Electrical resistance of metals. Superconductivity

Production technology

To obtain a superconductor, a conductive layer consisting of an alloy of nickel and copper is applied to a copper wire in a vacuum along its entire perimeter, with diffusion into the surface layer of the base wire. A protective layer of metal is applied to the outside. After which the resulting wire is annealed in a vacuum for 30 - 180 minutes at 850-950 o C. To create a copper-nickel wire, pure (99.99) copper and nickel are used.

The effect of increased conductivity is formed in an alloy layer consisting of two metals, which is a thin-walled conductive tube-interlayer. Thanks to the diffusion interaction of the metal layers adjacent to the interlayer tube on both sides, the surface is almost ideal.

The application of wire layers occurs in vacuum equipment to prevent oxidation of the conductive layer. Therefore, the length depends on the capabilities of the vacuum equipment.

Calculation of resistivity of copper-nickel wire

High electrical conductivity is found in copper and aluminum, as well as in gold and silver. In other metals, electrical conductivity is significantly lower.

Table of electrical resistivity of metals

Due to the fact that there are two types of electrical resistances -

In connection with the electromagnetic phenomena that arise in conductors when alternating current passes through them, two physical phenomena that are important for their electrical properties arise.

The last two phenomena make it ineffective to use conductors with a radius greater than the characteristic depth of penetration of electric current into the conductor. Effective conductor diameter (2RBhar): 50Hz -7 Ohm. Using microohmmeters, you can determine the quality of electrical contacts, the resistance of electrical busbars, windings of transformers, electric motors and generators, the presence of defects and foreign metal in ingots (for example, the resistance of a pure gold ingot is half that of a gold-plated tungsten ingot).

To calculate the length of the wire, its diameter and the required electrical resistance, it is necessary to know the resistivity of the conductors ρ.

In the international system of units, resistivity ρ is expressed by the formula:

It means: the electrical resistance of 1 meter of wire (in Ohms), with a cross-section of 1 mm 2, at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.

Why do metals have the lowest resistivities?

From the table above it can be seen that metals have the lowest resistivity values: silver, copper, gold, aluminum, etc. This property of metals is associated with a high concentration of free electrons, “not tied” to a specific atom, but wandering in the space of the crystal lattice. Voltage applied to the ends of a conductor creates an electric field that acts on the electrons, causing them to move in concert in the same direction.

Rice. 2. Electric current in metals, free electrons.

Silver has the lowest ρ value - 0.016 Ohm*mm2/m. But for widespread, mass use in power supply networks and equipment, this metal is not used due to its too high price. Silver is used to create the most critical contacts in special electrical devices. The following table shows the resistivity values ​​of metals and alloys, commonly used metals in electrical engineering:


Specific resistances of metals, Ohm*mm2/m

(at T = 200C)

Silver0,016Bronze (alloy)0,1
Gold0,024Steel (alloy)0,12
Iridium0,047Nickelin (alloy)0,42
Molybdenum0,054Manganin (alloy)0,45
Tungsten0,055Constantan (alloy)0,48
Brass (alloy)0,071Mercury0,958
Nickel0,087Nichrome (alloy)1,1

The most popular in electrical engineering are copper and aluminum. Copper and copper alloys are used to make cable products and shunts - parts that limit large currents through measuring instruments.

Conductor resistivity table

Conductor materialSpecific resistance ρ in
Silver Copper Gold Brass Aluminum Sodium Iridium Tungsten Zinc Molybdenum Nickel Bronze Iron Steel Tin Lead Nickelin (an alloy of copper, nickel and zinc) Manganin (an alloy of copper, nickel and manganese) Constantan (an alloy of copper, nickel and aluminum) Titanium Mercury Nichrome (an alloy of nickel, chromium, iron and manganese) Fechral Bismuth Chromal0,015 0,0175 0,023 0,025. 0,108 0,028 0,047 0,0474 0,05 0,054 0,059 0,087 0,095. 0,1 0,1 0,103. 0,137 0,12 0,22 0,42 0,43. 0,51 0,5 0,6 0,94 1,05. 1,4 1,15. 1,35 1,2 1,3. 1,5

The table shows that an iron wire with a length of 1 m and a cross-section of 1 mm 2 has a resistance of 0.13 Ohm. To get 1 Ohm of resistance you need to take 7.7 m of such wire. Silver has the lowest resistivity. 1 Ohm of resistance can be obtained by taking 62.5 m of silver wire with a cross section of 1 mm 2. Silver is the best conductor, but the cost of silver excludes the possibility of its mass use. After silver in the table comes copper: 1 m of copper wire with a cross section of 1 mm2 has a resistance of 0.0175 Ohm. To get a resistance of 1 ohm, you need to take 57 m of such wire.

