The concept of permissible electrical power for an apartment and ways to increase it

What is “dedicated power” of electricity?

The allocated power is the maximum permissible load on the consumer's network.
The permitted energy power in the apartment is the maximum value that the consumer can use at a time. The maximum load on the consumer network is always specified in the electricity supply contract.

To fully understand the issue of permissible power, it is worth understanding its types. Today there is power:

  • connected - the sum of the power indicators of all electrical equipment connected to the network;
  • installed - indicated in the documentation for the equipment and provides for the functioning of the devices in normal mode;
  • one-time - determined based on calculations of the power consumption of devices for a specific period of time;
  • temporary or permitted - the maximum indicator that the energy supply company provides to the user.

The regulation of relations between electricity providers and consumers was approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on January 19, 2002.

How much is spent on average in a one-room apartment per day, per month and per year?

In a conventional one-room apartment:

  • There are three 0.1 kWh light bulbs, one for lighting the room, the second for the kitchen, the third for the bathroom, they alternately work for a total of 5 hours.
  • There is a refrigerator that consumes 0.1 kWh and runs around the clock.
  • A widescreen LED TV consumes 0.15 kWh and operates for 4 hours during the specified period.
  • The electric kettle consumes 2.1 kWh and is turned on six times a day for 5 minutes.

Heating and water heating for hygienic purposes in the house are provided by gas; clothes are washed by hand.

0,1*5 0,1*24 0,15*4 2,1/2=0,5 2,4 0,6 1,0.

  • Average electricity consumption per day. In total, the approximate electricity consumption per day is 4.55 kW.
  • Approximate electricity consumption in the apartment per month. About 4.55*30=136.5 kW will be consumed per month.
  • Annual electricity consumption. The total annual consumption will be 1660.75 kW.

These data are averaged, each family has its own electrical equipment, its own way of saving or wasting electricity, and at different times of the year the daylight hours are shorter or longer. But a general understanding can be obtained based on such a calculation.

Read more about how electricity consumption is calculated here.

What are the dangers of exceeding the permitted power?

Example of a consumer notification
Based on Russian Government Decree No. 624, if the maximum load is exceeded, the electric company has the right to limit the consumer’s access to the power grid. The reason is non-compliance with obligations under the electricity supply contract.

In case of accidents or during work on the power line, Energosbyt employees take measurements. In cases where inaccuracies are identified, they send notifications. The user must take measures to eliminate excess power within 10 days. The degree of his responsibility is determined by the violation:

  • ignoring the notification after 10 days – turning off the power supply to the facility;
  • connection bypassing the line - charging a fine, recalculating the power according to the maximum indicator from the moment of inspection, connecting to the public network at the expense of the violator;
  • non-contractual use – fine for lack of agreement, recalculation based on normal power indicator.

The basis for termination of sanctions is documentary evidence of the adoption of measures. However, UOMPE, CCD and PZR devices are installed on the user line.

The act of non-registration is drawn up in the presence of 2 witnesses, with photos and video recording of the process.

News: How to increase the number of kilowatts per site?

According to the site Arguments and Facts

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Possibilities for increasing kilowatts can be determined by local authorities, based on the existing capacity in the area. The maximum permitted power is indicated in the technical specifications for the connection. As a rule, for a three-phase network it is 15 kW, and for a single-phase network it is 10 or 15.

How many kilowatts do you need for a comfortable stay?

The required number of kilowatts for a home is calculated based on how many electrical appliances will be installed in the house.

If we take into account the presence of a minimum set of electrical appliances in the house - lighting (150 W), refrigerator (500 W), microwave (1000 W), washing machine (2000 W), TV (200 W), computer (500 W), iron (1200 W) ), a vacuum cleaner (1200 W), a dishwasher (2000 W), which in total consume 8750 W when turned on at the same time, then the available 2 kW - 4 kW of electricity is not enough.

Question and answer Where and how should electricity meters be placed in the country?

