DIY table lamp shade: 50 best ideas

Photo: Lighting is one of the main components of any interior. The correct supply of light, the play of shadows and reflections - all this fills the house with extraordinary coziness and comfort. A lampshade for a lamp made by yourself is a special detail that will add a touch of exclusivity and set your home apart from all others. In this article we have put together a selection of 15 ideas on how to quickly and easily make a lampshade with your own hands!

Original bottle lamps

If after the holiday you still have empty wine bottles, don’t rush to throw them away - you can “give” them a second life by decorating them with lampshades. Such pendant structures will look great in the kitchen, especially as lighting for the bar counter.

The most labor-intensive part is cutting the bottom. This can be done using a glass cutter or thin rope. A rope, previously soaked in any flammable liquid, should be wrapped around the bottom of the bottle and set on fire. When the flame has completely bypassed it, lower the bottle into boiling water and then into ice water. After this procedure, the bottom will break off.

Now all that remains is to install the socket with the electric cable, screw in the light bulb with a beautiful spiral and enjoy the pleasant soft glow.

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Wicker lampshade

A simple thin rope, chain or tape serves primarily as a harness or safety device. But if you divide one of the above-mentioned blanks into segments and weave a fleece from them, then the purpose of the “troika” will expand.

Of course, we are talking about the task of how to make a floor lamp with your own hands. Its lampshade could be:

  • Frameless - you need to take a ball or a balloon, wrap it around the sphere, then paste over the braid for rigidity and release the air to remove the workpiece to create a shape;
  • Frame - a lampshade cape is knitted or woven from a rope or chain.

The finished cape resembles a small knitted tablecloth. True, the thematic product will have to be given a shape for a high-quality fit on the frame. The shape is set by threading wire rings into the cape and then pressing it by hand or ironing.

An exception is a chain cape, which can take the shape of a lampshade under the influence of its own weight. Moreover, chains can replace vertical rods.

It is enough to attach them to the upper hoop and complement them with imitation precious stones. This technique is also appropriate when you need to make a rope cape with beads.

Lamp made of ribbons

Ribbons are a great way to update an old lampshade. First, get rid of the old coating and prepare the material. The lampshade can be made one color or use ribbons of different colors. The color is selected to match the tone of the interior or, vice versa, contrasting, to create an accent zone.

Attach the ribbon to the inside of the lampshade (to the top rim) and start wrapping from top to bottom. The winding density depends on how soft the glow you want to get. If you let the tape overlap, the lampshade will create a warm, diffused glow, and with intervals you will get interesting lighting effects.

The frame can be pre-covered with fabric for density, and the ribbons can be woven in a checkerboard pattern. You will get a nice Provencal lampshade.


Photo: Photo:

Lampshade on frame

Now let's move on to lampshades that are suitable anywhere, incl. and for a table lamp that can be pushed to the floor with an elbow. In addition, we will set the condition that the lampshade covering can be washed, cleaned, and changed at will. Therefore, we do not touch glass or solid hard plastic lampshades; Besides, you can’t make them at home yourself. That is, we will work on lampshades on a frame with soft lining.

About fabrics for lampshades

It is preferable to sew the decorative light cover of the lampshade from fabric with fleecy threads, i.e. natural. Due to diffraction on smooth synthetic threads, the light penetrating through such a lampshade may be hard. Choosing fabric for a lampshade by eye is not difficult: through the sample, turning it smoothly, look at some compact bright light source; preferably LED, because it gives the most coherent, i.e. ordered, light. The selection criterion is simple: the less moire fringes are observed from different viewing angles, the better the fabric.

About restoring the lampshade

The lampshade frame is quite labor-intensive and technologically complex, so first you need to look around the household to see if there is a lampshade from an old lamp lying around somewhere. Straightening it, repairing it and updating the lampshade with a new cover will be easier than making the frame from scratch.

Homemade tool for measuring large diameters

The discovered “basket” may turn out to be of a very elaborate shape, and to create patterns (see below) you will need to accurately measure its diameters in several places. In this case, a homemade caliper made from 3 wooden slats and a pair of drawing squares will help out. Of course, it will not give the accuracy of a factory rod, but achievable (+/–1 mm) is enough for cutting and sewing work. And an idea of ​​the capabilities of such a tool is given in Fig.

The measurement procedure is a 2-step procedure: marks are made with a pencil on the sponges where they touch the object, and then the size is taken between the marks with a tape measure. In order for the movable sponge to glide more smoothly, and, accordingly, the measurement to be more accurate, you need to place a fluoroplastic film under the rubber bands holding it. To measure small diameters, the jaws are turned over with the squares facing out.

Constructing a pattern

Now we remove the necessary diameters: the lower and upper hoops (D1 and D11 in position 1 in the figure), the largest and smallest on the belts (D2, D6, D10), in places of kinks, i.e. where the curvature of the generatrix changes sign (D4, D8) and at kinks (D5). We take the others more or less evenly between the mandatory ones.

Constructing a lampshade pattern

The diameters of the pattern of 6 wedges will, taking into account the tightening of the fabric, be equal to half the measured diameters (item 2). If there are supposed to be more or fewer wedges of the finished sleeve, proportionally change the proportion of the diameter in the corresponding diameter of the pattern. But it’s too early to cut and sew.

