How to check a children's electric car (troubleshoot)?

In electric cars, the favorite toys of modern boys, malfunctions of various kinds often occur. The cause of the breakdown may be operational errors, manufacturing defects, or natural wear and tear. In any case, you need to know how to check a children's electric car when malfunctions occur, and fix the problem so that it does not cause a nervous breakdown in children and parents.

The principle of operation of children's transport

Children's electric transport has a simple design that every parent with a superficial knowledge of electronics and mechanics can easily understand. The machine is driven by electric motors. In cheap models, one motor is installed on the drive wheel. It is worth immediately installing another pair of gearbox and battery, improving the technical characteristics of the electric vehicle. The electronic unit controls gear shifting, reverse gear, and gas pedal. Models designed for little ones have receivers that pick up the signal from the control panel.

Video of car operation

In the future, there is an idea to increase the speed of the car by installing two 12 V batteries. But since it is not clear by what logic to include an additional battery, the idea has matured to make a speed emulator, like an automatic transmission, to install a current sensor for the consumption of engines and switch the control limits of the remote control. at speeds, simultaneously controlling the “life” of the engines, since they will not last long at 24 V under heavy load. True, you will need to introduce a speed sensor into the travel gearbox. The introduction of a sensor will also make it possible to make a really smooth brake, by controlled closing of the motors to a field-effect transistor with good cooling. And work above 12 V strictly according to the ammeter, that is, if the current consumption of the motors is not large, then gradually increase to the specified current limit. You will still need to think through the logic well. As a matter of fact, the capabilities of one AtMega controller will not be enough for all functions. Something similar is implemented in the Korean car Henes. To be continued... Tygra was with you.


Common problems

First, you should familiarize yourself with common problems in order to respond to a malfunction in a timely manner and decide on the course of action. You will have to engage in diagnostics and repairs if:

  • The engine will not start.
  • The battery is not charging.
  • The electric car does not respond to signals from the remote control.
  • The machine does not move when the engine is running.
  • There is no sound.

These are the most common problems that can arise in children's transport.

The engine won't start

The electric motor installed in a children's car may fail. But don’t immediately think about a major breakdown. To get started, you need to do the following:

  • Check if the charger is disconnected from the machine. The electric car does not turn on when it is charging.
  • Make sure the battery is charged. If there is no charge, you need to connect the charger for 7-9 hours. You can check the performance of the motor and do a test run a couple of hours after charging starts.
  • Check the condition of the terminals, connectors, wires. There may be no connection at the start button, battery, or control unit.
  • See if the fuse has blown.

If these measures do not provide a positive result, the electric car will not start, and the engine will have to be repaired or replaced. Often the cause of premature engine failure is the breakdown of a gear made of a polymer that does not have much strength. You can disassemble the device, install a new, durable part, and restore the functionality of the motor.

The most common problems associated with electric vehicles and how to fix them

One of the most common situations that arises is that the toy simply does not start. The first thing to do in this case is to check the battery. We are all human, and it is quite possible that you simply forgot to charge the battery.

If this does not help, then the next step is to inspect the contacts located on the buttons. It often happens that parents do not remember the manufacturer’s warning not to ride in wet weather. Also, the baby can drive through damp grass or soil unnoticed by himself and his parents. In such situations, electronics fail. Try blowing and drying the contacts. If this does not lead to the desired effect and the “iron horse” still stands in place, contact a specialist: water damages not only the electronics, but also the motor and gearbox, and these parts in most cases require replacement.

Quite often, an electric car does not start due to long periods of inactivity. To prevent this from happening, regularly recharge the battery to capacity: at least once a month. Otherwise, there is a high chance that you will have to buy a new battery.

Based on the foregoing, the most common problems typical for a toy such as an electric car are:

  1. Damp contacts inside the case.
  2. Battery failure.

The most important rule in such an unforeseen situation is not to panic. Of course, an electric car costs several thousand rubles, but this is not a reason to be upset. In most cases, you can solve the problem yourself, and for very little money, or even for free. If you cannot find a way out of the current situation, contact the workshop - specialists will be able to accurately determine and eliminate the cause of the breakdown and return your child to a good mood.

The instruction manual included with each toy model is of great importance. Please read it carefully and follow the stated rules. In this case, the likelihood of breakdowns will be minimized, and the electric vehicle will last for a long time.

