Dielectric gloves - what are they and what are they for?

  • Purpose and scope of PPE
  • — Classification
  • — Design features and materials
  • Classes of dielectric gloves
  • What does the marking tell you?
  • Mandatory PPE check
  • Test technology
  • Storage Features

Dielectric gloves are PPE made from polymers with low electrical conductivity that protect workers from electric shock.
They are necessary for professional electricians and workers involved in servicing electrical equipment. The use of mandatory dielectric PPE in production not only removes the threat of fines from the enterprise, but also allows you to avoid tragedy, preserving the health and lives of workers. Rice. 1

To obtain permission to service electrical equipment, workers must, among other things, familiarize themselves with the rules for using electrically insulating protective equipment, the procedure for checking them, and storage conditions. The responsibility to provide workers with the dielectric PPE necessary for specific work rests directly with the employer (enterprise). It is also the employer of the workers who is responsible for monitoring the use of protective equipment.

Types of gloves and their features

Despite the very high popularity of this accessory among electricians, the variety of models is not very large and for many years, decades, the range has not changed at all. Actually, this is due to the lack of necessity, because these types of dielectric gloves are not intended for beauty and attractiveness, but for protection against voltage, which they do very well; decorative elements and design in general are of little concern to anyone. So, for decades, electricians have been using almost identical protection options.

Gloves of this type are divided into three types - gloves for two or five fingers, gloves with a seam and for working with networks up to 1000V and over 1000V.

Let's gradually get acquainted with all types of gloves and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

Operating rules

Let's look at the rules for using dielectric gloves point by point, what standards must be adhered to in order to prevent the use of a damaged product with degraded quality. The procedure for inspection and storage is established by regulations and the manufacturer.


Before use and in the intervals between testing, gloves are kept in closed rooms, warehouses in containers, individually packaged at +10°... +35° C, humidity up to 40–60%. Requirements for the location: protected from direct sun, ultraviolet radiation, heat radiation, and compounds that have a detrimental effect (including evaporation) on polymers (petroleum, oils, turpentine, solvents, strong acids). During transportation, when there are temperature fluctuations, the batch is waited for a day before disassembling.


Conventional dielectric gloves are used at temperatures from −25 to +55, for cat. C operating mode −40… +50. Other ranges may be specified by the manufacturer and are allowed during product certification.


If leather gloves are worn over them, their size should be such as not to deform the dielectric underneath. When using the upper edges of the hermetic gloves, it is forbidden to wrap, bend or fold them. The minimum gap between the cuff of the first and the top of the cuff of the second is no less than that prescribed in clause A. 1 of GOST.

The absence of damage to leather (canvas) protection (holes, cracks and any others) that reduce the security of dielectric products is a mandatory requirement. It is also necessary to ensure that they are free of contamination that creates the risk of the listed disadvantages. Before use, contaminated leather products are inspected and cleaned, and the internal surface is always checked - there should be no sharp, protruding parts.

Dielectric gloves must be cleaned after use, especially if they are contaminated with petroleum products or fuels and lubricants. The procedure must be carried out promptly so that the substances do not have time to cause harm. In this case, follow the manufacturer's instructions or use compounds that do not destroy latex or rubber (wash with soda, soap solution). Wet gloves are thoroughly dried at temperatures up to +65.

Two-fingered and five-fingered gloves

Although the sizes of dielectric gloves are practically the same, absolutely any electrician will tell you that five-finger gloves are the most comfortable. Thanks to the freedom of all five fingers, you can comfortably hold a screwdriver or any other tool and work with greater convenience, hold wires or pinch some objects between your fingers in order to quickly and efficiently carry out installation.

In the case of two-fingered gloves, everything is not so convenient and they are used a little less often, in situations where you need to quickly remove something, replace it and connect the system to work.

The cost of five-fingered gloves is, of course, higher, so both types are popular, depending on the type of work and the need to hold something other than a screwdriver in your hands.

These models have disadvantages, but they are insignificant - once every six months, gloves need to be checked for suitability, even if they were in a warehouse and no one used them. This is an important point, because a person’s life depends on it.

