MGTF, MGSHV, MSTP, MLTP, MPO, NV, PV... Installation wires, who are they?

Lately, questions from newcomers to our hobby have often appeared on the portal - which wires are best to use for installing their structures. I answered some in a personal message, but now I decided to post these tips in the form of an article. I’ll try to describe to you my understanding of the installation wires.


- current-carrying conductor - copper, tinned, multi-wire (tinned conductor, this does not mean that there is no need for tinning when soldering, it is protection against oxidation of the conductor), intermediate insulator made of fabric or fiberglass threads, main insulator PVC or radiation cross-linked polyethylene. Advantages: Flexible, due to the presence of an intermediate insulator, it is quite resistant to heating with a soldering iron, the insulation almost does not float. Disadvantages: Less common, less flexible than MGTF (core made from fewer thicker conductors), due to the presence of an intermediate insulator, it is difficult to clean, thread residues, if not removed, tend to get into the soldering, interfering and worsening contact, small selection of colors (white is most common , black, burgundy-brown), poorly woven into flagella and pairs (tends to unravel), although better than MGTF.

Types of cables

Installation conductors are classified according to different criteria. Depending on their purpose, cables are shielded or varnished. The conductors have a single-core, multi-core structure. The number of cores becomes no more than three pieces. This is due to the small conductor cross-section.

In electrical installation work, in addition to specialized installation markings

Three conductor grades are used:

  • RKGM - a cable consisting of one core with a cross-sectional area of ​​120 square millimeters;
  • PNSV is a single-core heating type conductor made of special steel;
  • VPP is a cable consisting of a copper thread with a 25 square millimeter cross-section. It is used in the operation of a well pump.

Installation cables are an important element in all electrical systems. For this reason, conductor selection must be carefully considered to ensure long-lasting, reliable structural performance.

↑ HB4

- conductor - copper, tinned, stranded, PVC insulator. Advantages: Price, many different colors, weaves well, cleans well. Disadvantages: Less flexible than MGTF; when soldering, the insulation floats and the cable “cleans itself” (the longer you heat the wire with a tip, the more it floats; in the absence of good soldering skills, this can be a problem). When purchasing, please note that NV and NV1 can be monocore (single-wire conductor). They have advantages, but a multi-core wire is more convenient. HB3 and HB4 should only be multi-core (but it’s not a sin to clarify).

Marking of cables and wires

When choosing a cable or wire, information about its structure and purpose can be obtained by knowing how to correctly decipher the markings.

Table: description of cable markings.

Sign numberPurposeDecoding
1Core materialA - aluminum letter missing - copper
2Cable purposeM - mounting
P (U) or Ш - installation

K - control

MG - mounting flexible

letter missing - power

3Insulation materialR - rubber
Ш - polyamide silk

C - fiberglass

B - PVC C - paper impregnated with special compounds K - nylon

E - shielded

P - polyethylene

NR - non-flammable rubber

D - double winding

4Design FeaturesG - flexible
K - armored with wire

T - for installation in pipes

O - braided

B - armored with ribbons

5Additional symbols characterizing the cable subtypez - filled
ng - non-flammable

HF - no smoke when burning

LS - does not emit gas when burning

71st digitnumber of cores
82nd digitsection
93rd digitRated voltage

These are designations adopted only for popular cables. Decoding of other types is on the tag, or it can be obtained from the seller.

↑ About the choice of installation wires

In the vast majority of cases I use MGTF
, I like it much more than all the others, and it’s still more reliable.
There is no chance of melting with a soldering iron if accidentally touched, etc. But when prototyping and assembling mounted circuits, NV-4
in different colors is more convenient, there is less chance of getting confused.

For a beginner I would recommend buying a set of wires like K/MOW

, it includes just the imported analogue of
in different colors with a cross-section of 0.2mm².
But here it’s up to you to decide, it’s a question of money and whether you will continue to be involved in our business. You can use wires from faulty equipment. But we must approach the issue with some caution. All plastics used as insulators are subject to aging and can harden and become brittle, which in turn can lead to damage to the insulation and short circuits.

Installation wires

This group includes wires intended for intra-instrument and inter-instrument installation, connections of electronic and electrical equipment.

