MPC, PDU, OBUV, ODU - definition of concepts

General information

A remote control is a device that allows you to control a particular device remotely, without manipulating the buttons on the panel. Some of the most popular examples of using remote control in everyday life include:

  1. TV remotes. With their help, picture and sound settings are regulated, and TV channels are switched. Control devices for equipment that reproduces audio and video recordings operate on the same principle.
  2. Devices for air conditioning equipment. When the commands are set correctly, they allow you to maintain temperature, humidity and other parameters within the established standards, and regulate the ventilation of the room. The user can set the limits independently or select one of the existing programs.
  3. Products for automobiles. With their help, you can turn on the alarm and unlock the car.

Sanitary and hygienic standards

Working conditions in which constant work activities are carried out require maximum efficiency and performance. Sanitary (sanitary and epidemiological) rules and regulations (SanPiN) allow you to protect and minimize the risk of developing an occupational disease, and ensure rational working and rest conditions.

According to sanitary and hygienic criteria: atmospheric air humidity is normally 40-60%, temperature 22-25C, air speed 0.1 m/sec., noise up to 50-60 dB.

The health of workers depends on various factors in the working environment:

  • physical (radiation, vibration, noise, lighting, aerosols, temperature, etc.);
  • chemical (industrial poisons, dust);
  • biological (pathogenic microorganisms, helminths, etc.).

Occupational hazards and diseases are not inevitable, but they necessarily accompany a particular profession.

One of the most common harmful factors is noise.

Noise is aperiodic vibrations of material bodies with a frequency of 16,000 to 20,000 vibrations per second (1 vibration per second = 1 hertz).

According to the spectrum, noise is divided into 3 classes:

  • low-frequency (noise from low-speed units, noise coming from afar or through sound insulation);
  • mid-frequency (most industrial and household noise);
  • high-frequency (whistling, hissing, ringing noises that occur during rapid rotation or movement).

The development of noise pathology depends on the following main factors: duration of exposure (the more a person works in a noisy industry, the more clearly the impact manifests itself); spectral characteristics of noise (the most pathogenic are high-frequency noises); intensity of noise pressure (the stronger the noise, the faster it will cause the development of pathology).

Lighting plays an important role in the work environment. Natural lighting in a room depends on climatic conditions, the orientation of the building and its immediate surroundings, the size of the room and its internal structure, coloring, shape of windows, etc. Natural lighting is a powerful environmental factor, on which the quality of various events depends. When there is insufficient lighting, the visual analyzer and nervous system become overstrained.

To improve natural light, there are sanitary standards. In particular, the distance between adjacent buildings must be at least 2 times the height of the tallest building; planting trees - no closer than 15-20 m; It is advisable to have square windows; window sill height – no more than 0.9-1.0 m; the distance from the top of the window to the ceiling is no more than 0.4 m.

For normal natural lighting, the following sanitary standards have been established:

  • luminous coefficient (LC) is the ratio of the glazed part of the window/area to the floor area of ​​a given room. CK in a residential area is normally no less than 1:8; in classrooms – 1:6; in offices – at least 1:4;
  • natural light factor;
  • penetration ratio – no more than 1:2;
  • angles of incidence (at least 27) and openings (at least 5).

The intensity of artificial lighting is important. To determine its intensity, count the number of light bulbs in the room and add up their powers. The specific power of light bulbs is multiplied by a coefficient that shows how many lux the specific power of 1 watt gives, depending on the power of the lamps and the voltage in the electrical network.

Operating principle of the remote control

Dimmer what is it?

It can be considered using the example of an air conditioner control device. Both the device itself and the remote control have receivers designed to work with infrared light rays. The device receives a command, and the control device receives data from the sensors responsible for determining the temperature level. The system is indicated by the pressed button on the remote control (each of the keys corresponds to certain contacts that close when pressed once). The encoded signal goes to an infrared receiver. The code generated by the LED is recognized by the sensor. The system just has to decipher it and transform it into executing a given command.

Remote control for air conditioning

Important! Remote control allows you to optimize the operation of the device without increasing the noise level. Currently, there are programmable devices that have greater flexibility and variability of settings.


