Re-issuance of a power supply contract upon change of owner

An agreement between a subscriber and a network organization or supplier of energy resources is the main document that regulates and describes the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the parties. It also indicates the amount of resources that are supplied to the consumer

Re-registration of capacity upon change of ownership is a widespread practice that underlies the purchase and sale of commercial real estate and more. According to the law, there cannot be two contracts between the consumer and the supplier regarding the same object. Therefore, even if the owner changes, the contract remains valid; it must be terminated and a new one concluded.

There is another situation that is not formally considered a renewal of the contract. This is a restoration of the agreement. For example, when a document was lost earlier. The procedure will be different.

The problem can be solved on your own. But this is additional time, effort, and possibly money. Renewal of the contract is particularly difficult, as there are several pitfalls.

Megavolt company offers legal assistance in re-registration or restoration of documents. We are well acquainted with the regulations, internal documents of network organizations, and the specifics of relevant legislation. We are ready to take on all bureaucratic issues.

Where to renew an electricity contract

As a general rule, the contract for the supply of electricity is renegotiated with the network organization. That is, actually from the energy resource supplier itself. Rosseti (MOESK) operates in Moscow and the Moscow region. Moscow energy sales company. Another question is if the facility receives energy under a transfer agreement. Usually the contract is renegotiated on the same or new terms with a different owner of the property.

In order to renew the energy supply contract, you must comply with the formal requirements of the law. Before doing this, it is important to assess whether the current capacity meets the owner’s needs. Clarify new conditions and work them out. Only then contact the network organization.

What is important to know

In this situation, a problem may arise related to the debt of the former owner for consumed electricity. The old owner's debt must be paid off before the transfer can take place. In order to successfully avoid the pitfalls associated with the debts of the former owners and successfully renegotiate the contract, you can go in two ways:

  1. The former owner (seller) notifies the electricity supply organization of termination of the contract. This should be done 10 days before the expected termination of ownership rights, entailing re-registration. The application indicates the need to make a final payment, and meter readings are attached.
  2. The buyer of real estate, carrying out re-registration, contacts the electric grid company, which supplies electricity to this property, with a request to issue a certificate of no debt. Then it is necessary to compare the actual meter readings with the readings paid according to the issued certificate.

Application for re-issuance of documents on technological connection

There is no single application form. Therefore, you can use any sample from the network. The application can be completed by hand or on a printed form. It doesn't really matter. The application states important conditions. Including:

  • Destination. A company that acts as a supplier of energy resources. Whether it is directly a network organization or a company, a legal entity, a subscriber.
  • Applicant. Last name, first name, patronymic of an individual, individual entrepreneur, indicating status. Or the name of the legal entity indicating the form of organization.
  • Personal data or details of a company, legal entity.
  • Subject, reason for appeal.
  • The address of the facility that is provided with electrical energy.
  • Description of the construction site. Its characteristics.

The application must be submitted in person or by registered mail. A package of documents is attached to the application. The algorithm depends on the status of the applicant. Be it an individual, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

Renewal of an energy supply contract when there is a change of owner: do I need to pay for it?

Good afternoon

When changing the owner of non-residential premises, the new owner must conclude (re-issue) an energy supply agreement in his name.

In accordance with clause 34 of the Basic Provisions for the Operation of Retail Electricity Markets, approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 No. 442, in order to conclude an energy supply agreement, the consumer must send the following mandatory documents to the electricity supplier:

  • a draft energy supply agreement signed by the applicant ( provided at the request of the applicant );
  • title and other documents of the applicant (certificate of state registration of the applicant as a legal entity or as an individual entrepreneur, certificate of registration of the applicant with the tax authority, documents confirming the authority of the person who signed the application on behalf of the applicant - extract from the protocol (decision, order) on appointment to the position of a manager or a power of attorney to sign an agreement if the agreement is not signed by the manager, a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another identification document if the applicant is an individual entrepreneur or citizen);
  • documents confirming ownership;
  • documents confirming technological connection (including indirectly) in the prescribed manner to the electrical grid facilities of the network organization of power receiving devices, the supply of electrical energy to which is indicated in the application for concluding a contract (are not provided in cases where the applicant does not have such documents in accordance with paragraph 37 of this document);
  • documents on permission to operate metering devices (provided if the applicant has metering devices);

Documents confirming technological connection to electrical networks include

  • or an act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of the parties;
  • or an act on technological connection to electrical networks.

The previous owners of the premises must have such documents available.

In order to re-issue documents on technological connection to power grids in your name, you need to contact the power grid company to whose power grids non-residential premises are connected (in Moscow this can be either Rosseti Moscow Region (PJSC MOESK) or JSC "OEC").

The official amount of payment for re-issuing documents on technological connection in the name of the new owner can be no more than 1000 rubles for one premises.

