Who legally pays for lighting the local area of ​​an apartment building?

Lighting standards

The norms and rules of street lighting are regulated by various regulations and GOST (state standards). These include:

  1. GOST R 55708-2013.
  2. GOST R 55707-2013.
  3. GOST 4677-82.
  4. GOST 28682-90.
  5. GOST IEC 60598-2-3-2012.
  6. GOST IEC 60598-2-5-2012.
  7. GOST IEC 60598-2-13-2011.
  8. GOST R 55706-2013.
  9. SNiP 23-05-95.
  10. MGSN 2.06-99.
  11. And others.

In such legal sources, the viewing angle of the light beam is regulated (if the distance between them is greater, more height of the poles will be required), illumination dimensions (the optimal height is taken into account and calculated), brightness (if the required light intensity is greater, then they need to be set lower than the expected level).

Street lighting standards in populated areas vary depending on the objects. The following are standard:

  1. The tilt angle is at least 80-90 degrees.
  2. The installation angle is respectively 30 Cd for 80 degrees and 10 Cd for 90 degrees (calculation is made at 1000 lm).
  3. The brightness is set to 10-50 cd depending on the tilt angle when calculating per 1000 LM.

The devices themselves (their technical characteristics) are also taken into account. All of them must comply with additional standards and have a certificate of conformity.

Stages of installing lighting in the courtyard of a house

Responsibility of the liquidator during the liquidation of an LLC: judicial practice
To carry out the work on your own, you must follow the instructions, since if the recommendations are violated, there is a danger of electric shock to people and animals. Remember the following:

  1. Before starting work, turn off the power supply to prevent damage. Install a separate automatic machine in the instrument panel, select the power for the equipment. Remove the cable from the house in any convenient way, preferably underground.
  2. It is best to use the underground cable laying method, it is safer and the appearance of the site does not deteriorate. It is necessary to dig a trench 90 cm deep to reach all the lamps. A 20 cm thick cushion of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom, a cable is laid on top, which is placed in a corrugated sleeve and HDPE pipe to protect it from any influences.
  3. It is best to solder cable connections to improve contact and protect against oxidation. Heat shrink tubing is then placed to seal the joint. Leave a margin of length at each pin for convenient connection.
  4. When filling a trench, it is better to place warning tape at a depth of half a meter. If excavation work is carried out later, you won’t have to guess where the cable is - if you come across a tape, it means it’s under it.
  5. The installation of luminaires depends on their design and installation method provided by the manufacturer. Most often, holes are drilled for anchors in tiles or other substrates. Or you may need to pour concrete platforms for installation. There are options that just need to be stuck into the ground, which is convenient and does not require preparation. Hanging models must be secured in such a way as to prevent them from falling.
  6. Use sealed connectors to connect the wiring. Or solder the twists, insulate them and cover them with heat-shrink tubing.

If an area for lamps is being concreted, it is best to pass a corrugated hose with a wire through it.
If you use autonomous solar-powered lamps, you will not have to lay a cable or prepare a project. They simply stick into the ground in the right places and start working right away. To extend its service life, you should put the equipment indoors for the winter.

Installing lighting in the courtyard of a private house is not difficult if you understand the main varieties, choose lamps and make a detailed project

It is necessary to think in advance which connection method is suitable, and when carrying out work, pay primary attention to the safety and reliable protection of connections

Yard Lighting Planning

A private house courtyard lighting project often combines several of the functions listed above. In this regard, we recommend that you think through and schematically depict a detailed plan for lighting improvement. Pre-draw a diagram of the yard and indicate all the areas that you would like to illuminate. The table will teach you to distinguish and plan types of landscape lighting:

Type of landscape lightingFeatures of lighting in the courtyard of a private house
SecurityMounted around the perimeter, usually along the fence. For security purposes, powerful sources of white light are used: spotlights, lamps with directed beams. This ensures safety on the site from the entry of unauthorized persons and animals.
FunctionalThis is a kind of sign for a kind of movement around the territory in the dark. Functional lighting can be façade (the main building, its entrance, columns, balconies, stairs, etc. are illuminated), as well as accompanying (point and linear light sources are placed along paths, walking trails, along the perimeter of a pond or playground).
LocalProvides illumination for architectural elements and buildings on the territory (fountains, statues, gazebos, trees).
DecorativeEmphasizes the style of the garden and gives exclusivity to any object. A mobile type of decorative lighting is installed for holidays and in the summer (garlands, paper lanterns, solar-powered lamps).

Lighting of courtyard areas - whose headache is it?

Collection of alimony for spousal support - judicial practice

Responsibilities for retrieving data from a public meter are assigned to the management organization and are carried out in the presence of the head of the housing council or his deputy. The company supplying electricity, for its part, can request data from the meters at any time. Homeowners are prohibited from blocking access to collective electricity meters to employees of an energy-saving company and management company employees.

The most effective and economical solution for yard lighting is automatic lighting control using an astronomical relay. This equipment has a program that regulates the switching on/off of lighting lamps depending on sunrise/sunset. She herself adjusts the operation of the yard lighting according to the annual cycle of daylight hours, depending on the season and regional location.

Purpose of lanterns

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The installation location of lamps in the yard is determined by the need to illuminate a particular area: the entrance, garden path, flower bed or pond. Depending on the tasks assigned, yard lighting devices can be divided into several categories.


