White Wire with Black Stripe What is it • Five-wire system

Is the color designation always the same for a 220 V network?

Each manufacturer has its own designations, but in general they try to adhere to generally accepted rules - European and domestic standards. For example, the phase is indicated in a bright color, so that even a layman can see the danger.

Ground wire color

Yellow-green – “grounding” elements. Sometimes the owner of the device comes across simply yellow or green, with two letters - “RE”, which are responsible for marking “ground”. If the grounding element is together with the neutral element, it is designated “PEN” and often has a green-yellow tint.

What is the phase designated by?

Contact with the phase is the most dangerous. You should be careful when carrying out work. Since some cases can even be fatal, manufacturers mark it with a bright color to avoid confusion with other variants.

It will be easier to deal with a bunch of batteries when zero and ground are eliminated. The phase in the diagram is marked with the letter L. If there are several phases in the network, which is often the case at 380 V, such wires are designated L1, L2, L3. In other cases, they may be designated: the first phase is A, the second is B, etc.

Neutral wire in a single-phase network

Presented in blue or cyan shades. In electrical engineering there is no other designation for this color. It doesn’t matter which cable is used in the work - three-core, five-core, the color is the same.

In diagrams, “zero” is signed with the letter N. Such a cable is classified as a working element, because, unlike grounding, it takes part in creating the power supply circuit. In some circuits it is read as “minus”, then the phase acts as a “plus”.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

If the installation work was carried out by a highly qualified electrician who knows modern standards for working with electrical wires, you will not have to resort to using an indicator screwdriver or a multimeter. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Wire Classification Options

The typical cable name contains letters and numbers. By decoding these symbols you can find out the main characteristics of products in this category:

  • conductor (shell) materials;
  • number of cores;
  • cross-sectional area;
  • Extra options.

Example of decoding (AVBbv-ng):

  • A – the core is made of aluminum (copper is not marked);
  • B – insulating shells are made of PVC;
  • BB – protection against mechanical damage, made of steel tape without a damping gasket;
  • ng – components that prevent combustion have been added to the polymer shell.

How to check the correctness of the markings in the apartment?

Relying on color alone is not recommended. Before starting work, it is recommended to check their belongings. A special screwdriver is used for this.

The LED on it lights up when you touch the phase. There will be no problems with a two-core cable, because the second one will be zero. For three-wire, use another tool - a multimeter or tester.

What kind of lighting do you prefer?

Built-in Chandelier

The switch is set on a scale greater than 220V. This indicator or even less should be displayed on the screen, because these are our realities.

To use a multimeter, it is worth considering that when ringing a phase-ground pair, the readings are lower than when ringing a phase-zero pair.

When connecting wires, try to use wires of the same color. Try not to confuse them so as not to face disastrous consequences - injuries or fires.

Three-wire system

Let's look at a cross-section of a three-core wire, which is used for laying household electrical networks.

The color of the wires indicates where the phase, neutral and ground are located. Additionally, the figure shows typical letter symbols used in electrical circuits. By picking up such a drawing, you can visually determine the correctness of the connection.

Let's take a look at GOST and see how well the color coding of wires shown in the figure meets the requirements. Clause 5.1 of the general provisions describes the twelve colors that must be used for marking.

The specified circuit is used for single-phase connection, suitable for most electrical appliances. It is almost impossible to get confused in it, with a correctly marked wire.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

The only acceptable option is to use blue and cyan insulation to indicate the negative pole or midpoint in DC circuits. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

White wire is plus or minus - In electrical wiring, is the blue wire plus or minus? – Blogs

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Which wire is positive and which is negative? (Yellow and black) black, red: black in diagrams is usually a minus, red is a plus. I encountered a small problem, I need to connect the windshield washer pump, but I can’t determine which of the wires is plus and which is minus. Keychain with a retractable cord, Prestigio logo

Connect the wire that supplies the closing signal to the central unit with a RED-BLACK wire (plus control) or with a WHITE-BLACK wire (minus control) 1.Connect the battery to this pair, one wire for positive, the other for negative and pay attention to where moved. USB flash 2.0, 32Gb Transcend JetFlash 380S (warranty). How to determine the plus / minus in the front speaker wires

