How to choose and make your own garage lighting

Requirements and standards for light in the garage

Lighting standards in garages are laid down in the building codes and regulations 05/23/2010 “Natural and artificial lighting” (instead of SNiP 23-05-95) and the set of rules 52.13330.2011 “Natural and artificial lighting”

Minimum illumination level requirements: value given in lux

In addition, it is worth considering the energy efficiency of the lighting system and its safety. Hot and explosive liquids stored in garages pose a danger. Therefore, wiring and light sources must comply with fire safety requirements.

Because the garage is not the cleanest room. It contains moisture and dust, so lighting fixtures must have high moisture and dust resistance.

Why LEDs?

This issue is actively discussed at many conferences on the modernization of both household and industrial lighting systems. The answer to this question lies in the undeniable advantages of LEDs, the main of which are:

  • minimal energy consumption;
  • excellent light characteristics;
  • absence of harmful substances;
  • huge service life.

Of course, the garage lighting can be left at the same, outdated level, if you go into it about once a week for 10 minutes. In other cases, you need to think about replacing fluorescent, halogen and incandescent lamps with new lighting sources. Today, in the garage, it’s time to switch to a new lighting format.

The small size of the light-emitting crystals allowed developers to design new lamps for any existing type of base. It turns out that some lamps in the garage can continue to be used without spending money on buying new ones.

If you use LED strips as lighting devices, you can do without bulky and breakable lampshades. The dispersion of the chips along the entire length of the LED strip gives the effect of uniform distribution of the light flux throughout the room, which was impossible to achieve in spotlights. As a result of such a contour distribution, the likelihood of dark zones appearing is practically zero. In addition, the tapes do not have a fragile glass bulb, which is a clear advantage for a garage.

Another advantage of innovative garage lighting is that semiconductors do not change their physical properties at low temperatures and can be used down to -50°C. This is quite important considering that in most cases garages are not heated.

Organization of lighting in the garage

Multi-level lighting

When organizing lighting, some factors are taken into account:

  • ceiling height and total area;
  • layout of work areas and lighting standards for them;
  • material and color of wall, ceiling and floor coverings (light colors reflect light, while dark colors absorb light);
  • selection of the type of lamps and associated equipment.

From SNiP 05/23/2010 it is clear that different areas require different luminous flux. Therefore, it is wise to zone lighting in the garage for areas where individual work is being carried out. It is convenient to provide general lighting and local illumination of work areas. For example, organize general lighting for the car storage area and local bright lighting in the inspection pit and repair area. The inclusion of such zones should be organized by separate groups of switches.

It is recommended to use multi-level lighting: it is most effective, especially when the ceiling height is above 3 meters.

  1. Ceiling lighting.
  2. Light at a height of 1.8 m from the floor.
  3. Light at a height of 0.75 m from the floor.
  4. Light at a height of 0.4 m from the floor.

Also, general lighting fixtures must have a durable protective shade with a light diffuser. And on lamps located below one meter from the floor, it is worth installing a metal grill to protect them from damage.

A lamp intended for local illumination must be located outside the field of vision of a person during operation so as not to dazzle or irritate the eye. Such lamps must also be securely fastened in the desired position.

Lighting devices can be stationary and portable. Stationary ones are fixed in a certain place. Portable lamps include table lamps, lanterns, and spotlights. They are indispensable when repairing a car, when you need to illuminate a hard-to-reach place.

Types of lamps used

According to the installation method, garage lamps are divided into:

  • Invoices; This type is wall or ceiling mounted. However, it should be borne in mind that if the wall lamp is located below 2 meters from the floor level, then it must be packed in a protective casing to avoid accidental damage by humans. The metal casing must be grounded. As an example, these are models NBP, NPO, fluorescent LSP or LPO for 18-36 W lamps, which are often used as ceiling lamps.
  • Built-in; They are mounted in a wall or ceiling and are located in the same plane with it. Which is sometimes very convenient. As an example, the round LED lamp is the Premium 12W series.

Types of light sources for the garage

Characteristics of various light sources

There are four types of light bulbs suitable for domestic spaces. Their comparative properties are presented in the table.

Incandescent lamps

A classic version, familiar to everyone since childhood. The advantages include the low cost of the lighting device, reliable operation at sub-zero temperatures and in conditions of high humidity and dust. Good color rendering index: colors are not distorted. But incandescent lamps do not burn for long and consume a lot of electricity. The light output from them is the lowest. The light is warm. To protect against glass bulb fragments, it is recommended to place incandescent lamps in a special protective shade.

Halogen lamps

Similar in design to incandescent lamps, only iodine or bromine is added to the inert gas in the flask. Due to the addition of halogens, service life and light output are increased. A halogen lamp can withstand sub-zero temperatures, humidity and dust, but breaks due to voltage surges. Costs more than an incandescent lamp. Energy consumption is high. It is advisable not to mix used lamps with ordinary glass, since the halogen bulb is made of quartz glass. It is undesirable to touch halogen light sources with bare hands - this will cause the bulb to blacken and damage the lamp. The light is warm.