What to pay attention to

Each pair is individually packaged, hermetically sealed, with sufficiently durable material for storage. On the outside of the package, the factory data, model features, class, cat., size are written down. Inside there are instructions with the following minimum information: how to store, use, dispose of, periodically inspect and test, GOST.

Seamless gloves

Thanks to their design, seamless dielectric gloves allow you to work in more dangerous situations, because they are made of fairly strong rubber and simply cannot be molded so that there are no seams. Again, design in this situation is of no interest to anyone and the main task is to protect the worker’s fingers and palms from electric shock, a task they cope with very well.

Even with their thickness, the gloves remain quite light and flexible, you will not have the feeling that you are in a spacesuit and you can easily turn your hand or move your finger.

This version of gloves is in great demand due to the reliability and strength of the structure, since the thickness of the rubber here is really decent and this allows you to work even in those locations and situations where other types of protection cannot withstand or are simply not allowed for use.

No particular shortcomings were noticed; these gloves are heavier, but the difference is not so great that you feel an extra gram in the design. There are many more advantages here.


Dielectric gloves should be stored in a dry, clean place in a loose condition. It is strictly forbidden to twist or fold them, as this can lead to cracking and loss of dielectric properties. In the storage room, temperature fluctuations are allowed within the range from – 30°C to +40°C, humidity levels should be in the range from 40 to 60%. You should not leave them in close proximity to heating devices, dishes with alkali or acids, containers or mechanisms with mineral oils, as the impact of these factors reduces the dielectric properties.

If dielectric gloves are rejected, they should be stored separately from suitable ones in order to exclude human error.

For operation up to 1000 V and above 1000 V

There is a third type of gloves called dielectric gloves up to 1000V and this model is used in certain circumstances and at very high voltages. It is worth noting that gloves are used only over outer clothing, that is, you cannot throw them on your hand and then put on protective overalls or work clothes on top, they are worn on top.

This is an important detail that is worth noting, because in general there is very little information on the network about this type of product, so you might not have heard about models for working with voltages above 1000 V.

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Quite rare gloves, the functions of which do not differ from previous models, only here you have the opportunity to work with higher voltage without turning off the system. Such gloves are worn only by professionals who are capable of repairing transformers or other systems without turning off the power.

The process is quite dangerous and because of this, these gloves are also checked twice a year in order to be sure of protection against voltage. There are a number of procedures for this, after which you can say with confidence whether the device can be used or not.


The modern market provides a fairly wide range of dielectric gloves to solve a wide variety of problems. Some models are designed for highly specialized industries and the national economy, others are universal and suitable for almost any equipment.

Structurally, all dielectric gloves are divided into:

  • suture - a universal model that functions perfectly both in open electrical installations and in closed switchgear;
  • seamless - most relevant for closed electrical installations, as they are quickly destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • five-fingered - used in work with complex technological operations;
  • two-fingered - used in simple technological processes where a strong hand grip is required.

The main criterion for the protection of dielectric gloves is the level of operating voltage that can be touched. Therefore, for different voltage classes there is a special gradation:

  • 00 – intended for household networks where the voltage does not exceed 220 V;
  • 0 – for power equipment systems up to 1000 V (380 V, 600 V, 800 V);
  • 1 – represent products with a tolerance level of up to 7500 V;
  • 2 – glove class up to 17,000 V;
  • 3 and 4 - regulated for electrical equipment where the voltage does not exceed 26,500 and 36,000 V, respectively, for each class.

In addition to classic dielectric gloves, the following types are used in practice:

  • gaiter - equipped with an enlarged bell, which makes it easier to put it on a thick sleeve;
  • composite – additionally protected from mechanical damage;
  • contour – with widening at the wrist, making it easier to bend the arm;
  • with lining – has a textile layer fixed in an elastomer;
  • extended – allows you to protect your arm up to the shoulder.

Lifetime of protective accessory

Despite the fairly high cost of the product, according to GOST, such protective equipment can last no more than a year, provided that they are used at temperatures from -30 to +40 degrees Celsius. If the gloves are not used and are stored in a warehouse, the service life is not considered, that is, you can safely purchase a batch of gloves, put them in storage and not worry about the constant purchase of equipment for work.

