will be discharged no more than half of their capacity.

Of course, you can buy cheap battery models, but this will not reduce your costs. Just going to the store for new batteries will be done not 4 times, but 8 times.

Where is the best place to install

Another thing worth seriously thinking about is the availability of free space. Moreover, in area it can extend 100 meters or more in each direction from the mast.

The wind should move freely along the blades and reach them from all sides without interference. It turns out that you must live either in the steppe or near the sea (preferably directly on its shore).

The ideal location would be on top of a hill. Where, from an aerodynamics perspective, the air flow is compressed with a corresponding increase in wind speed and pressure.

Forget about your neighbors nearby. Their gardens and two-three-story mansions will “drink your blood” great, blocking the tailwind every time. As well as neighboring forest plantations.

The same industrial windmills are not placed directly next to each other, but are mounted diagonally. Each subsequent one should not cover the previous one.

Where can I buy

The most correct option for purchasing complex technical devices is through representative offices of manufacturing companies. In this case, the consumer will be given advice on the installation and operation of the units, provided with technical and information support during operation, as well as warranty and post-warranty repairs, if necessary.

You can also purchase wind turbines from specialized companies that sell such devices. They can also provide assistance and assistance both at the installation stage and during further operation of the equipment. Buying complex machinery and equipment from unverified sellers and over the Internet is not worth it, it is dangerous in terms of financial expenses and wasted time.

Price per 1 kW of power

4th reason – high price. Don't be fooled by sellers' prices on price lists. They never show the actual cost of all the equipment needed. Therefore, always multiply prices by 2, even when choosing so-called ready-made kits.

But that's not all. Don't forget about operating costs, reaching up to 70% of the cost of wind turbines. Try to repair the generator at height, or dismantle and disassemble and reassemble the mast each time.

Don't forget to periodically replace the battery. Therefore, do not expect that a windmill can cost you 1 dollar per 1 kW of electricity.

When you calculate all the real costs, it turns out that every kilowatt of power from such a wind generator cost you at least 5 bucks.

Payback period and savings calculation

The fifth reason is inextricably linked with the first four. This is the payback period.

For your individual wind installation, this period is NEVER.

The cost of a windmill, mast and additional equipment for 2-kilowatt high-quality models will reach an average of 200 thousand rubles. The productivity of such installations is from 100 to 200 kW per month, no more. And this is in good weather conditions.

Even precipitation reduces the power of wind turbines. Rain by 20%, snow by 30%.

So your entire savings turns out to be 500 rubles. In 12 months of continuous work, a little more will accumulate – 6 thousand.

But if you remember the initial expenses of 200 thousand, then you will return it in thirty-two years!

And all this without taking into account operating costs. And if you estimate that the average service life of a good windmill is about 20 years, then it turns out that it will completely and irreparably break down even before it reaches its payback period.

At the same time, a 2-kilowatt unit will not cover 100% of your needs. Maximum by a third! If you want to connect everything entirely from it, then take a 10-kilowatt model, no less. This will not change the payback period.

But here there will be completely different dimensions and weight.

And simply attaching it to a pipe through the attic of your roof will definitely not work.

However, some are still convinced that due to the endless rise in price of electricity, a wind generator will one day become profitable.

Is it profitable?

Before spending significant financial resources on purchasing a wind turbine, anyone wants to make sure whether it is profitable.

To get started you need:

Decide what source of power supply the wind generator will serve as.

It could be:

  1. The main source of electrical energy. In this case, all consumers are connected to the installed device and their power supply is completely dependent on the operation of the wind generator.
  2. Additional source.

In this case, there may be two options:

  1. When power is supplied to consumers from traditional power supply networks, part of the power is connected to the wind turbine or it is turned on for a certain time. When used in this way, a reduction in the cost of paying bills for consumed electrical energy from energy supply organizations is achieved;
  2. When using other alternative sources of electrical energy (solar panels, hydraulic turbines, etc.), wind turbines are part of the electrical supply system.

  • Study the advantages and disadvantages of wind generators, which are:

The advantages of using such devices include:

  1. Wind energy is an inexhaustible and renewable source of energy;
  2. Cost-effective installations. After the initial costs of purchase and installation, you do not subsequently have to pay for the consumed electrical energy;
  3. Wind energy is an environmentally “clean” source of energy;
  4. The simple design of the units allows you to independently perform installation and carry out maintenance in the future.

Disadvantages of use include:

  1. Dependence of installation performance on weather conditions and the presence of wind flows in the region where the units are located;
  2. Creation of noise and various interference (radio, communications, television) during the operation of installations;
  3. Removal of land plots on which generators are installed from active use.
  • Study the wind potential of the region where the construction of a wind generator is planned. To do this, you can contact the regional weather service or use information on the Internet.
  • Select the type, brand and manufacturer of equipment.

