Simple electronic devices based on CMOS chips

Why is the E4 connection diagram needed?

According to their purpose, drawings can be divided into:

  • structural;
  • functional;
  • principled;
  • installation;
  • are common.

Electrical connection diagram E4 example
Each of them has a code from 0 to 7.

One of the above diagrams will help determine the design of the product itself. The drawing can indicate all the elements and devices located in the structure, their fasteners, types of connections, etc. With the help of such drawings, you can easily and correctly connect devices to the network.

All devices and components are shown in the form of rectangles or outlines of figures, lines, and ESKD standards are also applied. Near the outlines, lines and elements there may be conventional graphic symbols and numbers. Recently, when making plans, only GOST standards of the new type from 2012 are used.

The connection for E6 and E6 is described in detail below.

Photo relay, thermal relay

A photo or thermal relay can be made according to the diagram given in the book by L.D. Ponomarev and A.N. Evseev (Fig. 9). The device contains an adjustable resistive voltage divider, consisting of a sensor resistor R1 and a potentiometer R2.

The input of a Schmitt trigger, composed of two logical elements of a CMOS microcircuit, is connected to the midpoint of this divider. An emitter follower and a DC thyristor switch are connected to the trigger output. Instead of a thyristor, its transistor analogue can be used.

Rice. 9. Scheme of photo relay, thermal relay.

When the resistance of the sensor changes, the Schmitt trigger switches from one stable state to another.

Accordingly, the output signal through the matching emitter follower is supplied to the control electrode of thyristor VS1. The thyristor turns on, relay K1 or another load is triggered. To disconnect the load, it is necessary to “reset” the state of the thyristor, i.e. turn off the power briefly.

Such a scheme can be used to control technological and other processes, prevent critical and emergency situations, notify personnel about abnormal operation of equipment, etc.

In order for the device to turn on and off independently, instead of a thyristor, you should install a silicon transistor designed for the load current.

External connection E5

In the drawing, it is necessary first of all to indicate the product itself, its input and output components (couplings, clamps, etc.) and the contacts of cords and external installation cables connected to them, near which information about the connection itself is located.

The constituent parts of the plan are shown as quadrangles, and the input and output parts are shown as lines, segments and dotted lines. It is allowed to use simpler notation to construct the diagram.

How the harness connection is clearly indicated

Note! Connectors, clamps and other components are positioned in the same way as they appear on the product itself.

Introductory details can be placed in the form of iconic graphic symbols. The drawing must indicate the input, output or output parts that are present on the product. If these components are not included, then conventional symbols are used in the diagram.

It is allowed to write an explanation and name next to all components. As well as the necessary data from the documentation on the product. Cable products and cords are shown as separate lines. It is allowed to use markings for cable products, but its explanation is written strictly in the margins (name, cross-sectional area, power, number of cores inside).

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As you can see, each of the devices is connected to the box with a three-core cable.

Connection diagram of two pass-through switches with two separate lamps To implement such a scheme, you will need two two-key pass-through switches. What is the best cable to use for connecting pass-through switches? For this fitting, most experts agree that it is better to use a three-core copper cable with a cross-section of 1.

The type of wires that come out of the box. They assemble a circuit in this way, and then for some reason the switches do not work correctly and depend on each other. Secondly, something else may be required, and this will become clear from the specific options for connecting devices.

When a leakage current occurs, the output magnetic flux decreases, as a result of which the electric relay operates and opens the power supply. It's called Commax because they invented it. If it is necessary to have a larger number of block contacts, for example when assembling a reversible circuit for starting an electric motor, an attachment with additional block contacts is additionally installed on top of the magnetic starter; a contact block which, as a rule, has four additional block contacts, for example, two normally closed and two normally closed - open. How to mount a pass-through switch To mount these switches, it is first necessary to mark where future switches, lighting spotlights, chandeliers, sconces, etc., and the distribution box will be located. In this case, the whole trick lies in the design of the device. This may be useful in the future, but in this configuration it is not used or associated with anything. It includes a coaxial cable and additional power cords.


When choosing cable and wire products, it is important that the cable bears the GOST marking. Visitor comments on the topic of the article Pass-through switch: what is it about? This will not only create additional protection for the cable, but also, if it fails, replace it without harming the repairs performed. In this case, you won’t have to trench the wall. The right thing to do is: control the lighting at the front door; sconces by the bedside tables; as an option, you can use lamps opposite the bed; lighting control at the head.

Let's look at the following circuit diagram: Three things have changed: From breakout box S1, switch S2 has two cables connected to it, which are used to power the other light switches. It is extremely rare for cases where the entire network goes down. Then the common device reacts and turns off all the lines. To prevent both private and common devices from tripping at once, it is necessary to observe selectivity, that is, when installing, take into account both the response time and the current characteristics of the devices.

