“Characteristics of a magnet and its role in human life.” Conference "First steps into science".

What it is?

In most cases, neodymium magnets are used, but there are many other types in the world: ferrites, magnetoplasts and other varieties. For a long time, people have attributed medicinal properties to magnets; there was even a belief that when crushed it was a laxative.

The most durable are neodymium types, they are made from the rare earth metal neodymium, iron and boron.

Do not forget that our entire planet is a huge magnet with a strong field that regulates life. If we talk about smaller scales, then a magnet is a lifesaver in many cases. I will give you the most interesting examples.

Scientific rationale for magnetic therapy

How and why does it work? How can a small bracelet help you cure a huge list of diseases?

Thanks to physics, we know that everything in the world has its own magnetic fields. Man is no exception. Our magnetic field is formed due to the flow of blood through the vessels. It consists of metal ions, which, when circulating, form a static magnetic field. It is present where there are blood vessels in our body, that is, absolutely everywhere.

When we are exposed to a magnetic field, electric currents are generated in the body. Because of this, a number of changes occur:

  • changes in the configuration of cell membranes and their structural units (lysosomes, mitochondria, etc.);
  • changes in cell membrane permeability;
  • changes in the course of chemical reactions in the body that occur with the participation of free radicals (almost all processes in which enzymes are involved);
  • changes in the physicochemical properties of all body fluids;
  • reorientation of large molecules (including proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

By influencing these basic processes in the body, you can regulate its condition. Currently, many studies have been conducted that confirm the effectiveness of magnetic therapy. They make it possible to become an alternative to heavy medication load.

Use of magnets in everyday life

Cleaning the aquarium

An eternal problem for fish lovers is green deposits in the aquarium. It is very easy to clean it in a simple way: take two magnets, place one with a sponge inside the aquarium, the second - outside. They will securely press the sponge to the wall of the aquarium, and all that remains is to move this device along the surface of the glass.

Closing the cabinet door

It happens that the cabinet door does not close all the way. You can make an improvised latch by placing two magnets: one on the door and the other inside the cabinet.

Finding metal objects

It is enough to attach the magnet to a convenient object with a handle and you can start collecting nails, needles and keys in the most inaccessible places.

Using a magnet, if necessary (for example, during repairs or hanging pictures), you can find fittings in the walls.

Note to car enthusiasts

If you attach a magnet to the lock hole, condensation will not get inside! Very convenient in winter, no need to defrost the mechanism.

For creativity

This life hack will be appreciated by all parents of creative children! Magnets are attached to the back of the crafts and hung on the refrigerator, creating entire exhibitions of works.


Experts recommend using small magnets to normalize blood pressure, which craftsmen turn into beads, rings and bracelets. There are many bandages and belts that help strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, and relieve pain from joint diseases.

They are prohibited for people with pacemakers! Their field can cause a failure of a highly sensitive device.

They are also not recommended for pregnant women, people with mental disabilities, tuberculosis patients, and cancer patients.

Kitchen helpers

To ensure that the potholder is always at hand, a small piece of magnet is sewn into it. Now you can hang it on any metal objects at hand!

To help men

You need order in your garage, and to achieve it, you don’t have to clutter up all the free space with shelving and cabinets. A magnet will be an excellent alternative: it is mounted on the wall, and you can place all the necessary tools on it. Some craftsmen make special fabric bracelets for wrists, magnets are sewn into them, and then nails, needles and other small useful things are hung on such a device.

A similar “bracelet” will become an assistant for a seamstress.

Advice for beekeepers

A magnetic field improves the quality of honey, so in apiaries you can find magnets attached to the sides of the hives.

Research work “Amazing properties of a magnet”

Tatiana Mikhailova

Research work “Amazing properties of a magnet”


«Amazing properties of a magnet»

Information about the authors of the research work :

Child's full name: Terentyev Daniil Nikolaevich

Full name of teacher: Mikhailova Tatyana Innokentievna

Name of institution: MADOU kindergarten No. 7 “Solnyshko”

Justification for choosing the topic.

In our group there is a board on which we hang our drawings and different pictures. We attach them to multi-colored magnets . My friends and I like to play with magnets .

a magnet holds . I also wanted to find out how people use magnets in their lives .


Let us assume that a magnet has the property of attracting other objects, acting through substances, transferring its properties to other metals, and thanks to this it is widely used in human life.


Study what properties magnets have and how people use them.


1. Find out what a magnet .

2. What properties do magnets have ?

3. Find out how people use magnets in their lives .

4. Draw a conclusion based on the results of the work .

What is a magnet ?

So, what is a magnet ? In search of an answer to this question, my parents and I turned to various books: “Encyclopedia for Children”

"The Big Book of Experiments for Preschoolers"
. And here's what I found out.

A magnet is a body capable of attracting iron, steel, and some other metals.

It turns out that more than 2000 years ago, the ancient Greeks learned about the existence of magnetite - a mineral that is able to attract iron. Magnetite was named after the ancient Turkish city of Magnesia (now the Turkish city of Maniza, where this mineral was found.

Magnets can be natural or artificial. Pieces of magnetite are called natural magnets .

Artificial magnets were made in England in the 18th century using the rubbing method.

In different countries, the magnet was called differently .

But all these names are translated as “loving iron”



magnets attract everything ?

He brought the magnet to all objects in turn (to the wooden back of a chair, to a plastic typewriter, to a rubber hedgehog, to a glass decanter)

As a result, he established that all these objects do not experience his attraction. Why were they attracted to the board? Egor Polyntsev told me that the board was iron.

