Effective means of protection against electromagnetic fields. Keep your children healthy!

Electromagnetic shielding is a method of reducing the intensity of electromagnetic waves to a given level using special materials, equipment and technological solutions. Reducing the field intensity is necessary to protect people or equipment from the effects of electromagnetic radiation or to prevent unwanted leakage of information that may be carried by electromagnetic radiation.

Shielding is ensured by the creation of special screens from which radiation can be reflected, in which it can be absorbed or scattered, or a combination of these methods. Screens form closed volumes that enclose either an object to be protected from radiation, or an object from which radiation must be suppressed. In addition, special solutions are needed for entering or exiting various engineering or information communications lines into the electromagnetic shield.

Shielding from EMR – protection of people, equipment, information

In all countries, legislation sets the permissible level of radiation to which a person can be exposed without fear for his health. The use of screens makes it possible to reduce radiation levels that are potentially hazardous to health to safe levels.

When exposed to intense fields, electronics malfunction. Interference created by powerful fields can damage integrated circuits and semiconductor elements.

Unauthorized access to confidential information becomes possible. Intense radiation allows the use of special remote devices that read data while the computer is operating. Any electronic gadget, such as a smartphone, can become an involuntary transmitter of secret information.

A barrier to the electromagnetic field is created by a screen with high magnetic or electrical conductivity, equipped around the protected space or cavity. If necessary, shield the radiation source to prevent its spread.

A properly equipped protective screen allows you to:

  • limit the negative impact on electronic and radio devices;
  • organize a safe workplace for service personnel;
  • prevent unauthorized access to confidential information.

Before using one or another method of shielding protection, it is necessary to survey the object by specialists to create a project.

In some cases, it is necessary to examine an object using special equipment.

During the research, the frequency parameters of EMR are analyzed and its level is measured at different points. By entrusting this procedure to the specialists of STC Faraday, the customer receives instrumentally accurate results and qualified recommendations for organizing effective shielding.

How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation from household appliances in your apartment

CHUZ "RZD-Medicine" Vikhorevka"

Publication date: August 28, 2022 NEWS

Good afternoon, friends, it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a computer, cell phone, microwave oven, refrigerator, washing machine. But, all these much-needed things are not safe for human health, and when using household appliances you must follow the rules of protection. All household appliances emit low-frequency electromagnetic waves, which have a negative effect on the entire body: a person quickly gets tired, drowsiness begins to overcome him, irritability appears, attention decreases and even memory deteriorates.

Scientists have already proven that under the influence of electromagnetic waves, the functioning of the immune system deteriorates. At the same time, the endocrine system increases the release of adrenaline, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system, the blood begins to thicken and oxygen deficiency occurs in the cells, and blood pressure rises.

Another fact of the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation is that sexual function suffers from it, since changes occur at the hormonal level along with depletion of the nervous system. A healthy person can tolerate such harmful effects of electromagnetic waves, which cannot be said about children under 16 years of age, pregnant women and people with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems (thyroid dysfunction). These people need to limit the time they spend at the computer, in front of the TV, and talking on a mobile phone.

How to protect yourself as much as possible from the harmful effects of household appliances


A computer is one of the strongest emitters of electromagnetic fields in the house, since it has two sources of radiation - the monitor (especially its rear and side walls) and the system unit. Therefore, in order to stay in front of the computer without compromising your health, you need to:

  • Try not to sit at the computer in the evening and at night, this not only disrupts the correct regime, but also negatively affects the nervous system, can cause insomnia , and the powerful light source coming from the monitor is very harmful to the eyes. If you feel tension or dryness in your eyes, headache or dizziness, aching in the spine, numbness in your hands and just fatigue, urgently look away from the monitor and give your eyes and body a rest.
  • It is better to install the computer in the corner of the room to reduce the possibility of exposure from the back surface of the monitor, and the system unit should not be located near you.
  • The monitor should be at arm's length from you (at least 50 cm). And even better - 60-70 cm.
  • While working at the computer, take breaks of 15 minutes after every hour of working on it.
  • When the computer is running for a long time, the air is filled with positively charged ions that are harmful to health. This causes charged air particles, along with dust, to settle on our face, neck and hands. This can be corrected with the help of the “Chizhevsky chandelier”; it is a source of negatively charged ions (“mountain air effect”) and restores the disturbed aeroion balance. But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a “Chizhevsky chandelier,” then fill the room with live plants , ventilate the room where household appliances work more often.
  • Global computer manufacturers take the issue of protection against electromagnetic radiation very seriously and are constantly introducing new, most modern methods of protection. Therefore, do not buy an old model in order to save money; remember that the newer the computer, the safer it is for your health. A laptop has a lower level of electromagnetic wave radiation compared to a computer.

In the evening, when you come home from work, be sure to wash your face with cool water. At home, you shouldn’t get carried away with sitting at the computer either. Take breaks; if you need to read important information, it is better to print it out on a printer. Do wet cleaning in the room where the computer is located more often.

