Notation in physics - units of measurement of physical quantities

Each measurement is a comparison of the measured quantity with another homogeneous quantity, which is considered unitary. Theoretically, the units for all quantities in physics can be chosen to be independent of each other. But this is extremely inconvenient, since for each value one should enter its own standard. In addition, in all physical equations that reflect the relationship between different quantities, numerical coefficients would arise.

The main feature of the currently used systems of units is that there are certain relationships between units of different quantities. These relationships are established by the physical laws (definitions) that relate the measured quantities to each other. Thus, the unit of speed is chosen in such a way that it is expressed in terms of units of distance and time. When selecting speed units, the speed definition is used. The unit of force, for example, is established using Newton's second law.

When constructing a specific system of units, several physical quantities are selected, the units of which are set independently of each other. Units of such quantities are called basic. The units of other quantities are expressed in terms of the basic ones, they are called derivatives.

Table of units of measurement “Space and time”

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Length l, s, d meter m The extent of an object in one dimension.
Square S square meter m2 The extent of an object in two dimensions.
Volume, capacity V cubic meter m3 The extent of an object in three dimensions. extensive quantity
Time t second With Duration of the event.
Flat angle α , φ radian glad The amount of change in direction.
Solid angle α , β , γ steradian Wed Part of space
Linear speed v meter per second m/s The speed of changing body coordinates. vector
Linear acceleration a,w meters per second squared m/s2 The rate of change in the speed of an object. vector
Angular velocity ω radians per second rad/s =


Angle change rate.
Angular acceleration ε radian per second squared rad/s2 =


Rate of change of angular velocity

Series and parallel connection of capacitors

Capacitors can be connected in series or in parallel, resulting in a set with new characteristics.

Parallel connection

If you connect capacitors in parallel, then the total capacity of the resulting battery is equal to the sum of all the capacitances of its components. If the battery consists of capacitors of identical design, this can be considered as adding the area of ​​all the plates. In this case, the voltage on each battery cell will be the same, and the charges will add up. For three parallel connected capacitors:

  • U=U1=U2=U3;
  • q=q1+q2+q3;
  • C=C1+C2+C3.

Table of units of measurement "Mechanics"

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Weight m kilogram kg A quantity that determines the inertial and gravitational properties of bodies. extensive quantity
Density ρ kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 Mass per unit volume. intensive quantity
Surface density ρA Mass per unit area. kg/m2 Ratio of body mass to surface area
Linear density ρl Mass per unit length. kg/m Ratio of body mass to its linear parameter
Specific volume v cubic meter per kilogram m3/kg Volume occupied by a unit mass of a substance
Mass flow Qm kilogram per second kg/s The mass of a substance that passes through a given cross-sectional area of ​​a flow per unit time
Volume flow Qv cubic meter per second m3/s Volume flow of liquid or gas
Pulse P kilogram-meter per second kg•m/s Product of mass and speed of a body. extensive, conserved quantity
Momentum L kilogram-meter squared per second kg•m2/s A measure of the rotation of an object. conserved quantity
Moment of inertia J kilogram meter squared kg•m2 A measure of the inertia of an object during rotation. tensor quantity
Strength, weight F, Q newton N An external cause of acceleration acting on an object. vector
Moment of power M newton meter N•m =

(kg m2/s2)

The product of a force and the length of a perpendicular drawn from a point to the line of action of the force. vector
Impulse force I newton second N•s Product of force and the duration of its action vector
Pressure, mechanical stress p , σ pascal Pa = ( kg/(m s2)) Force per unit area. intensive quantity
Job A joule J = (kg m2/s2) Dot product of force and displacement. scalar
Energy E, U joule J = (kg m2/s2) The ability of a body or system to do work. extensive, conserved quantity, scalar
Power N watt W = (kg m2/s3) Rate of change of energy.

Law of gravitation

Every object in the Universe is attracted to every other object with a force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

${\large F = G \cdot \dfrac {m \cdot M}{R^2}}$

We can add that any body reacts to a force applied to it with acceleration in the direction of this force, in magnitude inversely proportional to the mass of the body.