When choosing devices, the main criteria will be:

  1. Efficiency of installations;
  2. Cost of a set of equipment.

When the necessary calculations have been made, the power supply option has been selected, the wind potential and the range of equipment offered have been studied, each individual makes a conclusion whether it is profitable to use a wind turbine or not.

When should you buy a windmill?

Of course, electricity becomes more expensive every year. For example, 10 years ago, its price was 70% lower. Let's make approximate calculations and find out the prospects for the windmill to break even, taking into account the sharp increase in the cost of electricity.

We will consider a 2 kW generator.

As we found out earlier, the cost of such a model is about 200 thousand. But taking into account all the additional expenses, you need to multiply it by two. The result will be at least 400 thousand rubles. costs, with a service life of twenty years.

That is, in a year it turns out to be 20 thousand. In fact, this year the unit will give you a maximum of 900 kW. Due to the coefficient installed capacity (for small wind turbines it does not exceed five percent), in a month you will generate 75 kW.

Even if we take 1000 kW per year for simplicity of calculations, the cost of 1 kW/h obtained from a wind turbine will be 20 rubles for you. Even if we assume that electricity from thermal power plants will rise in price by 4 times, then this will not happen tomorrow, and not even in 5 years.

Therefore, the cost of electricity from an individual wind generator will be higher in any case.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above?

A wind generator in the current Russian conditions is an unprofitable unit.

In order to somehow justify its use, the price of electricity today should already reach 30 rubles per 1 kW.

The use of a windmill can be justified in two cases:

  • you do not have external power grids nearby or you are not allowed to connect to them
  • you have a diesel generator, but there is no way to supply fuel for it

At the same time, the wind turbine must be installed in an area with an average annual wind speed of at least 5-6 m/s. Only in these cases will a wind turbine be a good alternative.

In fact, in such conditions you are simply forced to choose the least of all evils. At the same time, do not believe in the super-efficiency of other vertical or spherical models assembled with neodymium magnets.

The end result will always be the same. The energy produced by a wind turbine depends only on:

  • wind speed
  • area that the blades describe

Therefore, if you are already connected to the power grid, do not look for unnecessary adventures and headaches. You will not find any benefit, at least for today.

Windmill! Profitable or not?

Alternative energy sources: biofuel, wind energy, solar energy, space energy, etc. - theory and practice, ideas and operating devices


Posts: 7 • Page 1 of 1

Windmill! Profitable or not?

Igor_01 » May 27, 2014, 10:57
Current question. Today it is fashionable to install industrial wind generators on your summer cottage; most people install homemade ones! I wonder how much this whole business pays for itself or does not pay for itself at all? There are models that produce up to 1.5 kW at a height of 7-10 m! This is quite a lot, considering that this is with average wind strength. It is clear that for a home you need at least 10 kW, for 1.5 you need a storage device in the form of batteries! Attachments images.jpg (8.88 Kb)

Climate equipment supply network - https://www.optcentre.ru/topic/1842-nuzh ... ht/?p=2605 - https://www.optcentre.ru/

Posts: 2010 Registered: Apr 13, 2012, 12:23 PM
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Windmill! Profitable or not?

Sergey N » May 28, 2014, 2:00 pm
As you can see from the table, installation from a 500W device costs about 18,000 rubles! The price is certainly high, but for a home 500W is not enough power, it’s not even enough for normal lighting. A wind generator for a home should start from 4kW! And this one will cost a pretty penny, and will also disturb the neighbors with its size! It is better to use wired energy while it is most profitable!

The most economical gas heaters + reviews - https://www.optcentre.ru/topic/3185-otzy ... #entry4007

Sergey N
Messages: 2684 Registered: March 11, 2012, 23:18 From: Kazan
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Windmill! Profitable or not?

Anatoly » May 29, 2014, 00:14

Sergey N wrote: As can be seen from the table, installation from a 500W device costs about 18,000 rubles! The price is certainly high, but for a home 500W is not enough power, it’s not even enough for normal lighting. A wind generator for a home should start from 4kW! And this one will cost a pretty penny, and will also disturb the neighbors with its size! It is better to use wired energy while it is most profitable!