The main task of functional lighting is to provide sufficient visibility in any area. Thanks to this type of lighting in the yard, you can ensure safe movement after dark.

Various types of lighting equipment can be installed for street lighting:

  • Lamps and spotlights installed on the facade of a building or free-standing supports help illuminate garden areas, local areas, etc.
  • Landscape street lights - characterized by low legs or direct installation in the ground, provide visibility of paths of buildings and structures in the yard.
  • Floor lamps for street lighting are located at human height and are designed to illuminate a small area around, roads, driveways, entrances, gardens and other elements.

In addition to a powerful luminous flux, functional lighting must also ensure minimal energy consumption, so it is worth using LED lights here.


Designed solely to prevent unauthorized entry of strangers into or near the yard. Used to illuminate any area of ​​your home, space, area, etc. Constantly switching on the light at the entrance gate, fence or generally around the perimeter provides good visibility, but this is too expensive. Therefore, it is advisable to automate security lighting using a motion sensor, so that the lighting devices act as an alarm system, notifying that a person is approaching.


Festive courtyard lighting is intended to decorate the area for a specific event - New Year, birthday, etc. Unlike the previous type, they are installed temporarily - in relation to some holiday. Here you can also use architectural lighting, lighting paths, decorating gazebos and terraces. Garlands, LED strips and themed lamps are used as courtyard lighting devices.

Types of outdoor lighting

Street lighting includes a number of elements, the operation of which does not depend on each other. To competently develop an outdoor lighting scheme, you need to come up with a place where the lamps will be located, calculate their number and choose the type of device. At the same time, it is important to consider the method of powering the lamp and the method of lighting control.

Typically, lamps are used in the following places:

  • Entrance gate or gate. To illuminate the entrance area of ​​the site, several paired lanterns are used, glowing throughout the night. It is better to make the switches pass-through, placing them on both sides of the gate.

  • Driveway lighting. The area from the gate to the garage entrance also needs to be illuminated by installing several lanterns along the alley. Of course, headlights are often quite sufficient, but lamps mounted on legs that are at least a meter long can protect traffic and eliminate the possibility of damage to the car body. The distance between the lamps depends on the radius of their illumination and the power of the lamp. In the optimal case, light sources should be positioned in such a way that their flows intersect by 20-30%.

  • Lighting stairs and garden paths is a key task that allows residents of a private house to safely move around the site in the dark. To do this, use low ground lamps, the distance between which depends on the brightness of the lamp.

  • Security lighting. As you might guess, the key task of such light sources is to illuminate the most important areas, for example, the garage, gazebo and utility rooms. Typically, such lamps are equipped with motion sensors, installing not beautiful sconces and floor lamps, but powerful spotlights with directional light.

  • Decorative lighting. Safety and comfort are good, but you also want lighting that creates a cozy atmosphere, an attractive appearance of the site and the facade of a private house. To do this, you can use decorative lighting to highlight recreation areas, artificial ponds and trees.

Who is responsible for lighting the local area?

Logically, local government is responsible for organizing lighting in the courtyards of apartment buildings. But in order to ensure that the light bulbs do not burn out or are not stolen, constant monitoring is needed. The residents themselves can carry out this process.

Also, when drawing up an agreement, the documents must indicate the boundaries of the land plot, according to the land act, which is kept directly by the head of the management company.

The management company is responsible for fulfilling the necessary parameters for successful energy supply of the courtyard complex:

  • determining the duration of operation of lighting devices at night;
  • how many lanterns will be installed in the visibility of the area immediately adjacent to the house, as well as individual sections of the yard;
  • during what period of time the lighting will be organized.

If for some reason the management company fails to fulfill its responsibilities, then the residents of the building have the right to change it to another.

The article of the law on lighting the local area of ​​an apartment building, confirming these actions, came into force in 2003. Based on this regulation, it follows that all the owner’s residential property, as well as outbuildings and other buildings in the local area, are common property. This means that payment for street lighting is included in utility bills legally and cannot be disputed.

Types of lamps

Different lamps can be used for street lighting:

  • sodium,
  • mercury,
  • LED,
  • metal halide lamps.

You can increasingly see LED lights. The main differences between LED devices are:

  1. efficiency,
  2. strength,
  3. durability,
  4. resistance to moisture, temperature changes,
  5. uniform bright light.

Street lighting is necessary in order to ensure safe traffic movement, the convenience of pedestrians, and a sense of security in the dark.

Standards for lighting the territory of a kindergarten

For lighting the territory of a kindergarten or schoolyard, there is a separate paragraph in the same SNiP 05/23/95* Natural and artificial lighting

Standards for lighting the territory of a kindergarten in Moscow. MGSN standards 2.06-99 “Natural, artificial and combined lighting”

Standards for lighting areas adjacent to public buildings

Illuminated objectsAverage horizontal illumination, lux
Kindergartens, secondary schools, boarding schools, educational institutions
1. Group and physical education areas 2. Areas for outdoor games, recreation areas 3. Entrances and approaches to buildings and areas10 10 4
Sanatoriums, holiday homes
4. Entry to the territory6
5. Driveways and passages to dormitories, dining rooms, cinemas and similar buildings4
6. Central alleys of the park area4
7. Side alleys of the park area2
8. Areas for quiet recreation and cultural services (public recreation areas, areas in front of open stages, etc.)10*
9. Areas for board games, open reading rooms10*

Selecting the lighting control type

Depending on the frequency of use, all yard lighting devices can be divided into devices with automatic and manual activation. The first method is relevant for those houses where the light in the yard should come on with the onset of darkness and go out with the first rays of dawn. If you want to control the lighting process yourself, it is better to install manual or mechanical switching.


