Energy savings at the enterprise up to 80% - effective methods and measures

Energy saving in an enterprise is one of the most pressing problems facing industry. This is due to the constant increase in the cost of electricity and other energy resources.

Production spends its finances on raw materials, fuel, and operational work, but the most expensive is payment for the energy component.

The energy-saving measures that you will carry out at your enterprise will allow you to significantly reduce energy costs and thereby positively influence the technical and economic performance of the enterprise or production. This is immediately observed in increasing profitability and improving the competitiveness of manufactured products by reducing the cost of manufactured products or services.

Energy saving at the enterprise is carried out in the following areas:

  • increasing the efficiency of the production process
  • saving energy resources

Today, a number of effective methods are used to save energy. The main ones:

  • equipment modernization
  • application of energy-saving technologies
  • reduction of electricity losses in power receivers and power supply systems
  • regulation of equipment operating modes
  • improvement of power quality

There are many ways to save energy in industry. Energy and money are two important motivations on the path to energy saving. If access to energy has a limit, then this is an additional motivation to save (for example, a limit on gas use).

Method number 1 - improving natural lighting

The brighter and better the natural daylight, the lower the energy consumption in an industrial enterprise. It is necessary to create conditions that promote maximum penetration of sunlight into the room.


  • When choosing finishing materials for ceilings and walls, give preference to light options - they can reduce electricity consumption by 1 to 3% of the usual value;
  • Avoid using curtains, curtains and other items covering windows, window openings and window sills;
  • Make sure that the windows in production workshops are always clean - settling dust particles prevent the penetration of sunlight.

Method No. 2 - increasing the efficiency of artificial lighting

Using efficient artificial lighting devices in production workshops and industrial premises, it will be possible to save up to ½ of all energy costs regularly spent on lighting workplaces.


  • Make sure that fixtures, lamps, shades and other artificial lighting devices are always clean - constantly wipe off dust from them (the number of cleanings is determined by the specifics of production activities and usually ranges from 3 to 12 times a day );
  • Use local (local) lighting - table lamps, floor lamps and lamps. By turning off or reducing the level of general lighting, it will be possible to reduce the cost of electricity consumption in an enterprise from 30 to 50% ;
  • Select light zones in the production workshop by connecting general lighting in groups. This method provides electricity savings of 20 to 50% of the amount of energy spent on lighting an enterprise.

Computers, TV and phone chargers

Gaming computers are capable of turning up the counters quite well not only because of the fast processor, but also because of the powerful video card that works 20 hours a day (time while playing a game flies quickly, and if you start out as a schoolboy, you may not notice how retirement is approaching). Some people also use video cards to make money (I wonder if this is profitable or not?).

A typical office computer operating in quiet mode consumes about 200 W, a laptop – 40–60 W. This is comparable to TV and not as significant. Despite this, it doesn’t hurt to manage the power of such devices, especially since such capabilities have long been provided for in modern smart electronics.

As for chargers for phones and other mobile devices, they can be powered from “alternative” energy sources: solar panels and small windmills powered by appropriate converters (including, of course, 5, 12, and 20 V DC. The latter can be used to charge laptops.)

Alternative sources in everyday life are still not widespread, their power is very modest, and the price is high. Nevertheless, you have to start somewhere, and advice on energy saving in the home should take into account even this little.

Method number 3 - control over energy consumption

Use modern and innovative energy consumption metering systems. Special meters are presented in the assortment of not only foreign, but also Russian manufacturers - purchasing domestic products will allow you to save additional money.

Instructions for saving energy using modern technologies and developments:

  • Supply electrical energy meters with a higher level of accuracy than those previously installed at the enterprise;
  • Install automated commercial electricity metering (installation of ASKUE) to save resources;
  • Continuously maintain careful technical records of the energy consumed – locally, as well as throughout the plant.

Methodology for determining the cost of electricity when calculating according to the 3rd price category

Components of the final price for electricity in the 3rd price category

  • the price of electrical energy is determined monthly by the Trading System Administrator for each hour of the month
  • price for capacity – determined monthly by the Trading System Administrator
  • a one-rate tariff for electricity transmission services is approved by the regional tariff service
  • Sales surcharge - a percentage of the price of electricity and capacity
  • Infrastructure payments - services of organizations providing trading and settlements on the wholesale market

How is the cost of electrical energy and power calculated for the 3rd price category?

