What is the name of the device that charges the phone without a power outlet?

Telephones became very common and solved the communication problem. Now the problem of charging smartphones and other portable devices is brewing. Chargers and devices to replenish the charge on the device’s batteries are not always available. Every year, global companies patent new ways to charge phones that do not require an outlet. Now you can charge your phone without an outlet in many ways and in any conditions. The devices are very diverse and amazing.


The most common portable charger is a power bank. This is an external battery that is compact and lightweight. You can charge absolutely any gadget from it if you have a suitable adapter.

External batteries come in different types, with individual characteristics. The main parameter is capacity. The larger it is, the longer it will be able to provide electricity to the phone. The number of permissible charges will depend on it. Portable phone chargers can keep your smartphone charged for days.

How to choose a portable battery for a smartphone

The acquisition of this device makes life much easier for modern people. But so that it does not lose its properties within a month, you should take a high-quality model. Therefore, I will help beginners who do not understand electronics not to “miss” with their purchase.

How not to make a mistake with your choice and what to pay attention to?

Battery capacity

One of the important factors in choosing a device is the capacity, which is expressed in milliamps per hour. You should pay attention to the fact that the capacity of the external battery must be greater than the battery of the gadget being charged (about three times). This is logical if you want to use the charging device repeatedly. Usually the capacity of the Power Bank does not match the specified value. That is, it will not be 100% effective. If it says 5,000 mAh, you will not be able to fully charge your smartphone (2,500 mAh) twice.

For small gadgets, a product up to 10 thousand mAh is suitable.

By carefully studying this information, you will understand which portable battery to choose for your smartphone.

The main thing is not to be fooled by the low price. You need to adequately assess the situation and understand that a “powerful” device for little money is unlikely to meet your expectations.

Current strength

When the smartphone battery is low, every user wants it to charge faster. The speed of the process directly depends on the current strength, which is expressed in Amperes (A).

As a rule, smartphones require 1 A. This is what you need to take into account when choosing an external battery. Some models have two USB ports of 1 and 2 A. This option will have a larger volume. Of course, its price will be appropriate.

If the current strength of the power bank is less than that required for a smartphone, then charging will take much longer.

Otherwise, when the current strength is greater than the required value, the smartphone is not at risk. No need to worry about this. Mobile phones have built-in protection that will limit the incoming current to a suitable value. That is, nothing bad will happen to the gadget. But it won’t charge faster either.

Some users choose a Power Bank with one input to save money. This is, let's say, irrational.

But often the “native” charger, powered from an outlet, charges the gadget faster than an external battery. Why is this happening? Surely, your phone has a fast charging function. Then you need to find a product model that supports the same technology.

There are universal power banks. According to the manufacturer, they independently determine the brand of the phone when connected and select the appropriate technology. Whether this is true or just another marketing ploy is difficult to say with complete certainty.

Weight and size

The above parameters will let you know which portable battery to choose. But for many, its weight and design are no less important.

The imagination of manufacturers is so vast that you can find a whole range of different Power Banks on store shelves. From large-sized models that will charge a smartphone five times, to miniature ones that can prolong the battery life for a short time. In addition, their colors are suitable for every taste and color. From bright and eye-catching images to calm, traditional tones.

In addition, the product differs in its shape. A particularly practical option is a charging case. It does not take up much space and does not require wires for operation. For some users, this type is much more convenient than traditional power banks. But the fact is that the phone, being in such a case, does not fit so comfortably in the hand. Therefore, this option attracts few.

Additional functions

At this point, the preferences of many users differ. Some people love minimalism. They don’t need anything other than the basic property of the product. Others, on the contrary, want to combine everything in one. What's better? It’s not bad if the selected portable charging model is satisfactory in terms of characteristics and has some useful bells and whistles.

For example, an easy-to-use model that shows the remaining charge using a special indicator. In addition, a flashlight may be useful. In the dark, the battery will not only charge your smartphone, but also illuminate the way.

Another added benefit is the cable comes with different adapters. The fact is that the charging sockets of phones are different. And such a device will become a universal option.

In addition, pay attention to how the device itself is charged. The MicroUSB port will allow you to replenish its energy using a regular smartphone charger. But there are also options with built-in solar panels. However, their effectiveness is in doubt.

The main thing is not to look for a device that combines all possible functions and is inexpensive. As a rule, it is of low quality.

Solar battery

Battery-free calculators powered by solar energy were once popular. Portable phone chargers work on the same principle. The solar battery operates efficiently all day long.

The device can fully charge a phone in 5-10 hours under high solar activity. If the sun shines weakly, it will take longer, approximately 15-18 hours.

Solar panels can be incorporated into any item of clothing or umbrella. This will increase the usable area of ​​the battery and make charge accumulation faster.

Crazy and even dangerous “ideas” from the Internet - don’t do that!

