Neodymium powerful magnet: how to make it yourself, the purpose of powerful magnets

From early childhood, people never cease to be amazed at the amazing abilities of magnets - to attract various metal objects to themselves. Permanent magnets (PM) are the most common type of this phenomenon. They are distinguished by the strength of the magnetic field. There are especially powerful magnets made from alloys of various metals.

Types of magnets

Finished vertically oriented wind generator

There has been renewed interest in wind turbines, especially in recent years. New models have appeared, more convenient and practical.

Until recently, horizontal wind generators with three blades were mainly used. And vertical views did not extend due to the heavy load on the wind wheel bearings, which resulted in increased friction that absorbed energy.

But thanks to the use of the principles of magnetic levitation, a wind generator on neodymium magnets began to be used in a vertically oriented manner, with pronounced free inertial rotation. Currently, it has proven its higher efficiency compared to horizontal.

An easy start is achieved thanks to the principle of magnetic levitation. And thanks to the multi-polarity, which gives the rated voltage at low speeds, it is possible to do away with gearboxes completely.

Some devices are capable of starting to work when the wind speed is only one and a half centimeters per second, and when it reaches only three to four meters per second, it can already be equal to the generated power of the device.

How to make a strong magnet?


Let's look at how to make a magnet. The easiest way is to magnetize the iron. A small piece of steel or iron, such as a nail or a screwdriver, should be placed on a magnet and left in this position for several hours. The object will be magnetized and in turn become a magnet. True, its strength will be less than that of the donor magnet. In order to get a strong magnet, you need to have a large and strong magnet - a donor. In industry, such magnets weigh more than 100 kg.


This way you can make a permanent magnet. Its peculiarity is that it has two clearly defined poles, N-north and S-south. Even if you cut a magnet, you get two permanent magnets with two opposite poles. The poles cannot be separated. Usually the south pole is colored red, the north pole blue. The poles of the magnet can be checked using an oscilloscope or another magnet. Two like poles repel, opposite poles attract.


How to make a magnet so that it is stronger? For these purposes, you need to make an electromagnet. A coil of wire, preferably copper, needs to be wound around a small dielectric frame. The number of turns is approximately 1000. A direct current from a battery, accumulator or other direct current source is passed through the coil. As long as current flows, it is an electromagnet. The greater the current, the greater the strength of the magnet. After turning off the current, the magnet will lose its properties.


A metal core, such as a bolt, can be inserted inside the coil. It’s even better to wrap the core with electrical tape or paper and wind the coil around it. The flowing current is capable of magnetizing iron, therefore, after turning off the current, the electromagnet does not lose its properties for some time. In order for objects stuck to the magnet to fall off, you need to pass a current in the opposite direction. This method is used when loading and unloading scrap metal and removing metal filings.


So, here are the instructions on how to make a magnet with your own hands. There are no big difficulties in this. A homemade magnet can have different shapes, it can be painted, and used for various household purposes. It all depends on imagination and the availability of the necessary materials at hand. This is where you can show off your ingenuity and creativity!

What you need to make a search magnet

To make a search magnet we cannot do without:

  • Welding machine. You will need any welding machine or inverter for domestic needs;
  • Bulgarians. There should be a circle for cutting metals on it;
  • Hammer. It's best if it's a sledgehammer;
  • Some other tools to bend and fasten.

The materials you will need are a pipe and a metal rod, epoxy glue, and, of course, a neodymium magnet. The beauty of neodymium magnets is that they have a very high adhesive force, such that it is very, very difficult to separate a magnet that has stuck to a metal surface.

We recommend using N42 neodymium magnet. However, you can use any other neodymium magnets if they are available. The higher the adhesion force of the magnet to the metal, the better, and you will be able to get more treasure from the bottom. The best option for these purposes is considered to be a magnet with a pull-out power of more than 200 kg.

What can you catch?

Fragments of historical monuments - knives, weapons from the times of the Great Patriotic War - are often recovered from the bottom of lakes and rivers. A magnet with good attractive force will pull out hidden treasures in wells and garbage pits. Cossack sabers were repeatedly raised from the Dnieper. All products containing iron and ferromagnetic metals will be attracted to the magnet.