To implement the mechanical switching on of lighting in the yard, key switches or contactors are installed. The first option is used for low-power loads, when one switch runs several LED lamps with low power. The contactor is used to switch powerful lighting in the yard when you have several lighting groups installed that create a large load. At the same time, you can divide all the yard lighting groups under several key switches or buttons if you run them using a remote control.


Lighting automation allows you to eliminate the human factor as much as possible from controlling the switching process. This will allow you not to worry about lighting while you are away or eliminate the need to constantly turn on and off yard lighting.

To implement automatic backlighting, the following can be introduced into the power supply circuit of LED spotlights:

  • photo relay - turns on the yard lighting when it gets dark;
  • motion sensor - supplies power only when moving in a given area of ​​space;
  • time relay - allows you to set a program for turning on and off in a certain time interval (from a daily schedule to several minutes).

All of the above automation tools can be installed either separately or together. For this, a serial connection diagram is used, as shown in the figure below:

What are the functions of lighting in the yard?

As a rule, there are 3 functions that lighting performs in a personal plot.

Security from theft and attacks on living space

Everyone knows that most often the theft of other people's property and entry into the house are committed in the middle of the night, when it is easy for thieves to hide in the dark, and even easier after committing a crime to escape in an unknown direction under the cover of darkness, so that no one can even see the direction in which ill-wishers rushed.

Proper lighting of the yard will help avoid such intrusions into the territory.

Lamps with motion sensors will be especially good in this case, which essentially play the role of a visual alarm and will confuse thieves who were going to commit their crime unhindered in the dark.


Lanterns for lighting the yard are designed not only to protect the personal plot from encroachment, but also to make life easier for the owners and movement around their own yard.

  • This is the most logical function, since it is very difficult to move around the yard in the dark, no matter how the owners know every corner of their plot.
  • Most often, simple lanterns and lamps are used for this purpose, which are placed either on the ground along paths, or on the walls of extensions, or even on special poles and supports. This arrangement is quite sufficient.

The main thing is that the electrical cable is well laid.


Courtyard lighting fixtures are often not only useful, but can also provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance to the area and even the house itself.

  • Properly constructed light and lamps specially selected for this purpose will help create a unique look for the house and draw attention to ornamental plants and other decorative elements of the backyard. There is also color lighting at home.
  • From the numerous photos of courtyard lighting, you can see how stylish and expressive the landscape design elements look under the light.

Courtyard lighting - how to properly illuminate

Any actions that relate to the organization of lighting in a house, on the street or in any public or industrial structure must be based on specific norms, rules and requirements. Many today think that the requirement is relevant only for premises where people do their work or relax. But this is a misconception, since improperly organized street lighting can cause no less harm to people’s lives and health than indoor lighting. All standards that relate to what kind of lighting should be provided for an apartment building and the surrounding area are specified in the regulatory documentation - SNIP. At the same time, a big role here is given to the level of illumination, which must be organized in each specific situation. Below is a table that shows the illumination standards for certain moments of external lighting in the local area.

Standards for illumination of the local area

It is these lighting standards that should be relied upon by organizations involved in the creation of street lighting for houses and the surrounding area.

At the same time, cities and villages have their own lighting standards, dictated by various parameters and characteristics of the locality. For example, to influence the calculation that will be carried out to calculate the illumination standard for a particular case, it should be based not only on the instructions of SNIP, but also on:

  • the area of ​​the house, as well as the territory adjacent to it;
  • the number of lighting fixtures that will be included in the outdoor lighting system, as well as their type;

House lighting fixtures

type of light source screwed into street-type lamps. Today, incandescent lamps, on the basis of which illumination standards were calculated for various rooms and areas of the street, are becoming a thing of the past. Instead, LED, halogen and fluorescent light sources are increasingly being used. Each type of light bulb has its own operating parameters (power, etc.), which must be taken into account when making the necessary calculations.

All these manipulations and calculations, which are necessary for high-quality lighting of the house and the surrounding area, must be carried out by qualified specialists and regulated by government agencies responsible for street lighting.

Entrance lighting

With the onset of darkness, the lights must be turned on in the entrance and stairwells of a residential building. First of all, this is necessary for the safety of residents. Lighting in the entrance of an apartment building must meet the following requirements:

  • in public spaces a general lighting system is used;
  • if the house has more than 6 floors and more than 50 people live, then the building must be equipped with evacuation lighting;
  • evacuation lamps are installed in the main passages and in front of elevators;
  • It is allowed to use incandescent lamps, halogen and LED lamps;
  • It is recommended to cover the lamp with anti-vandal, impact-resistant glass or metal mesh;
  • The light intensity must comply with established standards.

Illumination standards are regulated by special regulatory documents, SNiP and GOST and standardized according to VSN 59-88. Lux values ​​for public areas are presented in the table:

RoomIllumination standards, Lux
Lift shaft5
Ventilation chambers, electrical panels20
Bicycles and strollers20
Concierge room150

Residents have the right to complain to the management company not only that there are no lamps, but also that their light is not intense enough.