${\large G}$ — gravitational constant

${\large M}$ — mass of the earth

${\large R}$ — radius of the earth

${\large G = 6.67 \cdot {10^{-11}} \left ( \dfrac {m^3}{kg \cdot {sec}^2} \right ) }$

${\large M = 5.97 \cdot {10^{24}} \left ( kg \right ) }$

${\large R = 6.37 \cdot {10^{6}} \left ( m \right ) }$

Within the framework of classical mechanics, gravitational interaction is described by Newton's law of universal gravitation, according to which the force of gravitational attraction between two bodies of mass ${\large m_1}$ and ${\large m_2}$ separated by a distance ${\large R}$ is

${\large F = -G \cdot \dfrac {m_1 \cdot m_2}{R^2}}$ Here ${\large G}$ is the gravitational constant equal to ${\large 6.673 \cdot {10^{- 11}} m^3 / \left ( kg \cdot {sec}^2 \right ) }$. The minus sign means that the force acting on the test body is always directed along the radius vector from the test body to the source of the gravitational field, i.e. gravitational interaction always leads to the attraction of bodies. The gravity field is potential. This means that you can introduce the potential energy of gravitational attraction of a pair of bodies, and this energy will not change after moving the bodies along a closed loop. The potentiality of the gravitational field entails the law of conservation of the sum of kinetic and potential energy, which, when studying the motion of bodies in a gravitational field, often significantly simplifies the solution. Within the framework of Newtonian mechanics, gravitational interaction is long-range. This means that no matter how a massive body moves, at any point in space the gravitational potential and force depend only on the position of the body at a given moment in time.

Table of units of measurement “Periodic phenomena, oscillations and waves”

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Period T second With The period of time during which the system makes one complete oscillation
Batch frequency v, f hertz Hz =


The number of repetitions of an event per unit of time.
Cyclic (circular) frequency ω radians per second rad/s Cyclic frequency of electromagnetic oscillations in an oscillatory circuit.
Rotation frequency n second to the minus first power s-1 A periodic process equal to the number of complete cycles completed per unit of time.
Wavelength λ meter m The distance between two points in space closest to each other at which the oscillations occur in the same phase.
Wave number k meter to the minus first power m-1 Spatial wave frequency

Newton's second and third laws

The interaction of bodies can be described using the concept of force. Force is a vector quantity that is a measure of the influence of one body on another. Being a vector, force is characterized by its modulus (absolute value) and direction in space. In addition, the point of application of the force is important: the same force in magnitude and direction, applied at different points of the body, can have different effects. So, if you grab the rim of a bicycle wheel and pull tangentially to the rim, the wheel will begin to rotate. If you pull along the radius, there will be no rotation.

Newton's second law

The product of the body mass and the acceleration vector is the resultant of all forces applied to the body:

${\large m \cdot \overrightarrow{a} = \overrightarrow{F} }$

Newton's second law relates acceleration and force vectors. This means that the following statements are true.

  1. ${\large m \cdot a = F}$, where ${\large a}$ is the acceleration modulus, ${\large F}$ is the resulting force modulus.
  2. The acceleration vector has the same direction as the resultant force vector, since the mass of the body is positive.

Newton's third law

Two bodies act on each other with forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. These forces have the same physical nature and are directed along a straight line connecting their points of application.

Table of units of measurement “Thermal phenomena”

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Temperature T kelvin TO The average kinetic energy of the object's particles. Intensive value
Temperature coefficient α kelvin to the minus first power K-1 Dependence of electrical resistance on temperature
Temperature gradient gradT kelvin per meter K/m Change in temperature per unit length in the direction of heat propagation.
Heat (amount of heat) Q joule J = (kg m2/s2) Energy transferred from one body to another by non-mechanical means
Specific heat q joule per kilogram J/kg The amount of heat that must be supplied to a substance taken at its melting point in order to melt it.
Heat capacity C joule per kelvin J/C The amount of heat absorbed (released) by a body during the heating process.
Specific heat c joule per kilogram kelvin J/(kg•K) Heat capacity of a unit mass of a substance.
Entropy S joule per kilogram J/kg A measure of the irreversible dissipation of energy or the uselessness of energy.

What is n equal to in physics if it is the refractive index?

Typically, tables give values ​​for the absolute refractive indices of various substances. Do not forget that this value depends not only on the properties of the medium, but also on the wavelength. Table values ​​of the refractive index are given for the optical range.

WednesdayAbsolute refractive index

So, it became clear what n is in physics. To avoid any questions, it is worth considering some examples.