A brief excursion in time

In Russia, the first electric cars appeared at the very beginning of the 90s. They were very expensive back then and not everyone could afford to buy such a children’s car for their child. Over time, the market for children's electric vehicles developed, and new manufacturers appeared. More electric vehicles began to be imported into Russia and, accordingly, the price began to decrease. Nowadays, almost anyone can give their child such a gift. Moreover, the choice of electric vehicles is quite large. Of course, the crisis has made its own unpleasant adjustments to the price of a children's car.

Why is it more profitable to have your own electric car?

Children's electric cars can now quite often be found in the yard and on the playground, in amusement and recreation parks where electric car rentals are organized. You can see how a child’s eyes light up at the sight of such a car, and even in which you can ride yourself. With what delight the baby drives a children's electric car, feeling like an adult and independent. You can take your child for a ride to the nearest electric car rental place. Prices for renting children's electric cars in different regions differ significantly: for example, in Moscow you can ride for 50-100 rubles from 3 to 5 minutes. Naturally, this is not enough for the child and he wants more almost every day. And then the question arises about buying him his own electric car. The price range for electric cars is from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on the model and manufacturer. Let's take the average cost of an electric car (18,000 rubles). The cost is approximately 30 hours for your child to ride at the children's car rental site. And it’s easy to calculate that having your own children’s electric car is much more profitable and the child has much more joy than going to the park and riding electric cars, which also don’t look the best.

Which electric car should you choose?

You have decided to buy an electric car for your child and, naturally, the question arises, which one is better to choose. The main thing is that the children's car is safe and reliable. The first thing I want to draw your attention to is that all electric cars are designed in such a way that it is impossible to roll over on them, unless, of course, you let your baby ride on steep slopes and ravines. The wheels of all cars are set wide, and the width of the wheel itself can give odds to the wheels of some real cars.

Children's electric cars are manufactured at official manufacturing plants with constant quality control of manufactured products. All products have quality certificates, certificates of conformity and hygiene certificates. The manufacturer is interested in people buying his products, and they will buy them only if they are of high quality.

Electric vehicles fall into two main categories:

1. Children's electric cars with one drive wheel for children from 1 to 3 years old. 2. Children's electric cars with two driving wheels for children from 2 to 8 years old. Electric vehicles with one drive wheel are designed to drive only on flat surfaces (asphalt, dirt, parquet). They overcome the rise of up to 5%, the load capacity is designed for a maximum weight of up to 20-25 kg. The batteries on such machines, usually 6V (six volts), may differ in volume. Your child can safely ride such electric cars for up to two, or maximum three years. Of course, it all depends on how big your baby is. Then the child will simply not be interested in driving only forward, and even at a slow speed, and, most likely, the electric car simply will not carry him. Therefore, buy electric cars in this category for very young children. The choice of such electric vehicles is quite large from various manufacturers.

In the second category of electric vehicles with two driving wheels, the choice is much larger. They overcome the rise from 10% to 17%. These cars can be ridden on almost any surface: earth, grass, gravel, asphalt, relatively off-road. Such electric vehicles can withstand a maximum weight of up to 50-70 kg. Electric cars differ in power: they are equipped with both 24V (twenty-four volts), 12V (twelve volts), and two 6V (six volts) batteries. Designed for children from 2-3 to 8-10 years old. You can view more detailed characteristics of each model by going to the detailed description of the electric vehicle you are interested in.

Operation of children's electric vehicles

You bought your baby an electric car. In front of you is a large cardboard box with a typewriter inside. All electric vehicles are sold unassembled, packed in a cardboard box. In our store, all electric cars are necessarily checked before sale, so possible defects are excluded before sale. When ordering an electric car, for an additional fee of 500 to 1000 rubles (depending on the complexity), you can order the assembly of the machine, and we will bring it to you ready for use. If you do not order assembly, then there is nothing particularly complicated in assembling an electric car and you will assemble it yourself. Each box must contain instructions with pictures for assembling a children's electric car. The main thing when assembling is to follow the instructions.

