How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation in your apartment?

  1. What it is?
  2. Sources of electromagnetic radiation in the apartment
  3. Radiation sources on the street
  4. Radiation sources in the workplace
  5. How and with what to measure electromagnetic radiation in an apartment?
  6. Radiation standards for humans
  7. How is it dangerous for humans?
  8. How to reduce electromagnetic radiation in an apartment?
  9. Technical means to reduce electromagnetic pollution
  10. Video on the topic

All humans and other living things are in constant contact with electromagnetic fields (EMF). They are an integral part of the nature that surrounds us. All the most serious achievements of our civilization are associated with the ability to use EMF in one way or another

. Even the fires of primitive people were, in fact, primitive sources of thermal and visible range EMF.

Almost all of our equipment runs on electricity and during operation increases the background radiation in the environment. In some cases, the level of artificial radiation can be thousands of times higher than the natural background, which creates certain health risks.

To reduce it, you can and should use various means of protection.

What is electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation - oscillations of electric and magnetic fields interconnected with each other

. The frequency spectrum of such vibrations is very wide; we perceive a very small part of it (less than 0.0001%) with our visual organs in the form of light. We do not perceive anything that is outside this narrow range; it is an invisible EMF.

Although such radiation cannot be detected without special instruments, it can have a negative impact on human health when threshold values ​​are increased. Ultra-high-frequency gamma waves are considered the most dangerous - this is one of the main components of radiation.
But it is almost impossible to encounter a source of high radioactivity in everyday life. But household appliances and means of communication surround us constantly. Many of them are quite powerful sources of radio waves and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of other ranges.

Have you been affected by one of the EMF-related diseases?

Since biological damage from EMF is triggered by activation of the VGCC, it stands to reason that tissues with the greatest density of it are at greatest risk. Body tissues with high concentrations of VGCC (and therefore most susceptible to damage from EMF) include:

  • Brain
  • Testicles (in men)
  • Nervous system
  • Sinus node of the heart, which leads to arrhythmia
  • retina

When VGCCs are activated in the brain, they release neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine hormones. Increased VGCC activity in certain parts of the brain produces a variety of neuropsychiatric effects. The most common effects of chronic EMF exposure on your brain are:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Anxiety
  • Autism: One of my longtime mentors, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, linked autism in children to excessive exposure to EMFs during pregnancy
  • Depression

The most common heart problems that have been associated with EMF exposure are:

  • Atrial fibrillation/flutter
  • Bradycardia (slow heartbeat)
  • Heart rhythm disturbances (due to sudden cardiac death)
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Tachycardia

Sources of electromagnetic radiation in the apartment

Thanks to the development of technology, in recent years a huge number of electrical appliances have appeared in apartments and houses. Many of them are sources of quite powerful fields. These include:

  • Cell phones;
  • WiFi routers;
  • Microwaves;
  • Computers;
  • Tablets.

Even an ordinary hair dryer, iron and other similar devices emit EMFs during operation, but their power is low and does not create serious pollution.

Peroxynitrite, cell phones and the surge in chronic disease

Once formed, peroxynitrite reacts relatively slowly with biological molecules, making it a selective oxidizing agent. In the body, it modifies tyrosine molecules in proteins to create a new substance, nitrotyrosine, and nitrate the protein structure. Changes that occur under the influence of nitration are visible in biopsies of ALS, atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, myocardial ischemia and septic lung disease.

Once you realize that cell phones can contribute to these chronic diseases—not just brain tumors—you'll be motivated to limit your exposure.

Although cardiovascular diseases, cancer and infections continue to be the main health threats, the increase in the growth rates of the following diseases and disorders is striking. Some of them were not even known to the general public until 1980.

Disease or disorder/Increase since 1990

  • ADHD - 819 percent
  • Alzheimer's disease - 299 percent
  • Autism - 2094 percent
  • Bipolar disorder in adolescence - 10,833 percent
  • Celiac disease - 1111 percent
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome - 11027 percent
  • Depression - 280 percent
  • Diabetes mellitus - 305 percent
  • Fibromyalgia - 7727 percent
  • Hypothyroidism - 702 percent
  • Lupus - 787 percent
  • Osteoarthritis - 449 percent
  • Sleep apnea - 430 percent

Radiation sources on the street

Every city resident encounters many sources of electrical radiation every day when going outside. The most powerful include:

  • Antennas of mobile operators;
  • Trams, trolleybuses and the wires feeding them;
  • High voltage power lines.

