What the world is currently fighting with: modern assault rifles (machine guns) (14 photos)

Among the many options for equipping soldiers is an effective and easy-to-use automatic weapon. To be able to defend or destroy your enemies, you need reliable, comfortable and deadly vehicles. Several hundred different models of slot machines have been developed around the world. All of them have disadvantages and advantages, some are no longer used and belong to collectors. To find out which slot is best, we have created the world's best slot machines.

Ferfrans HVLAR

So far, this machine is in the hands of American engineers and continues to be improved and improved. The main advantage of the weapon is the absence of recoil when firing. Over time, after its modification is completed, the Ferfrans HVLAR will probably become the best light weapon in the world in its class. The firing range of an assault rifle does not exceed 500 meters, since the assault rifle is designed for combat in urban environments. Its weight is 4.5 kg and its rate of fire reaches 700 rounds per minute. Experts decided to list this weapon in the ranking of the best assault rifles in the world only in tenth position.


This rifle was adopted by the US armed forces in the middle of the last century. Modernized and modified versions of assault rifles are actively used by US troops and units even in our time. The target firing range is 800 m, while the bullet flies at a speed of 900 meters per second. The relatively small weight of the assault rifle, 3.4 kg, makes it easy to move with it on the battlefield. Previously, many experts recognized this weapon as the best machine gun. In any modern war involving the US Army, its soldiers were armed with M16 assault rifles.

Evaluation criteria

According to military experts, each of the presented models has both advantages and disadvantages. Since new models are created on the basis of old ones, due to the modernization carried out, modern machines can be superior to their analogues. In this regard, it seems quite difficult to determine which machine is the best in the world. Each of the evaluated weapon models has specific indicators of target firing range, combat accuracy and ergonomics that are unique to it. Machine guns can differ from each other both in design and tactical and technical characteristics, as well as in reliability, durability, ease of operation and speed of bringing into combat condition.

FN F2000

The weapon has a non-standard shape. Design and development began in 2001 in a Belgian company. These automatic weapons were used by special forces to perform special operations. The peculiarity of the machine is that it can be used by both left-handed and right-handed people. The presented weapon weighs 3.8 kg. The vehicle was successfully used during the war in Afghanistan. It is currently in service with many European countries, as well as India and Pakistan. The muzzle velocity is about 850 meters per second, and the aiming range is 500 meters. These characteristics have allowed the FN F2000 to reach the top among other best machines in the world.

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This weapon, called HK416, was produced in 2004. Fairly low recoil, good ergonomics and ease of use in field conditions are the main advantages of the weapon. In addition, versatility is taken into account, as soldiers can use it in a variety of combat conditions. Possibility of aimed shooting at a distance of up to 600 m. Rate of fire - 850 rounds per minute. The main drawback of the design of the HK416 assault rifle is that the barrel overheats during prolonged shooting, and the weapon begins to suffer from this. In many countries, a machine gun is the main weapon of special forces. Among all the representatives of the top, HK416 is considered one of the most popular on the modern market.

Dull theory

What is a cellular automaton?
A discrete model, which is a grid of arbitrary dimension, each cell of which at each moment of time can take one of a finite set of states, and the rule for the transition of cells from one state to another is defined. Examples: Conway's Life, Von Neumann Automaton, Wireworld, Schelling's Segregation Model.

What are they?
Depending on the dimension of the lattice:
one-, two-, three-dimensional, etc.
For example, Rule 110 and others covered in this article are one-dimensional, “Life” is two-dimensional. Depending on the number of possible states:
binary, ternary, etc.

the cell's neighborhood differently

, that is, a set of cells on which the state at the next moment in time will depend. This could be, for example, a Von Neumann neighborhood of various ranks or a Moore neighborhood.

Spacecraft can be synchronous and asynchronous. In synchronous cells, all cells of the system are updated simultaneously; in asynchronous cells, each cell does this independently.

One of the most important classifications is by type of behavior

. I will talk about this separately below.

What then is the simplest cellular automaton?