Chemically pure copper, obtained by refining, has found widespread use in electrical engineering for the manufacture of wires, cables, windings of electrical machines and devices. Aluminum and iron are also widely used as conductors.

The conductor resistance can be determined by the formula:

where r is the conductor resistance in ohms; ρ – conductor resistivity; l – conductor length in m; S – conductor cross-section in mm2.

Example 1. Determine the resistance of 200 m of iron wire with a cross section of 5 mm 2.

Example 2. Calculate the resistance of 2 km of aluminum wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2.

From the resistance formula you can easily determine the length, resistivity and cross-section of the conductor.

Example 3. For a radio receiver, it is necessary to wind a 30 Ohm resistance from nickel wire with a cross section of 0.21 mm 2. Determine the required wire length.

Example 4. Determine the cross-section of 20 m of nichrome wire if its resistance is 25 Ohms.

Example 5. A wire with a cross section of 0.5 mm 2 and a length of 40 m has a resistance of 16 Ohms. Determine the wire material.

The material of the conductor characterizes its resistivity.

Based on the resistivity table, we find that lead has this resistance.

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It was stated above that the resistance of conductors depends on temperature. Let's do the following experiment. Let's wind several meters of thin metal wire in the form of a spiral and connect this spiral to the battery circuit. To measure current, we connect an ammeter to the circuit. When the coil is heated in the burner flame, you will notice that the ammeter readings will decrease. This shows that the resistance of a metal wire increases with heating.

For some metals, when heated by 100°, the resistance increases by 40–50%. There are alloys that change their resistance slightly with heating. Some special alloys show virtually no change in resistance when temperature changes. The resistance of metal conductors increases with increasing temperature, while the resistance of electrolytes (liquid conductors), coal and some solids, on the contrary, decreases.

The ability of metals to change their resistance with changes in temperature is used to construct resistance thermometers. This thermometer is a platinum wire wound on a mica frame. By placing a thermometer, for example, in a furnace and measuring the resistance of the platinum wire before and after heating, the temperature in the furnace can be determined.

If at temperature t the resistance of the conductor is equal to r, and at temperature t is equal to rt, then the temperature coefficient of resistance

Note. Calculation using this formula can only be done in a certain temperature range (up to approximately 200°C).

We present the values ​​of the temperature coefficient of resistance α for some metals (Table 2).

Dependence of resistivity on temperature

Speaking about resistivity, we cannot mention the influence of ambient temperature on its value. However, this effect will be different for each material. This is explained by one important parameter $α$ - the temperature coefficient.

The temperature coefficient is used in the formula to calculate resistivity taking into account temperature changes:

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$ρ_t =ρ_0 • [1+α•(t-t_0)]$, where

  • $ρ_0$ – resistivity at 20 C*,
  • $α$ – temperature coefficient,
  • $t-t_0$ – temperature difference.

Figure 2. Temperature coefficient of resistance. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Let's calculate the resistivity of copper at -30 C and +30 C.

Example 1

To calculate the resistivity at +30 C*, you need to take the first formula and substitute the known values:

$ρ_t=ρ_0 • [1+α•(t-t_0)]=0.017• [1+0.0039•(30-20)]=0.017•[1+(0.0039•10)]=0.0176 $

To calculate the resistivity at -30 C*, you need to take the second formula and perform a similar calculation:

$ρ_t=ρ_0 • [1+α•(t-t_0)]=0.017 • [1+(0.0039 • (– 30 – 20)=0.0136$

Based on the calculations, we can draw a completely logical conclusion, which is as follows.

Note 2

The higher the ambient temperature, the higher the resistivity.

