Installation of an electric heating boiler - types and features, installation rules, piping, installation steps

The heating system of a private house based on an electric boiler is quite reliable, efficient and safe. However, for such heating to work without failure, it is necessary to correctly select, install and connect the equipment to the network. Let's look at what types of electric boilers there are, what are the pros and cons of this type of unit, what installation and safety rules need to be followed for them, what mandatory elements are required for piping and how to position them correctly, as well as what stages the installation of an electric heating boiler consists of.

A modern electric boiler is quite compact and does not require a special room for placement Source

Selection of the optimal heating scheme

To heat a home, the following schemes are most often used on how to install a heating boiler in a private house:

  • Single-pipe. One manifold supplies all radiators. It plays the role of both supply and return, as it is laid in a closed loop next to all the batteries.
  • Two-pipe. In this case, separate return and supply are used.

To choose the most optimal installation scheme for a heating boiler in a private home, it is recommended to consult a specialist. However, in any case, a two-pipe system is a more progressive solution to the question of which heating scheme is better for a private home. Although at first glance it may seem that a single-pipe system allows you to save on material, practice shows that such systems are both more expensive and more complex.

It is important to understand that inside a single-pipe system, water cools much faster: as a result, radiators further away have to be equipped with a larger number of sections. Also, the distribution manifold must have a sufficient diameter that exceeds the two-pipe distribution lines

In addition, in this scheme there is a serious difficulty in organizing automatic control due to the influence of the radiators on each other.

Small buildings such as dachas, where the number of radiators does not exceed 5, can be safely equipped with a single-pipe horizontal heating system for a private house with your own hands (it is also called “Leningradka”). If the number of batteries is increased, there will be malfunctions in its functioning. Another application of such an interchange is single-pipe vertical risers in two-story cottages. Such schemes are quite common and work without failure.

The two-pipe decoupling ensures that the coolant is delivered to all batteries at the same temperature. This allows you to avoid building up sections. The presence of supply and return pipes creates optimal conditions for the implementation of automatic control of radiators, for which thermostatic valves are used. In this case, you can take pipes of smaller diameter and simpler designs.

What are the heating schemes for a private two-pipe type house:

  • Dead-end. In this case, the pipeline consists of separate branches, inside of which counter movement of the coolant is used.
  • Associated two-pipe. Here the return serves as a continuation of the supply, which ensures an annular movement of the coolant inside the circuit.
  • Radiation. The most expensive schemes are those where each radiator has a separately laid hidden line (in the floor) from the collector.

If, when laying horizontal pipelines of large diameter, a slope of 3-5 mm/m is used, then a gravitational method of operation of the system will be achieved, and circulation pumps may not be used. Thanks to this, complete energy independence of the system is achieved. This principle can be applied to both one-pipe and two-pipe schemes: the main thing is to create conditions for gravity circulation of the coolant.

In open heating systems, an expansion tank will be required at the highest point: this approach is mandatory when arranging gravity circuits. However, the return pipe next to the boiler can be equipped with a membrane expander, which will make the system closed, operating under overpressure conditions. This approach is considered more modern and is most often used in forced-type systems.

Warm floors deserve special mention when researching which heating scheme to choose for a private home. Such a system is quite expensive, since it requires laying several hundred meters of pipeline in a screed: this makes it possible to provide each room with a separate heating water circuit. The pipes are connected to a distribution manifold, which has a mixing unit and its own circulation pump. As a result, the rooms are heated very evenly and economically, in a manner that is comfortable for people. This type of heating can be used in various residential areas.

Connecting an electric boiler to a heating system

Wall-mounted mini-boiler rooms with a built-in expansion tank, pump and safety group are operated in closed heating systems with forced circulation, operating under pressure. The connection is extremely simple and does not require display in the form of a diagram: the supply and return pipelines are connected to the corresponding pipes of the electric boiler.

Note. The automation of such heat generators monitors the pressure in the heating network using a sensor. If the coolant pressure is below the set threshold (usually 1 Bar), the device will not turn on.

Next, we would like to present typical diagrams for connecting electric boilers to heating systems for the following cases:

  • when you need to install a unit that is not equipped with its own pump and expansion tank;
  • parallel operation in tandem with a solid fuel or gas boiler;
  • piping with buffer tank;
  • connecting the dual-circuit version of the unit to the heating and hot water mains;
  • connection to an indirect heating boiler.

The safety group protects the system from overpressure and relieves excess air.
The first diagram illustrates the connection of an electrode or induction boiler to a closed-type heating network with a membrane expansion tank. A safety group is installed on the direct outlet section of the supply pipe, followed by a shut-off ball valve. The pump and filter - sump filter are equally well placed on the supply or return side.

Note. This and subsequent diagrams do not conventionally show the make-up pipeline. It should be inserted into the heating return line.

The heating element version of the electric boiler, which is not equipped with an expansion tank, safety group and pump, is connected in a similar way. If it is necessary to organize a connection to an open-type gravity (gravity) heating system, then the pipelines are laid with a slope of 3 mm per linear meter, and the circulation pump is mounted on the bypass.

The ability to work by gravity does not give the circuit a big advantage - without electricity, the boiler will still turn off

An open expansion tank is located at the top point of the network. To ensure stable gravity flow, the manufacturer of electrode boilers “Galan” recommends maintaining the height of the vertical section between the heater and the tank at 2 meters. Accordingly, the tank is placed in the attic of a private house.

Comment. Installing a wall-mounted electric boiler, whose pipes face downwards, will not allow the coolant to circulate naturally due to convection. An example is units of the Evan or Proterm brand. Heaters with side and top fittings - “Galan”, “VIN” and the like - are suitable for gravity systems.