The phase from the power cable is supplied to the 1st contact of the pass-through switch, then through the 2nd or 3rd contact it is supplied to the second pass-through switch, after which it is supplied to the light bulb, thereby closing the circuit. There are various types of devices designed for networks with direct or alternating current. Depending on the position of switch S1, the electrical potential will be either on the brown wire on top or on the black wire. It actually took three hours. How to connect a MIDI keyboard to an iPhone 5S

Location system

The drawing can show the relative placement of structural components of the product, as well as various cables and wires. You can also identify the individual parts of the product and the type of connection between them. Component elements are designated in the form of simple external lines or conventional graphic outlines.

There are standards for constructing drawings, namely the document GOST 4.414–75.

For any device or device there is a plan according to which you can connect it. If the connection is made incorrectly, there is a risk of a short circuit in the network or a fire. Only an experienced person, namely an electrician, can make the correct connection.

Schematic diagram

In conclusion, it should be noted that every person who understands electrical engineering needs to know the rules for drawing up electrical diagrams. In addition to completing them, you need to be able to read them. If you do not adhere to GOSTs when drafting, this can result in heavy fines.

Touch control panel

The touch control panel, which allows you to turn the load on/off, was developed by I.A. Nechaev (Fig. 1) [P 1/85-49]. The device contains a generator that produces pulses with a frequency of 300...500 Hz.

Their duty cycle (the ratio of pulse duration to pause) is 1:40 and is determined by the ratio of resistances R1 and R2. If you put your finger on the sensor plate E1, capacitor C2 will begin to charge.

The speed and charging time of this capacitor depends on the resistance between the contacts. In accordance with the charge-discharge processes, the value of the control signal passing through the control circuit will change.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the touch control panel.

By changing the force and time of pressing your fingers to the touch pads E1 and E2, you can control the level of output signals and the intensity of the HL1 and HL2 LEDs.

To configure the circuit when using touch pads of various configurations and areas, you may have to select the capacitances of capacitors C2 and S3.

Stage 3. Assembling the last ribs.

You have gone through stages 1 and 2 and have come to a situation where all the edges EXCEPT TWO have been assembled, and it is impossible to substitute an unassembled edge to use the formulas of stage 2. To assemble the last two edges, you will need special circuits separately for each case.

2l' U2 2l' U2 F2 2l' F2 2r U2 2r' U2 2l2

3l' U2 3l' U2 F2 3l' F2 3r U2 3r' U2 3l2

3R2 B2 U2 3L U2 3R' U2 3R U2 F2 3R F2 3L' B2 3R24u' R F' U R' F 4u
3-5u' R F' U R' F 3-5u2D R F' U R' F 2D'

At this stage, almost all formulas for the 5x5 cube apply to the 7x7 cube. You can also watch all these formulas in the video.


Modifications of the VAZ-2107 car

VAZ-2107 . Basic version of the sedan, with an 8-valve carburetor VAZ-2103 engine, 1.5 liters.

VAZ-2107-20 . The same VAZ-2107, but with a 1.5-liter VAZ-2104 injection engine that meets the Euro-2 environmental standard.

VAZ-2107-71 . The car for the Chinese market was equipped with a VAZ-21034 engine, with a volume of 1.4 liters and a power of 66 horsepower, specially tuned for A-76 gasoline. The pistons were taken from a VAZ-2108.

VAZ-21070 . Modification of a car with an 8-valve, carburetor VAZ-2103 engine, volume 1.5 liters.

VAZ-21072 . Modification with an 8-valve carburetor VAZ-2105 engine, volume 1.3 liters.

VAZ-21073 . An export modification for the European market, which was equipped with a 1.7-liter injection engine with a capacity of 84 horsepower. The engine of this car had a catalytic converter that satisfied environmental protection requirements.

VAZ-21074 . Modification with an 8-valve, carburetor VAZ-2106 engine, volume 1.6 liters.

VAZ-21074-20 . Modification with a 1.6-liter VAZ-21067-10 injection engine, which complies with the Euro-2 environmental standard

VAZ-21074-30 . Like the previous model, but with a VAZ-21067-20 engine, which meets the Euro-3 environmental standard

VAZ-210740 . Modification produced in 2010, equipped with a VAZ-21067 injection engine with a catalyst. Engine capacity is 1.6 liters, power is 72.7 horsepower.

VAZ-21076 . Export modification with a VAZ-2103 carburetor engine.

VAZ-21077 . Export modification with right-hand drive for the UK market. The car was equipped with a VAZ-2105 carburetor engine with a volume of 1.3 liters.

VAZ-21078 . Another export modification for the UK, but with a 1.6-liter VAZ-2106 carburetor engine

VAZ-121079 . The modification, developed specifically for the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB, was equipped with a powerful VAZ-413 rotary piston engine with a volume of 1.3 liters and a power of 140 horsepower.

VAZ-2107 ZNG . The car is equipped with an 8-valve, fuel-injected VAZ-21213 engine with a volume of 1.7 liters.