There at pos. 2 it can be seen that the seaming allowance is not geometrically completely similar to the template. In knot I (kink inward) this is not so bad: you can sew on a drawstring sleeve and tighten the seam with a cord. If the decor of the lampshade involves ruffles, frills, scallops, etc., then perhaps this is how it should be: small folds will fall into place, and the cord will not be visible at a break in the contour.

However, on the shelf of the contour (node ​​II), whatever one may say, it is in no way possible to give an allowance so that the seam does not “run away”. In higher geometry it is proven why, but we don’t need to go into this jungle: we will simply cut the paper template according to “capricious” diameters at the kinks and shelves (item 3).

Sewing a cover

Now, how to sew a lampshade using our patterns? First, individual parts of the sleeve are sewn; in this case, bottom, middle and top. Then the widest adjacent part (here the middle) is sewn to the widest belt (bottom). Next, the 2 parts that are next in width are sewn together in the same way, etc. The point is that the shortest transverse seam (we have Seam 2) is sewn last. In this sample, after sewing the bottom to the middle, the top is sewn to them. The sewing of the cover is completed by trimming off the excess allowances, except for the lower and upper hems. The edges must be trimmed.

Frame covering

The next stage is placing the cover on the frame. This is where the machine can be put in the closet: the work is entirely manual. Step by step covering the lampshade frame with a cover is done as follows:

  1. The cover is turned inside out (it is probably clear that it was sewn from the inside out) and put on the frame;
  2. Wrap it inside and stitch the top flap;
  3. Pull and trim the fabric to the first bend (here D8). If there was no hoop in the original sample, it must be installed in advance, see below;
  4. Baste the fabric to the edges of the frame from top to bottom, alternately, and to the hoop at the bend;
  5. Repeat paragraphs. 3 and 4 to the next bend (now D5), and so on to the bottom hoop;
  6. Wrap and stitch the bottom flap.


How the simplest frame of a table lamp or floor lamp is constructed can be seen in pos. 1 pic. The pendant for the chandelier is different in that the ring will be at the top, the extensions from it will go to the upper hoop, and then additional holes are needed in the ring for attaching the pendant.

Lampshade frame structure

The ring is cut out of well-soldered and fairly durable sheet metal (bronze, brass, galvanized steel 0.4-2 mm thick) or durable plastic from 1 mm. A computer disk is suitable; for the E10 cartridge, you will only need to drill holes in it for braces and fasteners. The main dimensions of the ring for the E27 cartridge with fastening with union shaped nuts (item 3) are given in item. 2. But making a ring for fastening in the gap between the body and the clamp of the cartridge with a skirt (item 4) is unacceptable! Such cartridges are attached only with a threaded fitting in the lid!

How the stretchers are attached to the ring is shown in pos. 5: their blanks are not bent completely with a hook, inserted into the mounting holes and carefully pressed with pliers. Then, if the ring is metal, solder it (see below). If it is plastic, fix it with drops of superglue or silicone.

Soldered assembly

Frame parts are made of plastic steel wire with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm or bicycle spokes. The latter are much stronger, do not rust and do not require painting, but they need to be bent carefully and they are less soldered. To solder the frame you will need:

  • A soldering iron of at least 65 W (preferably 100-150 W).
  • 6% solution of orthophosphoric acid. Sold for soldering in radio stores and construction stores. Orthophosphoric acid is also available as food additive E338 in the form of needle-shaped, colorless, hygroscopic crystals.
  • Flux paste (gel for soldering), always with borax.
  • Thin, 0.15-0.35 mm, bare copper wire. You can take strands from an electrical wire.
  • Solder POS-30 or POS-40. They are refractory (that’s why you need a powerful soldering iron), but much stronger than POS-61 and other low-melting ones.

Note: phosphoric acid of medium strength does not emit highly toxic and/or caustic fumes. But all the same, when working with it you need to take precautions - wear safety glasses and gloves (household latex ones will do).

The key procedures for assembling a soldered frame are shown in Fig.

Soldering steel parts

The brazed steel frame is assembled in stages as follows:

  • The ends of the linear blanks are kept in acid for 3-4 minutes (item 1), and then rinsed in water (item 2). You need at least 1 liter of water, and it must be changed after 4-5 washes.
  • If the soldering is in the middle or the part is bent, soak a clean white rag in acid and wrap it around the soldering area. Hold for about half a minute, then rinse the rag in acid, wrap it around the soldering area again, and so on until the total time of exposure of the acid to the metal reaches the same 3-4 minutes. After acid treatment, the part is then washed under running water for 1-2 minutes.
  • Without touching the treated areas with your bare fingers, the frame is completely assembled without soldering: the soldering areas are butted tightly, but not tightly, i.e. with gaps between turns of 1.5-2 mm, wrapped with copper wire, pos. 3 and 4, and apply 2-3 drops of flux paste to each joint. The soldering areas at the cross parts of the parts are wrapped with 2-3 turns of copper wire crosswise and fluxed with 1-2 drops.
  • Semi-dry, i.e. without a hanging drop of solder, use a soldering iron tip to heat the soldering areas until the flux spreads over all the cracks, pos. 5. There is no need to heat the flux until the flux boils and vapor appears. Also, the final result will be better if you heat the flux with a separate soldering iron with a dry bronze nickel-plated tip.
  • Take a drop of solder, apply it to the soldering area (item 6) and heat until it flows everywhere, like flux before. The excess solder hanging below is carefully removed with a soldering iron tip. It is impossible to apply unmelted solder in the form of a flexible wire, and refractory solders are produced mainly in rods.