Pure gold is not magnetized, but such jewelry also contains a ligature (a mixture to impart strength). For example, products of 585 standard contain 41.5% other metals, including nickel, which is highly attractive.

You can also find silver, but not all its varieties can be raised. Sets of past centuries, with the addition of ligature, are often mined from the depths of centuries-old lakes.

Stainless steel is magnetic to varying degrees, depending on the alloys added. Aluminum, brass, bronze, tin, lead and copper will not be attracted.

Often in your finds you can find metal sealed cylinders worn by German soldiers. They kept their valuables in them.

Places to find relics

Ideal search places are military crossings and centuries-old bridges. Valuable finds can be discovered when examining mill whirlpools and pre-revolutionary wells. The drains, cesspools and station toilets surprise you with their artifacts.

Search for valuable coins

Only cheap royal change will not be attracted to the magnet, but medium-denomination coins made with an admixture of nickel and chromium will delight their treasure hunter. You shouldn't count on expensive coins, because... They were made of gold and silver, which means they are very weakly magnetized.

Method two

The production of permanent magnets can be carried out in another way. This requires a battery. With its help you can magnetize any suitable material. This is done quite simply and does not require special tools. An electromagnet gives a metal object magnetic properties.

Let's look at an example with a screwdriver. To begin with, the tool should be wrapped in an insulator, and then wound about 300 turns of wire. It is better to use the one that is used for the manufacture of transformers. After this, the wire must be connected to a battery or battery, preferably 5-12 volts. As a result of such manipulations, the electromagnetic field will magnetize the screwdriver.

Methods for demagnetizing a magnet

Loss of the ability to attract metal objects can occur both naturally and during a number of actions. Subject to the rules of operation and storage, the qualities of neodymium elements are maintained for 100 years or more, and ferrite analogues continue to attract metal for 8-10 years. Degaussing neodymiums naturally is not practical if the procedure is to be performed on a new item.

Product heating

This method is used both in industrial and domestic conditions: if the magnet is made of a standard alloy of neodymium with boron and iron, it will lose its properties when placed in water boiling at 80 degrees Celsius or in case of contact with a surface heated to the specified temperature. If we are talking about a product with increased resistance to thermal shocks, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform the procedure at home: the demagnetization temperature of neodymium magnets with such properties is 200 degrees Celsius. To carry out the procedure in such cases, special industrial equipment is used.

Mechanical Actions

Neodymium can lose its qualities as a result of a strong directed impact, for example, an impact: this material has a powder structure that is destroyed when dropped from a height or when exposed to impact equipment. In addition, demagnetization can occur accidentally during the process of drilling or cutting a magnet: this is due to excessive mechanical pressure or an increase in the temperature of the product without forced cooling.

Treatment with external magnetic influence

Most often, if it is possible to use industrial equipment of increased power, another magnet is used, which allows the formation of a field with an induction force of about 4 Tesla. A neodymium magnet is demagnetized in a matter of seconds, so this method, despite its technological complexity, is characterized by the fastest possible result.

About neodymium magnets


Neodymium is a rare earth metal with powerful magnetism endowed by nature. In the periodic table, the chemical element occupies position 60. It is not found in nature in its pure form. It is isolated from a substance such as didymium, where it is found in a mixed state with other lanthanides.

Despite being a “rare earth”, the element is quite common in the earth’s crust. The main metal production is concentrated in China.

In answer to the question of what a neodymium magnet is, it follows that it is an alloy of neodymium and iron with the addition of boron. In order to obtain such an alloy, the outgoing components are reduced to a powder state. After mixing, the composition is baked in a special oven, placing the mixture in molding containers in advance.


The rare earth metal Nd cannot be used in its pure form due to its poor corrosion resistance and softness. To reduce these disadvantages, magnets began to be made from the above-mentioned alloy. It was possible to obtain a powerful magnet that is not susceptible to corrosion processes and can withstand high temperature conditions (up to 1400C).


Neodymium magnets have found wide application in engine building for the aviation industry. In some medical devices, NMs play an important role as the main functional parts. In everyday life, these are various magnets that are attached to refrigerators. They are also used to make various puzzle toys.