These and other sources of EMF in combination with each other create a fairly high background radiation that can be hazardous to health. Even the underground metro is such a source. After all, subway trains run on electricity. At the same time, they emit twice as much EMR as trams or other electric vehicles.

Alternative energy sources

An EMP could cause catastrophic and long-term damage to the nation's power grid.
To protect yourself and your way of life, it is important to do everything you can to ensure that your electronic devices can withstand EMP. This is where the Faraday cages mentioned above come in

However, this is not the only problem. Even if the devices survive, they must have a usable and sustainable source of energy. This can be done by first setting up alternative energy sources. Some systems will be simpler than others, and some devices will already offer integrated alternative energy.

For example, after any national emergency, it is important to be aware of the news so that you can access important information, sometimes to save lives. AM, FM or other radio can be very helpful in this regard

There are certain radios that already come with a built-in solar panel and/or crank. This way, even after the batteries are no longer available, it will still be possible to use the radio day and night. There are also lighting systems based on solar panels connected to batteries

This can be very important in terms of maintaining adequate visibility around your property.

This can be taken even further so that individuals, households and small groups can create their own local energy distribution system. This can receive energy from arrays of solar panels, as well as wind power generators or water based generators. Prices for solar panels, batteries, controllers and other related devices continue to fall. What was previously prohibitively expensive is now quite affordable. In most cases, you can start with fewer panels and batteries and then continue adding as your budget allows.

Radiation sources in the workplace

Potent sources of EMR that may be encountered in the workplace include:

  • Devices designed to emit such vibrations. This category includes radio stations, radars, medical devices, and technological installations. EMF is used in almost all industries, especially widely in metallurgy;
  • Devices that create a “parasitic” background during operation. These include almost all devices that run on electricity.

Standards for electromagnetic radiation in the workplace are established by the state and controlled by special services.

Radiation protection methods and techniques

Conventionally, protection methods can be divided into three groups:

  • temporary,
  • technical,
  • shielding.

Some methods are applicable in all spheres of life. Limit the time spent near the source of danger, reduce the operating time of devices by turning them off from the power supply.

Buy equipment equipped with a special dissipative mesh, ground sockets and large household appliances at home, especially large ones - washing machines, dishwashers, electric ovens.

Equip your houses and apartments with screening meshes; they are easy to find in hardware stores; such materials are quite affordable. Window openings can be protected with a special film or curtains made of dissipative material.

How and with what to measure electromagnetic radiation in an apartment?

There are two ways to determine the level of electromagnetic pollution in a room:

  • Independent measurements using special instruments;
  • Ordering EMF level measurement services from specialized companies.

It is important to understand that there is no device that measures electromagnetic radiation over the entire frequency range. It is impossible to create such a universal sensor, since the physical properties of EMFs of different frequencies are very different.

Therefore, such devices (especially household ones) operate in a fairly narrow frequency spectrum and cannot always detect increased background.

Using methods in practice

The foil behind the battery will not only increase heat transfer by 2-3 degrees, but will also protect against the action of electromagnetic waves.
The most effective method of protection is the installation of a conductive screen, grounded in accordance with the rules for electrical installations.

This method is applied in practice in the following way:

  • When carrying out renovations in a room, it is recommended to lay metal reinforcement under the plaster. This material will prevent the absorption of waves from the outside. Such a grid will be effective only if there is grounding.
  • Purchase of special metallic curtains with decorative threads. The product will also be effective if grounded.
  • Aluminum foil glued behind the batteries will reflect heat and protect household members from electromagnetic waves.
  • Entrance doors made of steel. It is important that they are grounded within the framework of potential equalization, otherwise they may cause electric shock.

Protection methods based on shielding have a significant drawback - the quality of cellular communications at home deteriorates.

To learn about the impact of household appliances and electrical appliances at home, you need to learn as much information as possible about the devices used. If there are suspicions that the permissible standards have been violated, you should invite SES specialists who will carry out all the necessary measurements.