A one-dimensional binary (with two possible states) cellular automaton, where the state of a cell at each moment in time depends only on its own state and the states of cells adjacent to it at the previous moment in time.
There are only 256 simple cellular automata, and the behavior of some of them duplicates others.
But, despite this, Stephen Wolfram, widely known in narrow circles, devoted years of his life to studying them; before him, dozens of mathematicians also did this, and to this day scientists write dissertations and scientific works on this topic. First, let's define the terminology. Since there are only 256 variants of such machines, that same Wolfram (I will often refer to him) did not bother much and suggested calling them numbers from 0 to 255. This naming, due to its brevity and convenience, caught on well, and since then it has been called , you won't believe it, "The Tungsten Code".

I understand you, I’m too lazy to follow the links, so I’ll briefly talk about how to understand these codes. And if you know this perfectly well without me, you don’t have to expand the spoiler, but just read on.

What do Tungsten codes mean?

Let's take a quick look at an example. Let's take the rule number, for example, 110. 1. 11010 = 011011102. 2. Enter the digits of the binary representation of the number in the table:


Depending on the states of the neighbor on the left, the cell itself and the neighbor on the right (the first row of the table), at the next step the cell will take one of the states indicated in the second row.
This can be represented even more clearly like this:

Wolfram also proposed dividing cellular automata into four classes according to type of behavior:

1 class:

all cells quickly assume the same state, which becomes stable. For example, Rule 40:

2nd grade:

the state of all cells quickly stabilizes, or periodic fluctuations occur. For example, Rules 3 and 33:

3rd grade:

the automaton generates chaotic, non-periodic structures. Small changes in the initial state lead to significant changes in the result. For example, rule 22:

4th grade:

the automaton generates complex, interacting structures that can survive for a long time, but does not achieve stability. For example, rule 193:

Steyr AUG A3

In the ranking of the best assault rifles in the world, this rifle is in sixth position. The weapons manufacturer is an Austrian company that has been successfully operating since the 70s of the last century. Since its first development, this machine has undergone significant changes and modifications many times. The weight of the rifle without an installed magazine with cartridges is about 4 kg. It is actively used by the armies of France and Morocco. It is also in service with many other Veprevskaya countries. Among other modifications of this rifle, experts note the high reliability of the Steyr AUG A3.

HK-416 and HK-417

In sixth position in the ranking are the German models HK-416 and HK-417. To create these automatic rifles, weapons designers used the base of the M-16 and G-36 models. New models of small arms are characterized by: ease of operation and maintenance, reliability of automation and high tactical and technical characteristics. Since the ergonomics and arrangement of control elements in the HK-416 and HK-417 are similar to the M-16, it is especially easy for those shooters who are accustomed to “black rifles” to operate German weapons. Just like the FN SCAR, the HK-416 and HK-417 are modular. Repair of this German weapon consists of replacing the broken module with a new one. The HK-416 and HK-417 are available with different barrel lengths. This gives the machines versatility and the ability to use them to perform various combat missions.

Models are equipped with four Picatinny rails and a bipod. The butt can be in five positions, making it easy for the shooter to adjust the weapon according to its anatomical features. Despite their high lethality, HK-416 and HK-417 are in sixth position in the ranking because they are large in size and have quite noticeable recoil.

AS "Val"

The weapon was created by Soviet engineers in the 1980s and is still used by various special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. One of the most important advantages of a shotgun is its noiselessness. It can be easily disassembled and stored in cases or small wallets. AS Val is also included in the ranking of the best assault rifles in the world due to the ability to use different types of cartridges. You can install a night vision device. The machine's own weight is only 2.5 kg. The main disadvantages are the short aiming range, which is only 400 m, as well as the box magazine with a capacity of 20 rounds. The weapon was actively used during two Chechen wars.

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Volkswagen 09M

Found on all-wheel drive vehicles of the VAG concern. This is, in fact, a modified 09G gearbox that can be paired with engines up to 3.5 liters. If we go into details, it was developed for the German concern by the Aisin company, and the TF-62SN automatic machine can be considered an analogue of the box.

The declared resource is 200 thousand km, but the automatic can go 400 thousand if the car is not a regular in city traffic jams, and its owner is not a street racer. This is due to a clogged heat exchanger, which is better replaced with an external radiator.


This rifle is produced by Israeli manufacturers. Durability, reliability, effective protection against mechanical influences, as well as the ability to be used by both right- and left-handers are the main advantages. In addition, it is possible to install a grenade launcher and a night vision sight. If desired, a muffler can be installed.