Brands and design elements

Wires with polyvinyl chloride insulation are designed to operate at temperatures up to 70 0C, wires with irradiated polyethylene insulation - up to 100 0C (short-term up to 150 0C), wires such as MGTF and MS - up to 200 0C.

Designs of cables of KuPe grades for fire safety (In accordance with GOST R 53315-2009):

Cable versionAdd. index Example
With insulation and sheath made of polyvinyl chloride plastic, flame retardant when laid separatelyKuPe-OE
With insulation made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound, with a shell made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound of reduced flammability, flame retardant when laid in groups according to category Ang(A)KuPe-OEng(A)
With insulation and shell made of polymer materials of reduced fire hazard, with reduced smoke and gas emissions (LS - Low Smoke), flame retardant when laid in groups according to category Ang(A)-LSKuPe-OEng(A)-LS
With insulation and sheath made of polymer compounds that do not contain halogens (HF - Halogen Free), flame retardant when laid in groups according to category A and does not emit corrosive gaseous products during combustion and smolderingng(A)-HFKuPe-OEng(A)-HF
With fire-resistant insulation, with a shell made of polymer materials of reduced fire hazard, with reduced smoke and gas emissions (FRLS - Fire-resistance Low Smoke), flame retardant when laid in groups according to category A, fire-resistantng(A)-FRLSKuPe-OEng(A)-FRLS
With fire-resistant insulation, with a shell made of polymer compounds that do not contain halogens (FRHF - Fire-resistance Halogen Free), flame retardant when laid in groups according to category A, does not emit corrosive gaseous products during combustion and smoldering, fire-resistantng(A)-FRHFKuPe-OEng(A)-FRHF

Designs of cables of KuPe brands according to external influencing factors:

Cold-resistant versionHLKuPe-IEng(A)-LS-HL
Heat-resistant versiontsKuPe-IE-ts
Tropical versionTKuPe-IE-T

Design parameters

Wires of brands NV, HVM, NVE, NVME are gradated according to the operating voltage of alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz at 600 V and 1000 V and DC voltage 840 V and 1400 V, respectively, as well as by core classes.

The design parameters of these wires are given in Table 4.13-1. The nominal insulation thickness for a voltage of 600 V is 0.35 mm, for 1000 V - 0.45 mm. The color of the insulation can be specified when ordering the wire.

↑ About the cross-section of installation wires

Do not confuse section and diameter!
When we talk about cross-section, we mean the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor and it is measured in mm². I will give a couple of formulas from which it is easy to understand how the diameter of the wire and its cross-section are related to each other. Section formula from diameter

S = pi * R² = pi/4 * D²
Formula for diameter from section
D = 2 * √(S/pi)
S – cross-sectional area, pi – number Pi = 3.14, R – radius, D – diameter
The main rule is sections there can never be too much. This is of course not always the case, but in the vast majority of cases it is so. Remember the “mantra” for rough calculation: 1 mm² of copper conductor can carry current up to 10 Amperes for a long time.

This is a very simplified calculation, but for currents up to 20 Amps it is quite sufficient.

Installation wires and cables - types, purpose and application

You can find a huge number of different types of cables and electrical wires on the market. Each of them has different parameters and is designed for a specific task.

Choosing the right cable will ensure that the installation will be safe. On the official website Cable Alliance Holding LLC you can get acquainted with a large range of cable products and take advantage of favorable offers.

Electric wire

It conducts electricity (for example in electrical and telecommunications installations) and connects energy sources to electricity sinks. The main element of the wire is copper or aluminum wire. With nominal wire cross-sections ranging from 0.2 to 500 mm², the optimal conductor for the expected load can be selected.

↑ About the permissible voltage of installation wires

When we talk about current, we mean copper; when we talk about voltage, we mean insulation. I would like to draw the attention of fellow citizens that each wire has a rated voltage. For the wires listed here, this is ~600V
AC and
DC (except
AC and
For amateur radio designs this is usually more than enough, but
it is imperative when building lamp technology

Everything stated here is IMHO, based on technical information on the wires and personal experience.

Ask questions in the comments. Experienced Datagorians, post your personal experience. If there are a lot of questions and experience, we will add to the article.

Types of wires

When choosing a wire, the conditions of its operation and the power of the connected equipment are taken into account.