Table of units of measurement "Molecular physics"

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Quantity of substance v, n mole mole The number of similar structural units that make up a substance. Extensive value
Molar mass M , μ kilogram per mole kg/mol The ratio of the mass of a substance to the number of moles of that substance.
Molar energy Hmol joule per mole J/mol Energy of a thermodynamic system.
Molar heat capacity resins joule per mole kelvin J/(mol•K) The heat capacity of one mole of a substance.
Molecular concentration c, n meter to the minus third power m-3 The number of molecules contained in a unit volume.
Mass concentration ρ kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 The ratio of the mass of a component contained in a mixture to the volume of the mixture.
Molar concentration resins mole per cubic meter mol/m3 The content of the component relative to the entire mixture.
Ion mobility V , μ square meter per volt second m2/(V•s) The proportionality coefficient between the drift velocity of carriers and the applied external electric field.

What physical quantity can be denoted by n and N?

Its name comes from the Latin word numerus, translated as “number”, “quantity”. Therefore, the answer to the question of what n means in physics is quite simple. This is the number of any objects, bodies, particles - everything that is discussed in a certain task.

Moreover, “quantity” is one of the few physical quantities that do not have a unit of measurement. It's just a number, without a name. For example, if the problem involves 10 particles, then n will simply be equal to 10. But if it turns out that the lowercase “en” is already taken, then you have to use a capital letter.

Table of units of measurement "Electricity and magnetism"

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Current strength I ampere A Charge flowing per unit time.
Current Density j ampere per square meter A/m2 The strength of the electric current flowing through a surface element of unit area. Vector quantity
Electric chargeQ, q pendant Cl = (A s) The ability of bodies to be a source of electromagnetic fields and to take part in electromagnetic interaction. extensive, conserved quantity
Electric dipole moment p coulomb meter Kl•m Electrical properties of a system of charged particles in the sense of the field it creates and the effect of external fields on it.
Polarization P pendant per square meter C/m2 Processes and states associated with the separation of any objects, mainly in space.
Voltage U volt IN Change in potential energy per unit charge. scalar
Potential, EMF φ, σ volt IN The work of external forces (non-Coulomb) to move a charge.
Electric field strength E volt per meter V/m The ratio of the force F acting on a stationary point charge placed at a given point in the field to the magnitude of this charge q
Electrical capacity C farad F A measure of a conductor's ability to store electrical charge
Electrical resistance R,r ohm Ohm = (m2 kg/(s3 A2)) resistance of an object to the passage of electric current
Electrical resistivity ρ ohm meter Ohm•m The ability of a material to prevent the passage of electric current
Electrical conductivity G Siemens Cm The ability of a body (medium) to conduct electric current
Magnetic induction B tesla Tl Vector quantity, which is the force characteristic of the magnetic field Vector quantity
Magnetic flux F weber Wb =

(kg/(s2 A))

A value that takes into account the intensity of the magnetic field and the area it occupies.
Magnetic field strength H ampere per meter Vehicle The difference between the magnetic induction vector B and the magnetization vector M Vector quantity
Magnetic moment pm ampere square meter A•m2 A quantity characterizing the magnetic properties of a substance
Magnetization J ampere per meter Vehicle A quantity characterizing the magnetic state of a macroscopic physical body. vector quantity
Inductance L Henry Gn The proportionality coefficient between the electric current flowing in any closed circuit and the total magnetic flux
Electromagnetic energy N joule J = (kg m2/s2) Energy contained in an electromagnetic field
Volumetric energy density w joule per cubic meter J/m3 Electric field energy of a capacitor
Active power P watt W AC power
Reactive power Q var var A quantity characterizing the loads created in electrical devices by fluctuations in the energy of the electromagnetic field in the alternating current circuit
Full power S watt-ampere W•A Total power, taking into account its active and reactive components, as well as deviations of the current and voltage waveforms from harmonic