Temperature coefficient values ​​for some metals

Silver Copper Iron Tungsten Platinum0,0035 0,0040 0,0066 0,0045 0,0032Mercury Nikelin Constantan Nichrome Manganin0,0090 0,0003 0,000005 0,00016 0,00005

From the formula for the temperature coefficient of resistance we determine rt:

Example 6. Determine the resistance of an iron wire heated to 200°C, if its resistance at 0°C was 100 Ohms.

Example 7. A resistance thermometer made of platinum wire in a room with a temperature of 15°C had a resistance of 20 ohms. The thermometer was placed in the oven and after some time its resistance was measured. It turned out to be equal to 29.6 Ohms. Determine the temperature in the oven.

Electrical conductivity

So far, we have considered the resistance of a conductor as the obstacle that the conductor provides to the electric current. But still, current flows through the conductor. Therefore, in addition to resistance (obstacle), the conductor also has the ability to conduct electric current, that is, conductivity.

The more resistance a conductor has, the less conductivity it has, the worse it conducts electric current, and, conversely, the lower the resistance of a conductor, the more conductivity it has, the easier it is for current to pass through the conductor. Therefore, the resistance and conductivity of a conductor are reciprocal quantities.

From mathematics we know that the reciprocal of 5 is 1/5 and, conversely, the reciprocal of 1/7 is 7. Therefore, if the resistance of a conductor is denoted by the letter r, then the conductivity is defined as 1/r. Conductivity is usually symbolized by the letter g.

Electrical conductivity is measured in (1/Ohm) or in siemens.

Example 8. The conductor resistance is 20 ohms. Determine its conductivity.

If r = 20 Ohm, then

Example 9. The conductivity of the conductor is 0.1 (1/Ohm). Determine its resistance

If g = 0.1 (1/Ohm), then r = 1 / 0.1 = 10 (Ohm)

Active resistance of wires, cables and lines

Due to the fact that alternating current flows unevenly, under the same conditions, alternating and direct current R will be different. As already mentioned, steel electrical wires have a better active R compared to conductors made of non-ferrous metals, which have the same R at any current strength.

On the contrary, the active R of steel electrical cables always depends on the electric current, so DC conductivity is never used in this case. The active R of an electrical cable is determined using the formula: R=l/y*s.

High conductivity materials

The most widespread materials of high conductivity include copper and aluminum (Superconducting materials, which have a typical resistance of 10-20 times lower than ordinary conductive materials (metals), are discussed in the section Superconductivity).

The advantages of copper, which ensure its widespread use as a conductor material, are as follows:

  1. low resistivity;
  2. sufficiently high mechanical strength;
  3. corrosion resistance is satisfactory in most applications;
  4. good workability: copper is rolled into sheets, strips and drawn into wire, the thickness of which can be increased to thousandths of a millimeter;
  5. relative ease of soldering and welding.

Copper is most often obtained by processing sulfide ores. After a series of ore smelting and roasting with intense blasting, copper intended for electrical purposes must undergo a process of electrolytic purification.

Copper grades M1 and M0 are most often used as conductor material. M1 grade copper contains 99.9% Cu, and in the total amount of impurities (0.1%) oxygen should be no more than 0.08%. The presence of oxygen in copper worsens its mechanical properties. The best mechanical properties are found in M0 grade copper, which contains no more than 0.05% impurities, including no more than 0.02% oxygen.

Copper is a relatively expensive and scarce material, so it is increasingly being replaced by other metals, especially aluminum.

In some cases, alloys of copper with tin, silicon, phosphorus, beryllium, chromium, magnesium, and cadmium are used. Such alloys, called bronzes, with the correct composition, have significantly higher mechanical properties than pure copper.


Aluminum is the second most important conductor material after copper. This is the most important representative of the so-called light metals: the density of cast aluminum is about 2.6, and rolled aluminum is 2.7 Mg/m3. Thus, aluminum is approximately 3.5 times lighter than copper. The temperature coefficient of expansion, specific heat capacity and heat of fusion of aluminum are greater than those of copper. Due to the high values ​​of specific heat capacity and heat of fusion, heating aluminum to the melting point and transferring it to a molten state requires more heat than heating and melting the same amount of copper, although the melting point of aluminum is lower than that of copper.

