DIY fan: how to make a homemade powerful fan. main parameters and properties of fans (130 photos)

The question is trivial. First, we recommend determining where to install your homemade fan. Two types of engines dominate in technology: commutator (historically the first), asynchronous (invented by Nikola Tesla). The first ones make a lot of noise, switching sections causes a spark, the brushes rub, causing noise. An asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage rotor is quieter and generates less interference. You will find the start-up protection relay in the refrigerator. By adding a couple of phrases of humorous phrases, we will return the seriousness of the site. How to make a fan with your own hands without scaring your family. Let's try to answer.


We cut out the connector on the USB cable that we don’t need.


Carefully remove approximately 3 cm of outer insulation from the cord so as not to damage the wires located inside. Usually, with a fairly sharp knife, apply slight pressure, around the wire and then pull out the cut part.

Under the insulation there are usually just 4 wires

In my case, the wire is shielded and in addition to 4 wires there is also foil and the screen itself, but this is not important

We cut off everything unnecessary, leaving only the red and black wires

And carefully strip the remaining wires by approximately 1 - 1.5 cm.


We cut off the connector from the fan.

In my case, the fan is without a sensor, so there are only 2 wires, but if the fan is with a speed sensor, then there may be 3 wires (a yellow one is added) or 4 wires if the fan is controlled, as a rule these are processor fans

It doesn’t matter how many wires you have, but if there are more than 2 of them, then just like with the USB cord, we leave only red and black (if there is no red, then yellow and black.), we bite off the rest a couple of centimeters at a time

), we bite off the rest a couple of centimeters.

And carefully strip the wires from the fan in the same way as on the USB cable, by 1 - 1.5 cm.

Twist the black and red wires together. DON'T BE CONFUSED! BLACK SEPARATELY! RED SEPARATELY!

Why does everyone put fans in the toilet or how we decided to make a smart fan, a DIY story

Most users believe that a fan in the bathroom is only needed to refresh the room itself (when visiting the toilet or after taking a shower or bath). But this is fundamentally wrong. Below you will find out why. This article is about how ventilation in apartments should work in accordance with modern standards, what place in this work is given to fans in the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen. You will also learn why you should make a fan smart and how it will help refresh the entire apartment. And how we are trying to do something more from DIY.

How should ventilation work in 99% of our apartments? And in the remaining 1%.

The ventilation system in the vast majority of cases is organized as a natural influx and natural exhaust, in accordance with SP 60.13330.2016 HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING, this means that the supply air must enter the rooms through the enclosing structures (window leaks, window micro-ventilation mode or supply air valves) into the room and displace polluted air into dirty areas: kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, in general, where there are exhaust ducts. The diagram is below.

Another alternative to ventilation is the use of breathers, ventilation units, recuperators; this is written about in our first article on Habr “...About modern ventilation”. This is a good solution if you are satisfied with the price.

The vast majority of ventilation systems in our homes operate on the principle of natural ventilation, which means stable operation only during the cold season and, as a rule, on the lower floors. More details about this are written in the article “How ventilation systems work”

Three factors for proper operation of natural ventilation:

  1. Air flow through enclosing structures (leaks and cracks, micro-ventilation mode for windows, supply valves and breathers).
  2. Unhindered passage of air from the window to the exhaust duct: organized either by sawing the canvas by 15-20 mm or by installing a flow grille in the doors.
  3. Removal of polluted air through exhaust ducts all year round.

This is how ventilation systems work not only here, but also among Europeans. For example, air flow through supply valves and removal through exhaust ducts is organized in Germany, France, England, Poland, Finland and Scandinavian countries (which is supported by law).

The operation of natural ventilation systems depends on draft. What is it and why.

Fresh air must enter through a window, leaks or supply valves, passing through the room, fresh air displaces polluted air and it is removed through exhaust ducts. This is how we get fresh air in the apartment and emit polluted air into the environment (CO2, dust, volatile organic substances, chemicals from finishing materials and furniture, etc.)

For ventilation to work according to this principle, a ventilation draft is necessary (a driving force that pushes air out into the street), but it appears only in the cold season, when a temperature difference appears inside the apartment and outside, since the movement occurs due to the difference in air density in the apartment and on the street. So, in accordance with the joint venture “Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning,” ventilation systems are designed for outdoor air temperatures not exceeding 5 C.

This is similar to the movement of a hot air balloon that is heated with a burner.

If there is no burner, then the ball does not fly; if it is warm outside, then the ventilation, alas, does not work.

Ventilation draft according to Archimedes' law depends on the difference in air densities in the apartment and on the street (which depend on the air temperature in both places) and on the height of the ventilation shaft. Therefore, when the height of the shaft on the top floors is small, the ventilation does not work even in winter due to the lack of ventilation draft.

Thus, the operation of your entire air exchange depends on the presence of natural ventilation draft in the house.

To ensure stable operation of ventilation, exhaust fans are used; these are installed in apartment buildings on the roof or in residents’ bathrooms. Unfortunately, central roof exhaust fans are still a rarity even in large cities.

Why do you need to use a fan to operate the ventilation system?

You need to be able to control your ventilation system. That is why exhaust fans solve the problem of the presence of ventilation draft and allow you to ventilate the entire apartment.

In Europe, this is a fairly common occurrence when an exhaust fan is installed in an apartment or house and it is responsible for the ventilation. Those. the fan works constantly, and not as we are used to only when we visit the bathroom.

Practice in our country says that we put a fan in the bathroom to turn it on (usually by a separate switch key or together with the light) when we use the toilet or bathroom, which is fundamentally wrong, since we need an influx of fresh air and removal polluted air all the time, and not just when we go to the toilet.

In addition to this, a switched-off fan can create additional resistance to air movement, which also impairs the performance of ventilation.

What people usually don't know is that this fan can improve the climate in the entire apartment if left on. The actual performance of household fans connected to a network of air ducts ranges from 30 to 50 m3/h. Which is below the ventilation standards for the entire apartment, at least 110 m3/h. Therefore, it must always work when we want the ventilation to work.

It should be noted that a household fan cannot turn over the entire ventilation and drive air to the neighbors along the riser. Household axial fans have a fairly low pressure in the range of 10-30 Pa and this pressure is barely enough to push air into the shaft. But if we are talking about a centrifugal fan, then the pressure can be about 100-300 Pa and in this case all the neighbors will feel what is happening in your home and what you are cooking. In systems not designed for such powerful fans, it is not correct to install them. If we are talking about single-family houses, then this may be a good option.

Here is a review of the operation of ventilation in a German hotel according to this scheme by a well-known blogger in his circles:

Thus, for proper operation of the ventilation system you need:

  • use exhaust fans all year round to create pressure,
  • Additionally, do not forget about the air flow.