According to the set of rules SP 31-106-2002 “Design and construction of engineering systems of single-family residential buildings”, the load for a house is less than 60 square meters.

m without electric stoves should be no less than 5.5 kW, for a house with electric stoves - 8.8 kW. If the area of ​​the house exceeds 60 sq. m, then the electricity load should be increased by 1% for each additional square meter of area.

How many kilowatts can you legally require?

An individual can connect up to 15 kW to his home. This is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 334 “On improving the procedure for technical connection of consumers to electrical networks” dated April 21, 2009. If you do not fit into these kilowatts, then you can purchase additional kilowatts at a commercial cost by contacting the regional energy company.

What is the price?

The fee for increasing power not exceeding 15 kW is no more than 550 rubles. The cost of increasing capacity above 15 kW is determined based on local tariffs.

What is needed to increase the electricity supply to 15 kW?

You need to go to the territorial department of the operator company and submit there an application and a package of documents to obtain technical specifications:

— the applicant’s identity card;

— documents confirming ownership of residential, industrial premises or land;

Question and answer Why are additional electricity meters needed in SNT?

— diagram of the location of power receivers (photo from the cadastral plan).


After this, the network organization will issue technical specifications. When (and if) they are completed, representatives of the network organization will come and connect you to the power grid.

Is it possible to install a three-phase meter instead of a single-phase one?

To increase power, houses are connected to three-phase power, which allows you to install a three-phase meter and turn on more devices.

However, you cannot independently connect 380V and increase the desired kilowatts. Before installing a three-phase meter, you must contact the electric grid company to obtain permission to increase power (the connected power of the current collectors must be more than 10 kW).

If such permitted power is indicated in the issued Technical Conditions (TS), then you will be installed with a three-phase meter - three phases, each with 5 kW.

When should you increase capacity?

The period should not exceed:

— 6 months if the networks are located more than 300 meters from the border of your site (for a city) or 500 meters for a village

— 1 year if the networks are further away.

Rules and regulations

Seal on the input machine
Electrification of residential, administrative, and industrial facilities is carried out on the basis of the technical specifications of the provider organization. One of the clauses of the contract specifies how much power will be allocated to the consumer network. The basis for declaring power and forming technical specifications are calculations.

Electrical connection to residential and public buildings is carried out in accordance with SP 31-110-2003 and temporary instructions RM 2696-01. The documents state that the allocated electrical power for houses that consume electricity of the 1st category is not standardized. Objects are connected based on requests.

Housing stock of the 2nd category has two electrification standards:

  • from 5 to 7 kilowatts is the norm for a private house or apartment where gas stoves are installed;
  • from 8 to 11 kW - for objects where there is an electric stove.

The least amount of power falls on a small-sized apartment and a house built under the social housing program.

Currently, the standards from 2006 are in effect. In buildings before this period, the power output is much lower.

House electrical power

The first task to be solved for the electrification of a cottage is the coordination of its electrical power. How much can the local power grid supply and how much do you need? How to calculate without making mistakes?

In order not to deny yourself the usual “urban” comfort in a country house, you need to request sufficient total power from the local power grid.

Home needs and network capabilities

They don't always coincide.

Often, worn-out and outdated equipment or strict limits on electricity consumption established for a given locality simply do not allow you to allocate more than 10–15 kW.

In other words, the homeowner is deprived of the opportunity to use many electrical appliances. But if the administration asks how many kilowatts you need, you must be ready to give a correct and reasoned answer.

Power of household electrical appliances

indicated in the description attached to each of them, or on the back wall or bottom of the device.

For example, an iron consumes an average of 0.75 kW/h, a washing machine, a dishwasher, and a microwave oven consume about 1 kW/h.

A storage electric water heater will require 2–6 kW/h, and its instantaneous counterpart will require 15–20 kW/h.


Find out about local network opportunities before purchasing a house or land.

To do this, contact the production and technical department of the network organization.

Perhaps the substation is so far away and the power quality is so poor that the purchase will have to be abandoned.