Magnitude Unit
Name Dimension Name Designation
international Russian
Space and time
Square L2 square meter m2 m2
Volume, capacity L3 cubic meter m3 m3
Speed LT-1 meter per second m/s m/s
Acceleration LT-2 meters per second squared m/s2 m/s2
Angular velocity T+1 radians per second rad/s rad/s
Angular acceleration T-2 radian per second squared rad/s2 rad/s2
Periodic phenomena, oscillations and waves
Period T second s With
Periodic process frequency, oscillation frequency T-1 hertz Hz Hz
Rotation frequency T-1 second to the minus first power s-1 s-1
Wavelength L meter m m
Wave number L-1 meter to the minus first power m-1 m-1
Attenuation coefficient T-1 second to the minus first power s-1 s-1
Attenuation coefficient, phase coefficient, propagation coefficient L-1 meter to the minus first power m-1 m-1
Density L-3M kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 kg/m
Specific volume L3M-1 cubic meter per kilogram m3×kg× m3×kg
Quantity of movement LMT-1 kilogram-meter per second kg×m/s kg×m/s
Momentum L2MT-1 kilogram meter squared per second kg×m2/s kg×m2/s
Moment of inertia (dynamic moment of inertia) L2M kilogram meter squared kg×m2 kg×m2
Force, gravity (weight) LMT-1 newton N N
Moment of force, moment of a couple of forces L2MT-2 newton meter N×m N×m
Impulse force LMT-1 newton second N×s N×s
Pressure, normal stress, shear stress, modulus

longitudinal elasticity, shear modulus, bulk modulus

L-1MT-2 pascal Pa Pa
Moment of inertia (second moment) of the area of ​​a flat figure - (axial, polar, centrifugal) L4 meter to the fourth power m4 m4
Moment of resistance of a plane figure L3 meter to the third power m3 m3
Dynamic viscosity L-1MT-1 pascal second Pa×s Pa×s
Kinematic viscosity L2T-1 square meter per second nr/s m2/s
Surface tension MT-2 newton per meter N/m N/m
Work, energy






Celsius temperature Ө degrees Celsius °C °C
Temperature coefficient Ө-1 kelvin to the minus first power K-1 K-1
Temperature gradient L-1 Ө kelvin per meter K/m K/m
Heat, amount of heat L2MT-2 joule J J
Heat flow L2MT-3 watt W W
Surface heat flux density MT3 watt per square meter W/m2 W/m2
Thermal conductivity LMT-3 watt per meter kelvin W/(m×K) W/(m×K)
Heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer coefficient MT-1 Ө-1 watt per square meter kelvin W/(m2×K) W/(m×K)
Thermal diffusivity L2T-1 square meter per second m2/s m2/s
Heat capacity L2MT-2Ө-1 joule per kelvin J/K J/C
Specific heat LT-1Ө-1 joule per kilogram kelvin J/(kg×K) J/(kg×K)
Entropy LMT-1Ө-1 joule per kelvin J/K J/C
Specific entropy L2T-2Ө-1 joule per kilogram kelvin J/(kg×K) J/kg×K)
Thermodynamic potential (internal energy, enthalpy, isochoric-isothermal potential, isobaric-isothermal potential), heat of phase transformation, heat of chemical reaction L1MT-2 joule J J
Specific amount of heat, specific thermodynamic potential, specific heat of phase transformation, specific

heat of chemical reaction

L2T-2 joule per kilogram J/kg J/kg
Electricity and magnetism
Amount of electricity (electric charge) T.I. pendant WITH Cl
Spatial density of electric charge L-3-TI pendant per cubic meter C/m3 C/m3
Surface electric charge density L-2TI pendant per square meter C/m2 C/m2
Electric field strength LMT-3I-1 volt per meter V/m V/m
Electrical voltage L2MT-3I-1 volt V IN
Electric potential L2MT-3I-1 volt V IN
Electric potential difference L2MT-3I-1 volt V IN
Electromotive force L2M T-3I-1 volt V IN
Electrical displacement flux T.I. pendant WITH Cl
Electrical bias L-2TI pendant per square meter C/m2 C/m2
Electrical capacity L-2M-1T4I2 farad F F
Absolute dielectric constant L-3M-1T4I2 farad per meter F/m F/m
Electric dipole moment LTI coulomb meter C×m Kl×m
Electric current density L-2I ampere per square meter A/m2 A/m2
Linear electric current density L-1I ampere per meter A/m Vehicle
Magnetic field strength L-1I ampere per meter A/m Vehicle
Magnetomotive force, magnetic potential difference I ampere A A
Magnetic induction M T-1I-1 tesla T Tl
Magnetic flux L2M T-2I-1 weber Wb Wb
Inductance, mutual inductance L2MT2I2 Henry N Gn
Absolute magnetic