On the other hand, in a folding room all storage rules must be observed so that gloves after long-term storage can be used for their intended purpose without risk to the employee.

Construction and materials

The main material of the gaiter is elastomer (highly elastic elastic polymers, substances of natural or piece origin), this is sheet rubber, latex, rubber (usually piece), a composite can be added. The product may have a lining, many layers. Various compositions are used to increase chemical resistance. If there is a coating, it is of a different color. The corolla may be missing. Often, hermetic gloves are produced in a two-layer design.


  • gauntlet - from the wrist to the open area;
  • cuff (cuff) - open segment;
  • cuff roll - the outermost part of the cuff with reinforcement;
  • fork - the place between 2 fingers next to each other;
  • palm (palm) - the central part of the hand;
  • wrist (wrist) - behind the cuff, the narrowest area.

Quality check

If you don’t know how to test dielectric gloves, then there are entire instructions and special mechanisms that work exclusively for this task. Naturally, at the factory where the device is produced, the product is tested and thoroughly checked; only after verification can the protective equipment be sent for sale.

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But, as I said earlier, even with a service life of one year, gloves must be checked for suitability for work twice a year, only in this case the employee has the right to use protective equipment and work with voltage. The requirement is quite logical, because the work is carried out with such stress that a faulty glove can become a very serious problem for the worker’s health.

To test protective gloves, special equipment is used - a large tank of water, into which the gloves are immersed approximately half their length. Inside each glove there is a sensor that detects voltage. Voltage is applied to the water in the tank and it is checked to see if there are any vibrations inside the glove.

If they are present, then it is immediately scrapped, since this product cannot be repaired or upgraded. It seems nothing complicated, but such an installation is quite expensive and is not available at all enterprises.

What does the marking tell you?

Rice. 5

When purchasing electrically insulating gloves, you need to pay attention not only to the passport data of the product, but also to the markings applied directly to the product. This information contains:

  • A special sign (two triangles) indicating operation under voltage.
  • Exact product name, article number, product code.
  • GOST or TU according to which the product is made.
  • Class of dielectric gloves.
  • Description of protective properties, category.
  • Product size.
  • Production date, service life.

The labeling indicates the manufacturer and the sign of the product's circulation on the market. There is also information about care and disposal rules.

Universal remedy

Thanks to the design features and the benefits that a worker receives while using these gloves, the device has become quite popular and has been in demand for many years.

Protection allows you not to worry about voltage and calmly work with equipment, repair or dismantle parts, carry out diagnostics and inspection.

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Without this protective equipment, the worker would not be able to carry out so many operations, because any contact with live cables or equipment is fatal, especially if work is carried out with high voltage.

The versatility of this protective equipment and the relative ease of testing for suitability for work allow employees to go to work in those locations that would remain inaccessible without special equipment, which is a key feature of protective gloves. There is no other option like this on the market and there are no plans to appear in the near future, which means you need to learn to work with what you have.


3. Length of the dielectric glove In accordance with the requirements of clause 2.10.3 SO 153-34.03.603-2003, the length of the gloves must be at least 350 mm. The edge of the gloves must be so wide that they can be easily worn over the sleeves of workwear.

According to clause 2.10.2 SO 153-34.03.603-2003, only models marked “Ev” and En are applicable for electrical installations. Here, the “Ev” grades represent an additional means of protection, which is used for operation in networks above 1000 V. “En” is intended for use as the main means of protection in lines and devices up to 1000 V.

Rice. 4. En marking

In accordance with clause 4.1 of GOST 12.4.307-2016, the practical use of dielectric gloves may require special properties of the product, namely:

  • A – acid resistant;
  • H – resistant to oil;
  • Z – is resistant to ozone;
  • R – combines the previous categories and is resistant to acid, oil, ozone;
  • C – resistant to ultra-low temperatures;
  • F – for gloves with an extended cuff, resistant to current leakage.

Based on the thickness of the material, dielectric gloves are divided into thin (with a thickness of at least 4 mm), regular and hard (with a thickness of 9 mm or more).

