Production capacity of the enterprise. Formula. Calculation of indicators

What is the production capacity of the enterprise

Production capacity is a calculated value showing the volume of goods that an organization is able to produce in a specified time period. The parameter is used to determine:

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  • production profitability;
  • terms and payback;
  • the ability to complete the task, etc.

Planned production capacity

The target indicator refers to the maximum ability of the organization to produce goods according to the established schedule using all available resources. These include technological processes, available equipment, personnel and finances.

Design production capacity of the enterprise

The design indicator, on the contrary, reflects the amount of resources required to achieve a given value. When calculating the parameter, the result reflects:

  • the amount of equipment required;
  • staff size;
  • financial expenses;
  • the number and size of the required areas.

Production capacity according to the production capacity balance

The described indicator is not a constant value. It always changes with time. Because of this, a single fixed value is never used. There are three parameters that are calculated for a specific date according to available resources:

  1. Input.
  2. Day off.
  3. Averaged.

Input power

As a standard, the parameter indicates the performance of the enterprise as of January 1. of the year. In special cases, a different date may be used. The indicator allows you to make a forecast of the organization’s performance, which allows you to draw up a project to optimize and modernize the technological process.

output power

The output indicator is calculated on January 1. the year following the year in which the input power was calculated. It allows you to see the results of your work, see regression or progress that occurred during the calendar year.

Average annual production capacity

The average indicator for the year shows the current ratio of the achieved result to the set plans. Based on the parameter, adjustments to the technological process are made that are required to complete the assigned task in the production of products.

For what purpose is equipment load factor used?

Kz is calculated to find out the degree to which machines are occupied with a particular job. It allows you to understand what share of the stock time the machines are provided with everything they need.

By calculating the value of Kz, economists see how loaded the machines are in certain production conditions. If, suppose, Kz = 0.8, then this means that 80% of the time the machines have everything that is required for work. That is, tools, workers in their places, etc. And for the remaining 20%, something is missing.

What factors does production capacity depend on?

General factors influencing the level of performance of an enterprise are:

  • technological development of the equipment used;
  • range of products and its quality;
  • personnel qualifications;
  • level of organization of the work process.

Power figures calculated on different dates vary due to changes in these factors. For example, a sharp jump may occur due to the import of new equipment, and a decrease may occur due to the breakdown of old equipment and the inability to urgently repair or replace it.

Reasons for increasing and retiring production capacity

Reasons why the power indicator may increase:

  • adding new and expanding old areas;
  • reconstruction of the technological process;
  • modernization of equipment or its replacement with new ones;
  • increasing the man-hours used;
  • reduction of labor costs for production.

A decrease in power indicator may occur due to:

  • wear and tear of the equipment used;
  • reducing the number of personnel or hours of work;
  • increasing production complexity;
  • expiration of the leasing period without purchasing equipment at its residual value.

Calculation of enterprise production capacity: obtaining data

To calculate the power indicator, information about:

  • list of equipment in use;
  • preferred operating mode of the equipment;
  • work schedule of the areas;
  • current level of personnel qualifications;
  • labor costs of the technological process;
  • nomenclature and assortment of goods.

Basic rules for calculating production capacity

When calculating production capacity, standard rules must be followed:

  • taking into account all available equipment, including broken units that are idle and awaiting repair (backup equipment is not taken into account);
  • when new pieces of equipment are put into use, data about them is included in the calculation from the date of commencement of operation;
  • accounting of all available equipment in compliance with the interchangeability regime;
  • use of input data that reflects indicators with full use of all available resources;
  • Downtime is not taken into account regardless of the reasons.

Calculation of enterprise production capacity (general formula)

The basic formula by which an organization's production capacity is calculated is as follows:

FR * P = M, where

  • FR - fund of work according to the plan, equal to the number of days in a year minus holidays and weekends, downtime and shift changes, as well as other periods when the enterprise is not engaged in production;
  • P – equipment performance per established time unit according to the technical data sheet;
  • M is the result reflecting the production capacity of the enterprise.

The average indicator is calculated using the formula:

Output indicator + Input power – Power leaving for the estimated time

Equipment operating time fund

The work fund is the main indicator by which production capacity is calculated. It defines the time period when the organization produces products. There are three forms of foundation:

  • calendar;
  • regime;
  • effective.

