Electricity consumption table for household appliances

Our modern society cannot imagine its life without electricity. It is firmly rooted in the daily and industrial life of a person in the twenty-first century.

Electricity is used not only to illuminate streets, residential buildings and other premises. Today, electricity is needed to power the telephone, computer, TV and many other household appliances in our homes, which make the life of a modern person much easier.

Many home owners use electricity for heating, although this is not the cheapest type of heating, it is quite reliable and easy to use.

Like people in the past, modern society cannot exist without electricity. Every year, scientists are developing new technologies that require power. Of course, today electric current is used more widely than before. But after several decades, its consumption will increase several times. So, for example, if 10 years ago 1.5 - 2 kW of electricity was enough for a house or apartment, today this figure has increased to 15 kW, almost 10 times.

Let's try to figure out how many kilowatts a home currently needs.

Electricity consumption of household appliances: table and tips for saving

The annual increase in the cost of electrical energy forces users to think about methods of controlling its consumption and ways to save. The instructions for any equipment indicate the power of the device. However, this is an average value and may vary depending on certain factors. You can learn how to correctly calculate the electricity consumption of household appliances from this article.

The more appliances you use in your home, the higher your energy costs will be.

Total power in W: how much energy do household appliances consume in kW

Any apartment is equipped with the necessary set of household appliances and electrical equipment. Each type of equipment has individual technical characteristics, including power and energy consumption. The total value of all these factors determines the total amount of electrical energy consumed, which will be different for each family.

Distribution of energy consumption by electrical appliances as a percentage.

In order to plan possible expenses, some owners resort to compiling a table of electricity consumption by household appliances per hour, where they indicate the name of the consumer, its power and duration of operation throughout the day. Information about the total energy consumption of household appliances and lighting elements is necessary for installing switching and protective equipment and selecting the cross-section of electrical wiring.

On a note! To determine the total power, the corresponding consumer values ​​​​must be converted into one unit of measurement, so it is important to know how many W are in 1 kW.

From the table below you can conclude which household appliances consume more electricity. These include a lighting system, refrigerator, TV, computer, washing machine, electric kettle and iron. The total value averages 120-180 kW per month. Additional costs include the use of small household appliances in the form of a hair dryer, coffee maker, food processor, chargers and other elements that provide the required level of comfort. In the summer, the use of air conditioning is also taken into account, and in winter - oil electric heaters, which add 60-100 kW.

Online calculator for converting kVA to kW:

Power is a physical quantity equal to the ratio of work performed over a certain period of time to this period of time.

Power can be apparent, reactive and active:

  • S – total power is measured in kVA (kiloVolt Amperes)

Characterizes the total electrical power of alternating current. To obtain the total power, the values ​​of reactive and active powers are summed up. At the same time, the ratio of total and active power may differ for different electricity consumers. Thus, to determine the total power of consumers, their total, rather than active powers, should be summed up.

kVA characterizes the total electrical power, which has the accepted letter designation according to the SI system - S: this is the geometric sum of active and reactive power, found from the ratio: S=P/cos(ph) or S=Q/sin(ph).

  • Q – reactive power is measured in kVar (kiloVar)

Reactive power consumed in electrical networks causes additional active losses (to cover which energy is consumed at power plants) and voltage losses (worsening voltage regulation conditions).

  • P – active power is measured in kW (kilowatts)

This is a physical and technical quantity that characterizes useful electrical power. With an arbitrary load, an active current component acts in the alternating current circuit. This part of the total power, which is determined by the power factor and is useful (used).

The unified power factor is denoted by Cos φ.

This is the power factor, which shows the ratio of (losses) kW to kVA when connecting inductive loads.

Common power factors and their interpretation (cos φ):

1 – best value

0.95 is an excellent indicator

0.90 – satisfactory value

0.80 – average most common indicator

0.70 is a bad indicator

0.60 – very low value

kW characterizes the active consumed electrical power, which has the accepted letter designation P: this is the geometric difference between the total and reactive power, found from the relationship: P=S*cos(f).

In consumer terms: kW is net (net power), and kVA is gross (total power).

