Electrical safety sign lightning GOST dimensions

The Electrical Hazard sign (lightning sign) is produced in several versions:
  • Vinyl film sticker.
  • PVC plastic plate, thickness from 3 to 5 mm.
  • Galvanized metal plate, 0.8 mm thick.
  • Composite plate, 3 mm thick. Composite is a modern stainless material that is almost stronger than galvanized metal.

The image on the signs is applied using solvent printing technology, with paints that are resistant to environmental influences.

Signs with photoluminescent

surface have the effect of long-lasting glow in the dark. During normal times, signs accumulate energy from light sources, and when the lights are turned off (or smoke occurs), they emit the accumulated light. Read more.

Attention! In accordance with GOST 12.4.026-2015, fire safety signs placed on the evacuation route, as well as evacuation safety signs, must be made of photoluminescent materials (or have internal or external lighting).

To increase the service life of signs, we offer an additional option - lamination.

Lamination is the covering of the front surface of a sign with a protective film, which creates additional protection for the image from mechanical damage and fading in the sun.


  • By courier to your home or institution;
  • To the point of delivery of courier service orders;
  • To the terminal of the transport company in your city;
  • To the nearest Russian Post office;
  • Delivery time from 2 days.

The product is delivered in secure packaging to prevent damage.

In an article previously published on our website on electrical protective equipment, it was mentioned that this category also includes signs and posters on electrical safety (hereinafter referred to as ES). Today we will talk about them in more detail. From the materials of the article you will learn about the different types of posters and signs, their purpose, as well as the nature of their application.

Difference between signs and posters

The main difference between them is their purpose. In short, the function of signs is to inform about permanent factors, for example, to warn maintenance and repair personnel about the possibility of accidental contact with live structural elements. Accordingly, fixed places are provided for the location of these electrical protective equipment.

ES signs can be made of metal or dielectric materials; it is allowed to paint them or apply a film with a pattern. In the first case, when a metal base is used, the installation is carried out at a safe distance from live elements.

These safety equipment are displayed in accordance with their intended purpose. Unlike signs, they can be permanently located or portable.

Types of posters by purpose

These funds are classified depending on their functional purpose into the following types:

  • Prohibiting action , this group imposes a ban on the use of switching equipment to prevent its activation during repair and maintenance work in the area of ​​responsibility.
  • Preventive action is prescribed to be installed in places where there is a danger of accidental contact with live parts of an electrical installation, or a danger of approaching them. In addition, this category includes a means that informs about the prohibition of entering the electric field zone without appropriate protective equipment.
  • Prescriptive in nature . The purpose of these means is to point maintenance or repair personnel to a specially prepared place that meets safety standards.
  • Indicating destination . Currently, GOST provides only one means for this group, informing about the imposition of portable grounding.

Let's look at what products are included in this or that group, the conditions for their use, the accepted format, as well as the acceptable colors. The sequence will be the same as adopted in GOST 12.4.026 2015 (Appendix 9).


This category includes four types:

  1. Prohibiting the switching on of switching devices that provide power to electrical installations.

Poster “Do not turn on!
People are working” The design is made in two formats: 100.0 x 50.0 mm and 200.0 x 100.0 mm. The inscription is made in red letters on a white background. The inscription is framed with a frame of the same color as the letters. The edging has a width of 1.25 mm and is made in white.

Electrical safety rules allow the use of these safety equipment regardless of the voltage class of electrical devices. Installation is prescribed in places where switching devices are controlled, providing power supply shutdown. If the circuit diagram of the electrical device does not imply the presence of such switches, the poster is installed on the removed fuses.

Classification of information posters and signs

Electrical safety posters used in electrical installations are used to inform personnel, as well as people who value their own lives.

Perhaps the most common saying is “don’t get involved, he’ll kill you!”, and most often this inscription is accompanied by a frightening picture - a skull pierced by lightning. In general, electrical safety posters and signs are distinguished by their variety of types, so they are usually divided into several groups.

According to the installation principle, they can be both portable and stationary, and according to their purpose, they are usually classified into several groups:

  1. Warning signs. They “signal” that there is electrical equipment located at a short distance, close contact with which can cause electrical injury.
  2. Prohibiting. Such posters warn that there is a risk of being exposed to voltage. Often prohibition signs can be found on electrical equipment housings.
  3. Pointing. Usually installed where it is necessary to accurately show the location of portable grounding (grounding location in an electrical installation).
  4. Prescriptive. Indicate that all work must be carried out in full compliance with safety regulations.