Fabric or twine?

Propylene packaging twine and paper tubes have good lighting properties. If the lampshade is made from woven twine or newspaper tubes, it will give an even, soft light, and complex cutting and sewing work will be eliminated. But the frame for a wicker lampshade must, firstly, have at least 10-12 ribs evenly spaced around the circumference.

Note: if the frame is of a simple shape, then only 3-4 ribs can be load-bearing (steel). Let the rest be made of straw; they are glued to the upper and lower hoops.

Secondly, to create rims at the top and bottom, respectively. The trains are either made double in height, with an interval of 2-3 cm, or strips of thin metal or hard plastic of the same width are attached to them. Headbands are needed for decorative reasons: a solid one is wrapped with twine or a tube, and if the headband is double, the weave can be made in a figure eight. The entire side surface is woven like a basket.

Stained glass lampshade

Stained glass lampshades generate light flux mainly by refraction, so they are more suitable for the living room.

stained glass lampshades and lampshades

Stained glass fragments are made from rhinestones, faceted or cabochons. A stained glass lampshade is assembled on a heat-resistant frame (for example, a steel bucket) using the Tiffany technique. But compared to stained glass for a window or door, since the connections of the elements are not solid, but point-based, there are significant differences:

  1. Only strong, refractory solder is used, the same as for the frame of the lampshade, as well as flux with borax.
  2. Before soldering, the framing of rhinestones is made only from special copper foil - folia - 3-15 mm wide, depending on the width of the crystal rim.
  3. The protective film is removed from the foil immediately before applying it to the crystal; You cannot touch the outer (soldered) surface of the foil with bare hands!
  4. Also, you can’t put off soldering foil-wrapped rhinestones until tomorrow: the copper will have time to oxidize, and the joints will turn out to be fragile.
  5. Upon completion of soldering and thorough washing of flux residues (with a rag with alcohol; then with distilled water), the soldering is copper-plated by applying a thick blue solution of copper sulfate with a brush.
  6. The remaining vitriol is washed off under running water. You cannot rub with a brush or even cotton wool, because... The copper film on the solder is very thin.

Wire lampshade

A laconic wire lamp will perfectly suit any modern minimalist style (loft, hi-tech, modern). These lampshades can be used to decorate an ensemble of pendant lamps, for example, above a bar counter or other light sources.

All you need for the job is wire, pliers and a regular watering can, the height of which will determine the dimensions of the future lampshade. If you are planning a group of lamps, you can make them in the same or different colors.

Take a watering can and, starting from the top, wrap it with wire all the way to the bottom. Use pliers to cut off the remainder and push the switch through. The lampshade is ready!


Photo: Photo:

Choosing a lampshade depending on the style of the room

In the interior of a room, a chandelier can be an inconspicuous addition or a bright accent. In any case, it should fit the overall style of the room. There are several stylistic trends for which making a lighting fixture yourself is not so difficult.

Matte light sources will fit well into Provence, which comes from the French provinces. This style is characterized by delicate shades, so natural fabrics for lampshades should be light and preferably with floral patterns. It is acceptable to use lace

Minimalism requires conciseness and simplicity. Such an interior should be free of flashy shades and unnecessary details. Therefore, chandeliers should be of simple geometric shapes and neutral colors.

The white matte or glossy surface of a lampshade made of paper, fabric or glass will be an excellent solution for the interior of a modern apartment in a minimalist style. Modest wire shades will also work

Minimalist Scandinavian style is not so limited in form. Strict lines and laconic figures are not necessary here, but the design should be simple and elegant. Such restraint looks very modern and relevant.

It is advisable to use natural and predominantly light materials (most often designers choose white shades). Bright lighting is required, so it is important to correctly position the lamps and correctly determine their number

If you are not confident in your handicraft skills and are afraid that the appearance of the lampshade will immediately tell others about its non-manufacturing origin, then pay attention to the loft. For this style, it is normal for the imperfections of objects to be brought to the fore.

To create lampshades, you can use metal utensils, wire, transparent bottles and jars. Untidy, seemingly unfinished structures give a home a special charm.

Homemade chandelier made of threads

There is nothing easier than making an air lamp from threads. Inflate the balloon to the desired size and wrap it in cling film. Next, take the thread, dip it in glue and wrap it around the ball.

Now you need to wait a little until the structure hardens, then pierce the ball with a needle and remove it along with the film. The level of illumination will depend on how tightly the thread is wound.

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Types of lampshades

Fabric lampshade for table lamp.

Lampshades vary in size, installation method, design, colors and materials. There are two main types of design: products with a special frame, frameless lampshades.


Lampshade on frame.

For such a cap, you must first make a frame, for example, from wire, and then stretch fabric or other material over it. The advantages of the method are the ability to create almost any shape.

An additional design feature of the frame lampshade is that at the project stage the distance between the lamp and the material of the lamp will already be clear. Also, products on a frame are durable; they retain their shape for decades.


Frameless design.

In them, the functions of the frame are performed by the lampshade material. During the manufacturing process, a temporary base is made, for example, an inflatable ball, onto which jute with glue or any other material is applied; after drying, the temporary base is removed.

This method makes it easier to create round lampshades. Knitting threads can be used as the main material.

Lampshade with fringe

Using two metal hoops (you can take a hoop) and a fringed braid, you can construct a two-tiered lush chandelier.

