Chargers for lithium Li-Ion Li-Fe Li-Pol batteries
General characteristics Today, many sizes and types of batteries are used. One of the most popular is
unit of electricity
How many watts (W) in 1 kilowatt (kW): concept, translation and table
What is a watt? The unit of electrical energy for the work done over a period of time is called a watt.
Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors - brief definition and formula for majority carriers
Characteristics and definition of semiconductors In the periodic table, 25 chemical elements are non-metals, of which
Calculation of electric current by power: formulas, online calculation, selection of machine
To select the cross-section of power cables and wires when laying electrical networks of consumers, you need to know
Bistable pulse relay for lighting control - what is it?
How to control a lamp from several places, and even using regular buttons instead of keyboards
Transformer device
Types and what determine losses in transformers, theory and calculation examples
Good day to all! In the last article I talked about the equivalent circuit of a transformer. IN
How to restore a TV remote control with your own hands in 5 minutes
TV does not respond to commands? Don’t rush to sound the alarm and save money for it
How to determine the cathode and anode of an LED
LED polarity: how to determine the cathode and anode yourself
Like any semiconductor device with one-way conductivity, the LED is critical to the correct inclusion in
Do it yourself About the budget solution of technical, and not only, problems.
About virtual oscilloscopes. I once had a fix idea: sell an analog oscilloscope and buy
What is electric current, types and conditions of its existence
Home | Physics 11th grade | Conditions for the existence of electric current Further development of the science of
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