Or decide whether you can afford to build your own substation, buy an additional transformer, or stretch hundreds of meters of wires with a larger cross-section.

Agree on the allocated power.

Ideally, you would first need to order a house electrical installation project from a special design organization.

In this project, specialists take into account all the electrical equipment of the house and its operating mode.

However, the reality is such that you first have to agree on the allocated power, and only then contact the design bureau to draw up a project.

A technical specification is written for approval.

With this task you need to contact the production and technical department of the network organization. It is on this basis that local specialists will give you technical specifications for connecting your house to the line and determine the power grid available to it.

The technical specifications provide a preliminary calculation.

To calculate the approximate required power of the electrical network, you need to add up the power consumption of all electrical equipment (lighting, household appliances, power equipment) that is supposed to be used. The main thing is not to forget anything and calculate everything correctly, otherwise the electrical power allocated by the network organization at home will be insufficient.

Network power calculation

Example of lighting power calculation:

The room uses 25 spotlights with 40-watt incandescent lamps.

We multiply 25 by 40 and get the total power consumption for lighting in a given room - 1 kW/h. In the same way, we calculate the indicators for all rooms and summarize them.

The resulting figure will show how many kilowatt-hours will be required for lighting in the house.

In the photo: Recessed lamp Coupè F from the De Majo factory

Add up the power consumption of lighting, household appliances and power equipment.

It is from this data that the electrical power of the house is obtained. The power consumption of electrical equipment is indicated on each device. To calculate the lighting power, you need to multiply the number of light bulbs in each room by their estimated power.

Take into account all the little things.

Do not forget that a certain electrical power is needed not only for a heating boiler, heated floors, a hydromassage shower cabin or a “finished” sauna. Try to take into account everything down to such little things as electric ignition of the stove, drives for roller shutters and gates.

Round the result up and add 10–20%.

This is necessary so that the system does not have to operate at peak loads. After all, the calculation results only give a general idea of ​​how much electrical power is needed for a home.

Do not forget that in addition to lighting the house, you should “calculate” the power of the lamps for lighting the local area.

What if the result exceeds the network's capabilities?

Diesel generator

will provide additional autonomous power supply.

Calculation taking into account the utilization factor.

Not all electrical devices in a home usually work at the same time.

Therefore, to more accurately calculate the electrical power of a house, the result is multiplied by the utilization factor.

Only a special design bureau can accurately calculate the utilization factor. During preliminary calculations, it is left equal to one.

Well-designed project

will help reduce utilization rates. For this purpose, the project, in particular, includes: a synchronous load switch, a “smart home” system, thoughtful use of day and night traffic, and the inclusion of energy-saving modes.

Modernization of the general network at your own expense.

Sometimes this is the only possible way to provide sufficient electrical power to the house. The technical connection conditions issued by the network organization will detail what equipment (transformer, substation, new wires) you will have to buy.

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How to find out how much power is allocated

Operating current parameters
You can find out reliably how many kilowatts there are per apartment with a gas or electric stove in this way:

  • Contact your energy provider for help. The service is paid, depending on the region. A certificate from Mosenergosbyt, for example, depending on the type of object, costs 1.3-3.1 thousand rubles.
  • Find the data in the electricity supply contract or technical specifications.

Independent calculations are made based on the parameters of the input protection device. The user needs to know the operating current and then perform mathematical calculations. For example, the operating current indicator is 32 A. To calculate the maximum load limit, the formula is used: P max = U x I nom x 0.8; where U is the rated network voltage. That is, 230 x 32 x 0.8 ≈ 5.5 kW.

Calculations based on meter readings are not always correct due to the built-in load relay.

Volume of allocated power when purchasing an apartment

In this case, we are talking about the maximum amount of power allocated to the apartment. And if you consider that the average power of a modern electric stove is 6...8 kW, then it is not difficult to imagine what level of comfort can await the owner who is “lucky” to purchase an apartment in such a house.