Connection with other boilers and heat storage tank

To connect an electric heat generator together with a solid fuel boiler, use a circuit with two check valves, a surface-mounted thermostat and a room temperature controller. This connection option provides automatic “pickup” of the cooling system by the electric boiler after the firewood load burns out.

Check valves prevent the coolant from flowing into the adjacent circuit and moving in the opposite direction

The algorithm of the circuit looks like this:

  1. The TT boiler acts as the main one, the electrical apparatus is in standby mode.
  2. When a portion of firewood or coal burns, the air temperature in the building begins to decrease. When cooling reaches a user-set threshold, the room thermostat turns on the electric heater.
  3. An overhead thermostat detects a drop in temperature in the return of a solid fuel boiler and turns off its pump.
  4. After loading firewood into the firebox, heating is resumed and the thermostat starts forced circulation. Using its own sensor, the electric boiler “sees” the heated coolant and does not start working until the next command from the thermostat. The expert explains the operating principle in more detail in the following video:

Note. The piping method is also suitable for other types of boilers - gas, diesel, and so on. Please note one nuance: the electric heater is used here as a backup heat source.

Connecting to a buffer tank, shown in the next diagram, also allows you to combine several heat sources and accumulate a sufficient amount of energy in the tank. The heat accumulator is very useful in a situation where the electric heater operates at night, taking advantage of a cheap tariff. During the day, the device is inactive, and the building is heated with heat from a buffer tank.

In this scheme, you can organize the operation of the electric heater according to a schedule using a timer

The task of the mixing unit with a three-way valve is to supply the radiators with water at the required temperature, because the heat accumulator is “charged” to 80-90 °C. If the rooms have underfloor heating water circuits, a second mixing unit is made for them, preparing the coolant at a temperature of 35-45 °C (maximum - 50 °C).

Schemes with hot water supply

There are two ways to get hot water from an electric boiler for household needs:

  • purchase and install a double-circuit heating unit;
  • connect an indirect heating boiler to a single-circuit boiler.

In the first case, the device is connected according to the standard diagram shown in the picture. There are a minimum of difficulties here; the main thing is to correctly install the shut-off valves.

For ease of cleaning, the mud pans should be in a horizontal position.

The connection with the indirect heating boiler is carried out through a three-way switching type solenoid valve. At the command of the thermostat built into the storage tank, the element switches the coolant flow to heat water for hot water supply or heating radiators. Loading the boiler is a priority: until the tank warms up to the set temperature, the radiator network will not receive heat.

In the case of an induction or electrode unit, the immersion thermostat is connected to the contacts of the thermal relay

Important point. For this reason, the selection of heat generator power plays an important role. If it is not enough, the heating of the tank will take a long time, and the room air will have time to cool down. For more information about how the system works, watch the training video.

Although the plot talks about connecting a storage water heater to a wall-mounted gas boiler, the essence does not change - an electric heater is connected in the same way.

What can be the layout of water heating pipes?

There are two options for installing the water circuit:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

Each of these types of pipe systems has its own disadvantages and advantages; they must be taken into account when deciding how to arrange heating pipes in the house.

A single-pipe system involves one pipe leaving the boiler, which sequentially passes through all the heating batteries, and only then returns back to the boiler.

This installation results in significant pipe savings, but there are also disadvantages:

  1. The batteries that are closer to the boiler are hotter. The latter are almost always cold. The only way out that will work here is to increase the number of radiators in the distant rooms and reduce them in those close to the boiler room.
  2. If bypasses are not installed during installation, then when replacing radiators you will have to turn off the heating and drain all the coolant.

In a two-pipe distribution, heating devices are connected in parallel to two pipes - one of them goes to the inlet, the other to the outlet of the cooled coolant.

There is only one drawback here - increased pipe consumption. In this case, the heating level of all radiators is the same; you can install temperature regulators on each device.

How to make plastic heating in a house to save on expensive metal pipes? It is necessary to take into account all the requirements for the quality of the pipeline, remembering that plastic has the ability to expand at high temperatures.

The types of two-pipe systems are as follows:

  1. Dead end - you need a few pipes, but even with a long water circuit, the last radiators will be cold. Therefore, it is advisable to make such a system with a maximum of seven radiators.
  2. A type of two-pipe system called the Tichelman scheme. You need a lot of pipes, but with a large number of radiators, and especially in two-story private houses, it is very effective. Many people do not like the appearance of such a system, which spoils the design of the rooms. Sometimes you have to bend the pipe around the outline of the door and install an air vent there.
  3. Beam (collector) type of system. Expensive installation, as you need a lot of pipes and a manifold. Separate lines (supply and return) are connected to the radiators. But the advantage is that you can control the heat transfer in each radiator.

Most water heating systems are based on bottom supply of coolant. In multi-storey private houses, top supply systems are also made, as they are more economical.

The water system requires the installation of an expansion tank, since water has the ability to change its volume depending on the temperature. There are two types of tanks: open (regular containers) and closed (membrane). Therefore, in the first case the system is called open, in the second - closed.

A simple tank is installed in the attic. It's cheap, but you have to constantly add water because it evaporates.

In order not to monitor the coolant level, you can install an automatic float device that will control the amount of coolant in the system. However, only water can act as a coolant here.

Antifreeze does not need to be added to open systems, if only for the reason that the fumes from it are often toxic.

An open type expansion tank is installed in a heating system with natural coolant circulation. The membrane tank works ideally with the forced circulation option.

Heating devices

If the installation of an electric boiler has virtually no effect on the efficiency of the heating system, then the same cannot be said about heating devices - heat transfer directly depends on the choice of these elements. The most effective design that works great in combination with electric boilers is underfloor heating.

Structurally, heated floors are tubular heat exchangers located under the floor covering or screed. During operation, they release energy to the entire floor surface, thereby ensuring uniform heat distribution.