Conclusion: Magnets have the ability to attract objects made of iron or steel. Objects made of plastic, rubber, wood, glass do not react to magnets .


While playing with magnets , my friends and I saw that the magnets were attracted by one side and repelled by the other.

Conclusion: The magnet has two different sides. I even showed the trick to the guys.


I was interested in whether a magnet work through paper, wood, plastic, glass and water.

We conducted these experiments at home with my sister Dasha.

To conduct the experiments I needed: a magnet , a paper clip, a sheet of paper, a modeling board, a wooden dish, a glass cup, and water. The paperclip moved along with the magnet until it rose to the surface of the water.

This way you can easily take it out without getting your hands wet.


Magnetic force works through paper, glass, plastic, wood and even water


Can magnets transfer their properties to other metals ?

I took a magnet and brought a paper clip to it. She was attracted.

He brought the second one to the paperclip, it was also attracted, then the third. A chain of paper clips was formed.

I carefully took the first paper clip with my fingers and removed the magnet - the chain did not break.


The paper clips, being near the magnet, became magnetized and became magnets . This property is called magnetism .

But the chain of paper clips does not last long; it falls apart, since paper clips only have magnetic properties for a short time.


Is it possible to find metal objects in cereals (for example, in semolina?

I hid metal objects (nails, paper clips)

The magnet moved over the surface of the cereal and everything that was “hidden”
in the container with the cereal, as if by magic, stuck to it, that is,
became magnetized .
Conclusion: the magnet attracts through the rump.

.The use of magnets in people's lives

about magnets a long time ago and began to use its properties for their own purposes . Magnets are used to hold, separate, control, transport and lift various objects.

In all branches of life, a magnet is a constant companion.

At home I saw the use of a magnet on a refrigerator .

Magnets are often used in toys ( "Fishing Rod"

).In the group we have
magnetic letters and numbers .
I decided to apply the property of a magnet in a drawing . Polonova Ksyusha painted beautiful flowers. I attached a paper clip to the butterfly, and now the butterfly flutters from flower to flower with the help of a magnet in Ksyushin’s drawing .


A magnet is an object made of a certain material that attracts metals;

magnetic force can pass through objects and substances;

magnets can transfer their properties to other metals ;

people widely use the properties of magnets in all sectors of life

I really enjoyed revealing the secrets of the magnet . I have learned a lot of new things.

People are accustomed to using the power of a magnet many devices and toys with its help If suddenly the magnets stop working , we will immediately feel it.

I will continue to study magnets .

Tips for wearing magnetic jewelry

If you think that magnetic jewelry is just an accessory that you can wear as you please, then you are mistaken. Like any physical procedure, magnetic therapy has its own rules and recommendations for use:

  1. It is necessary to select a magnetic decoration in consultation with a professional. The choice of type of jewelry (earrings, rings, etc.) depends on the affected organ.
  2. Wearing magnetic jewelry should be carried out in courses. You can’t wear it today, take it off tomorrow and forget it.
  3. You need to start the course by wearing a magnet for several hours a day. It is usually recommended to start therapy with two hours a day, and then gradually increase the duration of therapy. This will provide a softer effect and also prevent the body from stressing the body.
  4. It does not matter on which arm the bracelet is worn unless it is to treat a problem related to that limb.
  5. The kidneys begin to work harder while wearing the magnet. To prevent dehydration, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed per day.
  6. It is forbidden to wear magnetic jewelry at the same time as a watch. Clock mechanisms can interfere with the operation of the devices.
  7. If the jewelry does not contain additional elements such as stones or rhinestones, then you can safely swim in open water or take a bath with them.
  8. If you experience discomfort or unpleasant sensations when wearing an accessory, you should immediately consult a doctor to identify the cause.

If you have any questions, you should contact a specialist. This could be your doctor or physical therapist.

Types of magnetic therapy

Thanks to technological progress, several types of magnets are available to us that can be used for therapeutic purposes. Magnetic therapy is differentiated based on the type of magnetic fields: variable and constant. There is also a distinction between general magnetic therapy (when the effect occurs on the entire body as a whole) and local (the effect is carried out locally: on a joint, a separate organ or area).

If we talk about technical equipment, there are now three main types of devices available:

  1. Stationary. It consists of a table, a magnet and a computer, which contains several basic treatment protocols. The patient lies down on the table, and the physiotherapist selects the necessary protocol. The device can also be equipped with additional components (a magnet for local, directional influence, a belt, a solenoid that allows you to create a circular magnetic field). Treatment usually takes place in courses. One session lasts from 15 to 40 minutes. No special preparation is required. The only recommendation is to drink a glass of water before the procedure to slightly enhance the effect of the device.
  2. Portable. It is a device that the patient can easily carry with him. The effect is carried out by applying the device to the affected area of ​​the body or wearing it in this area. The most popular device is considered to be “Magofon-01”, which creates special vibroacoustic vibrations and a low-frequency magnetic field. This type of device has pronounced analgesic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Magnetic jewelry. Patients wishing to purchase magnetic jewelry have a wide range of choices: rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, earrings, brooches, etc. They are often elegantly and tastefully made. Naturally, it is difficult to suspect a medicinal product in these accessories. They are usually made of copper, metal, or jewelry steel. Active magnets are placed on their inner surface. It is the latter that have a special field; accordingly, they are made with extreme care in order to help and not harm a person.
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