Modern air flow will be discussed in the next article. Let's introduce an interesting special supply device of a new type.

Regular or smart fan, what's the difference?

For continuous operation of ventilation on demand (based on the presence of a person), you can use ordinary fans and turn them on only when you are at home, when you need the ventilation to work - for example, with a separate light switch. Or use automatic fans that can independently determine the need for ventilation using air sensors.

An example of ordinary fans (don’t forget Google or Yandex):

  1. Example Russia
  2. Example Europe

There are still few automatic fans on the market, for example:

  1. Household RF fan
  2. Fan Europe
  3. Cottage fan

In the case of using automatic fans with air quality sensors, the fan monitors the air being removed and, if it deteriorates, begins to work more intensely. And as air quality improves, it reduces its productivity. Reasonable and economical. This is shown schematically in the figure below.

For example, if there are a lot of people in your apartment and the air quality requires ventilation, the exhaust fan will “see” this and will be able to intensify the ventilation.

And if you leave the apartment, the air in the exhaust hood becomes fresh and you can minimize the ventilation operation or turn it off completely. The draft will decrease, and you will not drive and heat excess air.

This solution provides a number of advantages:

  1. Ventilation automation – you don’t need to monitor the ventilation, it itself determines when it needs to work.
  2. The noise from the fan is localized in the bathroom or bathroom; the presence of a door always screens out the noise. This solution is quieter than a breather (with this solution the fan is located in the room).
  3. It is energy efficient, since heating street air in modern homes accounts for up to 40-50% of heating costs, it is rational to reduce the volume of ventilation when it is not in demand.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​making a toilet fan smart?
Puzzled by the operation of ventilation in my new building, or rather by its absence, I began to figure out how it should work.

Everything turned out to be simple, as written above, serve fresh and remove contaminated ones.

I decided to supply air through the supply valve, since I didn’t like running around opening and closing the window. And most importantly, how do you understand that you have opened the window enough and now the air is fresh? If you open it a lot, then you feel sorry for the heat and cold; if you open it a little, you wonder what your child is breathing, because there are so many pollutants everywhere, such as: high levels of CO2, phenols from furniture, radon from the walls and basement, and many other incomprehensible things.

After installing the valves in the winter, when there was ventilation draft, I was very pleased. The house is always fresh, but my wife stopped opening the window when she went for a walk with the child. There is no noise from the street, and there is essentially no need to control the work.

But then the warm season came and the house became stale again. It turned out that everything stopped working, since the old Soviet standards do not promise ventilation above 5C. This, by the way, is all due to the fact that the Chinese and Italians did not make household fans at that time, and we ourselves could not, since we were working in space (just kidding).

After understanding the essence of the problem, I installed a household fan and life got better again until the cold weather arrived, when ventilation draft appeared. Then, together with the running fan, they began to mercilessly suck the heat out of my apartment.

I’m not a greedy person, I understand that it will be good to warm the street, as summer will come faster. But it’s a pity to increase the level of CO2 on the planet in this way.

So I thought, how can a fan understand that there are people at home?

It turned out that this is quite simple to organize using an air quality sensor.

Here, by the way, is an interesting anecdote illustrating how this works from a famous blogger in the construction industry - video anecdote (48 seconds).

History of the fan, how it was made and what it consists of

The first prototype was harsh, made from a cooler and American Stealth technology (Papier-mâché), see below.

I liked the idea, but how to make a small series?

Based on the analysis of the operation of the first prototype, it was decided to use the following sensors to determine operating modes:

  • light sensor,
  • temperature/humidity sensor SHT30 or HTU21,
  • air quality sensor type ccs-811 or sgp40,

They decided to install the air quality sensor with MOX, since more advanced NDIRs have a larger size and price. The selected MOX sensor measures VOC and CO2 equivalent concentration, we decided this was the best option. Since there is a lot of organic matter in dirty areas, you also need to understand the CO2 level.

Although we understand that the best solution would be an NDIR and VOC sensor, it is still expensive and probably too early.

The operation of the device needs to be configured from a smartphone, since it is no longer modern in any other way, which means we add software development for a smartphone and some kind of interface for interaction. At the moment, the phone program is made in Xamarin; this platform has admirers and critics. I haven’t really liked the Hamarin platform itself yet, but perhaps it’s all about the intricacies of programming, and not about the Platform itself.

It is recommended to take further steps using Flutter, since it is a modern, dynamically developing and multi-platform development environment like Xamarin. So we want to redesign the current application and develop new ones for other devices using Flutter. But it feels like there are even fewer specialists working on Flutter and it’s harder to find. Share in the comments is this true?

To control the speed of the fan in different operating modes, it was decided to make a triac control; it differs from a conventional dimer in the presence of a zero-crossing sensor. We didn’t struggle with this little detail for long; we adjusted the speed using the anemometer.

In general, to control fan performance, it is better to use DC fans with PWM control, which improves the quality of regulation and energy efficiency. Although it is easier to manage modern DC coolers, making a complete device is more difficult due to the greater amount of work on the case and the additional power supply.

It was decided to make the next prototype based on an existing fan, they found one, but as a result, not everything was to their liking, an example is below.

They tried to make this prototype on ESP32 and on BLE nrf52 from Nordic, they tried to use a factory switching power supply and a homemade capacitor one without galvanic isolation, like in a Redmond socket, see the article on Habré.

As a result, we settled on the nrf52 Nordic microcontroller, since it was more difficult to do on the ESP32 due to the need to develop a server part, and the web interface was not satisfactory. The second reason for using the nrf52 was to develop another battery-powered Nordic device.

Anyone who has experience with ESP32 and the server part, please write in the comments, is it difficult to do all this?

Experiments with capacitor units led to an explosion and were stopped). Now everything is only with galvanic isolation!

As a result, the prototype in this case was abandoned, although it was beautiful and covered with an aesthetic front panel. They refused primarily because of the high cost of the donor, and also the light sensor did not see any light. And light is also one of the main indicators of the use of dark rooms; there are almost no windows in the toilets of new buildings, since this is a very secluded place.

We decided to do the same thing in a more budget-friendly package, an example of prototype No. 2 is below.

Prototype No. 2 worked well and the donor was happy with the cost. The work was tested by testers.

In general, everything was satisfactory, but some did not like the noise level of the fan impeller, and they also had suggestions on the design of the device. Personally, I was surprised by the design comments and frankly upset by the noise level...