Photo of dielectric gloves

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Dielectric leggings are tested in special laboratories. Protective equipment must withstand a load of 6 kV for 60 seconds with a current flow of no more than 6 mA. The voltage is supplied from a transformer, one terminal of which is connected to the tank, the other is grounded. For testing, a packet switch with two positions is used through a gas-discharge lamp or a milliammeter with shunt grounds.

Also read: Calibration interval of current transformers

1 – connection to a voltage source; 2 – bath with water; 3 – water inside the glove and bath; 4 – electrodes (rod) for connecting water to two poles of the voltage source; 5 – distance from the edge of the glove to the water in the bath

Research sequence:

  1. The tested products are placed in a metal container filled with water at a temperature of 25-35˚C. The waterproof gloves are positioned so that the upper part, 55 mm long, is above the surface of the water and remains dry, while the inner lower part is filled with liquid to the water level in the bath.
  2. Switch in first position. An electrical circuit is created - a transformer-gas-discharge lamp-electrode, which is placed in the glove. A switched-on lamp is an indicator of insulation breakdown due to a violation of integrity or insufficient dielectric properties of the product material. If there is no breakdown, the test continues.
  3. The switch is placed in the second position. The electrical circuit is a transformer-milliammeter-electrode located in the product and grounded through a milliammeter.

If the lamp lights up, the readings on the device are more than 6 mA, or the device needle oscillates, the gloves are considered unsuitable for use. Products that have passed the test are dried at room temperature. The research results are recorded in a technical journal. During their service life, protective products are tested twice.

Certificate of integrity

Gloves must be inspected before use. Required:

  • presence of a fresh stamp with the date of inspection;
  • dry surface;
  • absence of mechanical damage, such as cuts, punctures, cracks and tears;
  • clean condition.

Point punctures are detected by filling the products with air - the gloves are placed on a leveled surface and twisted in the form of a roller from the bell to the finger ends.

If the glove is sealed, it will inflate as you twist it. The use of leaking and contaminated products when manipulating electricity is unacceptable.


(2022 edition)

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7. Return or exchange of goods of inadequate quality

7.1. The User is aware that he has the right to return or exchange Products of inadequate quality for a similar Product of proper quality no later than 20 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Products.

7.2. The User agrees that the difference between the actual design elements, including, but not limited to the color, shape or design of the Product, from those stated in the description on the Site does not affect its quality and is not a violation of the terms of the Agreement.

7.3. spetsperchatka.ru exchanges or accepts returned products only in cases where such products contain a hidden manufacturing defect.

7.4. A hidden manufacturing defect is the absence of necessary elements, as well as the presence of unnecessary unnecessary components that may cause harm, inconvenience or difficulty in using the product.

7.5. The User is aware that spetsperchatka.ru does not consider or accept claims related to Products that have signs of use, including (but not limited to) external or internal damage (scratches, broken corners, torn or dirty parts), broken or chipped parts, deformation, in the case where the damage specified in this paragraph was detected after the delivery of the Goods to the User.

7.6. To return or exchange the Product, the User must send a corresponding request to the spetsperchatka.ru Customer Support Service by email with copies of evidence confirming the detected quality deficiencies. If necessary, spetsperchatka.ru has the right to request from the User a defective copy and original evidence. The spetsperchatka.ru application is considered within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of its receipt from the User.

7.7. Spetsperchatka.ru no later than 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the User’s request, if the User’s request for an exchange is satisfied, accepts the Product of inadequate quality and transfers to the User a similar Product of proper quality, or, in the absence of a similar Product or in case of satisfaction requirements of the User for the return of Goods of inadequate quality, TD Spetsglotka, accepts the goods from the User and returns the money paid for the Goods.

7.8. The return or exchange of the Goods, as well as the return of cash, is carried out at the pick-up point at the place where the Goods were received upon presentation of a passport and the returned Goods.

7.9. The User is aware that the return or exchange of Goods in regions that provide only courier delivery is carried out by the delivery service of TD Spetsglotka. Returns or exchanges of Products in regions with delivery only by courier service are made using a courier delivery service.