Cellular telephone

Scientists have established the destructive effect of long conversations on a cell phone on human health. If a person abuses the “pipe” for 10 years, the “wall” consisting of cells that filter the penetration of harmful substances into the brain will collapse. This can lead to the development of oncology of the auditory nerve, as well as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

The fact is that electromagnetic radiation from mobile devices worsens memory, increases blood pressure, leads to insomnia, and all this together leads to earlier aging of the body.

Men who carry mobile phones in their trouser pockets or on their belts face another misfortune - sexual impotence, and their ability to fertilize is reduced.

Particularly dangerous in this case is psychological dependence on a mobile phone, which is akin to gambling addiction or alcoholism. In this case, a specialist can help.

To protect yourself from the harmful effects of a cell phone, try to talk less on it. Use a landline phone more often. Keep it in your purse or on your desk. And never talk on it in transport, as when reflected from a metal body, electromagnetic waves are amplified several times.

Household appliances in the kitchen

The kitchen is a place where a woman spends many hours of her time every day to please her family with delicious cooking. And of course, all the necessary equipment is installed on it to make the housewife’s work easier. However, it is these household appliances that create the electromagnetic field in the room, especially if there are several of these appliances. Typically, the electric field of a residential building averages from 1 V/m to 10 V/m. But there are dangerous areas where this indicator may be overestimated. Therefore, in order not to expose your body to radiation again, remember that:

  • A refrigerator equipped with a no frost system emits electromagnetic radiation at a distance of 1.5 m from the door, so you should not stay near it for a long time.
  • If you have an electric stove at home, you should not stand close to it when preparing dinner; try to be at least 30 cm away from it.
  • The safest distance from a microwave oven is 1.5 m.
  • It is better not to come closer than 1 m to a machine running on mains power.

Household appliances in the room

In addition to the computer, which was already mentioned above in this article, in any person’s apartment, as a rule, there is a TV, maybe a radiotelephone and other household appliances.

You should watch TV at a safe distance from it - at least 2 meters.

It is better not to install a computer, TV, radiotelephone and other electrical appliances in the bedroom - in a place where there should be good rest. You should not place a bed in the corner of the room, as this is where harmful radiation “accumulates”.

Above the bed, do not install lighting fixtures with shades facing downwards; it will be safe if the light is directed upwards. If you iron clothes, remember that irons have an increased background radiation located 25 cm from the handle in heating mode.

Well, the most important postulate: get rid of old equipment as quickly as possible - its electromagnetic background is much higher than that of modern equipment.

Address: Vikhorevka, st. Komsomolskaya, 1a Contact numbers.

What determines the effectiveness of shielding?

The level of shielding is determined by the shielding coefficient. Shielding coefficient is the ratio of the intensity values ​​of the electromagnetic field before the screen and behind the screen.

Several factors collectively influence the effectiveness of the screen:

  • frequency range of electromagnetic fields;
  • degree of electrical conductivity of the materials used;
  • indicator of magnetic permeability of materials;
  • dimensions and location of the screen.

ning for each specific object.

Dependence of shielding on frequency range

Shielding of high-frequency fields is based on the reflection and absorption of an electromagnetic wave when passing from one medium to another. An electromagnetic wave, interacting with the screen, is partially reflected by its surface and partially absorbed by the screen material. These processes lead to loss of energy, weakening and attenuation of the wave.

When shielding low-frequency fields (so-called magnetic fields), the properties of so-called soft magnetic materials are used.

To shield high-frequency fields, the main requirement is high electrical conductivity of the screen material and the absence of holes, cracks, and poor contact of screen elements. Even a small hole at a short wavelength turns into a so-called slot antenna, which ultimately transmits radiation through the screen.

The essence of the problem

Electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic waves are a flow of charged particles caused by an electromagnetic field (EMF). Such radiation does not cause ionization along its path, like radiation, but this does not mean that protection from non-ionizing electromagnetic fluxes is not needed. It spreads far enough from its sources, gradually fading, and can have a significant impact on the human body, which should be dealt with.

As you know, a person has a biofield, which is its own EMF, designed to perform protective functions. Any electromagnetic influence from third-party sources causes disturbance of its own field, which affects the functioning of various internal organs and the system as a whole. The stronger the external influence, the more significantly the human EMF is disturbed.