Schemes of individual blocks of the seven

Power supply system

Power plant starting system

1 - starter; 2 - relay; 3 — ignition switch; 4 - battery

Ignition system

1 - generator; 2 — ignition switch; 3 - distributor; 4 - breaker; 5 — candles; 6 - coil; 7 - battery

Contactless ignition system

External and internal lighting

Windshield wipers and washers

1 — electric motors of the windshield wiper; 2 — washer motor; 3 — mounting block; 4 — ignition switch; 5 - washer switch

Cooling Fan

1 — fan electric motor; 2 - sensor; 3 — mounting block; 4 - ignition relay; 5 - ignition switch.

Car wiring diagram

1 – radiator fan drive motor; 2 – relay and fuse block (mounting block); idle speed sensor; 4 – engine control unit; 5 – potentiometer; 6 – set of spark plugs; 7 – ignition control unit; 8 – electronic crankshaft sensor; 9 – electric fuel pump; 10 – tachometer 2107; 11 – lamp for monitoring the health of electronic systems; 12 – ignition system control relay; 13 – speed sensor; 14 – diagnostic connector; 15 – set of injectors; 16 – adsorber solenoid valve; 17, 18, 19 – fuse block protecting the injection system circuits; 21 – electronic fuel pump control relay; 22 – electronic relay for controlling the intake pipe heating system; 23 – intake pipe heating system; 24 – fuse protecting the heater circuit; 25 – electronic oxygen level sensor; 26 – cooling system temperature control sensor; 27 – electronic air damper sensor; 28 – air temperature sensor; 29 – pressure control sensor.

How to connect a five-arm chandelier without tools?

Not every home has voltmeters, multimeters, indicator screwdrivers and other equipment for electrical work. In order not to spend money on buying them, we decided to give you some useful tips on how to do without serious tools and still connect the ceiling lamp correctly:

  1. An indicator screwdriver is needed to identify phase and zero. You can find out about the purpose of the wires in other ways: look in the technical documentation, from the markings (“L” - phase, “N” - zero) or by color - brown, black or red colors are typical for the phase, zero is indicated in blue.
  2. A multimeter is needed to check the correct connection of a 5-light chandelier. An easy way to do the same, but without the device, is to turn on the power supply and press the switch keys.
  3. Instead of pliers, you can use a regular kitchen knife to clean cable cores. The braid is heated with fire from a lighter, softens and removed. Try not to overheat the wire to avoid losing its functionality.

Everything you need to connect a 5-arm chandelier: a durable chair, a knife, electrical tape. Instead of twisting the wires, you can use a terminal box; it comes complete with the lighting equipment itself.

Types of electrical circuits

By definition, an electrical diagram is a document in which, according to GOST rules, the connections between the corresponding sections of a device operating due to the flow of electrical energy are indicated. In other words, such a drawing gives electricians an idea of ​​how the installation works and what parts it consists of.

Radio receiver wiring diagram

A variety of schemes are presented below.

Types, types of schematic images

Mandatory requirements for the implementation of all existing types of schemes:.

  1. The total number of circuits required for the designed device is provided by the specialist himself based on the characteristics of the device. The complete set of drawings should be minimal and at the same time contain enough information for the correct design, manufacture, use, and restoration of the product. All diagrams of a separate set must certainly be interconnected in order to quickly find the necessary information about the elements and connections.
  2. Typically, standard symbols are used in drawings. If individual signs are used, then appropriate explanations are required.
  3. If possible, you need to achieve a minimum number of intersections and kinks in communication lines, and maintain a distance of at least three millimeters between parallel lines.
  4. It is permissible to place technical information on diagrams that relates to the entire drawing or its individual elements. The information is placed near graphic signs or on a blank area of ​​the sheet.
  5. It is allowed to place a drawing (combined, combined) on several sheets. The name of the general scheme is determined by the type and types of composite images.

Structural (e1)

Diagram e1 is one of the simplest, it gives an understanding of the design and operating principle of the electrical installation. A graphical representation of the circuit elements allows you to see the overall picture and immediately proceed to the connection process and repair. Inscriptions and arrows indicating the reading order allow even a novice electrician to fully understand the structural electrical circuit. The construction principle is presented below in the electrical structural diagram (as an example).

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Schematic representation of an electronic oscilloscope


This installation diagram differs slightly from the structural one. The only difference is a more detailed description of all the constituent elements of the circuit. The appearance of such a document can be seen in Figure 4.

Functional electrical diagram


They are mainly used in distribution networks as they provide a clear picture of the operation of the electrical equipment in question. Such a drawing must necessarily contain all the functional components of the electrical circuit, as well as the type of relationship between them. All circuit diagrams are divided into:

  • single-line;
  • full.

The first drawings show only primary networks, which are also called power networks. An example of a single line image is shown below.

Single-line circuit diagram

Complete circuit diagrams can be:

  • deployed;
  • elemental.

If the electrical installation is simple: it is possible to put all the necessary explanations on the main drawing, then it is quite enough to make a detailed plan. If the equipment is complex: it contains a control circuit, automation, measurement, then it is recommended to separate the image of all nodes into separate sheets.

Complete circuit diagram

There is also a special type of schematic diagram - a special copy of the general plan. It only indicates how it functions and what a separate unit consists of.

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