NM makes excellent knife holders for kitchen walls. Disc-shaped magnets are used to hold furniture doors closed. Home craftsmen invent various household gadgets, demonstrating what can be made from a neodymium magnet.

In industrial production, neodymium magnetic products are used in various filtration systems to capture the smallest metal particles. Using NM, production areas are cleared of metal shavings. Cereal seeds are treated with magnets to increase yield.

A plug with a neodymium magnet is installed in the car engine crankcase, which removes metal chips from the engine oil.

Is it possible to make it yourself?

NMs are quite expensive. Many homemade DIY enthusiasts are trying to learn how to make a powerful magnet from neodymium alloy themselves. In fact, the production of NM is a complex technological process that cannot be reproduced in everyday conditions.

The fact is that neodymium magnets can only be made using powder metallurgy. The production of NMs involves sintering neodymium, iron and boron powders. The complex process involves special technological equipment. Therefore, the only way to acquire powerful neodymium magnets is to use disassembly of discarded electronics or other devices.

Additional Information. It is strictly forbidden to drill or crush neodymium magnets. If their integrity is damaged, magnets lose their properties. The same thing happens if magnetic surfaces are damaged.

The amazing properties of magnets have always attracted the inquisitive minds of people. The use of magnetic field sources has brought world civilization many valuable inventions in almost all spheres of human activity.

What it is

A neodymium magnet is a magnetic element that is composed of neodymium rare earth boron and iron material. It has a crystal structure, tetragonal shape and formula Nd2Fe14B.

Neodymium magnet is the most common type

It was first created by General Motors in 1982. It is the strongest permanent magnetic element, the power of which is several times greater than usual. Equipped with a large magnetic induction of 12,400 gauss.

Note! This is a brittle alloy with the formula NdFeB, as well as a hard nickel-plated protective layer and the corresponding class. It is very popular and comes in various forms.

Full material definition

Features of transportation and storage

When using search magnets, you need to follow several recommendations regarding transportation and storage:

  1. The unit must be kept in a special non-magnetic container. A wooden box or a special bag with shielding is perfect.
  2. The structure should be moved very carefully, keeping a distance of several meters from electrical equipment and machinery. A strong magnetic field will harm gadgets and computer devices.

Bags for magnets

Bags for search magnets with shielding are an indispensable accessory for any treasure hunter. It is made of wear-resistant material with sewn-in steel plates to isolate the magnetic field. A person will be able to move the unit without the risk of accidentally magnetizing it in the wrong place.

The bag is quite durable and perfectly protects the magnet from external damage, simplifying transportation.


Magnets based on this rare earth metal are designated by the formula Nd2Fe14B. The composition includes neodymium (Nd), iron (Fe), boron (B). The peculiarity of the technology is that this rare earth metal is difficult to isolate in its pure form. The sintering process with the remaining components in powder form must take place in an inert environment. Otherwise, its rapid oxidation occurs with loss of properties.

The technology for normal conditions is complex, so trying to make neodymium magnets with your own hands is impractical. Products are marked during production. The number after the letter N (25, 30, 45) indicates the code. The higher the indicator, the stronger the magnetic properties of the material. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet also depends on the number.

Is it possible to make neodymium magnets with your own hands?

Industrial technology, in addition to sintering the mass into an alloy, also involves a complex process of magnetization of the resulting substance, which is inaccessible for home conditions. Very powerful force fields are used for this. If you have a great desire to obtain neodymium magnets yourself, you can do this yourself by disassembling “obsolete” electronics.

In some old hard drives you can find one or two small elements inside. It is not advisable to try to drill or crush such magnets. The surface protective layer is damaged, the material reacts with the environment and loses its properties. In addition, as experts say, the shavings are highly flammable and can ignite surrounding surfaces.

Search Magnet Care

To use a search magnet for a long time, it is important to properly care for it. There are no special requirements for processing the coating, but you need to wipe it with a dry cloth and clean it of small adhering metal particles. . The magnet is a fairly reliable tool; its service life depends on the characteristics of use.

Over a decade, it loses no more than 1% of power.