Due to the fact that the cost of housing today is, to put it mildly, exorbitant, a person purchasing an apartment pays most attention to its square footage, layout and location. At the same time, he is of little interest in the electricity supply contract (which will subsequently have to be concluded) and everything connected with it.

Calculation of required power

Calculations are made if it is necessary to determine whether the allocated volume is sufficient. The maximum load is calculated as the sum of all devices turned on at the same time. If the registration certificate is lost or the sticker on the equipment is worn out, you should refer to the data in the table.

ConsumersPower, W
Electric stove1100-6000
Vacuum cleaner400-2000
Washing machine1000-3000
Circular Saw750-1600
Hay mower750-2500
Circulating saw1800-2100
Household equipment
Water pump500-900
Air conditioner1000-3000
A gas boiler40-1000
Electric boiler control1000

Having calculated the amount of consumption, you need to indicate a reserve when the load increases. The devices will consume 20-30% more than the calculated value. The sum of the two indicators is the final result. If the estimated power is lower than declared, you can apply for an additional 1-3 kW.

Increasing electrical power up to 15 kW for individuals

List of documents required to apply for a power increase

In addition to the list of documents for a new connection, you must additionally prepare:

  1. A valid agreement with a network organization.
  2. A valid contract with the sales company.
  3. Latest electricity payment receipts.

If any documents from this list are missing, then contact us anyway - we will help you restore them.

Time frame for increasing power with paperwork and installation of a 15 kW metering unit

Submitting documents and obtaining an agreement with technical specifications to increase capacity in a grid organization (Lenenergo, Loesk, OEK, etc.)15 working days from the date of submission of documents
Handing over the new metering unit to the inspector of the network organization15 working days from the date of submission of notification of compliance with technical conditions
Receipt of acts after delivery of the metering unit15 working days from the date of commissioning of the metering unit
Obtaining a new contract with a sales company20 working days from the date of submission of documents to the sales company

Answers on questions:

How much does it cost to increase power?

Registration of documents for 15 kW – 6500 rubles

Installation work – 40,000 rubles

Registration of acts and agreements with the sales company - 20,000 rubles

At your request, we can do only installation or, conversely, draw up only documents.

I already have an old meter, shield, wire. Is it possible to save something?

When the power increases from 3-5 kW to 15 kW, a transition occurs from single-phase connection to three-phase. Therefore, in a new 15 kW connection it is necessary to use a three-phase meter, automation and SIP wire 4 4*16.

In addition, most often the transition to 3 phases leads to reinstallation of the in-house distribution board.

How long will I be without electricity?


Maximum hour. We install a 15 kW panel parallel to the old connection, hand it over to the inspector, and only then do we switch from the old to the new.

Will I pay more for electricity?

Regardless of what power you have connected, you will pay according to consumption, i.e. by meter

How many kilowatts can the wiring in the apartment withstand?

Table of cable power depending on the cross-section
Under ideal conditions, a standard copper conductor with a cross-section of 2.5 mm2 can withstand a load of 5.9 kW, and an aluminum conductor - 4.4 kW.

Under operating conditions, aluminum conductors of old houses with a cross-section of 2.5 mm2 can withstand 3.5 kW at a current of 16 A. APPVs of 6 mm2 do not burn out at a load of 5.5 kW and a current of 25 A. Wires with a cross-section of 4 mm2 will withstand 4, 4 kW at current 25 A.

According to the rules of the PUE, a three-core copper wire with a cross-section of 1.5 mm2 must withstand a maximum permissible load of 5.9 kW. 4 mm2 cable – 8.3 kW with a current of 28 A. Conductor with a cross-section of 6 mm2 with a current of 46 A – 10.1 kW.

What it is

During capital construction during the USSR, for example in Khrushchev buildings, i.e. In most residential premises that are still in use today, even at the design stage the permitted power was up to 1.5 kW per apartment.

The allocated power is the maximum amount of electricity consumed at one point in time.

