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The main purpose of electrical safety signs is to protect the user and anyone else who may be harmed as a result of equipment failure or malfunction from electric shock. In addition, safety posters prevent actions that lead to breakdown of devices and also serve to indicate the workplace.

The classification accepted today divides electrical safety signs used on electrical installations and in the area where they are located into the following types:

  • according to the nature of the recommendations: warning signs;
  • prohibition posters;
  • prescriptive;
  • indicating signs.
  • by method of use:
      permanent, installed directly on equipment and electrical appliances, their components and adjacent structures;
  • portable - they can be moved from one device to another.
  • The image of each sign is regulated by state standards that determine the color of its parts (border, edging, background), shape, size and motto - text that carries key information.


    As is clear from the name of the category, prohibitory signs and posters must be used in cases where unauthorized actions could lead to voltage entering equipment or a voltage workplace. In addition, they are used to prevent employees from walking in work areas without special protective equipment.

    “DO NOT TURN ON people working”

    The prohibitory inscription is written in red in the center of a white sign with a red frame. Such posters are placed on electrical installations (from 1 kilovolt) - on switches, disconnectors, keys and other load supply devices, and on switching equipment, the erroneous activation of which will lead to the transfer of voltage to the site of installation or repair work.

    "DO NOT ENABLE line work"

    Red poster with white border. The prohibitory inscription is written in white letters in the center. Intended for use in the same conditions, however, this sign is located on the switching and closing devices of switching electrical installations to prevent the supply of load to the overhead lines during repair and installation work on them.

    “People are working NOT OPEN”

    Portable poster with dimensions 200˟100mm, has a white background with a red border. The inscription is written in white or red font. Installation of this sign is required in situations where the opening of pneumatic actuators and air ducts used in electrical installations of power plants could lead to the supply of hydrogen, compressed air or carbon dioxide, which is hazardous to health, to the people performing the work.

    “Do not switch ON OPERATION UNDER VOLTAGE again!”

    Letters in red or black on a white background with a red frame. This sign is used in situations where attempts to manually restart high-voltage lines after they have been automatically turned off should not be allowed. It is installed on switches, separators, keys and other similar devices during the repair of high-voltage live lines. Turning on the line after automatic shutdown must be agreed upon with the person making the repairs.


    These prohibition signs are large in size - 130˟240 mm, and are made in the form of a red inscription on a white background with a wide red frame. They are hung in open switchgears with voltages above 330 kV (the sign should be at a level of 180 cm from the ground). Personnel are prohibited from being in the area of ​​an active electric field without special protective clothing. Some sources classify this sign as a warning sign.

    Product classification

    Posters and signs warn of the dangers associated with approaching energized equipment. Safety posters may also identify the workplace.

    Based on the nature of their application, electrical safety posters are divided into portable and stationary (permanent).

    Classifications of posters and signs:

    • Prohibiting,
    • Warning,
    • Prescriptive,
    • Pointing.

    All signs and their sizes, more details about each type of sign are written below in the article


    Designed to prohibit switching with devices (turning on or off), they are needed so that no one mistakenly applies voltage to electrical equipment. The inscriptions are made in red letters on a white background and with a red frame, or vice versa in white letters on a red background.

    Dimensions of rectangular posters (width x height): 200x100 or 100x50 mm.

    Prohibition posters


    Designed to warn of approaching live parts or parts at a life-threatening distance. Signs are used in electrical installations up to 1000 V and above.

    The inscriptions are made in red letters on a white background and with a red frame, or a yellow triangle with a black frame and a zipper, or black paint, which is applied to reinforced concrete supports, fences or slabs.

    Dimensions of rectangular signs: 300x150. The dimensions of the sides of the triangle are usually 300x300x300, but if the sign is used indoors or pasted on equipment, then its side dimensions can be: 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 150 mm.

    Also read: Purpose of dielectric galoshes in electrical installations

    Warning signs


    They are used to indicate places of work and for a safe approach to the workplace. The inscriptions and frames are made in blue and white letters.

    Sizes of square signs: 100x100 or 250x250 mm, 200x200 and 80x80 mm.

    Mandatory signs


    Indicates that a certain area of ​​the electrical installation is grounded and that voltage must not be supplied to electrical equipment, as well as to indicate the location of various objects and devices. There is only one sign indicating “GROUNDED” in blue on a blue background. Poster dimensions: 200x100 or 100x50 mm The width of the white border should be 5-13mm.