To fix the hoops, use a strong fishing line, and it is better to secure the fringe with a glue gun.

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Lush balls

This homemade lamp will perfectly decorate a child’s room or kitchen, creating a soft, pleasant glow. It can be made in any color palette at your discretion.

To work, you need to prepare glue, colored paper and a Chinese lantern (they are now sold in many stores). Instead of paper, you can use loose fabric.

Cut out circles of the same size from paper (fabric) and cover the flashlight with them. The parts must be glued overlapping, starting from the bottom - creating a semblance of scales.



Volumetric shade

To make such an item yourself, you do not need to purchase expensive materials. After all, even a simple Chinese lantern can look good if it is decorated correctly.

We will prepare the following materials:

  • Chinese lantern;
  • fabric or paper for decoration;
  • tape or glue.

Cut out circles of the same size from paper or fabric. Starting from the bottom, glue each of them in turn, as shown in the photo.

It is very important to glue only the top part of the circles so that the ceiling looks airy as a result.

We place the circles slightly overlapping.

The result is a lampshade that resembles a cone. It looks really very interesting.

Lamp made of glass jars

Simple and, at the same time, quite original lampshades can be made from ordinary liter jars, which every housewife has. It is better to take jars with screw-on lids - then it will be much easier to change the light bulb.

First of all, we make a hole in the lid, insert a socket, a light bulb, and mount the electrical cable. The lid together with the cartridge can be painted gold or silver.

The jar can be pre-decorated - cover it with twine, napkins, or simply paint it. In any case, you will get a beautiful and exclusive chandelier.

Photo: brightlight67.rf Photo:

Variety of materials

Making shades for chandeliers from scrap materials can easily be classified as handicraft. Paper and fabric, as the most accessible materials, are easy to process, easily transformable and, most importantly, are always available at hand.

Paper extravaganza

DIY paper lampshades - photo
Fantastic metamorphoses can happen to an old lamp if you use old photographs, newspapers or X-rays for the lampshade. The most interesting lampshades are made from paper.

Remember that a regular incandescent light bulb emits a lot of heat. An energy-saving lamp produces only radiant energy and heats up little.

Original lampshades are made from yarn or threads.

Fabric lampshades

Do-it-yourself fabric lampshade for a chandelier - photo
Woven lampshades give a soft stream of directional light. It doesn’t matter whether denim, tulle or organza was used.

For woven lampshades, the use of fabrics that accumulate static electricity and attract dust is unacceptable.

Floor lamps look great under caps made in patchwork style. Patchwork lampshades add a special flavor to rooms decorated in Provence and country style. Even with minimal furnishings, an original hand-made lamp in the interior will not seem out of place.

Tin, glass and household plastic for lampshades

Glass objects of unusual shape - bottles or jars can also become a decorative part of the lamp. In skillful hands, porcelain or earthenware cups from an old set turn into inimitable shades for chandeliers, table lamps or sconces.

Eccentric and whimsical lampshades can be made from cutlery. Forks, spoons or knives, assembled in a certain order, shock with their unusual design.

And, of course, the ubiquitous plastic. Plastic bottles and glasses, disposable tableware, children's toys. From any item you can create an extraordinary lampshade for a sconce, a cap for a floor lamp or a lampshade for a table lamp.

The decorating process is purely individual. Someone creates an exclusive chandelier from scratch, selecting electrical wiring, socket, and fastenings for the frame structure under the lampshade. Someone decorates a ready-made lamp by removing the old lampshade and replacing it with another one created with their own hands. But in both the first and second cases, a completely new and original lamp design is obtained.

Lamp made of wood strips

A wonderful veneer lampshade will be a stylish decoration for any interior. To make this beauty yourself, you will need veneer strips, glue and large clamps.

We bend the strip to form a circle, glue the joints and secure them with a clothespin. We do the same with the rest of the ribbons, forming a spherical figure.

During assembly, several ribbons need to be intertwined with each other in a checkerboard pattern. Try not to place the parts too closely together, otherwise the light from the lamp will be very dim.



Photo: furniture catalog54.rf

How to make a frame for a lampshade

Typically, a lampshade consists of two metal rings connected by jumpers (from 3 pieces). The shape of the frame can be trapezoidal, cylindrical or curly.

For the frame, wire made of any metal is suitable: copper, aluminum, steel. Using wire cutters, you need to cut two pieces of wire and make two circles out of them - one larger, the other smaller.

It should be noted that the design for the lampshade of a pendant chandelier is slightly different from the design of the lampshade of a table lamp, but in any case there is always another inner ring through which either the socket or the cord from the chandelier is threaded.

To work with wire, you will need wire cutters and round nose pliers (in order to make a neat loop to hold the wire together.

But, nevertheless, the most correct thing would be to buy a ready-made frame for the lampshade - fortunately, construction hypermarkets are full of them.

You can make a pattern for a lampshade like this:

So, the frame for the future lamp is ready and the most important thing to choose is the decor of the lamp and the material with which to work. We offer several options for making a lampshade with your own hands.

Lamp made from kitchen appliances

A wonderful lampshade can be assembled using simple spoons and forks. All that is required of you is to place a dozen devices around the light bulb on a suspension and secure it well with wire.

Since the sizes of such lampshades are small, it is better to decorate several pendant lamps with them, forming an ensemble. For the same purpose, you can use other kitchen utensils - for example, graters.