Cost of electrical energy Volume of electrical energy consumption at each hour of the month * per price of electrical energy at this hour of the month = cost of electrical energy for one hour. By summing up all the hourly costs of electrical energy, we get the total cost of electrical energy for the month.

Cost of electric power The administrator of the trading system, based on the results of trading for the month, determines the maximum hours of the region - one hour of each working day in which the consumption of the region was maximum and the price of power.

To determine the power, you need to take the arithmetic average of the power values ​​in hourly hours during these peak hours. The resulting number must be multiplied by the price of power.

Rice. 1 Example of a consumption schedule for a manufacturing enterprise. (Click on graph to enlarge)

To the calculation of electricity for the 3rd price category, the calculation of transmission services is added

Cost of electricity transmission services

Total consumption for the month * size of the single-rate tariff for the corresponding voltage level.

Method No. 4 - using energy-saving techniques

The introduction of energy-saving technologies is based on the installation of a special artificial lighting system and energy-efficient production equipment. The method under consideration involves one-time financial expenses.


  • Install lamps with high efficiency. Their use in industry allows saving from 20 to 80% of energy;
  • Purchase ballasts that regulate the ignition order and stabilization of the discharge current of fluorescent lamps;
  • Use lighting fixtures - they help reduce electricity costs by up to 15%;
  • Give preference to energy-saving heating equipment for those workshops in which centralized water heating is not possible.

Use electrical appliances correctly

  1. If you do not have a two-tariff electricity meter, turn off all non-essential electrical appliances at night, and chargers after the equipment is fully charged.
  2. The refrigerator must be defrosted regularly if it does not have a special No Frost system. Make sure that the device is positioned as far as possible from heating appliances and that natural ventilation of the rear wall is provided. Place only cooled dishes in it!
  3. Monitor the performance of the electric stove burners and place only suitable sized dishes with a flat bottom on them.
  4. Cover pots and pans with lids: they reduce heat loss by almost three times.
  5. Try not to overload the washing machine (overloading increases electricity consumption by up to 10%) and use a medium temperature setting. Washing at 30 degrees uses 35% less energy than washing at 40 degrees.
  6. Use an electric kettle instead of an electric stove to heat water. This will be much more economical. Boil only the volume of liquid that is needed at the moment.
  7. Clean your air conditioner fans and filters regularly.
  8. Iron items that require a low temperature setting after turning off the iron.
  9. Do not leave equipment, including microwaves, televisions, computers, scanners, printers, modems, in standby mode. This will save more than 200 kW per year.
  10. Use electrical outlets with a timer.

Method No. 5 - use of special equipment

By choosing energy-efficient machinery and equipment for an industrial enterprise, it is possible to save from 15 to 80% of the total amount of electricity. For example, it is recommended to use electric stoves equipped with induction heating functions, a controller control system, etc.

Optimize the performance of your production equipment by installing variable frequency wiring to control motors. The use of this method allows you to save up to 20% of the cost of electricity spent on operating electric motors.

Systematic replacement of all old equipment, including:

  • personal computers,
  • audio equipment,
  • video equipment,
  • power parts of the equipment.

Use innovative and cost-effective technology for replacement. One-time costs for its acquisition are quickly compensated by a significant reduction in energy consumption. For example, the efficiency of a lamp with 20 years of experience is 65% , and the efficiency of a new lamp is 95% . The total savings are from 25 to 80% .

Method No. 6 – working with personnel

One of the ways to save energy at an enterprise is to appoint an employee responsible for resource consumption. It will provide timely and, most importantly, careful control over the consumption of electricity in various workshops.

Note! If an industrial enterprise has more than 3-5 workshops, then it is recommended to appoint several responsible employees and distribute them among zones.

