Voltage regulation under load – transformer on-load tap-changer

What is on-load tap-changer

On-load tap-changer is called a load voltage regulation device . This block allows you to change the voltage characteristics of the unit without disconnecting the transformer.

Sometimes the network characteristics need to be changed during operation without turning off the unit, or the parameters vary during the current supply. To ensure proper voltage supply in transformers, an on-load tap-changer is used.

Depending on the voltage and power characteristics of the transformer, the on-load tap-changer can change the transformation ratio from 10 to 16 percent.

How is the adjustment carried out?

Let's consider the process of voltage regulation on the reactor on-load tap-changer circuit.

The device works as follows:

Subsequent switches are made in a similar order.

The use of on-load tap-changers significantly expands the variable capabilities of transformers and ensures a change in the characteristics of the voltage supplied to consuming devices without turning off the current supply.

No-load voltage regulation: Switching without excitation - Off-circuit switching

A more detailed description of the on-load tap-changer can be found here: Read more


Design features, principle of operation

The on-load tap-changer, despite the nature of the action and the function performed, should not be classified as a relay. But this device has a simple operating principle.

Switching device system

Two moving contacts are installed on each phase of the transformer. One of them is pressed against the coil turn, which provides a given voltage value. During translation, the second contact is pressed against the coil, changing the specified value. Switching on can be done manually or using a drive.

The design of the device differs depending on its type. But the basic principle involves changing the number of working turns on the primary coil of the transformer.


It greatly simplifies the process: preparing a document in the required format for each type of pollution, checking it and sending it directly to the website of the executive body in Kontur occurs automatically. Afterwards the declarant receives a letter about the status of delivery of the document. If for some reason it was not possible to upload it to the Rosprirodnadzor portal, it is saved in the archive and, as soon as the load on the site becomes less, it is loaded from the “queue”.

The main advantages of the Kontur.Extern system are:

  • Legislative relevance: the service is updated in accordance with each new law or amendments.
  • Easy and quick calculation: when you first download “Contour”, it is enough to indicate complete information about the enterprise, its activities, sources of pollution; the data will be downloaded automatically during subsequent shipments.
  • The filling is always 100% correct; after an automatic check by the system, the user receives an offer to correct any errors found.
  • The reporting document is sent in one click.

Important to know: The cost of the “Reporting to RPN” tariff is 4,300 rubles per year. For Kontur.Extern subscribers, an additional certificate is not required. If the connection is primary and you need to submit reports only to the RPN, then the issuance of a certificate is included in the cost of the “Reporting to the RPN” tariff. To issue a certificate you need: a passport, SNILS and an application for the issuance of a certificate.


There are several types of on-load tap-changers, differing in the following characteristics:

  • a type of current-limiting element - with reactors or resistors;
  • presence or absence of a contactor;
  • number of phases – single-phase and three-phase;
  • type of current switching.

Explanation of marking for on-load tap-changer type UBB...
Depending on the method of current switching, there are the following types of devices:

  • the arc breaks in a volume filled with transformer oil - the device involves the use of arc extinguishing contacts that do not require the use of special elements to extinguish the arc;
  • the arc breaks in a rarefied space - it is suggested to use vacuum arc extinguishing chambers produced industrially;
  • shutdown is carried out using thyristors, in an arcless manner;
  • combined methods - with a combination of different types of switching.

Also read: Stray currents

To ensure the safety and functionality of the on-load tap-changers, they are equipped with automatic monitoring elements and voltage regulators.

In addition to the above devices, special booster transformers can be used to change the voltage characteristics in powerful units. This equipment is connected in series and used together with the main unit as an auxiliary unit. But this method has not been widely used due to the high cost and high complexity of the circuit.