7.10. The User has the right to seek advice on returning or exchanging Products to the Customer Support Service by sending a request to the email address spetsperchatka.ru

8. Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the User

8.1. The User undertakes not to post on the Site, distribute, store, transmit in any form (including, but not limited to, in the form of a text message, an attached file of any format, links to online posting) Materials (hereinafter referred to as “Content”). "materials"), which:

8.1.1. are obscene, offensive, vulgar, harmful, threatening, libelous, false or pornographic, or in violation of legal norms;

8.1.2. insult the honor and dignity, rights and legitimate interests of third parties, contribute to inciting religious, racial, ethnic or ethnic hatred, contain elements of violence, call for violation of current legislation and illegal actions, etc.;

8.1.3. violate the rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization (including copyright, related, patent, etc.) of third parties;

8.1.4. violate the rights of minors;

8.1.5. promote interest in or the distribution of drugs, weapons and ammunition, any form of terrorist, illegal and Nazi activity;

8.1.6. contain information not permitted for disclosure (information constituting a state secret, personal data of third parties, information prohibited for disclosure due to contractual or fiduciary relations of the User, etc.);

8.1.7. directed against other Users;

8.1.8. contain software viruses or other computer codes, programs, files aimed at disrupting the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment, their parts, including servers and other components of the network infrastructure and software. Sending malware in any form is prohibited, including in the form of complete program code or part of it, individual files of any format, as well as links to their placement on the network;

8.1.9. contain advertising information unauthorized by the Administrator, spam, flooding, chain letters, multi-level marketing schemes, ways to make money on the Internet (including using e-mail), information that provokes a “chain reaction” in the sending of messages by recipients and other similar information , have more than half of the capital letters in the title, contain profanity, contain spelling errors in words;

8.1.10. are aimed at artificially increasing the rating of their own or other Users;

8.1.11. any other Materials, the distribution, disclosure or other use of which is prohibited or restricted by law, contract or other grounds.

8.2. The User undertakes not to use the Site services for the purpose of:

8.2.1. uploading Content that is illegal, violates any rights of third parties; promotes violence, cruelty, hatred and/or discrimination on racial, national, gender, religious, social grounds; contains false information and/or insults to specific individuals, organizations, authorities;

8.2.2. inducement to commit illegal actions, as well as assistance to persons whose actions are aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;

8.2.3. violations of the rights of minors and/or causing them harm in any form;

8.2.4. infringement of minority rights;

8.2.5. impersonating another person or representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including employees of spetsperchatka.ru, if one is not one;

8.2.6. misrepresentation regarding the properties and characteristics of any Products from the spetsperchatka.ru catalog on the Site; incorrect comparison of Products, as well as the formation of a negative attitude towards persons (not) using certain Products, or condemnation of such persons;

8.2.7. downloading content that the User does not have the right to make available under the laws of the Russian Federation or under any contractual relationship;

8.2.8. downloading content that affects and/or contains any patent, trademark, trade secret, trade name, copyright and related rights, as well as other rights to results of intellectual activity owned or legally used by third parties;

8.2.9. downloading unauthorized advertising information and/or spam;

8.2.10. collection and processing of personal data, information about the private life of any persons;

8.2.11. disruption of the normal operation of the Website spetsperchatka.ru;

8.2.12. violations of Russian or international law.

8.2.13. connection and use of any software designed to hack or aggregate personal data of other Users, including logins, passwords, etc., as well as for automatic mass mailing of any content.

8.2.14. to mislead someone by assuming someone else's name and intentionally publishing, sending messages or otherwise using the assigned name illegally, to intentionally cause losses to someone or for any selfish purposes.

8.3. The User undertakes not to use swear words, obscene and offensive images, comparisons and expressions on the Site services, including in relation to gender, race, nationality, profession, social category, age, language of a person and citizen, as well as in relation to organizations, authorities , official state symbols (flags, coats of arms, anthems), religious symbols, cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments).

8.4. The User bears full personal responsibility for the content and compliance with Russian and international legislation of all Materials posted by him on the Site, including all texts, programs, music, sounds, photographs, graphics, videos, etc.