there is a white connector, everyone knows this, the wiring has a color, and then we have a manual book at our fingertips. I more often come across wires with a white or white-brown zero, a blue or black zero, yellow or yellow-green. rescuer: Question to Alex, please tell me on the standard wiring to the speakers, is the white wire a plus or a minus. I’m not very close to electrics, but in my understanding, the black wire is a minus, and the black wire with a white stripe is a plus. Raising the left window: cut PURPLE With a WHITE wire ( plus. If there is a plus on the red wire and a minus on the black wire, then the cooler turns. We use the cooler only when we know the constant. The phone charger is plus minus, In charging from the phone the red wire is plus or minus, the red white wire in the Nokia charger is plus minus. When connecting audio speakers, is the black wire with a white stripe a plus or minus? When connecting audio speakers, a black wire with a white stripe is it. Which proves that there will always be someone who does not know the basics electrical engineering and in the garage there is an increase in that wire. Shyness is a plus or a minus. Color marking of wires connecting the front panel Purchase/. Alternating current. N - ground, L- phase. Which wire is more faded, white or black? . Which wire is minus and which is positive. Keychain with retractable cord, Prestigio logo. USB flash 2.0, 32Gb Transcend JetFlash 380S (warranty). watch minecraft mod for transformers video minecraft village download map mechanical UFO for minecraft how to make a box in minecraft pvp servers minecraft 1 7 5


Five-wire system

For a three-phase connection, five-core wires are used. Accordingly, three wires are allocated for phases, one for neutral or zero and one for protective, grounding. Color marking, as in any alternating current network, is similar, in accordance with GOST requirements.

In this case, the correct connection of the phase conductors will be an important point. As can be seen in the figure, the protective wire is made in a yellow-green braid, and the neutral wire is in blue. Allowed shades are used for the phases.

Using five-core wires, you can connect a 380 V network with correct wiring.

Wire Classification Options

The typical cable name contains letters and numbers. By decoding these symbols you can find out the main characteristics of products in this category:

  • conductor (shell) materials;
  • number of cores;
  • cross-sectional area;
  • Extra options.

Example of decoding (AVBbv-ng):

  • A – the core is made of aluminum (copper is not marked);
  • B – insulating shells are made of PVC;
  • BB – protection against mechanical damage, made of steel tape without a damping gasket;
  • ng – components that prevent combustion have been added to the polymer shell.

What color indicates phase and zero?

It is recommended to paint conductors of DC circuits as follows:

  • positive pole – red (brown insulation color is recommended);
  • negative pole – blue (gray color is recommended);
  • the grounding conductor in a three-wire DC circuit is blue (since 2009, blue is recommended).

The polarity of the wires can be determined more easily by color. Cool colors are the negative terminal, warm colors are the positive terminal. If there are taps in a three-wire DC electrical circuit, then the outgoing lines should be the same color as the supply lines. Whatever color the plus and minus wires were painted, you need to mark them with an alphanumeric marker.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

An important note regarding the color marking of electrical wires, which, as I have seen more than once, is very often violated. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

General concepts about the device

Car receivers are divided into two types depending on the method of their installation:

  • Stationary - suitable for certain car brands due to their original shape and non-standard size. Such models are built into the car at the assembly stage. For example, such a model is the standard radio on the Chevrolet Cruze DWGM1001 or the Subaru Clarion model installed on the Subaru Impreza.
  • Built-in - universal receivers, most have a removable front panel to protect against theft. An example of such models are Pioneer players.

The connectors of the device also play an important role. There are many types of connectors, the most preferred is the ISO standard. If the connectors do not match, you must purchase a corresponding adapter.

The essence of the operation of a car radio and its switching is in the following sequence:

  1. The negative of the battery is connected directly to the receiver.
  2. The voltage from the battery positive cable is sent to the fuse, and then the power goes to the branch: permanently connected + 12V power, as well as to the ignition key
  3. Through the positive cable of the ignition switch, current flows to the control terminal

Installation of the device is carried out by connecting the appropriate wires, and this requires an understanding of the polarity of the receiver.

Manual color marking

It is used in cases where during installation it is necessary to use wires with cores of the same color. This also often happens when working in old houses, in which electrical wiring was installed long before the advent of standards.

Marking of two-core wires

If the cable is already connected to the network, then to search for phase wires, electricians use a special indicator screwdriver - its body has an LED that lights up when the tip of the device touches a phase.

True, it will only be effective for two-wire wires, because if there are several phases, then the indicator will not be able to determine which one is which. In this case, you will have to disconnect the wires and use a dialer.

Next, you will need a set of special tubes with a heat-shrinkable effect or insulation tape to mark the phase and zero.

The standards do not require such markings to be made on electrical conductors along their entire length. It is allowed to mark it only at the places of joints and connections of the necessary contacts. Therefore, if there is a need to apply marks on electrical cables without markings, you need to purchase materials in advance to mark them manually.

The number of colors used depends on the scheme used, but there is still a main recommendation - it is advisable to use colors that eliminate the possibility of confusion. Those. Do not use blue, yellow or green marks for phase wires. In a single-phase network, for example, the phase is usually indicated in red.

Marking three-wire wires

When phase, zero and ground are determined, markings can be applied. According to the rules, a yellow-green colored wire is used for grounding, or rather a core with this color, so it is marked with electrical tape of suitable colors. Zero is marked, respectively, with blue electrical tape, and the phase is any other.