Documents confirming the commissioning of a metering device (the act of putting metering devices into operation): you can use the issued copies for the previous owners. If necessary, the supplier's representatives are obliged to draw up a new act, drawn up in your name, free of charge.

The procedure for re-issuing an energy supply contract in your name is free.

The electricity supplier has the right to offer you commercial support services in re-issuing documents on technological connection. No one has the right to force such services on you.

Thus, the official cost of re-issuing an energy supply contract in your name does not exceed 1000 rubles per room; everything else is additional commercial services of the electricity supplier, which you have the right to refuse.

Sincerely, Energy Consultant Company

Document recovery

Restoration and re-registration of documents are two different procedures. Restoration does not present any particular difficulties for the owner.

To resolve the issue, you need to contact the network organization or the supplier.

The algorithm is like this:

  • Submitting an application for document restoration.
  • After receiving the application, the organization verifies the fact of proper technical connection. The act of accession is provided by the owner himself or the company restores it from the archive.
  • A duplicate of the agreement is being prepared.

Completion time: from 7 to 20 days. Depends on the company and region of execution.

How to register with Mosenergosbyt for a new owner

To register, the new owner must submit documents for the apartment and a passport to the organization’s branch. Be sure to take readings from the electric meter.

If it is not possible to come in person, you can do this through a representative. In this case, you will need to visit a notary and issue a power of attorney in the name of the authorized person.

For individuals

An individual can enter into a direct contract with Mosenergosbyt or use electricity services through an intermediary - a management company. A new apartment resident needs to contact either the MES office or the HOA at the place of residence to re-register documents.

To renew the contract, you will need to write an application.

An application for re-registration of a personal account with Mosenergosbyt is written according to the standard scheme. In the upper right corner you need to write “Head of the MES department (full name of the head)” in the “to” column, then your last name, first name and patronymic. The next line is the address, below is the phone number.

In the middle of the form is the word “Application”. Next comes the phrase: “I ask you to re-register personal account No. (account number) at the address (your address) with (F.I.O. of the former owner) to me (or to F.I.O. (your data)) in connection c (reason, for example, “in connection with the purchase of an apartment”). The date and signature are placed at the bottom.

A sample application looks like this:

For legal entities

If an organization wants to enter into an agreement with Mosenergosbyt for the supply of electricity, then it must perform a number of actions:

  • submit an application for connection to electrical networks to the official representative office of the local power grid company;
  • obtain from the representative office of the electrical network organization technical conditions for connecting to electrical networks, as well as permission to connect a pre-agreed volume of allocated power;
  • order from a specialized organization a project for technological connection, as well as for the installation of power receiving equipment;
  • coordinate project documentation with regulatory agencies;
  • organize and perform work aimed at meeting the requirements of technical specifications;
  • perform the actual connection of power-receiving equipment to external electrical networks.

After this, the legal entity can enter into an agreement with the electricity supplier.

A representative of the organization must contact the MES office with a package of the company’s statutory documents and a power of attorney authorizing him to take this action.

How to correct an error (or typo) in the owner's full name

The client can change the phone number located on the personal page in different ways.

  • Follow the link: .
  • Find the “Personal Account” tab and click on it.
  • Enter your username and password into the form and click on the “Login” tab.
  • Go to the “Profile” tab, change the data located in this category.

And if the client needs to change his home phone number, then he has the right to telephone: +7 499 550 9 550. Calls are accepted from 08:30 to 20:30.

Expert opinion

Viktor Pavlovich Strebizh, lighting and electrical expert

Any questions ask me, I will help!

In accordance with the Order of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region, for the population consuming electrical energy in residential buildings located in rural areas, an electrical energy tariff with a reducing coefficient is applied. If there is something you don’t understand, write to me!

Change personal account details of Mosenergosbyt - how to change data in your personal account

  1. Receive documents for real estate. The new owner must receive a purchase and sale agreement and an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
  2. Photocopy all documents.
  3. Take readings from the electric meter.
  4. Pay off existing debt.
  5. Take your passport.
  6. Select the compartment that is located next to the user.
  7. Personally visit the selected branch, take all documents, photocopies with a notary signature.
  8. Show the documents to the employee.
  9. Fill out an application to change the owner of a personal account.
  10. Pay off your electricity debt.
  11. Get a receipt in your new name.

Do not forget that the user can quickly change the address to which he receives newsletters from the service provider.

  • Follow the link: .
  • Find the “Personal Account” tab, click on it.
  • Enter your username and password into the form and click on the “Login” tab.
  • Go to the “Personal Data” tab, “My Services” subsection.

In addition, the client can change the data through the video communication terminal installed in the MFC. You can use it from 09:00 am to 20:00 pm.

The client can also personally visit the branch and express to its employee a desire to change the entered data.

After the change, all data will be sent to the email specified by the applicant.

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