Prototype No. 2 has the following features:

  • operating mode for sensors both individually and together: air quality (VOC+eCO2), temperature, humidity, light,
  • manual operation settings for any of the sensors, or simply operation at a constant speed,
  • setting operating modes from a smartphone through the application.

Short review, prototype 2.

Summing up the work and all the wishes for eliminating errors, we made a third prototype, which already has a good impeller, quiet in operation, below are two prototypes and the sample that we came up with, the evolution is reflected from left to right.

Now the fan consists of 4 parts: a base with a fan, an electronic control board with Bluetooth for connecting to a smartphone (Android for now), a fan cover, which we make individually, and a front panel. The front panel is attached with magnets. All sensors are located on the left side of the board, you can see them in the photo below.

A test batch was delivered through friends and old clients, and we are now testing the market.

The bottleneck of prototype No. 3 was the body, which had to be manufactured using small-scale plastic injection technology. For now we decided to make the cases ourselves using silicone casting.

At the same time, we had to fill a lot of bumps and 60% of the caps were scrapped. But now we have begun to understand something about the technology of silicone casting itself, I hope that this will add pluses to our karma.

It would be nice to write an article about silicone casting. There is so much advertising information that, succumbing to beautiful promises, we even purchased a degassing chamber, but for test samples it is quite possible to do without it. However, they usually don’t write about this because they are afraid to reveal secrets.

We want to make the next lids by injection molding on aluminum molds, since real steel ones cost at least 15 thousand green. There are not many companies on the market that work with aluminum molds and I haven’t found any real reviews. If anyone has encountered aluminum molds, write in the comments, we will discuss in more detail. Mostly steel is made in China.

In total we have:

  1. A fan that can work both separately for each type of sensor: humidity, light, air quality, and in Smart mode for all three sensors at once.
  2. Convenient interface for setting operating modes. For now, only for Android.
  3. Beautiful design with panels of different colors (on request, we can make custom ones).
  4. Quiet operation due to a high-quality and good impeller.

A video review of a real device looks like this

In the current version the fan has:

Manual operating modes for setting up operation for individual sensors:

1. By speed - select the desired speed

2. By humidity – works according to the humidity setting

3. By illumination - works by turning on the light

4. By air quality – select air quality as the setting

There is a separate Smart mode (that's what we called it).

Smart works using all sensors, using a special algorithm with individual settings. In this mode, the fan independently monitors the average humidity and will only turn on when it is exceeded. At the same time, human presence and activity is tracked quite well, since humidity, light and air say a lot.

Here is an example screenshot of a program with operating modes.

What do we want to add to the fan?

During tests, many users asked for remote control via the Internet. Do you think it is necessary or not?

I believe that this fan should be adjusted once in a lifetime and you should forget about it, it should work on its own! But everyone likes to be in control and therefore wants remote control. Since developing a device with the ability to connect to the Internet is more difficult due to the server part and a full-fledged application, there are plans to make a WI-FI system the second stage.


The team issue is very important, since the success of any project depends on it. Outsourcing and hiring freelance developers is quite dangerous for a startup, as it burns up a lot of financial and time resources (you have to redo everything several times, in addition, you always need a clear technical specification). But making a good technical specification at an early stage is also a separate task, since if you develop a product yourself and do not copy, then this is an iterative path. And for every step you have to pay. Therefore, many mistakes were made.

The most correct point about the team would be the idea that you need to look for like-minded people, without them it is difficult to do anything worthwhile.

If anyone knows how to find like-minded people, write. We are looking!

As a result, such a project required the skills of a circuit designer, a programmer, a software developer for smartphones, a designer and a manager.

We have planned a series of devices: an automatic fan, a supply unit, a climate control station, control of heating thermostats from a climate control station.

This is a lot of work and if you are interested in the topic of climate and climate control, write to the group, new ideas are always welcome.

Future plans

They say there is no need to advertise, but we will. By writing this here, we will strive not to give up and move point by point without losing sight of the guidelines.


  1. Make a fan not only D100 mm, but also D120 mm.
  2. Make a fan with WI-FI.
  3. To complete the development of an air supply device for enclosing structures; tests are currently underway. The device will be responsible for the flow of air, the cost will be lower than that of the breather and, most importantly, it has a much simpler installation.

After completing these steps, we want to launch a smart control station using a CO2 sensor. This station must control both ventilation and heating.

The next article is planned about the air supply device, which is presented above; now it is being tested and refined. Since the harsh winter of 2020/21 showed some flaws in the design.

Who is interested in the topic of climate control, write and join us in the GreenVent telegram group, we welcome both criticism and new ideas.

The main thing is that you are not indifferent!

USB fans: features

Such a model will not be easy to make. This is an excellent option for individual cooling when working on a computer. Such a device is obtained with sufficient power, and the energy consumption is not much more. To construct this design you will need:

  • a couple of CDs for the computer;
  • cord with USB plug;
  • wires;
  • an old motor, the kind usually installed on children's toys;
  • wine stopper;
  • cylindrical cardboard;
  • glue and scissors.

First of all, the disk is cut into blades. The power of the air flow depends on the presence of blades; the more there are, the stronger the blowing will be, but the segments themselves should not be small.

Only one disc is cut, the second will be used as a stand.

They should be turned in one direction. When the disk with blades is ready, a plug is inserted into its center and a hole is made in it.

In order to make the wire usable, the outer winding is removed from one end of the USB cord, under which there are 4 wires. The paired ones can be separated, connected to the motor and insulated.

When working at a computer in the summer, or just on vacation, sometimes you want a gentle breeze, “local” coolness. The air flow of an office air conditioner doesn't create the sweet comfort of a gentle, directional blast that a mini fan provides. It is very easy to make such a device with your own hands.

Making a USB fan at home with your own hands

Summer has arrived, which means heat, heat and an eternal lack of coolness.
But this problem can be fixed, and quite easily. You just need a few details and a little free time to make your life easier with your own hands, to fill it with the light coolness that you will certainly get by making a USB fan at home. Of course, you can go and buy a fan in a store, but how nice it will be to sit next to the same computer, and a light breeze from the USB fan you created will blow on you. And a thing created with your own hands always pleases not only the eye, but also develops self-love. We invite you to watch a video of a homemade USB fan:

Tools for usb fan:

— A regular CD (not necessarily new); — The tube of silicone glue is empty; — Wooden block; — Mini disk; — USB cord; — Motor; — Holder; — Adapter; — Silicone glue gun.

You need to make three holes in the tube, one in the lid and two on the sides. Holes can be easily made using a regular nail, which must first be heated.

It is also necessary to make a slot or recess in the wooden block. This can be easily done using sandpaper.