Thanks to its thoughtful design and high ergonomics, a fighter armed with the TAR-21 will be much more likely to remain undetected by the enemy than when using other weapons. In one minute, the machine can fire about 900 shots. Weight 3.27 kg. The standard magazine holds up to 30 rounds, and when using a high-capacity magazine, up to 100 rounds. This model was developed in 1993, but was adopted only in 2001. Tavor is still successfully used in various armies and units around the world.


The assault rifle is an assault rifle and was created jointly by Belgian and American companies. Of all the automatic weapons used by the US Army, the FN SCAR-H rifle won the title of best assault rifle of 2014. Minimal recoil, comfortable operating conditions and reliability are the main advantages of the rifle. Deservedly included in the top three best cars in the world for 2016. The weight of the machine is 3.19 kg. 625 shots can be fired in one minute. The maximum target shooting range is 900 meters. The magazine holds up to 30 shots. So far, the vehicle is used exclusively by the US military. Currently, the FN SCAR-H is considered one of the best modern and expensive cars.

The world's first automatic machine

The inventor of the world's first automatic rifle and the first machine gun is considered to be a citizen of the Russian Empire, Vladimir Fedorov.
On the eve of the First World War, he began work on the automation of the main small arms of the Russian army - the Mosin rifle. In 1913, the inventor produced two prototypes of the new weapon. In terms of combat characteristics, it took an intermediate position between a light machine gun and an automatic rifle. That's why it got the name automaton. This world's first machine gun could fire both bursts and single shots.

The first machine gun - Mosin rifle

However, due to the slowness of the Russian bureaucracy, mass production of Fedorov assault rifles was launched only before the revolution itself. The first to test machine guns at the front were the special command of the Izmail Infantry Regiment on the Romanian Front. After the first battles, it became clear that in many cases an assault rifle could successfully replace a light machine gun.

Bushmaster ACR 3

This is a high-end adaptive automatic rifle created by an American company. The developers of the assault rifle decided to design a weapon based on the M16 rifle. But over time, they created a separate full automatic rifle with its own design features. On top, a small part of the receiver is made of aluminum, and at the bottom, impact-resistant plastic is used. To increase the reliability of the handle, manufacturers made the surface of the body rough.

All vehicle controls are conveniently located, providing easy access to them, which in turn allows the fighter to take a combat stance in the shortest possible time. The Bushmaster ACR 3 barrel is designed similarly to the barrel of sniper rifles. This is what allows you to quickly replace them. Rifle weight 3.18 kg. Accurate shooting is guaranteed at a distance of up to 500 meters. The magazine holds 30 rounds. The main disadvantage is that the cost is too high compared to weapons of the same class.

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HK G36 assault rifle

“Favorite” of mercenaries and military special forces. Externally it makes a dual impression thanks to its unusual design. Futurism can be seen in the clarity of the lines and the softness of the plastic from which most of the body is made. Despite its apparent lightness, the weight of the product is 3.6 kg, which is quite unexpected for those who pick up a rifle for the first time. This is explained by the presence of metal stiffening ribs inserted along the entire length of the butt. Thanks to this “safety net”, the weapon is resistant to damage and mechanical deformation.

The developers and creators of the rifle are . The initial model was announced to the general public in the late 90s, immediately receiving approval from military experts not only in Germany, but also in other countries of the world. It is used as an infantry weapon by the armies of Latvia, Spain, Poland, as well as a number of Asian states - Indonesia, Malaysia, and so on. In addition to army units, the rifle is widely used in the service of police forces in Austria, Norway, Great Britain and about 30 other countries around the world.

Recognition among the civilian population was due to the popularization of the G36 in computer games, cinema and other areas of popular culture. If we talk about technical characteristics, then among the main advantages it is worth focusing on good accuracy and shooting accuracy at a distance of up to 450 m, relatively low weight and modular design. All prefabricated parts are fixed to the body using pins, which simplifies disassembly and cleaning of the weapon.


Of all the weapons in its respective category, the best assault rifle in the world is the AK-12. Specialists from the Kalashnikov Concern and the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant took part in its creation. It has a plastic butt in its design, due to which the overall weight is significantly reduced. The charging mechanism can be installed on one side or the other, which is convenient for both right-handers and left-handers. Without charger, total weight is 3.2 kg. A regular magazine holds up to 60 rounds, a drum magazine – up to 95. The sighting range is up to 500 meters. The device fires up to 650 shots in one minute. A unique feature of the machine is the ability to perform all the necessary actions: move the safety, open the bolt and change the magazine with one hand.