Using heated floors provides several advantages:

  1. Warm floors are one of the most comfortable heating systems. The thing is that first of all, heat is transferred to the floor, so it becomes warm to the touch, and you can happily walk on it without shoes. With increasing altitude, the temperature decreases, due to which the most comfortable temperature regime for the human body is formed.
  2. The use of heated floors allows you to reduce the average temperature in the room. Classic convection heating assumes that to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees, you need to heat the air under the ceiling to 30 degrees. As a result, the average temperature will be about 25 degrees. In the case of heated floors, to maintain 20 degrees, you can warm the floor to 22 degrees. The temperature under the ceiling in this case will be about 18 degrees, and the average value will remain at the proper level. Due to this phenomenon, it is also possible to reduce heat loss, since the temperature difference in the house and outside decreases.

To do without coolant, you can install a heating system from cable or film heated floors. Such designs allow you to maintain a stable temperature regardless of external factors.

Advantages of pump heating

Not so long ago, almost all private houses were equipped with steam heating, which was powered by a gas boiler or a conventional wood stove. The coolant in such systems circulated inside the pipes and batteries by gravity. Only centralized heat supply systems were equipped with pumps for pumping water. After the appearance of more compact devices, they also began to be used in private housing construction.

This solution provided a number of advantages:

  1. The coolant circulation rate has increased. The water heated in the boilers was able to flow much faster into the radiators and heat the rooms.
  2. The time it takes to heat homes has been significantly reduced.
  3. An increase in flow rate entailed an increase in the circuit capacity. This means that smaller pipes can be used to deliver the same amount of heat to its destination. On average, the pipelines were reduced by half, which was facilitated by the forced circulation of water from an embedded pump. This made the systems cheaper and more practical.
  4. In this case, to lay highways, you can use a minimum slope without fear of complex and extended water heating schemes. The main thing is to choose the right pump power so that it can create optimal pressure in the circuit.
  5. Thanks to household circulation pumps, it has become possible to use heated floors and closed systems of high efficiency, the operation of which requires increased pressure.
  6. The new approach made it possible to get rid of many pipes and risers, which did not always fit harmoniously into the interior. Forced circulation opens up possibilities for laying circuits inside walls, under floors and above suspended ceiling structures.

A minimum slope of 2-3 mm per 1 m of pipeline is necessary so that in the event of repairs, the network can be drained by gravity. In classic systems with natural circulation, this figure reaches 5 or more mm/m. As for the disadvantages of forced systems, the most significant of them is the dependence on electrical energy. Therefore, in areas with unstable electricity supplies, it is necessary to use uninterruptible power supplies or an electric generator when installing a circulation pump.

You should also be prepared for an increase in bills for consumed energy (with the correct selection of the power of the unit, costs can be minimized). In addition, leading manufacturers of equipment for heating systems have developed modern modifications of circulation pumps that can operate in increased economy mode. For example, the Alpfa2 model from Grundfos automatically adjusts its performance depending on the needs of the heating system. Such equipment is quite expensive.

Cost of installation by specialists

The cost of any installation services is determined purely individually; it can be precisely calculated when concluding a specific contract for the installation of an electric boiler in a private house.

To do this, a service center specialist must arrive at the installation site and study the actual connection conditions and manufacturer’s requirements for the installed boiler.

Ideally, it is best when, before installing the boiler, a heat supply project for a facility with electric heating is carried out. In this case, the entire set of equipment will be selected and estimates for construction and installation work will be made.

However, in the absence of a project, the owner can use information on average prices for 2022 for installation and construction work on electric heating to roughly calculate the costs of installing an electric boiler:

  1. Installation of a floor-standing electric boiler from 30 to 50 kW, from 5 thousand rubles.
  2. Installation of a floor-standing electric boiler over 50 kW, from 7 thousand rubles.
  3. Installation of a wall-mounted electric boiler up to 15 kW, from 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Installation of a wall-mounted electric boiler from 15 to 30 kW from 7 thousand rubles.
  5. Installation of an indirect heating boiler, from 3 thousand rubles.
  6. Installation of a direct heating boiler, from 2 thousand rubles.
  7. Installation of a safety group for an electric boiler, from 1 thousand rubles.
  8. Piping of the coolant circulation pump, from 1.2 thousand rubles.
  9. Expansion tank piping, from 1.2 thousand rubles.
  10. Hydraulic arrow piping - combs, from 2.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Piping of heating and hot water pipes, per 1 m. from 0.200 thousand rubles.
  12. Pressure testing of the system, from 2.5 thousand rubles.
  13. Commissioning work on an electric boiler, from 2 thousand rubles.

Despite the apparent ease of performing the work, it is not recommended for a non-professional to undertake the installation of an electrical unit. By contacting a service company, it is possible to avoid emergency situations and ensure the operation of the boiler equipment throughout the entire period stated by the manufacturer.

Features of parallel connection

Let's take a closer look at what a standard parallel connection diagram for gas and electric boilers looks like:

  • Each unit has coolant supply circuits. They join the common line.
  • It is imperative that there are safety groups and shut-off valves.
  • The return lines, also equipped with shut-off valves, are connected to the other line.
  • A circulation pump is installed on the return line (or supply), in front of the unit for combining the piping circuits.
  • The lines of both heating units are connected to the collectors.
  • An expansion tank is installed on one of the distribution manifolds. A make-up circuit is also connected to its pipe, equipped with a check valve and shut-off valves.
  • From the distribution manifolds there are main branches to the heated floor, radiators, boiler, each with circulation pumps and valves for draining the coolant from the system.

This is not a schematic diagram, but only its main features. It gives a general idea of ​​how best to connect an additional electric boiler to the main gas boiler. The assembly option can be complicated and improved, for example, with an automation system and a servo drive.