8.5. The User bears full personal responsibility for compliance of the methods of his use of Materials of other Users and other information presented on the Service with the norms of Russian or international law (including, but not limited to, the norms of intellectual property law and information protection);

8.6. The user is fully responsible for the safety of his account (login and password), as well as for all actions performed under his account;

8.7. The User does not have the right to reproduce, copy or process (modify) the Site Services, as well as use any parts of them for personal or commercial purposes.

8.8. The User is obliged to immediately notify spetsperchatka.ru of any case of unauthorized access to the password and/or of any violation of the security of the User’s Personal Account on the spetsperchatka.ru Site.

9. Rights, duties and responsibilities of Spetsperchatka.ru

9.1. Spetsperchatka.ru has the right, in the event of a violation by the User of any of the terms of this Agreement, to terminate the User’s access to the Service (including by blocking access to the Service from the IP address from which the User was registered/the largest number of Materials was posted of this User) and transfer Materials confirming the User’s illegal actions to take action to law enforcement agencies.

9.2. Since the IP address of the User’s personal computer is recorded by the Administrator’s technical means, and in the event of illegal actions, including actions that violate the intellectual rights of third parties, the owner of the personal computer is considered responsible for these illegal actions, determined by the Administrator’s technical means based on the IP address.

9.3. Spetsperchatka.ru reserves the right to delete the User's account if the User has not used his access to the personalized services of the Site for quite a long time. Determining the sufficiency of account inactivity in each specific case remains at the discretion of spetsperchatka.ru.

9.4. The Site services may contain links to other resources. The User acknowledges and agrees that spetsperchatka.ru does not bear any responsibility for the availability of these resources and their content, as well as for any consequences associated with the User’s use of the content of these resources.

9.5. Spetsperchatka.ru does not bear any responsibility for the personal data that the User provides to other Sites (resources) and/or other third parties in the event of a transition to them from the Spetsperchatka.ru Site.

9.6. Spetsperchatka.ru is not responsible for possible loss and/or damage to data that may occur due to the User’s violation of the provisions of this Agreement, as well as improper access and/or use of personalized services of the Site.

10. The procedure for spetsperchatka.ru processing of the User’s personal data

10.1. The user agrees to the processing of personal data by spetsperchatka.ru for an indefinite period (including those performed using automation tools or without the use of such tools), including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border transfer, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of Personal data in order to provide the opportunity to use the services of the Site, fulfill spetsperchatka.ru its obligations to the User (Buyer), sell them goods (services), participate in spetsperchatka.ru programs/promotions, receiving messages provided for in this Agreement. spetsperchatka.ru undertakes not to transfer information received from the Client to third parties. It is not considered a violation to provide spetsperchatka.ru with information to agents and third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with spetsperchatka.ru to fulfill obligations to the User (Buyer), including under this Agreement, and only within the framework of agreements.

10.2. In accordance with current legislation, we do not sell products to persons under 18 years of age. Responsibility for any actions carried out by minors on our website lies with their legal representatives. If you are under 18 years of age, please refrain from making purchases in the spetsperchatka.ru online store.

10.3. The User agrees to receive information and service messages from spetsperchatka.ru and/or third parties authorized by him (about the completion of the Order, about the readiness of the Order for receipt, about the delivery of the Order and pick-up points, etc.), to the subscriber’s mobile phone number or to email that was specified by the User when registering on the Site.

10.4. The User agrees to receive messages (short text messages) from spetsperchatka.ru and/or third parties authorized by him to the mobile phone number or email that he specified when registering on the Site, with information about news, new products, promotions, etc. etc., conducted by spetsperchatka.ru. The user has the right at any time to refuse to receive the messages specified in this paragraph by sending a corresponding request to the following address. The request must include the following information: First name, Last name, email address (telephone number).

11. Dispute resolution procedure

11.1. The parties have agreed that possible disputes regarding this Agreement and the relationship between the User and spetsperchatka.ru will be resolved in accordance with Russian law.