The development of the weapon began in 2011, and four years later it began to be used by the Russian troops along with the new “Ratnik” equipment. Despite the top position in the ranking, many military personnel were skeptical about this development of events. Although critics and experts are confident that the AK-12 is the best Russian-made assault rifle at the moment.

Features of slot machines of some famous brands

Brands of switchboards for home and business electrical networks produce devices with memorable features. Before purchasing, you should clarify the features of the equipment:

  • The Chinese brand "Energy" presents 2 series. 46-73 has no indicators or recesses, suitable for 6 kA current. VA 47-29 – with side recesses, double-sided comb, 6 kA.
  • The manufacturer EKF offers devices from the Proxima line with plugs for seals. Budget machines 47-63 come without them.
  • The products of the Kursk company KEAZ are easily distinguished by their place of production. Russian VM-63 are suitable for seals, combs, and have contact indication. Chinese VA 47-29 are rated at 4.5 kA, without indicators and holes for the comb.
  • Heavy Hungarian GEs are designed for a current of 6 kA and do not have recesses on the sides. Comb area on one side.
  • Polish Legrand TX switches for current 6 kA with recesses, but without indicators and combs.
  • You can identify the place of production of Shneider Electric by its power. Bulgarian ones are suitable for current from 25 A, everything below is made in China. The Easy 9 series are good inexpensive single-pole models.
  • ABB S series products (6 kA) have an indicator, notches, and a one-sided comb. SH switches (4.5 kA) come without combs and indicators, but with recesses.

A comparison of the features of brands of household machines shows that all models of switches can be installed in a house, apartment, workshop, garage, hotel or restaurant.

+ AK-400

Kalashnikov assault rifle. This so-called “400th series” was offered to the special forces of the FSB and SBP, which ensure the security of the Russian President, at the end of 2015. AK-400 is a series of the latest adaptive automatic weapons. You can install any viewfinder, pen, target designator or flashlight on this device. And because it is adaptive, its size is adjusted according to the physical characteristics of the fighter. The developers claim that the AK-400 is superior to the legendary AK-74 and the modern AK-12 in accuracy and precision.

The “400” series uses various types of ammunition, both modern 5.45 mm and “Soviet” 7.62 mm. Machine length 940 mm. Weight is just over 3 kg. Among the new products is the “cut-off” mode, in which 3 bullets will be fired at the target per press of the trigger. In addition, the AK-400 is equipped with a Picatinny rail and a telescopic buttstock.


Assault rifles designed by Garev-Koksharov have always been the main competitor to the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The first model, AEK-971, was created as part of the Abakan program. A special feature of the AEK design is its balanced gas automation. Unlike the AK, the AEK gas piston is connected to a counterweight, which, when fired, reduces the recoil impulse when firing. The machine gun does not bounce when fired, which significantly improves the accuracy of fire. Compared to the AK-74, accuracy has improved almost twice.

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The AEK-971 model was created as part of the Abakan program.

It was also proposed to install an adjustable muzzle brake-compensator - by changing the size of the holes, it was possible to improve the accuracy of shooting from unstable positions, for example on the move. Unfortunately, this idea did not receive the green light - representatives of the Ministry of Defense considered this system too complex.

However, the AEK-971 was still more accurate than the AK-74. After a slight modernization, the Ministry of Internal Affairs units received three versions of the machine gun, using ammunition of different calibers. Like the AN-94, the AEK is considered a special forces weapon - more accurate, but requiring special training. Production of the machine lasted until 2006, after which it was suspended.

In parallel with the AK-12, a modernized version of the AEK-971 called A-545 also took part in the 2014 competition for a combined arms assault rifle. History repeated itself - the A-545 again outperformed the Kalash in shooting accuracy, but had a worse price-quality ratio. Nevertheless, the new machine gun, like its large-caliber version A-762, satisfied all the requirements of the Ministry of Defense and were included in the “Ratnik” equipment. According to experts, the A-545 will enter service with the special forces of the Armed Forces, the FSB and the National Guard - the elite of the Russian army.

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