Important rules for using electric vehicles:

Children's electric cars are designed for use in dry and warm weather. The minimum temperature at which you can ride a car is 0⁰ -5⁰С. In severe frost, the plastic becomes rigid, losing its necessary elasticity and may break with minor impacts. The lubricant hardens in the gearboxes and the teeth of the gears can break. The battery freezes and will not work properly. Do not overload a children's electric vehicle beyond the maximum weight specified in the instructions. Moms and dads! Don't try to ride in a children's car yourself! Of course, you can and will succeed; the electric car will “reluctantly” withstand more weight. But this is fraught with serious damage. Try to avoid rain and direct contact with water on the electric vehicle. If the machine gets dirty, never wash it with a hose. This may result in a short circuit in the electrical circuit. The minimum that can happen is that the fuse will blow, or the maximum that the motor or battery will fail. Therefore, wipe the machine from dirt with a damp cloth. It is advisable to store the electric vehicle indoors. If you leave it outside, be sure to cover it with film or thick material so that dew and rain do not fall on the electric vehicle and damp wiring does not deteriorate. Children's electric cars with two forward and one reverse speeds. When a child sits in such a car, he immediately begins to change the speed indiscriminately. I know that it is difficult for a child to understand what speed needs to be turned on and when, and even at his age it is not necessary to know this. But nevertheless, try to explain how to drive off in such a car. It is best to get underway in first gear and shift to second while moving. Although, if a child starts driving the car straight from second speed, there is nothing wrong with that. The car will drive without any problems. It’s just that a child may get scared by such a sudden start if he got behind the wheel for the first time. Also tell your child that when driving forward, especially in second gear, if the child wants to go backward, he must first release the pedal and stop, then turn on the reverse gear and go back. If this is done without stopping the electric vehicle, the load on the gears in the gearbox increases significantly and their teeth may break.

How to properly use the battery in a children's electric car

You bought an electric car. The battery on it is factory charged at 20-30 percent. If you purchased the car in winter, and your child will only ride it in the spring, then you don’t need to do anything with the battery. Only with factory charging it can be stored for up to 5 years. You assembled the electric car, and the child immediately drove off. Let your baby have his first unforgettable impressions and at the same time drain the battery a little. But there is no need to let the battery discharge to zero. If you see that the electric car is already moving slower, stop driving and charge the battery. When purchasing, you need to let the battery work for a while and only then put it on charge. The battery must always be charged. The child drove an electric car, discharged the battery, and put the car in the garage. Then, let’s say, it rains or you go on vacation and you forget about the electric car with its discharged battery. Remember, as soon as your baby runs out of battery, immediately charge the battery. A discharged battery can be stored for a couple of weeks, after which it begins to deteriorate irreversibly. Especially, do not forget to charge the battery for the winter, otherwise, when you take out the electric car in the spring, you will not be able to charge it. You will have to buy a new battery.

It is also recommended that if the battery is not used for a long time, discharge it and charge it again every two months, doing one “discharge-charge” cycle. The battery must be charged for no more than 24 hours. If you forget it while charging it for a couple of days, this will shorten its service life. On Peg-perego electric vehicles, the chargers have a battery charging indicator. On other models there are no indicators, but it is not difficult to calculate how long the battery needs to be charged. Let’s say a battery with a capacity of 12AH, and the charger produces a current of 1AH (this is always written on the charger), then it will charge a completely discharged battery for 12 hours. On average, batteries need to be charged 8-12 hours. Batteries can be recharged even if they are not fully discharged. Accordingly, the charging time of a not completely discharged battery is reduced. The service life of any battery is 200-300 charge-discharge cycles, depending on the manufacturer. This is approximately 2-3 years of seasonal operation of an electric vehicle, subject to the above rules. Batteries should not be hit or dropped, and under no circumstances should they be connected between plus and minus - the battery will burn out. All batteries in electric cars are equipped with special adapters for the charger, so it takes a lot of effort to short-circuit the contact.

Driving time on one battery charge

Children's electric cars with a fully charged 6V/10-12AH, 12V/12AH battery can drive continuously for 30 minutes at maximum load at second speed and uphill. At the same time, the average time a child drives an electric vehicle with such a battery is 2-2.5 hours a day, because the child does not constantly go up the hill at maximum speed, but plays.

Children's electric cars with a fully charged 6V/7AH, 12V/7AH battery can drive continuously for 20 minutes at maximum load at second speed and uphill. At the same time, the average time a child drives an electric car with such a battery is 1-1.5 hours a day.

If you have two kids, then it makes sense to purchase an additional battery, because... driving time increases.