Insomnia and depression

As a result of the negative impact of external electromagnetic sources, the following problems may arise:

  1. With the nervous system. These are insomnia, depression, headaches, deterioration of memory and perception of information (weakened cognition syndrome), imbalance, dizziness, deterioration of orientation (ataxia syndrome), muscle pain, muscle weakness.
  2. With the cardiovascular system. This is neurocirculatory dystonia, instability of heart rate and blood pressure, pain in the heart area, and disturbances in the composition of the blood.
  3. With the immune system. This is suppression of T-lymphocytes, deterioration of immunity.
  4. With the endocrine system. This is an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood, a change in blood clotting, and various dysfunctions of the organs of the system.
  5. With the reproductive system. This is a deterioration in spermatogenesis, a slowdown in fetal development in pregnant women, a deterioration in the lactation process, a complication of pregnancy, and the risk of giving birth to a child with pathologies, including deformity.
  6. With an energy system. This is an imbalance of the entire system and a pathogenic change in it.

Electromagnetic Emission Standards

Such dangerous consequences indicate that protection from electromagnetic fields and radiation is necessary for the human body. In order to protect people from harmful influences, Russia has strict standards establishing maximum levels of electromagnetic radiation, namely SanPiN “Electromagnetic fields in production conditions, workplaces”, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, as well as hygienic standards of the GDR (PDU) 5803-91 (DNAOP 0.03-3.22-91). The maximum permissible dose of electromagnetic radiation for humans is 0.2 μT.

Elements and raw materials for shielding

A variety of materials are used in the production of protective screens. Shielding media can be sheet copper, aluminum, steel or foil, as well as modern specialized fabrics and meshes. The higher the conductivity of the shield material, the more effective the shielding. The specific value of the protective capabilities of the screen depends on the configuration and volume of the room, the area of ​​window and door openings, and the material of the walls.

For electromagnetic shielding of incoming/outgoing communication lines from external interference and stray currents, special filters are integrated into the system.

The raw materials for the manufacture of shielding structures and devices are:

  • steel and copper plates - for the construction of buildings, chambers, interior cladding of premises;
  • thin foil made of soft magnetic alloys – equipment protection;
  • metal tapes and braids – cable shielding;
  • metallized hoses – protection of cable harnesses;
  • metal honeycombs - for organizing screens with breathable properties;
  • thin wire mesh - screening window openings.

Reliable and high-quality shielding of premises and equipment cannot be ensured without careful sealing of window and door openings, construction joints, and all kinds of cracks and openings. For these purposes, special materials are used that sufficiently possess such qualities as:

  • conductivity;
  • formability;
  • resistance to EMF of varying intensity;
  • low level of contact resistance.

These requirements are met by seals made on the basis of silicone rubber. They are used in screens in the form of tubes, plates, and ring-shaped cords.

How to put the method into practice

  • Metal fittings laid under the plaster are an ideal shield from external radiation. Of course, provided that the grid is grounded. Let this not evoke associations with plots from films about agent 007 - the material is sold in any hardware store.

  • Metallized films for windows are an interesting solution, only if there is a contact for the grounding conductor. This method was popular in the era of computer monitors with a cathode ray tube (kinescope).
  • Metallic curtains with decorative threads (again, subject to grounding).
  • Aluminum foil behind the radiators will serve not only as a heat reflector, but also as protection against electromagnetic radiation.
  • Steel entrance doors (they must also be connected to ground, at least as part of the potential equalization system).

True, these means of protection have a side effect: the cellular signal does not penetrate through such walls and windows. Radio and TV broadcasts will also only be received via an external antenna. Considering the health benefits, this is not a problem.

  • And household appliances located inside must be connected to the grounding bus. Most electrical equipment has a metal casing (even seemingly plastic TVs and stereos have a conductive frame inside). The radiation level of grounded equipment approaches zero.

Electromagnetic safety from STC Faraday

The creation of conditions for electromagnetic safety of premises, especially in relation to information protection, must be provided for at the design development stage. The technologies and materials used make it possible to perform high-quality electromagnetic shielding, both at the stage of construction of the facility and in existing premises that were not originally intended for special use.

The company’s specialists will develop and implement a unique project of screens of any complexity according to the customer’s order and technical specifications:

  • all-welded chambers and prefabricated chambers with dimensions required by the customer;
  • screening gates and doors;
  • filter screens for optical fiber;
  • specialized glasses for separate observation;
  • EMC protective materials;
  • electrical filters (power and signal);
  • ventilation filters.

Testing and ongoing technical support are provided during the operation of electromagnetic shielding protective systems.


Five rules for protecting yourself from electrosmog:

1. Take care of the correct placement of equipment in the house: it should be at least one and a half meters away from a person. This applies not only to the refrigerator, TV, etc., but also to power supplies, chargers, and phone “bases.”

2. When you finish working with household appliances (food processor, blender, iron, etc.), immediately unplug them from the electrical outlet.

3. The most radiation-protected place in the apartment should be the bedroom; we are there every day for at least 6–8 hours, so do not place a TV, computer, etc. there. The socket for the night light should be no closer than a meter from the bed.

4. All household appliances must be properly connected to the electrical system.

5. While waiting for a connection on your mobile phone, do not hold the phone to your ear, watch the signals on the display. Try to keep your cell phone conversations as short as possible.

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