1 kW = 1.25 kVA

1 kVA = 0.8 kW

Prices for diesel power plants:

200 kW 500 kW 1200 kW 2500 kW
300 kW 800 kW 1500 kW 5000 kW
400 kW 1000 kW 2000 kW 8000 kW

Energy consumption table for household appliances

For each home, the number of electrical devices, the value of their electricity consumption and the duration of operation will be different. The table below for energy consumption of household appliances contains average information:

Device namepower, kWtOperating time per day, hConsumption per day, kWhConsumption per month, kWh
Lighting (10 lamps 20 W each)0,02050,13
Washing machine1-2,211-2,220-30
Vacuum cleaner0,65-2,215 minutes0,16-0,551,6-5,5
Microwave1,530 minutes0,7510-15
Electric kettle0,7-315 minutes0,25-0,757,5-16,5
Food processor0,2-2,015 minutes0,05-0,50,5-3
Air conditioner0,7-1,373,5-815-35
Hairdryer1,2-1,515 minutes0,3-0,45-7
Electric stove2-8,535-1030-150
Coffee maker1,5-3,515 minutes0,3-0,85-10

Refrigerator: how many watts does it consume per hour?

When answering the question of which electrical appliances consume the most energy, the refrigerator will be first on the list. This device works around the clock. The actual energy consumption of the refrigerator is calculated taking into account the international classification of energy efficiency devices. This parameter is designated by a letter with a certain number of pluses; the more there are, the lower the level of electricity use.

The classification of a household appliance by energy efficiency is as follows:

  • A++ - the highest class with maximum energy saving. Electricity consumption is 30% of the standard value;
  • A+ - energy consumption - 30-42% of the standard;
  • A - energy consumption - 42-55% of the standard;
  • B - energy consumption - 55-75% of the standard;
  • C – energy consumption – 75-90% of the standard;
  • D – energy consumption – 90-100% of the standard;
  • E - energy consumption - 100-110% of the standard;
  • F - energy consumption - 110-125% of the standard.

However, the energy efficiency parameter is very average. Since the amount of electricity consumed by the refrigerator is affected by its operating mode, workload, and the number of door openings.

The refrigerator consumes the most energy of any electrical appliance.

On a note! The instructions for the refrigerator indicate the energy efficiency class and the amount of electricity it consumes per hour.

Annual energy consumption corresponds to 220-460 kW. It is impossible to obtain an accurate result for a table of electricity consumption per day or month by simply dividing this value. Since energy consumption is influenced by a number of factors, such as freezing power, ambient temperature, and product filling level.

To reduce the energy consumption of the refrigerator, it is necessary to operate the device correctly, do not leave the internal space empty when it is turned on, do not open the door for a long time, do not put hot food in, check the condition of the seals, ensure that there is a gap between the refrigerator and the wall, regularly defrost, wash and dry the unit.


Lilya 02/08/2009 12:47 Yes, but electricity prices are rising and rising

Petya 03/19/2009 18:12 Thank you, everything is described in detail.

Vitaly Romanovich 05/01/2009 23:37 I found out that it costs only 9 rubles a month to light my aquarium.

Natalya 05/11/2009 21:02 The most powerful consumers of electricity are a vacuum cleaner, iron, microwave oven, washing machine. Their power is about one kilowatt. Therefore, try to reduce their operating time, and your counter will please you with lower values. This is especially important now, when electricity prices have risen by an average of a third.

Ravil 05/15/2009 12:02 also an electric kettle also wastes a lot!! so boil on gas - it’s cheaper! and if scale forms, remove it - it incurs more costs!

Gena Buk 05/27/2009 18:06 Sometimes it is also better to heat food on a gas stove than in a microwave oven. My LG stove consumes 900 watts of energy :ups:

Roma 02/11/2010 14:48 It's good when there is gas! We, residents of Kamchatka, are unlucky with this: we don’t have gas, so everything runs on electricity.

1 kWh costs 3.20 rubles.

Sergey 06/26/2016 12:31 Like here in Belarus.

Nina 12/23/2016 03:09 How come there is no gas? China has our gas, but our Kamchatka does not?

Sergey 04/18/2010 08:52 And what separates the comma on the counter? or should we count without it?

KKK 04/18/2010 15:58 Sergey, a comma separates the whole from tenths, hundredths and thousandths of a kilowatt.

Alexander 05/18/2010 11:46 Explain, I want to install a ground source heat pump in my house, the company offered a heating and hot water consumption of 10990 kW hours per year. How much electricity will it consume per year?

Vadim 08/06/2015 12:49 A heat pump pumps heat from one environment to another: in the summer from the house to the street, and in the winter from the street to the house, so the heating or cooling power can be from 2 to 3 or even 4 times higher than the cost of active electricity . there are savings. Abroad, they realized this a long time ago, so for 1 Kilowatt of active electrical energy expended, you will get 2-3-4 kilowatts of cold or heat.

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