The mini disk easily turns into a propeller. To do this, you need to draw it into uniform blades, then heat a stationery knife and cut along pre-drawn lines. And after that, we heat the base of each blade with a lighter and, using our hands, bend each blade a little to make a propeller.

We take the motor, holder and adapter from a non-working CD drive.

Now let's start assembling the USB fan.

Heat up the glue gun. Lubricate the holder along the axis with silicone glue from a glue gun. The propeller must be firmly seated on this glue. Press on all sides. Then, on the other side of the holder, add a drop of glue and glue the adapter. We wait until the glue dries well. This usually only takes a couple of minutes.

Now take a tube of silicone glue, remove the lid and coat the inside with silicone glue. And we insert the motor inside so that the part that we will connect sticks out of the hole that we originally made.

Then we insert the USB cord into the side hole of the glue tube and connect the ends of the wires to the motor.

You need to pour silicone glue into the recess in the wooden block, and place the wire from the USB cord tightly there, and glue the tube itself with the motor inside to the base of the block. And on the other side of the block we glue the CD with silicone glue.

Now the propeller needs to be placed on the side of the adapter glued to it onto the sharp edge of the motor, which sticks out of the hole in the tube from under the glue.

And finally, our USB fan can be plugged into the network and get that long-awaited coolness.

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Idea No. 1 – Use a cooler

As a rule, it will take no more than 15 minutes to assemble a USB fan from a cooler. First you need to prepare the cooler. There are two wires coming out of the device - black and red. Strip the insulation to 10 mm and set the prepared element aside.

Next you need to prepare the USB cable. Cut off one half of it and peel off the insulation at the cut point. Under it you will see four contacts, of which two are necessary: ​​red and black. You also clean them, but it’s better to cut off the other two (usually green and white) so that they don’t get in the way.

Now, as you understand, you need to connect the prepared contacts in pairs, according to: red to red, black to black. After this, you need to carefully insulate the cable connections and make a stand. As for the stand, it’s a matter of your imagination. Some successfully use wire, some very interestingly cut out a seat in a cardboard box.

In the end, the homemade mini fan is connected to the computer, and you can enjoy the operation of your own electrical appliance.

Cooler idea

Method number 1 - laptop stand from an old cooler

The most difficult part will be making the case. Depending on the weight of the device, you will need appropriate material. For example, thin plastic can break under the weight of a heavy laptop; a netbook is much lighter, so a plastic stand is also suitable for it.

The entire manufacturing process of a USB fan will not take much time and will consist of the following steps:

  • Place the cooler itself on the back side of a plastic or wooden structure and mark the mounting points with a pencil or self-tapping screw;
  • Step back from the intended mounting points and cut a hole for the fan using a knife or jigsaw;
  • Using self-tapping screws or bolts, attach the USB fan to the case; Rice. 1: Screw on the USB fan
  • To ensure normal placement on the table, glue or screw the legs to the stand (either four in the corners or two solid ones on opposite edges will do); their height should be greater than the thickness of the USB fan;
  • Cut off the unnecessary end from the USB cord, in its place you will find four wires, two of them you will need for power, usually red and black, and the second two must be cut so as not to interfere; Rice. 2: from USB take the red and black wire
  • Trim the insulation from the edges of the red and black cores by approximately 10 - 20 mm;
  • If the cooler output remains in the form of a terminal, insert the ends from the USB wire into it, otherwise the wires from the fan need to be stripped, like the cord;

    Rice. 3: strip the cooler wires

  • To do this, cut the motor power wires and remove the outer insulation from them by 10 - 20 mm, connect them to the power cord terminals, solder and insulate.

This homemade USB fan is ready to be used as a cooling pad for your laptop. Please note that it is better to hide the place where the wires are spliced ​​under the body and glue it with electrical tape or glue so that the wires do not dangle from vibration. The USB fan itself can be powered either from the device connector or from an outlet through an adapter.

Deciding on the cooler pinout

When choosing a cooler, you need to pay attention to some nuances. One of them is the pinout (diagram) of contacts

The bottom line is that the computer always has a 4-pin connector to connect the cooler. But there are coolers:

  • 2-pin (2-pin);
  • 3-pin;
  • 4-pin.

Let's look at how to connect a cooler to a computer's power supply.

  1. The main two wires that are present in any pinout are + (voltage) and – (ground). The disadvantage of two-pin coolers is the inability to regulate the fan speed without additional equipment.
  2. Now let's figure out how to connect a three-pin cooler.

Such devices, in addition to the main connectors, are equipped with a third one, which sends a signal about the speed of rotation of the fan blades to the motherboard. Compared to a 2-pin, the speed of a 3-pin cooler can be monitored and adjusted using software.

To connect such coolers you need to use an adapter or leave additional connectors unused.

  1. Cooler with 4 wires. An additional wire sends a signal to the motherboard, which, through it, can control the fan speed.
  2. A fairly common four-pin Molex connector.

It has 2 voltage connectors - 12 and 5 V - and two corresponding ground connections. Such connectors make it possible to change the voltage on the cooler, thereby adjusting the fan speed. If 12 V is a lot and 5 is not enough, you can connect to the voltage connectors in reverse and get 7 V at the output.

Homemade gas heater

The main advantage of this model is that its production requires a minimum of parts, which can always be found in the household of any craftsman.

Preparation of materials and components

To make a gas heater for the garage, you need to prepare in advance:

  • burner with valve;
  • tin sheet;
  • metal scissors;
  • drill with a thin drill bit;
  • rivets;
  • riveter.

To make the grille, you will need a piece of fine-mesh metal mesh. It’s great if you have a regular wire colander sieve on hand, it will act as a protective grid.

Collet cylinders are convenient because when using them, you don’t have to use up all the contents at once. The presence of shut-off valves allows the devices to be used repeatedly.

If desired, the heating structure can be made using not only disposable cans used for refilling lighters, but also using a small refilled cylinder.

Cutting blanks and assembling the structure

When making the structure, the first thing to do is fix the heater to the burner.

Four rectangular ears are added in the direction of the four sides of the workpiece applied to the galvanized sheet. One of the ears should be made twice as long as the others. The blanks are cut along the intended contour, trying to make smooth, burr-free cuts.

The burner is screwed to the cut-out tin blank using bolts. The ears located on four sides of the workpiece are bent in the opposite direction and used to fix the strainer.

To attach the second protective mesh, take another piece of sheet metal and cut out a circle of exactly the same size from it. Elongated ears are added to the workpiece, necessary for attaching the mesh.

Stepping back half a centimeter from the edge of the circle, drill 10 through holes along the circumference. A strip is cut from a piece of fine-mesh metal mesh, the length of which corresponds to the diameter of the cut tin blank.

