How to make electrical wiring in an apartment - how to properly design and install electrical wiring in an apartment (135 photo ideas)

The jokes of electricians are “about wiring and wiring,” but everyone else laughs at them. Photos and videos with jokes are as bright and cheerful as the people of this profession themselves. Of course, it is impossible to live sadly while constantly dealing with danger. Undoubtedly, the humor sometimes goes beyond the “black” line, but this, perhaps, makes the topic even more interesting.

Despite mass professionalism, jokes about drunk electricians are almost as common as jokes about drunken plumbers.

Only funny pictures become much more piquant due to the properties of electric current.

Types of impact

The body can simultaneously undergo the following actions:

Thermal effects, expressed in the formation of burns on certain areas of the skin, an increase in body temperature, an effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and other important organs.

Electrolytic influence is characterized by the breakdown of fluids in the body and changes in the structure of the blood.

With biological damage, the structure of muscle and nervous tissue changes. The heart muscles and lungs are subjected to severe stress, the consequences of which lead to a lack of heartbeat or difficulty breathing.

The mechanical consequences of the impact of an electric discharge are expressed in the separation and detachment of tissues, which are a consequence of the electrodynamic shock.

Let's take a closer look at damage caused by electric current and methods of rescue.

Selecting cables for laying, sockets and switches

Selecting a suitable cable for installation is a very important point, since its specific cross-section is selected depending on the load.

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When drawing up a diagram, it is best to divide it into zones: kitchen, bathroom, study, etc. Based on these zones, the appropriate wiring is made. Most likely, the kitchen will be the most energy-intensive area, because it is loaded with various kitchen appliances, food processors, an electric oven, an electric stove, etc.

It is best to choose copper wire. Copper and aluminum wire should never be connected together due to their chemical properties.

The cable going to the distribution box in the entrance, d.b. with a cross-section of at least 6 mm.

Types of damage

Injuries resulting from the action of electric current on a person are divided into two categories:

  • local type;
  • general type.

The list of first injuries includes electric shock to bones, ligaments and various parts of the skin.

Metallization of the skin

Manifests itself under the influence of electric arc discharges. Particles of molten metal tend to penetrate under the upper skin of a person.

This exposure is not fatal, but may cause discomfort. It is much more dangerous than metal particles getting into the eyes, since subsequent treatment does not guarantee a positive result.

Replacing wiring in an old apartment

Almost the same picture emerges when it is necessary to carry out major repairs in an old apartment. In addition to all finishing work, replace old wiring with new wiring connected to modern sockets and switches.

But, if finishing the finishing yourself does not seem to be a particularly difficult task, then how to change the old wiring with your own hands without having the appropriate knowledge? Hard to imagine.

Work related to electricity has an increased degree of accuracy and if a mistake is made, this can lead not only to the stoppage of vital activities in the apartment (turning on the lights, operation of electrical appliances and various equipment), but also create risks for human life. This means you either need to be a specialist yourself, or invite qualified electricians.

You should not rely on your own strength and consider yourself a knowledgeable person in this area, just by watching a couple of educational videos on the Internet. This is not the case. Everything is much more serious here.

Only qualified specialists will carry out high-quality electrical installation work. They will determine which wires are used (for wiring) by requesting linear diagrams from the BTI, carefully groove the walls and ceilings without causing a short circuit, and perform all the necessary work according to the specific wishes of the residents. Right up to drawing a line to the shields.

Mechanical damage to body parts

An electrical discharge running through a healthy body affects the uniform contraction of muscle tissue. This leads to mechanical injuries. This includes local skin tears, dislocations and fractures. Moreover, a fracture as a result of a fall and as a result of an electric shock are two different things.

The result of mechanical damage after exposure to electric current is complex long-term treatment with the help of highly qualified doctors.

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General electrical injuries

They are divided into electric shock and electric shock.