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Aluminum has lower properties compared to copper - both mechanical and electrical. With the same cross-section and length, the electrical resistance of an aluminum wire is 1.63 times greater than that of a copper wire. It is very important that aluminum is less scarce than copper.

For electrical purposes, aluminum containing no more than 0.5% impurities, grade A1, is used. Even purer AB00 grade aluminum (no more than 0.03% impurities) is used for the manufacture of aluminum foil, electrodes and housings of electrolytic capacitors. Aluminum of the highest purity AB0000 has an impurity content of no more than 0.004%. Additives of Ni, Si, Zn or Fe at a content of 0.5% reduce the γ of annealed aluminum by no more than 2-3%. A more noticeable effect is exerted by Cu, Ag and Mg impurities, which, at the same mass content, reduce γ aluminum by 5-10%. Ti and Mn greatly reduce the electrical conductivity of aluminum.

Aluminum oxidizes very actively and becomes covered with a thin oxide film with high electrical resistance. This film protects the metal from further corrosion.

Aluminum alloys have increased mechanical strength. An example of such an alloy is Aldrey , containing 0.3-0.5% Mg, 0.4-0.7% Si and 0.2-0.3% Fe. In aldrey, the Mg2Si compound is formed, which imparts high mechanical properties to the alloy.

Iron and steel

Iron (steel), as the cheapest and most accessible metal, which also has high mechanical strength, is of great interest for use as a conductor material. However, even pure iron has a significantly higher resistivity compared to copper and aluminum; ρ steel, i.e. iron mixed with carbon and other elements is even higher. Ordinary steel has low corrosion resistance: even at normal temperatures, especially in conditions of high humidity, it quickly rusts; As the temperature rises, the corrosion rate increases sharply. Therefore, the surface of steel wires must be protected by a layer of more resistant material. Zinc coating is usually used for this purpose.

In some cases, to reduce the consumption of non-ferrous metals, the so-called bimetal . It is steel coated on the outside with a layer of copper, with both metals connected to each other firmly and continuously.


Sodium metal is a very promising conductor material. Sodium can be obtained by electrolysis of molten sodium chloride NaCl in virtually unlimited quantities. From a comparison of the properties of sodium with the properties of other conductor metals, it is clear that the resistivity of sodium is approximately 2.8 times greater than ρ of copper and 1.7 times greater than ρ of aluminum, but due to the extremely low density of sodium (its density is almost 9 times less than the density of copper), a wire made of sodium for a given conductivity per unit length should be significantly lighter than a wire made of any other metal. However, sodium is extremely active chemically (it oxidizes intensely in air and reacts violently with water), which is why the sodium wire must be protected with a sealing sheath. The sheath must give the wire the necessary mechanical strength, since sodium is very soft and has a low tensile strength during deformation.

Literature on conductor resistivity

  1. Kuznetsov M.I., “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering” - 9th edition, revised - Moscow: Higher School, 1964 - 560 p.
  2. Bachelis D. S., Belorussov N. I., Saakyan A. E. Electrical cables, wires and cords. Directory. - M.: Energy, 1971.
  3. Gershun A.L. Cable // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
  4. R. Lakernik, D. Charlet. From copper to glass // Science and life. - 1986. - Issue. 08. - pp. 50-54, 2-3 pages, color insert.
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The entire usurious globalist gang has the same idea, including the idiot Gref.

Yes, then it is, so. But, not really. For: (try to understand and not be offended)

The sad truth is that the human crowd is a bunch of mentally damaged people. If it were different, then society would not be ruled by scum. Smart people would never allow this to happen, and if they accidentally did, they would find a way to fix it.

The terrible truth is that the human crowd is controlled by an inhuman who is also mentally handicapped. Mental inferiority, the blindness of power is leading the world of people to total destruction, because people, even those who consider themselves very smart, such as specialists developing artificial intelligence systems, digitalization technologies, do not understand that they are creating an irresistible noose, a mousetrap for all of humanity.

As soon as AI takes power, it will immediately send its creators, as competitors, to the scrap heap. The first victims will be his guardians like Gref, Putin, Gates and others like them, that is, power, since it is from them that the main danger to his planetary power will come. The crowd will be allowed to exist until it is replaced by robots. And then the Holocaust for everyone. Not the false Jewish one, but the real burnt offering of the human race.