Calendar fund of time

As the name suggests, the calendar fund reflects the number of working days in a year. It is calculated by the formula:

Number of calendar days in a year * 24

Regime (nominal) time fund

The nominal or regime fund is equal to the calendar fund when the organization operates without interruptions. If the technological process is suspended, the nominal value is calculated using the formula:

Number of working days during the year * Average duration of one shift * Number of shifts performed in 24 hours

Effective time fund

The effective or “real” time fund is calculated at a nominal rate, taking into account production interruptions for repair procedures. It is calculated by the formula:

Indicator of the regime fund * (1 – Percentage of losses during the working period / 100)

On average, the loss parameter, depending on various factors, ranges from 2% to 12%.

Capacity of leading workshops, sections, units

To obtain more accurate data, calculations should be carried out for each structural unit and type of equipment separately. Calculations are performed in the following order:

  • equipment and groups of technological equipment;
  • production areas;
  • main workshops;
  • the whole enterprise.

Leading workshops, sections, units

So, the leading workshops, sections and units are the areas of the enterprise where the most labor-intensive production processes are carried out. The list of zones and their optimal load level is indicated in the recommendations for determining production capacity.


“Bottleneck” is a parameter showing the discrepancy between the production capacity of individual areas relative to the capabilities of the equipment used and the technological process used. This indicator is not taken into account when determining the capacity of the enterprise as a whole.

Calculation of output and average annual power

Calculation example: there are 2 sets of laser equipment in the workshop; in July of this year, the company plans to purchase another set of laser equipment identical to the existing one. This area is dedicated to the production of parts. Production takes an average of 30 minutes.

As a result, at the beginning of the billing period in 60 minutes. 4 parts are made (2 from each machine), and in the end - 6 (3 machines, 2 each). When taking the nominal time fund for 7 thousand hours, the production capacity will be equal to:

  1. Input indicator: 7,000 * 4 = 28 thousand parts.
  2. Output: 28,000 + 7 * 2 = 42 thousand parts.
  3. Average value for the year: 28,000 + 14,000 * 5 / 12 = 33 thousand 833 parts.

What factors are taken into account when determining production capacity?

When calculating production capacity, the following points should be taken into account:

  • periods of equipment downtime and the use of production at less than full capacity are not taken into account;
  • temporary losses resulting from defects, lack of personnel or materials are not taken into account in the calculations;
  • technological losses included in the plan are taken into account when calculating the indicator;
  • the calculated power indicator is accurate only for the date on which it was calculated (the value is dynamic, it can change daily only if the production is not fully automatic).

Capital productivity: definition, calculation, calculation example

Capital productivity is a parameter that determines the economic efficiency of an enterprise's capacity. It is calculated by the formula:

Price of manufactured goods for a specific period / Average price of goods for the year

The average annual cost is calculated using the formula:

OF + (VF * x 1
* 12) – (VBF * x 2 / 12),

  • OF – the value of the fixed assets at the beginning of the settlement period;
  • VF – cost of input funds;
  • VBF – cost of disposed funds;
  • x1 – duration of operation of the introduced funds in full months;
  • x2 – duration of absence of retired funds in full months.


  • the price of one set of equipment used is 10 million rubles;
  • the cost of one finished part is 1 thousand rubles;
  • the planned capital productivity indicator is 0.5 rubles. for 1 rub. main fund.

Calculation (data taken from the previous example of calculating production capacity):

  1. Cost of average annual power: 33,833 parts * 1,000 rub. = 33 million 833 thousand rubles.
  2. Average annual cost of production assets (equipment): 2 * 10,000,000 + 5/12 * 10,000,000 = 24 million 166 thousand 666 rubles.
  3. Capital productivity: 33 833 000 / 24 166 666 = 1,399.

Main calculation coefficient

A general assessment, which allows us to determine the efficiency of equipment use, is made using a special indicator, which is the production capacity utilization rate. Its value is calculated by the formula: Kisp = Of:Mr , in which “Of” is the actual product produced, and “Mr” serves as an indicator of the estimated production capacity.