Lamp with butterflies

You can decorate your child’s room with a wonderful homemade chandelier with fluttering moths. Involve your child in its creation and the process will turn into an exciting time together.

You will need a sheet of Whatman paper. It is necessary to measure the required height of the lampshade and the length of the sheet with which the frame will be wrapped. Cut out the workpiece. Next, on the reverse side, draw butterflies in any order and cut them out using a sharp construction knife. These beauties will serve as pendants for our chandelier. Additionally, you can cut more of these moths from a separate sheet.

We wrap the frame with whatman paper and complement the composition with butterflies suspended on a fishing line. In the evening, when the chandelier emits light, many shadows of various moths will appear on the walls and ceiling.


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Sooner or later, the moment comes when the homeowner is firmly convinced that the interior of his apartment needs adjustments and certain changes that will diversify it and place the necessary accents. What, in your opinion, is the most successful interior detail from the point of view of decorative and functional indicators? Undoubtedly, these are original lighting fixtures. You can realize this by organizing the correct lighting of the room, which sets the tone for the entire interior, an integral element of which are lampshades for lighting fixtures. It is they, being the central element of the interior, that give the room originality and the lighting – unusualness. If you haven’t carried out renovations in the room for a long time and haven’t planned your budget, including the cost of lighting fixtures, you can make shades for the chandelier yourself. To do this, it is enough to develop an interior concept, choose a lamp design and make it yourself from scrap materials. And so that you can implement your plans as efficiently as possible, in our article we will tell you how to make a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands.


  1. DIY lampshades for chandeliers: a variety of ideas and materials
  2. Lampshade for chandelier made from wine bottles
  3. DIY lampshade for a chandelier made of threads and balloons
  4. Chandelier shade in shabby chic style
  5. Shades for chandeliers in minimalist style
  6. A variety of ideas for decorating chandelier shades with your own hands
      How to dim the lights in a room?
  7. Original handmade lampshades for sconces
  8. DIY decorative LED lamps
  9. Variety of LED lamps
  10. The procedure for making an LED lamp from LED strip

DIY lampshades for chandeliers: a variety of ideas and materials

At all times, things made with one's own hands have been valued. They will become not only an original interior decoration, but also the best souvenir for your friends, acquaintances and relatives. What is required to create a lamp? The basis of any handmade product is the original idea. If you have already decided on the concept of the future product, all you need to do is make an original frame for the chandelier and stock up on available materials, using which you can realize your ideas. Fortunately, there are enough such materials. You can use the most unexpected materials as decor for a future exclusive product:

  • wool threads;
  • wire;
  • Balloons;
  • lace;
  • muffin tins;
  • paper;
  • wine bottles;
  • glass jars and many other scrap materials.

If you are faced with difficulties when choosing lamps, cannot choose a shade for a chandelier that matches the style of the interior, or have found the necessary model, but its cost exceeds the cost of a crystal chandelier, we offer you a selection of step-by-step instructions for making designer lamps. As you can see, there are a sufficient number of original ideas, and if you asked the question: “How to update the shades on a chandelier with your own hands?”, We advise you to adopt the ideas proposed by our specialists.

Lampshade for chandelier made from wine bottles

To start implementing some ideas, all you need is desire. A person who has firmly decided to carry out his plans, without fear, crosses the boundaries of the unknown and successfully implements his plans. If you do not have experience in building a frame for lighting fixtures, but you really want to do it yourself, you will need a sufficient amount of information, which you can find in our article. Below you will find step-by-step instructions for creating designer shades for chandeliers, which were made by ordinary people who previously had no idea how to make them from improvised, seemingly unnecessary materials.

So, let's look at how to make a lampshade for a chandelier from wine bottles.

  • The first stage involves trimming the bottom of the bottle. To do this, you need to draw a straight line on the bottle. You will need it to use it to cut off the bottle bottom using a glass cutter;
  • To avoid injuring your hands with cut glass later, sand the sharp edges with sandpaper;
  • Pull the wire through the neck of the bottle. Once it is inside, connect the socket and lamp;
  • Select a mounting base and connect the bottles to the selected frame;
  • You can decorate the bottle using various materials or leave it in its original form;
  • The number of bottles taken for a chandelier is variable and can range from one to five to seven or more bottles.

DIY lampshade for a chandelier made of threads and balloons

The simplest lamp can be made from threads. The instructions for making such a lamp are so simple that even a child can handle it.

To do this you will need the following materials:

  • Threads. This can be ordinary jute twine or thick cotton threads, the total length of which is no more than 100 meters. The color selection is carried out taking into account your taste preferences and the color concept of the interior;
  • PVA glue and the brush you will use to apply it;
  • 2 balloons. You will need one of them for work, and the second for testing. It is recommended to use a round ball, which will ensure the correct shape of the lamp;
  • Petrolatum.

To make a lamp from threads, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  • The balloon is inflated to the required size. It is important to remember that the finished thread lampshade will follow the shape of the ball. Using a marker, draw one or two circles (top and bottom). In this case, the circumference at the bottom may be larger. They are necessary in order to delimit the area where the threads are wound;
  • PVA glue is poured into a container and the threads are carefully processed. Using a brush, coat the ball with Vaseline.

Important! Do not apply glue along the entire length of the thread. It is better to coat it as it is wound.