If we consider the windmill model FD2.7-500-100L, then the material costs for its acquisition alone will be significantly (up to 30%) more than 18,000 rubles, because the generator costs 17,700 rubles. + mast 3100 rub. + inverter 2,300 rub. = 23,100 rub. In addition, it is still necessary to take into account overhead costs, which can reach up to 50% of the amount of basic costs. Thus, a windmill can cost 34,650 rubles. Now about the power of the windmill and its capabilities for the happy owner of such a miracle windmill. The load of the windmill is a 24-volt battery with a capacity of 200 Ah. The inverter converts these 24 volts to 220 volts. When the load on the home network of a country house is approximately 1.5 kW, the current consumption will be about 8 amperes. Then a full charge of the battery should be enough for 200 / 8 = 25 hours of CONTINUOUS operation. And this does not take into account the fact that the windmill constantly recharges the battery. So it can provide a fairly decent amount of electricity to a country house. Anatoly Messages: 1707 Registered: Apr 03, 2013, 01:23
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Windmill! Profitable or not?

Igor_01 » June 05, 2014, 12:34

Anatoly wrote: Sergey N wrote: As can be seen from the table, installation from a 500W device costs about 18,000 rubles! The price is certainly high, but for a home 500W is not enough power, it’s not even enough for normal lighting. A wind generator for a home should start from 4kW! And this one will cost a pretty penny, and will also disturb the neighbors with its size! It is better to use wired energy while it is most profitable!

If we consider the windmill model FD2.7-500-100L, then the material costs for its acquisition alone will be significantly (up to 30%) more than 18,000 rubles, because the generator costs 17,700 rubles.
+ mast 3100 rub. + inverter 2,300 rub. = 23,100 rub. In addition, it is still necessary to take into account overhead costs, which can reach up to 50% of the amount of basic costs. Thus, a windmill can cost 34,650 rubles. Now about the power of the windmill and its capabilities for the happy owner of such a miracle windmill. The load of the windmill is a 24-volt battery with a capacity of 200 Ah. The inverter converts these 24 volts to 220 volts. When the load on the home network of a country house is approximately 1.5 kW, the current consumption will be about 8 amperes. Then a full charge of the battery should be enough for 200 / 8 = 25 hours of CONTINUOUS operation. And this does not take into account the fact that the windmill constantly recharges the battery. So it can provide a fairly decent amount of electricity to a country house. 1.5 kW is certainly not a fountain, but it’s enough for lighting, charging, and a pump! If you think about it, an investment of 35 rubles is not very significant, considering that an ordinary dacha today costs about 1,000,000! The reliability of the battery is questionable. In order for it to work properly, it is necessary to maintain its temperature at 25C. In winter conditions this will be difficult. The same windmill will have to provide heating for the closet in which the battery is installed. Supply network for climate control equipment - https://www.optcentre.ru/topic/1842-nuzh ... ht/?p=2605 - https://www.optcentre.ru /

Posts: 2010 Registered: Apr 13, 2012, 12:23 PM
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Windmill! Profitable or not?

Anatoly » June 06, 2014, 01:38

Igor_01 wrote: 1.5 kW is certainly not a fountain, but it’s enough for lighting, charging, and a pump! If you think about it, an investment of 35 rubles is not very significant, considering that an ordinary dacha today costs about 1,000,000! The reliability of the battery is questionable. In order for it to work properly, it is necessary to maintain its temperature at 25C. In winter conditions this will be difficult. You will have to use the same windmill to provide heating for the closet in which the battery is installed

I already think that if you make such a windmill yourself, then this, of course, is a very interesting and tempting thing, and most importantly, there is an opportunity to use the wind to the fullest... And experience here, too, is a very useful thing... If your windmill produces these the most 24 volts and you will select batteries with a capacity of 200 VA, maybe with a larger capacity, then in winter it will actually be possible to really evaluate the discharge characteristics of the batteries and additionally evaluate the effect of cold weather on the nominal capacity of the batteries. The topic you raised about a cold battery is relevant and I I’ll highlight it as a separate one... Anatoly Messages: 1707 Registered: Apr 03, 2013, 01:23
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Windmill! Profitable or not?

Bibikin Ivan » June 06, 2014, 10:45
The topic you raised about a cold battery is relevant and I highlight it as a separate topic... Correct! I once tested different batteries for the effects of cold, imagine not a single type of battery passed the test! (An ideal windmill, of course, should not contain this kind of vulnerable parts! There is one scientific trick for this, use a carbon fiber super flywheel, a powerful disk, as an energy storage device, spun up to cosmic speeds! Store and remove its inertial energy! Investments

We are moving to live on a desert island! With us?! — https://www.neobitaemyi.ru/

Bibikin Ivan
Messages: 1662 Registered: May 16, 2012, 14:10 From: Moscow
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Windmill! Profitable or not?

Klor » 07 Aug 2015, 18:22
Yes, in principle, there’s nothing to spend? whether it is profitable or not)


Posts: 34 Joined: Jul 18, 2015, 11:52 pm
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