And finally, some know-how on maintaining and charging smartphone batteries found on the Internet. Let’s try to figure out how effective they are and, most importantly, how safe they are.

We pierce

The issue, according to many Bolgers, can be resolved in an elementary way. Carefully pierce the battery case, compress it with pliers (alternatively, press it with a brick, compress it with a clamp, etc.) so that the battery takes on a normal geometric shape, and seal the hole.

How effective is this “treatment”? Absolutely ineffective. We eliminate the effect, not the cause. It’s not just that the battery is swollen - there’s clearly something wrong with it. It is better to get rid of such a power source.

Regarding safety. By piercing the battery case, we risk (and this risk is very high) causing an internal short circuit and turning the battery into a thermite bomb that will burn even under water. And if the battery not only catches fire, but explodes, then we will definitely be left without eyes.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Curious. Some pro-piercing bloggers recommend (quote): “Before piercing, find a non-flammable material that can cover the flame. This way you will block the access of oxygen and eliminate the combustion process.” And laughter and sin...

We arrange a short circuit

This method, according to some, allows you to restore battery capacity if it has decreased due to age. Sometimes it is supposedly possible to increase the capacity by 20 (!) percent. So, remove the controller from the battery and short-circuit the battery contacts for 3-4 seconds. Ready. Let's collect and rejoice.

How effective is this treatment? It is not only ineffective, but, on the contrary, will cause the opposite effect. We will lose everything we had. This method is only suitable if we need to make a thermite bomb quickly and with minimal effort. A current shock during a short circuit will cause an internal short circuit of the battery with all the ensuing consequences - see the animation above.

Even if the battery does not explode immediately, there is a high probability that it will happen in an hour/week/month. And God forbid that only the smartphone is damaged.

Put it in the refrigerator

This method of restoring capacity (still by the same 20%) involves placing the battery in the freezer for 6 hours (as an option - for 2 hours, a day, etc.). One of the bloggers suggesting this writes (quote): “As mentioned above, cold is tolerated much better by the battery than high temperatures, so a number of experts recommend preventive maintenance of the device using cold.”

Dear fabulist, “bears it much better” and “rejoices very much” - is there a difference? By freezing the battery to a decent minus, we will simply kill it or, at best, shorten its service life. There can be no talk of any increase in capacity. Where will it come from? Will Santa Claus give you a ride on reindeer?

We double the resource

It would seem, how? Elementary Watson. We discharge the battery not to zero, but to 50%, and the number of charge/discharge cycles doubles.

I’ll say more on my own behalf. If you discharge the battery not to zero, but to 99%, then the number of charge/discharge cycles will increase 100 times. And this is true, since the cycle is called full discharge/full charge. By discharging the battery to half and charging it to 100%, you complete half the cycle. So don’t engage in tyranny, it’s both stupid and inconvenient.

Manual dynamo charging

An interesting solution for charging a smartphone is a dynamo machine, which is convenient to carry with you. It converts the physical force applied while turning the handle into energy.

To send an SMS or have a brief conversation with your interlocutor, you will need to continuously spin the machine for about a minute. To fully charge the phone, you will need to turn the handle for more than one hour.

On a note! There are special dynamos that are mounted on a bicycle wheel. Thus, when driving 10-12 kilometers, you can quickly charge your phone battery.

Best Power Bank Models

  • Baseus

An excellent choice for lovers of rigor. Stylish black design, ultra-thin body will suit everyone's taste. The battery has a capacity of 10,000 mAh. In addition, it has two inputs for charging gadgets with different current strengths of 1 and 2 A. The device can easily fit into your bag. And if necessary, it will charge not only your smartphone, but also your friend’s gadget.

  • WST

A small external battery (3,000 mAh) will perfectly help you out at school or work. If your smartphone dies at the end of the day and you need to make an important call, this thing will save you. This Power Bank has one USB port. The interesting shape of the product is presented in traditional black and white colors. A good and economical option for people who are not travelers and are not constantly on the move.

Price: 650 - 737 rub.

  • Pineng

Power Bank with a high capacity of 20,000 mAh. That is, it will easily replenish the battery of your smartphone several times without requiring additional recharging. It has two USB inputs with different amperages, as well as a digital display. The device copes well with its main function and extends the life of the gadget when it is so necessary.

  • Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2

An excellent choice in a stylish and comfortable metal case. Two USB ports and accelerated charging will allow you to quickly “reanimate” two smartphones at the same time. In addition, the capacity of this model is 10,000 mAh. By double pressing the power button, you can safely charge small gadgets. For example, bluetooth headsets, fitness bracelets. You can be sure of the originality of the product. The label on the package has a security code. To check, you should enter it on the manufacturer’s official website.

  • Emie

The sophisticated matte design attracts the attention of every buyer. The slim design allows you to carry a portable charger in your pocket. Its capacity is 20,000 mAh. There is an electronic display showing the charge. The product has inputs for charging two smartphones at the same time. A great additional feature is the built-in flashlight.