Additional features of outdoor lighting

For example, in the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 (as amended on July 21, 2007) was adopted, which assigns the responsibility of the authorities for the creation of street lighting on the territory of the municipality. According to this law, as well as a number of other legislative documents, local authorities must monitor not only the proper organization of street lighting, but also the maintenance of the system in working order.

Home lighting

In fact, the external lighting of the building area should be monitored by the state housing and communal services service (its individual divisions), as well as divisions of energy companies to implement the technical aspects of street lighting. The territorial administration must pay for their work. Also responsible for street lighting of houses and adjacent territories may be other organizations with which an appropriate agreement has been concluded, or companies whose balance sheet includes the engineering system of a particular locality. It is these organizations that determine the following parameters for street lighting of the local area:

  • duration of operation of lighting devices at night;
  • the number of lights that will be installed near the house and the surrounding area;
  • What time will the lights turn on?

Therefore, if for some reason there is no lighting on the street, you need to contact the above-mentioned organizations and companies, which will be different for each individual area of ​​the settlement. Of course, the question “where to go or complain if there is no light in the yard of the house” can be answered in different ways.

Today, lighting of the local area can be done in several ways. The first option for organizing courtyard lighting involves placing a wall lamp above the entrance canopy.

Entrance lighting

Any type of lamp, as well as light source (LED, fluorescent, etc.) can be used here.

Recently, economical light sources have begun to be used for these purposes, which allow saving energy, which is very important for this type of lighting. This lighting option allows you to illuminate only the area in front of the entrance

Second lighting option

In this case, the lamps should be located at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizon. This lighting option provides a much larger area of ​​illumination for the yard, which will cover not only the area in front of the entrance, but part of the roadway. The third option for lighting the yard. It involves the use of both types of lighting devices described in the previous versions.

Third option for courtyard lighting

In addition, floor lamps are used to illuminate the local area. The distance between them is also regulated by regulatory documents, as are lighting standards. With the help of such lighting devices placed along the road, you can provide high-quality illumination of the roadway, as well as playgrounds and parking lots located in the courtyard of an apartment building.

Yard lighting with lanterns

Since external lighting fixtures for the local area of ​​any multi-apartment building can be located within human reach, without the use of additional means (for example, stairs), additional protection of the lamps from vandals is needed. In this regard, all lighting installations located in the courtyard of an apartment building must be equipped with anti-vandal devices.

Anti-vandal protection of the lamp

This will prevent premature damage to the lamp.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the car driver's job responsibilities.

Responsible for light

If the relevant documentation is responsible for the norms and rules for organizing street lighting, then people who work in government agencies are fully responsible for their implementation. In addition to SNIP, documents of federal, regional or local significance may contain standards for illumination levels and various additional recommendations. For example, in the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 (as amended on July 21, 2007) was adopted, which assigns the responsibility of the authorities for the creation of street lighting on the territory of the municipality. According to this law, as well as a number of other legislative documents, local authorities must monitor not only the proper organization of street lighting, but also the maintenance of the system in working order.

Home lighting

In fact, the external lighting of the building area should be monitored by the state housing and communal services service (its individual divisions), as well as divisions of energy companies to implement the technical aspects of street lighting. The territorial administration must pay for their work. Other organizations with which an appropriate agreement has been concluded, or companies whose balance sheet includes the engineering system of a particular settlement, may also be responsible for street lighting of houses and adjacent territories. It is these organizations that determine the following parameters for street lighting in the local area:

  • duration of operation of lighting devices at night;
  • the number of lights that will be installed near the house and the surrounding area;
  • What time will the lights turn on?

Therefore, if for some reason there is no lighting on the street, you need to contact the above-mentioned organizations and companies, which will be different for each individual area of ​​the settlement. Of course, the question “where to go or complain if there is no light in the yard of the house” can be answered in different ways. After all, each division will be responsible only for a certain area of ​​the organization of the street lighting system. For example, the city district administration is responsible for the lighting schedule in the evening and night hours, according to Article 16. But the responsibility for maintaining the lighting system usually rests with the owners of buildings.

Control methods

When designing street lighting with your own hands, think about how it will turn on/off. The most common and familiar method is manual control. Switches or switches are installed in the house, which are manually turned on or off. This is quite reliable, requires virtually no cost (only for the purchase of a switch, switch) and is often used to turn on decorative lighting. When needed, they turned it on; when they got tired or it was time to sleep, they turned it off.

Do-it-yourself street lighting: first of all, we develop a plan for placing lamps on the territory

But this type of control of security lighting or path lighting is convenient only if someone is constantly in the house (and does not suffer from forgetfulness). If from time to time there is no one in the house, or you have to return from work late, this method of control causes discomfort: the light can only be turned on when it is dark when entering the house (or garage). This problem is solved by automating the switching on/off of street lighting.

To automate the control of external lighting of a private house or cottage, use:

  • Time relay.
  • Motion sensors.
  • Photosensitive sensors (light).

These devices are connected in series. In the normal state, their contacts are open, power is not supplied to the lamps. When triggered, the contacts close and supply power to the lighting fixtures.

The installation location depends on the operating principle. Light and motion sensors are installed on the street, usually close to lamps, but it is more appropriate to install time relays in the house.