In addition, in order to enter the established limit, sometimes you need to enter not just 1 phase, as often happens, but as many as 3 phases. This is necessary for connecting modern household appliances, such as powerful electric boilers and electric stoves. This is especially true in commercial premises and industries of any scale, where a lot of electricity is needed (up to 30 kW and above).

To find out the allocated power for a private house or apartment, you need to contact the operating organization (in Moscow and the region - this is Mosenergosbyt OJSC). The help contains information about the allocated and average power consumption. It will be needed if you are preparing documents for an increase; this will be discussed in detail below.

How to increase allocated power

The power of electricity in an apartment or private house can be increased based on new technical conditions. The document is valid for 2 years. It states:

  • new permitted power indicators;
  • voltage parameters – 380 or 220 V;
  • environmental standards;
  • ways to control the consumption and conservation of electricity.

Features of treatment for individuals and legal organizations vary.

For individuals

Fragment of a standard act of delimitation of book value
Additional capacity must be installed in stages:

  1. Collection of documents - a certificate or agreement on real estate ownership, a certificate with current power parameters, an agreement with an energy supplier, an act of shared operational responsibility.
  2. Implementation of a building electrification scheme.
  3. Agreeing with the provider company on the possibility of increasing power.
  4. Signing of the project at Energonadzor.
  5. Inspection – The power plant is inspected and tested.
  6. Drawing up a report and approval for increasing the power load. The first document is prepared by an employee of the energy company, the second by a representative of Energonadzor.

All documents are sent to the supplier company, which makes the final decision.

For legal entities and companies

The sequence of the procedure is similar to the algorithm for private users. Only the documents differ. An ordinary citizen presents a passport, and a legal entity presents constituent papers. They are certified with a wet round seal and the signature of an authorized person.

If the technical connection papers do not contain information about the maximum power parameters or they were lost, the network enterprise has the right to re-register. It is implemented on the basis of a consumer application in the form established by the organization. The electricity supplier, according to Regulation No. 861, should not expand the list of documents and request additional data.

Permitted electricity power in a private house and apartment

Electricity power standards for an apartment and a private house are presented below.

  • the minimum allocated power for a private house or apartment without an electric stove is 5.5 kW;
  • The minimum electrical power for an apartment with an electric stove is 8.8 kW.

If the total housing area exceeds 60 sq.m., the calculation load increases with each additional square meter by 1%. In this case, wiring should only be laid in baseboards, walls or ceilings or non-combustible materials. Standards for allocating electricity limits for a house or apartment are necessary for those who plan to change wiring or install automatic circuit breakers to protect against power surges. It is better to entrust the work to professionals, this way you can avoid possible problems in the future.

After purchasing a home on the secondary real estate market, first of all, new owners, as a rule, change the wiring. In the process, it turns out that replacing the input circuit breaker is not so simple. If to install a model of the same type it is enough to call the electricians of the company providing the services, then to connect an AV with a large rated current, you need to submit an application so that the allocated electrical power is increased. Detailed information on this issue is provided below.

How many kilowatts of electricity are available per apartment?

The allocated power means the maximum electricity consumed per unit of time. You can find out the electricity limit for the premises by contacting the servicing energy sales company. The organization will provide data in the form of an official paper on the allocated and average energy consumed. The paper will be useful when registering an increase in the installed power in the apartment.

To calculate the number of kilowatts of energy that will be required for an apartment, you need to add up the power characteristics of all operating devices. In calculations, it is recommended to use this table for convenience.

The resulting amount is the installed capacity. In the case when, when adding up all energy consumers, the result is a number greater than the allocated limit, you need to think about increasing the amount of installed energy per room.

To reduce current consumption at a constant power parameter, it is recommended to switch to a three-phase network, which will allow the electricity consumption of devices to be evenly divided into three phases.

It is prohibited to increase power indicators by changing machines to larger ones. Otherwise, a fire may occur.

You also need to consider the number of devices running at the same time. There is an indicator called power utilization factor, the optimal value of which for a home is up to 1.

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