The magnet is a fairly reliable tool; its service life depends on the characteristics of its use. Over a decade, it loses no more than 1% of power.

Do not hit or heat the device. When exposed to temperatures above 80 °C, it will lose its magnetic properties and turn into a useless piece of metal.

Important! The design negatively affects the operation of electronics; the damage radius depends on the power. When searching for artifacts, you should keep smartphones and laptops at a safe distance, and it is better to store search magnets in special bags (more details below).

Demagnetization of search magnets

Even the most powerful magnets lose their properties over time. Ferrite products will last for several decades, but neodymium products will last 200-300 years.

Causes of involuntary demagnetization:

  1. Heat. When heated above 80 ⁰C, the magnet will completely lose its attractive force. Only some models have increased resistance to temperature changes and can withstand up to 200 ⁰C.
  2. Strong blows. Mechanical impacts on a magnet (impact, falling from a height) deprive it of its value.
  3. Errors when cutting and drilling. Strong pressure when processing a magnet with a grinder can lead to loss of characteristics.
  4. Impact of external factors. When exposed to a magnetic field with an induction of about 3-4 Tesla, the magnet can be demagnetized.

It will be possible to restore the lost properties only in large-scale production using an industrial magnetization installation.

Neodymium magnets: what is this material?

According to scientists, this development took about 20 years of research and testing. When choosing materials, many factors were taken into account: availability, manufacturability, safety, high magnetic properties, resistance to environmental conditions. Scientists considered the use of rare earth metals to be a promising direction. And neodymium was just perfect for these purposes.

Magnets based on it have amazing adhesive strength. Even a small volume of material can support many times its own weight. Magnetic properties last a long time (lose no more than 2% over 10 years of use). Nowadays neodymium magnets can be purchased in specialized stores. Their prices are affordable to almost anyone.

Strengthening the electromagnet

To understand how to increase the strength of a magnet, you need to understand the process of magnetization. This will happen if the magnet is placed in an external magnetic field with the opposite side to the original one. An increase in the power of the electromagnet occurs when the current supply increases or the turns of the winding are multiplied.

You can increase the strength of a magnet using a standard set of necessary equipment: glue, a set of magnets (you need permanent ones), a current source and an insulated wire. They will be needed to implement the methods of increasing the strength of a magnet, which are presented below.

Reinforcement with a more powerful magnet

This method involves using a more powerful magnet to strengthen the original one. To implement this, you need to place one magnet in the external magnetic field of another, which has greater power. Electromagnets are also used for the same purpose. After holding a magnet in the field of another, amplification will occur, but the specificity lies in the unpredictability of the results, since for each element such a procedure will work individually.

Strengthening by adding other magnets

It is known that each magnet has two poles, and each attracts the opposite sign of other magnets, and the corresponding one does not attract, only repels. How to increase the power of a magnet using glue and additional magnets. This involves adding other magnets to increase the final power. After all, the more magnets, the correspondingly greater the force. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the connection of magnets with like poles. In the process, they will repel each other, according to the laws of physics. But the challenge is gluing, despite the physical difficulties. It is better to use glue that is designed for gluing metals.

Curie Point Enhancement Method

In science there is the concept of the Curie point. Strengthening or weakening of a magnet can be done by heating or cooling it relative to this point itself. Thus, heating above the Curie point or strong cooling (much below it) will lead to demagnetization.

It should be noted that the properties of a magnet when heated and cooled relative to the Curie point have an abrupt property, that is, having achieved the correct temperature, its power can be increased.

Method No. 1

If the question arises of how to make a magnet stronger if its strength is regulated by electric current, then this can be done by increasing the current supplied to the winding. Here there is a proportional increase in the power of the electromagnet and the current supply. The main thing is ⸺ gradual feeding to prevent burnout.

Method No. 2

To implement this method, the number of turns must be increased, but the length must remain the same. That is, you can make one or two additional rows of wire so that the total number of turns becomes larger.

This section discusses ways to increase the strength of a magnet at home; experiments can be ordered on the website.

Options for using magnets in everyday life

Neodymium magnet is widely used in everyday life. The main thing is to be able to show your imagination. There are both standard methods and very interesting applications.