Fluorescent lamps (FL)

Fluorescent lamps are much more expensive than incandescent lamps. The flask is filled with mercury vapor, which makes the light source dangerous if the integrity of the flask is damaged. Additionally, there are difficulties with disposal: it is prohibited to throw away LL with household waste. It takes time to warm up before reaching the power level declared by the manufacturer. LLs do not work well at temperatures below +5⁰. They are sensitive to voltage changes, high humidity, and frequent switching on and off. Low color rendering index. The advantages of fluorescent lamps include low energy consumption, long service life, and high level of light output.

Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps

They have the highest level of luminous efficiency and burn longer than other types. Continue to work if the bulb is damaged. They shine at low temperatures and high humidity. They have a wide range of color temperatures:

  • warm white (warm white, WW) – color temperature 2800-3300 K;
  • neutral white (NW) – 3300-5000 K;
  • cold white (cool white, CW) – over 5000 K.

A cool or neutral color is more suitable for a garage, depending on how long you work in it. Cold light invigorates, increases performance, but over a long period of time causes discomfort to the eyes and nervous system. Cold is suitable for short-term use. For long-term work, it is better to choose neutral light. LED light bulbs are energy efficient: they consume the least amount of electricity. The disadvantages of LED lamps include high price and sensitivity to voltage changes. Some models are powered by 12V, which will require additional equipment.

Thus, when choosing lamps for a garage, first of all, you should be guided by the duration of operation in it. For short visits, an incandescent or halogen lamp is sufficient. When working for a long time, it is better to use LED light sources: having spent money on purchasing light bulbs, you will forget about replacing them for a long time and save on electricity bills. Fluorescent lamps are best used in a heated garage. And in an unheated room they should be duplicated with incandescent or halogen lamps.

Advantages and disadvantages of LEDs

LED garage lights have a number of important advantages over competing devices:

  1. Economical energy consumption. LEDs consume ten times less electricity compared to conventional incandescent lamps and three times less than fluorescent light bulbs.
  2. Safety (both during operation and during disposal).
  3. Long service life. LEDs are designed for 10 – 12 years of operation (100 thousand hours).
  4. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  5. No overheating, which ensures fire safety. In addition, LED lamps operate at a very low voltage - 12 volts, which dramatically reduces the risk of ignition during a short circuit.
  6. Lack of consumable components in the design of the lighting fixture. In other words, there is no need to change light bulbs, chokes and other parts.
  7. Fast shutdown and no flickering.
  8. Environmental safety due to the absence of mercury and other harmful substances.
  9. Technical reliability: frequent switching on and off does not lead to failure of the lighting device.
  10. Resistance to high and low temperatures, to temperature changes.
  11. Easy installation work. Installation of the LED device takes a few minutes.

Lighting devices of this type are not without their disadvantages:

  1. Not the highest light brightness levels when compared with competitors.
  2. The light spectrum is narrowly focused, which is why you will need many light bulbs.
  3. Many consumers note that the glow is uncomfortable for the eyes.
  4. LED lights are quite expensive. In the future, the costs will pay off due to the energy efficiency and durability of the equipment, but at first you will have to spend money.
  5. Over time, LEDs begin to “degrade,” which manifests itself in a decrease in light brightness.

Calculation of the number and power of lamps for the garage

The luminous flux is calculated based on the area of ​​the room (m2) and the illumination standard. According to SNiP 05/23/2010, for storing a car, the illumination must be at least 20 lux, and for repairs ten times higher than 200 lux. If we take a standard garage with dimensions of 6x4 m, then its area will be 24 m2. We multiply the values ​​of the norm and area and get the required luminous flux: 200 × 24 = 4800 lumens (lm). Let's round up to 5000 lm.

Remember that SNiP provides minimum values. If you want a brighter garage, increase the lighting.

Next, we will convert the resulting number of lumens into more understandable watts and the number of light bulbs. A table of comparative powers of different types of lamps will help us. (The power of halogen light sources is the same as that of incandescent lamps).

Comparison of power of lamps with the same luminous flux

Luminous flux values ​​are approximate; You can find out more precisely on the packaging of a particular light bulb. Based on the table, the calculated 5000 lm can be obtained in different ways (the calculation is given for LED light bulbs and other types of similar power):

  • two 30 W LED bulbs (fluorescent 80 W, incandescent/halogen 200 W);
  • four 15 W LED bulbs (fluorescent 30 W, incandescent/halogen 100 W);
  • seven 10 W LED bulbs (fluorescent 15 W, incandescent/halogen 60 W).

You can use an even larger number of low-power lamps, but this option is not very convenient for a garage.

For convenience, the luminous flux should be evenly distributed throughout the room. Therefore, the most convenient option is the second one, with four 15-watt LED bulbs evenly suspended on the ceiling. However, the final option depends on the specific dimensions of the garage.