The bent ears of round tin blanks are fixed to opposite sides of the mesh strip using a riveter and rivets. When assembled, you should get a cylinder with mesh walls and tin ends.

At the final stage, all that remains is to turn on the gas water heater and check its performance. The heat produced by this small device is enough to heat a small room or garage.

Design and types of fan heaters

To preliminarily estimate the amount of work and select the materials necessary for assembly, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the design of a factory-assembled fan heater. The elements present in the design of all models are:

  • Protective housing made of plastic or metal.
  • Electric motor.
  • Impeller with blades.
  • A heating element.
  • Protective grille.
  • Adjustment and control elements.

Depending on the chosen design and purpose of the device, additional components are selected. You can make almost all types of electric heaters with your own hands. For domestic needs, you can make a mini heat gun with your own hands to warm up and dry the room, a do-it-yourself electric fireplace will allow you to realize your own design ideas and give the room a cozy atmosphere, and a ducted air heater is built into the supply ventilation or air conditioning system.

Disc fan

If the previous option does not suit you, and you want something more complex, then consider creating a fan yourself from computer disks:

  1. Engine.

Since we don’t use a cooler, we need to get some kind of motor that drives the blades of our future device. In fact, you can also use the motor of the already mentioned cooler of the cooling system, but this is too simple.

You should find or buy a motor with a specific part that moves (for example, a protruding iron rod). Since we are making a fan from disks, having such a rod would be the best option. Motors from an old VCR or player are also perfect, because they spin discs and cassettes - just what we need for the spinning propeller in our fan.

You should not use a motor from a washing machine or even an old fan - they are extremely strong. Due to the self-assembly of the structure, it will be very flimsy. In the very first seconds, a strong motor will scatter fragments of blades throughout the room and fly off the base.

If there is a running motor, it must be secured with wires in the previously mentioned form.

  1. Blades.

Having a running engine in hand, you need to concentrate on the disks, which are the main components of our fan. First of all, cut one into 8 equal parts:

To avoid mistakes during the procedure, you can first mark the disc with a pencil. It is best to use a soldering iron (there will be no sharp edges, it is safer), but regular scissors will also work.

Afterwards, the disk should be slightly heated with a lighter so that the material becomes more pliable, and the wings should be bent in the manner of blades, like conventional fans:

You can do exactly the same with a regular plastic bottle:

You need to insert a wooden bottle cap into the center of our propeller. If the size is too big, it can be planed.

  1. The remaining parts.

You can use a regular toilet paper roll as a center holding the entire structure:

It should be secured in the center of the second disk, which will act as a foundation for the fan. You can place half of the second bushing on top, as seen in the photo, so that the motor is inside it. You need to hang the blades from the disk/bottle on it.

The fan is ready for operation. If desired, you can add decorative elements to make the device look more presentable.

You can see clearly how such a fan is made from a bottle in this video.

How to make a fan: recommendations

To make a fan yourself, you need to purchase a model of a kitchen or bathroom fan, the one that is mounted to the hood. The box from under it will also come in handy, and you will also need:

  • scissors;
  • net;
  • glue or tape.

Fan installation diagram.

The structure will be powered from the network, but will consume little electricity. To begin with, take a box and make a through hole in it. The design of the fan for cylindrical hoods will also be the basis for the shape of the hole.

Subsequently, a fan will be installed in this hole. The hole is cut with a smaller diameter than the structure itself in order to make it more stable and safe. An opening is made on the side of the bottom of the box to allow the cord to exit. To prevent the fan from dangling in the box, you can place cardboard scraps in it and secure it with electrical tape. For safety, a protective mesh is installed on the front part where the blades are located. The denser the mesh in the mesh, the less likely it is to get caught by the blades. Making a homemade fan does not require much expense, and if you decorate the box, you can get an additional element of interior design.

Wind blower without engine

How to make a mini-fan at home without a motor? A very popular option is to create a device using small neodymium magnets.

Take the cooler from the computer and separate 4 transformer coils from its body. Instead of copper windings, you need to install and secure the same number of pieces of magnet. Usually they buy neodyms in the form of half-arcs or remove them from an unusable hard drive. The magnets are placed exactly in the places where the transformer windings were removed, that is, along the perimeter of the cooler frame.

As soon as the last piece is secured, the mini fan will begin to rotate. Using permanent magnet technology, it is possible to assemble an almost perpetual motion machine. To stop it, one of the neodymium pieces that replaced the coil is removed from the circuit.

The field of the magnets must be equal in strength to the field of the disconnected coils, otherwise the propeller will not be able to rotate in a constant, stable manner. The poles are placed diagonally, alternating plus and minus.

What if none of the above methods work and you don't have enough time or parts to make your own fan? In this case, you will have to use a regular factory product.

Wind blower without engine

How to make a mini-fan at home without a motor? A very popular option is to create a device using small neodymium magnets.

Take the cooler from the computer and separate 4 transformer coils from its body. Instead of copper windings, you need to install and secure the same number of pieces of magnet. Usually they buy neodyms in the form of half-arcs or remove them from an unusable hard drive. The magnets are placed exactly in the places where the transformer windings were removed, that is, along the perimeter of the cooler frame.

As soon as the last piece is secured, the mini fan will begin to rotate. Using permanent magnet technology, it is possible to assemble an almost perpetual motion machine. To stop it, one of the neodymium pieces that replaced the coil is removed from the circuit.

The field of the magnets must be equal in strength to the field of the disconnected coils, otherwise the propeller will not be able to rotate in a constant, stable manner. The poles are placed diagonally, alternating plus and minus.

What if none of the above methods work and you don't have enough time or parts to make your own fan? In this case, you will have to use a regular factory product.

Necessary materials and equipment

The propeller can be made from an old disk.
Since all air coolers have almost the same design, the kit for making them will be standard.

To make a compact and silent fan at home you will need:

  • ruler, square, pencil;
  • soldering iron;
  • tape, scissors, stationery knife;
  • motor 220 or 12 V;
  • cable with corresponding plug;
  • thermal glue;
  • Styrofoam;
  • CDs;
  • wine stopper made of natural material;
  • cardboard sleeve and box;
  • insulating tape;
  • hair dryer, candle or lighter.

To ensure safe work, you should wear safety glasses and construction gloves. When handling a soldering iron, ensure good ventilation.

Idea No. 2 – Use a motor

In order to make a USB fan from a motor and a CD, it will take a little more time, but you can still easily make such an electrical device with your own hands in an hour. A motor for such a homemade product should be chosen with an operating voltage of approximately 5 Volts, maybe a little more. If you take the motor to a lower voltage, too much current will flow through the circuit and the motor will quickly fail.