Electric shock is an effect on organic tissue through an electric current, resulting in a sharp muscle contraction. A person who has received an electric shock appears distracted at first and has memory problems.

Even if the victim is not diagnosed with serious consequences after the blow, the person’s immunity ultimately suffers. In the future, heart complications and neurological diseases may appear.

Electric shock has the following categories:

  • first - muscle cramps occur, while the person is conscious without any deviations;
  • second - along with uneven changes in muscles, a person loses consciousness, while the work of the heart and respiratory system is stable;
  • third - with loss of consciousness, a slowdown in heart rate and breathing occurs;
  • the fourth is the most severe, in which no signs of life are observed, breathing and pulse stop, and death occurs.

Electric shock refers to the severe consequences of exposure to electric current. First, a person experiences a period of excitement, during which the person does not feel pain, but only feels an increase in blood pressure. After some time, the pressure drops, the heartbeat increases, and the victim goes into a depressive state. This period can last from a quarter of an hour to a day.

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Recovery is facilitated only by timely and professional treatment. If you do not provide first aid in case of electric shock, the consequences will be much worse.

The main risks if you want to carry out electrical work

There is an expression “to rent out an apartment turnkey”. The main essence of this concept is based on the complete implementation of all work, including electrical work, which is represented by typical wiring diagrams in an apartment.

And, since with such a standard implementation of the general range of finishing and installation processes, everything is carried out according to a single approved project, it is quite natural that upon moving in, residents have to make many changes to the layout, as well as to the order of placement of electrical points.

Some people are not satisfied with the quality of work, others want to change the template order and install everything in a new way, according to their own needs. This, in turn, requires additional expenses and considerable ones. But the apartment itself has already cost a huge amount and few people will like the extra expenses.

Read here! Which wire is better - optimal grades and cross-sections for use as electrical wiring (105 photos)

Help with electric shocks

Only timely and correct decisions can save a person’s life. First aid should be provided with complete isolation of the current source. It may be located at a significant distance from the scene of the incident.

In this case, you need to quickly get out of the electric discharge with the victim, using materials that are dielectrics. For example, wooden flooring or rubber products are good protection against damage.

Then immediately call doctors and begin providing first aid by performing a heart massage. After this, wait for medical workers, monitoring the condition of the victim. Remember that a person’s life may depend on your prompt and correct actions.

Overview of Residential Wiring Diagrams

Let's move on to specific diagrams that can be applied in the process of planning the wiring in your own room. When drawing up a drawing, it is important to take into account the arrangement and power of stationary equipment, the conditions for using electrical appliances, and the convenient placement of sockets and switches.

Option #1: one-room apartment or studio

A distinctive feature of one-room housing is the minimum number of electrical appliances compared to other options; accordingly, fewer connected lines are formed. But this does not mean that there is no need to plan separate groups for the kitchen or bathroom - it is better to preserve the general principles.

Option for a wiring diagram for a 1-room apartment, taking into account the fact that it is planned to install one lighting device in each room

Let's consider what you should definitely do when drawing up an electrical wiring diagram in a one-room apartment:

  • select the main parameters of the electrical network;
  • calculate the load, select the cable and RCD;
  • select a connection scheme (1 or several groups).

Having solved these questions, it will be much easier to draw up a diagram.

Electrical network parameters

It is difficult to decide in advance which devices will be installed throughout the apartment, however, at least an approximate number of them is necessary to correctly calculate the total power.

It is important to determine their placement locations, since the use of extension cords and filters in the future will create additional problems for the network and spoil the interior design.

When choosing places to install sockets and switches, we remember the requirements of the PUE: the recommended height from the floor for installing sockets is 0.3-1.8 m, switches – 0.6-0.9 m. We focus on ease of use

It is also important to choose the cable routing method - open or closed. The open method involves laying wires on top of decorative wall decoration. In this case, most often the wiring is covered with plastic boxes, but in some cases they are left in plain sight.