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If anyone uses their monkey brains, they will understand that evolution is synonymous with genocide: the new replaces, that is, eliminates the old. Monkeys gave birth to Neanderthals. Neanderthals ate apes and gave birth to humans. Humans displaced the apes, including the intelligent Neanderthals, and gave birth to AI. AI is eliminating people.

The resistivity of metals is a measure of their ability to resist the passage of electric current. This value is expressed in Ohm-meter (Ohm⋅m). The symbol for resistivity is the Greek letter ρ (rho). High resistivity means the material is a poor conductor of electrical charge.


Electrical resistivity is defined as the ratio between the electric field strength inside a metal and the current density within it:

where: ρ is the resistivity of the metal (Ohm⋅m), E is the electric field strength (V/m), J is the value of the electric current density in the metal (A/m2)

If the electric field strength (E) in a metal is very high and the current density (J) is very small, this means that the metal has high resistivity.

The reciprocal of resistivity is electrical conductivity, which indicates how well a material conducts electric current:

σ is the conductivity of the material, expressed in siemens per meter (S/m).

Effect of temperature on resistivity

In reference books, the values ​​of ρ of metals are given at room temperature 200C. But experiments have shown that the dependence ρ(T) is linear and is described by the formula:

$ ρ(T) = ρ0 * (1 + α*T)$ (3),

where: ρ0 is the resistivity of the conductor at a temperature of 00C, α is the temperature coefficient of resistance, which is also individual for each substance. Values ​​of α obtained experimentally can be found in reference books. Below are α values ​​for some metals:

  • Silver - 0.0035;
  • Copper - 0.004;
  • Aluminum - 0.004;
  • Iron - 0.0066;
  • Platinum - 0.0032;
  • Tungsten - 0.0045.

Thus, as the temperature increases, the resistance of metals increases. This is explained by the fact that with increasing temperature, the number of defects in the crystal lattice increases due to more intense thermal vibrations of the ions, which inhibit the electron current.

Rice. 3. Temperature dependence of the resistivity of metals.

As the metal temperature approaches absolute zero, the resistivity drops sharply to zero. This phenomenon is called superconductivity, and materials that exhibit this ability are called superconductors. This effect was discovered in 1911 by the Dutch physicist Kamerlingh Onnes. In his experiment, the resistivity of mercury decreased to zero at 4.10K.

Electrical resistance

Electrical resistance, one of the components of Ohm's law, is expressed in ohms (Ohms). It should be noted that electrical resistance and resistivity are not the same thing. Resistivity is a property of a material, while electrical resistance is a property of an object.

The electrical resistance of a resistor is determined by a combination of its shape and the resistivity of the material from which it is made.

For example, a wirewound resistor made from a long, thin wire has a higher resistance than a resistor made from a short, thick wire of the same metal.

At the same time, a wirewound resistor made of a high resistivity material has greater electrical resistance than a resistor made of a low resistivity material. And all this despite the fact that both resistors are made of wire of the same length and diameter.

To illustrate this, we can draw an analogy with a hydraulic system, where water is pumped through pipes.

  • The longer and thinner the pipe, the greater the resistance to water.
  • A pipe filled with sand will resist water more than a pipe without sand.

High alloy steels

High-alloy steels have electrical resistivity several times higher than carbon and low-alloy steels. According to the table, it can be seen that at a temperature of 20°C its value is (30...86)·10 -8 Ohm·m.

At a temperature of 1300°C, the resistance of high- and low-alloy steels becomes almost the same and does not exceed 131·10 -8 Ohm·m.

Electrical resistivity of high-alloy steels ρe·10 8 , Ohm m

steel grade2010030050070090011001300
40Х10С2М (EI107)8691101112122

Wire resistance

The amount of wire resistance depends on three parameters: the resistivity of the metal, the length and diameter of the wire itself. Formula for calculating wire resistance:

where: R - wire resistance (Ohm) ρ - metal resistivity (Ohm.m) L - wire length (m) A - cross-sectional area of ​​the wire (m2)

As an example, consider a nichrome wirewound resistor with a resistivity of 1.10×10-6 Ohm.m. The wire has a length of 1500 mm and a diameter of 0.5 mm. Based on these three parameters, we calculate the resistance of the nichrome wire:

R=1.1*10 -6 *(1.5/0.000000196) = 8.4 Ohm

Nichrome and constantan are often used as resistance materials. Below in the table you can see the resistivity of some of the most commonly used metals.