First, we prepare all the elements of the device. In this case, you will need to make an impeller (blades).

To do this, we recommend using an ordinary CD. We draw it into 8 equal parts and carefully cut it with good scissors, almost reaching the center. Next, we heat the disk (it’s convenient to do this with a lighter), and when the plastic becomes more elastic, we bend the blades at an equal angle (as shown in the photo).

If the impeller is not bent enough, then no air flow will be created during the rotation of the disk. However, if you overdo it, the homemade product will also work poorly and unstable.

When the blades are ready, move on to creating the main mechanism. Inside the disk you need to insert an ordinary champagne cork, cut to the required size, which must be placed on the motor shaft. Next, we move on to creating a USB fan stand for a laptop.

Here, as in the previous version, everything depends on your imagination. Of all the available means, the option with wire is the most suitable. When the homemade USB fan is ready, we connect the motor wires to the USB cord wires, as in the previous version, carefully isolate the twist and proceed to testing.

If you don’t have air conditioning or even a household fan at home, and the summer heat doesn’t allow you to live normally, you can use your wits and use old computer parts. Any craftsman can assemble a fan from a cooler, fortunately, the materials for construction are always at hand, and in every home or office you can fish out something useful from computer trash.

Method No. 2 - Making a desktop USB fan

Any motor powered by a voltage of 5 V is suitable for this purpose. The most common option is motors from children's toys. Therefore, we will look at an example of making a USB fan from a machine motor.

To make it, do the following:

  • Remove the engine from the toy and remove all unnecessary parts from it. You should only have the motor itself with a free shaft and two terminals.
  • For the electric drive of the future USB fan, make a housing from any available material. The most suitable are plastic bottles for deodorants or yogurt, wooden boxes, and regular cardboard is also suitable.
  • To power the USB fan, cut the cord as in the previous case. Leave and strip the insulation from the red and black wires. Rice. 4: cut the USB cable
  • Install the motor in a plastic bottle and bring out the power wires through the self-made holes. Then secure it in the body with glue or plasticine.

    Rice. 5: insert the motor into the plastic bottle

  • Connect the terminals of the electric drive and the USB cord using a soldering iron, and wrap the soldering points with electrical tape. Rice. 6: Connect the motor to the USB cable
  • Make blades for a USB fan from a laser disk. To do this, heat the blade of a utility knife and make cuts from the edge of the disk to the center, without cutting all the way through. Rice. 7: cut the CD disc
  • Heat each blade under the open flame of a gas stove or lighter and twist slightly. Rice. 8: Heat and bend the blades

Repeat the same procedure with all the blades so that when rotating it can force air flow:

  • Insert a plastic sleeve into the center of the hole in the resulting disk, the diameter of which can fit onto the electric drive shaft. If there is nothing suitable, you can cut off a solid piece and make a hole in it for the shaft.
  • Secure this sleeve into the disc hole using silicone sealant or heat shrink adhesive. Although the structure does not have much mass, it is better to glue it around the entire circumference. But do not be overzealous with the amount of adhesive, since the engine is not designed for a large mass of the working element.
  • Install the USB fan impeller onto the shaft. For this you can use the same glue or sealant. The main requirement is to securely fix them so that the parts do not fall apart during operation.

    Rice. 9: Glue the impeller onto the shaft

  • Make a leg for a USB fan. For such a leg, you can take another plastic bottle or a wooden block. Their main task is not only to withstand the weight of the device, but also to hide the power wire. Rice. 10: Make a fan leg
  • Secure the USB fan with impeller to the leg using glue or sealant. Place the other end of the leg on a stand made from an old CD and glue it; in this place you don’t have to save the adhesive. Since it is important to achieve maximum strength. Rice. 11: Attach the fan to the leg


A video card is almost a full-fledged “computer within a computer” with its own subsystems and operating modes.
Therefore, developers from TECHPOWERUP have developed a separate program for checking a computer’s video system - GPU-Z. Its basic principles are the same as those of CPU-Z - complete information content and ease of use. It is available online for free use. GPU-Z is an indispensable and necessary tool for anyone who is interested in what their computer consists of. The utility will report to you about all parameters of the video core, video memory and power subsystem, right down to the device identification code and BIOS version. In addition, GPU-Z scans the current readings of the temperature and frequency of the chip, the frequency of memory chips, the rotation speed of the cooling fan, the load and voltage on the core, etc. All these values ​​are recorded at the owner’s request in a text file or screenshot.

The utility has earned special recognition for its ability to detect “fake” video cards that do not meet the specifications stated in the BIOS. Near the name of such a card you will notice the status “”, and an exclamation mark will appear instead of the vendor’s image.


  • a full report on the characteristics of the video card and its current condition;
  • simple interface shell;
  • saving the report as a document or screenshot;
  • ability to send a problem report;
  • a large website database for checking your adapter and comparing it with similar cards;
  • does not require payment.


  • the interface is not fully translated into Russian;
  • no built-in stress or performance tests;

Cooler fan

This is the easiest way to make a home fan. To make it we will need a cooler from an old computer. This part itself is already operational; all we have to do is connect it to the wire correctly.

If the future fan will be located in close proximity to the computer, then a standard USB cable will be suitable as a wire. We cut off the unnecessary edge of the cord with a small connector and strip the wires. We clean the wires at the cooler in the same way.

Sometimes there are more than two wires in the cooler and USB cable, remember, we need the black and red color of two wires in one and the other element. We don't need the rest.

After stripping, we connect the red wire to the red, the black to the black, the connections must be properly insulated. After insulation, the fan is already fully functional; all that remains is to come up with an original stand for it to suit your taste and glue it to the cooler. All! The device is ready!

What do you need to make a USB fan?

To do this, you will need any unnecessary electric drive, the most relevant is an old cooler. Since it already has blades and is powered by a nominal voltage of 5V received from the USB connector. Also suitable for this role is a motor from a children’s toy, which can be powered from the same 5V. From these two devices you can make both a forced cooling system and a mini-fan.

In addition to the engine you will need:

  • Stationery knife and jigsaw;
  • Old cord with USB connector;
  • Electrical tape, bolts or screws, glue and devices for its use;
  • Soldering iron with solder;
  • Plywood or plastic for the body;
  • Laser discs for blades and stands.

Fan Design Considerations

Before you begin design, you need to imagine the design of a cooling-type product. Depending on their location, they can be floor, ceiling and tabletop.