LMT-2I-2 henry per meter N/t Gn/m
Magnetic moment (amperian) L2I ampere square meter А×m2 A×m2
Magnetic moment (Coulomb) L3MT-2I-2 weber meter Wb×m Wb×m
Magnetization (magnetization intensity) L-1I ampere per meter A/t Vehicle
Electrical resistance (active, reactive, total) L2МT-3I-2 ohm Ω Ohm
Electrical conductivity (active, reactive, total) L-2M-1T3I-2 Siemens S Cm
Electrical resistivity L3MT-3I-2 ohm meter Ω×m Ohm×m
Electrical conductivity L-3M-1T3I-2 siemens per meter S/m Sm/m
Reluctance L-2M-1T2I2 Henry to the minus one N-1 Gn-1
Magnetic conductivity L2МT-2I-2 Henry N Gn
Active power L2MT-3 watt W W
Electromagnetic energy L2MT-2 joule J J
Light and other electromagnetic radiation
Radiation energy L2MT-2 joule J J
Energy exposure (radiant exposure) MT-2 joule per square meter J/m2 J/m2
Radiation flux, radiation power L2 MT-3 watt W W
Surface radiation flux density, energy luminosity (emissivity), energy illumination (irradiance) MT-3 watt per square meter W/m2 W/m2
Energy luminous intensity (radiant intensity) L2 MT-3 watt per steradian W/sr Tue/Wed
Energy brightness (radiance) MT-3 watt per steradian square meter W/fsr×m2) W/(sr×m2)
Light flow J lumen lm lm
Light energy T.J. lumen-second lm×s lm×s
Brightness L-2J candela per square meter cd/m2 cd/m
Luminosity L-2J lumen per square meter lm/m2 lm/m
Illumination L-2J luxury Ix OK
Light exposure L-2TJ lux-second lx×s lx/s
Period of sound vibrations T second s With
Sound frequency T-1 hertz Hz Hz
Sound pressure, sound pressure L-1MT-2 pascal Pa Pa
Oscillatory velocity (the speed at which a particle oscillates) LT-1 meter per second m/s m/s
Volume velocity L3T-1 cubic meter per second m3/s m3/s
Sound speed LT-1 meter per second m/s m/s
Sound energy L2MT-2 joule J J
Sound Energy Density L-1MT-2 joule per cubic meter J/m3 J/m3
Flow of sound energy L2MT-3 watt W W
Sound power L2MT-3 watt W W
Sound intensity MT-3 watt per square meter W/m2 W/m2
Acoustic impedance L4MT-1 pascal second per

cubic meter

Pa×s/m3 Pa×s/m3
Specific acoustic


L-2MT-1 pascal second per meter Pa×s/m Pa×s/m
Mechanical resistance MT-1 newton second per meter N×s/m N×s/m
Equivalent absorption area of ​​a surface or object L2 square meter m2 m2
Reverberation time T second s With
Physical chemistry and molecular physics
Molar mass MN-1 kilogram per mole kg/mol kg/mol
Molar volume L3N-1 cubic meter per mole m3/mol m3/mol
Thermal effect of a chemical reaction (formation, dissolution, combustion, phase transformations and


L2MT-2 joule J J
Molar internal energy, molar enthalpy, chemical potential, chemical affinity, activation energy L2MT2N-1 joule per mole J/mol J/mol
Molar heat capacity, molar entropy L2MT-2 Ө-1N-1 joule per mole kelvin J/(mol×K) J/(mol×K)
Molecular concentration L-3 meter to the minus third power m-3 m-3
Mass concentration M L-3 kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 kg/m3
Molar concentration L-3N mole per cubic meter mol/m3 mol/m3
Molality. specific adsorption M-3N mole per kilogram mol/kg mol/kg
Volatility (fugacity) L-1mt2 pascal Pa Pa
Osmotic pressure L-1ML-2 pascal Pa Pa
Diffusion coefficient L2T-1 square meter per second m2/s m2/s
Chemical reaction rate L-3 T-1N moles per cubic meter per second mol/(m3×s) mol/(m3×s)
Degree of dispersion L-1 meter to the minus first power m-1 m-1
Specific surface area L2M-1 square meter per kilogram m2/kg m2/kg
Surface density L-2N moles per square meter mol/m2 mol/m2
Electric dipole moment LTI coulomb meter C×m Kl×m
Polarization М-1Т4I2 coulomb square meter per volt C×m2/V Kl×m2/V
Molecular refraction М-1Т4I2N-1 coulomb-square meter per volt-mole C×m2/(V×mol) Kl×m2/ (V×mol)
Ionic strength of solution M-1 N

