A selection of coffee machine malfunctions from experts and ways to eliminate them

If you truly love coffee, then you bought a coffee machine a long time ago and have no idea how you lived without it before.

Ever since the evening, you’ve been fantasizing about pouring in some grain, putting down a cup and waiting for the kitchen to be filled with a familiar aroma so you can wake up.

And sometimes you don’t deny yourself a cup right at night. But at one point, the coffee machine may fail and not turn on, stop noticing grain or heating water. What should I do, call the service? Do not hurry.

In our article we will tell you not only about the most popular coffee machine malfunctions, but also tell you how to fix them without a technician.

The coffee machine is leaking

If your Delonghi coffee machine has become faulty because it is leaking where the horn and body meet, then it is not a big deal. And you can even fix it yourself.

Most likely, the leak occurred due to a clogged O-ring, which is located in the place where the nose enters the body of the machine.

The blockage is fat, cake, grain, and so on. You need to disassemble the horn, remove the blockage and put the horn back together.

If the cause of the leak is that the seal is cracked or torn, you should buy a new one. It is important that the ring matches the characteristics of your coffee machine.

If these requirements are not met, the rubber may melt from high temperatures or may not be as elastic as it should be.

When troubleshooting such a malfunction of the coffee machine and doing the repair yourself, check the filter of the horn. It should be clean, without coffee.

By analogy, you can fix a leak in a coffee machine from any other manufacturer. Change the other seal as well. The main thing is not to be afraid and replace it in time, before water begins to flow through the wiring or floods the control unit.

If the machine stops pumping water, the piston above the teapot is probably damaged. You can also inspect and repair it yourself.

When can you fix the problem yourself?

Sometimes the owner himself finds and corrects a defect due to which coffee does not flow from the coffee machine. This is possible with minor problems that do not require much intervention in the design:

  • Water begins to flow from under the horn.

A flowing stream of hot or cold liquid indicates wear on the rubber seal. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse and dry the place where the gasket is installed, and install a new rubber band. It must be remembered that the seal must be selected carefully: it must correspond to the original.

A similar situation occurs as a result of a clogged filter. It is easy to fix: rinse the filter thoroughly and install it back.

  • Noise and weak pressure in the horn.

When you notice that the drink is not flowing well from the machine, or does not flow at all, you can have little doubt that the cone is clogged. It can be removed independently using special detergents. Try checking the filter: it may also be clogged. Just rinse it with running water and adjust the grind level of the beans.

  • There is no power supply.

Check the cord and outlet for damage. Often, because of this, the machine does not dispense coffee to you. If they are in order, contact a technician: there is probably a problem with the operation of the electrical unit.

The coffee machine is noisy + water flows weakly

If the water from the machine does not flow well and noise is heard, the mesh is clogged or the filter of the horn is clogged. All you need to do is clean. There are special products on sale that can be used to clean grease from coffee machines.

You can also remove debris with regular toothpicks. If you choose this method, be careful not to scratch the parts.

The Philips coffee machine has another malfunction: it pours coffee poorly and is also noisy, but the reason is that the beans are ground too heavily. To fix this, you need to open the container with grain and make sure that the grind is really coarse.

If there is dust, select a different grain grind manually on the control panel.

Excessive noise can also occur due to a pump malfunction. Replacing the part will help.

Requirements for water and filters

It is generally not advisable to use tap liquid for brewing coffee, as it greatly changes its taste and contaminates the parts.

To do this, coffee makers have filters that need to be changed periodically. If the pores are already clogged with lime or other trace elements, this can become an obstacle to the passage of water.

Each filter has its own lifespan; you can find out which one it is from the instructions and replace it - yourself or at a service center. To disassemble the Dolce Gusto coffee machine, you may need special tools.

Bottled water that has gone through several stages of purification is most suitable for filling into a container. If, after replacing the filter, no water comes out of your Dolce Gusto coffee machine, then the problem is not with the filter. It is removed again and the internal parts are completely cleaned of scale. After the final rinsing, the filter can be installed again.

The coffee machine is noisy and does not work: what should I do?

If the coffee machine makes noise, but does not prepare a drink, then you need to understand why it does not work.

To start, make sure that:

  1. The water is heating up.
  2. And then it gets hot into the device.

When the machine takes in water and heats it as expected, but coffee still does not come out, then there is probably an air lock. To remove it, you need to pass heated water through a cappuccino maker.

If the coffee flows, but slowly, then you can flush the entire system with an anti-clog agent. When none of the above helps, you should contact a service center, since the problem is in the electronics, which must be repaired by a technician.