Amazing spice rack

To ensure that spices are always at hand and do not take up much space, you can design a special shelf using neodymium. For this you will need:

  1. Metal jars with a transparent lid.
  2. Neodymium magnet with a diameter of 1.5x6 mm.
  3. Epoxy resin.
  4. 100 grit sandpaper.

We sand the bottom of the jars on the outside and use resin to attach magnets. After this, they will stick securely to any metal surface.

It turns out beautiful and neat.

Scissors and household tools at hand

Knives, scissors and other household utensils can also be attached to neodymium clamps. To do this, just choose a suitable place, create a strip of magnet and install it. And then kitchen utensils will always be at hand.

By the way, you can use magnets from speakers for this, the main thing is to design them beautifully.

Beer storage method

To prevent beer packaging from taking up extra space in your refrigerator, bottles can simply be hung from the ceiling of the refrigerator compartment. We simply purchase a tape with magnets and attach it.

The magnet power will be enough to hold the bottles securely.

Greenhouse using magnets

To surround yourself with house plants, you don’t have to buy large pots and put them on shelves. It is enough to create small containers, for example, from corks and plant your favorite plants.

Then arrange it around you in the way you like best.

Opener for bachelors

Such devices will be appreciated by any man whose house is not ruled by a woman. A decorative plaque with a beer opener is installed on the wall, on which a magnet is attached to the reverse side.

Tool Carrying Solution for Craftsmen

To ensure that tools and accessories are always at hand, you can make magnetic bracelets and belts with the alloy inside. This will allow you to attach a not very heavy tool to your belt, and sculpt accessories onto bracelets.

And since the magnet has healing properties, you get an additional bonus.

Place for studs

Any beauty has a huge number of hairpins, but, as a rule, they are often lost. Therefore, you can attach a magnetic tape inside your wardrobe or on the wall of your cosmetic bag, and then all the pins will always be in one place.

Shelf for cosmetics and women's accessories

This device is also created on the principle of a spice rack.

You will need a steel surface and magnets glued to the bottom of the cosmetic cases. A similar surface is installed nearby, on which hooks are attached using neodymium. You can hang your decorations on them.


Near the exit (in the hallway), a magnetic panel and key fobs are installed on the wall. Never lose your keys again.

You can also attach lighters and other small items that you may need outside the home to these panels.

Don't forget anything

Using magnetic holders, you can leave notes or write a to-do list for tomorrow, and then attach it in the most visible place. This will allow you not to forget little things and always remember what needs to be done.

Order in the nursery

Toys with magnets installed in them are easier to store on metal surfaces. In this way, it will become more interesting for the child to clean the room, which will help achieve the long-awaited order in the nursery.

Study without leaving home

Every child needs to learn, but the time has passed when children wrote on desks. Now you can make a marker board for your child with a magnetic panel on it. You can attach all the necessary devices for studying to it.

DIY Lego

You can make or order small parts of various shapes and sizes, glue magnets to them and create a wide variety of designs on a large metal surface.

These figures can be built together, which will allow the little creator to develop in a creative way.

Healthy sleep on a magnetic pillow

An orthopedic magnetic pillow will allow you to fully relax while sleeping. But before using it, you should consult your doctor, as there are contraindications. For example, the presence of a pacemaker in a patient.

A magnet can be used for various things, the scope of its application is almost endless and the properties of this alloy are of great importance when used. In skillful hands, you can use it to make a huge number of necessary and useful things and accessories.

Where can you buy a quality neodymium magnet?

The catalog of our online store presents a wide range of high-quality neodymium magnets from leading Russian manufacturers. Magnets from a Russian manufacturer are considered to be among the highest quality and strongest, and are popular all over the world. In the catalog you will find magnets of all available shapes and sizes:

  • Discs;
  • Rectangles;
  • Rings;
  • Single-sided and double-sided magnets.

As well as a variety of products made from magnets: activators, construction sets, stationery, gifts and souvenirs. All magnets come with a one-month warranty with the possibility of exchange or return. If you have any questions, just give us a call. Delivery is carried out in a short time and throughout Russia, and payment is made in any convenient way.

How to make it yourself

A wind generator based on neodymium magnets differs from other generator designs in that it can easily be made independently at home.