11.2. Before submitting a dispute to court, the Parties are required to comply with the claims procedure for resolving disputes. The period for responding to a claim is 15 (fifteen) working days, unless otherwise provided by the terms of this Agreement,

11.3. All disputes are subject to consideration in court at the location of TD Spetsperchatka LLC.

11.4. The recognition by a court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of other provisions of the Agreement.

12. Conditions for the purchase of Goods by legal entities

12.1. The purchase of Goods by legal entities is carried out on the basis of a concluded sales contract by accepting the offer from spetsperchatka.ru (payment of the invoice issued by TD Spetsperchatka LLC).

12.2. In case of purchase of goods by a legal entity, the User-representative of the legal entity is obliged to indicate all the necessary information about the legal entity at the time of placing an order on the Site and provide the details of the legal entity, indicate the selected delivery method by email or fax +7(495) 540- 50-88.

12.3. The legal entity undertakes to make payment within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of issuance of the invoice by TD Spetsperchatka LLC. The date of payment for the Goods is the date of receipt of funds to the bank account of TD Spetsperchatka LLC.

12.4 A legal entity can also make payment in cash or using a bank card upon receipt of an order at the order delivery point. The main warehouse of TD Spetsperchatka LLC: Reutov st. Zheleznodorozhnaya 11

12.5. At the time of receipt of the Goods, the Legal Entity is obliged to provide a power of attorney for the representative with the right to receive the Goods and with the right to sign on the goods (shipping) invoices or upon receipt of the goods by the General Director, an order for the appointment of a director, a passport and the seal of the enterprise.

12.6. Other conditions may be provided in the invoice or specifications.

13. Procedure for changing the terms of the Agreement

13.1. Spetsperchatka.ru has the right to unilaterally make changes to this Agreement without notifying the User. The user undertakes to independently monitor the changes made.

13.2. The User has the right to address questions regarding the relationship between the User and spetsperchatka.ru to the Customer Support Service at the email address spetsperchatka.ru. Contact information for spetsperchatka.ru is indicated in the “Contact Information” section.

How to choose correctly

Working with dielectric gloves should, first of all, be comfortable and safe. Therefore, such an accessory must also be selected correctly. Dielectric gloves produced by modern industry can have a variety of sizes. For example, a consumer can easily purchase dielectric seamless gloves “PER” 001 size 2 to 1 KV in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk or any others.

The length of such protective equipment, according to regulations, cannot be less than 35 cm. In any case, such products are usually chosen taking into account the fact that warm gloves or mittens will be worn over them. It is believed that protective equipment of this type should completely fit the palm, but at the same time sit quite loosely. The width of dielectric gloves is selected in such a way that they subsequently fit easily onto the sleeves.

When purchasing gloves, among other things, you should look at the technical data sheet that comes with them. This document specifies all the parameters and characteristics of the product. For various work related to electricity, in enterprises, at home and in public utilities, gloves designed for this specific case should be used.

What documents regulate the production

Manufacturers are mainly guided by GOST 12.4.183-91 “Materials for hand protection” when making dielectric gloves. Technical requirements". According to this document, for example, gloves for electricians must be made exclusively from natural rubber.

GOST does not regulate only the production of gloves with seams. When manufacturing such products, enterprises are guided by the provisions of TU7-89. Such products are made from pieces of sheet rubber using the stamping method.

Such products are classified according to GOST 12.4.103-83. Dielectric gloves, according to this document, are reusable products.

When manufacturing protective equipment, other rules and regulations must be observed. For example, according to GOST 12.4.252-2013, dielectric gloves should allow easy manipulation of the fingers. The degree of freedom of movement of the latter is determined according to a special table.

Of course, not only dielectric gloves are manufactured in compliance with certain standards. GOST 13385-78 regulates, for example, the production of shoes for electricians. In compliance with the standards provided for in this document, boots, galoshes and boots are manufactured.

Thus, according to GOST, shoes for electricians are manufactured, as well as rubber, silicone, and dielectric seamless latex gloves. GOST 4997-75 is another document regulating the production of protective equipment. According to the standards, rubber and silicone mats are made from this document.

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