With a parallel connection, you can also install a hydraulic arrow and an automation unit, but before doing this, carefully consider this decision; installing them is not always advisable

Strapping scheme (“classic” version)

The connection diagram of the electric boiler must ensure that there are no significant temperature changes. The most commonly used are double-circuit boilers. passing through the small circuit, the water (oil or antifreeze) heats up, after which it flows through the large circuit. This also needs to be taken into account in the diagram.

Electric boiler wiring requires the presence of:

  1. Brackets;
  2. Filter;
  3. Shut-off valves;
  4. Valves (check and safety valves);
  5. Expansion tank;
  6. Pump (if required);
  7. Thermometer and pressure gauge;

The following types of strapping are distinguished:

  1. With the installation of a hot water circuit (oil or antifreeze): before entering the tap, the coolant passes through an electric boiler;
  2. With connection to the heated floor system;
  3. Regular electrical connection.

When piping a double-circuit boiler, its type is determined by the model (with or without a mixer). It is quite difficult to install it at home with your own hands, since here, along with the correct connection to the electrical network, you also have to control the connection to the hot water supply.

Each model has its own connection diagram for the electric boiler (it is included when purchased along with the device). If you don’t have enough time or you are not sure that you can do everything correctly yourself, it is better not to start tying, relying only on your intuition and videos on the Internet. For 5-30 thousand rubles, specialists will do such work. But if you make mistakes at the first stage, you can subsequently not only incur much greater expenses, but also endanger yourself and other residents of a private house.

Choosing a boiler

Let us repeat: the main component of any heating system, and a closed type in particular, is the boiler. In order for the installation work to be carried out successfully, it must first be selected, and correctly.

To begin with, we note that from the boiler the heated coolant moves through the pipeline to the heating devices, which, in turn, transfer thermal energy to the room.

First of all, you should calculate the required power of such a boiler. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a particular building. These features include the area of ​​the heated room, the thickness and height of the walls, the material from which they are made, and a number of other parameters.

To at least approximately calculate the required boiler power, you can use the generally accepted approximate thermal power consumption per 10 square meters - it is 1 kilowatt. Let us repeat, this is only an approximate formula, therefore, when calculating, you should use a correction factor relating to the heat loss of all enclosing structures. If the power of the heating boiler is calculated correctly, you will thereby create the most comfortable living conditions in your house/apartment during the cold season. Moreover, it will help you save significantly on electricity and reduce your heating costs.

You can find out how to calculate heating costs in an apartment here

So, let’s draw some conclusions regarding the installation of a closed-type system.

  1. When designing it, you must calculate the required power of the heating boiler.
  2. Find out what materials and in what quantities you will need.
  3. Determine how many radiators are needed. (for more information on calculating the number of heating radiator sections, see here)
  4. Take into account all the features of building structures.
  5. Choose the most suitable place to install heating equipment.

Creating an efficient and, most importantly, high-performance heating system requires carefully planned preparatory work.

As a conclusion

As we can see, there are many types of heating systems, and a closed heating system is perhaps the best option. Regardless of what wiring you choose or what material for the pipeline, installation must be taken with great responsibility. If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, then contact a specialist. Yes, it will cost more, but you will be protected from all possible troubles in the future.

Electricity costs for heating a house

The boiler reaches its rated power mode only during the coldest five-day period of the year. The rest of the time it operates with reduced heating output. On average it is:

  • in the winter months (December, January and February): 50% of nominal;
  • in November and March: 30%;
  • in October and April: 15%.

For example, a 10 kW electric boiler will consume:

  1. During the winter months: 10 × 0.5 × 24 hours × 90 days = 10,800 kWh.
  2. For November and March: 10 × 0.3 × 24 × 61 = 4,392 kWh.
  3. For October and April: 10 × 0.15 × 24 × 61 = 2,196 kWh.

Total: 10,800 + 4,392 + 2,196 = 17,388 kWh.

In 2022, in the Moscow region, the tariff for houses with electric stoves and heating corresponds to 3.89 rubles/kWh. This means that the costs for the season will be 17,388 × 3.89 = 67,639.32 rubles.

Accordingly, if we talk about an electric boiler for heating a house of 200 square meters, the amounts will be much higher.

Connection diagram of an electric boiler to the network

Before connecting an electric heating boiler, please note that the electric boiler must be connected to the network using copper wiring. The cross-section of the wire must be no smaller than that specified in the document that came with the device. Electrical connections of the external type device must be made through special cable terminals. These pins should be located in the lower left corner. There should also be a brass grounding terminal with an M6 bolt.

Power cable connection diagram

When inserting an electric boiler into the heating system and installing grounding, you need to ensure that good and reliable contact is ensured between the metal body of the device and the brass bolt. Before connecting the bolt to the frame of the device, you need to thoroughly clean the connection area.

If electric heating is planned to be organized for a building with a large area, then when purchasing equipment you need to choose one that provides the possibility of installing a cascade. In order for the devices to operate normally in a cascade, the terminals of the control device must be connected to the unit that is being controlled. If the system installation is controlled using a room-type regulator, then the control contacts must be connected to the terminals of the control device.

Diagram of the electrical heating system of a two-story house

The device must be inspected visually and make sure that it is in the correct position, the water pressure in the system is normal, and all communications are connected. All this is defined in the unit documentation.

After this, the installation diagram for an electric heating boiler involves the following steps:

  • It is necessary to check the serviceability of the pipeline fittings located in front of the unit. To do this, you need to switch it from the “closed” to “open” position, and vice versa.
  • All pipeline fittings of the electric heat generator are moved to the “closed” position. It is also necessary to move the pipeline fittings of the water supply and heating systems to this position.
  • On those pipelines that supply cold water to the unit, you need to open the shut-off valves. If you use an electric heating system, it is not recommended to use antifreeze liquids for it. This is because they have properties that can affect the operation of equipment in a negative way. Antifreeze fluids have a composition that can cause aging or rapid wear of rubber components.
  • It is necessary to install a sump filter or filter before entering the unit on the return pipeline. You can install both of these elements.
  • After the heating system is completely filled with water, you need to check how tight it is.