Both factory and homemade fans consist of the following parts:

  • Propeller. The larger its diameter, the larger volume of air will be supplied to the object.
  • Electric motor. A product powered by a household network, adapter, batteries or rechargeable batteries can be used. The performance of the finished device is directly proportional to the motor power.
  • Stand. Here you need to show imagination and ingenuity. The stand must meet criteria such as safety, stability and presentability.
  • The wire. For a small motor, any cable left over from broken watches, lamps and other small household appliances is suitable. It is advisable to install a switch on the wire to control the device without leaving your seat. If you plan to connect a USB, an extension cord or a cord from an old mouse or keyboard will do.

The starting point for starting design and construction is finding a motor. If you have unnecessary tools, toys and kitchen appliances in your home, you can donate them. Motors from a drill, screwdriver, screwdriver, mixer, children's car, trimmer, electric razor can be used. Sometimes in an apartment you can find broken coolers from system units or laptop stands. Considering the saturation of modern housing with technology, finding a motor will not be difficult.


Now you need to think about the design of the fan unit that you made yourself. In order to assemble all the coolers together, you need to decide what shape the structure will be in. You might find it easier to fold them into a square or just line them up.

In any case, for these purposes you will need a glue gun, which is usually used to make DIY products in technical creativity or floristry circles. You can use it to glue the ribs of the coolers in the right places and let them cool. But if you don't have a gun and just have wire and tape, you can fasten the coolers through the bolt holes with wire and wrap the edges with black tape.

So, you have managed to make sure that making a simple room air blower with your own hands is simple and accessible even to a person far from technical creativity. Such simple solutions can help out in a situation where you need to keep the room cool in windless weather, but a regular fan is either broken or simply not in the house. In these cases, simple ingenuity comes to the rescue.

So, all you need to prepare is a sharp knife, electrical tape, an unnecessary USB cord and, in fact, a homemade executive body. As for the latter, it is customary to use one of two options: an old cooler from a computer or a motor from a typewriter. Next, we will look at two instructions that will clearly explain how to make a USB fan at home with your own hands!

Make a fan impeller

The question of what to make a fan from has not been resolved; the authors kept silent about the impeller. First things first, the refrigerator! The compressor is blown by an impeller. When you get the motor out, remove it. It will come in handy. As for the washing machine, put the drum on an aircraft propeller. A plastic tank can be used to make a body. Heat the bend areas with a hair dryer.

Inspect the blender and equip it with an unnecessary laser disk shaped like an impeller. You can make a fan yourself using available materials. You don't need a lot of power, and there's no point in trying too hard to fine-tune the details. We believe that readers know how to make a fan with their own hands.


The CPU-Z program can easily be called the world's most popular Windows-based system analyzer.
It provides comprehensive information about the processor, RAM and its subsystem, and graphics adapter. CPU-Z is completely free and compatible with all current versions of Windows. CPU-Z stands out among competitors due to two qualities: great depth of computer analysis and simplicity of the shell. With its help, you will learn about such parameters of your processor as the type and process technology of the chip, its heat dissipation, core voltage, revision and stepping, as well as the level and capacity of the cache. The same detailed report is available for RAM and motherboard chipset. This data is indispensable both for enthusiastic overclockers and for ordinary users who are interested in upgrading and customizing their computer. However, information about the video system is presented here in a compressed form, and the hard drive is not affected at all.

In addition to dry text display in CPU-Z, you can conduct simple stress tests of the system to check its stability under load. Test reports and PC status reports are saved as TXT and HTML documents.

The appearance of the utility is extremely simple and has not changed since the beginning of its development. Moving through the items is done through the tabs on the top panel. There is also a portable version for running from a flash drive or other media.


  • maximum information about the CPU, RAM and chipset;
  • works on a computer with any version of Windows;
  • undemanding to resources;
  • has a simple interface (including in Russian);
  • saves reports in text form;
  • free software.


  • does not display information about the status of the hard drive;
  • a meager report about the video card.
  • Does not show the temperature of system components.

How to make a fan from a regular electric motor

Probably the easiest and fastest way to acquire a homemade fan assembled with your own hands is to find a regular motor, which is most often found in toys.

Standard electric motor from a toy

Ordering such a thing is not difficult. Moreover, today, without stopping for a minute, caravans of various trinkets from the Middle Kingdom ply. And if not, then just buy an inexpensive toy car and remove the motor from it.

But you definitely shouldn’t expect the impossible from such a device. Rather, it will only be able to move air slightly. But for a desktop model it will do just fine. He will be able to blow air onto the face of someone sitting at the computer.

For such a fan you can use absolutely anything. The main parts will be:

  • blades;
  • motor;
  • on/off button;
  • stand;
  • supply system.

Otherwise, the limit of the idea will only be within the boundaries of imagination.

After the motor is ready for use, it makes sense to take care of the power supply. These could be batteries, just like in the toy for which the motor was intended. But definitely this kind of energy will not last long. However, there is a plus - the device will remain compact and portable.

The second option is mains power. But in this case you need not to overdo it. Direct connection via a plug is a sure way to burn out the motor. So you shouldn’t experiment, trying to spin the engine to high speeds. On toys, electric motors are usually designed for 3-4.5 Volts, and the desire to provide more rotation due to powerful energy sources, firstly, will quickly drain the source (if it is a battery), and secondly, will seriously reduce the life of the fan, even to the point of failure. The engine will start to heat up and the brushes may melt.

But modern chargers convert the voltage in the network, reducing it to the specified parameters. You can find a power supply, including on sale, that is ideal for the motor.

To create blades, you can take any material. The main thing is that it is light. Due to the weakness of the motor, the less the blades weigh, the faster the rotation will be, and, therefore, the efficiency of the work.

  • The easiest option is to take a cork from a regular plastic bottle, which will serve as a fastening for the blades. Make a hole in the bottle the size of the rotating axis of the electric motor.
  • The blades can be made from a regular CD. A hole the size of a bottle cap is burned in the center. The circumference of the disk is divided into 8 sectors. They are cut to some distance, but not to the center. Afterwards, the disk needs to be heated with fire to easily bend the blades. A lighter is suitable for this.

Creating blades on a CD

  • You can attach the disk to the cork with glue. The second option is when a hole is burned in the middle for the plug - immediately connect the structure. The melted plastic will harden and hold firmly.
  • After all this, the structure is connected to each other. Wire is suitable for the stand. This is perhaps the simplest option. And for such a lightweight device, you can’t imagine anything better. You can bend the frame in such a way as to hide the batteries there unnoticed. Or carefully run the power supply wire going to the motor.
  • The circuit does not have to be always closed if you use batteries, so you need to secure the button to the body. It's inexpensive. You can use it from a toy from which the motor was removed.

Another option for a propeller design is to use thick paper. The method is even simpler, but less practical.