M-1 T3 I2 N-1

mole per kilogram Siemens square meter per mole mol/kg S×m2/mol mol/kg


Electrode potential L2MT-3 I-1 volt V IN
Molar concentration L-3N mole per cubic meter mol/m3 mol/m3
Ion mobility M-1T2I square meter per volt second m2/(V×s) m2/(W×s)
Ionizing radiation
Energy of ionizing radiation L2MT-2 joule J J
Absorbed radiation dose (radiation dose), kerma L2 T 2 Gray Gy Gr
Exposure dose

X-ray and gamma radiation

M-1TI pendant per kilogram C/kg C/kg
Activity of a nuclide in a radioactive source T-1 bskkerel Bq Bk
Atomic and nuclear physics
Rest mass of a particle, atom, nucleus M kilogram kg kg
Mass defect M kilogram kg kg
Elementary charge T.I. pendant WITH Cl
Magneton nuclear L2I ampere square meter A×m2 A×m2
Gyromagnetic ratio M-1TI ampere square meter per joule second A× m2/(J×s) A×m2/(J×s)
Nuclear quadrupole moment L2 square meter m2 m2
Binding energy, level width L2MT-2 joule J J
Radiation intensity (energy flux density) MT-3 watt per square meter W/m2 W/m2
Nuclide activity (in radioactive source) T-1 becquerel Bq Bk
Specific activity M-1T-1 becquerel per kilo Bq/kg Bq/kg
Molar activity M-1N-1 becquerel per mole Bq/mol Bq/mol
Volumetric activity L-3T-1 becquerel per cubic meter Bq/m3 Bq/ m3
Surface activity L-2T-1 becquerel per square meter Bq/m2 Bq/m2
Half-life, average lifespan T second s With
Decay constant T-1 second to the minus first power s-1 s-1
Effective cross section L2 square meter m2 m2
Differential effective cross section L2 square meter per steradian m7sr m2/avg
Mobility M-1T2I square meter per volt second m2/(Vs) m2/(W×s)
Retarding ability of the medium L-1 meter to the minus first power m-1 m-1
Deceleration length, diffusion length, migration length L meter m m


Appendix A The most common stylistic mistakes.

Appendix B Norms of Russian-language technical literature.

Appendix B Examples of translation of some frequently used terms.

Appendix D “False friends” of the translator.

Appendix E Presentation of numbers, monetary amounts and dates

Appendix E Additional requirements for translations that require notarization of the authenticity of the translator's signature.

Appendix G Features of translating descriptions of software products.

Appendix 3 Recommendations for setting up MS Word before starting translation.

Appendix I Some features of typing in foreign languages.

Appendix K Directory of units of measurement. part 2 part 3 part 4

Appendix L Transliteration rules.

translation agency translation services prices contacts vacancies articles

Table of units of measurement “Optics, electromagnetic radiation”

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
The power of light J, I candela cd The amount of light energy emitted in a given direction per unit time. Luminous, extensive value
Light flow F lumen lm Physical quantity characterizing the amount of “light” power in the corresponding radiation flux
Light energy Q lumen-second lm•s Physical quantity characterizes the ability of energy transferred by light to cause visual sensations in a person
Illumination E luxury OK The ratio of the luminous flux incident on a small area of ​​a surface to its area.
Luminosity M lumen per square meter lm/m2 Luminous quantity representing luminous flux
Brightness L,B candela per square meter cd/m2 Luminous intensity emitted per unit surface area in a specific direction
Radiation energy E,W joule J = (kg m2/s2) Energy transferred by optical radiation

Tasks for the circulation period

No. 4. The blades of a windmill rotate with a period of 5 seconds. Calculate the number of revolutions of these blades in 1 hour.

You only need to convert time to SI units for 1 hour. It will be equal to 3,600 seconds.

Selection of formulas. The period of rotation and the number of revolutions are related by the formula T = t: N.

Solution. From the above formula, the number of revolutions is determined by the ratio of time to period. Thus, N = 3600: 5 = 720.