Requirements and regulation of garage lighting

Before choosing a lamp and the type of light bulb into which it will be screwed, it is necessary to calculate the required level of illumination. All standards regarding lighting are given in a special document - SpiN. It specifies lighting standards for each room or section of the street. The garage has several functional places, which include:

  • vehicle parking. In small garages designed for one car, an inspection hole is always placed under the parking area;

Illumination of car parking space

  • rack with tools;
  • inspection hole.

In each functional area, lighting should be provided at a level that will allow the necessary manipulations to be performed safely and efficiently. It must be remembered that the standards are a boundary line, below which lighting will cause obvious discomfort to people’s eyes. But it is allowed to slightly overestimate these standards, since small upward deviations are not so noticeable to the visual analyzer. You can make the necessary calculations yourself. So, to determine what the standard of illumination should be for a particular garage, you need to know the following parameters:

  • general dimensions of the room;
  • type of lamp and light bulb. In this case, both are LED;
  • standards prescribed in SNiP for garages and certain areas thereof (in order to know what to build on).

To calculate this parameter with your own hands, you need a special formula. But today, an online calculator can do all the necessary calculations for you. Its use will allow you to avoid errors and if you correctly enter all the calculation parameters, the program will give you the exact result. Having the standard of illumination in hand, you can easily calculate with your own hands how many lighting fixtures you will need, as well as how much power you need to use the light source.

Examples of light source distribution schemes

As mentioned above, lighting a garage with one powerful lamp is irrational. However, if you choose this option, then it is better to mount the only light source on a rotating bracket. This way you can vary the light flux and direct it in the right direction.

But it’s still better to use more lamps. They can be arranged in different ways. Since there is usually a car in the center of the room, it is more effective to illuminate the side spaces rather than the center. After all, it is in them that you will carry out certain work. A good option would be to place ceiling lamps along the walls, and one of them should be placed above the hood of the car.

The same effect can be achieved by placing lamps in the corners or along the walls under the ceiling.

Lamp placement options

The easiest way to illuminate work areas is with a regular table lamp, mounted low above a workbench or table. Remember that the light source should not dazzle or hit your eyes. It is convenient if the lamp can be turned in the desired direction.

Wrong table lighting option

The right table lighting option

It is more difficult to illuminate hard-to-reach places: wheels, etc. There are several ways:

  • bottom lighting (at a height of 0.4-0.7 m from the floor level);
  • use a portable light source - the simplest and most effective option (for example, an LED spotlight);
  • mount rotating lamps on a bracket - the light can be blocked by a person.

Multi-tiered garage lighting

What should the light be like?

An LED lamp installed in a garage, in order to comply with the standards and requirements prescribed in SNiP, must produce light with the following characteristics:

  • uniform;
  • bright;
  • as close to natural light as possible;
  • the luminous flux should cover either the entire garage area (ceiling lamps) or the area that it illuminates (wall-mounted, portable lamps);
  • The light should not blink during combustion or create other lighting effects that could negatively affect a person’s visual acuity.

Color rendition of different light sources

It is these parameters, as well as power and color temperature, that the choice of an LED light source should be based on. It should be noted that the light bulb must provide high color rendering so as not to distort the colors of objects. For a garage, this aspect is especially important, since various manipulations can take place here that require high color rendering of objects (for example, painting some parts of the car body, connecting LED lighting with a wire, etc.).

Types of portable garage lights

A portable light source for a garage can be powered by batteries, an accumulator, or an electrical outlet. Degree of protection – IP44. In addition, it must have a metal casing to protect against mechanical damage and a mounting device: a hook, a magnetic holder, a stand, etc.

A huge number of mobile lighting devices are produced. The best types of lamps are presented below.

Portable LED lamp AVS CD607A – the best choice in terms of service life

Luminaire AVS CD607A


  • Bright: number of LEDs – 60 pieces.
  • Powered by a built-in battery, it shines for up to 7 hours without recharging. You can charge either from a 220 V network or from a 12 V cigarette lighter. Fast charging time: 2-3 hours. Charger included.
  • Service life: up to 100,000 hours.
  • Double fastening: hook or magnetic holder with 360⁰ rotation function.
  • Shockproof housing.
  • Operating temperature range: from -60⁰С to +60⁰С.


  • One of the disadvantages is the lack of a charging control function: you will have to measure the time yourself.
  • The lantern is not dismountable.
  • Price: about 1800 rubles.

Portable lamp with switch UNIVERSAL 966U-0105 – the best choice for the price

Lamp UNIVERSAL 966U-0105


  • Powered by 220 V mains.


  • You can use any light bulb with an E27 socket with a maximum power of 60 W.
  • Metal lamp with anti-corrosion coating.
  • Hangs on a hook.
  • PVA type wire of different lengths: 5 (model 0105), 10 (model 0110), 15 meters (model 0115).
  • Switch on the handle.
  • The price depends on the cord: 300-400 rubles for a 5-meter cord.


