How many watts (W) in 1 kilowatt (kW): concept, translation and table

What is watt

The unit value of electrical energy for the work done over a period of time is called a watt.

Named after the mechanic and inventor James Watt. Denoted by W or W. He was the first to propose the use of horsepower as a universal unit of measurement of machine performance.

Can be represented by the formula:

W = joule/second, or 1 W = 1 J/sec.

To determine the power of electrical machines, the following formula is used:

P=U*I. Voltage times current.

Electricity is measured by "U" in volts and "I" in amperes by the resulting power in watts.


Active power is measured in kilowatts, and total or nominal power is measured in kilovolt amperes. Volt ampere with kilovolt ampere, being a power unit of current, is calculated as the product of current ampere values ​​​​in an electrical circuit and the volt voltage at its ends. A watt per kilowatt is the energy accomplished per second and is equal to one joule. The measurement is carried out using the force of constant energy at a volt voltage.

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Note! Only a part of the device’s power is involved at the time of work activity. The rest comes out.

How do the values ​​differ?

How to correctly convert these units

A watt is equal to a kilogram multiplied by square meters and divided by cubic seconds. The prefix kilo denotes multiplication by 1000. The same principle applies to power indicators, that is, 1 kW contains 1000 W and 1000 volts. This means that 1 unit = 0.001 subunits. That is, if you convert the power, then a 3 kW electrical appliance will be equal to 3000 W.

Conversion formula

In electricity

To simplify measurements in electricity, a subunit is used. You can find out how many watts are in a kilowatt and convert the units by multiplying watts by 103 and dividing by 1000. To carry out the reverse conversion, you need to multiply kW by 103 or multiply known indicators by 1000.

Quantities in electricity

In heating

To measure thermal power, you need to use the joule. This is the work done by 1 newton per 1 meter. To convert joule to kW, you need to use the joule subunit. There are 0.239 kcal in 1 kJ. There are 4.1868 kJ in 1 kcal. There are 860 kcal in 1 kW. This means that 1000 kcal contains 1.163 kW per hour.

Heating measurements

How to convert watts to kilowatts

Household electrical appliances have different power ratings. It ranges from a few watts to several thousand watts. For convenience of calculation, they lead to a single value. This is usually a kilowatt, denoted kW.

To convert watts to kilowatts, you need to know how many watts are contained in 1 kW. The word “kilo” itself means a thousand. That is, one kilowatt of electricity contains 1000 watts.

For the convenience of converting one unit to another, there are various programs. But converting from one value to another is easy to do on your own.

For example, a house has several electricity consumers, a chandelier with three 60 W lamps, a 150 W TV and a 100 W stereo system. We get 3*60+150+100, the result is 430 W. We know that 1KW contains 1000W. Divide this value by 1000, we get 0.43 kW.

For clarity, we will make several calculations. The resulting conversion from W to kW will be tabulated.


Often it is necessary to perform the inverse function. Convert from kW to Watts. To do this, the power in kilowatts must be multiplied by 1,000. Let’s make calculations and put them in a table for clarity.

W5 00025001000850400250807

Industrial enterprises use electricity consumers with a capacity of several thousand kilowatts. For convenience, the concept of megawatt has been introduced, denoted as mW. The prefix “mega” means 1,000,000. That is, 1 mW contains 1,000,000 W, or 1,000 kW.

Kilowatt and kilowatt-hour - what's the difference?

Along with the designation kilowatt, you can find the unit kilowatt per hour. For example, electricity meter readings are displayed in kWh values. Non-specialists do not distinguish between these concepts and believe that they are one and the same thing. However, these are completely different quantities.

Watt per hour is the amount of electricity produced or consumed per unit of time, denoted Wh.

For example, 1 kW hour means that the power receiver consumes 1 kW of electricity in 1 hour.

Kilowatt, unlike kWh, is a quantity indicating instantaneous power consumed or generated.

Tables of ratios of amperes, volts, watts, ohms

To simplify, the main parameters of the electrical circuit are explained using the example of the functioning of a conventional pipeline. The movement of fluid is ensured by the pressure difference. The narrowing (expansion) of the transport route changes the flow resistance accordingly. If necessary, using the listed parameters or experimentally, you can set the pipeline productivity in liters per unit of time.