Electromagnetic radiation standards for humans

The maximum permissible load of EMR depends on its frequencies. The standards for electromagnetic radiation are regulated by
Sanpin (, which specifies the maximum levels for waves of different frequency ranges.
For example, for the frequency spectrum from 30 kHz to 300 MHz the following values ​​are considered limiting:

Certain nutrients may help protect the body from EMF damage

My recommendations:

  • Magnesium - As a natural calcium channel blocker, magnesium may help reduce the effects of EMF on VGCC. Since many are deficient, it would be beneficial to take 1-2 g of magnesium per day.
  • Molecular Hydrogen - Research has shown that molecular hydrogen can mitigate about 80 percent of the damage caused by EMFs because it targets free radicals produced in response to radiation, such as peroxynitrites. You can take molecular hydrogen tablets during a flight to protect yourself from gamma rays. This is one of the tips I have given on how to minimize jet lag.
  • Nrf2 - Increased Nrf2, which is a biological hormetic that activates superoxide dismutase, catalase and all other beneficial intercellular antioxidants, also reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis.
  • Spices – Some spices may help prevent or repair damage from peroxynitrites. Spices rich in phenols, particularly cinnamon, cloves, ginger root, rosemary and turmeric, show some protective effects against damage caused by peroxynitrite.

Why is electromagnetic radiation dangerous for humans?

EMR can significantly affect the functioning of almost all organs and systems. brain are especially susceptible to negative effects . This is due to the electrical nature of nerve impulses. With prolonged stay in areas with increased electromagnetic background, the risk of developing depression and other central nervous system diseases increases.

Some frequency spectra can significantly change the functioning of the body at the cellular level.

There are studies that show a direct connection between increased exposure to high-frequency radio waves and the risk of developing cancer.

The mechanism of this effect is based on the fact that a DNA molecule during cell division can receive a significant static charge and act as a mini-antenna for absorbing waves of different spectral lengths. The result is errors when copying it.
As a consequence, mutations occur and the cell transforms into a cancerous one or its death.
The impact of electromagnetic pollution on the body’s immunity and hormonal system is no less strong. It has long been established that prolonged exposure to powerful EMFs reduces the level of white cells in the blood

Changes in hormonal balance are also recorded. In most cases, the level of hormone production decreases, until severe hormonal deficiency develops. At the same time, the level of “stress hormones” such as cortisol and adrenaline, on the contrary, increases.
Other organs and organ systems also suffer. This is due to the fact that all cell life processes are essentially electrochemical in nature.

Therefore, an increased background of electromagnetic radiation is harmful to the entire body and can significantly disrupt the balance and regulatory interactions between cells and organs, leading to a variety of diseases.

Principles of protection organization

How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation? This issue has been seriously on the agenda of scientists in many countries for more than 100 years. The need to protect a person from harmful influences is beyond doubt, and when choosing a method, it is necessary to take into account the type of radiation, its intensity and duration of exposure. The phenomenon under consideration has an important feature. A negative, destructive factor gradually accumulates in the body, leading to serious chronic diseases. Even emitters such as a cell phone, which have a weak field, become dangerous to the human body with constant use. The principles of protection are based on the fact that the degree of wave attenuation varies in different environments, and some materials are practically impenetrable to it.

The following main directions in organizing protection against electromagnetic radiation should be highlighted:

  • ensuring a safe distance to the source;
  • the use of screens and their installation on the emitter or workplace (living premises);
  • ensuring safe sanitary protection zones;
  • eliminating or limiting the accumulation of static electricity;
  • use of personal protective equipment.

How to reduce electromagnetic radiation in an apartment?

To avoid the occurrence of diseases from electromagnetic radiation, it is necessary to take measures to limit their exposure at the household level. Some of them are quite simple and do not require serious effort or investment. These include:

  • Reducing the number of electrical appliances working in the apartment
    . This is especially true for computers, smartphones and other gadgets that actively emit EMR;
  • Maintaining sufficient distance between the person and the EMF source
    . Even moving your smartphone 20-30 cm away from the pillow can significantly reduce its negative impact. It is better that the distance is at least 1.5-2 m. It is better to carry it not in your pocket, but in a bag; when talking, it is advisable to use a wired headset.

It is important to understand that even a non-working device connected
to the network is a source of EMF.
If there is a connection to the network, a potential difference is formed at the ends of the cord, and it becomes a source of radiation. Although its power is low, there can be up to several dozen such devices in an average apartment. And their total radiation reaches values ​​hazardous to health.

Therefore, after use, it is better to physically disconnect electrical appliances from the network.

This will not only bring health benefits, but will also reduce the risk of fire.