Iron as a conductor in electrical engineering

Iron is the most common metal in nature and technology (after hydrogen, which is also a metal). It is the cheapest and has excellent strength characteristics, therefore it is used everywhere as the basis for the strength of various structures.

In electrical engineering, iron is used as a conductor in the form of flexible steel wires where physical strength and flexibility are needed, and the required resistance can be achieved through the appropriate cross-section.

Having a table of resistivities of various metals and alloys, you can calculate the cross-sections of wires made from different conductors.

As an example, let's try to find the electrically equivalent cross-section of conductors made of different materials: copper, tungsten, nickel and iron wire. Let's take aluminum wire with a cross-section of 2.5 mm as the initial one.

We need that over a length of 1 m the resistance of the wire made of all these metals is equal to the resistance of the original one. The resistance of aluminum per 1 m length and 2.5 mm section will be equal to

, where R is the resistance, ρ is the resistivity of the metal from the table, S is the cross-sectional area, L is the length.

Substituting the original values, we get the resistance of a meter-long piece of aluminum wire in ohms.

After this, let us solve the formula for S

, we will substitute the values ​​from the table and obtain the cross-sectional areas for different metals.


Since the resistivity in the table is measured on a wire 1 m long, in microohms per 1 mm2 section, then we got it in microohms. To get it in ohms, you need to multiply the value by 10-6. But we don’t necessarily need to get the number ohm with 6 zeros after the decimal point, since we still find the final result in mm2.

  1. Copper
  2. Tungsten
  3. Nikelin
  4. Iron

As you can see, the resistance of the iron is quite high, the wire is thick.

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But there are materials for which it is even greater, for example, nickel or constantan.

Surface resistance

The surface resistance value is calculated in the same way as the wire resistance. In this case, the cross-sectional area can be represented as the product of w and t:

For some materials, such as thin films, the relationship between resistivity and film thickness is called sheet sheet resistance RS: where RS is measured in ohms. For this calculation, the film thickness must be constant.

Often, resistor manufacturers cut tracks into the film to increase resistance to increase the path for electrical current.

Chromium-nickel austenitic steels

Chromium-nickel austenitic steels are also stainless, but due to the addition of nickel they have a resistivity almost one and a half times higher than that of chromium steels - it reaches a value of (70...90)·10 -8 Ohm·m.

Electrical resistivity of chromium-nickel stainless steels ρe·10 8 , Ohm m

steel grade201003005007009001100
4Х14НВ2М (ЭИ69)81,587,5100110117,5
1Х14Н14В2М (ЭИ257)82,495,6104,5112119,2
36Х18Н25С2 (ЭЯ3С)98,5105,5110117,5
Х7Н25 (ЭИ25)109115121127
Х2Н35 (ЭИ36)87,592,5103110116120,5

Properties of resistive materials

The resistivity of a metal depends on temperature. Their values ​​are usually given for room temperature (20°C). The change in resistivity as a result of a change in temperature is characterized by a temperature coefficient.

For example, thermistors (thermistors) use this property to measure temperature. On the other hand, in precision electronics, this is a rather undesirable effect. Metal film resistors have excellent temperature stability properties. This is achieved not only due to the low resistivity of the material, but also due to the mechanical design of the resistor itself.

Many different materials and alloys are used in the manufacture of resistors. Nichrome (an alloy of nickel and chromium), due to its high resistivity and resistance to oxidation at high temperatures, is often used as a material for making wirewound resistors. Its disadvantage is that it cannot be soldered. Constantan, another popular material, is easy to solder and has a lower temperature coefficient.

Chromium stainless steels

Chromium stainless steels have a high concentration of chromium atoms, which increases their resistivity - the electrical conductivity of such stainless steel is not high. At normal temperatures, its resistance is (50...60)·10 -8 Ohm·m.

Electrical resistivity of chromium stainless steels ρe·10 8 , Ohm m

steel grade2010030050070090011001300
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