As a rule, they take as a basis a car hub or pulleys from a belt drive, which are pre-cleaned if they are used spare parts and prepared for work.

If it is possible to manufacture (turn) special discs, it is better to choose this option, because... in this case, there is no need to adjust the geometric dimensions of the wound coils to the dimensions of the workpieces used.

Neodymium magnets should be purchased, for which you can use the Internet or the services of specialized organizations.

One of the options for manufacturing a generator on neodymium magnets, using disks specially made for these purposes, is proposed for consideration by V.G. Yalovenko. (Ukraine). This generator is manufactured in the following sequence:

  1. Two disks with a diameter of 170.0 mm with a central hole and a keyway are machined from sheet steel.
  2. The disk is divided into 12 segments, and corresponding markings are made on its surface.
  3. Magnets are glued into the marked segments so that their polarity alternates. To avoid errors (in polarity), it is necessary to mark them before applying the sticker.
  4. The second disk is made in a similar way. The result is the following construction:
  1. The surface of the claims is filled with epoxy resin.
  2. 12 coils of 55 turns each are wound from wire (enamel wire) of PETV brand or equivalent, with a cross-section of 0.95 mm2.
  3. A template is made on a sheet of plywood or paper that corresponds to the diameter of the disks used, which is also divided into 12 sectors.

The coils are placed in marked segments, where they are fixed (insulating tape, adhesive tape, etc.) and disconnected sequentially from each other (the end of the first coil is connected to the beginning of the second, etc.). the result is the following construction

  1. A matrix is ​​made from wood (board, etc.) or plywood, in which coils laid according to a template can be filled with epoxy resin. The depth of the matrix must correspond to the height of the coils.
  2. The coils are placed in a matrix and filled with epoxy resin. The result is the following workpiece:
  1. A hub with a mounting unit for the shaft of the manufactured generator is made from a steel pipe with a diameter of 63.0 mm. The shaft is mounted on bearings installed inside the hub.
  2. A rotating mechanism is made from the same pipe, ensuring the orientation of the generator in accordance with wind flows.
  3. Manufactured spare parts are put on the shaft. The result is the following design, plus a rotating mechanism:
  1. The design should rigidly mount the stator (a blank with windings filled with epoxy resin), on the one hand, and not impede the rotation of the rotor (discs with non-dimium magnets).
  2. Wind generator blades are made from pipes (polyethylene, propylaea, etc.) used for laying water supply or sewerage networks. To do this, the pipe is cut to the required length, after which it is cut and the blanks are given the appropriate shape.
  3. The tail of the wind turbine is being manufactured. For this, any sheet material (plywood, metal, plastic) can be used, after which the shank is attached to the assembled structure, on the side opposite to the attachment of the blades. The result is the following construction:
  • The assembled installation is installed in the place provided for this purpose.
  • A load is connected to the generator terminals.

The design of a wind generator using neodymium magnets can be different, it all depends on the available spare parts and the technical capabilities of the person who decides to make such a device on their own.

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How to make a search magnet with your own hands

First, let's take a piece of metal pipe that would fit the diameter of the neodymium magnet. Let's cut the pipe with a small margin, so that the magnet can easily fit into it. The pipe will act as a kind of clip for placing a neodymium magnet in it.

It is very important to process the edges of the pipe and make its surface as smooth as possible. Otherwise, a home-made search magnet may cling during search work, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.

To grind a piece of pipe under the holder, you need to use an angle grinder - an angle grinder.

After the clip is ready, take a piece of rod with a diameter of 10-12 mm and bend it into a semicircle. The idea is to make an “eye” out of it for attaching a rope or cable to a search magnet. After the rod is bent, it should be welded to the side of the metal holder from the pipe. How to use welding, read here

At the final stage, all that remains is to install the magnet in the holder, and then fill it around the edges with epoxy glue

For reliability, coat the inner walls of the pipe with epoxy, and carefully, being careful not to injure your hands, install the neodymium magnet into the pipe

After installation, if there is a small space left between the pipe and the magnet, you must get rid of the voids. For these purposes, you can use pieces of nails or thin metal, not forgetting to fill the whole thing with epoxy glue.

