Rectifier diode
Diode 1N4007: circuits, characteristics, technical description
1N4007 diodes belong to the 1NXXXX series devices. Such diodes use the American numbering system,
Transient processes in a bipolar transistor switch (page 1)
Bipolar transistor is an electronic semiconductor device, one of the types of transistors designed to amplify, generate
How to easily and simply convert milliamps to amperes and vice versa
');> //–> Ampere is a unit of measurement of electric current in the International System of Units (SI).
A photoresistor is: what it is, principle of operation, what it looks like, how to check, how to connect
Photoresistors Design and connection diagram of a photoresistor
A photoresistor is a semiconductor radio element that changes its resistance depending on the lighting.
Electrical power generation
Calculation of electricity losses in electrical networks
What are electrical energy losses? Electricity losses in a broad sense should be understood as the difference
Simple transistor probes without desoldering from the circuit
Instead of a prologue. When assembling or repairing sound amplifiers, it is often necessary to select identical
Smd capacitors types. Marking of SMD capacitors
Many novice radio amateurs are faced with the problem of determining the characteristics of storage devices such as SMD
Electric current in metals, free electrons:
Electrical resistance of metals. Superconductivity
Production technology To obtain a superconductor, a copper wire is coated in a vacuum along its entire perimeter.
How to pay for electricity by meter: taking and calculating readings
It is necessary to transmit the data of an individual meter within a certain period of time. This ensures payment is calculated according to
How to determine the polarity of electrolytic capacitors, where is the plus and minus?
By appearance If the markings are erased or unclear, then determining the polarity of the capacitor is sometimes possible
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