  • Low degree of protection: IP20.
  • The wire becomes hard in cold weather.

LED stationary battery lamp NORDBERG 1911 3.6 V – the best in built-in functions

Lamp NORDBERG 1911


  • 2 brightness modes: maximum (800 lm) is enough for 2.5 hours of operation, minimum (440 lm) – for 5 hours.
  • Lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 5000 mAh 3.6 V. Charging time 4 hours. Charging occurs via a USB connector.
  • Aluminum body with rubberized edges.
  • Built-in battery indicator.
  • There is a connector for charging a mobile phone.
  • Overcharge, overdischarge and automatic shutdown protection functions.


  • Price: about 3000 rubles.
  • Poorly protected from impacts.

Portable LED lamp SOROKIN 40.110 is the most reliable.

Lamp SOROKIN 40.110.


  • Service life 15,000 hours (under ideal conditions)
  • Color temperature 4000-4500 K.
  • Operates from a 220 V network.


  • Protection degree IP65.
  • A ten-meter flexible cord with PVC braiding with reduced fire hazard and increased frost resistance (from -50⁰С to +65⁰С).
  • Steel hook for fastening the flashlight and magnetic holder.


  • Quite expensive, about 1800 rubles.
  • Not very bright: luminous flux 450 lm.

Criterias of choice

When choosing LED lamps for the garage, the choice of models should be made according to the following criteria:

  • installation method. In the garage you can install both ceiling and wall models. Here the choice depends on what type of lighting you want to organize: general (ceiling lamps are needed) or local (wall and portable lamps);
  • moisture protection class. It must be above IP 54;

Moisture-proof lamp for garage

  • increased protection against mechanical damage;
  • terms of Use. Before purchasing a lamp, you should definitely ask what operating conditions the device is designed for;
  • manufacturer. It is best to buy products from already proven brands, avoiding Chinese models if possible. They do not always work efficiently and often fail in the first months of operation;
  • price. LED products are not the cheapest, but you can choose models that will meet all of the above requirements and not be that expensive.

Based on these selection criteria, you will most likely choose the most profitable and optimal option for yourself. Now all that remains is to figure out what you actually need to make a choice from.

Lighting in the garage pit

You won’t see anything in the viewing hole without artificial light. However, the pit is a complex object in terms of electricity. The difficulties are as follows:

  • high humidity;
  • a person in a pit is grounded through the ground or wet concrete;
  • it is impossible to quickly leave the pit in case of danger.

Therefore, it is recommended to use low-voltage lighting for the inspection pit: a maximum of 24 V DC and 36 V AC. However, it is easiest to install 12-volt lamps. There are many of them available and they are inexpensive. Low-voltage light sources require an additional power supply. The transformer is mounted strictly in the distribution board. Do not use an autotransformer.

The lamps must be waterproof, the light from them must be directed mainly upward - to the bottom of the car. Protective shades are installed on top of the lamps and grounding is provided. Lamps that are mounted on the walls of the pit should be in a niche at shoulder level. It is better to paint the walls with white paint.

Lamp in a niche

Sockets and switches are mounted outside the pit on the walls or in the panel to avoid short circuits due to liquid leakage.

The wiring must be hidden and protected from moisture with a special cable channel.

An interesting option is to use LED strip. It is sealed and low voltage. The specific power must be at least 4 W/m.

Illumination of the inspection pit with LED strip

Any other waterproof low-voltage lamps will also work well. The main thing is to position them so that the light goes upward.

Options for lighting the inspection pit

LED lighting for garage and pit, photo, video

If you have a garage and you want to provide convenient and comfortable lighting in it, then LEDs will, of course, be the best choice. They are very popular primarily due to their brightness and energy efficiency. Today I will tell you how to make garage lighting using LED lights and LED strip.

Contents of the article about LED garage lighting

  • LED Garage Lights
  • How to calculate the amount of LED lighting in a garage
  • DIY garage lighting with LED strip
  • Installation of LED floodlights for garage lighting
  • The importance of quality garage lighting
  • DIY LED garage lighting
  • LED lighting for inspection pit in garage
  • Helpful Tips for LED Garage Lighting
  • Video about garage lighting with LED strip
  • LED lighting catalogs
  • Additional material on this topic
  • Return to Yandex search
  • or write a comment

LED Garage Lights

LED garage lighting is done using LED lights (ceiling and wall) and strip. LED garage lights differ in the type of base, number and power of lamps and price.