It is recommended to use posters and safety signs made of plastic, which is a dielectric. If current-carrying elements of electrical installations are located at some distance, then it is allowed to use metal plates. Inscriptions on electrical safety posters and signs are applied with paints that can withstand exposure to aggressive environments: ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, high humidity. It is noteworthy that now the necessary signs are rarely drawn through a stencil, since outdated methods have been replaced by new ones, which involve gluing a film with a ready-made image. If necessary, you should take care of the lighting.

Auxiliary signs

They are intended primarily to inform. The most common and well-known auxiliary sign is “No Trespassing”. In addition, when it comes to the repair and operation of electrical installations, signs such as “380 V”, “Equipment in operation”, “Live cable”, “High voltage cables”, “Power line security zone”, can be used. “Network division. Live cable”, etc.

Prohibition signs and posters

To prevent accidental supply of voltage when inspecting and repairing electrical equipment, prohibiting signs and electrical safety posters are used. These types of “informants” include:

  1. Poster “Danger! Do not enter without protective equipment!” It is a warning that a person is entering the zone of action of an electric field, and in order for him to enter, he must take care of the availability of electrical protective equipment.
  2. "High voltage. Life threatening!" - an electrical safety sign indicating a factor that can become a threat to human life.
  3. Poster “Do not turn on! People are working! “Informator” belongs to the category of non-stationary, and this inscription implies that at the current moment in time, supplying voltage is strictly prohibited. Where the poster “Do not turn on! People are working!”? For any control elements of switching devices. This is done in order to prevent the supply of voltage, and in addition, this sign is installed near the removed fuses.
  4. Poster “Working under voltage. Do not turn it on again." This means that you should not turn on the overhead line switches a second time if they have already been turned off. These posters are posted when live repair work is being carried out. Location – control keys.
  5. Poster “Do not turn on! Work on the line." Indicates that energizing the line is prohibited. The “informant” is classified as portable and is hung on control drives or keys.

Warning signs and posters

If a person approaches an unsafe distance from live elements, then warning posters and electrical safety signs will certainly notify him of this.

  • “Stop! Voltage". This is a warning that a person is approaching live elements that are energized. This poster is non-stationary.
  • “Don’t get in! Will kill” is a sign that is well known to everyone from childhood. A skull or lightning bolt is used as an additional “decoration”. The sign indicates that you should not climb up power lines or poles as there is a risk of electrical injury. A variant of a sadder outcome is clearly depicted in the second part of the inscription.
  • Poster “Test. Life threatening!". If high-voltage tests are carried out, then such a poster will certainly be hung on the fence.
  • "Carefully! Electrical voltage! - a sign indicating that there is a possibility of exposure to electric current. Very often, a yellow triangle with a black lightning bolt and a black border can be found on equipment, machines, room doors and other surfaces. It is noteworthy that this “picture” also has a second name - the sign “Danger of Electric Shock”.

Mandatory signs

To clearly indicate the location of work in electrical installations, as well as to make it clear where exactly safe passages and approaches are located, prescriptive posters are used:

  • “Climb here” is a sign indicating the safest route to climb to a height. This poster can be presented in two versions.
  • “Work Here” is a portable poster that allows staff to know exactly where the work place is located. The “Work Here” sign also comes in two types. This can be a white circle on a light green background, with an inscription inside, or a white square with a wide blue border, with a corresponding inscription inside.

Directional signs and posters

This category is represented by only one “instance”, and this is a sign of grounding. Under what circumstances and why is the “Grounded” poster posted? This sign is installed when it is necessary to notify personnel that it is prohibited to supply voltage to the electrical installation because it is grounded. The sign is hung on the drive of the switching devices, and it can “peacefully coexist” with the prohibiting poster, but at the same time, “Grounded” always has priority, and therefore is hung in such a way that it is in the foreground. The “Grounded” sign is a light blue rectangle, inside of which is placed the corresponding inscription in white letters.

By nature of application

This classification for electrical safety posters and signs allows you to determine whether the device will be installed on a permanent basis or whether it is portable. The first, for the most part, include signs, for example, voltage indicators, which are a triangular information plate with a stylized image of lightning.