As a rule, if the Delonghi coffee machine does not work due to a clogged electronic unit, then there is an error code or an exclamation mark on the control panel.


The reason that water does not flow into the Delonghi coffee machine may be scale or other contaminants. Use an anti-scale agent or clean the device using improvised means (brush, toothpick). The tubes in this model should be cleaned especially carefully, as they are easily scratched. Try to avoid this, because even more fat or scale will then settle in the uneven areas. You will have to clean your coffee machine much more often.

What to do if the coffee machine gives an error?

When there is an error code on the control panel or a light is blinking, you can refer to the instructions to understand what it means. It will also tell you how to fix the coffee machine.

If you suddenly cannot find printed instructions, then open an electronic one on the Internet.

Usually the error appears due to a malfunctioning sensor. Cleaning and flushing the system will help. In this case, it is necessary that all containers are firmly in place and that the float in the water container works.

Difficult situations when you need the help of a specialist

In other cases, when an error message appears on the display, it is important to understand the design of the equipment to independently troubleshoot and resolve it. If you have neither experience in repairing coffee machines nor the necessary tools, it is better to use the help of specialists.

Water from the reservoir flows to the cochlea, where a meter with a sensor is located; pulses are counted when the pump operates. If the sensor breaks down, a message also appears that the hydraulic system is empty. The water then enters the boiler, where there is a relief valve; When the pressure is exceeded, the water is discharged into the pan. From the boiler, water moves to the cappuccino maker or brewing module, which is located in the depths of the coffee machine; To check its operation, disassembly is inevitable.

Thus, a breakdown can occur anywhere; in the absence of experience, disassembling a coffee machine is not only accompanied by the risk of permanently breaking the equipment, there is the possibility of injury, for example, when checking the operation of the pump, it is important to disconnect the terminals, since the device is under voltage of 220 Volts.

By the way, an important element in any coffee machine are microswitches, whose task is to monitor the operation of moving mechanisms (water taps, steam, dispensers, etc.). If an error message appears on the display, but the coffee machine continues to work, as a rule, the microswitch needs to be replaced; this is not possible for a non-professional.

In some models of coffee machines, not an inscription, but flashing symbols may appear, indicating problems with the water supply. Their meaning can be found in the instructions or contact a workshop.

If you were unable to cope with the breakdown on your own, it is important to stop in time, despite your enthusiasm and ardent desire to figure everything out yourself. After all, disassembling the device is not enough; it is important to assemble it correctly; there are many nuances, ignorance of which will only lead to the need for expensive repairs.

How to repair a coffee machine if it does not see coffee?

It happens that a Saeco or other coffee machine does not work because it ignores coffee. At the same time, there is definitely grain in it.


  • Failed control unit.
  • Engine failure.
  • Coffee maker malfunction.

A good diagnosis is necessary. If you see that everything inside the machine is covered in coffee dust, then the problem is with the coffee maker. And you will have to replace the engine or buy a new coffee machine.

Also, the coffee machine may malfunction due to a blockage in the brewer or grains that have a different grind. Then you simply won't be able to brew coffee.

And you need to set a coarser grind on the control panel or clean the brewing device.

Where to go if your coffee machine breaks down

You can deliver the coffee machine to the service center located at: Bolshoi Sukharevsky Lane, 15, building 1, where our specialists will conduct a full diagnosis and immediately begin repairs. By the way, we have so-called “happy hours” - from 14:00 to 17:00; By applying during this period of time, you can count on a 10% discount.

When delivering the coffee machine yourself, you should be careful: if transported incorrectly, there is a risk of mechanical damage. The service also provides services at home or at the place where coffee equipment is installed. A company specialist will arrive at a predetermined time, a visit is possible even on the day of your request. A minimum of time for troubleshooting and a guarantee for the work performed are much more attractive than protracted independent repairs without a guarantee of quality.

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The coffee machine does not see water: what to do?

If you pour water into the car, but it doesn’t see it, then the problem is in the sensor. It’s not difficult to check it, just fill it with water and see if the float is on the surface. Is it lying on the bottom? Then it is either filled with water or clogged. Try cleaning, drying and replacing. If it doesn't work, then you need to replace the float.

The water level detection sensor of a coffee machine may also break down because you fill in already heated water. Then the float is left without oxygen and when the water cools, a vacuum is formed, and then water is poured into the sensor.