By analogy with the above description, the potential difference (voltage) ensures the movement of electric charges (current). As the cross-section of the conductor decreases, the electrical resistance increases. Knowing the basic parameters, it is easy to calculate the power consumption of the connected load.

Table for calculating the comfort zone of “electronic” cigarettes

The specified power data corresponds to certain resistance and voltage values. Similar tables are compiled for converting Watts into amperes and other quantities. This example clearly demonstrates the main disadvantages of the tabular form:

  • complexity of processing large amounts of data;
  • discreteness of information provision;
  • limited accuracy.

Graphical representation of basic formulas for calculating electrical parameters

Using calculations, you can convert volts to amperes quickly and accurately.

For your information. As an alternative, an electrical quantity converter is used, which is available for free use on reference and specialized websites on the Internet.

How to calculate the total power of household appliances

The installed power of a house or cottage is important when calculating and selecting electrical wiring and machines. Without this parameter it is impossible to design the power supply of the house.

To find out the installed power, you need to select data on power consumption from the equipment passports. For example, as indicated on the plate.

NamePower, W
Boiler1 500
Electric furnace2 000
Washing machine
Fixtures (total number of light bulbs in the entire house)1 000
TOTAL:3,750 W or 3.75 kW

To correctly calculate the power supply of a house, the combination coefficient is taken into account. It indicates how many consumers are working simultaneously.

For installed power in a house, cottage, apartment up to 14 kW, a coefficient of 0.8 is used in the calculations. That is, the total value of the loads is taken and multiplied by 0.8. For our example, in the calculations we take a power equal to 3.75 * 0.8 = 3 kW.

How many watts are in a kilowatt?

A watt is a relatively small value to use exclusively in everyday life. The power of lamps in a residential area ranges from 10 to 100 W. Most household appliances consume between 1000 and 3000 watts. In a small production we are talking about tens of thousands of watts or more. Operating with numbers with 5 or 7 zeros is inconvenient, so there is a need for a larger unit of measurement.

In the description of devices the following designations are used:

  • V.A;
  • kW;
  • kWh;
  • MW.

Units of measurement that are multiples of a decimal factor were introduced into the international SI system. They are derived through the basic ones using multiplication and division by a factor divisible by 10. Some of them received their own names. Derived units are used along with basic ones.

The table shows the coefficient values ​​and their corresponding names.


Using this table, it is easy to answer the question of how many watts are contained in a kilowatt of electricity - 1000 watts.

Converting watts to kilowatts.

Watt and kilowatt - what is it?

A watt is a unit of measurement of power, as well as heat flux in physics, sound electrical flux, direct electric current power, active and apparent electric current power, radiation flux and ionizing radiation energy flux in the international measurement system. It should be noted that this is a scalar measurable quantity, that is, measured and calculated.

Description from link

To make the use of watts convenient, the international system has adopted the use of prefixes that define a decimal multiple of the original indicator. Typically one kilowatt is used for this. Translated from Greek, the prefix kilogram means thousand. Using a prefix means increasing the original value by 103 times.

Note! KWh is a non-systemic unit of measurement that shows when energy is produced or consumed and in what quantity. It also shows the mechanical work performed and the temperature. Used to measure household electricity consumption or to measure electricity production in the energy sector.

What is the difference between a kilowatt and a kilowatt hour?

Many consumers habitually refer to electricity consumption indicators recorded by an electric meter as kilowatts. But in fact, this indicator is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is not the same thing at all.

Energy consumption in kWh is determined by the amount of power expended during a certain time.

An example of such a calculation:

  • an incandescent lamp of 0.06 kW is used for lighting;
  • for 6 hours of operation (approximate operating time during the day), this device will consume electricity 0.06 × 6 = 0.36 kWh;
  • per month, the consumption for the specified lamp will be 0.36 × 30 = 10.8 kW*h.

In a similar way, it is easy to calculate the total consumption of electrical energy per month, knowing the duration of switching on of a particular equipment and its power characteristics. Next, you can determine the amount of savings achieved through the use of less energy-consuming equipment and a frugal attitude to resource consumption.

Correct conversion of power units of electrical energy is very important for the consumer. This will ensure safe operation of the equipment and save energy consumption.

Calculation features

Despite the fact that the power of electrical appliances is often indicated on their cases, you still often have to independently calculate how much electricity a particular household appliance consumes. In order not to make mistakes when calculating and to come to the correct result, you need not only to know about the differences between kW and kW-hours, but also to be able to convert these values ​​from one to the other. For example, power often needs to be converted into energy and vice versa.