LED garage lights, model prices:

Modelvendor codePowerBaseprice, rub.
ARCTIC SMCARCTIC 118 (PC/SMC)1×18G24d-21100
ARCTIC 128 (SAN/SMC)1×28GX24q-42400
ARCTIC 136 (SAN/SMC)1×36G131300
ARCTIC 236 (PC/SMC)2×36G132100
INOXINOX 2182×18G135900
INOX 236 ES12×36G139000
ARCTIC ReflectorARCTIC 149 (SAN/SMC)1×49G532900
ARCTIC 236 (SAN/SMC)2×36G132700
ARCTIC 2582×58G53500
ARCTIC 218 (SAN/SMC)2×18GX8.51500

If the garage is wired, it is not necessary to replace the old lamps with new LEDs. It is easier to purchase several pear-shaped or spherical LED lamps. T8 LED lamps are also suitable.

Main advantages of LED lamps:

  • consume little energy;
  • have a long service life;
  • do not heat up;
  • provide bright lighting.

LED lamps in the garage

How to calculate the amount of LED lighting in a garage

When lighting any room, you should be guided by the main rule: there should be enough light. A garage, like any other building, has its own lighting standards. It has long been known that LED lighting is most suitable for a car garage and pit in it. This is due to the fact that LED lamps and strips do not heat up, which means their use negates the risk of a fire in the garage, where fuel, automobile oils and other flammable materials are often stored.

But how do you know how much LED lighting is needed for each specific garage? This can be done using the following formula: O=M x P/K .

This formula uses the following values:

  • O – lighting;
  • M – power of the lighting device per 1 sq. m.;
  • P – garage area;
  • K – number of lighting fixtures.

Using this formula, simply rearranging the values, you can find out the number of LED devices needed to illuminate the garage and pit. You can do this even simpler.

According to technical standards per 1 sq. m of garage space accounts for 20 W of the power of a conventional incandescent lamp or 4 W of the power of an LED lamp.

Let's say there is a garage with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. This means we need 20 sq.m. multiply by 4W LED lamp power. As a result, we get 80 W - the minimum required amount of general garage lighting.

If there is a pit in the garage, the amount of lighting required for this area of ​​the room can be calculated in a similar way.

When calculating, you should also take into account the height of the garage. The premises in which trucks and special equipment are stored have a height of 2.5 meters and above. Here you need to add +50% of the required amount of light for every 50 cm of height. That is, if for a garage without a pit with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. and a height of 2.5 m. you need 80 W of LED lighting, then for a room of the same area, but with a height of 3 m, you will need 120 W of LED lighting. This is due to the fact that as the height of the building increases, the luminous flux of the light sources located in it is gradually lost. Thus, by adding additional lighting, we will compensate for the loss of light.

DIY garage lighting with LED strip

LED strip is a flexible silicone strip with an adhesive backing, inside of which there are LEDs. The LED strip is connected to a 12 V or 24 V power supply. The thickness of such a strip is 2-3 mm, width – 8-20 mm. They are sold in reels of 5 m. Usually one reel can be connected to one power supply. If you need to install a longer segment, you will have to use several power supplies or an RGB amplifier. If there is no electrical wiring in the garage, the LED strip can be connected to an old car battery and thus save on electrical wiring.

LED strips are sold with color temperatures ranging from 2700 K to 10000 K. I would not recommend using the first option for a garage, since this color has a muted yellowish tint. A garage needs cool, bright daylight, which is most suitable for a room where renovation work is being carried out. So for a garage, an LED strip with a color temperature in the range from 4000 K to 6500 K is best suited.

The LED strip is easy to install. The tape has an adhesive base on the bottom so it can be stuck to a clean, smooth wood or metal surface just like tape. If the garage wall is painted, you can apply the tape to it as well. But best of all, it is glued to a special metal profile, which in this case will not only serve as the basis for attaching the tape, but will also play the role of a radiator.

The easiest way to install an LED strip in a garage is to stick two long pieces along the length of the walls of the room and one in the center of the ceiling.

The most commonly used types of LED strips for garage lighting:

  • SMD 3528, 300 Led , IP 33, Econom - low-power LED strip with indicators of 4.8W and 210 Lm/m, its average price is 90 rubles/m;
  • SMD 5050, 300 Led, IP33 is a powerful, expensive analogue with 14.4W and 660 Lm/m, the average price of which is 130 rubles/m.

Lighting a garage with an LED strip is practically no different from lighting a house with an LED strip. There are only a few nuances:

  • requires less bright light;
  • It is advisable to arrange autonomous lighting, for example, since electricity is not always supplied to the garage.

The LED strip in the garage is arranged like this:

1. We use a cool white LED strip with a voltage of 12V as a light source. If there is a 220 V current source, we buy a power supply. We talked about connecting the power supply to the LED strip in another article. If there is no electricity, we use a car battery.

2. My garage has dimensions of 7x7 m. To illuminate it, I bought 9 m of LED strip, the power is about 90 W. The cost of the LED strip in the garage turned out to be inexpensive - 1000 rubles.

3. Take care of the light diffuser. To do this, you can use old LB-40 fluorescent lamp shades. We clean and degrease the surface using an adhesive layer, and attach the LED strips.