It is important that a search magnet assembled with your own hands will dry for at least three days. Therefore, you need to be patient, and only after the epoxy has completely dried can you go in search of the treasure

Good luck to you treasure hunters!

Experiments with neodymium magnets

Neomagnet is quite popular, its composition: neodymium, boron, iron. This magnet has high power and is resistant to demagnetization.

How to strengthen neodymium? Neodymium is very susceptible to corrosion, that is, it rusts quickly, so it is coated with nickel to increase service life. They also resemble ceramics and are easy to break or crack.

But there is no point in trying to increase its power artificially, because it is a permanent magnet, it has a certain level of strength for itself. Therefore, if you need to have a more powerful neodymium, it is better to purchase it, taking into account the required strength of the new one.

Conclusion: the article discusses the topic of how to increase the strength of a magnet, including how to increase the power of a neodymium magnet. It turns out that there are several ways to increase the properties of a magnet. Because there is simply magnetized metal, the strength of which cannot be increased.

The simplest methods: using glue and other magnets (they must be glued with identical poles), as well as a more powerful one, in the external field of which the original magnet must be located.

Methods for increasing the strength of an electromagnet are considered, which consist of additional winding with wires or increasing the flow of current. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the strength of the current flow for the safety and security of the device.

Conventional and neodymium magnets are not capable of increasing their own power.

24.10.17, 19:10

Neodymium magnets in the house

So, where can you get a neodymium magnet at home? Many people don’t even realize that there are many places around us where you can find products made from this rare alloy. There are several places and devices where such magnets are most often used.

Hard disks. Hard drives can be identified as the first place among all devices where you can find such a magnet. Moreover, such a data storage device can be found in any home. Of course, no one will disassemble a work computer or laptop in order to remove a magnet from it. In addition, a hard drive is a high-tech device that is quite difficult to open and disassemble. It is also worth noting that hard drives contain quite powerful magnets, which are not inferior in strength to those that can be bought in a specialized store. Another important point is that modern hard drives have much weaker magnets due to new standards and manufacturing technologies, so it’s better to look for an old drive.

Furniture latches. No one would probably have guessed that you could look for a powerful magnet in ordinary furniture latches that hold the door closed. But a neodymium magnet is very often located inside the latch. This is due to the fact that the surface area of ​​the latch is relatively small, so ordinary magnets will not give the desired effect. Also, the latches themselves quite often break and after that you can disassemble them and remove the magnets, or from old furniture, which is often simply taken to a landfill. But it is worth noting that the power of such magnets is low, so they are not suitable for all purposes.

Engines and generators. Quite often, powerful neodymium magnets can be found in modern electric motors. The power and size of the magnets in the motors are quite large. An important nuance is that the engine or generator itself should not be very old. Because the production of neodymium magnets began relatively recently. Therefore, they most likely will not be found in old Soviet engines.

Phases - which is better - three or one?

Many lovers of electrical equipment follow the path of least resistance and, in order not to bother, opt for a single-phase stator for a windmill. However, it has one unpleasant feature that neutralizes the ease of assembly - vibration when loaded, due to the variability of current output. After all, the amplitude of such a stator is abrupt, reaching a maximum when neodymium magnets are located above the coils, and then dropping to a minimum.

But when the generator is made using a three-phase system, there are no vibrations, and the power indicator of the windmill has a constant value. The reason for this difference is that the current, falling in one phase, at the same time increases in the other. As a result, a wind generator operating in a three-phase system can be up to 50% more efficient than the exact same one using a single-phase system. And most importantly, a loaded three-phase generator does not produce vibration, therefore, the mast does not give rise to complaints about the wind generator to the supervisory authorities from ill-wishers among neighbors, since it does not create an annoying hum.

Tags: amplitude, battery, beat, sconce, wind generator, windmill, view, harm, choice, generator, house, , protective, sign, like, computer, design, , magnet, magnetic, matrix, power, load, voltage, nominal , oscilloscope, polarity, constant, rule, principle, wire, start, , work, size, edge, row, garden, network, connection, term, ten, current, transformer, three-phase, , installation, shield, effect

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