Before you start calculating the energy consumed by a particular household electrical appliance, you need to prepare a calculator, since the numbers may turn out to be such that it will be quite difficult to operate with them in your head.

Before converting power into energy, that is, kW per kWh, it is necessary to clarify what was previously measured. If the meter readings were measured, then everything will be extremely simple. It is enough just to correct “kilowatt” to “kilowatt-hour”.

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The meter reading is the energy consumed by electrical appliances per unit of time. It is also measured in kilowatt-hours. It’s just that in everyday life the name of this unit has lost the word “hour”. As a result, it became abbreviated to simply kW. Quite often, owners of any household electrical appliance convert kW to kW-hours in order to determine how much energy is consumed during its operation and, therefore, how often it needs to be turned on.

If the device consumes too much energy, you will have to use it rarely to save energy. In order to accurately determine how much energy this or that equipment, for example, an electric heater, will require, you need to know its operating time and power, which is usually indicated on the housing. For example, if the power of the device is 2 kW, and it works for 3 hours, then as a result of simple mathematical multiplication you can find out that the total electricity consumption during this time is 6 kilowatt-hours.

Minor problems may arise when calculating energy consumption if the power is indicated in units other than kW. The situation will get worse if time is also measured not in hours, but, for example, in minutes. Then, before starting calculations, it is necessary to convert power units into kW, and time units into hours. Only in this case the calculation results will be correct.

As an example, we can take an ordinary lamp, the manufacturers of which claim that its power is 100 W. Let's say you need to determine how much electricity is used if it burns all day. The power of the light bulb should be determined in kilowatts. Since Watt (watt) is a unit that is a thousandth of a kilowatt, you simply divide this light bulb wattage value by 1000.

That is, 100 W is divided by 1000 and the result is 0.1 kilowatt. This completes the conversion from one unit of power to another.

It is necessary to convert the time indicator to the desired unit. The condition requires determining how much energy the lighting device will consume per day. It’s simple here: there are 24 hours in a day, and therefore this figure can be considered the result of converting time units. All that remains is to multiply the numbers obtained as a result of the translation and find out how much energy will be consumed by the light bulb. 0.1 kilowatt is multiplied by 24 hours, and the resulting number is 2.4. This means that the energy consumption of the device is 2.4 kWh.

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This way you can determine not only the amount of energy consumed by any one device, but also the total energy consumption of all electrical equipment in the house. The main thing is to know the duration of its operation and power.

Total electrical power value

Sometimes it is necessary to calculate the total power of household consumers installed in the house. This is necessary for:

  • correct choice of cable cross-section when installing electrical wiring;
  • selection of control devices, including circuit breakers, electric meters, etc.;
  • layout of the wiring system in the house.

Ultimately, correct accounting of the total energy intensity of household appliances ensures the operational reliability of electrical wiring and the safe operation of household electrical appliances.

To calculate the highest possible power of household electrical appliances, you should add up the number of watts indicated in the technical documentation of the equipment or directly on the equipment itself. When performing the calculation, all values ​​must be converted accordingly to the same unit of measurement, taking into account the procedure described above.

KVA to kW ratio

If the instructions for household appliances indicate voltage only in watts, it means that Cos f distortion is not taken into account during their operation. In this case, the indicators are equal, for example, in electric kettles, boilers, lamps and devices with heating elements. The same principle is used to correlate numbers, for example, in generators.

If the instructions additionally indicate the Cos f indicator, volt-amperes are converted to watts and vice versa.

The difference between kW and kW/hour

In everyday life, kW and kWh are often confused, using both units to measure power. Kilowatt characterizes the amount of work produced per unit of time. 1 W is 1 J (joule) of work done in 1 second. A kilowatt is equal to 1000 J/s.

Kilowatt hours indicate the amount of work done or energy expended. From the definition it follows that kWh is the work (energy) performed (consumed) within 1 hour by a device with a power of 1 kilowatt.

The simplest calculation shows how many kilowatts a 100 W lamp consumes.

Main household energy consumers

Climate change and environmental degradation force us to think about saving energy at all levels. Many are making targeted efforts to reduce electricity consumption. To effectively save energy, you need to identify which appliances consume the most.