  • Taking into account the holes created after you drew two circles on the ball, wind the threads. Please note that the appearance of your future lampshade depends on the density of the winding;
  • After you have wrapped the ball, leave the future chandelier for at least 24 hours until completely dry;
  • After the lampshade made of threads has dried, the ball bursts, and its remains are removed from the lampshade, which has become durable. The result of this work is a lampshade made of solid threads;
  • A hole for the cartridge is cut in the upper part of the ball;
  • Finally, check the strength of the lampshade. To do this, another balloon is inserted into it and inflated. Using this technique, you can evaluate the flexibility of the design.

By making several lamps in accordance with the step-by-step instructions provided, you can install local lighting in the kitchen or hang a thread lamp in the dining area.

Important! As an additional decor for the chandelier, you can use original painting, artificial flowers or butterflies, and beads. A non-standard idea would be to make several balls, which are held together in such a way that they resemble a bunch of grapes.

Using the considered principle of making lamps, you can create original lampshades decorated with lace.

DIY lampshade for chandelier photo

Chandelier shade in shabby chic style

You can create spectacular room lighting by making a lamp from fabric or beads. The result of your work will be a candelabra chandelier or a shabby chic style lamp.

To do this you will need the following materials:

  • Wire, a hanging metal planter, an old hoop or garden basket from which you can make a frame;
  • Lamp socket;
  • Decorative chains and strong threads;
  • Various beads and seed beads.

The lampshade, made using the technology discussed below, is a two- or three-level structure of several rings, which are located one above the other and connected by wire or chains. Depending on the size of the rings you choose, the style in which your lampshade will be made will depend. If you take rings of different sizes, you can create a lampshade in the style of a vintage classic, and if you give preference to rings of the same size, you can become the owner of a lamp in the modern style.

Important! Before you start decorating a lamp that involves stringing beads, paint and wrap the frame with decorative materials.

Let's consider the consumption of beads during the implementation of this project:

  • In the process of making the lower part of the lampshade, you will need beads with a diameter of 16 mm in the amount of 15 pieces per thread;
  • In the process of making the upper part, you will need beads with a diameter of 12 mm at a consumption of 31-32 pieces per thread.
  • When stringing beads onto a thread, you can vary the number of threads and the degree of tension.

Important! Experienced craftsmen recommend carrying out the work after you have hung the chandelier and inserted the socket into it.

Similar to the described method, you can make a lampshade for a chandelier from artificial fruits. To create the effect of dim lighting, thick fabric must be used to cover the frame. A lampshade made using this technique will become an original addition to a kitchen in a country or Provence style.

Shades for chandeliers in minimalist style

A lampshade for a chandelier made from plastic cans or bottles becomes one of the most original lampshades made from waste materials. By making a lampshade in this way, you rely not only on beauty and cheapness, but also on environmental friendliness.

Due to the fact that to make such a lampshade for a chandelier you will not need additional decorations such as beads or threads, it will be made in a high-tech or minimalist style, and you will not be faced with the question: “How to decorate the lampshade of a chandelier with your own hands?” . In order to make such a lampshade, which will become the main element of dim lighting in the room, you only need colored or matte white plastic.

To make it you will need the following materials:

  • Base from a 5-liter plastic bottle;
  • A large number of disposable spoons;
  • Holder with lamp and wire;
  • Glue necessary for high-quality fixation of product elements;

To make a lamp from plastic materials in the minimalist style, you need to cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle, and the handles of plastic spoons, and this must be done in such a way that they have a small handle left. Using glue, fix the cut spoons on the bottle that serves as the base. To achieve the greatest attractiveness and organicity of your homemade lampshade, arrange them in an orderly manner, in rows. Each next row must be overlapped, leaving no gaps that could spoil the appearance of the lampshade.

When the chandelier is ready, you will notice that it resembles fish scales. It is important to remember that the design of the lampshade is characterized by a fairly high density, and therefore the lighting will become so dim that you will most likely need to place additional lamps in the room.

The shape of the lamp can be different. One of the options involves a lamp in the shape of a lotus. However, other, no less original decorations can be made from plastic spoons.

Another option for lighting fixtures made, one might say, from waste is a chandelier lampshade made from the bottoms of plastic bottles. It will appear lacy and, at first glance, consist of many small flowers.

Important! A lampshade made from plastic bottles can be not only white, but also colored - therefore, you will need to choose a colored bottle or paint the finished product in the desired color: from gold, copper and steel to pink and black. If you hang the finished lampshade in the kitchen above the table, it will be a great addition to the dining area.

A variety of ideas for decorating chandelier shades with your own hands

How to dim the lights in a room?

One of the “tools” for creating an intimate atmosphere in a room is the organization of dim lighting, and the main way to implement this idea is lampshades, which first appeared more than two hundred years ago and replaced their predecessors - dampers for candles and torches. If previously they were made only from fabric, today the use of crystal and broken glass is common for their decorative design. Today, the art of design has reached the apogee of its development, as a result of which the decorative design of hand-made products can be carried out using almost any materials.

Important! Today, a designer in the process of his work is not limited in the choice of materials for decoration - in the process of making lampshades he can use any details. At the same time, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion and taste by creating harmonious combinations of decorative elements.

A cozy lampshade, decorated with hand knitting, will be the best gift for your mother or grandmother.