Of the types listed above, these include the signs given in paragraphs 5 and 6, as well as the warning poster from paragraph 10


All other posters that were discussed are portable, that is, those that are installed in new places.

It makes sense to create sets of portable posters only when standard maintenance or repair of electrical network components or equipment powered by it is performed. In such cases, you can take a certain number of mandatory, prohibitive or other safety posters and signs, including “danger to life” signs, in advance.

Modern life cannot be imagined without electricity. In everyday life, in production, in transport - electric current flows everywhere. When working with any electrical appliances, you must follow certain rules. Any violation can lead to irreparable consequences. Workers servicing electrical installations should be especially careful about this issue. This is a complex of machines and devices, lines along with auxiliary equipment and the premises in which they are located. The main purpose of the above systems is the production, transformation, and transmission of electrical energy.

To ensure that nothing threatens human life and health in places with increased risk, there are special electrical safety signs. They are installed to prevent or restrict movement and actions in a given area. In this way, a safe zone is determined. This preventative measure prevents the occurrence of electric shock victims.


The very name of such posters determines their main goal - this is to impose a ban on any manipulations with switching devices (switches, circuit breakers, etc.), so that when carrying out electrical work, someone does not accidentally supply electricity to the power supply network of an electrical installation. Let's look at each of the prohibition signs in order.

  1. The sign indicates an area where there is a strong electric field that is dangerous to life. Passage through such an area without special protective equipment is strictly prohibited. A sign is installed on open switchgears (OSD) with a voltage of more than 330 kV and an electric field strength of more than 15 kV/meter. Placement of the poster: fencing the area at a height of at least 1.8 meters.
  2. The poster is hung on switching devices such as switches, buttons, keys and so on. The sign prohibits the supply of voltage until maintenance or repair work is completed. If there are no switching elements, the poster is installed near the removed fuses. Used to ensure electrical safety in electrical installations with voltages up to 1 kV and higher.
  3. The functions and installation locations of this poster are no different from the previous safety sign. Area of ​​use: underground cable and open overhead lines for supplying electrical energy, on which preventive or repair work is carried out. The poster prohibits any manipulation of switching devices until the work is completed and the poster is removed.
  4. This prohibitory poster is hung on keys that are designed to control switches on high-voltage lines (VL). Functionally, the sign establishes a ban on erroneously manually turning on the power of a high-voltage power line while maintenance or repair work is being carried out on it, which could lead to electric shock to people.

The entire above list of electrical safety signs is prohibitive, as it prohibits certain actions. Posters can be either portable or stationary, installed on a permanent basis.

Difference between signs and posters

At any enterprise there are certain restrictions, one way or another related to electricity. Labor safety regulations require the installation of electrical safety signs in places where there is a danger of electric shock. In their absence, the head of the organization is responsible for industrial accidents.

For your information! Sign Safety signs or posters are used as additional means of protection. Some are installed permanently, but sometimes it becomes necessary to move electrical safety warning signs to carry out, for example, repairs or routine inspections.

Signs are always permanent. In contrast, posters are either portable or permanent.

For example, during preventive and hazardous work, an accident occurred in which people were injured due to a lack of information about the danger. In such cases, legal entities and officials are held liable. Depending on the severity of the incident, it can be administrative or criminal.

Overview of Electrical Safety Warning Signs

When it is dangerous to approach nearby live parts, the following signs are posted (in the form of stationary posters and plates, or painted on the body of the electrical installation):

  • “Stop! Voltage!" A portable sign warning that it is dangerous to approach an electrical installation. The inscription in black letters on a white background.
  • “He will kill! Don't get in!" It is prohibited to climb inside the room or shield.
  • “A test is being carried out! Don't come closer! They are hung directly during work involving high voltage.
  • "Electric field. High danger. Passage without protective equipment is prohibited! Prohibition on movement near high-voltage installations to avoid remote electric shock.
  • “The electrical installation is live! Be careful." The sign is posted on electrical equipment and installations of various classes to prevent electric shock. It can also be applied with paint to the surface of concrete.

Types of email signs safety according to GOST

There is a division of safety signs into the following groups:

  • prohibiting;
  • warning;
  • prescriptive;
  • index.

This classification is established by GOST 12.4.026-2015.