When the installation of an electric boiler with heating radiators is completed, you need to check how efficient the system sensors are. These include sensors such as: temperature controller, water pressure sensor, signal and control components of the unit, emergency temperature sensor.

During repairs to the heating unit or during unfavorable installation conditions, an electric heating unit can be connected using rubber hoses.

For the heating system it is necessary to use water with a minimum hardness level. Then the service life of the heating elements can be significantly extended.

Main process

Installing the unit

First you need to install an electric boiler indoors. As we have already said, the unit can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. In the first case, the kit includes a special stand on which the “landing” is done.

In order to hang the boiler on the wall, you need to prepare anchors with dowels and a drill with a suitable drill bit. First, mark the wall using a tape measure and a marker. The holes must be placed perfectly level in a horizontal plane. Next, we drill out the marked places, drive dowels into them and screw in the anchors. After the anchor is firmly seated inside the wall, you can hang the electric boiler.

We draw your attention to the fact that the product must be installed perfectly level in both horizontal and vertical planes. Any misalignment can affect the performance and service life of the equipment

We connect the electrical wiring

Since an electric water heater has more power, it is necessary to connect it not from an outlet, but directly from the mains. To do this, a separate line must be drawn from the distribution box in the room, going to the boiler connection point. It is better to use underground cable routing, because... in this case, the line will be protected from mechanical damage and the appearance of the room will not deteriorate.

It should be noted that to power the water heater it is necessary to use a large cross-section cable that can withstand fairly high current loads. How to correctly calculate the cable cross-section. We spoke in the corresponding article, which we strongly recommend that you read.

So we draw your attention to the fact that small-power water heaters (up to 7 kW) can be connected to a single-phase network, which is often found in Khrushchev-era buildings and old-style apartments. Well, the last nuance at this stage that you should know about is that electric boilers up to 3.5 kW can operate from an outlet, and not from a separate line from the distribution box. Low-power boilers are ideal for connection in an apartment, because in this case the electrical wiring is usually single-phase and rewiring the cable is not always a practical solution

We install protective equipment

When all the input wires are connected to the electric boiler, it will be necessary to additionally protect it with a circuit breaker and an RCD installed in the main panel. The purpose of the first device is to protect equipment from short circuits and wiring overloads. Connecting an electric boiler through an RCD will protect you from leakage currents.

It is also recommended to install a voltage stabilizer, because even small surges can damage the unit.

I don’t think it’s worth talking about the need to ground an electric boiler. The main requirement is that the grounding wire be led directly from the bus to the equipment housing.

We are launching

When all wiring elements are connected, it is necessary to check all connection points. There should be no exposed contacts, as well as damaged insulation.

It is also necessary to check all couplings, taps and pipe joints. Only after a high-quality inspection of the heating system can you proceed to its start-up. First, we open the valves connected to the equipment, and then turn on the power.

Pay attention to the functionality of the temperature and pressure sensors. Nominal values ​​are indicated in the instructions included with the kit.

In case of obvious deviations, it is better to call a specialist.

We also provide for your attention a clear example of installation work:

DIY video instructions for connecting an electric boiler

Homemade electrode boiler: manufacturing features

Electric boiler diagram.

Most often, in order to make a homemade electric heating boiler, an electrode boiler circuit is chosen.

The design feature involves the use of a large diameter pipeline; it depends on the size of the heating element you choose. As an option, a scheme with a removable pipe can be used. Although this design is more complex to manufacture, it allows you to make the equipment universal and, if it is necessary to replace or repair the heating element, do it quickly and simply, without dismantling the heating system.

Advantages of an electric boiler:

  • the main argument for installing such equipment is that electricity is the most affordable source of energy, which cannot be said about gas or, for example, wood;
  • its work is easy to control and automate;
  • there is no noise during operation;
  • there is no need to install and maintain the chimney;
  • simpler registration compared to registration of gas equipment;
  • the use of temperature regulators does not allow the boiler to overheat;
  • affordable price;
  • small overall dimensions;
  • high level of reliability and the ability to work around the clock.

Electrode boiler diagram.

Usually they take a heating element whose power does not exceed 5 kW, but here it all depends on what area you plan to heat. The heating element usually operates from a 220 V network, so there are no difficulties with its connection.

When choosing the shape of the housing for the heating element, there are no special requirements; it can be of any shape. Its size should not be very large, otherwise the heat exchange between hot water and air will take place in the boiler itself, and not in the heating radiators.

You need to know that as the heating chamber increases, the efficiency of the equipment will decrease. Depending on the chosen design, the heating element can be installed directly into the pipe; in this case, the boiler is simply absent. Do not forget to provide for the possibility of simple and affordable replacement of the heating element.

In order to set the temperature, the heating system uses a potentiometer, which is installed near the thermostat or in another convenient place in the heating main. In the case when the temperature at the boiler outlet is low, it is necessary to reduce the speed of the circulation pump.