Processing errors

Bitter coffees sometimes give off an unpleasant acidic aftertaste. The reasons are violations of processing technology.

For example, when grains are not completely dried during preparation. Or moisture got on them at one of the processing stages.

Also, sourness appears during long fermentation - fermentation

This processing stage is comparable in importance to roasting. The grains are kept in a large vat for about 30-60 hours to remove pulp.

If the beans are left in the container longer than expected, they begin to sour.

Coffee turns sour after processing in low-quality dirty water. If you use unpurified water and dirty vats during fermentation, the taste will deteriorate.

Also, sourness appears if some of the coffee berries remain in the vat. They are processed again, then find themselves among clean grains.

In this case, a small handful of grains will ruin the entire mixture. Even mild Robusta varieties will have an aftertaste.

The water in the coffee machine does not heat up

You can often read that a Delonghi or some other coffee machine does not work because it does not heat or does it poorly. The problem is the heating element or controller. You can independently ring the entire circuit to find the faulty section that needs to be replaced. And then trust the master.

The problem with heating water occurs due to the fact that the coffee machine is used with hard water. It is better to brew coffee with clean water, distilled or boiled.

Main reasons

A thin or weak stream of drink indicates a decrease in pressure in the system. This can happen for two reasons: the first is a manufacturing defect, the second is a violation of the rules for operating the device.

A factory defect may look like this:

  • incorrect assembly of the device;
  • the use of low-quality materials and parts, leading to their premature wear;
  • damage to the device during its delivery to the store.

It is also possible that the device may be damaged during transportation from the store to the place of use.

The second group of reasons is more extensive. It includes:

  • lack of timely preventive examinations and regular maintenance;
  • incorrect parameter settings that do not meet the requirements of the instructions;
  • the use of low-quality coffee beans (old, overcooked, hard, containing foreign impurities - pieces of wood, small pebbles, etc.);
  • irregular cleaning, which often provokes rapid failure of the heating elements;
  • using the coffee machine at low temperatures (creates a risk of defrosting the drainage system and causing problems with the hydraulic system);
  • device overload.

Voltage changes in the power supply network, forced shutdown of the coffee machine and sudden power outages can also contribute to device breakdown.

The filter is clogged: clean it yourself

It is important to change the filter correctly. Otherwise, you may end up with a plug of air, the pump will start working in vain, and ultimately this will become the reason why the coffee machine is noisy and does not work.

Change the filter as follows:

  • Turn the filter over with two holes facing up.
  • Pour water into it.
  • And also fill the car with water.
  • Install a filter.

If coffee does not flow well through the spout, then before calling service, check whether the filter is clogged.

Which coffee shops can you take away more from?

Coffee shops are different, so the approach should be different. The higher the revenue of the coffee shop, the greater the amount that can be taken out. Management of successful coffee shops tend to relax. But if things are bad and the point is working in the negative, then checks begin that are designed to identify the cause of the current situation.

Chain coffee shops have inventory control and video surveillance. However, more often than not, several coffee shops have one manager who is unable to fully monitor employees. This allows baristas to cooperate and take quite a lot.

In off-chain coffee shops, where the owner has only one outlet, they often save on accounting systems and video surveillance. At the same time, the owner knows his establishment better and can detect theft in non-standard ways.

Coffee shops operating at events are usually a real mess. There is freedom here for the dishonest barista.

Cappuccino maker does not work

When the cappuccino maker in the coffee machine does not work, well-frothed milk and foam will not be obtained.

There are usually two reasons:

  1. Stale milk.
  2. Channels are clogged.

Choose the right milk. Not powder and with a fat content of at least 2.5%.

The channels may become clogged because you do not take good care of the device. When you brew coffee with milk, you must clean the cappuccino maker afterwards. If you don’t do this, then over time the channels will become clogged and instead of foam there will be just hot milk.

Many machines now have a self-cleaning option. But if you have an old model, then you need to do regular cleaning yourself. Do not use sharp or hard substances.

Features of repair of capsule coffee makers

The Dolce Gusto capsule coffee machine does not supply water - most likely the outlet hole needs to be cleaned. All models of this company - Nescafe, Nespresso, Krups - have a very thin needle from which water pours onto the capsule and which pierces it.

Limescale can cement the needle when the coffee maker has not been turned on for a while. Some models have a special wire at the back that cleans the hole in the needle. After cleaning, you need to turn on the coffee maker again and check how the coffee machine pumps water. If over time the coffee starts to flow out more slowly, the system is clogged again.