Prohibitions imply a complete restriction on any actions that could cause harm to workers located in the area of ​​electrical installations and carrying out any actions there. They also prohibit working or carrying out any manipulations without protective equipment inside certain premises and installations.

Warnings serve to indicate possible dangers not only to human health, but also to life, as well as harmful production factors. They perform the following task: to increase attention or warn workers and third parties about an object that is potentially dangerous. Failure to comply with special safety measures can lead to irreparable consequences, severe injuries, injuries, or even death.

Manufacturing requirements

The production of milestone signs is clearly regulated by GOST 12.4.026-2001.

  • Warning signs should have a triangular shape with a yellow signal color. The same GOST defines the basis for prohibitory signs. The main signal color here is red. The prescribed predetermined shape is a round shape with a blue signal color.
  • Dielectric materials are used to make signs. GOST recommends the use of non-flammable PVC plastic with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm with a photoluminescent or reflective base. Metal may only be used for signs remote from electrical installations.
  • It is allowed to print safety signs and explanatory notes on film with a self-adhesive backing.
  • It is allowed to mark and place stationary electrical safety signs with paint using stencils. At night, all electrical safety information should be backlit.
  • If safety signs are voluminous, then the quality of the design must be durable, the sign must be securely attached. Installation and dismantling for maintenance and repair should be as simple as possible.
  • Safety signs in electrical installations that are intended to be placed outside buildings must be resistant to various atmospheric influences: rain, snow, frost, dust, fog and sunlight.

For your information! Sign All sizes of signs are calculated from the point of view of readability and are given in GOST 12.4.026-2001.

Where should the signs be located?

It is not difficult to guess the purpose of prohibitory signs. It lies in the name itself, indicating that at the moment there is a restriction on manipulations with switching devices (switches, circuit breakers).

  • An electrical safety sign posted on moving parts prevents accidental switching on until the end of maintenance or repair work, thereby ensuring the safety of people working in the electrical installation. If there are no switching elements, then the poster is hung or fixed not far from the removed fuses. Scope of application: electrical installations with voltage up to 1 kV and higher.
  • Warning posters are placed in places where testing work is carried out in electrical installations with high voltage. The territory in which such actions are carried out has a fence, and a poster or corresponding sign is placed on it.
  • Safety signs are installed permanently in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V, at power plants and substations, on overhead line supports. At power plants and substations, the sign is posted on the entrance doors of switchgears. On high-voltage line supports, signs are mounted on supports at a height of 2.5-3 m from the ground.

For your information! Sign When carrying out any actions in electrical installations and in places where there is a possibility of electric shock, in order to prevent accidents, you must install appropriate plates, signs or posters, which must be created in accordance with GOST.

These instructions must be posted before hazardous work begins in the visible area to prevent loss of life.

Electrical Hazard Levels

The effect of current on the human body consists of 3 damaging factors

  1. thermal;
  2. biological;
  3. electrolytic.

Thermal effects lead to burns, the biological effect excites internal organs and disrupts their functioning, and electrolysis causes chemical reactions.

All electrical injuries can be divided according to their outcome into local and general. Local damage includes

  • burns;
  • electrical tags;
  • electrometallization of skin;
  • ophthalmia;
  • mechanical injuries.

Burns are expressed in the coagulation of protein compounds, with an increase in body temperature to 700˚C. They are contact from low-voltage injuries, arc up to 1 kV and mixed at high voltage. Electrical burns, unlike fire burns, are more difficult to treat, they are extremely painful and often damage internal organs.

Current marks are round swellings up to 15 mm, do not hurt and have diagnostic value. Leather metallization is similar to tags, with the only difference being that the leather is impregnated with metal compounds as they evaporate, and the color depends on the material. In rare cases, the ultraviolet flow of the arc current causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is called electroophthalmia.

Electric shocks can damage skin, nerves and tendons due to the sudden contraction of muscles. Electric shocks are classified according to the degree of injury as follows:

  1. shock muscle contraction that did not cause loss of consciousness;
  2. short-term loss of consciousness, with preservation of spontaneous breathing and heart function;
  3. loss of consciousness, with respiratory or cardiac arrest;
  4. blows that caused clinical death.

Serious burns, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest or fibrillation, and clinical death lead to death. In the latter case, the victim requires resuscitation within 5-7 minutes, otherwise brain death occurs. If the heart is damaged, in 95% of cases the victim is saved by massage or defibrillation.

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