Of the main consumers of electricity, devices that operate continuously or for many hours attract attention. These include refrigerators and boilers. They can also include heating and heating systems. The next most energy consuming devices are lighting fixtures and water supply systems. Another group that deserves attention are powerful devices that work sporadically, but consume a lot of energy. This group includes vacuum cleaners, floor polishers with steam cleaning function, washing machines and dishwashers, as well as construction and installation tools.

Manufacturers of household and industrial appliances are constantly working to reduce energy consumption. About 25 years ago, a desktop computer consumed about 12 kWh per day. Today, this level is typical for powerful workstations or productive gaming desktops. A standard office PC consumes 2 kWh per day.

Refrigerators no older than 5 years require 1-1.5 kWh of energy per day. This value depends on the ambient temperature and the volume of the cooled space. An oil radiator, which is used as additional room heating, will increase consumption by 7-15 kWh, depending on the characteristics of the building and the outside temperature.

Other devices do not make a large contribution to the total consumption of electrical energy, with the exception of one-time work.

Power in sports

Volt ampere

Performance can be assessed using power not only for machines, but also for people and animals. For example, the power with which a basketball player throws a ball is calculated by measuring the force she applies to the ball, the distance the ball travels, and the time over which that force is applied. There are websites that allow you to calculate work and power during exercise. The user selects the type of exercise, enters height, weight, duration of exercise, after which the program calculates the power. For example, according to one of these calculators, the power of a person 170 centimeters tall and weighing 70 kilograms, who did 50 push-ups in 10 minutes, is 39.5 watts. Athletes sometimes use devices to measure the power at which muscles work during exercise. This information helps determine how effective their chosen exercise program is.


To measure power, special devices are used - dynamometers. They can also measure torque and force. Dynamometers are used in various industries, from technology to medicine. For example, they can be used to determine the power of a car engine. There are several main types of dynamometers used to measure vehicle power. In order to determine engine power using dynamometers alone, it is necessary to remove the engine from the car and attach it to the dynamometer. In other dynamometers, the force for measurement is transmitted directly from the car wheel. In this case, the car's engine through the transmission drives the wheels, which, in turn, rotate the rollers of the dynamometer, which measures engine power under various road conditions.

This dynamometer measures the torque as well as the power of a vehicle's powertrain.

Dynamometers are also used in sports and medicine. The most common type of dynamometer for these purposes is isokinetic. Typically this is a sports trainer with sensors connected to a computer. These sensors measure strength and power of the entire body or specific muscle groups. The dynamometer can be programmed to issue signals and warnings if the power exceeds a certain value

This is especially important for people with injuries during the rehabilitation period, when it is necessary not to overload the body

According to some provisions of the theory of sports, the greatest sports development occurs under a certain load, individual for each athlete. If the load is not heavy enough, the athlete gets used to it and does not develop his abilities. If, on the contrary, it is too heavy, then the results deteriorate due to overload of the body. The physical performance of some exercises, such as cycling or swimming, depends on many environmental factors, such as road conditions or wind. Such a load is difficult to measure, but you can find out with what power the body counteracts this load, and then change the exercise regimen, depending on the desired load.

Author of the article: Kateryna Yuri

Main household energy consumers

Nowadays, even wealthy people are thinking about reducing energy costs - instead of conventional incandescent lamps in homes, you can increasingly see LED and energy-saving light bulbs. When choosing household appliances, you should pay attention to their efficiency. Almost every home has an iron, electric kettle, TV, refrigerator, etc. The refrigerator usually operates 24 hours a day, its consumption rate is 0.8-1.4 kW, depending on the size and temperature in the room. The daily electricity consumption of a TV is 2.5 kW, and that of a computer is 13.6 kilowatts. An electric kettle will consume 1 kW of energy in 20 minutes of operation. How much energy is consumed in your home?

What is a "kilowatt-hour"?

Kilowatt hours are units used to measure the amount of energy consumed by an electrical appliance in one hour. For example, consider the operation of a computer with a power of 0.67 kW. Let's say he worked for two hours. How much electricity did he use during this time? Everything is very simple: multiply 0.67 kW by two hours and get 1.34 kWh. An ordinary 100 W incandescent lamp consumes 0.1 kWh of energy per hour, respectively, if it is not turned off during the day, it will consume 2.4 kW.


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