    Pointing sign


    Warning posters are designed to inform people of the risk of being near apparatus or equipment that, if energized, could cause injury. In addition, they are hung in situations where it is necessary to exclude the possibility of activating separators, buttons, switches, keys and other switching devices in electrical installations in order to avoid supplying voltage to the electrical equipment on which work is being performed. Also, warning posters are placed during repairs and other work to remind about the rules and requirements of electrical safety.

    Two danger symbols

    A permanent sign, depicted as a yellow equilateral (36 cm) triangle with a black border, on which a black lightning bolt is depicted. Serves to alert you to the potential danger of being in a certain place or to prevent any other actions. They are hung on the doors of electrical installations and equipment of any voltage class, and in the security zone of cable lines.

    A permanent sign, distinguished from the previous one only by a white background. It is installed for the same purpose on concrete enclosing structures of open switchgears and reinforced concrete supports of high-voltage power lines.


    A portable rectangular sign with a black inscription and an image of a lightning bolt (according to GOST R 12.4.026). Used on electrical installations of various voltage classes. In conditions of repair or installation work - on the fences of the working area and adjacent chambers.

    TEST is life threatening

    Portable poster with black inscription and an image of a red lightning bolt on a white background with a red border. Serves to alert you to the risk of electric shock during high voltage testing. During preparation for testing, posters are placed directly on the equipment and its enclosures.

    Danger! Keep out

    A portable sign indicating the risk of walking and walking on structures leading to live parts of equipment. It is made in the form of a black inscription and a red lightning bolt on a white plate with a red frame.

    Electrical safety for children

    To explain and tell children about the dangers of electric current, it is best to do this in a playful way. You can go with them on a journey called “Beware of Electric Current”. The journey will take place, for example, on a walk. If in kindergarten, then in the group area.

    How does a lesson on electrical safety work in kindergarten?

    How will this journey go? We invite all the children to sit in the carriage; in this case, the carriage will be, for example, a bench. We announce that we have left, and the next station will be called “Electron”. A cheerful melody from the song “Blue Car” began to play. We drive up and immediately see in front of us a painted picture with an image of an electron in the form of tiny spiders inside a wire, which the teacher talks about. You also need to tell the guys that the socket may be faulty.

    What needs to be explained to children

    Children need to be taught that electrons are very dangerous and very useful at the same time. They are useful because, walking along wires, “electron spiders” conduct current from the power plant along wires to cities, villages, and to every home, so that everyone’s electrical appliances, for example, an iron or an electric kettle, work.

    The danger of electrons

    Let's tell the guys that before there was no electricity, and people used a torch or a candle. But electrons in wires can also be dangerous if you use, for example, a faulty iron or electric kettle.

    You cannot use bare wires without insulation; you also need to show children what they look like.

    Danger of faulty wiring

    The same melody started playing, we sing together and drive to the next station called “Iskra”. We drive up and see before our eyes a picture of an electric kettle plug plugged into a socket with faulty wiring. The wire is exposed and this is very dangerous. Under no circumstances should such a wire be used. It is necessary to either insulate this place or replace the wire. This should be done by a person who knows his job well.

    Poor contact

    You also need to tell the guys that the socket may also be faulty; sparks may come out of it when the plug is plugged into it. This indicates poor contact. Or, to put it more simply, the connection between the electrical plug and the electrical outlet is not tight, and a visible and audible spark appears. When this happens, you must immediately carefully remove the plug from the socket to prevent a fire.

    Assignment for the guys

    The next terminal station “Znatoki” is announced. The melody from the song “Blue Car” sounds. Approaching this station with the guys, we see a picture that shows electrical appliances with visible faulty wiring and working ones. It is necessary to name the items that are usable and which need to be repaired or replaced.

    Having cheerfully completed a useful journey, we cheerfully leave the “car”, having received the necessary knowledge.

    It is important and necessary to talk about electrical safety with children! And not only for teachers, but also for parents!

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    Prescriptive posters serve to notify personnel and other people about the places organized for work, methods of access to equipment and actions with it. These are portable signs with a standard size of 100˟100mm or 250˟250mm.

    WORK here

    It is made in the form of a green (sometimes blue) square with a white circle in the center, inside of which a prescriptive inscription is written in black letters. Intended for use in electrical installations related to electrical stations and substations. Located at the site where installation or repair work is carried out.


    The “GET IN HERE” safety sign is made in the form of a green square with a white circle, in the center of which there is an inscription in black font. The poster must be installed on structures and staircases leading to the place of repair or installation work for the safe movement of personnel.

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