It quickly becomes one of the child's favorite toys. And, of course, if for some reason it doesn’t work, it’s a real tragedy! How to deal with the problem? Let's figure it out.

No charging

The movement of the electric vehicle is provided by the engine. But it needs power, which is supplied by the battery. battery. To charge this unit, the machine is equipped with a special device. The battery has a certain resource. But it may fail ahead of schedule if:

  • operating rules are violated;
  • the body is damaged;
  • Third party devices are used for charging.

The condition of the battery must be monitored closely to reduce the risk of problems. The main condition is timely charging. It should be carried out after each trip or when the speed decreases or when moving in jerks. Do not allow the device to completely discharge. In this case, its energy intensity will significantly decrease. When the machine is in winter storage, the battery is recharged every 6 weeks.

Lack of charging does not always indicate battery failure. The problem may be caused by a faulty charger or connector. Their status needs to be checked in the service class=”aligncenter” width=”1280″ height=”720″[/img]

What is a charger for a children's electric car?

A charger (charger) is a special power supply that connects to a regular outlet and charges the battery, in this case a mini-electric car.
Essentially, this is a device that converts alternating current with a voltage of 220 volts into direct current of the desired voltage. All chargers have the same operating principle; the only difference can be in power and size. Accordingly, the more powerful the charger unit, the larger its dimensions. It is worth noting that children's electric cars are not equipped with powerful engines and batteries. Therefore, they are charged using the most common power supplies. But not everything is so simple, because there are a number of requirements that must be taken into account.

The car does not move when the engine is running

The engine is running properly, but the electric car is standing still. Perhaps the gear is not engaged, the car did not receive the command to move. If it is activated, the speed and mode are selected, but there is no movement, you need to sequentially check the entire electrical system, wire connections on the control unit, gear shift lever, and gearbox. If there is damage to the wires, they need to be replaced. Perhaps the terminals have come loose and the network has become disconnected. If the examination does not reveal any violations, you will have to proceed with a thorough diagnosis. The reason for the lack of movement may be a breakdown:

  • Control unit.
  • Motor.
  • Buttons
  • Gearbox.
  • Gas pedals.

If any of these elements or components fail, they will need to be replaced.

No response to remote control signals

If the electric vehicle does not respond to remote control signals, you need to check the batteries. They may be faulty. They should be replaced. If there is no reaction, you need to check the connection of the machine to the remote control. Modern models are connected via Bluetooth. Some electric vehicles have a remote-to-pedal control switch. You need to check its position. If only the turn signal is not received, back and forth is moving normally, you should look at the terminals on the steering gearbox.

The actions taken may not lead to a positive result. In this case, you will have to contact the service center. Professional diagnostics of the remote control, control unit, and gearbox are required.

Children's electric car does not work with remote control

If you encounter this problem, please review the following recommendations.

The first thing to do is to listen to whether the gears of the turning mechanism rotate when you press the remote control to the right or left:

1. If there is sound, but the wheels do not turn, then most likely the bolt connecting the steering gearbox and the rack has fallen out. This usually happens when the nut is unscrewed due to vibration while riding. You need to get to the place where the bolt is attached, usually it is located inside the passenger compartment near the pedal, and screw it back.

2. If control from the remote control is not accompanied by any sounds, check the connections of all plugs. Perhaps the chips got disconnected somewhere.

The next step will be to study the motor on the gearbox. You should try to supply current to it directly from the battery, but to do this you need to remove it (not always easy to do). If it doesn’t show “signs of life,” it will most likely burn out. The simplest solution is to buy a new gearbox assembly.

You can try to select an engine, but this is a rather difficult task. They can be very similar in appearance, but differ by 1 millimeter in shaft diameter or number of teeth. It is possible to find a suitable one either by markings, or by trying to insert them into the gearbox housing and connecting them to power. There should be no extraneous whistling sounds when the gears are operating.

3. If you hear a non-natural grinding, crunching, rattling sound, and the wheels turn a little (or don’t turn at all), this indicates that the engine is running and is trying to turn the wheels, but the gears inside the mechanism have worn out or the teeth on them have broken. It is almost impossible to find them separately, so you need to purchase a new steering gear.

Please note that modifications of these gearboxes on different machines of different brands can vary greatly in shape, size and method of fastening. You should choose exactly the same one!