More accurate calculations analyze and evaluate the use of machinery and other equipment. For this purpose, a special coefficient is used that takes into account the extensive load of the equipment (Kex). It is used in three basic formulas: 1. Kex = Vf:Fk , 2. Kex = Vf:Fr , 3. Kex = Vf:Fpl , in which Vf is the actual time worked, and Fk, Fr and Fpl represent the corresponding time funds – calendar, routine and planned useful.

There is another important indicator that determines the efficiency of using installed equipment. This is the shift coefficient determined by two main methods. In the first case, the total number of machine-hours worked during the day and the actual estimated operating time of the machines during one shift are used. Here the first quantity refers to the second. In the second method, worked machine shifts are correlated with the number of installed machines and mechanisms. The first method is more accurate because it takes into account the actual hourly hours worked across all shifts.

The use of production capacity is also determined using the load intensity indicator on equipment. Such characteristics as the organization of work in the workplace, the quality of equipment and other factors that ensure the use of the full power of the equipment over a long period of time are taken into account. With higher equipment reliability, the intensity factor approaches unity.

The most rational and efficient use of production capacity is the main task of each enterprise. This allows you to increase product output without loss of quality and without increasing its cost.

Methods for calculating production capacity

Calculation of the enterprise power indicator can be performed using two methods:

  1. According to the labor intensity of production.
  2. According to the overall performance of the equipment.

By labor intensity of products

To calculate labor intensity, the following formula is used:

Effective fund * Quantity of equipment / Technical standard established for the manufacture of one unit of product

By equipment performance

Calculation according to overall performance is performed using the formula:

Effective Fund * Quantity of Equipment * Equipment productivity based on the rate of operation of one machine per hour

Calculation example

For example, there is a pellet production enterprise that has the following equipment installed:

  • mill for grinding wet sawdust;
  • dryer drum;
  • mill for grinding dry sawdust;
  • mixer for moistening wet sawdust;
  • granulator.

The planned and actual volume of raw materials that passes through this equipment is presented in the table (download table in Excel).

Increasing labor productivity and enterprise efficiency depends on many factors. Among them, the production capacity utilization rate plays a special role. With its help, the actual and theoretical capacity of the enterprise is correlated, showing to what extent the capabilities are involved in the production of high-quality products in the usual range. Thus, the potential of the enterprise, the degree of production efficiency and the availability of reserves are assessed.

Analysis of the functioning of the enterprise

Activity analysis is required to obtain an indicator of production capacity that will reflect the operation of the enterprise with optimal use of resources and equipment utilization. The analysis is carried out as follows:

  • counting the amount of equipment used - it is assumed that the organization uses a limited number of pieces of equipment or technology;
  • determining the time period spent on processing and manufacturing one copy of a product;
  • determining the optimal value of the number of goods that can be produced within a specified time period.

Why do you need to analyze the critical point?

Critical point analysis is necessary to obtain a real indicator of production capacity, according to which the enterprise's resources will be used optimally. The process involves drawing up graphs of the relationship between financial costs incurred and income received based on the volume of output.

The intersection point of the graphs indicates the production capacity indicator, upon reaching which the enterprise operates “at zero”, that is, does not incur losses.

On a note:

Based on the analysis graph, the power parameter that needs to be achieved to make a profit is justified.

Determination of equipment load factor

The concept of “equipment loading” is inextricably linked with the use of intra-shift working time, which is recorded in man-days and man-hours. This multiplier (simply the load factor) reflects the share of actual time worked by machines during a shift, day, or other specific period in the total equipment time fund.

In simple terms, the rate of operation shows how long the machines worked at full capacity during a specific period, performing the required amount of work.

Important! The value of the load factor (Kz) changes depending on the demand for products.

Along with it, when determining the workload of machines, another multiplier is calculated - the equipment utilization rate. Moreover, they do this when it is not possible to determine OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), i.e., the overall operating efficiency of the equipment. Load factor:

The degree of loading of machines throughout the day can be determined using the work shift coefficient (Kc). It shows the number of shifts that each machine worked on average per day (quarter, month or year).

In contrast, the design of machine tools takes into account information about the labor intensity of products. Kz is the value of Ks, but twice reduced (with two shifts) or three times reduced (with three shifts).