Electric boiler for heating - types, pros and cons

The following 3 types of electric boilers are available to the modern buyer:

  • Classic. The installation is based on a heating element located in a heat exchange tank. Water, passing through the heat exchanger, comes into contact with the heated surface of the heating element, is heated and distributed along the thermal circuit of the system. The main feature of the variety is the ease of installation, maintenance and operation, the prevalence of models.
  • Electrode. Heating of the coolant is carried out due to the forces generated when an electric current passes through the salt water column from one electrode to another. At the end of their service life, the electrodes will need to be replaced periodically due to dissolution.
  • Induction. The operating principle of the device is based on the production of heat due to the occurrence of eddy currents in the heat exchanger. The main working element is a ferromagnetic rod mounted in a dielectric pipe. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Installation diagram of an electric boiler for a private home Source
Most often, the heating system of a house is equipped with heating elements of electric boilers - due to the ease of installation and further maintenance, as well as optimal cost and availability. Among their main advantages are:

  1. High efficiency.
  2. Installation without special permission.
  3. Fire safety. The operation does not require the use of gas or flammable liquids, and the mechanism of action eliminates the combustion process.
  4. Long preservation period. The ability to maintain full functionality when idle for six months or longer, which is especially important for country houses.
  5. Minimum dimensions and weight.
  6. Possibility of installation in any room, without the need for a special boiler room. If dimensions and conditions allow, the boiler can be installed even in the kitchen or hallway.
  7. A wide variety of models in terms of power and installation options.
  8. Environmental Safety. During operation, the unit will not emit smoke, gas, soot or soot, and is therefore considered harmless to humans and the environment.

An example of installing a compact electric boiler in a house Source
The main disadvantage is the high electricity consumption, which is especially important in regions with high tariffs. It can be leveled out by installing a thermal accumulator. Also, due to the fact that the device operates from a network of 220V, or even 380 volts, household members may suffer electric shock. Therefore, the connection must be made strictly according to electrical installation rules with mandatory grounding of conductive parts.

On a note! The installation of an electric boiler must be preceded by a competent calculation of power. The standard indicator is equal to the product of the area of ​​the house by 0.1. In this case, the reserve should be at least 20%, and if you need to connect a hot water supply, then the entire 50%. For example, for a house of 100 m² the value will be = 100 * 0.1 + (100 * 0.1) * 0.2 = 12 kW, and if there is a hot water supply, 15 kW.

Carrying out installation work

Every homeowner wonders how to properly heat the house. Do-it-yourself installation of a heating system in a private house is carried out in several stages:

First, they arrange the room where the boiler will be installed. The interior decoration of this part of the house should be made of fire-resistant materials. You should also ensure good ventilation. When installing the boiler, remember that the equipment should not stand tightly on the floor, press against the wall or reach the ceiling. All measurements must maintain a slight indentation

In addition, it is important to ensure free access to the boiler. After installing the boiler, you can connect a circulation pump to the system or install a collector. The actions depend on the type of heating system selected. Next, the necessary control sensors and metering devices are mounted and secured, as well as elements that allow regulating the operation of the entire system or a specific section of it. At the next stage, installation of main pipelines is carried out

To fix the pipe elements, holes are made in the walls using a hammer drill. During the work, you should adhere to the basic rule for installing a heating system: for each linear meter, make a slope of 5 mm. Neglecting this rule can reduce the efficiency of the entire heating system, so you need to approach this stage responsibly. The completion of installation work can be called the installation of radiators. To fix them on the wall, make marks with a pencil or marker and use a puncher to punch holes into which the brackets are inserted. When making markings, adhere to the following: the distance from the floor to the lower level of the radiator should be 10 cm, from the wall to the rear surface - 2 cm, from the window sill - 10 cm. The inlet and outlet of each radiator is equipped with a valve for easier replacement or repair. After installing all system elements, a check is performed. When installing a gas boiler, the presence of a gas service representative is required.

From all of the above, we can conclude that installing heating systems in a private house is not a complicated process, which allows you to do most of the work yourself. The main condition is compliance with the rules and leisurely installation. However, this is possible if you have a lot of free time. If the time frame for completing installation work is short, then you can entrust some stages to specialists. In some situations, this can save both time and money.

In order for the heating system to function flawlessly for a sufficiently long period of time, it is necessary to purchase only high quality materials. By purchasing high-quality radiators, you can achieve maximum efficiency of the heating system and reduce fuel costs.

Selecting a circulation pump

For a circulation pump, two parameters are important - pressure and performance. The amount of pressure in most cases is practically irrelevant. The minimum pressure for the weakest pumps is 2 meters, which is quite enough to ensure normal operation of the heating system of any private home.

Pump performance is more important and the following formula is used to calculate it:

  • Q = 0.86 * R / Dt, where
  • R – total radiator power or boiler power,
  • Dt is the temperature difference in the supply and return circuits (in autonomous systems this value is 20 degrees).

DIY installation and connection

Before you begin installing the equipment, you need to familiarize yourself with its design features. As a rule, these are wall-mounted single-circuit models that do not have a separate tank to provide hot water supply. In such cases, a flow-through or capacitive-type water heater is additionally installed.

You should read the documentation supplied with the equipment in detail and take into account a number of general rules:

  1. The equipment must be located in an accessible area, with space on the sides for maintenance or repairs.
  2. Before installing attachments, make sure that the wall surface can withstand the load being applied.
  3. The work must be carried out primarily by a specialist. If this is not possible, he must inspect the assembled system before putting it into operation.

Installation introductory video

Main working steps

Installation of electric boilers is much simpler than those using traditional energy sources. There is no need to store solid or liquid fuel, install a chimney, etc.

The work is divided into the following stages:

  1. First, the boiler is hung on a wall surface or installed on a designated area (for wall-mounted and floor-mounted equipment, respectively)
  2. It is necessary to make sure that the installation is located in the desired place without distortion
  3. Reliable grounding is being considered
  4. The boiler and heating system are connected
  5. Commissioning works

The installations offered on the market are not always equipped with a boiler and circulation pump. In this case, they are installed separately at the stage of connecting the heating system.

Commissioning work means the following operations: testing in various modes, removing air trapped in the system, checking tightness, checking grounding, etc.