The quality of the environment is modified due to negatively influencing production factors. Humans are also exposed to it. In the workplace, there are concepts of maximum permissible concentrations and levels that, although they expose the human body to some toxicity, limit this effect.

MPC – maximum permissible concentration. It is understood as the maximum amount of exposure to a harmful substance, which over a long period of time does not have a detrimental effect on human health or nature.

MPL – maximum permissible level. It assumes the maximum level of a harmful physical factor (in the form of radiation, vibration), at which no destructive effect will be exerted on the human body or nature.

SDA – maximum permissible dose. The limit value of harmful agents that, when entering the human body, do not pose a danger.

Thus, the maximum permissible concentration of hazardous substances in the air of the working area should not exceed 0.1 mg/m3.

In order to avoid deterioration of health indicators, each employee must receive appropriate information about the type of work and the characteristics of the impact of its harmful factors on working conditions, the level of harmfulness, the risks of developing unfavorable conditions, chronic diseases and their complications, medical and preventive work carried out at this enterprise and etc.

Options and purpose of remote controls

Features of the use of remote control switches

These devices can be classified on various grounds. They are programmable and operate with a standard set of commands. Information can be transmitted through infrared radiation or ultrasound. There are mechanical products. The devices themselves can be stationary or mobile. They can be powered by a battery or through an electrical connection. There are also devices equipped with a laser pointer.

Remote controls are used to remotely control various types of household and professional equipment, including lighting fixtures. They are used in industry and construction, for working with robotics and aircraft models. It is possible to use these devices when working with any equipment that has electronic control.

Device for chandelier

Important! When using remote controls powered by batteries and rechargeable batteries, exhausted elements must be disposed of in specially designated containers or taken to battery collection points. Separate waste disposal significantly reduces the burden on the environment. Hygienic effects on the remote control are reduced to periodically wiping off dust with a dry cloth.

Basic Concepts

Working conditions are the totality of all factors of the labor process that should ensure the safety and working ability of the working population.

Occupational hazards are understood as factors in the working environment that can have an adverse effect on the health and ability to work of workers. Certain occupational hazards are inherent in certain specialties and are quite diverse and specific. With prolonged systematic exposure, they can lead to occupational diseases.

Occupational diseases include such forms of diseases (nosological units), in the occurrence of which the only or fundamental factor is occupational hazard.

Programmable remote controls, working with them

What is electricity

Like standard devices with a given set of commands, programmable ones are most often synchronized with the device via infrared wave radiation. A regular remote control works if the equipment responds positively to the signal, but if the answer is negative, it will not be able to do anything about it. A programmable device, if the signal is not recognized, can be subjected to firmware or special training.

Programming can be done in two different ways. In the first case, the device is trained using another remote control. The two devices must have their radiating elements directed at each other. After training, the new remote control learns the algorithms for operating equipment characteristic of the old one.

Another method is to install special firmware for the remote control. To avoid unexpected problems during installation, it is recommended to download only official firmware for the remote control, posted on the websites of equipment manufacturers. You need to use the latest firmware version for this device model. By connecting the remote control to a laptop or PC via a USB connector, you can transfer the file to the device.

Universal remote

How to program a universal remote

The programming method depends on whether the device has a code search button. If it is present, the user needs to directly enter the activation code given in the technical documentation. This must be done after turning on the controlled device, holding down the code search key and pressing the button of this device on the remote control once. If the mentioned key is missing, go another way. First, they press the device button, then simultaneously press the power button, then release them simultaneously. Then enter the code, press the power and “Stop” keys.

Control devices using programmable remote control

Universal remote controls are supplied with instruction manuals that provide information about what types and models of devices the remote control is compatible with. Some products can be used to control several different types of devices in parallel, or for use in multi-component systems (such as a home theater), which require two or three conventional remote controls. Programmable remote controls are produced for a wide variety of purposes: from television to those designed to work with complex radio equipment.

The use of remote control significantly facilitates control of the activities of household and industrial equipment. For better and more flexible control, it is advisable to purchase a programmable remote control.

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