4. The control unit does not work. Read here

Progress in inventions has made it possible to create children's electric cars, which are miniature copies of real cars. Every year they become more and more popular. A child can operate such a miracle machine himself once he reaches a certain age. But, as a rule, models for the smallest are equipped with remote control devices. Thanks to this, children's cars can be controlled remotely by any adult. The Bluetooth channel through which the remote control connects to the electric machine provides an individual connection. Therefore, the device will not be confused with the signal from third-party car remotes.

After purchasing a children's electric car, you first need to configure the remote control using special synchronization with the vehicle itself. Each machine has its own synchronization methods, and we will tell you about the most popular ones.

When the car is turned off, hold the button for 3 seconds, as soon as the indicators start blinking, start the car without releasing the button on the remote control. As soon as the car starts, you can release the button and start driving the car: the forward, backward, right and left keys allow you to control the trajectory of movement. The “Stop” button will stop the car. “Speed_Select” will set the maximum possible speed of the car; depending on the choice of one of the 3 possible speeds, you can set the maximum to 7 km/h.

Turn off the machine, press and HOLD the oval button in the center of the remote control until the central indicators start flashing. Then, without releasing the button on the remote control, turn on the machine. Release the button and give any command from the remote control (forward, backward, left, right).

Turn off the machine, press and HOLD the red “Code” button until the central indicators begin to flash. Then, without releasing the button on the remote control, turn on the machine. Release the button and give any command from the remote control (forward, backward, left, right).

Turn off the machine, press and HOLD two keys at the same time: “Up” and “Down” until the central indicator starts flashing. After, simultaneously without releasing the buttons on the remote control. Release the button and turn on the machine and give any command from the remote control (forward, backward, left, right).

To configure such a Bluetooth remote control, you need to press the “Car Select” button located at the bottom left and hold it for 4 seconds. Wait until the light starts flashing and turn on the machine in parallel. After this, the three gear shift indicators located at the top left will light up. The “SpeedSelect” button, located in the middle, performs the function of a “gearbox”, and the rightmost “Stop” is rarely used and only for emergency braking.

This version of the remote control is configured a little differently. First of all, you need to activate the button on the back of the device. It is located in the hole and can be reached using a ballpoint pen, a knitting needle, or a thin screwdriver. Wait until the light on the remote control starts flashing and release it. After this, the machine needs to be activated. Next, the three speed lights located at the top of the remote control panel will begin to flash. To switch the speed forward, you need to press the speed switch button located at the top three times. To engage reverse speed, you need to press the switch once. The button, oh, is the "stop" button. It is located in the center of the device. Allows you to stop the machine or block it. To make the vehicle move again, press it again.

How to set up this remote control option? This can be done using the “M” button, holding it for 5-7 seconds until the light starts flashing. Next, in parallel, you need to activate the electric vehicle using the power button. Once activated, the LEDs should be lit but not flashing, which will indicate that the speeds are off. In some remote control light bulbs gradually fade out. The “S” button, located on the left, is designed to change speed, and the “P” button, located at the top of the right panel, locks the car and stops it immediately after pressing.

This model is configured in the following way. Press and hold the button in the central part of the remote control with the Z logo, the lowest division of the indicator light in the center will begin to blink, while continuing to hold the button, start the machine. Then, without releasing the Z button, wait for the car to start for about 3 seconds, release the Z button. Next, press the topmost button on the right side of the remote control once (the button has an icon that looks like a lollipop). That's it, the remote control is connected, you can start checking right, left, forward, backward and skating)

In order to configure this remote control model, you must simultaneously press the upper right button on the end of the remote control and press the right joystick to the right side. While holding the joystick and the button in parallel, start the electric car and wait 2-3 seconds. After the machine starts up, you can release the buttons on the remote control and check right, left, forward, backward. You can enjoy the trip.

To set up such a control unit, you need to press and hold the button in the power icon in the center of the remote control, simultaneously start the machine, after the machine starts, the button in the center of the remote control can be released. We check right, left, forward, backward. The car is ready for use.

To configure such a control unit, you must first start the machine. After the car starts, take the remote control, hold down the button located in the center (with the Z icon), hold it for 2-3 seconds, then release the button. Check forward, backward, right, left. You can start using it.

This remote control model is configured as follows. On the remote control, press and hold the oval red button in the central upper part of the remote control (some importers have it with a black sticker). Next, start the machine without releasing the button on the control panel. Once the machine has started, you can release the button. Check right, left, forward, backward. You can use the car.