Connection diagram for time relay and light sensor (photo relay)

What devices are best to use? Depends on the type of outdoor lighting. For example, on a driveway it is worth installing both motion and light sensors. Light-sensitive sensors will work when dusk comes, but the light will not appear until a moving object (car) appears in the coverage area. To prevent the lighting from turning off as soon as the car drives away, the motion sensor must have a shutdown delay. Convenient and economical, but not without drawbacks. The disadvantage is that incorrectly configured sensors can turn on the light “unauthorized”. Sometimes this happens in cloudy weather, sometimes dogs, cats and even birds are mistaken for a car or a person.

The lighting of paths and stairs can be turned on according to the same principle, or you can install a time relay. But this option is not very convenient, since the settings have to be changed periodically - with each change of season, or even more often. When developing street lighting with your own hands, think about ways to turn it on/off so that you don’t have to redo it later.

Requirements that lighting must meet

A properly designed lighting system for a house and site must perform several complementary functions at once, which determine the requirements for the “outdoor” environment. In fact, there are only two mandatory conditions for outdoor lighting: low-voltage power supply (no more than 36 V, usually 12 V) and an appropriate degree of protection for the lamps (at least IP45).

Lamps can be very different, but the voltage should not exceed 36V Source happymodern.ru

There are no other specific strict standards for such systems, but common sense has not yet been canceled. And according to it, the exterior lighting of a house should have the following characteristics:

  • remain operational in all weather conditions;
  • be as simple and easy to manage as possible;
  • do not require complex maintenance during operation;
  • fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape;
  • do not irritate human vision;
  • be economical in terms of energy consumption.

Lighting should always be on

The validity of the first statement is obvious: the climatic conditions in our country are such that the external lighting of the house must uninterruptedly perform its functional duties both in heat of three to four tens of degrees, and while under a one and a half meter layer of snow...

The street lighting system includes wire lines, light emitters, external sensors and controls. Of all the above, only control units - switches and regulators - can be installed and subsequently operated in a comfortable home environment.

If you install motion sensors in the lighting system, the lights will turn on only at the right moments, and no extra energy will be consumed. Source stroyportal.ru

All other components of the system are subject to constant exposure to large temperature changes, high humidity and strong wind loads.

That is why choosing suitable equipment and components for outdoor lighting systems is quite a difficult task even for professionals. Indeed, in some cases, even the quality of the material from which the fasteners are made matters!

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in electrical work.

Easy to use

The requirements for ease of control of an outdoor lighting system are determined by the need to eliminate the human factor - which can lead to unpredictable consequences of unprofessional intervention in the operation of a well-functioning, technically complex system. And this is precisely one of the reasons why lighting in the area of ​​a country house is always designed in such a way that the failure of one of the controls does not lead to a disruption in the performance of the entire “outdoor” as a whole.

If necessary, street lighting can be created as one of the elements of a “smart home” - that is, it can be fully automated, but while maintaining the possibility of prompt manual intervention in control.

Illumination option, when the terrace lighting serves as a kind of “railing” in the dark Source groupon.it

It is in this case that the ease of control is maximum, and all the capabilities of the system are revealed most fully - however, this is also the most expensive lighting option.

Features of lighting line maintenance

The complexity of maintenance is determined not by the complexity of the lighting system itself, but by the degree of technical sophistication of its constituent elements. The weakest links here are cables (wires) and motion or lighting sensors. LED devices are used as light sources in almost 100% of cases - today only they guarantee reliable operation regardless of the surrounding atmospheric and temperature conditions.

With regard to power supply lines, the situation is somewhat different - much depends not only (and not so much) on the quality of the cable products, but on the method of its installation. In fact, there are only two of them: an open and a closed gasket.

Open gasket

In the first case, the wires are exposed to open air throughout the entire life of the system and, even with the highest quality insulation, last only a few seasons. Nevertheless, access to them is extremely simple, and the speed of repair and replacement of faulty areas is maximum.

Open external wiring for lighting on a wooden house Source stan-1.ru

True, with an open method of wiring the power supply lines, it is extremely difficult to fit organically into the surrounding landscape.

In the case of organizing lighting in a small area, this method is often the most acceptable from both a technical and financial point of view - but it is practically unacceptable when illuminating the area with low ground-based lamps.

Requirements for the appearance of fencing

According to the rules and regulations, the fence around an apartment building can have a different appearance. Features depend on what object is being fenced, for example:

  • if the houses form a closed perimeter or courtyard space, border on dilapidated or emergency housing, it is allowed to install transparent fences no more than 1.6 m high, fencing elements - up to 0.75 m (solid structures are unacceptable);
  • for all other types of multi-storey or mid-rise housing, it is allowed to use transparent structures no higher than 0.9 m as a fence;
  • sports grounds may be fenced with transparent fences up to 2.5 m;
  • fences up to 1.6 m are suitable for playgrounds;
  • It is allowed to install a fence up to 2 m high around the dog walking area;
  • To limit access to containers with garbage, blind or combined fences up to 1.6 m high are used, and the installation of special canopies is allowed.

The fencing of the courtyard area of ​​an apartment building must be protected from the effects of precipitation. Most often this is done using coloring. The entire fence will have to be treated with protective paint; partial painting is unacceptable.

Who is responsible for lighting the local area?