If water does not flow thickly in your Krups, Nescafe or Nespresso Dolce coffee maker, you can do a general cleaning with citric acid - dilute 2 teaspoons in a glass of water and pour into a container. There is no need to insert a capsule. Wait until the cloudy liquid comes out.

The buttons in the coffee machine do not work

If the Delonghi coffee machine or any other does not turn on, the buttons do not respond, then there may be several reasons.

First, make sure there is grain and water in the machine. Since some models do not run if they are empty.

Next look at the panel. Perhaps there is code on it that will help you understand what exactly is wrong.

And then you can carry out more serious diagnostics. Remove the front panel of the device and test the power circuit.

Sometimes the buttons just don’t work because coffee has been poured on them and they get stuck. You just need to clean up after yourself and the machine will start working.

If none of the above steps help, then you should contact the service. The coffee machine may not be working due to an electrical fault or because the fuse has blown. Such breakdowns must be repaired by a specialist.

Recommendations for care and use

To make your coffee machine last longer, you should follow a few simple rules for its use and care.

  1. Read the operating instructions before you begin.
  2. Use clean drinking water. It is advisable not to pour tap water (not purified by a filter) or mineralized liquid into the compartment (minerals remain on the heating element). Bottled is suitable for coffee machines.
  3. Choose your coffee carefully. Do not use flavored, raw or coarsely ground coffee.
  4. If your machine has a removable brewing unit, try to wash it under warm water and detergent once a week.
  5. To clean parts, use products recommended by the manufacturer. As a rule, their names are indicated in the instructions.

Owners often experience problems with coffee makers due to improper use. Repairing or replacing parts in this case can be quite expensive. Therefore, I recommend following simple rules that will help you avoid unexpected breakdowns and maintain the functionality of your equipment for many years.

There is no power in the coffee machine: what to do?

When a Philips or other manufacturer's coffee machine does not work at all, you need to check whether the cord or socket to which it is connected is damaged. Make sure the door is tightly closed. Since if it is open, then some devices block the teapot.

Visual inspection didn't help? Then you need to look at what's inside. Test the entire circuit with a multimeter. And if the problem area still does not become clear, then contact the service technicians.

Now you know why the coffee machine may not work, and what problems you can fix yourself. Treat your assistant with care, and she will delight you with aromatic coffee for a long time.

Preventive maintenance of coffee makers

To avoid serious problems, users must take a responsible approach to preventive maintenance of the coffee maker. The brewing unit should be cleaned under running water once every two weeks, and if the device is used frequently, weekly. The moving parts of any coffee machine should be lubricated every six months to a year, especially for Delonghi brand appliances. Other manufacturers indicate that the elements should be lubricated after preparing 500 cups of coffee.

In general, the frequency of preventive measures depends mainly on the quality of the water used. If the scale is very hard, the appliance and filters will have to be descaled more often. Even the water supply tank must be thoroughly washed from time to time using special cleaning agents. Using bottled or filtered water will help you get rid of the constant hassle associated with water quality. Thus, you will protect not only the hydraulic system of the coffee machine, but also the health of your loved ones.

You should not leave the coffee maker in the cold, as adapters and tubes will burst due to temperature changes. Untimely removal of scale also contributes to the complete destruction of the boiler, pump, water sensor and other elements.

The frequency of preventative measures also depends on the frequency of coffee preparation. The more often coffee machine owners prepare an invigorating drink, the faster its elements become dirty and preventive maintenance is required.

How and which one is better to choose for your home?

In order not to be mistaken in the question of which coffee machine is best to buy for your home, experts recommend that inexperienced buyers use the following tips:

You need to decide what kind of coffee the machine should prepare. For lovers of classic black coffee, a device with a minimum number of options will suit you, however, for gourmets who prefer coffee-based milk drinks, a device with many cooking recipes will be an indispensable assistant. For a small family that drinks 1-2 servings of coffee a day, there is no point in buying a coffee machine designed to prepare large quantities of coffee.

You should pay attention to compact models - they will fit in any kitchen and are easier to care for. When choosing between several models from different manufacturers, it is better to purchase a device manufactured by a more popular company that has been producing household goods for many years and guarantees the high quality of its products.

Before purchasing a product, ask your sales consultant about the power consumption of the selected model. This parameter determines the operating speed of the coffee machine, but if the power is above 2000 W, at the end of the month the electricity bill may surprise you. The main rule is to choose a device according to its technical characteristics

Design in this case does not play a big role, despite the fact that ideally the device should be combined with the overall interior of the kitchen.

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