Methods for regulating transformer voltage under load

Voltage regulation of transformers using the on-load tap-changer method is carried out in principle in the same way as using the off-load tap-changer method, but the number of winding branches, i.e., the number of control stages, is usually greater, and the control range is wider. Thus, GOST 12022-76 for transformers with a power of 63-630 kVA established a voltage regulation range relative to the nominal ±10% in steps of 1.67% (±6X1.67%). GOST 11920-73 allowed transformers with a power of 1000-80000 kVA to have different control ranges: ±9, ±10, ±12%. There are series of transformers with an even larger range: ±16, ±22, ±36. Even more “deep” regulation is required for some special transformers, for example electric furnaces, where the ratio of the voltage regulation limits of the LV winding is often 1: 2, 1: 3 and even 1: 5.

Let's consider the most common operating diagram of a switching device with a current-limiting reactor (Figure 2). The switching device has the following main parts: tap selector, contactor, current-limiting reactor, device drive. The circuit has two outlet (current-collecting) contacts of the selector P1 and P2, two contactors K1 and K2, and a current-limiting reactor P (In is the rated current of the transformer).

In Figure 2, a, both output contacts are installed on one branch of the winding. This position of the contacts is called “two together”. The rated load current is divided equally between the two halves of the switching device. If it is necessary to switch to another branch (stage) of the winding, the drive first opens the contacts of contactor K2 (Figure 2, b). These contacts break a current equal to half the rated current, and an electric arc occurs between them. After the arc is extinguished, all current passes only through the second (upper) half of the switching device. The tapping contact of the selector (P2), in the absence of current (the circuit is broken), moves to another branch of the winding, after which the contacts K2 close again (Figure 2, c).

This position of the switching device is usually called the “bridge” position. As in the two-together position, the load current rating is divided in half between each half of the switching device. However, in the “bridge” position, in addition to the load current, a circulating current appears, which closes inside the circuit formed by part of the transformer winding and the reactor (Figure 2, c). The amount of circulating current is limited by the resistance of the circuit - mainly the resistance of the reactor. Typically, the reactor resistance is selected so that the circulating current is equal to half the rated current. In this case, the current passing through the outlet contacts P1 and P2 will not be greater than the rated one and there is no danger of their excessive heating.

Next, contacts K1 open, breaking the rated current (Figure 2, d). After the arc is extinguished, all the current passes through the other half of the switching device. In the absence of current, the tapper output contact P1 of the selector goes to the branch where contact P2 is already located, contact K2 closes again and the switching ends.

From examining the operation of the on-load tap-changer, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The advantage of switching devices with a current-limiting reactor is the ability to operate for a long time in the intermediate “bridge” position, therefore, to drive these devices no special high-speed mechanisms are required, which means they can be relatively simple and cheap.

In recent years, other switching devices with active current-limiting resistances have become widespread. Without considering these devices in detail, we note that their design is more complex and expensive than that of switching devices with reactors. However, they have a number of very significant advantages: the bulky and heavy reactor is replaced by relatively light active resistances; These devices are structurally more compact; arc extinction conditions are more favorable.

There are many schemes for adjustable transformer windings. Figure 3 shows, as an example, a circuit of a high-voltage winding of a single-phase transformer, regulated by a switching device with a reactor.

Figure 3 — Diagram of the HV winding of a single-phase transformer, regulated by a switching device with a reactor

On-load tap-changer protection

To ensure normal operation of the device, gas protection is used. An additional container (expander) is made, connected to the main oil medium of the transformer by a special channel in which a relay and a signal element are installed.

If gas formation is slight, the signal element indicates a decrease in the oil level. In the event of a blowout, the expanded oil is forced into the conservator. If the surge intensity reaches the set value, the relay is activated, turning off the transformer. In this way, the on-load tap-changer contactors are protected from destruction.

Advantages and disadvantages of regulation using on-load tap-changers

The advantages of regulation without disconnecting the load are the ability to maintain network parameters at the output of the transformer at a given level when the characteristics of the supplied voltage change. This device also allows you to adjust the parameters, taking into account the required value. The specified functions are achieved without shutting down the unit.

The disadvantages are associated with the need to complicate the design of the transformer due to the use of additional elements. At the same time, the reliability of the unit’s operation decreases, its weight and overall dimensions increase.


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