Logically, local government is responsible for organizing lighting in the courtyards of apartment buildings. But in order to ensure that the light bulbs do not burn out or are not stolen, constant monitoring is needed. The residents themselves can carry out this process.

Important! In order for the supply of electricity to be uninterrupted, residents of the house should enter into an agreement either with the management company or with a contracting organization, namely the developer. A prerequisite for concluding an agreement is to have the document certified by a notary, otherwise the agreement will not have legal force.

Also, when drawing up an agreement, the documents must indicate the boundaries of the land plot, according to the land act, which is kept directly by the head of the management company.

The management company is responsible for fulfilling the necessary parameters for successful energy supply of the courtyard complex:

  • determining the duration of operation of lighting devices at night;
  • how many lanterns will be installed in the visibility of the area immediately adjacent to the house, as well as individual sections of the yard;
  • during what period of time the lighting will be organized.

If for some reason the management company fails to fulfill its responsibilities, then the residents of the building have the right to change it to another.

This is interesting! Since courtyards and playgrounds are not public lands, but are adjacent to houses, it turns out that payment for lamps to maintain them in working condition is included in utility bills.

The article of the law on lighting the local area of ​​an apartment building, confirming these actions, came into force in 2003. Based on this regulation, it follows that all the owner’s residential property, as well as outbuildings and other buildings in the local area, are common property. This means that payment for street lighting is included in utility bills legally and cannot be disputed.

What if norms are violated

There are 2 types of violation of norms:

  • complete absence of light (darkness outside);
  • low light.

The absence of light bulbs on lanterns occurs for two possible reasons:

  • the lamp has burned out;
  • a theft has occurred.

To eliminate the problem, you must report information to the management company. The main methods of communication are:

  • call (the resident of the house conveys information to the management company and records the incoming number of the repair request);
  • drawing up an official act. a malfunction report has legal force if there are several signatures of residents of an apartment building or a specific entrance. The document indicates the nature and circumstances of the damage (theft of a light bulb, a broken line, problems with the wiring). The drawn up act is sent to the office of the Criminal Code, where it is registered;
  • drawing up an official information letter addressed to the head of the management company.

Please note that to better guarantee prompt repairs, it is necessary to photograph the fact that there is no lighting in the yard.

Where to complain if standards are violated? The norms of the current Housing Code offer citizens the following options for struggling to improve the quality of lighting in their local areas:

  • complaint to the management company;
  • contacting the housing and communal services department of the local administration;
  • visit your local power supply company and file a complaint there.

Complaints are considered within 7 working days, and the maximum period for making decisions in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law on Citizens' Appeals does not exceed 30 calendar days.

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Features of privatization:

Apartment buildingsLow-rise buildingsPrivate houses
Who is the ownerThe owners of the adjacent territory of an apartment building are all residents on the right of shared ownershipResidents with apartments on the lower floors of the buildingOwners of private houses or unfinished buildings on municipal land
Who can privatizeThe land registration is carried out by the developer - a construction organization responsible for putting the house into operation. The privatized area immediately becomes the shared ownership of the residents. The basic principle: the purchased apartment in a new building includes a share in the adjacent territory of the apartment building. If the building was built before the Housing Code of the Russian Federation came into force, and the land belongs to the municipality, the initiator of privatization is the residents themselves Residents of a low-rise building have the right to privatization if they want to use the land for their needs (creating vegetable beds, planting flowers, fruit trees, erecting a fence, building storage rooms, sheds, etc.)The owners of the building have the right to privatize the local area of ​​a private house. Usually they receive land for individual construction (IHC). In addition, you can obtain land for rent (for example, for 20-30 years). Subsequently, the site is transferred into ownership free of charge
Peculiarities— The boundaries of the local area are entered in the cadastral passport, and in the absence of a document, in the technical plan of the house. — An application for privatization of a plot is submitted on behalf of all owners of apartments in the apartment building. However, applications from individual initiative groups and even from one person are allowed. After registration, they will be able to count on a share in the calculation of their square meters. — Maintenance of the land of an apartment building is entrusted to the residents, who delegate the powers to the HOA or the Management Company. — Privatized real estate is subject to property tax. The territory is used at the discretion of the residents of the apartment building. — The adjacent territory of a low-rise building should not create obstacles to the free passage of people and the passage of vehicles. — Plot owners have the right to compensation in the event of alienation of land by local authorities. — The territory can be used for commercial lease. — Information about the site is entered into the cadastral passport, and is also reflected in the technical passport for the low-rise building. — The owner must provide a title document (deed of permanent transfer of local land, agreement to join a gardening partnership, membership book, lease agreement, etc.). — It is prohibited to privatize lands classified as forest, water or protected areas, public places, as well as plots of limited circulation (Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation). — Paid and free privatization of a plot for a private house is allowed. — Information about the local area is recorded in the cadastral passport for the land (extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate). If you don’t have a passport, you will need to request an archival extract from Rosreestr.

Lighting standards

Lighting standards for the local area of ​​an apartment building are established in accordance with SP 52.13330.2011, namely:

  • there must be at least 6 suites at the entrance to the building;
  • there must be at least 4 suites on the pedestrian path leading to the building;
  • main passages running in microdistricts should be illuminated at 4 lux;
  • secondary passages, as well as courtyards and various utility areas should be illuminated within 2 lux.