4. We install the light source, namely LED strips in the garage, so that the lighting is uniform at all points. The best option is to install light sources on the sides. Additional tape may be on the ceiling. A good option is an LED strip on both sides and several lamps around the perimeter of the ceiling.

5. After that, I connected the tape and ran a two-core wire to the car battery (or to the power supply).

6. Close the lampshade with a lid. That's all. The LED strip in the garage has turned into a universal autonomous light source.

Installation of LED floodlights for garage lighting

LED floodlights are suitable not only for illuminating the area around the garage, but also for its premises. Since LED floodlights were created as outdoor lighting devices, as a rule, they have increased resistance to humid environments, as well as to heat, which is detrimental to light diodes.

The LED spotlight consists of a number of parts:

  • bright LED lamp;
  • voltage transformer;
  • reflector;
  • radiator

An LED floodlight for garage lighting must have a protection index of at least IP44. As a rule, such a spotlight is connected to a regular 220 V network.

As additional lighting in the garage, you can use a portable LED spotlight. This lighting device will become your indispensable assistant, with the help of which you can not only illuminate the car from the pit, but also provide additional lighting for the engine and other components of the car.

Price for LED spotlights

No.Model namePrice in rubles
1.LED spotlight 10W/220v/800 lm340,00
2.LED spotlight 20W/220v/1600 lm607,00
3.LED floodlight 20W/220v/1600 lm with built-in motion sensor950,00
4.LED spotlight 50W/220v/4000 lm1015,00

The importance of quality garage lighting

Good levels of garage lighting are critical for every car owner. Nobody wants to move around in the dark or search for the right tool in the twilight. If there is insufficient lighting, it will be difficult not only to carry out any daily maintenance on your car, but even to navigate normally. In addition, you can even damage your car when parking.

Benefits of LED Garage Lighting

LED lighting sample

1. Long LED life.

Traditionally, fluorescent lamps are used in the garage. Today, however, LEDs are overtaking them in popularity. More and more garage owners are choosing them over fluorescent lights because of their benefits. Unlike fluorescent lamps, LEDs can last up to three years or about 50,000-80,000 hours. LED strip lighting is ideal for a garage also due to the fact that LEDs practically do not heat up during operation, and therefore are fireproof, which is important for a room such as a garage.

2. High quality garage lighting with LED lamps.

Plus, LEDs don't break down if you turn them on and off frequently, so you don't have to worry if you need to use them frequently. Also, it doesn't matter whether they are used in cold or hot conditions. In any case, they will function normally, providing adequate lighting levels.

3. Environmental friendliness of LEDs for garage lighting. LEDs do not contain mercury, so they are safe to use. They also do not have any glass components and are not as vulnerable to mechanical damage or vibration as traditional fluorescent lamps. They also barely heat up.

When choosing garage lighting, it is also necessary to take into account not only personal preferences, but also the type of interior decoration, its color scheme, garage area, variety of work areas, etc.

DIY LED garage lighting

The 175 W metal halide light source can be easily replaced with an LED lamp that consumes only 71 W. As a popular light source, you can also use not only LED lamps with a base for the home and LED strip, but keep in mind that it requires a voltage of 12 V, which means you need to purchase a power supply if you have a voltage of 220 V in your garage. To source energy in the garage, you will also have to purchase autonomous power supplies, although you can get by with a car battery. However, it is better not to use the one in the car, but to purchase another one or use an old one.

Planning lighting in the garage

When planning lighting, keep in mind that the light sources in the garage should be located in such a way as to provide the most uniform illumination at any point in the garage. The best method would be to install light sources on the sides of the garage. In this case, you will need a light diffuser. As a last resort, you can also use old lampshades removed from LB-40 fluorescent lamps. LED strips are fixed in the lampshade using glue after preliminary cleaning of the surface.

Connecting LEDs

The number of LEDs in one meter of tape and its rows of tape depend on the size of the garage and the desired level of lighting. Having made two similar lampshades, you can hang them on the walls in the garage, on the sides. After this, you need to connect the tape and connect it using a two-core cable to an existing energy source.

We build in a switch

You can also add a switch, which can be located anywhere in the circuit we make. When completely replacing conventional lighting with LED lighting or in case of frequent power outages, the best option would be to move the switch to a common panel and locate it next to the switch of the conventional light source.

Now you can close the lampshades with lids. The most convenient for such garage lighting will be a regular white light strip. Its power is 4.8 W per meter. By multiplying the total length of the tape used by its power, you can obtain the minimum power source power that will be required for this system.

LED lighting for inspection pit in garage

If there is a hole in the garage, it is necessary to install full-fledged local lighting there, since a car driving into it will completely obscure the light emanating from the overhead lamps.

Since the pit is the darkest place in the garage, the lighting should be bright here. It can be illuminated either using an LED strip, installed on top along the perimeter of the pit, or using LED lamps, which are usually installed on top or in the middle of the pit space.