The duties of the employee responsible for the energy sector, appointed by order of the manager, will include:

  • creating conditions for timely and high-quality maintenance, scheduled repairs and preventative testing of electrical equipment,
  • carrying out calculations aimed at determining the volume of electricity consumed, as well as monitoring its consumption,
  • personal development and introduction at the enterprise of technologies and measures, the purpose of which is the rational consumption of electricity.

Train production personnel to properly operate machinery and equipment. Introduce training at various levels (depending on the qualifications and professionalism of workers). Regularly inform employees about energy-saving technologies being introduced.

Local order to save electricity – is it worth introducing?

30% of energy losses in the Russian Federation are the result of citizens’ irrational and mismanagement of electricity consumption. In order to reduce this indicator and significantly reduce the company's current expenses for utility bills, it is advisable to adopt a local order to save electricity.

How is it formatted? There is no standard form established by current legislation. This means that the development of the order, its structure, content and procedure for implementation in production are determined independently by management with the participation of the employee appointed as the person responsible for energy management.

Note! The main thing is to familiarize all personnel involved in the enterprise with the order on energy saving, against signature.

Methodology for calculating the price of electricity for the 4th price category

  • The price of electrical energy is determined monthly by the Administrator of the trading system for each hour of the month
  • Price for capacity – determined monthly by the Trading System Administrator
  • The two-part tariff for electricity transmission services is approved by the regional tariff service. Consists of 2 components: the rate for the maintenance of electrical networks and the rate for payment of technological costs (losses) in electrical networks
  • Sales surcharge - a percentage of the price of electricity and capacity
  • Infrastructure payments - services of organizations providing trading and settlements on the wholesale market

Calculation of the cost of electrical energy and power is similar to the calculation for the 3rd price category

Electricity cost

volume of electrical energy consumption at each hour of the month * by the price of electrical energy at this hour of the month = cost of electrical energy for one hour. By summing up the entire hourly cost of electrical energy, we obtain the total cost of electrical energy for the month.

Cost of electrical power

Based on the trading results for the month, the trading system administrator determines the peak hours of the region - one hour of each working day in which the region’s consumption was maximum and the power price.

To determine the power, you need to take the arithmetic average of the power values ​​in hourly hours during these peak hours. Multiply the resulting number by the power price.

To the calculation for electrical energy and power in the 4th price category, you need to add the calculation of transmission services.

The transmission service when paying for electricity in 4 and 6 price categories consists of 2 components:

Payment for technological losses during electricity transmission

Volume of consumption per month * amount of payment for technological losses

Payment for the maintenance of networks.

It's like electrical power, only in terms of transmission service. The determination method differs from electrical power. The system operator publishes forecast peak hours for the year ahead. These are the time ranges in which maximum power will be measured. To determine the size of power, you need to take the statistical average of the maximum power values ​​in hourly hours during the forecast peak hours determined by the system operator.

Fig 2. An example of a consumption graph for a manufacturing enterprise (Click on the graph to enlarge)

comparison table

The main ways to save electricity at an enterprise were discussed above - their use will allow you to significantly reduce electricity costs without compromising the quality and efficiency of work.

Below are specific energy savings data (depending on the method chosen and applied):

Way to save energyEfficiency of implementation in productionNuances of use
Increasing natural light levelsFrom 1 to 15%The given indicator may differ depending on the specifics of production activities
Improving the quality of artificial lightingUp to 50%In addition to the above methods, it involves monitoring the serviceability of lighting fixtures
Careful control over resource consumptionTo 10%Installation of special meters + proper performance of duties by the person in charge
Energy saving technologies and their implementationFrom 20 to 80%Requires large financial costs, but is justified many times over in the long term
Briefing and awareness of involved personnelTo 10%Staff should be informed regularly with the participation of an experienced instructor.
Operation of special equipmentFrom 25 to 80%Do your financial capabilities not allow for a one-time replacement? Organize the gradual purchase of equipment

Solving the problem of energy saving on an enterprise-wide scale is possible provided that all of the above methods of saving are applied simultaneously and properly. The more carefully you approach the task, the more costs you will be able to reduce.

Agree, it is much more profitable to direct funds to purchase equipment and additional equipment than to pay for utilities.

Video on the topic of the article: energy savings of up to 20% in production.

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