In addition, there are pre-designed lighting options. They provide for a specific placement of lighting fixtures and their corresponding type. The options are as follows:

  1. Option number one involves having a lantern under the canopy above the door to the entrance.
    The flashlight can be anything, even LED.

    The advantage of this option is its low cost.

    This is due to the fact that the flashlight does not require much power. The disadvantage is that only the space in front of the door is illuminated, and the approaches are in the dark.

  2. Option number two involves placing the lighting fixture on the wall of the building directly above the driveway canopy.
    The flashlight is located at a height of approximately 8.5 m. In such a situation, you need to use a lamp that has a circular luminous intensity and can produce a luminous flux equal to 3600 lumens. In this case, the lantern should be located at an angle of 25 to the horizon. With this method of lighting, only the space in front of the front door suffers. The shadow from the entrance canopy falls there.
  3. The third option involves using both types of lantern placement at the same time.
    This measure more than satisfies all lighting standards for the local area. However, the cost of maintaining such lighting will be, by definition, high.

When residents are faced with the task of designing lighting for their yard, in addition to the financial component, they must take into account such factors as the resistance of the lanterns to hooligans and protection from falling icicles in the winter.

Whatever option the citizens living in the house choose, they must first of all be guided by the lighting standards that are adopted in Russia.

They were invented for a reason, and failure to comply with them can result not only in liability before the law, but also in some human casualties.

Lighting of the local area

Before you figure out what standards the lighting of the local area and courtyard of an apartment building must meet, you need to understand what is included in this concept - “domestic area”. According to the law this is:

  • the land plot on which the house is built, its dimensions are determined by the cadastre;
  • landscaping elements (this includes, among other things, lamps);
  • objects intended for home operation (heating points, transformer rooms, children's and sports grounds, car parks).

Directly lighting the courtyard of an apartment building can be done in three ways:

  1. A lantern under the canopy above the door to the entrance. This is convenient because you can take a low-power lamp and you won’t need much light. The disadvantage is that only a small area in front of the door will be illuminated.
  2. Lantern over the entrance canopy. It is advisable to take a lamp with a luminous flux of at least 3500 Lm and a circular luminous intensity. Placed at a height of 5 meters at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizontal. But, despite the fact that the entire yard is illuminated in this way, the area next to the door remains in darkness.
  3. A combination of the two previous options. The most optimal way to illuminate the yard, but it consumes a lot of electricity.

Standards have also been developed for lighting the surrounding area, which are presented in the table:

TerritoryIllumination standards, Lux
Walking paths1
Parking lots2
The area in front of the garbage bin2
Internal utility and fire passages2
Sidewalks near entrances2
Bike paths4
Sports grounds10

Some residents insist on installing lighting fixtures with motion sensors in order to save energy. It makes sense to install such lamps inside entrances, whereas on the streets they will not work quite correctly. On the street, the sensor can be triggered by the movement of an animal, and the light will turn on when it is not required.

Features of the territory

Arrangement of the yard of the house begins with an inspection of the territory. The homeowner must decide what first of all he wants to see on his site

After this, they seek the help of specialists who will conduct the necessary analysis of the specific situation, tell you what to look for and help with site planning. Share your thoughts with them, tell them the plan in great detail, and then listen to their opinions. Experts, having assessed the situation, make adjustments, add or remove items

Experts, having assessed the situation, make adjustments, add or remove points.

There are criteria that should be thought through in advance:

  • Presence of pets. If a dog will live in the yard, then you need to designate a place and present a booth. Answer the question: will she walk freely around the territory or should a section be allocated;
  • Indoor or outdoor yard. If you plan to park a car in the yard, then it is advisable that it be located in a place protected from weather conditions;
  • Will there be a place on the site for crops or is it intended for recreation?

The yard and the house should look harmonious. The design of the site is arranged in accordance with the construction.

Villages and towns

The budgets of villages and small towns do not always adequately finance street lighting. Installing lights near every road is quite expensive. Every year, a plan is drawn up to supply street lights and local authorities review it according to the budget.

IMPORTANT! There are certain places where the installation of lights is mandatory, such as road intersections, where the likelihood of accidents is high, as well as educational institutions and administration buildings.

The district department of Energosbyt is responsible for maintenance, but control over the implementation of its duties is entrusted to the local municipality. The right decision would be to contact them orally, in writing (by filing a complaint) or simply by calling.

If there is no lighting along the street or in the courtyard of a residential building, you should contact the relevant authorities with this issue. However, you should not hope for a quick solution to the problem, since it cannot be solved with lightning speed.

The answer to the question of where to complain if there is no lighting on the streets will depend on the territory in question.

Classification of outdoor lighting

Types of lighting devices, their power, design, installation rules and much more depend on the object of illumination. Types of street lighting:


Yard lighting is designed to create an artificial light flow in the adjacent home area, driveways, playgrounds, etc. Creating lighting increases the level of safety at night.

For yard lighting, lamp posts, wall lanterns, spotlights, and, more rarely, elements of designer lighting and lighting are used. Street lamps are equipped with an anti-vandal system and a high degree of protection.

To illuminate the entrance to the house's entrance, wall lamps of the reinforced concrete type are used. It has a warm white light that does not irritate the human eye, and creates good visibility in poor visibility conditions (snowfall, fog, rain).

