Vector diagrams. Construction of vector diagrams
Justification of the vector diagram Assume that the current is given by the equation i = Imsin(ωt +Ψ) Let us carry out two
Who legally pays for lighting the local area of ​​an apartment building?
Lighting standards Norms and rules of street lighting are regulated by various regulations and GOST (state standards).
Automated systems for technical metering of electricity (ASTUE)
Electricity metering is needed to extract the necessary information about the amount of energy and power consumed. WITH
effective voltage and peak voltage
Effective voltage and peak voltage - what is it and what is the difference
Everyone knows that the current voltage in the outlet is 220 Volts (230 according to the new standards, but
Triac photo
Triac - operating principle for a teapot. In simple words, I show the device, the basics of generating an electronic key, what conditions need to be created for its correct switching, how to evaluate the slave
What is a triac and what does it look like - briefly The phrase “symmetrical triode thyristor” on
Rectifier and filter unit for ULF with bipolar power supply: review of a ready-made solution “for the lazy”
Capacitive, inductive-capacitive, active smoothing filters. Schemes, properties, online calculator. We talked thoroughly on the previous
AHD or IP video surveillance - which is better and which cameras to choose?
The choice of video surveillance often begins with resolutions, megapixels, the choice of a reliable, inexpensive and high-quality vendor, if
Grilling of panel houses: features of electrical wiring in a panel house
It is necessary to have socket boxes in the house; they ensure fire safety and securely fix sockets and
Which three-phase meter should I choose for a private home, and how to connect it?
August 23, 2020 Tools and equipment Daria Mingilevich The concept of a three-phase connection is found not only
How to calculate electricity? Calculation of electricity consumption based on equipment power. Meter readings and tariffs
December 6, 2020 Electricity Yulia Tolok Every owner should know how to calculate electricity (calculate
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