There are other ways to reduce the level of electromagnetic background in an apartment without much expense. These include:

  • Purchasing new electrical appliances with minimal electricity consumption
    . This will not only reduce the overall level of radiation, but will also have a positive effect on electricity bills;
  • Use of special humidifiers.
    By maintaining a sufficient level of humidity in the room, background radiation can be significantly reduced. Water vapor absorbs EMF well. In addition, this will generally have a positive effect on the microclimate and will serve as a good prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • Refusal of ionizers.
    An increased concentration of charged ions in the air, combined with a high level of EMR, can significantly increase their negative impact on the body.

Simple means include proper arrangement of furniture and electrical appliances in the apartment. It is desirable that the distance from them to places of permanent residence of a person (bed, sofa, dining area) is at least 1.5-2 m. This distance will be sufficient to significantly reduce background radiation. When arranging furniture, it is important to take into account the location of cables in the walls. You should not install the bed next to an outlet with wires running to it in the wall.

How to Know if You're Exposed to EMF Radiation

Forewarned is forearmed. Try to find out as accurately as possible everything about your electrical appliances in terms of exposure to electromagnetic fields. It may be necessary to invite SES specialists. The costs of identifying harmful devices will be repaid by maintaining health.

This applies to your home. Sanitary standards apply in public areas, as well as in enterprises (offices). If you suspect that these norms are being violated (unmotivated deterioration in condition, interference on the TV, music player), contact the SES department. Either you will receive a comforting answer that your health is not in danger, or the responsible authority will take measures to eliminate the danger.

Technical means to reduce electromagnetic pollution

To reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic fields, you can use various special means, for example, shielding paints or special curtains

. Their use may require significant costs and is not always justified. In most cases, the need for them arises when housing is located in an area of ​​increased pollution (next to high-voltage power lines, radars, cell phone towers).

The most effective solutions include:

  • Laying metal mesh on the walls and ceiling of the apartment
    . Carried out during the repair process, after fixing to the surface. This mesh is usually covered with decorative plaster;
  • Use of absorbent paints.
    Many manufacturers offer paints that contain particles of metals and other shielding materials. Such a coating can absorb most of the harmful radiation;
  • Using curtains made of screening fabric
    . Windows are the main source of EMR entering a room. Covering them with special curtains, the fabrics of which have a small amount of metal fibers woven into them, is a good method of protection.

It is important to understand that the use of screening meshes and paints can significantly reduce the level of mobile phone reception inside the apartment. As a result, the quality of communication will greatly decrease, or the device will generally lose the ability to connect to the operator’s tower.

Moreover, when the signal level decreases, modern smartphones noticeably increase the radiation power, so the effect of such radical solutions can be negative.

Before using these expensive methods of protection, you need to consult with specialists and conduct a professional measurement of the background in the room.

Only then should a decision be made on methods to combat excess background radiation. In most cases, simply rearranging the furniture and reducing the number of electrical appliances running at the same time will be enough.

What to do to protect yourself

Permitted distance to TV and computer

If professionals organize protection in enterprises and public places, then you should take care of your own protection at home. For this purpose, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Maintain a safe distance to the emitter. This is the simplest, but quite effective rule that does not require any technical solutions. You just need to try to be at least 35 cm away from the computer monitor, not to come closer than 30 m to cell phone repeaters and power lines, to stay further than 3 cm from your mobile phone, and to stay at least 6 cm away from electric clocks.
  2. Limiting the time spent in the radiation zone. Do not stand next to a printing printer or copier, or near a working microwave oven. Children should be prohibited from playing near transformer installations.
  3. Disabling unnecessary electrical and electronic devices. If devices are not needed at a given time, they should be turned off. This applies to computers, TVs, even chargers.
  4. Checking for the presence of radiation from stationary sources. If there is a transformer box, cellular repeater, transmitting antennas or other sources near a living space or workplace, then it is necessary to measure the background using a flux meter to take the necessary protective measures.
  5. Careful handling of household electrical appliances. It should be remembered that almost any electrical appliance can have a harmful effect if used too long or if it is too close to it. Even a regular portable hair dryer is considered safe when used for 2-3 minutes, but when used in a hairdresser, it can affect the human body. A similar picture is observed in the case of a sewing or washing machine. Particular attention should be paid to the bedroom. Here you should not keep electrical appliances turned on at night.
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