Yard lighting


Road lighting is clearly defined by the rules and must ensure the level of safety for road users (drivers, pedestrians).

In areas with high traffic intensity (highways, city roads), lamps with a reflector are used. This helps to “collect” the light flux without scattering it. Thus, by installing the lamp at a high height, a large section of the road is illuminated, and the distance between the supports increases.

For roads with less intensity, lamps with reflective and diffuse lighting are used.

Today, when installing street road lighting, LED lamps are used, because... they have a stable luminous flux, brightness, are durable and energy-intensive.

Road lighting

Pedestrian crossings, sidewalks

Lamps with diffuse lighting are used to illuminate pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, bicycle paths, and playgrounds. This allows light to be scattered over a long distance.

To illuminate a pedestrian crossing, LED spotlights are used with a directed luminous flux across the axis of the roadway, thereby allowing the driver to see the pedestrian at a long distance.

Sidewalk lighting

Pedestrian crossing lighting


Decorative lighting does not carry the functions of utilitarian lighting; rather, it is intended to emphasize the features of an architectural structure, landscape design or gardening areas.

To implement it, LED strips, spot “floor” lamps, lanterns on low legs, and in some cases multi-colored lamps are used.

Decorative lighting

Options for organizing courtyard lighting

Today, lighting of the local area can be done in several ways. The first option for organizing courtyard lighting involves placing a wall lamp above the entrance canopy.

Entrance lighting

Any type of lamp, as well as light source (LED, fluorescent, etc.) can be used here. Recently, economical light sources have begun to be used for these purposes, which allow saving energy, which is very important for this type of lighting. This lighting option allows you to illuminate only the area in front of the entrance. Therefore it is rarely used. Usually it comes in combination with other lighting options. The second option for lighting the yard involves placing a wall-mounted street lamp above the canopy at approximately a height of 8.5 meters from ground level.

Second lighting option

In this case, the lamps should be located at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizon. This lighting option provides a much larger area of ​​illumination for the yard, which will cover not only the area in front of the entrance, but part of the roadway. The third option for courtyard lighting. It involves the use of both types of lighting devices described in the previous versions.

Third option for courtyard lighting

In addition, floor lamps are used to illuminate the local area. The distance between them is also regulated by regulatory documents, as are lighting standards. With the help of such lighting devices placed along the road, you can provide high-quality illumination of the roadway, as well as playgrounds and parking lots located in the courtyard of an apartment building.

Yard lighting with lanterns

The most effective way to illuminate the local area is to use both lanterns and lamps placed above the entrance door to the entrance.

The adjacent territory of an apartment building. Standards

Utility workers often treat house maintenance carelessly, and there is no discussion at all about the adjacent areas. Therefore, the maintenance of the local area of ​​an apartment building falls entirely on the shoulders of the residents. And in order to improve the area around the house, you need to know its boundaries.

The size of the adjacent plot is determined by town planning regulations in accordance with Article 43.4 of the Town Planning Code. Each city has its own regulations, but there is a general formula by which the adjacent territory of an apartment building is calculated (it is important to calculate the 2022 standards using this formula, since the legislation on this issue has not changed since 2000).

According to the Regulations on determining the boundaries of land plots in condominiums, it is established exactly how to determine the boundaries of the local area. In this case, the parameters and characteristics of the high-rise building, the boundaries of neighboring houses and the area of ​​the entire microdistrict must be taken into account.

  • Snorm – standard area area;
  • U – indicator of the share of land per 1 sq.m. housing, which is calculated using a more complex formula and directly depends on the number of storeys of the house and the year of construction;
  • Sк – total area of ​​apartments and common property.

The formula for calculating the share indicator can be found in the town planning regulations of your municipality.

Who maintains street lighting on poles

Street lighting is also maintained by public utilities. But, payment for it can be made by local authorities (local government). The local administration of a locality is authorized by law to accept applications from citizens for the installation of poles and lanterns for street lighting. Such applications are considered within a procedural time frame of 30 days.

If an application is left unsatisfied, a citizen (or a group of citizens) has every right to file a claim in court. To do this, you must attach all documentation confirming the refusal to fulfill a legal request.

Who is responsible

According to the law of 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, the territories of residential buildings, microdistricts, blocks, industrial organizations and communal services, alleys, roads, streets, bridges, boulevards, and therefore courtyards, are located under the control of local authorities.

Read also: Structure of local governments.

ATTENTION! Article 16 states that the city administration establishes a lighting schedule at night at the listed facilities. However, building owners must maintain lighting.

Energy-saving organizations, which are commercial structures, are engaged in lighting urban areas. They draw up an agreement with a local organization or other persons and provide them with their services. The construction and repair of power lines is entrusted to the same specialized organizations with which the administration enters into an agreement.

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However, this all applies to public areas (gardens, parks, squares, boulevards). Yards are not included in this list.
They belong to the local area. This is completely different. This area is intended for recreation, playgrounds, sports, plantings, sidewalks, and parking. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2, Article 162) states that an agreement is drawn up between the owners of apartments, the partnership, the management body of the housing cooperative, and sometimes with the developer and the management company (Part 14, Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The agreement contains information about services and work related to the maintenance of common property and its repair, as well as the provision of utilities. Such services are paid. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Parts 1 and 2 of Article 154) states that their fee is included in the receipts for payment for the services provided.

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