Original handmade lampshades for sconces

Sconces are multifunctional wall lamps. Thanks to the diffused and subdued light they create, they can be placed in recreation areas and not be afraid for your vision. Today there are modern sconces that involve regulating the flow of light into the room. Such models must be installed in rooms during the operation of which it is necessary to change the direction of light flows. If you want to become the owner of designer, unusual sconces, create them yourself. Hand-made wall lamps, in the process of creating which you can show your individuality, will most successfully fit into the holistic concept of the interior of your room.

Sconces made from branches are distinguished not only by quick and simple production, but also by their original appearance.

The style of hand-made lampshades can be different and depends on the stylistic concept of the interior in which you plan to place them. In this regard, we can safely say that the answer to the question: “How to paint chandelier shades with your own hands?” strictly individual.

If you add sconces to the interior of a children's room, you can diversify the room, making it bright and playful. By hanging a sconce in your bedroom, you will make it more comfortable, adding a touch of peace. Dinner in a kitchen decorated with sconces will become more romantic.

You can decorate your baby’s room with a sconce in the shape of a birdhouse. To do this, just fix the birdhouse on the wall and place a lamp with a shade in the middle.

DIY decorative LED lamps

Due to the growing popularity of LED lamps, they are used not only in work areas, but also in home areas. One of the advantages of LED lamps is the ability to make them yourself. To make an LED design at home, you will need individual LEDs, which are installed in the body of a faulty lamp equipped with a power supply.

To replace a traditional incandescent lamp with an LED one, you do not need to dismantle the lamp or make adjustments to its design. Self-made LED lamps are most often part of decorative lighting, more often – the central element of ceiling lighting.

To make stylish LED lamps, you can use a variety of materials:

  • metal;
  • textile;
  • beads;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • old lamps.

Variety of LED lamps

LED lamps made from fabric can be used to decorate rooms and even clothing displayed at fashion shows. The use of LEDs allows you to place the necessary accents on your tapestry.

A DIY beaded LED lamp will become a work of art that will attract attention and delight others. From beads you can make both small table lamps and large-scale decorative panels made of beads with lighting.

If you plan to use a hand-made lamp as a decorative detail when decorating an interior in a classic style, it is recommended to use metal elements for the base during its manufacture.

The procedure for making an LED lamp from LED strip

The LED strip is a flexible board with built-in LEDs and current-limiting resistors. To make a lamp, you can cut a section of tape to the required length. The supply wires are soldered to the contact pads located next to the cut lines. There is an adhesive film on the back of the board. To cut the tape, you can use ordinary scissors.

Important! Experts recommend using 12 V LED strips.

You can use an old, used lamp as a housing for a homemade lamp.

The procedure for making an LED lamp from an old lamp is not difficult.

Disassemble the old lamp by gluing an LED strip to its inner surface. The printed circuit board removed from the old lamp can be used as a power supply for the new lamp. The instructions for making a lamp, presented in our article, assume the use of a transformerless power supply equipped with a ballast capacitor.

A lamp made in accordance with the presented diagram is suitable for illuminating the work area.

After selecting the circuit elements, place them on the board. In this case, excess parts from the old lamp must be removed. After this, connect the tape to the power supply, assemble the lamp and connect it to the network.

LED lamps are more relevant than ever. They can become both the central lighting element of the room and its decorative component. After reading our article, you are convinced that making lamps with your own hands is a fairly simple and, at the same time, creative activity, and as for the use of homemade lamps, you can find it yourself.

Lamp made of knitted napkins

An openwork lampshade can be made from knitted napkins. Its stunning reflections will create home comfort and a warm, peaceful atmosphere in the interior.

To form the frame you will need an inflated balloon, glue (it’s better to take wallpaper), napkins and a brush. The ball must be fixed in a suspended state. We dilute the glue according to the instructions.

We carefully lubricate each napkin with glue on one side and press it to the ball. The parts must touch. After complete pasting, let the ball dry. Then we burst it and carefully remove it. We have a wonderful knitted lampshade!


Photo: Photo:

Globe lamp

A wonderful homemade lampshade for a children's room can be made from a very ordinary globe. Cut it in half into two equal hemispheres. Make a small hole in the upper part of one half, insert a socket with a light bulb and holder. The chandelier is ready!

After installing the cartridge, you can glue the two halves back together, resulting in a glowing ball. A more creative option is to make small holes in the globe, “outlining” the contours of the continents. Such a lamp will bring a lot of pleasure to the child and will help in studying geography.

Photo: Photo:


How to make a chandelier with your own hands from thread tassels and hoops

What do you need

  • Yarn;
  • small photo frame;
  • scissors;
  • 3 sets of wooden hoops of different diameters;
  • 3 identical short and 1 long metal chains;
  • pliers;
  • bulb;
  • lamp pendant.

How to do

1. Wrap the yarn around the photo frame many times and cut. Take a small piece of thread and tie it on top of the yarn so that the ends remain. Cut the threads on one side, where the frame hole is located.

2. Remove the yarn from the frame and fold it in half. Place the knotted thread in the middle so that its ends are at the bottom and the loop is at the top. Details are in the video below. Cut another piece of thread and use it to tie a tassel just below the loop.

3. Make the rest of the tassels in the same way. The quantity depends on the diameter of the hoop. The threads should frame them tightly.

4. Remove the center hoops from all hoops - you won't need them. Open the large hoop and put some of the tassels on them by the loops.

5. Close the large hoop. Place the tassels on the rest in the same way.

6. Make nine pieces of thread. Place the middle hoop into the large one and tie them in three places at the same distance from each other.