Open installation of wires is even welcome if the interior design is in loft or country style: stylized vintage sockets and visible wires are part of the decorative design

Advantages of open wiring:

  • possibility of installation after or during repair work;
  • quick installation;
  • You can connect another line at any time.

When installing hidden wiring, you will have to trench the walls in order to disguise all the wires under the finishing touches. It’s easier with suspended structures: the connection for the lighting system can be hidden above a tension covering or a plasterboard box.

Hidden wiring has few advantages, but they are more significant:

  • there are not such strict requirements for installation parameters and conditions;
  • tolerances to nominally allowed currents increase;
  • interior integrity is maintained.

Traditionally, hidden wiring is used in new apartments, and the open method is used only as an exception (for example, when laying a new line in an already renovated apartment).

Electrical network load calculation

To calculate the total load of electrical appliances, you need to know the rated power of electrical receivers, rated current and voltage of the electrical network. There are many calculation formulas, but it is better to use ready-made tables.

Table of power consumption of the most common household electrical appliances that are usually used by apartment residents. The values ​​are averaged, so for an accurate calculation you need to know the characteristics of the devices (+)

We recommend that you contact an engineer or use a computer program to calculate the exact load, because the choice of cable depends on the result.

When choosing a cable cross-section, it is necessary to take into account not only the wiring material (copper or aluminum), but also the installation method (open or closed), since closed wiring has less thermal conductivity, therefore, the current is also less (+)

According to the rules, if intra-apartment networks are divided into groups, then each individual line must be equipped with a 25 A circuit breaker. Therefore, when dividing into groups, we take into account the total rated current (no more than 25 A).

There are exceptions: for example, for lighting networks, a 16 A protection device is sufficient, but provided that the group includes no more than 20 sockets and lamps at the same time.

Which connection scheme is better?

For a one-room apartment, two options are possible: food from one group and food from several groups. The first option is practically not applicable in modern conditions, if only because to use even one powerful household appliance (for example, a washing machine) a separate line with a protection device is required.

Such schemes can exist in apartments in the old residential sector, which have not been renovated for many years, or in a country house where there is no powerful electrical equipment. It turns out that even to install electrics in a one-room apartment, it is necessary to divide into groups.

An approximate diagram of connecting electrical points by groups. There are as many as three groups allocated for the kitchen, serving the electric stove, small household appliances and the lighting network

This scheme is practically applicable to any type of housing, but there will be more connection points, and therefore more lines, in 2- and 3-room apartments.

Option #2: 2-, 3-room apartment

In principle, electrical wiring does not depend on the number of rooms, but there are a number of features that need to be taken into account:

  • It is better to divide the outlet network into several groups - according to the number of rooms;
  • the lighting system also needs to be divided into rooms;
  • for the kitchen, at least three lines should be allocated - for lighting devices, powerful equipment and small household appliances;
  • if the bathroom is separate, it is better to also use division into 2 groups.

Considering that a large area of ​​apartments is typical for luxury housing, security equipment is included in the wiring diagrams.

An approximate diagram of the installation of protective equipment for an apartment with two rooms. It is assumed that in addition to sockets and lighting groups, the apartment is equipped with a video surveillance system and a security alarm.

If specialists are involved in drawing up the diagram and installation, then at the end of the work you should also have a diagram - in case of repairs or an unforeseen situation.

Installation diagram of sockets and lighting fixtures in a three-room apartment. When drawing up an electrical wiring diagram for multi-room apartments, it is better to use several drawings, since it is difficult to indicate all groups, including low-current ones, in one

According to the developed scheme for laying power lines and installing electrical points, you can safely install the electrical network. It is advisable to avoid changes to the planned wiring during work. However, if the need arises, adjustments to the scheme must be made taking into account the above rules.

When drawing up a wiring diagram in a private house, you should definitely indicate the input electrical equipment and cable parameters from the input group.

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