To install the lamps, electrical wiring is installed in the pit. I recommend installing LED lights in pre-provided slots, since there is little space in the hole and if you install overhead lights there, you will then constantly cling to them.

On the Internet you can find advice on installing separate boards of light diodes or homemade LED lamps in a garage pit. Personally, I cannot recommend such things to you, since installing these devices in an inspection hole is not safe. A pit is a place where water can accumulate during floods, melting snow, or heavy rains. In addition, water can flow into the hole from the car itself after the same rain or car wash. Oil may also leak from the car. If water or other liquid substances come into contact with exposed wiring, it is dangerous because it can cause a short circuit. Therefore, to illuminate the pit, I recommend using exclusively sealed LED lamps or strips with a shell protection level of at least IP44.

Helpful Tips for LED Garage Lighting

In conclusion, I want to offer you some more useful tips on LED garage lighting:

  • In this room it is better to use two types of lighting: general and local. General lighting includes basic LED lamps for garage lighting. Local lighting provides illumination of individual areas of this room. These include an inspection pit, an attic, shelves with tools, a workbench, etc.;
  • It is better to install switches for local lighting according to a modular principle: one switch for the main lighting, and a second for local lighting. There may be several such switches - for each separate zone of the garage;
  • When installing LED lighting, the luminaires should be evenly distributed inside the building in order to provide a sufficient amount of light in every corner;
  • To illuminate the area around the garage, you can use LED spotlights with a motion sensor. They will allow repair work to be carried out on the street even in the dark, and will also perform a security function. Since LEDs are sensitive to high temperatures, LED spotlights should be installed so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Video about garage lighting with LED strip

LED lighting catalogs

LEDeffect – LED lighting catalog

Vivoluce – lighting equipment catalog

ZUMTOBEL – LED lighting catalog

Industrial and office lighting INTESSO

Master LED – industrial lighting

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Tags:Energy-saving lighting

Examples of electrical wiring diagrams in a garage

So, the necessary lamps are planned and selected. They should be asked. To do this you need to draw a diagram. On the diagram, mark the general layout of the garage, and on it:

  • space for the distribution panel and meter;
  • cable laying locations (external or hidden);
  • sockets, switches, lamps, distribution boxes;
  • equipment that needs to be powered.

It is convenient and economical when general and local lighting are connected to different switches. The right and left sides of the garage can also be illuminated separately.

The simplest garage power scheme includes:

  • input machine, RCD;
  • step-down transformer for low-voltage power supplies;
  • machine for general purpose sockets;
  • automatic machine for powering light bulbs;
  • wiring and equipment;
  • meter if the garage is powered separately.

For powerful devices and the inspection pit, it is necessary to install separate automatic triggers.

Examples of electrical circuits for a garage

The diagram is useful to measure and count the number of wires needed. The total amount should be increased by 20-25%. (Multiplying by 1.2-1.25).

Required electrical appliances and materials

To install electrical wiring yourself, you need experience and qualifications. In the absence of skills in working with electricity, it is prohibited to engage in laying an electrical network.

To install the electrical network, you should immediately prepare everything you need. To mark the walls you need a level and pencils. Lines for laying cables, places for sockets and lamps are marked on the walls.

You will need a hammer drill and a screwdriver (or a regular screwdriver).

In addition, you need to directly purchase lamps, switches, sockets, an electrical panel, VD (RCD), and wires. Moreover, sockets and wires are selected taking into account the total power of electrical appliances. To calculate, you need to add up the power of lamps and other devices that will be powered by one wire, and select a wire from the table.

For example, for equipment with a total power of 3 kW, a copper cable with a cross-section of 1 mm2 or an aluminum cable with a cross-section of 2 mm2 is suitable. Wires can be hidden (under plaster) or external (in cable ducts and corrugations). In any case, the cable must be protected from moisture, dust and mechanical damage. For a closed line of wires you can use a VVG cable, and for an open line - VVGng-LS.

VVG cable

If the walls are plastered, then it is safer to make hidden wiring. If the layer of plaster is thick, then you can lay corrugation in the groove. This will allow you to quickly replace the cable if it breaks.


Cable channel

The minimum distance of wires from heating devices is 15 cm. Rotation of wires is allowed at right angles at a distance of 10-15 cm from the floor and ceiling. And the minimum height for placing sockets is 60 cm from the floor level.

The capacity in garages, unless you are just using it to store your car, is quite high. For fire safety, it is worth using a circuit breaker with a small rated protection current as a general switch.

16 amp circuit breaker

Local lighting can be equipped with conventional switches. It is better to mount all switches on the main distribution panel. It also houses a step-down transformer with a separate switch for low-voltage lighting of the inspection pit.

All wire lines are connected to a common circuit breaker and a high voltage circuit breaker (differential switch, also known as an RCD) with a leakage current of 10 -15 mA. The VD turns off the network when a leakage current appears, for example, when a person comes under voltage.