Other installation features

Despite the simplicity of the work performed, the installation of electric boilers for heating a house has its own characteristics. To ensure that the equipment does not cause trouble, certain rules must be taken into account:

  1. The installation location must be selected in such a way that access to the equipment is always free
  2. The surrounding surfaces must be made of non-combustible material and can withstand the applied load.

Most models support operation from a 220 V network, however, for more powerful equipment a three-phase connection is required. When connecting to the electrical network, it is necessary to consider grounding using a copper wire with a diameter of 4 mm and install machines of the required ratings, RCD For electrode models, it is recommended to equip the heating circuit with a pressure gauge, reverse safety valve and air vent
The only fundamental difference between wall-mounted and floor-mounted equipment is the installation location. Connection and connection to pipelines occurs in exactly the same way.

Installation rules, choice of location and safety precautions

Before installing a heating unit, it is necessary to prepare a place for it, and for this, in turn, you need to correctly determine it.

For safety reasons and if additional equipment is available, it is better to install the boiler in a separate room Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in engineering systems (heating, water supply, sewerage and others) and related work

There are the following recommendations for installing an electric boiler in your home:

  • In order to protect residents from accidental contact with the unit and electric shock, as well as the equipment itself from exposure to household factors, it is best to prepare a separate room. This could be a storage room, basement or garage.
  • Compact models can be installed in the hallway or kitchen. However, even in this case, it is necessary to provide an area free from accidental contact. In addition, connecting an electric heating installation will require pipes and cables, which will have to be decorated in some way so as not to deteriorate the interior.
  • To ensure fire safety, the installation and connection of an electric boiler on a wooden surface must be preceded by the installation of a lining made of non-combustible material - sheets of asbestos and metal.
  • For maximum comfort of operation and maintenance, there must be free space when approaching the boiler.
  • The power line must be mounted on the wall above the pipeline so that in the event of a break, the wiring does not end up in the water.

For fire and electrical safety purposes, the pipeline must be located below the electrical wiring Source

  • The pipeline at the point of contact with the boiler must have its own fastenings so as not to overload the fittings of the device.

From the point of view of safety precautions and requirements for electrical installation work, there are the following rules for connecting the unit:

  • Installation work should only be carried out when the house is de-energized.
  • The location of the boiler relative to the surrounding environment is at least 5 cm from the body to the wall, from 0.7 m of free space in front of the front panel, from the top edge of the body to the ceiling surface is at least 80 cm, for a suspended model the distance to the floor is at least 0.5 m, minimum distance to pipes 50 cm.
  • Availability of 3-phase network. To connect an electric boiler of sufficient power, over 5-7 kW, a 220 V power supply will not be enough - to evenly distribute the load, you will need 3 phases and 380 volts. Otherwise, the network will be overloaded, so it will be possible to install only a low-power unit, the role of which will be reduced not to full heating, but to a backup one - to complement a gas or wood boiler, in case of emergency shutdown, or as an option for a small area.

If necessary or of low power, an electric boiler can complement a gas one Source

How to connect 2 boilers in the system?

You can’t just randomly connect 2 devices, the system will either not work or will work incorrectly. It is necessary to use carefully designed and competently designed ones from an engineering point of view.

There are two main connection schemes, these are:

  • Sequential, when all elements are connected to each other without additional nodes. In this case, one device will heat the coolant, and the second will reheat it;
  • Parallel, in which the devices included in the circuit have 2 connection points and the boilers operate independently of each other.

The sequential system is more suitable for low-power boiler installations and is rarely used.

Serial connection is considered impractical, if only because it is impossible to remove one boiler without affecting the second. In fact, the problem is solved by installing bypasses and shut-off valves, but still parallel connection is preferable

Meanwhile, parallel connection in a single system of gas and electric boilers has many advantages. Therefore, it is used most often, despite the fact that this arrangement requires more materials and is considered more expensive.

In such a device, you can turn off one of the devices at any time and even remove it for replacement or repair, while the second one will continue to operate as normal.

Where to install and how

Different models have different wattages, which affects what kind of line they will need. According to this criterion, today there are two types of electric boilers: floor-mounted and wall-mounted. The first type is characterized by high power (more than 60 kW), the second, correspondingly, lower (from 5 to 60 kW).

Important: for any type of electric generator with a power of more than 12 kW, a three-phase network is required. In other cases, two-phase is sufficient

In addition, when installing, the lower pipe must be located below the radiator so that water (oil or antifreeze) does not remain in the system.

As for the installation location, it can be any room, the main thing is that there is always unhindered access to the device. However, as practice shows, most often the kitchen or some non-residential premises are chosen for this. Much more important is the absence of flammable materials on the wall where the boiler will hang. If you doubt that you understood everything correctly, we advise you to find a suitable video and check this information with a clear example.

Gas boiler piping and its purpose

Piping refers to pipes and mechanisms that are used to supply coolant from the boiler to the radiators. This is almost the entire heating system, with the exception of the batteries.

The system includes a large number of components, but the simplest version of the harness can be installed by a non-professional. But if a diagram is required, then in this case it is better to seek help from specialists.

When choosing a piping scheme, in each specific case it is necessary to take into account the type of boiler, construction features, and type of heating system. Any gas unit is dangerous

If you make mistakes during the connection process, the result can not only be problems with heating your home, it is also fraught with explosions and destruction

That is why it is very important to strictly comply with safety standards and requirements. When piping a gas boiler for heating a private house, you should rely on the requirements of SNiP

Any gas unit is dangerous. If you make mistakes during the connection process, the result can not only be problems with heating your home, it is also fraught with explosions and destruction

That is why it is very important to strictly comply with safety standards and requirements. When piping a gas boiler for heating a private house, you should rely on the requirements of SNiP

It is necessary to plan the heating scheme well, decide where the equipment will be located, and the features of laying pipelines.