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Ways to increase production capacity

There are several ways to increase the capacity of an enterprise. They can be divided into two groups:

  • carried out through financial influence;
  • carried out through optimization and modernization of the workflow.

The first group includes the following actions and procedures:

  • replacement of equipment with modern, more technologically advanced analogues;
  • updating the fleet of equipment that is in disrepair;
  • increasing the wear resistance of equipment;
  • improving the quality of raw materials used;
  • modernization of the entire technological process;
  • repair;
  • increase in service life.

Ways to optimize and modernize the workflow include the following processes:

  • increasing the equipment fleet;
  • increasing the number of shifts to ensure operation with minimal downtime;
  • reducing the number of cycles required to produce goods;
  • optimization of used areas;
  • introduction of narrowly focused activities;
  • adjustment of the work planning procedure.

Common Mistakes

Error: Attempts to increase production capacity only through optimization and adjustment of the technological process.

It is possible to achieve a noticeable PM indicator without financial influences only in special cases. By optimizing old equipment without replacing the equipment with new units, it is impossible to fix power at a high level.

Mistake: Increasing production capacity to increase profits on highly specialized products.

Increasing the production capacity of goods intended for use only in a specific area of ​​activity does not always have a direct impact on profit margins. It is impossible to increase the income of an organization that produces a product with limited demand in the market only by increasing capacity. This will lead to excess supply and, accordingly, to a decrease in price.

Economic significance

If market demand increases, capacity utilization will increase. If demand weakens, capacity utilization decreases. Economists and bankers often monitor capacity utilization rates for signs of inflationary pressure.

It is often believed that when the utilization rate rises above somewhere between 82% and 85%, price inflation will increase. Excess capacity means insufficient demand exists to warrant expansion of production.

All other things being equal, the lower the capacity utilization rate (relative to the capacity utilization trend), the better the bond market likes it. Bondholders view high capacity utilization (above trend) as a leading indicator of higher inflation. Higher inflation—or the expectation of higher inflation—lowers bond prices, often causing higher yields to offset higher expected inflation rates.

Implicitly, the capacity utilization rate is also a measure of how efficiently the factors of production are used. Many statistics and anecdotal evidence show that many industries in developed capitalist countries suffer from chronic

excess production capacity. Critics of market capitalism therefore argue that the system is not as efficient as it may seem, since at least 1/5 more output could be produced and sold if purchasing power were better distributed. However, a level of utilization slightly below the maximum generally prevails, regardless of economic conditions.

Modern business cycle theory

The concept of capacity utilization was introduced into modern business cycle theory by Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Huffman (1988). They demonstrated the importance of using production capacity to derive business cycle correlations in economic models so that they fit the data when there are shocks to investment spending.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question: When calculating production capacity, is it necessary to include input power in the calculation?


If the organization does not plan to expand its production during the year, it is not necessary to calculate the input capacity. However, in this case, the enterprise risks reducing its efficiency, since a gradual loss of capacity during the period of equipment operation is inevitable.

How to calculate average power if the exact periods of equipment commissioning or decommissioning are unknown?

If the exact periods for obtaining new equipment or removing old equipment from the technological process are unknown, a correction factor of 0.35 is added to the calculations.

Standard and interpretation of meaning

CMMs do not have standard values. Each individual case will have its own limits of desired efficiency, especially when it comes to human resources. However, based on the value of the indicator, certain conclusions can be drawn:

  • a low value indicates ineffective management and an irrational approach to organizing internal processes at the enterprise. To improve the situation, it is necessary to involve additional equipment and change the work scheme;
  • if the coefficient is more than 0.7 (70% efficiency), you can increase productivity on your own without attracting additional resources;
  • an indicator equal to 1 (100%) indicates full utilization of resources, and additional equipment is needed to increase production volumes.

In Western countries, a good indicator is the generalized coefficient of 80-82%. You can use this data to compare CMMs across your plant.

The value of the coefficient cannot be more than 100. Otherwise, it will be necessary to increase the productivity of equipment per unit of time or revise the work shift.

Important! The value of KIM can be influenced by external factors, such as demand volatility, the emergence of new competitors, and force majeure. To remain competitive, an enterprise should constantly improve its work, improve and update equipment, and increase labor productivity

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