“The Last Cartridge” - a case for a AA battery

You don’t always have a charger with an outlet at hand. But batteries can be purchased on almost every corner. They can be used as a power source for your phone.

This portable charge is called the last cartridge. It is a case into which a AA battery or a whole block of them is inserted. Using a regular charging cable, the device connects to the phone and begins to power it. One battery is enough to replenish a few percent. It's better to use the whole unit to charge your phone.

Will fruits and vegetables help save the situation?

The Internet is teeming with experiments on creating galvanic cells from fruits and vegetables. Moreover, the results are amazing. So, magnesium and copper electrodes inserted into a lemon give a potential difference of 1.45 volts!

It is logical to assume that if you connect 4 of these “elements” in series, you can get a voltage of 5.8 V. As they say, “just what the doctor ordered” for charging five-volt gadgets. But if we measure the current that such a battery is capable of delivering, then we will be completely disappointed. Depending on the fruit or vegetable used, it will fluctuate between 0.1 and 1.5 mA.

Voltage and current depend not only on the fruit used, but also on the material and area of ​​the electrodes. Below is a list of items. The farther the cells are from each other, the more efficient our battery is.

It turns out that it is impossible to charge the phone from a “fruit” battery? It is quite possible, but only if we have at our disposal a box of, say, oranges and a couple of kilograms of copper and zinc.

We assemble modules in which “batteries” are connected in parallel to provide the required current. Then we connect the required number of such modules in series to obtain the required voltage.

So, theoretically, you can charge a smartphone with fruit batteries, but is it worth doing this in practice?

Breathing mask AIR

The small mask incorporates the operating principle of a wind turbine. The generator rotates as you inhale and exhale. To charge your phone, you just need to put on a mask and lie down to rest or exercise.

During active activities, the phone can be recharged by 10-15 percent in 40 minutes. This charging device is economical, and when using it at night, you can completely abandon standard charging from a wall outlet.

Mini wind generator - does it work or is it just a toy?

Today, wind energy is used very widely, especially in areas with constant winds.

Are there pocket wind generators that cannot replace thermal power plants, but are suitable for hiking? After all, we don’t need to power residential and industrial areas, we want to charge a smartphone. We will not delve into the laws of aerodynamics, but simply turn to ready-made developments. Here is one of them:

You can buy such a miracle for “only” 500 rubles by following the link. Will this Carlson be able to “pump up” a smartphone? Let's look at the characteristics:

  • Motor size: approximately 24.5mm x 34.2mm.
  • Fan diameter: approximately 90 mm.
  • Output voltage: DC 0.1-6V.
  • Output current: 0.01-0.3A.
  • Rated speed: 200-6000 rpm.
  • Output: USB 5V (+/-0.2 V).

Together with the photo of this fan, such “characteristics” are, to put it mildly, frivolous. The range of each of them is several orders of magnitude. Output current – ​​0.01-0.3 A. How can you understand this? What does "approximately" mean? Their generator and impeller are stamped “how will it turn out”? And if you take into account the phrase “A wind generator is capable of producing a voltage of 5V, which is quite enough to charge the batteries of modern smartphones and tablets,” then it becomes sad... It turns out that a pocket wind generator is a myth? We are looking further.

Next development:

Let's take a look at the characteristics:

  • output voltage – 12/24 V (auto);
  • output power – 400 W;
  • minimum wind speed – 13 m/s;
  • weight – 10 kg;
  • blade length – 600 mm.

Quite good, and even more than needed for our purposes. But the weight and dimensions... Such a power plant is perfect for constant use at a non-electrified facility, but you can’t carry it in a backpack. Brought, installed, and for the whole season. In addition, this device requires a decent amount of wind. Nevertheless, the generator copes with the task set by us with a bang. It costs about 16,000 rubles, lives on Aliexpress at the link.

And here is another wind generator from Janulus (Ireland), released for sale in 2015. Unfortunately, we did not find it in online stores, but, nevertheless, it exists and is sold:

Characteristics of the Trinity 50 tourist wind generator:

  • power – 50 W;
  • output voltage – 5 V (USB);
  • minimum wind speed – 2 m/s;
  • built-in battery capacity – 7,500 mAh;
  • dimensions in stowed position – 300 x 55 mm;
  • dimensions in working position – 600 x 900 mm;
  • weight – 600 g (with battery).

It's a completely different matter! What a tourist needs. Firstly, it is compact and not heavy. Secondly, it can operate in winds of only 2 m/s. This kind of wind is not a problem even at ground level. And thirdly, the wind generator has its own battery of decent capacity. There is wind - I charged the gadget from the generator. No - from the battery. The device costs about 15,000 rubles.

So, miniature wind generators that can charge a smartphone and even a laptop exist. This is not a myth.

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