Answer. The number of revolutions of the mill blades is 720.

No. 5. An airplane propeller rotates at a frequency of 25 Hz. How long will it take the propeller to make 3,000 revolutions?

All data is given in SI, so there is no need to translate anything.

Required formula: frequency ν = N: t. From it you only need to derive the formula for the unknown time. It is a divisor, so it is supposed to be found by dividing N by ν.

Solution. Dividing 3,000 by 25 gives the number 120. It will be measured in seconds.

Answer. An airplane propeller makes 3000 revolutions in 120 s.

Table of units of measurement "Acoustics"

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Sound pressure p pascal Pa Variable excess pressure arising in an elastic medium when a sound wave passes through it
Volume velocity c, V cubic meter per second m3/s The ratio of the volume of raw materials supplied to the reactor per hour to the volume of catalyst
Sound speed v, u meter per second m/s Velocity of propagation of elastic waves in a medium
Sound intensity l watt per square meter W/m2 A quantity characterizing the power transferred by a sound wave in the direction of propagation scalar physical quantity
Acoustic impedance Za, Ra pascal second per cubic meter Pa•s/m3 The ratio of the amplitude of sound pressure in a medium to the vibrational speed of its particles when a sound wave passes through the medium
Mechanical resistance Rm newton second per meter N•s/m Indicates the force required to move a body at each frequency

Some practical capacitor designs

In practice, various designs of flat capacitors are used. The design of the device determines its characteristics and scope of application.

Variable capacitor

A common type of variable capacitor (VCA) consists of a block of moving and fixed plates separated by air or a solid insulator. The moving plates rotate around an axis, increasing or decreasing the overlap area. When the moving block is removed, the interelectrode gap remains unchanged, but the average distance between the plates also increases. The dielectric constant of the insulator also remains unchanged. The capacity is adjusted by changing the area of ​​the plates and the average distance between them.

KPI in the position of maximum (left) and minimum (right) capacity

Oxide capacitor

Previously, such a capacitor was called electrolytic. It consists of two strips of foil separated by a paper dielectric impregnated with electrolyte. The first strip serves as one plate, the second plate serves as the electrolyte. The dielectric is a thin layer of oxide on one of the metal strips, and the second strip serves as a current collector.

Table of units of measurement “Atomic and nuclear physics. Radioactivity"

Physical quantity Symbol Unit of measurement of physical quantity Unit change physical led Description Notes
Mass (rest mass) m kilogram kg The mass of an object at rest.
Mass defect Δ kilogram kg A quantity expressing the influence of internal interactions on the mass of a composite particle
Elementary electric charge e pendant Cl The minimum portion (quantum) of electric charge observed in nature in free long-lived particles
Communication energy Est joule J = (kg m2/s2) The difference between the energy of a state in which the constituent parts of the system are infinitely distant
Half-life, average lifetime T, τ second With The time during which the system decays in the approximate ratio of 1/2
Effective cross section σ square meter m2 A quantity characterizing the probability of interaction of an elementary particle with an atomic nucleus or another particle
Nuclide activity A becquerel Bk A value equal to the ratio of the total number of decays of radioactive nuclide nuclei in the source to the decay time
Energy of ionizing radiation E,W joule J = (kg m2/s2) Type of energy released by atoms in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma or x-rays) or particles
Absorbed dose of ionizing radiation D gray Gr The dose at which 1 joule of ionizing radiation energy is transferred to a mass of 1 kg
Equivalent dose of ionizing radiation H , Deck sievert Sv Absorbed dose of any ionizing radiation equal to 100 erg per 1 gram of irradiated substance
Exposure dose of X-ray and gamma radiation X pendant per kilogram C/kg ratio of the total electric charge of ions of the same sign from external gamma radiation

Formulas containing capital N

The first of them determines power, which is equal to the ratio of work to time:

N = A: t.

In molecular physics there is such a thing as the chemical amount of a substance. Denoted by the Greek letter "nu". To count it, you need to divide the number of particles by Avogadro's number:

ν = N:NA.

By the way, the last value is also denoted by the so popular letter N. Only it always has a subscript - A.

To determine the electric charge, you will need the formula:

q = N × e.

Another formula with N in physics is oscillation frequency. To count it, you need to divide their number by time:

ν = N : t.

The letter “en” appears in the formula for the circulation period:

T = t: N.

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