This model of remote control is configured by holding a button on the remote control with a picture of a car. After inserting the batteries first. Hold the button with the image of the car, without releasing the button, start the model. Wait a couple of seconds and release the button on the remote control. Next, check the connection.

This remote control is configured like this: hold down the button with the SM engraving until the lights start blinking. Then, without releasing the button, start the machine. After the car starts up, wait a few more seconds without releasing the button on the remote control. Then the connection has occurred, check forward/backward, right/left.

There are other types of Bluetooth remote controls that can be used to control an electric vehicle. The instructions tell you how to connect them to the vehicle. Please read it carefully.

Please be aware that when replacing the battery, synchronization may fail and you will need to reconnect the vehicle to the remote control.

Children's electric cars are one of the coolest categories of toys that exist in nature! Your own car, with a steering wheel, pedals, a signal, well, cool! Moreover, this pleasure is accessible even to the smallest: children aged 1-2 years can sit in the driver’s seat. Naturally, with the safety net of the parents.

For this safety net, a remote control is used, with which an adult can always save the young driver from trouble: turn away from an obstacle, brake. The remote control is included in the kit for both single-seat and double-seat electric vehicles. And if the remote control on a children's car does not work, this can really become a problem.

There are several main reasons why the remote control of a children's electric car may not work:

  • My battery is almost done. The simplest and most popular option: the battery in the remote control is simply dead. It’s enough just to change it, and everything will be fine;

  • Something is blocking the signal. There may be some obstacle between you and the machine through which the remote control signal does not pass. Try in another place, check if the signal receiver is smeared with something;
  • The signal receiver or remote control is broken. The saddest option: something broke/burned. Unfortunately, in this case, we can only recommend contacting a service center and not attempting to repair it yourself. This is especially true if the machine is still under warranty.

Children really like electric cars, which are manufactured under license from famous automobile brands (BMW, MERCEDES, LAMBORGHINI).

And, of course, if the remote control on a children’s car doesn’t work, you shouldn’t let your child ride unattended! Either walk next to the young racer, or just pause until the remote control is ok.

We also recommend reading the article about the biggest problem of all owners of electric cars: “Why doesn’t a children’s electric car work?” The article describes the main reasons and main problems of all electric vehicles. After reading it, you will understand all the main problems of children's electric vehicles.

Measures to prevent malfunctions

You can reduce the risk of malfunctions in a children's electric car if you take certain measures. It should be noted that manufacturing defects in models from well-known manufacturers are extremely rare. The causes of most breakdowns are improper operation and natural wear and tear.

First of all, you need to choose the right electric car. The main guidelines are the age of the future driver and his weight. It is important to exclude overload, which will force the machine to work at maximum performance, which will lead to a number of malfunctions.

Experts give several recommendations to reduce the risk of breakdowns:

  • Charge the battery in a timely manner, this will extend its service life.
  • Keep it in a dry place for winter storage to prevent corrosion.
  • When traveling, do not use difficult routes with puddles or tall wet grass to prevent moisture from getting to the electrical components.
  • Turn off the engine immediately after water gets in; you can turn it on only after thoroughly drying all network elements.
  • Avoid mechanical impacts and collisions that could damage the electric vehicle.

Parents need to give the nth driver detailed instructions before he gets behind the wheel. You should explain to your child the rules for handling a vehicle and teach him how to take care of his first car.

To avoid breakdowns

If you don’t want to upset your child with an electric car malfunction, follow a few simple rules:

  • buy only products from trusted brands, from trusted sellers who provide a quality guarantee;
  • select an electric car according to the age, weight of the child and in accordance with the expected driving conditions;
  • follow the operating instructions and manufacturer's recommendations;
  • monitor battery charging, use original batteries and chargers;
  • Do not repair breakdowns yourself; if necessary, contact a specialized service.

And then a wonderful favorite toy will delight your child for a long time, and with him – you!
It is difficult to meet a child between the ages of 2 and 10 who would refuse to drive an electric car. This toy allows you to feel like a real driver, acquire your first driving skills on the road and just have a lot of fun. But what a disappointment it can be that one fine day your favorite gift does not start. Why does this happen and can parents cope with this problem on their own, without the help of specialists? This will be discussed in this article.

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