With one core

Aluminum wire is designated APV. PVC insulation withstands exposure to aggressive substances well and is not afraid of high humidity. The bending radius is at least 10 times the diameter of the wire.

If the copper core is single-wire, then its cross-section is 0.75-16 mm², multi-wire - 16-95 mm². When laying a line there will be a lot of bends, it is better to use PVC, because This wire is more flexible.

For the manufacture of electrical cords

Household appliances are connected only with copper electrical cords:

  1. The PVS wire is characterized by high flexibility and can withstand up to 3 thousand bends. It is used to connect electrical appliances in networks up to 380 V. It is not suitable for laying channels inside walls, because after a few years, its external insulation begins to deteriorate.
  2. ShVVP - characterized by increased flexibility. Used to connect low-power devices and lamps. Does not apply when creating hidden wiring.


Wires whose cores are in the same plane are called flat. They are divided into types:

  1. PBPP (PUNP) - capable of transmitting voltage up to 250 V, mainly intended for lighting.
  2. PBPPg (PUGNP) - due to stranded conductors, it has higher flexibility (at least 6 diameters).
  3. APUNP - unlike PUNP, it has a single-wire aluminum core with a cross-section of 2.5-6 mm², other characteristics are similar.

With jumpers

The peculiarity of such products is that there are jumpers between the cores; they are made of the same material as the insulation:

  1. PPV - capable of transmitting current up to 400 Hz and 400 V. It tolerates high humidity well, is resistant to acids and alkalis, and does not burn.
  2. APPV differs from the previous brand in that it is aluminum and its minimum cross-section is 2.5 mm². Used for open power wiring and lighting.

What is installation stranded wire

An installation stranded wire is an electrical product that serves to connect a source of electric current to a consumer and has flexible, reliable protection from external influences. Multicore copper cable, which contains several twisted insulated cores, with a light non-metallic sheath. It is used to make stationary meter gasket.

What does a stranded installation conductor look like?

For your information! It may have a different number of cores, but no more than three with a cross-section of 0.05-6 mm. Operates under direct and alternating voltage if it has film or fiberglass insulation.

Explanation of the purpose of the product

About wires

Without touching on the history of the origin of wires, although it is interesting and instructive in itself, it should be noted that various types of wires have been created. The best place to start here is with a definition and terminology:

  • wire or electrical wire - a product containing one or more wires (insulated strands) twisted together, covered with a non-metallic sheath (insulation);
  • cable -
  • contains one or more insulated conductors enclosed in a protective covering. In essence, the cable is a prefabricated unit.
  • .

Based on the definitions, these products, also called cable and wire products (CPP), have two main elements - conductor and insulation. It is the features of their design, as well as the material used in manufacturing, that determine the entire variety of gearboxes. However, two groups should be distinguished:

  • power;
  • assembly

The first ones are intended for laying power transmission and distribution lines, the second ones are for organizing the exchange of information between individual devices, including those located remotely. And each of these groups has its own requirements, and they only become more stringent over time. As are the conditions in which the checkpoint has to operate.

Wire Specifications

Since there are a number of installation single-core and multi-core soft wires, they all have different cross-sections of conductive wires, rated operating voltage and operating temperature range. In addition, they have different numbers of cores, insulation thickness, wire material and outer diameters.


If we average the technical parameters of all available types, we can indicate that the core cross-section is about 0.07-4 mm, the rated voltage is 24-1000 V, the outer diameter is 1.0-5.4 mm, the number of cores is 3, insulation thickness - 0.2-0.25 mm, wire material - copper, steel, aluminum, and operating temperature range from −50 ° C to 105 ° C.

Note! The length of the wire is about 60 m, the service life is from 10 to 15 years. They have a minimum bending angle that does not exceed 5d.

Cables for information transmission

Antenna cables


Intended for transmitting signals from electronic equipment. This cable is coaxial, copper core, which has a cross-section of 1 mm. Polyethylene insulation.

RG-6 cable

Cable RK 75

It is considered the best for transmitting video signals to various antennas and video cameras. It can be used to transmit multiple sources at once.

Cable RK 75

Sectional view of cable RK 75


It has many varieties. The main feature is that it is resistant to temperature and various shock loads.

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