Fan based on a plastic bottle

What our craftsmen don’t do from plastic bottles! The time has come to say that they also make a very good fan. It may not ventilate your entire room, but it will definitely help those who have to work at a computer.

We offer two options for creating such a fan model.

Option #1 - hard plastic model

To complete the work we will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters;
  • a motor from an old toy;
  • small switch;
  • Duracell battery;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • candle;
  • hammer and nail;
  • Styrofoam;
  • hot glue gun.

So, we take an ordinary 1.5 liter plastic bottle with a stopper. At the level of the label line, cut off its upper part. This is exactly what we need to make the propeller. We divide the surface of the plastic blank into six parts.

We try to mark it out so that we get equal sectors: the quality of operation of the future device depends on this.

We cut the workpiece along the markings almost to the neck. We bend the blades of the future propeller and cut off every second of them. We are left with a blank with three blades equidistant from each other. The edges of each blade must be rounded. We do this carefully.

To remove those parts of the blades that are closer to the neck of the workpiece, it is better to use a utility knife; do not forget to round the edges of the blades

Now we will need a small candle. Let's light it up. We heat each blade at the base on it to turn it in the direction we need. All blades must be turned in the same direction. Remove the lid from the workpiece and punch a hole in the very center using a nail and hammer.

We place the plug on the rod of a small motor. Such motors can remain from old children's toys. As a rule, getting them is not difficult. Secure the cork with glue.

Now you need to make a base on which the motor will rest. For this purpose, we take, for example, a piece of polystyrene foam. We attach a rectangle to it, which can also be cut out of foam packaging.

Our motor, to which the propeller is attached, will be fixed on the upper surface of this rectangle. To do this, you need to make a recess in the foam that corresponds to the parameters of the motor.

Hot melt adhesive is used to secure the elements of the product. If it is unavailable, other adhesives can be used. It is important that the fastening itself is as reliable as possible.

Polystyrene foam is a convenient material for constructing a fan stand, because it is easy to give it the desired shape, but it is better to make the base of the stand heavier.

A small switch and a power supply, the role of which is played by a rectangular Duracell battery, are attached to a foam stand. We assemble the simplest chain, trying to do everything as carefully as possible.

All we have to do is screw the propeller onto the plug fixed on the motor. Our fan is completely ready for operation.

The foam stand probably weighs too little to give the device the necessary stability. After all, with a sufficient span of blades, it can turn out to be quite powerful. Therefore, it is advisable to make the base of the model heavier.

Option #2 - soft polymer product

Let's prepare in advance everything that we will need during the work:

  • two bottles of SevenUp lemonade;
  • electric motor 12 V DC;
  • seven thick straws for drinks;
  • connector for power supply;
  • the power supply itself;
  • switch;
  • scissors and utility knife;
  • marker;
  • hot glue gun;
  • Super glue;
  • plastic ties;
  • wire cutters;
  • soldering iron;
  • insulating tape;
  • CD disk.

So, there is another option for building a homemade fan from a plastic bottle. Let's take a bottle of smaller capacity, for example, SevenUp lemonade.

The algorithm for cutting the blades of the future propeller is the same as in the previous version. The plastic of this bottle is much softer, so you can give the desired slope to future blades without resorting to heating them.

A hole in the center of the cork should be made using an awl or nail heated over a fire for this purpose. The 12 V DC electric motor, on the shaft of which the propeller will be attached, can be taken from old toys or a hairdryer that is unnecessary in the household.

The cover is fixed to the shaft using hot melt adhesive. We immediately screw the light propeller to the lid.

When talking about this option for constructing a fan, we mentioned seven tubes, but if the tubes you have have a smaller diameter, you will need more of them: you need them to fit tightly into the neck of the lower workpiece

The most interesting thing is the construction of the stand. It turns out to be not only stable, but also attractive. To create it you will need seven thick drinking straws. It is necessary to glue them together with superglue. It turns out to be quite a strong and attractive stand.

For the base, take the top part of a plastic bottle larger than the one from which we made the propeller. We push the stand of tubes into the neck of the workpiece, approximately to the middle of its length. We fix the stand in this position using superglue applied to the neck of the workpiece.

Now you can install the engine on the rack, securing it with hot glue. The fact that the stand itself is made of hollow tubes helps hide the wires nicely. We simply pass them through the central tube. This way the wires end up inside the base of the device.

To further strengthen the structure, you should use plastic ties, which are glued with hot glue to the stand on the sides of the motor so that the tie lock is tightened over the motor itself, ensuring its immobility. The excess tip of the fastener is removed with pliers.

In the plastic surface of the bottle, which serves as the base of the structure, holes are cut for the power supply connector and switch. It is better to do this with a utility knife.

We connect the connector for the power supply and the switch. The wires should be soldered and insulated. The switch and connector are fixed to the plastic with hot glue.

The CD disk, which becomes the bottom for the base of the future fan, is not only the finishing touch of the work, but also makes the product more stable

To make the base heavier and more stable, we will build a bottom for it from a CD.

To do this, lubricate the edges of the plastic blank with hot glue and press the disk against it.

The motor is connected to the power supply via a connector, and the device itself is turned on using the red button located on the left

Now we connect power through the connector. For this purpose, you can use a power supply for LED strips, which is sold in electrical appliance stores. Well, this homemade product is ready to go.

To make sure that you correctly understand the sequence of work performed, watch the video at the end of this article.


The FurMark utility has been the unspoken “standard” for testing high-performance video cards and integrated computer video systems for many years. It is a set of stress tests to test the graphics subsystem for stability and maximum performance in 3D with support for the OpenGL API. FurMark receives regular updates and is distributed free of charge.

Fur Mark consists of a settings dialog and a test window, in which a complex render of a toroidal-shaped object (or popularly known as a “hairy donut”) rotates. Before starting testing, you must select the graphics level and operating mode. In addition to resolution and anti-aliasing, the user can enable full-screen mode instead of windowed mode. An important point is to indicate the time for the test, since keeping the video accelerator under 100% load for a long time can damage the device.

After pressing the GPU stress test button, a rotating object appears on the screen, drawing which consumes the entire resource of the video card. The upper part shows a graph of changes in the temperature of the video core. Depending on the specified parameters, the test stops automatically after a certain time or manually by the user.


  • checking the video card under the maximum permissible load for stability, performance, power consumption;
  • several modes of “running” the test;
  • simple interface without unnecessary elements;
  • includes GPU-Z and GPU Shark utilities;
  • free software.


  • FurMark puts maximum load on the video adapter, which can lead to failure of the graphics chip, memory chips and other “unpleasant” consequences;
  • The interface is not Russified in the official version.
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