If during preventive maintenance it turns out that the marking is outdated, it is not necessary to change the cables. In accordance with modern standards, only electrical equipment that has failed can be replaced.

What does the blue stripe on the electrical wire mean? L and N in electrics - color coding of wires

Example: computer power supply or car wiring.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

The marking is preserved along the entire length; sometimes cambrics or electrical tape are used at the connection points to better fix the element. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Standard color coding of wires and busbars

Colored insulation of conductors today is an essential attribute for successful and correct installation of electrical wiring. This solution is by no means a way to make wires beautiful and attractive to the consumer; it is a convenient color marking, standardized and regulated throughout the civilized world, which is, without exaggeration, a necessity.

Color-coded wires provide precise identification of each conductor. The color of the core insulation determines its purpose in a group of several conductors and facilitates the switching and installation process.

This solution eliminates possible errors that could lead to fatal electric shock or short circuit. Electrical repairs and maintenance are also safer when wires are accurately marked.

The standard set out in the PUE strictly defines the colors of the markings, and thanks to this standard it becomes possible to easily identify each conductor, each cable core in a group by color or alphanumeric code.

As a rule, the entire conductor has a certain color, but it is also permissible to mark only the ends of individual cores at switching points where it is possible to use colored electrical tape or colored cambrics. Next, we will look in more detail at how exactly such marking is carried out for single-phase, three-phase and direct current networks.

For three-phase AC networks

In three-phase alternating current networks, high-voltage transformer inputs both at stations and substations, as well as busbars, are painted in the following colors, according to the phases:

  • Phase “A” is colored yellow;
  • Phase “B” is colored green;
  • Phase “C” is colored red.

For DC networks

DC circuits are characterized by only two buses: positive and negative. Here the positive wire (positive charge bus) is marked in red, and the negative wire (negative charge bus) is marked in blue, because the neutral and phase wires are fundamentally absent here. The middle wire (M) is marked blue.

In the case where a dc network containing two conductors is created by branching from a three-wire dc circuit, the conductors are marked in the same way as the corresponding conductors of the original three-wire circuit.

Phase, neutral and ground in electrical wiring

AC electrical networks are now always laid with multi-core wires insulated with cores of different colors, this greatly simplifies the installation process. If the wiring in the room is carried out by one installer, and in the future other people will carry out maintenance and repair of the network, they will no longer be forced to constantly identify “phase” and “zero”, they will simply be guided by color.

But in the old days this was a real problem, because the insulation was one color - either white or black. Now a standard has been developed, and in accordance with GOST R 50462 “Identification of conductors by colors or digital designations”, the cores are separate and in cables have strictly regulated designations.

The function of marking is to create the ability to quickly and easily visually determine the purpose of each specific conductor for any section of it; this is one of the main requirements of the PUE. What colors, according to GOST, should conductors have in AC electrical installations for voltages up to 1000 volts and with a solidly grounded neutral, which includes almost all residential buildings and administrative buildings?

The neutral working conductor (N) is marked in blue. For the neutral protective conductor (PE) - yellow-green markings in the form of stripes along or across the core. This marking in the named color combination is relevant only for grounding conductors (for neutral protective conductors).

When the neutral working conductor is made combined with the neutral protective conductor (PEN), then along the entire length of the wire the marking is blue, and at the connection points (at the ends of the conductor) there are yellow-green stripes, or vice versa: a yellow-green conductor with blue ends.

Thus, neutral wires are marked with the following colors:

  1. Neutral working wire (N) – blue marking;
  2. Neutral protective conductor (PE) – yellow-green marking;
  3. Neutral combined wire (PEN) - yellow-green marking with blue marks at the ends or vice versa.

Phase wires, in accordance with the PUE standard, can be marked in one of these colors: red, black, purple, brown, gray, pink, orange, turquoise, or white. If a single-phase electrical circuit is obtained by branching from a three-phase network, then the phase wire of the resulting single-phase circuit must necessarily match the color of the original wire of the three-phase network from which the branch was made.

The wires are marked so that the colors of the phase wires in no way match the color of the neutral conductor. And if an unmarked cable is used, then color marks are made at the ends of the cores, at the joints, using heat-shrink tubes or colored electrical tape. But to prevent unnecessary work on making tags, it is enough to initially choose the right insulation color, choosing a cable of sufficient length for your needs.

Sometimes an electrician at work has to deal with not very pleasant situations when the wiring has already been done, and neither the connections in the panel nor the wires are marked, in this case the person has to waste time and, using a probe, identify “phase”, “zero”, and "grounding".

However, you should always remember that even if it is not possible to purchase a wire of the desired color, you can, of course, use a wire of any color, but then you must definitely mark the ends of the wires with at least colored heat shrink or colored electrical tape. And always remember to be careful when installing electrical wiring and always follow safety precautions.

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