7. Place a small hoop inside and tie it to the middle one in three places. These threads should be located approximately in the middle between those that connect the large and medium ones.

8. Turn the structure over and straighten the tassels. Tie short chains to a large hoop at equal distances from each other.

9. Using pliers, open the end link of a long chain. Place the attached chains on it and close it.

10. Attach the pendant to the ceiling, screw in the light bulb and thread the lampshade through the bottom. A long chain can be hung, for example, on a hook mounted on the ceiling next to the base of the chandelier.

Tree branch lampshade

For an eco-style apartment or cottage, a multi-lamp chandelier made from an ordinary thick branch would be an excellent solution. It’s not at all difficult to make, but the effect will be charming.

The wood must be washed, cleaned, dried and varnished (you can pre-impregnate it with stain to get the desired color). Next, fasten the branch to the ceiling surface with dowels, randomly hang it with light bulb sockets, fixing them with long wires. The lampshade is ready!

Photo: Photo:

How to make a lampshade from threads: step-by-step instructions with photos

Making a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands from threads is so easy that even a child can handle it.

The round lampshade looks very stylish. The simple geometric shape is universal; lamps with shades of this shape will organically fit into various modern interiors

To make a lampshade you will need the following materials:

  1. Threads. The thickness depends on your preference. These can be simple cotton threads or thick jute twine. It is not recommended to use woolen material, the structure of which is not entirely suitable for creating lampshades. The choice of color depends on the design of the room and personal preferences.
  2. A pair of round balloons, one of which is in reserve if the first one is damaged during the manufacturing process. Rubber balls are also used for the same purpose; they can be used to make a large-diameter lampshade.
  3. PVA glue, or starch, or good wallpaper glue.
  4. Marker.
  5. Brush for applying glue.
  6. Petrolatum.
  7. Energy-saving light bulb, lighting fixtures (socket and hanging cord).
  8. Oilcloth to cover the work surface.

Start by inflating the balloon to the desired size. At the same time, do not inflate it to the maximum possible size, so that when interacting with the threads, it does not burst. It is advisable that the ball be bright or contrasting with the color of the threads so that the layers are better visible.

Make a circle on the inflated ball with a marker; there will be a hole for the light bulb. The circle can be drawn by hand, but it’s easier to attach something round and circle it (for example, a plate)

Next, the ball needs to be lubricated with a thin layer of Vaseline. This is done to make it easier to separate the threads from the rubber surface in the future.

The next step is preparing glue or starch paste. Dilute wallpaper glue according to the instructions on the package. The paste is made like this: pour starch into a deep bowl, pour a glass of cold water over it and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Boiling water is added to the finished mixture. The result should be a thick mass. If you plan to lubricate the threads with PVA glue, then pour it into a container from which it will be convenient to take it with a brush.

Cover a table or other work surface with oilcloth so that drops of glue do not stain everything around. Dip the threads into the adhesive mixture or coat them gradually using a brush.

Wind the threads without going into the areas limited by the marker. It is not necessary to do this strictly horizontally or vertically; chaotic winding is no worse. The main thing is to avoid large gaps; the threads should evenly cover the entire surface of the ball

The ball is carefully hung by the tail and left for a day until completely dry. After 24 hours, the balloon is slowly deflated, being careful not to press on the hardened threads to prevent dents from forming. All that remains is to insert the socket with the light bulb and hang the finished lighting fixture in the right place.

The finished product can be decorated with beads, buttons, artificial flowers, stones, etc. The combination of several round lampshades looks interesting; their sizes and colors may vary

You don't have to spend a lot of money to create a cozy interior. You can independently create exclusive products that will decorate your home. So if you love handicrafts, it’s time to realize your ideas and, using available materials, create an original lampshade for a chandelier.

Lampshade from a hat

What could be simpler and at the same time original than making a lampshade out of a hat. Such a headdress is probably in the bins of grandparents. It is enough just to clean it thoroughly and string it onto a holder with a cartridge.

A lampshade-hat will be a good thematic decoration for a hallway or dressing room.

Photo: Photo:


It is quite possible to find a use for an old kettle by turning it into a useful piece of furniture - a lighting fixture. To do this, you will have to cut out the bottom and arrange a seat in the lid for a socket with a light bulb. The pendant must be attached to the handle.

Paint the teapot in a bright color, paste it with a pattern or coat it with a bronze composition, which will give the product a vintage touch.

A homemade lampshade made from a teapot will become a real decoration for the interior of a kitchen or country house. If desired, you can keep him company with pendant lamps with lampshades made of cups and saucers. It will turn out very beautiful!

Photo: Photo:

Security requirements

DIY lampshades must comply with fire safety standards

The lampshade is in direct contact with the lighting fixtures and is exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, when making it yourself, it is necessary to take into account fire safety rules:

  • the base is attached at a distance from the lamp determined by the power of the device - at least 7–10 cm
  • Flammable materials should not come into contact with the light bulb: fabric, plastic, threads, cardboard, paper, wood products
  • choose lampshades made of ceramics rather than plastic, since the latter do not dissipate heat well
  • It is forbidden to use an incandescent lamp

In a safe lamp:

  1. Fluorescent or LED lamps are used
  2. The materials for creating the base and frame are heat-resistant and do not emit toxic substances when heated
  3. A light bulb with a bright glow, but low power is used
  4. The internal walls do not heat up 15 minutes after connecting the device to the power supply.
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