The automatic machine and the HP can be replaced by one device: a differential automatic machine. Leakage current: 10-15 mA.

Differential machine with an operating current of 16 A and a leakage current of 10 mA.

Lighting of the inspection pit

Unlike the rest of the room, the inspection pit is characterized by high humidity, which poses a threat not only to metal elements, but also to humans. Since moisture can cause electric shock, it was previously believed that the inspection pit should be powered from a safe supply voltage of 12 V, which cannot harm a person. But with the advent of circuit breakers, power can also be supplied from a 220 V network, provided that there is an RCD with a shutdown current of at least 30 mA and a lamp with a protection level from 1 to 3 in accordance with clause 6.1.14 of the PUE.

In relation to the illumination of the inspection hole, it is directed upward. Due to the small space, the lamps should protrude as little as possible or even be recessed flush with the wall.

Rice. 12. Lamp in the recess

Installation of electrical wiring differs from garage lighting in the need to protect it from contact with water in case of flooding. To do this, they use plastic corrugation, make the wiring hidden in the wall, seal and seal the electrical contacts.

Rice. 13: Sealing wiring in plastic corrugation

Basic lighting electrical installation work

So, the power supply circuit has been thought out, the materials have been prepared. All that remains is to install the system. When installing lighting in the garage, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence of work.

  1. Use a pencil to mark on the walls and ceiling the locations of lighting fixtures, sockets, switches, junction boxes, and panels.
  2. Draw the lines along which the wiring will be laid.
  3. Use a hammer drill to punch out the walls for closed wiring. For an open one, attach a corrugation or channel to the walls and pull the cable inside.
  4. Install distribution boxes and boxes for sockets and switches.
  5. Install the electrical panel. Connect the necessary cables to your machines, transformers and other equipment.
  6. Check whether the shield is assembled correctly. To do this, connect a light bulb to each wire in turn and turn on the machine.
  7. Install lamps, sockets, equipment. Check if everything is working correctly.
  8. If you are satisfied with the result, then complete the installation with finishing work: plaster the grooves, put protective shades on the lamps, and decorative panels on the sockets and switches.

Variant of the circuit using LED strip

You can organize lighting in the garage based on LED strips with your own hands or buy ready-made lamps based on them. In the first case, you can find a housing from a Soviet-style fluorescent lamp. The LED strip is glued to a metal base, which will perfectly serve as a radiator, and the protective casing will serve as a diffuser. It is clear that this option is cheap, but not aesthetically pleasing. Factory-type lamps with moisture-proof tape on an aluminum base have more ergonomic properties. In this design there is no need for additional protection, which leads to increased light output.

A 12 V LED strip needs a power supply unit (PSU) of appropriate power. In a homemade version, you can use a used computer power supply, because there is enough space in the garage to accommodate it. A computer power supply with a total power of 250 W is capable of delivering 10 A to the load via the +12 V line. This is enough to illuminate 6 meters of tape type SMD5050-60 pcs. or 20 meters SMD3528-60 pcs. taking into account the safety factor. A power supply for a 12-volt industrial LED strip can be bought in a store.

Installation of electrical lighting panel

The incoming electrical panel is installed at the entrance to the garage. It distributes electricity to individual lines and protects the system from short circuits. Since the switchboard is a kit item, you can assemble it to suit your needs.

The number of elements in the panel depends on the amount of equipment in the garage and its power. For each electrical line and inspection pit, its own machine is installed. For example, for general lighting, desktop and pit lighting. In the event of a breakdown, it is enough to turn off one section, and the rest will continue to work.

Shield assembly options

It is advisable to ground the electrical panel; the grounding current is approximately 4 kOhm.

Useful tips

  1. When planning lighting, be sure to take into account the reflectance of light in the garage. It shows what percentage of the light flux will be reflected from the surface and will continue to participate in illumination. White and cream tones have the highest reflectance. Therefore, the walls and ceiling of the garage with a light finish will allow the installation of lower power lamps.
  2. 12 V LED lamps have appeared on sale, assembled in the form of a module (line) with two or three emitting diodes with a degree of protection IP67. From several of these lines you can make a lamp of the desired size and brightness with your own hands. The cost of one module does not exceed $0.5.
  3. To avoid being left in the dark during a centralized blackout, you should get an old car battery. You can attach a piece of LED strip to it or think about a connection diagram to stationary 12 V lamps. The power of the battery will be enough for several hours.
  4. The garage inspection pit lighting must be powered from a separate circuit breaker with a low operating current. In the event of a short circuit, the electrical network in the rest of the garage will continue to function normally.

The price factor still does not allow us to take the process of switching lighting to LEDs to a new level. The high cost of a complete renovation of an old garage is the main reason people continue to use filament lamps. Building a new home for a car is another matter. In this case, it’s simply stupid not to use LED technology to illuminate the garage.

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