Spontaneous activation of the motion sensor to turn on the light

Security systems of various classifications are quite popular in the domestic market. A large amount of equipment is installed in order to increase the level of safety in the operation of buildings. However, problems often arise during the use of systems. The most common malfunctions are false alarms when operating in active mode. In such cases, it is important to understand in detail the principles of the systems design and make appropriate decisions to eliminate all defects.

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Security alarm

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False alarms of the motion sensor - reasons and how to eliminate them

One of the main sensors that are part of security systems are sensors for identifying moving objects in the protected area.
With proper alarm design and proper installation, false alarms are a very rare occurrence. But, still, no one is immune from such occurrences.

Among all security sensors, the most common false alarms are the motion sensor.

This is due to the principle of their operation and, importantly, when designing an alarm system it is not always possible to completely eliminate the possibility of false alarms. Especially if the alarm system is installed in a complex facility with a large number of rooms.

Which lamp to choose

Color temperature is important for indoor lighting

The choice of a luminaire with DD depends on the place of its application. For street lighting, lamps must withstand temperature changes and precipitation. The IP of a street lamp starts from ip50.

Power is important indoors: the higher the illuminated area, the greater the power. It is also worth paying attention to:

  • luminous flux or brightness;
  • ip not less than ip40;
  • color temperature: warm, neutral or cool;
  • scattering angle: it should be maximum so as not to limit the view of the DD;
  • dimensions (this parameter is important when installing a lamp in a specific luminaire);
  • DD parameters: time before automatic shutdown, angle, range;
  • price.

One of the selection criteria: manufacturer. Devices from reliable global manufacturers are more expensive, but will last longer. To avoid counterfeits of well-known brands, you should buy products in specialized stores.

High-quality manufacturers of lamps with motion detection

The Chinese manufacturer Feron was one of the first to appear on the market. His products are characterized by high luminous flux.

The German company Steinel produces good lamps with infrared sensors. Kanlux and Euroelectric have also proven themselves.

The Hardt company produces lamps in a special moisture- and dust-proof design. They are suitable for housing and communal services.

Lamps for local areas and parking lots are produced by Delux.

What can cause a false positive?

To understand why the motion sensor turns on spontaneously, you should highlight possible problems in its operation.

These may include technical problems or external factors. False alarms due to technical problems are extremely rare.

To identify it, they either use special devices that can be used to monitor the correct operation of the sensor, or replace incorrectly functioning sensors with new devices.

Basically, a technical malfunction of the sensor, leading to its false operation, is associated with incorrect installation, poor contacts or incorrect configuration of functional parameters.

External influences are the main factors to which the motion sensor reacts. Since they incorporate IR radiation sensors, any external emitters or reflectors of rays in this part of the spectrum can cause the motion sensor to malfunction.

Reasons for false alarms of motion sensors

The main reasons that can lead to the motion sensor constantly triggering include:

  • the presence of pets in the house, which the sensor mistakes for those who have violated the security zone;
  • various insects that “settle” in the sensor and lead to its malfunction;
  • wind flows, drafts and movement of air masses with different temperatures;
  • the presence of external IR emitters, generated waves that fall into the sensitivity area of ​​the sensor.

Quite often the question arises whether the motion sensor works through glass.

It turns out that IR radiation that passes through windows from the sun or even from the headlights of a passing car can trigger the sensor. Therefore, these factors should also be taken into account when installing a security alarm.

Elimination methods

To prevent false alarms from motion sensors caused by pets, devices with a special design should be used. Such sensors are “immune” from animals and will not disturb over trifles.

It is important to monitor the condition of the sensor, namely its housing. If you periodically clean the sensor, you can prevent it from being triggered by living creatures that have gotten inside the housing.

Before arming the alarm, you need to make sure that all vents and windows are tightly closed and that the air conditioner or fan is turned off. This will eliminate drafts and movement of air masses, which also provoke false alarms.

When installing sensors, you should choose places for their installation so that they are not affected by heat rays from radiators of the heating system, autonomous heaters and other devices that can generate thermal radiation. After all, even an ordinary incandescent light bulb can cause an alarm to go off for no reason.

You should also exclude the possibility of infrared radiation coming from outside the house. Curtains or blinds will help solve this problem; they can be used to cover windows from solar and other external radiation.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you can almost 100% eliminate the possibility of a false alarm of the security sensor. In this case, you won’t have to worry about how to turn off the motion sensor, which causes constant inconvenience.

Having excluded the listed factors, the main reason that can trigger the alarm can only be a technical malfunction of the sensor.

As a rule, this happens quite rarely, since modern motion sensors are fault-tolerant and very reliable devices.


To prevent alarms from being disturbed due to false alarms of the motion sensor, it is important to fulfill several simple requirements.

Firstly, the installation and installation of sensors must be carried out by professional personnel.

Secondly, the factors listed above that provoke triggering should be taken into account. And thirdly, it is necessary to periodically inspect and maintain the sensors.

Video: The reason for false alarms of the motion sensor is the cockroach clan


Where to start repairs if the sensor does not work

After clarifying the possible causes, it is easier to establish the direction of diagnostic operations. If the mains power is OK, check the settings. Correct the position, eliminate external interference.

Open the sensor

At this stage, check for visible damage:

  • wire breaks;
  • breaks in printed circuit board tracks;
  • soldering quality;
  • thermal destruction of parts.

Test run

After eliminating the above faults, voltage is applied. Check operating modes. Trying to change the setting.

Checking the voltage at the lamp and detector

In order not to listen to the relay clicks, connect the load. You can turn on a regular 25-40 W incandescent lamp. It is advisable to add an automatic machine to the circuit to prevent the development of emergency situations.

Checking the inside of the sensor

At this stage, the functionality of the built-in power supply is clarified. DC voltages (12, 24 V) and other values ​​are checked at test points with a multimeter. Measurements are carried out sequentially using an electrical circuit.

Power circuits

In this part of the device, the main function is performed by a relay. Check the supply voltage, the integrity of the coil, and the passage of current when the contacts are closed. Check the functionality of the control switch on the power transistor.

Adjusting Sensor Settings

This procedure is performed according to a standard algorithm. Regulate:

  • height and angle of inclination;
  • sensitivity (Sens);
  • illumination (threshold – LUX);
  • light switch-off delay time (TIME).

Why does the motion sensor trigger on its own?

Hello to all the subscribers of my channel and readers who accidentally stumbled upon it)).

Today we will continue the topic of motion sensors. Namely, let's consider the issue of false alarms of motion sensors.

Previous publications on my channel on motion sensors can be viewed here # tdm sensors

So, there are several reasons that can cause unauthorized activation of infrared and microwave motion sensors. The operating principles of these groups of sensors differ, so we will consider the reasons separately.

Why does the IR motion sensor work?

Infrared motion sensor

plays an important role in the security alarm system. In simple terms, this sensor is designed to detect movement in rooms. After detecting movement, it performs its intended function, transmitting an alarm signal via wire or radio channel to the central device. As with any device in the system, there should be no problems in the operation of the IR sensor; it must clearly perform its function. But it happens that the infrared sensor does not protect, but on the contrary, causes a lot of inconvenience with its false alarms.

In this article you will learn about the possible reasons for the spontaneous activation of a motion sensor.

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