The boiler piping performs a number of very important functions:

  1. Controls pressure. If all the conditions of the piping are met and it is done correctly, then thermal expansion is compensated. This means that the pressure in the heating system will not increase to too high levels.
  2. The next function is air removal. Due to air bubbles, traffic jams appear, which negatively affects water heating. In such situations, radiators heat up unevenly, but resource consumption remains the same. It is necessary to perform high-quality boiler piping in order to avoid such unpleasant moments.
  3. Prevention of blockages in the system. If you make mistakes during the boiler piping process, there is a high probability of scale appearing in radiators and pipes. Small debris in the coolant pollutes the system, which leads to excessive fuel consumption, and this increases the cost of heating, while its quality decreases.
  4. Other circuits can be connected. You can additionally install underfloor heating and a storage boiler.

How to choose?

To choose an electric boiler, the client should pay attention to the characteristics of the devices; they should also be taken into account before purchasing

Number of circuits

Single-circuit boilers heat the coolant in the heating system. To provide hot water, you should choose an additional water heater or a double-circuit boiler.

Their design includes two operating circuits, one for heating, the other for providing hot water. But these boilers consume a lot of electricity, increasing the cost of water and heating.


The main parameter you need to pay attention to is the power of the electric boiler. It is worth considering the area and intensity of heat loss of the building

When the supply voltage decreases, the power also decreases.

If you use a double-circuit electric boiler for hot water supply, then a power reserve of up to 25% is provided.

Supply voltage

The next point is the type of supply voltage. Most often, boilers have low power, and the power comes from a single-phase 220V network.

If you need to connect more powerful equipment up to 10 kW, then you should lay a separate connection line.


The basic equipment of the unit consists of the following elements: circulation pump, expansion tank, safety group, temperature sensors and programmer.


Additional protective devices of the device will help save electricity and protect the owner from breakdowns. The fuse is located outside the device.


It is advisable that the fuses have different directions - they are triggered by overheating, freezing of the coolant, or critical measurement of electricity data.


When installing, it is worth considering the location where the unit is installed. This can be wall mounted or floor mounted.

For heating a private home, a wall-mounted installation is more suitable. But if the device is large, the client may only have the full version. In this case, it is worth putting the unit away in a storage room or a special boiler room in the house.

For an average apartment, it is better to choose a wall-mounted design of devices.

Heated area (calculation)

It is worth taking as an example the calculation for a room of 18 sq.m., the formula will look like this:

18 sq.m x 100 W = 1800 W

It turns out that an hour of heating eighteen square meters will require 1.8 kW of power. The result is divided by the heat that is released into a certain part of the heating radiator.

If we take into account the data from the 170 W passport, then we should:

1800 W/170 W = 10.59

The resulting number is rounded up to the nearest whole number - 11. Therefore, it follows that for an area of ​​18 sq.m, it is recommended to purchase a unit with 11 sections.

To heat an area of ​​160 m2, the boiler power should be 16 kW.

It is worth making a calculation for an apartment area of ​​65 m2 with three-meter ceilings:

  • Determine the power by area - 65m2/10m2 = 6.5 kW;
  • An adjustment is made for the region - 6.5 kW * 1.2 = 7.8 kW;
  • 25% should be added, taking into account water heating 7.8 kW * 1.25 = 9.75 kW;
  • 10% is added to account for cold temperature: 7.95 kW * 1.1 = 10.725 kW.

The result is rounded to a power of 11 kW.


When choosing a control, you should consider the convenience of the design and ease of use. Basically, boilers have electronic panels with several keys and a rotary switch. But there is also something completely mechanical.

It all depends on the personal preferences of buyers, which it is advisable to voice before purchasing.

Additional functions

When paying attention to additional functions, take into account the built-in controls that complement the functionality. All additional options also need to be checked with the manager in a specialized store.

All additional options also need to be clarified with the manager at a specialized store.

  • Protection from cold temperatures;
  • Fuses are installed to prevent excessive temperatures;
  • Thermometer for determining temperature;
  • Indication when the device is activated;
  • Blocking nas also has protection;

Classic harness

Let's look at the basic wiring diagrams for an electric heating boiler.

There are currently four common methods:

  • With natural circulation.
  • With forced circulation.
  • Classic collector distribution of the thermal circuit.
  • Primary-secondary ring method.

All components of a wall-mounted electric boiler are also included in the piping. Internal heating circuits (“warm floor”) are also included in the boiler arrangement.

Electric boiler wiring diagram

Let's take a closer look at the classic version of collector wiring

An important task of this scheme is to ensure minimal temperature differences. It is assumed that when working in double-circuit boilers, the already heated coolant passes from the small circuit to the large one

The classic piping of an electric heating boiler takes this feature into account. First of all, you need to understand what components are used to build an electric boiler.

The following elements are used to arrange the thermal circuit:

  • network pump;
  • bypass valve;
  • pressure gauge and thermometer;
  • pass filter;
  • PVC pipes, fittings (couplings, tees, adapters) and fasteners;
  • safety block valves;
  • shut-off valves (taps, valves);
  • expansion tank;
  • radiators.

You will also need tools and equipment for welding.

Classic strapping scheme

Classic boiler piping can be done:

  • With a DHW circuit: water passes through the boiler before entering the mixer;
  • With “warm floor”;
  • Easy connection to the mains.

In single-circuit systems, it is not difficult to understand the principle of piping - you just need to follow the instructions from the technical documentation of the electric boiler.

However, it is worth considering that when using an indirect heating boiler, it also needs to be tied according to the recommendations. When operating dual-circuit equipment, it is a little more difficult to figure out the piping.

A direct piping option is possible - the temperature is regulated by a burner, and a mixing option - the heating mode is regulated using a burner and a servo drive.

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